Name: Kaya Lefèvre.
Age: Twenty-seven years old.
Race: Half-asian, half-caucasian.
Sex: Female.
Appearance: Hair is loose, falling shortly above the shoulders, covering ears, leaving forehead bare. Eyes light sandy-brown, outer corners tilted upwards, dark naturally-long (not nearly as long as with extenders) eyelashes. Distinct cheek-bones, partially sunken cheeks. Small, dainty nose. Smooth overall facial structure with somewhat pointy chin. Overall egg-formed head, though more streamlined.
Lithe, a little on the tall side. Pale skin, slight asiatic tint, contrasts notably with black hair. Thin neck, tendons easily visible. Little fat, but also not exceptionally muscular. Thin arms, strong thighs and calves. Bust of middling-to-lower spectrum of size. Thin waist, strong stomach.

Made with the APB character creation system.
Homeland: BC, Canada. Small town from northern coastal region.
Kaya was raised by two immigrants from China, her mother and uncle, who had come to Canada with her father so that she'd have a chance at a better life. (Mixed race individuals are poorly accepted in many countries around the world.) She was told her father had died long ago from an unknown disease, and since then, her uncle had taken his place, acting as a surrogate father.
They were not particularly well-off, but neither were they poor, and Kaya was given the chance to succeed at a respectable school during her teens. Though she didn't make many friends for one reason or another, she made it through high school having made her mark with her physical prowess, surpassing all other students in gym. She even built up a reputation as a good fighter, and many of her colleagues would line up to have a chance to spar with her. She easily defeated them by dodging and knocking them over, but without harming them, making it a popular activity in the neighbourhood.
When she graduated, instead of opting to go to university, she instead went straight into the workforce as a dishwasher, enjoying the simple labour. After a couple years, realising she would never be able to properly sustain herself this way, she joined the RCMP. She served well, though not advancing due to a lack of the correct leadership traits, and made enough money to help out her mother and uncle, so that they could look towards retirement in an out-of-the-way house closer to nature.
She continued to serve with the RCMP, being posted to different parts of BC, until she received the fatal message. With a gut feeling driving her, she put her affairs in order and requested discharge from the RCMP until further notice. They reluctantly agreed, and she made her way to Rune and Things.
Parent: God or Goddess. If God, her mother's her mother. If female, her uncle's her father.
Mechanical Section
Heroic Role: Skirmisher.
Priority 1 Attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina.
Priority 2 Attributes: Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Quickness.
Priority 3 Attributes: Charisma, Manipulation.
Primary Purview: Darkness.
Secondary Purviews: Fire, Frost.
Tertiary Purviews: Death, Health.
Primary Trainings: Battle, Endure, Investigate.
Secondary Trainings: Conversation, Heal, Research, Wilds.
Tertiary Trainings: Art, Drive, Sniper.
Personal SectionRomance: I'm open to it.
Play style: I like action and dialogue. Missions with straightforward
goals—as in you always know what you're doing is working towards that goal, or at least you know why you're doing what you're doing—but complex methods of achieving that goal.
Signature: Kill me slowly, please.