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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"...I don't know anything about whoever you could be looking for. My orders did not mention of "Sora" in any way, so don't keep on asking me that," the girl said as she tried to attack them again with her purple energy sword. Riku only effortlessly block the sword with his keyblade, pushing her back.
"Good, I thought I was going a little crazy being in a place that big," Kaika joked a bit, relieved that they were out of that endless maze of hallways. "So, is there anyone out here?" Sota asked, knowing that Kaika could sense energies just like that. Kaika only closed her eyes and focused for any sources of anything here, and this time, she could feel a faint source of life nearby. "...I feel something, I can't specify on what exactly, we're too far," Kaika says as she opens her eyes, crossing her arms as she was unsure if they should figure something else out or check this life source first to see if this was anyone friendly or hostile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"You're lying, you hesitated! what do you want from us?" Mickey exclaimed. "Let me tell you something. I am a King who fights alongside his friends, and for them. If you think I won't hurt you to get information, you're wrong. I came with the intention of diplomacy, but it seems your master has every intention of making this difficult. So, I'll do whatever it takes to get answers, not because I want to, but because it's for a friend's sake. Unlike you, who I can tell fights because your told to. That's why we win, all the time. People like you lack discipline, and a good cause." Mickey explained.

"Well, I hate to say it, but let's split up and look around then. I'll go forward, you two go in opposite directions." Sora said, and then took off in that said direction.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"I don't know much, but I do know that my master is not the cause of your friend being here. So buzz off before we really have to attack you," the girl says before disappearing through golden butterflies. Riku wasn't sure if she was lying about what she just told them, but maybe it narrows down their search.
"That's fine. We'll cover more ground that way," Sota agree, and knew that each of them could handle a battle if that turned up. Kaika only starts walking in her own direction, staying in her sensory abilities to see anything out of place to the plain environment of a rose garden.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Wait!" Mickey had a lot more questions, but it was too late. "Darn.." Mickey sighed. "Wait...what she said. Maybe, it's not just bringing him here that's it. It's him being here that's it, as well as us. Sora probably shouldn't be here, like she said to buzz off. Let me try this then. Perhaps they have an awareness of what happens here." Mickey said, clearing his throat. "Whoever Witch is involved in this place that has no relation Sora, our friend being here, accept our apology for being here, however he was taken against his will to this place. I would prefer a peaceful diplomatic solution to this. If you accept and hear my terms, please bring us to your domain, that is all I ask." Mickey requested to the enigmatic "Master" of the girl from earlier.

Sora slowed his pace after a bit of distance and walked normally. He looked as he walked for anything strange.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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At first, nothing happened for a good amount of moments, that this "master" did not want anything to do with them. Then, all of a sudden, Riku and Mickey would find themselves in a single room that is within this mansion. "It must be quite the little chore to be asking the Endless Witch for help. Don't make me laugh," a voice echoes around the room, a single golden butterfly in the room immediately shifts into the form a woman with blonde hair and a magnificent dress.
Kaika carefully walked around, her senses still using her sensory ability. Yet...even though she couldn't sense anything near, she felt like she was being watched. It wasn't until she saw a glimpse of something that reminded her on what caused this mess for her in the first place: the black cat. The moment she tried to get close, it began to scamper away. "Hey, get back here you cat!" she wasn't planning on letting this thing escape her grasp this time, chasing after it. Whatever this cat was, she wanted answers from it, on why she was here. Unfortunately, the cat suddenly disappears without a trace, and that Kaika found herself closer to where the energy she felt earlier was.

Sota kept on walking, keeping an eye out for anything. Yet, that voice seemed to be talking to him again, and it was different than how he felt the demon Yasu tempt him to let the darkness win. The voice repeated to him that a certain person will come out soon to the rose garden, but once Sota tried to mentally ask on who this is telling him all of this, the voice would leave him be with no answer. From a distance, he could hear Kaika chasing something, unsure on what was happening with her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"All we want is our friend back. Nothing more. All that we ne- ahem, I mean all that we request of you is, if you direct us to the ones who have actually done what they have done with Sora. You see, there is a battle that will be happening in the near future that is very important. Seven lights and thirteen darkness's will go into battle, the latter being lead by an insane man named Master Xehanort, who wants to start a war between his group and ours. His goal, is to create a weapon called the X-blade, a weapon that will open the door to a place called Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts is a place of great power and wisdom, and can be seen as the heart of everything. If he gets his hands on that place, he'll be unstoppable, no world, not even ones like this will be safe from him." Mickey explained.

Sora continued to walk and looked out for anything strange or out of the ordinary.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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For a moment, she seemed like she was thinking about it, but then said,"Then, I'll help unless you do one simple favor." even if she said it was simple, there would be a catch to this, she was the kind of Witch to twist around offers and requests to her likings.

"And that is?" Riku blinked, not sure what she wanted for them to do.
Kaika ducked behind a rose bush as she felt certain energies near her, yet she didn't hear any sounds on who this could be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Alright, tell me and I'll think about it." Mickey said, nodding in agreement.

Sora still hadn't found anything. He sighed. "I wonder how the others are doing. Hopefully they've done better then me." he kept on walking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"All that I ask a favor of, is to send this letter to another Witch named Virgilia. She should be at the rose garden at this time, but I will guide you out to the rose garden with a single golden butterfly. Once that is done, that same butterfly will lead you back to wherever I will be, and I will tell you of what I know about this "request" of yours," Beatrice explains the task, which seemed almost simple and not so complicated.
Near Sora, a little girl was attentive to one certain rose in the garden, as if she were taking care of it. She was unaware that someone was nearby.

Kaika didn't hear anything that would help her, but sensed that there was a presence above her. Quick on her feet, Kaika threw herself to the side as two metal stakes struck the ground that Kaika was at just moments ago. "I knew that we should had attacked faster Lucifer! This girl is like a metal detector!" the voice from one of the stakes exclaimed, shifting to her human form. "Just quit your whining Mammon, she's alone this time, we can definitely end her," the other girl, Lucifer, says as she also shifts into her human form, both summoning their purple energy blades. Kaika only sighed as she managed to shift into her partial mode, her eyes vibrant pink. "So you two really want a piece of this? Well, let me show you," Kaika tauntingly grinned and summoned two energy blades to her hands, ready for the upcoming attacks.

Sota continued walking around, keeping an eye out. However, he was suddenly dragged by someone behind the rose bush he passed, a blonde girl with a pink dress outfit. "Hey, what was that for?" Sota managed to yank this girl's hand away from his arm, but a deep feeling in his gut that she wasn't so innocent as she looks. "What? You don't seem to know? I mean, you are having voices talk to you in your head once you got here. You're that guy with the demon in his soul," the girl immediately says all of these things, and seeming to know of Sota's secret.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"i guess that sounds simple enough. We'll do it." Mickey nodded in agreement to the task. I hope she doesn't betray my expectations like I think she will.. Mickey thought to himself, having a bit of doubt in her.

As Sora continued to walk and look around he saw a little girl. He then breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, finally finding someone not hostile and seemingly friendly to get answers from. He walked up to the girl, and gently squatted down right next to her. "Hi. Whacha' doing?" Sora asked with curiosity as he stared at the rose the little girl was taking care of.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Well, I'll be waiting," Beatrice said before she disappeared from sight. Riku only sighed and said,"I don't really trust her that easily, but if we're going to get some answers, we might as well."
"Oh, I'm taking care of this rose. It's different than the others, it's wilting," the little girl says, not minding Sora's company and that she didn't really know him. The rose did seem different than the others, looking like it was going to die soon, and that there was a small red ribbon tied on it's thorny stem.

As if they wanted to over-power Kaika, Lucifer and Mammon lunged at her with the blades ready to stab into her. Kaika expected this, moving a bit back and using one blade to block both attacks easily. Then she threw the second blade she had at them, and leapt back as she clenched her fist. This caused the thrown blade to explode and catch Lucifer and Mammon off-guard.

"....who are you? Do you know on why we're here?" Sota demanded for answers, going with the assumption that this girl is associated with whoever is behind this. "How about you ask someone else? They'll come up with a better answer than me. Though, I can answer your first question. I'm Lambdadelta, the Witch of Certainty. Just have one more thing to tell ya, don't trust the others...no matter what. You might not even trust me, but keep in mind, it won't be a smooth ride for you and your group," the girl says before disappearing in front of him, not giving Sota the chance to question about her warning.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"I know, I know. Neither do I, but at least we're getting somewhere." Mickey looked at the letter in his hand. "Okay, so it's addressed to a "Virgilia" woman I assume. She said there's supposed to be a butterfly around here something.." Mickey said, and looked around the room.

"Aww, that's pretty sad." Sora said, looking at the rose. "You're doing a good job though, keep it up. So, could you tell me where I am? me and some new friends I just made were taken to this place, and we need to get back to the worlds we were on because we have really important things we need to do. If you understand that, anyway. We're lost, basically." Sora said to simplify, not knowing if this little girl knew about other worlds.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Near the door of the room that would go out to another hallway, a golden butterfly was fluttering there, waiting for Riku and Mickey to follow.
"Oh, I can answer that," the girl says,"I think the way Lady Beatrice calls this place the "Meta World." It's kinda like a place on a higher plane of reality than any other place." She didn't seem to catch the concept of worlds, only knowing of this "Meta World."

Kaika only swung her blade several times to send energy waves at both Lucifer and Mammon, easily knocking them out even in her Partial Mode. "Well...that was quick," she sweatdropped as she walked up to them, not deactivating her powers until she knew that they were out cold.

Sota saw that there wasn't any sight of that girl in pink, and decided to keep on walking to see if there was anything strange.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Mickey headed out of the door after a moment, and saw it. "Okay, here it is. Let's go, Riku." Mickey said.

"Oh, okay. That's cool I guess." Sora said casually, not really getting it but it didn't really matter much to him. "Do you think that this friend of yours, Lady Beatrice, is the one that made us get lost? because I don't know really anything about this place. None of my old friends are here. I mean, that Kaika girl and her friend are my friends now, but..I don't really know them at all. I wish someone could just answer me straight out, right now and tell me why I'm here.." Sora said with a sigh, sitting on the grass.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Riku gave a nod before following Mickey, and also keeping an eye at the golden butterfly. It fluttered through the hallways, as if it really knew the entire layout of this impossibly large mansion.
"I don't know if she would had anything to do with it, I'm sorry if I can't help you," the girl answers, unsure if Beatrice was involved with this. Even if she didn't know Sora at all, she felt like she should do something to help him.

Only Mammon disappeared, as if she was called over by someone. Kaika then turned her attention to Lucifer, and waited for her to wake up. she wanted answers, and she wasn't going to let this one go until she got at least something. So she began to immediately use a simple seal to lock Lucifer to the ground, at least it wasn't lethal in any way. Due to a special enchantment from the Spirit World, Kaika's cellphone began to ring, and it was obvious that her allies were trying to get a hold of her and Sota. "Greatest timing Peyton," Kaika sighed as she answered the call,"Hey?...Oh, Peyton, What's the deal going on at the Spirit World?....yeah, I knew you guys are working on finding a way to get me back safely. Also, Sota's with me...just not near me at the moment, we're covering some ground here....okay, I'll call you later when the timing is a little more needed, bye." She then hangs up and puts her cellphone away, and was relieved that Lucifer was still out. Would be embarrassing to be caught on the phone...if they knew what it was in the first place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Mickey only followed the butterfly quietly, not much to say.

"Maaaan..come on, can't anybody help me here? this is getting annoying." Sora laid back on the grass with his arms crossed behind his back. He was silent for a moment. "I have these good friends of mine. And I used to lay back just like this by the ocean, and just watch the tide go in and out, at sun rise or sunset." he said, remembering back when life was much simpler for the three of them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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After what seemed to be an endless route through hallways and more hallways, the golden butterfly stopped by a door that lead to another room.

"So this is where Virgilia could be at," Riku said, seeing that the golden butterfly had stopped.
The girl was silent, but then spoke up,"It was really different for me too, before now. I used to go to this island to meet relatives of my family, but I always had fun with my cousins even if it was a short time together." It was like the girl seemed to remember things from her past, but was only briefly mentioning it.

Soon enough, Lucifer began to wake up, and was going to attack Kaika immediately but couldn't move due to the seal she had put on her. "Nope, you're not going anywhere until I get answers. Then when you do, I'll let you go," Kaika said, crossing her arms and then asking,"Do you know why exactly me and my friends are here? You should know if you're attacking us in the first place, like if someone gave you orders." "I don't know. All I know is that my Master told me to get rid of any outsiders on sight," Lucifer growled back, seeming to not like the helpless situation she was put in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Mickey went up to the door and opened it.

"We were younger then. So much happier. But happiness has this way of slipping away from you when you need it most. Sometimes, I wish people were just good people. What's the point in being bad, anyway? people say life has no real meaning, which is why we make that meaning. So why be bad? I don't get it." Sora said, sighing. "I make about just as much enemies as I do friends. The people who took me away from what I was doing, probably don't want to be friends. If I had someone that could tell me why I'm here, maybe I'd know what I have to do here." Sora said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Inside the room, a purple-haired woman with a dark blue dress and hat was there talking to another girl that seemed to wear the same outfit as the other girls that attacked Riku and Mickey from earlier, but this was another girl.

"...and who are these people?" the girl says, not seeing these two before.
"..." the little girl wasn't sure on what to say, debating on what to say next. She did feel like she should help out Sora, even if she doesn't even know him, that they were just strangers at this point. "...well, what happened exactly in the first place? Maybe I could help out," the girl brings up, thinking that if he describes what exactly started this in the first place, she could tell him the information that he needs to resolve this mess.

"Anything else?" Kaika rose her eyebrow, something about that order was a little strange, on why exactly would this girl's master would order all outsiders to be eliminated. Like, why would this master want outsiders dead when not many outsiders come to this world by the looks of it? This can't be some coincidence. "Tell me more, I don't buy it," she says to the girl, not releasing her from the seal. "Fine. My master is busy with a game at the moment, but as she is occupied with that, we as her Furniture will keep an eye out for anyone that sneaks into the MetaWorld," the girl answers once again, her voice with a shrill hint of annoyance and anger. Kaika could tell that this girl didnt like being interrogated this way at all. It made her wonder though, if this "master" was unaware of them being here and want outsiders gone from sight here...did someone tell this "master" to order this to her servants in the first place?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Mickey held out his letter. "I have this letter. And since it was important enough for her to have this written up, I will assume the addressed is obviously not you." Mickey said to the girl. Mickey walked up to the woman in the dark blue dress, handing her the letter. "I believe this is for you. I am King Mickey. The boy with me is named Riku, he is a Keyblade Master who is accompanying me. We are at your service, Witch Virgilia. It is an honor to meet you, and we mean no disrespect to come up to the next realm of existence, as I realize I or my friend is nowhere near ready. However, we had no choice." Mickey said.

"Well, it all started just a little while ago. Master Yen Sid taught me that, there is a entirely different realm or something, in dreams. So, I'm actually much older then I look. 16, to be exact. This is just my dream self, not my real body. So anyways, I was training on a sleeping world named Traverse Town. Traverse Town is a pretty big world, it had a bunch of districts and houses and shops. When I was training there, in the square I saw a really pretty blue butterfly. I wondered if butterfly's could dream too. So, I chased after it. But then, when I finally caught up to it, it disappeared and the ground tore apart into this blue giant hole thing. Then I ended up in these confusing hallways for some reason. After that, I eventually met Kaika, a girl who was fighting this metal spiky thing. I used my Stop spell to freeze it in time, and then we ran away. Eventually, we got the idea to make shortcuts by cutting holes through the walls. So we did, but we had to go save her friend, a boy, and we figured out the spiky rod was actually a girl. She really wanted to hurt us, for no reason really, other then some orders or something. But I beat her by using my Thunder spell, so she left. We didn't really get much answers from her. Eventually we all got here, to the rose garden. Then we split up. And here we are now." Sora explained.
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