Mike chuckled as he rolled out of the bed and stretched out his body once more before he said "Come on my love, we need to get up if we want to make sure we don't miss any classes"
Mike the Bloodwolf said
Mike chuckled as he rolled out of the bed and stretched out his body once more before he said "Come on my love, we need to get up if we want to make sure we don't miss any classes"
catmint said
(lol)Konsa grinned, "Well, do you know... Any places...?" He asked, laughing quietly.
Aisling said
"Kura? I don't think that all of you is back. Your mind is wandering off somewhere, isn't it?" Mystique asked sadly as she stared ahead.
Mike the Bloodwolf said
Mike kissed her again and asked her "I wonder what we will be having for lunch today?"
Drakon rilt said
David popped his neck, "man that was a bad idea" he stretched the rest of his body. Then put his hands in his pockets started walking toward lunch right now he didn't want to worry about the thing he would turn into as he grew stronger.
Aisling said
Mystique smiled a bit and spoke to Kura"I asked what do we need this class for? Then I asked what class is next? "
Drakon rilt said
David smiled, he turned around when Ari put her arms around his neck. He smiled, putting his arms around her waist and kissed her.
Mike the Bloodwolf said
Mike took her hand in his as he grab his key and said "Come on then my love, let us go to lunch together"