Name/Aliases: Duran Goldenfeuer
Sex: Male
Race: Dwarf
Age: 86

Personality: Duran is loud and cheerfull on the first view, he seems to be the living cliche of an dwarf unless you do give a closer look and just don´t put him in the same pouch like every other dwarf. Duran is very cunning and far sighted, it does sometimes seem that he acts out of sheer greed and pure emotions but cold hearted as he is he already went through many options and possibilities which could occur. Acting and traveling with him is not very tricky or dangerous as long as you think he´s your ordinary dwarf otherwise it could happen that you would wake up with dagger pressed on your throat and a smiling face pressed into yours asking very politely for all your habbits or your life.
When you would get on his friendly side it might even be that he would reveal his true self to you which then does not mean that he would not rip you off or backstab you when he has the chance to, he then just do not want hard feelings since that the thing he does and so you should be aware of it before hand.
History: Less is known about Duran and if you would ask a dwarf about him, strange looks would be your answer with the question if Duran was even a dwarfish name, if mentioning the name "Goldenfeuer" there are two options how another dwarf would react, either knocking you out or telling you a story. The story which you would hear would be simple and tragic. It´s the story of a noble dwarfish family of the merchant caste, it would be one of the richest and one with a lot of influence inside the dwarfish society. A long time ago the caste tried to step up to the king, seemingly accusing him to have stolen the throne with demon´s help and so not worthy of being called a king. The whole clan of Goldenfeuer started a revolt, gathering miners, warriors and all kinds of dwarfs to rise against the king. This revolt was ended quickly as every member of this family was found slaughtered but the youngest son.
Soon he also went missing, his name being lost in rumors and time.
Optional Information
- a reinforced golden breast plate, a nearly forgotten artifact of the Goldenfeuer~ The shimmer is calling forth greed~
- a long, heavy leather mantle, covering Duran from shoulder to feet. It contains silver ornaments to even increase the weight of the mantle, making it usefull in combat to trap swords but gives little to no protection but a shoulder plate on his left.
- A arm-guard on his left made out of a silver steel alloy, making it hard and worthy.
-A complex small crossbow device on his right arm, it can loud up to five bolts in a row which can be fired rather quickly and they even have a slightly greater force than a normal crossbow. This device is clearly made by dwarfs but who would create such a thing? Firearms are rather uncommon for dwarfs and when used they are big and mostly explode.
-A small dwarf-axe more commonly used for throwing but still most effective in close combat.
- Several throwing knives made by dwarfs and their alloys, really sharp and heavy. Which dwarf would make those? Knives....for throwing?
-Heavy leather boots.
-Heavy leather trousers.
-Google´s with heat resistance and darkened glasses, good for projecting eyes against the harsh sun rays (hey dwarfs life underground)
-Bag-pack filled with lots of materials and items. It includes a rare book about magic, some minor dwarf weapons like a short sword, an axe and a mining bomb. A box full of cigars, an expensive bottle of elvish wine and lots and lots of dwarfish beer.
-A small pouch filled with coins on his leather trousers.
Marital Status: Single
Magic: None, niet, Nada, Nein, Nichts, non pico magico
- Lock-picking
- eagle like eye sight
- sturdiness
- dangerous witness