Character Sheets!
This inFamous RP will take place in New York City, several years after the events of inFamous: Second Son. Humans and Conduits now live in peace after so many years of turmoil and fighting. You can now see conduits on a daily basis, living out their lives. Specific machines and new inventions have been created for a conduit's convenience. Of the hundreds of conduits released from Curdon Cay, you are one of them, trying to make a living out in New York City. There is still some conduit racism against you from some, but most hold their tongue.
While most of humanity lives in peace, there is the occasional sour conduit. The occasional conduit who uses his powers for evil. They refer to these conduits are Rogue Conduits. Rogue Conduits are supposed to be locked up, their hands bound, and thrown in a cell. The hands are the gateway to a conduit's power, so if they are restraint, they cannot function. Rogue Conduits will work against the heroes, trying to halt their progress.
There is a new group beginning to rise, that's against the progress of conduit and human friendship, that is referred to as The Syndicate. The Syndicate can do something that has never before been seen - they can take away the power of a conduit. Conduits live in fear of The Syndicate, who go around their goal a bit more stealthily than the DUP or The Militia: no one knows about their whereabouts. The Syndicate is made up completely of humans, unlike the DUP.
Will you defeat The Syndicate to save New York City and it's conduit inhabitants with friends? Or will you fight off The Syndicate to destroy and take over the entirety of New York City as a rogue conduit? It's your choice in the world of inFamous.
It was an era of peace. An era of greatness. An era where any man or woman, poor or rich, deviant or mundane, could prosper. There was once a time, long ago, when this wasn't the case. A type of human called a conduit, was created after a machine known as the Ray Sphere exploded, sending a flooding wave of radiation across the world. Conduits could manipulate any form of matter to their will, and they had enhanced endurance and strength. Humanity didn't accept them. They turned them away. Conduits were mercilessly killed for displaying their powers in bloodbaths. Humans were killed by the hundreds. It was total war. Soon after, it was discovered that the same radiation that turned all humans into conduits was responsible for a disastrous plague that ravaged thousands upon thousands of humans each day, leaving the conduits unaffected. After all this pain and suffering, one conduit, named Cole MacGrath, sacrificed himself to save humanity and cure the plague, at the cost of killing all conduits. Cole was hailed as a hero.
However, the conduit gene survived. It spread and mutated, gaining newer and larger limits over several years. A new government group, known was the Department of Unified Protection, or DUP, came to power lead by Brooke Augustine. They imprisoned any conduits they came across on an island prison known as Curdon Cay. They relabeled conduits as Bio-Terrorists and butchered news stories about conduits to make it seem like they were monsters. After this injustice, another brave conduit, named Delsin Rowe, stepped up in Seattle. Along with two conduit friends Eugene Sims and Abigail Walker, he exposed the DUP to the public, imprisoned Augustine, and released the prisoners, issuing in a new era of peace. Conduits and Humans lived hand in hand, no longer divided. It was a time where any Conduit could walk the street, boasting his powers, and the civilians wouldn't flee like mice or start shooting. Delsin Rowe and Cole McGrath's combined efforts helped to finally destroy the barricade between humans and conduits.
The following footage was recovered from Channel 6 Conduit News, on January 24th, 8:14:56 PM EST.

A man is standing in front of a camera. He appears to be standing in an old, abandoned factory, due to the chains and pipes of varying sizes in the background. The man has a tan, scarab shaped mask on. It's weathered and beaten, covered in pockmarks and scratches. It appears to have recently been in battle. However, his suit is polished and well defined. It is dark, almost blending into the background of the factory. The man simply stares into the camera for a few seconds, his neon green lights giving off an odd, eery glow.
"What makes a conduit?" The suited man's voice rings out, hollow and metallic. It's been digitally altered, to add an aura of intimidation and fear. "His personality? His appearance? His opinions?" His strips of neon green lights fade and glow as he speaks, flickering in and out. The man begins to strut around the factory. Each step he takes, the metal grating shakes. The camera fuzzes out for a moment, briefly returning to the original news broadcast. It then slowly fizzles back to the original footage. The man is standing in a new area.
Behind the man are two figures. One is clothed exactly like the ringleader, but looks to be more a grunt who does the dirty business. He has the same suit and mask, albeit slightly wider to fit his more muscular frame. The man's neon strips on his mask are dark, signifying he hasn't been speaking. The other is dressed in ragged sacks. His hair has long outgrown, and he hasn't shaven in weeks. Police analyzation reveals this to be the man who disappeared one month ago in Macon, Georgia, revealing he's been kidnapped for several weeks now.
"Here we have Harry Meadow. A family man from Macon, Georgia." The leader drones on, emotionless and uncaring. "He's a family man. A healthy young wife and two children, boy and girl. He's 34 years old. He's a farmer, selling his crops for money. Unfortunately, Harry's also a conduit." The man gestured toward Harry's hands. They were both contained in a large, steel ball. The metal ball was also the same restriction that the government uses on rogue conduits to entrap them and keep them locked up. The man slowly walked over and kneeled by the man.
"Harry Meadow is a liability. A danger, to everyone, including himself." The man revealed his hand. They were encased in golden gloves, with neon, green glowing strips forming a pattern on them, similar to the mask. "Imagine. Harry here gets drunk. He gets mad. He goes on a rampage, gathers some rogue conduits to help. Next morning, Macon is ravaged and destroyed." The man slowly placed the metal glove on the back of Harry's head, gripping the scalp tightly. The man tries to say something, but his words come out in a hoarse whisper heard by no one.
"What makes a conduit is his powers." The man's gloves made a loud, starting up noise. The neon strips all began to glow brightly. "And what were to happen if you took away those powers?" Harry Meadow began to make a horrible screeching sound. Sparks flew from the glove. A neon glowing blue energy flowed from Harry's pores, seeping into the neon strips of the gloves. Harry was clawing at the air and convulsing. It was a horrible scene. The man simply tightened his grips. After 30 seconds, the deed was complete.
The man stopped, and slowly stood up once again. He straightened his tie. The leader raised his gloves. The neon green strips were now a dark, maroon red. Suddenly, a large, flaming pillar of fire erupted out of the gauntlet. "This is his power. Harry Meadow's ability to control and manipulate magma. The Ray Sphere radiation absorbed." The fire disappeared, and the man lowered his gloves. He leaned in close to the camera. His face was emotionless and hidden due to the mask. "I thank you for your time tonight, people of the world. Thank you for watching this special broadcast."
The man paused, and the neon green strips briefly faded. "And to any conduits watching this broadcast.." The man's face was hidden, but it was clear he was smiling. "You have nothing to gain. You have nothing to run from. The Syndicate has arrived And you. Will. Fall." The man raised his glove, and a pillar of fire erupted from the gloves, interrupting the footage and filling the screen with white, glowing embers. The hacked footage ended, and the regular conduit news filled the broadcast once again, unknowing of what had just happened.
Most people thought this was a joke. A harmless, but poor taste, joke. People started to take this a lot more serious when they realized Harry Meadow was a man who went missing. Police soon investigated the Meadow residence, only to find him hanging in his bedroom. There was no suicide note. His family members report that he arrived home in an armored van and was thrown out onto their yard. His family was overjoyed, but Harry didn't seem to notice. Harry didn't say a word, in rags and long hair over his eyes, and locked himself in their bedroom, where he killed himself. The footage struck fear in the hearts of most conduits, leaving an impressionable mark on conduits and people alike.
1. No metagaming, godmodding, powergaming, etc. etc.
2. Try to be kind to any other fellow RPers in OOC. In IC, however, you can be as much of an arse as you want to another.
3. Try not to make very short posts. While I do admit in some RPs I have been guilty of this, try to do at least 2-3 paragraphs per post.
4. Stick with inFamous lore. Don't do sudden retcons or huge changes to the lore. If you haven't played the games yet, it's cool, just wiki some junk if you don't know it.
5. NO ANIME PICTURES. I just love this rule.
6. Have fun! If you don't, The Syndicate will take you.
Name: (( Name, pretty clear. Full name, nickname, etc. ))
Age: (( Any age will be fine. As long as your character isn't 80 years or 6 years. ))
Gender: (( Male or Female? ))
Appearance: (( What does your character look like? ))
Side: (( inFamous or Hero? ))
Personality: (( How does your character behave? ))
Biography: (( What's your story? Are you a fresh release from Curdon Cay? Or a new conduit? ))
Power: (( What do you manipulate? What do you control? Try to be creative in this category, not just fire, metal, water, air. Things like smoke or neon or video. ))
Power-: (( What can you do with your powers? Summon angels? Shoot glass shards? It all depends on what you can manipulate. ))
Other: (( Anything else I didn't cover? ))
Name: Jen Darude
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Appearance: Jen stands at 5"6. She has a long, pale round face, ending with a point at her chin. Her eyes are dark brown, usually with dark bags under them. Jen usually keeps a sweep of brunette hair over most of one eye, peeking out of the maroon baseball cap, alongside some long, brunette hair cascading out of the back of her baseball cap.
Her usual garb consists of a tattered brown field jacket, a white undershirt, a maroon baseball cap, some old jeans, and dark black sneakers. The maroon baseball cap has "Seattle Panthers" with the small insignia of a dark panther face roaring. She never takes the hat off, even when she's sleeping. Most people might consider this odd. She considers it something she just has to do every day.
Side: Neutral
Personality: By all accounts, Jen Darude is grew up way too quickly. She tries her best to keep her calm and seem a responsible. Jen tries her best not to forget what happened in Seattle. She uses it to keep her going every day. Jen bought an old Seattle cap, so she never forgets it. She never takes it off to keep her fueled for the next day.
Jen is a very serious person, considering she has much to care for and take responsibility for. She has her own apartment, bills, a job. It keeps her clear-headed and serious most of the time, looking over the bills. Most of time she's serious and level-headed. Sometimes, when the day's over, she's payed all of her bills, and she's cleaned up, Jen can really have some fun.
Biography: Jen Darude has been running from something her entire life. She's been running from the D.U.P. From her family. From the government. Jen was born in Chicago, Illinois. Due to complications, her mother died when she was born. She was stuck with her dad, trying to piece together the shards of the family. Jen was raised in some dingy, dusty old apartment. Most of the time, she was left alone by her father, who left work at about 8:00 AM, and came home at 8:00 PM, sometimes later. Jen never really minded this. She considered it fun to be alone most of the time, even if it did drive her a little crazy. Jen had to take care of herself for most of her life, since her dad was never really there. She cooked, cleaned, washed. Though Jen never really got better at cooking. She still always singes her finger or hand or hair. Now, she mostly gets takeout rather than cooking food for herself. It has always been a problem for her.
One day, her father came home at about 4:00 AM with exciting news, when she was around 11 or 12. He had landed some new job! And it was located in Seattle, too. She could escape trashy old Chicago! She could finally leave! They packed their bags, grabbed whatever little valuables they could, and headed to Seattle. The trip there was funded by whatever new job her dad landed. They hopped on some sleek, black jet and flew there. And Seattle was just as she hoped! Her apartment was huge. The constant pound of rain was great. However, the only spot on a speckles window was the fact her dad was never there anymore. His new job was twice was demanding as his old one, even if it did pay twice as much. Jen was told by her dad that staying inside was best for her. So, her life in Seattle was like this for about a year. Stay inside. Keep away. Dad would come home once a week to bring food. So one day, she decided to venture out.
Jen came across something that would change her life. She realized just what job her dad had. A DUP soldier. They filled the place, oppressing the citizens and stomping out any resistance. He must've had that job. She began to rush forward, looking for her dad. All of the soldiers looked exactly alike, so it was impossible to figure one out from another. Eventually, she came across her first checkpoint. Jen had to find her dad and demand answers. So she went through with it, and placed her hand on the scanner. From then on, things began to go horribly wrong. A loud, continuous shriek filled the air. Lights flashed red. DUP soldiers rushed forward. Jen fell to the ground and raised her hand in an attempt to stop them, and a massive blast of sand erupted from it, knocking one soldier to the ground. Jen was imprisoned, captured. She was thrown in Curdon Cay. Her dad did nothing to prevent it.
After 8 years of being stuck in Curdon Cay, Jen was released with some newfound knowledge. She knew how to shoot a gun. She learned how to fight. She learned the full extent of her powers. Jen could do great things with them, but her experience in Curdon Cay broke her. And to her knowledge, her dad didn't even visit her. She soon realized that Delson Rowe, Seattle's savior and saint, had imprisoned and captured all DUP soldiers. Including her dad. With all this knowledge being thrown up at her, Jen decided she wanted to leave this all behind. Forget Chicago. Forget Seattle. Chicago was in the past. Seattle was in the past. And New York was nice this time of year.
Power: Sand
Power-: Sand Blast - Jen shoots a small, concentrated shot of sand at her opponent. Not great for pure, hard damage, but helps to blind the opponent, which can be very handy in battle. She often uses it in her regular day to shut up a bothersome customer, which has gotten her fired multiple times.
Dust Rocket - Jen shoots a massive, heavy, controlled blast of sand at her opponent, mixed in with water for a nice, hard mix. It does great damage but it's very resource heavy, and takes up a massive amount of sand in order to even start one up.
Sand Shift - Jen shifts into a long, dusty, concentrated stream of sand. She uses this as her own form of "Smoke Dash." She can travel great distances in this sand form, and uses it to scale buildings and rush through vents. It's her form of transportation rather than a car.
Sand Tentacle - A rather unorthodox form of attack, Jen can summon massive, flowing tentacles of sand, similar to an octopus. While they can easily be destroyed due to the consistency of the sand, they can do some great damage.
Sand Pillar - Jen raises a massive, water hardened pillar of sand. She can use this to raise a platform under her, or she can raise one under a car or building to rupture it. It does massive damage, but only if there's a large pool of sand under her.
Other: Jen is an aspiring photographer, even if she can't make a living out of it.
And so, after 100x seconds, it's posted.
Still accepting! Uncle Sam wants You!
This inFamous RP will take place in New York City, several years after the events of inFamous: Second Son. Humans and Conduits now live in peace after so many years of turmoil and fighting. You can now see conduits on a daily basis, living out their lives. Specific machines and new inventions have been created for a conduit's convenience. Of the hundreds of conduits released from Curdon Cay, you are one of them, trying to make a living out in New York City. There is still some conduit racism against you from some, but most hold their tongue.
While most of humanity lives in peace, there is the occasional sour conduit. The occasional conduit who uses his powers for evil. They refer to these conduits are Rogue Conduits. Rogue Conduits are supposed to be locked up, their hands bound, and thrown in a cell. The hands are the gateway to a conduit's power, so if they are restraint, they cannot function. Rogue Conduits will work against the heroes, trying to halt their progress.
There is a new group beginning to rise, that's against the progress of conduit and human friendship, that is referred to as The Syndicate. The Syndicate can do something that has never before been seen - they can take away the power of a conduit. Conduits live in fear of The Syndicate, who go around their goal a bit more stealthily than the DUP or The Militia: no one knows about their whereabouts. The Syndicate is made up completely of humans, unlike the DUP.
Will you defeat The Syndicate to save New York City and it's conduit inhabitants with friends? Or will you fight off The Syndicate to destroy and take over the entirety of New York City as a rogue conduit? It's your choice in the world of inFamous.
It was an era of peace. An era of greatness. An era where any man or woman, poor or rich, deviant or mundane, could prosper. There was once a time, long ago, when this wasn't the case. A type of human called a conduit, was created after a machine known as the Ray Sphere exploded, sending a flooding wave of radiation across the world. Conduits could manipulate any form of matter to their will, and they had enhanced endurance and strength. Humanity didn't accept them. They turned them away. Conduits were mercilessly killed for displaying their powers in bloodbaths. Humans were killed by the hundreds. It was total war. Soon after, it was discovered that the same radiation that turned all humans into conduits was responsible for a disastrous plague that ravaged thousands upon thousands of humans each day, leaving the conduits unaffected. After all this pain and suffering, one conduit, named Cole MacGrath, sacrificed himself to save humanity and cure the plague, at the cost of killing all conduits. Cole was hailed as a hero.
However, the conduit gene survived. It spread and mutated, gaining newer and larger limits over several years. A new government group, known was the Department of Unified Protection, or DUP, came to power lead by Brooke Augustine. They imprisoned any conduits they came across on an island prison known as Curdon Cay. They relabeled conduits as Bio-Terrorists and butchered news stories about conduits to make it seem like they were monsters. After this injustice, another brave conduit, named Delsin Rowe, stepped up in Seattle. Along with two conduit friends Eugene Sims and Abigail Walker, he exposed the DUP to the public, imprisoned Augustine, and released the prisoners, issuing in a new era of peace. Conduits and Humans lived hand in hand, no longer divided. It was a time where any Conduit could walk the street, boasting his powers, and the civilians wouldn't flee like mice or start shooting. Delsin Rowe and Cole McGrath's combined efforts helped to finally destroy the barricade between humans and conduits.
The following footage was recovered from Channel 6 Conduit News, on January 24th, 8:14:56 PM EST.

A man is standing in front of a camera. He appears to be standing in an old, abandoned factory, due to the chains and pipes of varying sizes in the background. The man has a tan, scarab shaped mask on. It's weathered and beaten, covered in pockmarks and scratches. It appears to have recently been in battle. However, his suit is polished and well defined. It is dark, almost blending into the background of the factory. The man simply stares into the camera for a few seconds, his neon green lights giving off an odd, eery glow.
"What makes a conduit?" The suited man's voice rings out, hollow and metallic. It's been digitally altered, to add an aura of intimidation and fear. "His personality? His appearance? His opinions?" His strips of neon green lights fade and glow as he speaks, flickering in and out. The man begins to strut around the factory. Each step he takes, the metal grating shakes. The camera fuzzes out for a moment, briefly returning to the original news broadcast. It then slowly fizzles back to the original footage. The man is standing in a new area.
Behind the man are two figures. One is clothed exactly like the ringleader, but looks to be more a grunt who does the dirty business. He has the same suit and mask, albeit slightly wider to fit his more muscular frame. The man's neon strips on his mask are dark, signifying he hasn't been speaking. The other is dressed in ragged sacks. His hair has long outgrown, and he hasn't shaven in weeks. Police analyzation reveals this to be the man who disappeared one month ago in Macon, Georgia, revealing he's been kidnapped for several weeks now.
"Here we have Harry Meadow. A family man from Macon, Georgia." The leader drones on, emotionless and uncaring. "He's a family man. A healthy young wife and two children, boy and girl. He's 34 years old. He's a farmer, selling his crops for money. Unfortunately, Harry's also a conduit." The man gestured toward Harry's hands. They were both contained in a large, steel ball. The metal ball was also the same restriction that the government uses on rogue conduits to entrap them and keep them locked up. The man slowly walked over and kneeled by the man.
"Harry Meadow is a liability. A danger, to everyone, including himself." The man revealed his hand. They were encased in golden gloves, with neon, green glowing strips forming a pattern on them, similar to the mask. "Imagine. Harry here gets drunk. He gets mad. He goes on a rampage, gathers some rogue conduits to help. Next morning, Macon is ravaged and destroyed." The man slowly placed the metal glove on the back of Harry's head, gripping the scalp tightly. The man tries to say something, but his words come out in a hoarse whisper heard by no one.
"What makes a conduit is his powers." The man's gloves made a loud, starting up noise. The neon strips all began to glow brightly. "And what were to happen if you took away those powers?" Harry Meadow began to make a horrible screeching sound. Sparks flew from the glove. A neon glowing blue energy flowed from Harry's pores, seeping into the neon strips of the gloves. Harry was clawing at the air and convulsing. It was a horrible scene. The man simply tightened his grips. After 30 seconds, the deed was complete.
The man stopped, and slowly stood up once again. He straightened his tie. The leader raised his gloves. The neon green strips were now a dark, maroon red. Suddenly, a large, flaming pillar of fire erupted out of the gauntlet. "This is his power. Harry Meadow's ability to control and manipulate magma. The Ray Sphere radiation absorbed." The fire disappeared, and the man lowered his gloves. He leaned in close to the camera. His face was emotionless and hidden due to the mask. "I thank you for your time tonight, people of the world. Thank you for watching this special broadcast."
The man paused, and the neon green strips briefly faded. "And to any conduits watching this broadcast.." The man's face was hidden, but it was clear he was smiling. "You have nothing to gain. You have nothing to run from. The Syndicate has arrived And you. Will. Fall." The man raised his glove, and a pillar of fire erupted from the gloves, interrupting the footage and filling the screen with white, glowing embers. The hacked footage ended, and the regular conduit news filled the broadcast once again, unknowing of what had just happened.
Most people thought this was a joke. A harmless, but poor taste, joke. People started to take this a lot more serious when they realized Harry Meadow was a man who went missing. Police soon investigated the Meadow residence, only to find him hanging in his bedroom. There was no suicide note. His family members report that he arrived home in an armored van and was thrown out onto their yard. His family was overjoyed, but Harry didn't seem to notice. Harry didn't say a word, in rags and long hair over his eyes, and locked himself in their bedroom, where he killed himself. The footage struck fear in the hearts of most conduits, leaving an impressionable mark on conduits and people alike.
1. No metagaming, godmodding, powergaming, etc. etc.
2. Try to be kind to any other fellow RPers in OOC. In IC, however, you can be as much of an arse as you want to another.
3. Try not to make very short posts. While I do admit in some RPs I have been guilty of this, try to do at least 2-3 paragraphs per post.
4. Stick with inFamous lore. Don't do sudden retcons or huge changes to the lore. If you haven't played the games yet, it's cool, just wiki some junk if you don't know it.
5. NO ANIME PICTURES. I just love this rule.
6. Have fun! If you don't, The Syndicate will take you.
Name: (( Name, pretty clear. Full name, nickname, etc. ))
Age: (( Any age will be fine. As long as your character isn't 80 years or 6 years. ))
Gender: (( Male or Female? ))
Appearance: (( What does your character look like? ))
Side: (( inFamous or Hero? ))
Personality: (( How does your character behave? ))
Biography: (( What's your story? Are you a fresh release from Curdon Cay? Or a new conduit? ))
Power: (( What do you manipulate? What do you control? Try to be creative in this category, not just fire, metal, water, air. Things like smoke or neon or video. ))
Power-: (( What can you do with your powers? Summon angels? Shoot glass shards? It all depends on what you can manipulate. ))
Other: (( Anything else I didn't cover? ))
Name: Jen Darude
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Appearance: Jen stands at 5"6. She has a long, pale round face, ending with a point at her chin. Her eyes are dark brown, usually with dark bags under them. Jen usually keeps a sweep of brunette hair over most of one eye, peeking out of the maroon baseball cap, alongside some long, brunette hair cascading out of the back of her baseball cap.
Her usual garb consists of a tattered brown field jacket, a white undershirt, a maroon baseball cap, some old jeans, and dark black sneakers. The maroon baseball cap has "Seattle Panthers" with the small insignia of a dark panther face roaring. She never takes the hat off, even when she's sleeping. Most people might consider this odd. She considers it something she just has to do every day.
Side: Neutral
Personality: By all accounts, Jen Darude is grew up way too quickly. She tries her best to keep her calm and seem a responsible. Jen tries her best not to forget what happened in Seattle. She uses it to keep her going every day. Jen bought an old Seattle cap, so she never forgets it. She never takes it off to keep her fueled for the next day.
Jen is a very serious person, considering she has much to care for and take responsibility for. She has her own apartment, bills, a job. It keeps her clear-headed and serious most of the time, looking over the bills. Most of time she's serious and level-headed. Sometimes, when the day's over, she's payed all of her bills, and she's cleaned up, Jen can really have some fun.
Biography: Jen Darude has been running from something her entire life. She's been running from the D.U.P. From her family. From the government. Jen was born in Chicago, Illinois. Due to complications, her mother died when she was born. She was stuck with her dad, trying to piece together the shards of the family. Jen was raised in some dingy, dusty old apartment. Most of the time, she was left alone by her father, who left work at about 8:00 AM, and came home at 8:00 PM, sometimes later. Jen never really minded this. She considered it fun to be alone most of the time, even if it did drive her a little crazy. Jen had to take care of herself for most of her life, since her dad was never really there. She cooked, cleaned, washed. Though Jen never really got better at cooking. She still always singes her finger or hand or hair. Now, she mostly gets takeout rather than cooking food for herself. It has always been a problem for her.
One day, her father came home at about 4:00 AM with exciting news, when she was around 11 or 12. He had landed some new job! And it was located in Seattle, too. She could escape trashy old Chicago! She could finally leave! They packed their bags, grabbed whatever little valuables they could, and headed to Seattle. The trip there was funded by whatever new job her dad landed. They hopped on some sleek, black jet and flew there. And Seattle was just as she hoped! Her apartment was huge. The constant pound of rain was great. However, the only spot on a speckles window was the fact her dad was never there anymore. His new job was twice was demanding as his old one, even if it did pay twice as much. Jen was told by her dad that staying inside was best for her. So, her life in Seattle was like this for about a year. Stay inside. Keep away. Dad would come home once a week to bring food. So one day, she decided to venture out.
Jen came across something that would change her life. She realized just what job her dad had. A DUP soldier. They filled the place, oppressing the citizens and stomping out any resistance. He must've had that job. She began to rush forward, looking for her dad. All of the soldiers looked exactly alike, so it was impossible to figure one out from another. Eventually, she came across her first checkpoint. Jen had to find her dad and demand answers. So she went through with it, and placed her hand on the scanner. From then on, things began to go horribly wrong. A loud, continuous shriek filled the air. Lights flashed red. DUP soldiers rushed forward. Jen fell to the ground and raised her hand in an attempt to stop them, and a massive blast of sand erupted from it, knocking one soldier to the ground. Jen was imprisoned, captured. She was thrown in Curdon Cay. Her dad did nothing to prevent it.
After 8 years of being stuck in Curdon Cay, Jen was released with some newfound knowledge. She knew how to shoot a gun. She learned how to fight. She learned the full extent of her powers. Jen could do great things with them, but her experience in Curdon Cay broke her. And to her knowledge, her dad didn't even visit her. She soon realized that Delson Rowe, Seattle's savior and saint, had imprisoned and captured all DUP soldiers. Including her dad. With all this knowledge being thrown up at her, Jen decided she wanted to leave this all behind. Forget Chicago. Forget Seattle. Chicago was in the past. Seattle was in the past. And New York was nice this time of year.
Power: Sand
Power-: Sand Blast - Jen shoots a small, concentrated shot of sand at her opponent. Not great for pure, hard damage, but helps to blind the opponent, which can be very handy in battle. She often uses it in her regular day to shut up a bothersome customer, which has gotten her fired multiple times.
Dust Rocket - Jen shoots a massive, heavy, controlled blast of sand at her opponent, mixed in with water for a nice, hard mix. It does great damage but it's very resource heavy, and takes up a massive amount of sand in order to even start one up.
Sand Shift - Jen shifts into a long, dusty, concentrated stream of sand. She uses this as her own form of "Smoke Dash." She can travel great distances in this sand form, and uses it to scale buildings and rush through vents. It's her form of transportation rather than a car.
Sand Tentacle - A rather unorthodox form of attack, Jen can summon massive, flowing tentacles of sand, similar to an octopus. While they can easily be destroyed due to the consistency of the sand, they can do some great damage.
Sand Pillar - Jen raises a massive, water hardened pillar of sand. She can use this to raise a platform under her, or she can raise one under a car or building to rupture it. It does massive damage, but only if there's a large pool of sand under her.
Other: Jen is an aspiring photographer, even if she can't make a living out of it.
And so, after 100x seconds, it's posted.
Still accepting! Uncle Sam wants You!