Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FireFlower


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Taureesia - Land of Legends

Many a tale has been told about great heroes and dark villains. About weapons of legends and dark creatures from the pits of the Void. Tales of old warriors who rose against the armies of evil, and stood victorious. Tales of ancient creatures so vast and powerful, that many would call them children’s tales. But what if it is all true?
A time forgotten, a time lost. A time of legends.

The official RP thread is up and running!

Welcome, welcome to Taureesia, the child of my questionable imagination and YOUR new playground!

First of, a disclaimer: This RP will contain darker topics. If you are not comfortable with topics such as violence, racism and death, this might not be the RP for you.

Now that we have that out of the way, it’s time for vast amounts of informative text for those wanting a taste of the world.

Gods of Taureesia

Kyank and Mahvan

When the ancient stars burst into existence on the night sky, two great beings were placed at the centre of our universe. Set to govern the start and beginning of all things, even the universe itself. Kyank, the God of Life takes the shape of a pure white dragon, symbolizing the start of all things, and the force that keeps them alive. Her twin brother, Mahvan, the God of Death takes the shape of a black dragon, so dark that even the blackness of the universe beyond seems bright. He symbolizes the end of all things, and the force that will inevitably take away what Kyank gave. These are the first of the Divine, the nine Gods ruling the world. They are also the two most powerful, yet the two rarest encountered. The two have both taken new forms on Taureesia, appearing from time to time.


As the planets formed and cooled, water, the substance that is essential to most life was willed into existence by Kyank. To govern the watery depths and everything within, a great whale appeared, one dwarfing even the Great Whales of Marau. Neró is one of the most known Gods, and a large island filled with lush forest and plenty of wildlife grows on his back. Only once has the great creature submerged, during the War of Dragons. Fishermen have tried catching the God several times, even reaching to the arts of dark magic. All attempts have failed and ended disastrously. Neró's children, Saru and Uras follow by his side at all times, guiding lost sailors to the safe shores of his back. He is known as both a merciful and ruthless god.


After the sea had settled and the great Neró took to the waters, plants began to grow on the islands, large and small alike, that dotted the planet. A creature rose from the very ground itself, forming from grass and bushes. Shaped like a lion with horns, the God used to be a calm and gentle leader of the plants and animals of the forests. After the Dragon Wars and the destruction of the Greatwoods, home to the most ancient of trees, Mori turned to insanity. Ever since, the forests of Taureesia have become very hostile places. Encounters with the forest God are rare, and accounts of them are even rarer. It is told that when one meets the great lion, they will hear the sound of heavy breathing, and their final sight in this world shall be the two blue eyes, filled with an insanity unlike any other. Mori was known as a loving god before insanity, and an unpredictable one after.


The clouds gathered as the bright star above Taureesia made the waters of the sea evaporate. Large drops of water fell from the clouds that formed, returning the water to its place of origin in an eternal cycle. From a particularly dense cloud burst a grand, flaming, eagle, blotting out the sun with its wings. The Windswept are direct descendants of Oro, having been made to rule the sky for all eternity. Oro is the most animal-like god, and is the only one unable to speak. Shrieks and gestures are his only way of communicating with the mortals. The God of the Sky was once caught by a pair of human sorcerers set on harnessing the powers of the eagle, and proving that gods were not immortal. Their actions sparked a war like no other, dwarfing even the Dragon Wars ages past. Every nation declared open war on them, and after eighty years of war, Oro was released. He has not been seen since that day. Oro is seen as an animal to be feared, but not much more, as he has started to fade into myth and legend.


Below the domain of Oro, Mori and Neró, deep down in the darkest caverns, a mass of stone formed into the god Pat'thara. Vaguely shaped like a dragon, he is the father of the Dwarves. Twice in history has this great god risen from the depths of the planet, during the Dragon Wars and moments after his creation. Miners across the planet tell tales of meetings with Pat'thara, and describe him as a very curious god. The strange claw sticking out of his lower jaw is one of Daemon's teeth, stuck there after the two were locked in a ferocious fight.


A god was once roaming the planet, a god whose heart had been darkened by the desire for chaos. Daemon, she was called, and she was the spark of the Dragon Wars. Corrupting the minds and hearts of the once noble Firebred, she caused them to go insane and turn on their brethren. In the end, the gods themselves joined the battle and managed to lock up their fallen sister. Daemon now stands on the barren plains of Haram, strong chains keeping her in place until the end of time. A few foolish adventurers dared venture to the plains, but none returned. Nothing is known about this god, other than the fact that she is the mother of the hellish demons roaming Taureesia.


At the same instant the universe was created, an old owl formed from the grey strands of time. Tid he was named by the first of talking creatures, and the name stuck with him from then on. Nothing has ever mattered to the strange creature, as he sees what will be and what has been. Conversation with Tid is impossible, as the god will tell how the conversation ends, and then how the person in question ends. He is known as a very strange and very wise god. Most ignore him if they happen by the ancient owl who will scowl at any and all.

The Dominant Races





From the Compendium Magica
Where does magic power come from?
Magic is one of the primal forces of the world, and the one keeping the universe itself together. The Veiil and the Twin Gods are direct offspring of this force.
Willpower is used to wield magic by humans and dwarves. It is possible to conjure spells of unlimited potential, though at almost certainty of the spell killing the conjurer before it is completed. The stronger the willpower of the wielder, the more powerful spells can be without risk of personal injury. For the elves, the lifeforce of flora around them determines their power, as well as how long they have practiced.

What things can magic not do?
Magic has no real limit, but some things are much more difficult to accomplish than others. Bending time, resurrection and summoning (also known as plane-bending) are among the most difficult.

How do magicians try to get around these limits?
Magicians can brute force the restraints of magic, breaking the rules of the world for a moment, to go against natural law. Necromancers and Paladins alike do this, for resurrection, healing and summoning. Certain artifacts can help as well.

What is the price magicians must pay in order to be magicians?
For humanity, studying is all it takes. But to truly become powerful, one must push their own will to the breaking point over and over again to fully control magic.

For elves, it is a rite of passage. When an elf comes of age, they are taken, by The Lady, to Mori, who, after a series of tests, decides which branch of natural magic they are going to be allowed to wield. At the moment, shamanism and floramancy are the most widespread, with druidism being a rarity, due to the immense power it allows the wielder, and the few who pass the tests well enough. Without flora, the elves cannot perform magic.

For dwarves, few are born with the ability, but those who are wield it as warriors or craftsmen. Artificers and Battlemages are rare and far between, but very powerful.

The price is a shortened lifespan. Usually half the norm, though there are exceptions.
Character Sheet

Essential Information

Optional Information
Marital Status:
Magic (Able to use/not able to use, what kind):

This is my idea of character sheet, if you have a better one you like to use, please feel free to do so!

Your ideas!

Feel free to share your ideas with me for what could happen next, or something in the world in general! Taureesia is an ever-expanding world of almost limitless possibilities, and your input and ideas can help make it something much greater than I first imagined!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowedRaven


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

*Happy Dance* This looks amazing! I will sign up later when I'm home from work :D
Please reserve me a spot :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Insatiable
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Insatiable 𝚁 𝙴 𝙼 𝙴 𝙳 𝚈

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Will be posting my CS in a short while.. Tehee
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FireFlower


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Two spots reserved at the table near the window, fine view of the battlefield!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll reserve a spot too, please - i will get onto writing my CS soon! This looks really good!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FireFlower


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

And a spot by the buffet it seems? Very well MissAddler!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Deathmaker


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name/Aliases: Nalesh Drenor; calls herself Noadich after her brother

Sex: Female; disguised as a male

Race: Human

Age: 20


Personality: Nalesh tends to act extremely boyish and tough; similar to her deceased twin brother. This tendency to mimic the past often leads to a fake personality which Nalesh doesn't even like. However, in times when she's alone, Nalesh acts like her true self: timid, soft, shy, and hopeless. Pretty much, Nalesh has built a solid wall in front of her true self which disallows people to know her real identity for fear that what happened to her brother would happen to her as well.

History: In a family of talented artificers, the worth of a person is measured by the quality of a weapon or armor he/she first creates at a certain age. So far in the Drenor bloodline, not one was able to produce a quality above a simple dagger. For this, the Drenor household was constantly scorned and belittled as a waste of artificer blood. However, after a decade, some twins were born to the desolated household. These twins were named as Noadich and Nalesh, boy and girl respectively. The two were extremely talented artificers as when they reached 13, they created a sword and armor which surpassed even the most talented child at their age. There was a significant difference between the quality of Noadich and Nalesh but the nonetheless, their works were masterpieces. Due to this, other families began to feel the green beast within.

The fame of Noadich and Nalesh soared so high that they were pitted against the most talented household in a contest of quality. As was expected, the Drenors won by a landslide. The twins were happy, and it could have ended there on a happy note. However, life was not so simple.

In the dead of night, Nalesh awoken to an urgent need to relieve herself; leaving her twin alone in the room, and when she went back, she saw the grisly remains of her brother. The corpse was mangled, intestines were splattered everywhere, and Noadich's eyes were just empty sockets. Blood painted the room in a gory canvas. Nalesh lost her will as she fell to her knees, when suddenly, two men attacked her.

However, the enraged artificer dodged their grip and went to her table with the materials. With an angry shout, a bloodred sword; as red as the bloodied room, was forged in her hand. Nalesh rushed at her foes as in a minute, Nalesh's sword was painting not only the room but the halls with crimson liquid. Heads rolled, and intestines sprawled on the floor. The numb steps of Nalesh were met with her parents who cried out in sorrow at the sight. The Drenors mourned that night, and for nights to come.

Nalesh now knew that soon she would be the target, so she left her hometown. She transferred to another location as she changed her name to Noadich after her brother, only this time, taking the name Minois as her surname. In that location, she worked as blacksmith and an artificer, but whenever she looked at her hands, she didn't see gifts, but a corrupted magic which brought much blood to her name that night.

She now crafts basic weapons, enough for peasants, in fear of what would happen if she did her gifts again. Her foes didn't seal her hand, Nalesh did, and she alone can unseal it.

Optional Information
Equipment: Nalesh keeps a bag of discarded metal in a small pouch which she uses for her magic.
Marital Status: Single
Magic: Able to use. Nalesh's magic is similar to an Artificer. She can create weapons and armors out of various materials. Of course, the weapon depends on the materials used or gathered. This means that if she is only provided with wood, the weapons she can create would be laughable. Nalesh, as of now, cannot create more than 5 weapons/armors in a short span of time, and as such, she must rest between productions.
-Smithing(She can forge and reforge weapons with classic tools)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Reserving a spot too. Dwarf inbound.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gravislayer
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Gravislayer Bearded Vault boy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mhhh a sailor,theif and beggar who swore his life to crime and to Neró~ He will be ruthless and brutal with a twisted sense of honor~~~

Then a dwarf... he will be a sneaky merchant with a questionable past and heritage and so does not seek fight but rather gold in all measures and rather tends to use ranged weapons.

Or the god opposing magician~ who fused live with magic and so created unspeakable creatures, trying to prove that humans can achieve more than those so called gods. Close to the Simic in MTG

Please~what would seem more fitting for this roleplay~
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Insatiable
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Insatiable 𝚁 𝙴 𝙼 𝙴 𝙳 𝚈

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Name/Aliases: Lysander
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Age: 55
Appearance: Lysander stands at about 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weighs 166 lbs. He has brown eyes along with a dark wavy hair with strands of silver that falls down to shoulder length and has a well-groomed beard. His face is slightly overrun by wrinkles and a scar that runs diagonally from his right eye down to his cheek. He has an overall medium build that still maintained a good posture despite of his advent to old age.

Lysander would most likely be seen wearing a thick, dark cloak with a hood being often worn to conceal his face. His overall elusiveness is a clear example that talking to him would be a difficult task.

Personality: Lysander is somewhat, an introvert in general. He is one of those people who have been spending the recent years of their lives in the dark depths of solitude. He tends to be more focused on his own thoughts and keeping it to himself rather than sharing it with others. Even for his age, he sometimes act like an immature child. Whether he would be locking himself away from people or just be impatient about everything. However, he can open up a friendly conversation with anyone, so long as the topic is of his interests.

History: Being raised by magic wielders doesn't prove anything extraordinary to someone like Lysander. At least that was what he remembered when he was little. His knowledge about his true parents as well as the quest of finding them died in oblivion a long time ago when he turned 13 where told by the sorcerers who raised him that he was found and rescued at a burned-down village which was rumored to be a work of an unknown entity or perhaps demons, if they were hypothesizing. Familial matters didn't concern him anymore as the knowledge of magic slowly drew his soul out from the world he lost. As he grew older into adolescence, he was given different books containing various essences and variability of magic as well as books that has incantations all scribbled out in unfamiliar writings. But that didn't gave Lysander the satisfaction he wanted as he grew into a young adult. He started demanding explanations to his masters about the context of the different books that was given to him which was actually refused several times when he attempted asking them before having the courage to raise his voice and giving demands. However instead of hoping for some clear explanations and a bit of lecturing, things just got worse. The sorcerers took back the books that was given to Lysander and was strictly disciplined about having proper conduct towards his masters which means that exhibiting his hunger and demand for more knowledge was a big 'NO'. Upset and frustrated, Lysander planned on taking his leave and seek for knowledge about magic. And so he did. At the age of 23, he left the place where he was raised and stole the different books he once borrowed from the sorcerers. He knew that it was better that way, and keeping himself locked up from his curiosity would just slow him down from attaining power.

Optional Information

Equipment: Books containing histories of magic,essences,supernatural manifestations & etc. as well as old tomes that has incantations that are written in different and unfamiliar languages.

Marital Status: Single

Magic (Able to use/not able to use, what kind): Lysander uses the basic forms of magic. One decent example is telepathy or moving different objects by the use of his mind. This was the only magic that he learned and improved. He can send pulses of magical energies to manipulate the motion or even give movement to any kind of object or anything that has mass without any incantation at all. But that only limits him to manipulate objects that has a compatible capacity to his maximum magical energy whereas manipulating the motion of one heavy object (i.e. an entire building, a large boulder or etc.) requires him to use a very significant amount of magical energy. Attempting on executing this kind of practice will severely damage Lysander's mind and will eventually leave him unconscious.

Skills: Deception
Deciphering (novice)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FireFlower


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gravislayer said
Mhhh a sailor,theif and beggar who swore his life to crime and to Neró~ He will be ruthless and brutal with a twisted sense of honor~~~Then a dwarf... he will be a sneaky merchant with a questionable past and heritage and so does not seek fight but rather gold in all measures and rather tends to use ranged weapons.Or the god opposing magician~ who fused live with magic and so created unspeakable creatures, trying to prove that humans can achieve more than those so called gods. Close to the Simic in MTGPlease~what would seem more fitting for this roleplay~

I like the second one, very interesting idea, and I already have a few ideas of my own, involving him... Mwahaha.

@Deathmaker - accepted! I look forward to seeing her in action!

@Insatiable - accepted! Lysander sounds very interesting! I will look forward to seeing how he works with the rest!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Insatiable
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Insatiable 𝚁 𝙴 𝙼 𝙴 𝙳 𝚈

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Great!! I'm sure Lysander will work well with others. probably

One question though. How shall we start posting IC once it is up? Is there a specific place where our characters will meet?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Dellaphine "Della" Wickeress





Della stands approximately 5ft 4ins tall and is fairly skinny (though it is evident she is a woman). To draw less attention, she often masquerades as a boy under her thick blue cloak, that she rarely takes off, to draw less attention to herself as she passes through populated towns. Her flame red hair - which she may consider quite pretty under other circumstances - is a source of greater annoyance to her, due to its eye-catching nature and often ends up stuffed in a ponytail under the hood of her cloak.

Della is a very reserved, independent woman, who likes her own company - which is very fortunate, considering that she has spent the past six months as a lone traveller. She is not very emotional although she wouldn't consider herself mean or harsh, merely closed off. She often choses to avoid conflict, and live in peace away from others but if directly confronted, she is unlikely to back down from the challenge. She is physically quite strong and has picked up the basics of hand-to-hand combat, allowing her to fend off many drunken men who underestimate her small stature. She is quite bright and excellent at applying logic to practical situations, however she is poor at social interactions and has had no experience of 'flirting', or as such. Her isolated up-bringing has meant she knows little of the human history of Liaryn and feels quite intimidated in large crowds and with other people her own age.
She has a strong moral compass and would rarely see anyone hurt or unfairly treated - though she is not necessarily foolishly selfless. She knows how to pick her battles.

Della grew up with her grandmother, Jasmyn, in a small, lonely house on the edge of a vast, sprawling forest that sits on the very most Western outskirts of Liaryn and is isolated from the majority of civilisation. Her mother (one of Jasmyn's biggest conversational topics) - her grandmother's daughter - grew up very much like Della, but developed a thirst for adventure and left her grandmother on the night of her sixteenth birthday, without so much as a note or a goodbye. Jasmyn was upset, but her life in virtual solitude had taught her well and she was able to cope, until her daughter arrived home just under a year later. She gave no reason for her return but it was not hard to guess when, after a month, it became evident that she was pregnant. Jasmyn piled aside her resentment and helped her daughter with her pregnancy and soon, Della was born. Della's mother rarely spoke of the father, but Jasmyn was able to recall that her mother had spoke of someone noble and wealthy, from a distant land.
After her daughter's death, Jasmyn took it upon herself to bring up Della as her own. She taught her skills, such as how to identify herbs and mix up remedies, and sell them on the weekly market in a neighbouring town - the only social interaction either of them ever seemed to have throughout the duration of Della's life. She taught her all the stories of the Gods and of elves and dwarves, though Della has seen very little of any other species apart from humans. Jasmyn was occasionally sought out if someone in the neighbouring town was to fall drastically ill but otherwise, they remained fairly secluded.
Throughout her early teen, Della regularly took the books from her grandmother's secret shelves of stuff 'Della Is Not Allowed To Touch' and read them by candlelight when her grandmother fell asleep late at night. It detailed the art of magic and she experimented with small spells in the woods behind their house, finding she had a particular affinity for magic involving fire. One day, however, when she was seventeen years old, one of her spells got out of hand and the flames leapt a little too high, setting the surrounding trees and house alight. The wooden hut that Della had called her home for the past seventeen years, blazed up in a spectacular display of yellow and orange - with her grandmother still sleeping inside. Her attempts to rescue her were in vain.
With no home nor known living relative and riddled with guilt, Della decided to leave behind the forest and travel into the nearby town. She retreated to a local tavern, where a small, wizened traveller told her tales of magic wielders able to conjure up ghosts and talk to the dead. Her eyes widened and she knew instantly what she had to do. She spent the night in a small, cheap tavern room planning where she would journey to, to find such people and the requests she would make; first and foremost, apologise to her grandmother's spirit and secondly, ask her mother who her father is, so she might rejoin a family someday.
She hit the road the next day, and has been searching ever since. Her travels have so far been restricted to roaming the quiet towns and countryside of the outmost regions of Liaryn, but she has started to wonder whether what she seeks lies more in the busier areas, where the noblemen and kings reside...She stays out of the way of others and has so far succeeded in being virtually invisible.

She often carries around a small knife that a regular customer of her grandmother's gifted her with before she left the charred remains of her childhood home behind that fateful night. She has a small canvas bag that she carries around her essentials in; the spell book she was using that night (which she has never used since, but daren't give it away), a small amount of money that she earns from doing odd jobs for food and shelter and a ring of her grandmothers', which she managed to salvage from the smouldering remains.

Marital Status:

Magic (Able to use/not able to use, what kind):
Though she hasn't used magic since her grandmother, Jasmyn, was alive, she has quite an aptitude for fire magic - though it does drain her. She is fully aware of the hefty price tag of magic and has thus never used it since she began travelling. It terrifies her, and if she sees someone using it on a daily basis - a trader in a town square, for instance -, she will usually flee in the opposite direction, unless it is absolutely essential in her quest to find a magic wielder who can speak to the dead...

*Identifying herbs and plants
*Concocting simple remedies
*Basic hand-to-hand combat
*Staying out of the attention of others, 'being invisible'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FireFlower


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Insatiable - I'm writing the IC at the moment, it'll all be made very clear soon enough!

@MissAddler - Accepted! Wonderful history! (Well, not cheerfully wonderful, but you know what I mean!)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gravislayer
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Gravislayer Bearded Vault boy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Character will be up tonight~ in like 4 houres
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FireFlower


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sounds good!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@FireFlower Thanks!
I don't normally put so much thought into it but I thought such a detailed premises deserved more character development - it was nice to have the opportunity to delve a little deeper...^_^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FireFlower


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

You had a lot of useful information in her history! Very interesting character. Oh, and on that note, there's a pretty little IC introduction waiting for you all. Enjoy <3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gravislayer
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Gravislayer Bearded Vault boy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

RPG crashed seconds before my post
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Insatiable
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Insatiable 𝚁 𝙴 𝙼 𝙴 𝙳 𝚈

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Will be working on my IC post once I get a good long sleep. Pretty tired at the moment (Summer jobs are not quite what I've expected them to be) Anyways, I'll post tomorrow :DD
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