This page is subject to change. Check back every once in awhile.
Q: Do I have to be an Adept?
A: Not at all. If you would like to play a non-adept, then more power to you. Just be aware of god-modding rules. You can be strong and not be Neo from the Matrix strong.
Q: So Mind Read and Spirit Sense seem like they'd be kind of broken and meta-gamey. What do we do about that?
A: Mind read is...tricky for rp purposes. An adept that is predicting it coming can avoid having their secrets spilled as we see some adepts pull this off in game, however it kinda sucks for non-adepts. Therefore Mind-Read will be only be used on NPCs for balance purposes. If you want to Mind Read a player, ask them for permission first.
Q: Can I play as a monster?
A: No, monsters are never really portrayed as being anything other than forces of nature really. There are plenty of other interesting options for your character, don't worry.
Q: How will combat work?
A: Combat will work in a traditional system. Whoever initiates the encounter will decide if they want the enemies to be free reign, as in everyone controls their own enemies, or if they want to control the enemy. For a "boss battle", the person leading the plot will typically control the boss, but that's up to them.
When fighting other players, the two parties involved can decide how they want to fight in two ways. You can use a dice system to determine who is hitting and who is missing or you can just duke it out until one of you admits defeat/the fight gets broken up for another reason. I am aware of the flaws of the latter system when dealing with players, nobody wants to lose because nobody wants to seem weak. But please, remember rule number 3.
Q: Do we have to follow the main plotline you set forth?
A: No, though that is the main story. This rp is character driven, do you want to go to Champa and play liar's dice with a bunch of pirates? Go for it. Want to stop a nefarious plot by the Kalay mafia? Knock yourself out. The main plot line is a focus point to draw people together, but it doesn't have to be your main driving point if it's not what you want to do.
Q: What else should I put in my profile other than what you mentioned in the rules?
A: In addition to the other code word, mention Kraden's beard.
Q: How will summons work?
A: Summons are tricky, and I'm still working that out. For the moment, I ask that everyone hold back on using super powerful summons like Judgment, because blasting the entire island is an example of gameplay and story segregation in Golden Sun. Don't worry though, summons will have an important part in this story.
Q: Can I be a light or dark adept?
A: No, the Grave Eclipse hasn't occurred and the Apollo Lens hasn't fired yet. We know almost nothing about those types of psynergy anyway.
Q: Is there going to be a posting order?
A: There is no posting order. Please do not double post but if you are engaged in an activity with someone you do not need to wait for everyone to post before moving on. Please be respectful and mindful however, give others time to respond if you're in a group together so everyone can participate. If it gets bad, I'll step in and we'll do something, but I am confident people won't let this turn into a 1 on 1 rp.
We have a large number of female characters, jupiter adepts and more specifically female jupiter adepts. If you make a character it would be much appreciated if you made a male non jupiter adept.
Profile Name: Who are you?
Character Name: What's the name of your character?
Age: How old are they?
Race: Human, Proxian, Lemurian or Beastman
Appearance: You can use a picture or a description, either one works.
Djinn: When you first join you may have two Djinn. As the rp advances, everyone will find more djinn and grow stronger. In this space, write the name and abilities of your Djinn, as well as their element.
Psynergy: What class of psynergy does your character use? As a Venus adept, do they use quake based psynergy or thorns? There's so many psynergy types that I don't expect you to write down every single kind, and as you start off you won't have many to begin with. But having a basic idea of the tier of psynergy that your character uses is what we're aiming for.
Utility Psynergy: This is psynergy that you would use outside of combat, like Move or Whirlwind. Most of these abilities don't really have combat purposes, but can be useful for other things. Keep in mind that certain utility psynergies are restricted to certain adepts. Blaze can only be used by Mars adepts for example.
Weapons and equipment: Your character can use any type of weapon that has a classification in game. So short swords, broad swords, maces, staves and the like. You may not use weapons that would be out of place for this kind of setting, ie: guns.
Personality: What kind of person is your character?
Biography: Where is your character from? What was their childhood like? Why are they the way they are? That kind of stuff.
At the end of the last age the world of Weyard was on the brink of collapse. The world was fading away, little by little, the enroaching and powerful Gaia Falls threatening to drag everything into the void. It was something that the village of Prox, a town populated by thick skinned people to the north, were not about to let happen and thus sent their champions out to bring Alchemy back to the world to save their town and all of Weyard. Weyard was not saved by Saturos and Menardi, the envoys of Prox however, but was instead saved by a group of eight young heroes that would later come to be known as the Warriors of Vale. The Warriors of Vale overcame every obstacle in their way, defeating all foes and sometimes even kin in order to light the four sacred lighthouses. Once the lighthouses of Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Mars were lit, the Golden Sun rose and Alchemy returned to Weyard.
It has been several years since that incident. Weyard has grown and is recovering its lost strength while its people adjust to the new life that has been breathed into their home. The Warriors of Vale have resigned themselves to different tasks. Some have decided to raise their families, others to explore the world as it regenerates and others seek to maintain the peace that they fought so hard to obtain.
However while the world has been saved, such a peace cannot last forever. Natural disasters have started to crop up around Weyard at an alarming rate. Scholars in Tolbi hypothesized that these disasters might be from Alchemy's revival, however this was slowly overturned as it was realized that Alchemy was used to bring order to the elements, not completely unleash them. Eventually the disasters started to become less random and more predictable in nature. Small villages were ravaged, leaving no survivors. It was then hypothesized that a much more sinister nature was behind these disasters. This theory was much closer to the truth, a truth that would jump start a new adventure to uphold Weyard's peace from a new batch of heroes.
The story begins in the great city of Tolbi. Once a powerful city that ruled those around it sometimes unfairly, Tobli has reformed since the Lighthouse incident and has even started to repair relations with Lemuria, which had once held its former leader Babi in disdain. Tolbi is a great trade city, there is much to do and see here, however some travelers have not come for the fishing market...
It has been several years since that incident. Weyard has grown and is recovering its lost strength while its people adjust to the new life that has been breathed into their home. The Warriors of Vale have resigned themselves to different tasks. Some have decided to raise their families, others to explore the world as it regenerates and others seek to maintain the peace that they fought so hard to obtain.
However while the world has been saved, such a peace cannot last forever. Natural disasters have started to crop up around Weyard at an alarming rate. Scholars in Tolbi hypothesized that these disasters might be from Alchemy's revival, however this was slowly overturned as it was realized that Alchemy was used to bring order to the elements, not completely unleash them. Eventually the disasters started to become less random and more predictable in nature. Small villages were ravaged, leaving no survivors. It was then hypothesized that a much more sinister nature was behind these disasters. This theory was much closer to the truth, a truth that would jump start a new adventure to uphold Weyard's peace from a new batch of heroes.
The story begins in the great city of Tolbi. Once a powerful city that ruled those around it sometimes unfairly, Tobli has reformed since the Lighthouse incident and has even started to repair relations with Lemuria, which had once held its former leader Babi in disdain. Tolbi is a great trade city, there is much to do and see here, however some travelers have not come for the fishing market...
Several adepts have come to the city of Tolbi for various reasons.
There have been several reported natural disasters in recent months, however Iodem, lord of Tolbi, believes they are something far more sinister than the public believes. Iodem employed several adepts, including Cale (Grayscythe), Marta (Amalvi), Leyya(Gamer5), Sayuri(Demous), and Isaiah(SwordFishKnight) to investigate. The group has since moved out of Tolbi and towards Suhalla, where they have found a monster that looks very similar to a certain mythical being...
There have been several reported natural disasters in recent months, however Iodem, lord of Tolbi, believes they are something far more sinister than the public believes. Iodem employed several adepts, including Cale (Grayscythe), Marta (Amalvi), Leyya(Gamer5), Sayuri(Demous), and Isaiah(SwordFishKnight) to investigate. The group has since moved out of Tolbi and towards Suhalla, where they have found a monster that looks very similar to a certain mythical being...
Please read all of these!
1. Follow the site guidelines.
2. Be pleasant to each other. Remember, be like the Fonz. If you have an issue you wish to address about someone, contact me first. Which brings us to number 3...
3. Have fun. This is a hobby, it's designed for us to write a story together, make friends and enjoy ourselves.
4. Put the words coco banana beans somewhere in your profile so I know you read the rules.
5. No God-Modding or killing characters without permission. This includes Auto-Hitting. Yeah I know, this might be hard to avoid when you can cause earthquakes or hurricanes with your mind, but don't go crazy. No one is a god. No one is a damsel in distress (unless they choose to be). Let other players have a say in a fight, etc.
6. Read the FAQ as well. It has very important information.
7. Don't be too mature. Romance is allowed and encouraged but if I see your romance....going places please go somewhere else. Know what I mean?
8. OCs only. NPC cameos and temporary plot relevance are fine, but no major character from the series should have a huge lasting effect on this rp. If you want to do something with a NPC from the series, please let me know. I'm flexible, we can work stuff out.
9. Three day rule. Everyone is busy, we all know this and we all understand. However if you join you should really consider if you will have time to post. If a player does not post for three days, the other members of their party can move on without them. That character will be assumed to be following along with the group. If you disappear for a week without notice, I will take your profile down and we will move on like you never existed. If you want to quit, just let me know, same applies and no questions asked.
1. Follow the site guidelines.
2. Be pleasant to each other. Remember, be like the Fonz. If you have an issue you wish to address about someone, contact me first. Which brings us to number 3...
3. Have fun. This is a hobby, it's designed for us to write a story together, make friends and enjoy ourselves.
4. Put the words coco banana beans somewhere in your profile so I know you read the rules.
5. No God-Modding or killing characters without permission. This includes Auto-Hitting. Yeah I know, this might be hard to avoid when you can cause earthquakes or hurricanes with your mind, but don't go crazy. No one is a god. No one is a damsel in distress (unless they choose to be). Let other players have a say in a fight, etc.
6. Read the FAQ as well. It has very important information.
7. Don't be too mature. Romance is allowed and encouraged but if I see your romance....going places please go somewhere else. Know what I mean?
8. OCs only. NPC cameos and temporary plot relevance are fine, but no major character from the series should have a huge lasting effect on this rp. If you want to do something with a NPC from the series, please let me know. I'm flexible, we can work stuff out.
9. Three day rule. Everyone is busy, we all know this and we all understand. However if you join you should really consider if you will have time to post. If a player does not post for three days, the other members of their party can move on without them. That character will be assumed to be following along with the group. If you disappear for a week without notice, I will take your profile down and we will move on like you never existed. If you want to quit, just let me know, same applies and no questions asked.
This roleplay takes place between Lost Age and Dark Dawn, and it might get confusing as to what map we are using. The correct answer is that we are a combination of both maps. I will not be super picky about how we go about navigating the world in order to reach key locations, just don't be completely ridiculous. Example: You can't go from Jupiter Lighthouse to Mercury Lighthouse quickly, they're on opposite sides of the world.
The world of Golden Sun is full of individuals of great power known as "adepts", who utilize a type of mind magic known as "psynergy". Psynergy is categorized into four groups, Venus (earth), Jupiter (wind) Mercury(water) and Mars(fire). An adept can be from one element, but that doesn't always limit them to what kind of psynergy they can use. By equipping different combinations of djinn, small spirit creatures that are attributed to each element, an adept can change the psynergy they have at their disposal.
If you need a refresher on anything, please consort with this wiki:
Time wise, this takes several years after Lost Age and several before Dark Dawn. The Morgal Empire is still ruled by Sveta and Volechek's father and has not been taken over by Sana yet, therefore the Morgal Revolution has not occurred so Morgal isn't as untrusting to outsiders
These are the available races you can play and a little info about each.
The term "human" doesn't necessarily mark this race as being more pure or weaker than any other race, but is simply the most common way to refer to the simple folk of Weyard. Humans can live anywhere and are able to adapt to just about anything, coming in all shapes and sizes as well. The majority of the Warriors of Vale were humans from all over the world, alongside one Lemurian. Adept humans come in all four variants, though their element still tends to rely on what part of the world the hail from. Humans can adapt to any environment.
Unknown to most of the known world until the sacking of Sol Sanctum several years ago, Prox is a village of warriors hailing from the frigid north. The people of Prox are notable by their strange skin color, the men having blue and greenish skin and the women having reddish and yellow skin, with both sexes having pointed ears and rough skin.
When their village was threatened to be destroyed by the encroaching Gaia Falls, Prox sent out its strongest warriors Saturos and Menardi to light the elemental lighthouses and bring Alchemy back to the world. Although it was Prox's actions that ultimately saved Weyard, Saturos and Menardi were brutish creatures that caused a great deal of death and destruction in their quest. While Prox has become more open with its members traveling south to the southern continents and trading more openly, they are still held under scrutiny by some cities that Saturos and Menardi left a bitter impression on, such as Tolbi and Lalivero. Proxians are fire adepts by nature, which allows them to survive extreme heat and cold.
The fabled land of Lemuria was shrouded in legend until Felix and his party made contact with the lost kingdom. The ageless land lies in the middle of the great eastern sea surrounded by jagged cliffs and impenetrable fog, and as such it was almost impossible to reach until recent years. After Felix and company saved Weyard, the Lemurian named Piers was instrumental in opening up trade relations to the rest of the world. Previously Lemuria had shut itself off after its last contact with the outside world when Babi, the former leader of Tolbi now deceased, visited Lemuria and stole a mystic draught and ship. The draught extended Babi's life well beyond it's natural limit, and after it was stolen the Lemurians stopped producing it so the incident wouldn't be repeated.
Lemurians are notable for their blue hair and most bear a youthful appearance yet are actually centuries old due to the effects of Lemuria. They are mercury adepts by nature, most likely because they are at home with the sea.
In the aftermath of the Golden Sun event above Mt. Aleph, various humans began to grow fur and fangs, while various wild animals began to grow in size, stand on two legs, become sapient and gained the ability to talk. While beastmen were initially located throughout Weyard, most migrated to the northeast section of Angara, though no real reason brought them together. Together they formed the kingdom of Morgal, ruled under their emperor.
Beastmen bear the burden of being discriminated against because of their monstrous appearance, but they can be just as civil or hostile as any other person. Since beastmen originate from various regions across Weyard, they can be multiple kinds of adepts.
The world of Golden Sun is full of individuals of great power known as "adepts", who utilize a type of mind magic known as "psynergy". Psynergy is categorized into four groups, Venus (earth), Jupiter (wind) Mercury(water) and Mars(fire). An adept can be from one element, but that doesn't always limit them to what kind of psynergy they can use. By equipping different combinations of djinn, small spirit creatures that are attributed to each element, an adept can change the psynergy they have at their disposal.
If you need a refresher on anything, please consort with this wiki:
Time wise, this takes several years after Lost Age and several before Dark Dawn. The Morgal Empire is still ruled by Sveta and Volechek's father and has not been taken over by Sana yet, therefore the Morgal Revolution has not occurred so Morgal isn't as untrusting to outsiders
These are the available races you can play and a little info about each.
The term "human" doesn't necessarily mark this race as being more pure or weaker than any other race, but is simply the most common way to refer to the simple folk of Weyard. Humans can live anywhere and are able to adapt to just about anything, coming in all shapes and sizes as well. The majority of the Warriors of Vale were humans from all over the world, alongside one Lemurian. Adept humans come in all four variants, though their element still tends to rely on what part of the world the hail from. Humans can adapt to any environment.
Unknown to most of the known world until the sacking of Sol Sanctum several years ago, Prox is a village of warriors hailing from the frigid north. The people of Prox are notable by their strange skin color, the men having blue and greenish skin and the women having reddish and yellow skin, with both sexes having pointed ears and rough skin.
When their village was threatened to be destroyed by the encroaching Gaia Falls, Prox sent out its strongest warriors Saturos and Menardi to light the elemental lighthouses and bring Alchemy back to the world. Although it was Prox's actions that ultimately saved Weyard, Saturos and Menardi were brutish creatures that caused a great deal of death and destruction in their quest. While Prox has become more open with its members traveling south to the southern continents and trading more openly, they are still held under scrutiny by some cities that Saturos and Menardi left a bitter impression on, such as Tolbi and Lalivero. Proxians are fire adepts by nature, which allows them to survive extreme heat and cold.
The fabled land of Lemuria was shrouded in legend until Felix and his party made contact with the lost kingdom. The ageless land lies in the middle of the great eastern sea surrounded by jagged cliffs and impenetrable fog, and as such it was almost impossible to reach until recent years. After Felix and company saved Weyard, the Lemurian named Piers was instrumental in opening up trade relations to the rest of the world. Previously Lemuria had shut itself off after its last contact with the outside world when Babi, the former leader of Tolbi now deceased, visited Lemuria and stole a mystic draught and ship. The draught extended Babi's life well beyond it's natural limit, and after it was stolen the Lemurians stopped producing it so the incident wouldn't be repeated.
Lemurians are notable for their blue hair and most bear a youthful appearance yet are actually centuries old due to the effects of Lemuria. They are mercury adepts by nature, most likely because they are at home with the sea.
In the aftermath of the Golden Sun event above Mt. Aleph, various humans began to grow fur and fangs, while various wild animals began to grow in size, stand on two legs, become sapient and gained the ability to talk. While beastmen were initially located throughout Weyard, most migrated to the northeast section of Angara, though no real reason brought them together. Together they formed the kingdom of Morgal, ruled under their emperor.
Beastmen bear the burden of being discriminated against because of their monstrous appearance, but they can be just as civil or hostile as any other person. Since beastmen originate from various regions across Weyard, they can be multiple kinds of adepts.
Q: Do I have to be an Adept?
A: Not at all. If you would like to play a non-adept, then more power to you. Just be aware of god-modding rules. You can be strong and not be Neo from the Matrix strong.
Q: So Mind Read and Spirit Sense seem like they'd be kind of broken and meta-gamey. What do we do about that?
A: Mind read is...tricky for rp purposes. An adept that is predicting it coming can avoid having their secrets spilled as we see some adepts pull this off in game, however it kinda sucks for non-adepts. Therefore Mind-Read will be only be used on NPCs for balance purposes. If you want to Mind Read a player, ask them for permission first.
Q: Can I play as a monster?
A: No, monsters are never really portrayed as being anything other than forces of nature really. There are plenty of other interesting options for your character, don't worry.
Q: How will combat work?
A: Combat will work in a traditional system. Whoever initiates the encounter will decide if they want the enemies to be free reign, as in everyone controls their own enemies, or if they want to control the enemy. For a "boss battle", the person leading the plot will typically control the boss, but that's up to them.
When fighting other players, the two parties involved can decide how they want to fight in two ways. You can use a dice system to determine who is hitting and who is missing or you can just duke it out until one of you admits defeat/the fight gets broken up for another reason. I am aware of the flaws of the latter system when dealing with players, nobody wants to lose because nobody wants to seem weak. But please, remember rule number 3.
Q: Do we have to follow the main plotline you set forth?
A: No, though that is the main story. This rp is character driven, do you want to go to Champa and play liar's dice with a bunch of pirates? Go for it. Want to stop a nefarious plot by the Kalay mafia? Knock yourself out. The main plot line is a focus point to draw people together, but it doesn't have to be your main driving point if it's not what you want to do.
Q: What else should I put in my profile other than what you mentioned in the rules?
A: In addition to the other code word, mention Kraden's beard.
Q: How will summons work?
A: Summons are tricky, and I'm still working that out. For the moment, I ask that everyone hold back on using super powerful summons like Judgment, because blasting the entire island is an example of gameplay and story segregation in Golden Sun. Don't worry though, summons will have an important part in this story.
Q: Can I be a light or dark adept?
A: No, the Grave Eclipse hasn't occurred and the Apollo Lens hasn't fired yet. We know almost nothing about those types of psynergy anyway.
Q: Is there going to be a posting order?
A: There is no posting order. Please do not double post but if you are engaged in an activity with someone you do not need to wait for everyone to post before moving on. Please be respectful and mindful however, give others time to respond if you're in a group together so everyone can participate. If it gets bad, I'll step in and we'll do something, but I am confident people won't let this turn into a 1 on 1 rp.
We have a large number of female characters, jupiter adepts and more specifically female jupiter adepts. If you make a character it would be much appreciated if you made a male non jupiter adept.
Profile Name: Who are you?
Character Name: What's the name of your character?
Age: How old are they?
Race: Human, Proxian, Lemurian or Beastman
Appearance: You can use a picture or a description, either one works.
Djinn: When you first join you may have two Djinn. As the rp advances, everyone will find more djinn and grow stronger. In this space, write the name and abilities of your Djinn, as well as their element.
Psynergy: What class of psynergy does your character use? As a Venus adept, do they use quake based psynergy or thorns? There's so many psynergy types that I don't expect you to write down every single kind, and as you start off you won't have many to begin with. But having a basic idea of the tier of psynergy that your character uses is what we're aiming for.
Utility Psynergy: This is psynergy that you would use outside of combat, like Move or Whirlwind. Most of these abilities don't really have combat purposes, but can be useful for other things. Keep in mind that certain utility psynergies are restricted to certain adepts. Blaze can only be used by Mars adepts for example.
Weapons and equipment: Your character can use any type of weapon that has a classification in game. So short swords, broad swords, maces, staves and the like. You may not use weapons that would be out of place for this kind of setting, ie: guns.
Personality: What kind of person is your character?
Biography: Where is your character from? What was their childhood like? Why are they the way they are? That kind of stuff.
Profile Name: Grayscythe
Character Name: Cailan โCaleโ Rook.
Age: 22
Appearance: Cale is a fairly large and somewhat intimidating man. He stands at 6'5 and weighs about 200 lbs, his skin scaly and a darker shade of blue as is per usual of members of the clan in the north. Like most Proxians, Cale's eyes are red and his short hair is a light blue almost white.
Djinn: Mars Djinn, Backdraft: Creates a shield of fire to reduce damage for a short time.
Mars Djinn, Smoke, Lowers enemy's accuracy.
Psynergy: Cale uses mostly offensive fire psynergy like the flare line of spells and the fireball line of spells. He also has access to spells such as debilitate which weaken an enemy's defense.
Utility Psynergy: Move, Fireball,
Weapons: Tends to use broadswords or other two handed weapons.
Personality: Cale is the type of person that would do anything for someone that he has loyalty towards or sees as a friend, but is also not afraid to put someone on the ground if they're doing something or acting a way that he does not approve. That being said, Cale does not come across as a complicated man, he has a strong desire to protect his kin and doesn't care much for manipulative affairs. He prefers to just get business done.
Biography: When Cale was a very young child, he lived in a difficult time. His village was threatened by extinction from the north, and from the south no help would come to rescue them. It was as such that Puelle, the village leader, sent out Saturos and Menardi to save Prox and all of Weyard. Cale looked up to these two as heroes, paragons to Prox, and so naturally he was distraught when he learned they had perished. At first he hated the Warriors of Vale, but when they arrived in Prox and explained the situation while also completing Saturos and Menardi's original mission, he was only wracked with more confusion. It seemed as if the south had not abandoned Prox after all by Kraden's beard.
Years later Prox has opened up to the world and members often make trips to see the world beyond the glaciers. Cale has finally decided to make this trip himself, training as a warrior and leaving his family behind to venture out into the world. He made his way to Tolbi first, hearing about it being the greatest city in Angara, if only for its coco banana beans.
Character Name: Cailan โCaleโ Rook.
Age: 22
Appearance: Cale is a fairly large and somewhat intimidating man. He stands at 6'5 and weighs about 200 lbs, his skin scaly and a darker shade of blue as is per usual of members of the clan in the north. Like most Proxians, Cale's eyes are red and his short hair is a light blue almost white.
Djinn: Mars Djinn, Backdraft: Creates a shield of fire to reduce damage for a short time.
Mars Djinn, Smoke, Lowers enemy's accuracy.
Psynergy: Cale uses mostly offensive fire psynergy like the flare line of spells and the fireball line of spells. He also has access to spells such as debilitate which weaken an enemy's defense.
Utility Psynergy: Move, Fireball,
Weapons: Tends to use broadswords or other two handed weapons.
Personality: Cale is the type of person that would do anything for someone that he has loyalty towards or sees as a friend, but is also not afraid to put someone on the ground if they're doing something or acting a way that he does not approve. That being said, Cale does not come across as a complicated man, he has a strong desire to protect his kin and doesn't care much for manipulative affairs. He prefers to just get business done.
Biography: When Cale was a very young child, he lived in a difficult time. His village was threatened by extinction from the north, and from the south no help would come to rescue them. It was as such that Puelle, the village leader, sent out Saturos and Menardi to save Prox and all of Weyard. Cale looked up to these two as heroes, paragons to Prox, and so naturally he was distraught when he learned they had perished. At first he hated the Warriors of Vale, but when they arrived in Prox and explained the situation while also completing Saturos and Menardi's original mission, he was only wracked with more confusion. It seemed as if the south had not abandoned Prox after all by Kraden's beard.
Years later Prox has opened up to the world and members often make trips to see the world beyond the glaciers. Cale has finally decided to make this trip himself, training as a warrior and leaving his family behind to venture out into the world. He made his way to Tolbi first, hearing about it being the greatest city in Angara, if only for its coco banana beans.
Profile Name: MarsAdept
Character Name: Sophia Peacecraft
Age: 21
Race: Human

Mars Djinni Phoenix- revives ally
Mars Djinni Thermal- Heals party's wounds slightly
Psynergy: She is a Mars Adept. She uses fire based attack psynergy, attack boosting psynergy, and fire healing psynergy
Utility Psynergy: Move, Parch
Weapons and equipment: She has a single longsword, and is good in almost every kind of armor
Personality: She is a very noble and honor bound individual. Her word is her law and bond. If she makes a promise she will try to move heaven and earth to fulfill that promise. That being said she loves conflict. She loves the sound of clashing swords and the thrill of two individuals going at one another. She will be the first to join in on any fight to even the odds for the underdog.
Biography: Sophia was born in the kingdom of Kalay however was raised on the outskirts of the Lamakan Desert. Her folks would make constant treks across the Lamakan Desert on the Silk road. She got used to the heat of the desert and never suffered from the dangers of the desert. She learned to fight to protect her father's caravans from the monsters of the desert who were after the coco banana beans that the caravan carried. She loves that desert and was never happy being in Kalay itself. She showed she had a gift for mars psynergy quite early but her gift really took off when Mount Aleph erupted.
Character Name: Sophia Peacecraft
Age: 21
Race: Human

Mars Djinni Phoenix- revives ally
Mars Djinni Thermal- Heals party's wounds slightly
Psynergy: She is a Mars Adept. She uses fire based attack psynergy, attack boosting psynergy, and fire healing psynergy
Utility Psynergy: Move, Parch
Weapons and equipment: She has a single longsword, and is good in almost every kind of armor
Personality: She is a very noble and honor bound individual. Her word is her law and bond. If she makes a promise she will try to move heaven and earth to fulfill that promise. That being said she loves conflict. She loves the sound of clashing swords and the thrill of two individuals going at one another. She will be the first to join in on any fight to even the odds for the underdog.
Biography: Sophia was born in the kingdom of Kalay however was raised on the outskirts of the Lamakan Desert. Her folks would make constant treks across the Lamakan Desert on the Silk road. She got used to the heat of the desert and never suffered from the dangers of the desert. She learned to fight to protect her father's caravans from the monsters of the desert who were after the coco banana beans that the caravan carried. She loves that desert and was never happy being in Kalay itself. She showed she had a gift for mars psynergy quite early but her gift really took off when Mount Aleph erupted.
Profile Name: Amalvi
Character Name: Marta
Age: 18-19 (?)
Race: Human
Mercury Djinn Mist: powerful attack with a chance of sleeping an opponent
Mercury Djinn Tonic: heals status ailments from all party members
Psynergy: Marta is a jupiter adept, but because she has mercury djins she has the elder psynergy class and thus fights with the Prism and the Plasma series. She can also use Bind to seal the enemy psynergy and impact to increase the offense of allies
Utility Psynergy: mind read (I'll keep in mind the limitations stated in the OP, but I will likely end up not using it)
Weapons and equipment: Marta uses a light sword, but she can also wield staves and ankhs. She can't wear big armor, so she is equipped with some clothing, but could also wear robes
Personality: Cheerful, energetic and overly curious. After having finally abandoned Lemuria, Marta finds everything new and exciting and is eager to learn as much as she can from her surroundings. Because of this she is rather ignorant and idealistic, maybe to an even childish degree, this also carries on to her sense of justice, by which she doesn't hesitate to jump into action when she sees evildoers and more often than not she ends up in trouble because of it.
Biography: After the return of the alchemy by the lighthouses, Lemuria opened itself to the world and numerous inhabitants started to sail around Weyard and while the city remained hidden in the depths of the sea of time the lemurians regained their vitality and the city once again rose to prosperity. One day a lemurian merchant found an abandoned ship floating adrift and on it there was only a baby crying inside a nest, when this man returned to lemuria with the baby it was adopted by a wealthy family that raised the girl as their own and named her Marta. The girl grew up as if she was another lemurian, she often played with other kids but with the pass of the years it was being evident that her friends remained kids while she grew up, so even with all the love she received she felt out of place and spent time reading stories of the outside world, but because she was part of a family with political importance she never had the chance to abandon Lemuria and go outside, but now that she is a grown up woman she finally had left her home. Although she knows of her mysterious origin, she feels no need in finding about her past, for she will always be indebt to her foster family and she would rather spend her time exploring the world. Who knows what adventures she might live now that she has arrived to the continent of Angara?
Character Name: Marta
Age: 18-19 (?)
Race: Human

Mercury Djinn Mist: powerful attack with a chance of sleeping an opponent
Mercury Djinn Tonic: heals status ailments from all party members
Psynergy: Marta is a jupiter adept, but because she has mercury djins she has the elder psynergy class and thus fights with the Prism and the Plasma series. She can also use Bind to seal the enemy psynergy and impact to increase the offense of allies
Utility Psynergy: mind read (I'll keep in mind the limitations stated in the OP, but I will likely end up not using it)
Weapons and equipment: Marta uses a light sword, but she can also wield staves and ankhs. She can't wear big armor, so she is equipped with some clothing, but could also wear robes
Personality: Cheerful, energetic and overly curious. After having finally abandoned Lemuria, Marta finds everything new and exciting and is eager to learn as much as she can from her surroundings. Because of this she is rather ignorant and idealistic, maybe to an even childish degree, this also carries on to her sense of justice, by which she doesn't hesitate to jump into action when she sees evildoers and more often than not she ends up in trouble because of it.
Biography: After the return of the alchemy by the lighthouses, Lemuria opened itself to the world and numerous inhabitants started to sail around Weyard and while the city remained hidden in the depths of the sea of time the lemurians regained their vitality and the city once again rose to prosperity. One day a lemurian merchant found an abandoned ship floating adrift and on it there was only a baby crying inside a nest, when this man returned to lemuria with the baby it was adopted by a wealthy family that raised the girl as their own and named her Marta. The girl grew up as if she was another lemurian, she often played with other kids but with the pass of the years it was being evident that her friends remained kids while she grew up, so even with all the love she received she felt out of place and spent time reading stories of the outside world, but because she was part of a family with political importance she never had the chance to abandon Lemuria and go outside, but now that she is a grown up woman she finally had left her home. Although she knows of her mysterious origin, she feels no need in finding about her past, for she will always be indebt to her foster family and she would rather spend her time exploring the world. Who knows what adventures she might live now that she has arrived to the continent of Angara?
Name: Stella Gold
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Race: Human
Vine: Lowers all enemies Agility.
Flower: Restores all currently active party members' HP
Psynergy: She is a Venus Adept, and mostly uses plants to attack.
Utility Psynergy: Growth, Catch, Carry
Weapons and equipment: She prefers to use Staves. She is also able to use Bows and Light Blades. The weapon she currently has a fancy staff with a purple gemstone on the top.
Personality: Stella is a proud, confident young woman. She can come off as arrogant sometimes, often overestimating herself, while underestimating others, but she does have a kind caring side somewhere deep down, someone just has to be willing to look for it. She is not shy in the slightest, and if given the opportunity, she will say exactly what she thinks, which often gets her into trouble, and offends people. She usually acts very serious and proper, and appears to have no tolerance for low-class behavior, but it's just an act, and she knows how to have fun if the circumstances are right. She is a strong willed individual, and once she's decided on something, it is very difficult to change her mind. Due to her wealthy upbringing, and being given whatever she wanted whenever she asked, she is spoiled, and has very high standards, and she gets upset if things do not meet those standards. She is very frivolous, and she's known for spending money like it grows on trees. Especially if it's someone else's money.
Stella values cuteness and beauty in all areas in her life. From her taste in clothes, to the people she associates with. If your one of those people that do not meet her expectations. Depending on the person, she will avoid you, try to give you a makeover, or be needlessly cruel to you. As one would imagine, looks mean everything to Stella. She can often be seen studying her reflection in any reflective surface available. She despises dirt and ugliness with a passion. She hates sports, physical labor, camping, or anything that could possibly get her dirty and ruin her image. If forced to do them, she will complain. Something else she can't stand, bugs (Including Spiders.) Butterflies and Moths are fine, it's the ants, worms, cockroaches, etc. she can't stand.
She can be a nice person once you get to know her. This is noticeable when she's speaking to someone she finds to be cute, or has taken a liking to. She will act friendly towards them, and if they are younger than her, act like a sister to them. She's also quite generous to her friends. She is also much smarter than she looks. She doesn't find stupidity attractive either.
History: Stella was born in Tolbi, to an upper class family. She has no idea what her parents do for a living, all she knows is that they make lots of money. Due to their busy work schedules, they weren't able to be around as often as they would have liked. As one can imagine, this made her very spoiled, and gave her a superiority complex. She often flaunted her wealth, and had little regard for people she felt were beneath her. Her parents were usually busy, and they never noticed.
For awhile, Stella was homeschooled by scholars and tutors that were handpicked by her parents. She received etiquette lessons, and was taught how to be a lady, the art of Venus Psynergy, as well as other things in order to groom her to inherit the family fortune. She didn't really spend much time with others her own age. When she did, most of the other kids treated her with indifference. The few friends she did have only hung out with her because of her wealth. Despite being a social butterfly, Stella had no real friends. She acts like it doesn't bother her, but deep down, it does.
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Race: Human

Vine: Lowers all enemies Agility.
Flower: Restores all currently active party members' HP
Psynergy: She is a Venus Adept, and mostly uses plants to attack.
Utility Psynergy: Growth, Catch, Carry
Weapons and equipment: She prefers to use Staves. She is also able to use Bows and Light Blades. The weapon she currently has a fancy staff with a purple gemstone on the top.
Personality: Stella is a proud, confident young woman. She can come off as arrogant sometimes, often overestimating herself, while underestimating others, but she does have a kind caring side somewhere deep down, someone just has to be willing to look for it. She is not shy in the slightest, and if given the opportunity, she will say exactly what she thinks, which often gets her into trouble, and offends people. She usually acts very serious and proper, and appears to have no tolerance for low-class behavior, but it's just an act, and she knows how to have fun if the circumstances are right. She is a strong willed individual, and once she's decided on something, it is very difficult to change her mind. Due to her wealthy upbringing, and being given whatever she wanted whenever she asked, she is spoiled, and has very high standards, and she gets upset if things do not meet those standards. She is very frivolous, and she's known for spending money like it grows on trees. Especially if it's someone else's money.
Stella values cuteness and beauty in all areas in her life. From her taste in clothes, to the people she associates with. If your one of those people that do not meet her expectations. Depending on the person, she will avoid you, try to give you a makeover, or be needlessly cruel to you. As one would imagine, looks mean everything to Stella. She can often be seen studying her reflection in any reflective surface available. She despises dirt and ugliness with a passion. She hates sports, physical labor, camping, or anything that could possibly get her dirty and ruin her image. If forced to do them, she will complain. Something else she can't stand, bugs (Including Spiders.) Butterflies and Moths are fine, it's the ants, worms, cockroaches, etc. she can't stand.
She can be a nice person once you get to know her. This is noticeable when she's speaking to someone she finds to be cute, or has taken a liking to. She will act friendly towards them, and if they are younger than her, act like a sister to them. She's also quite generous to her friends. She is also much smarter than she looks. She doesn't find stupidity attractive either.
History: Stella was born in Tolbi, to an upper class family. She has no idea what her parents do for a living, all she knows is that they make lots of money. Due to their busy work schedules, they weren't able to be around as often as they would have liked. As one can imagine, this made her very spoiled, and gave her a superiority complex. She often flaunted her wealth, and had little regard for people she felt were beneath her. Her parents were usually busy, and they never noticed.
For awhile, Stella was homeschooled by scholars and tutors that were handpicked by her parents. She received etiquette lessons, and was taught how to be a lady, the art of Venus Psynergy, as well as other things in order to groom her to inherit the family fortune. She didn't really spend much time with others her own age. When she did, most of the other kids treated her with indifference. The few friends she did have only hung out with her because of her wealth. Despite being a social butterfly, Stella had no real friends. She acts like it doesn't bother her, but deep down, it does.
Profile Name: Gamer5
Character Name: Leyya "Ly" Sormgele
Age: 18-19
Race: Human

Bora* (Jupiter Dijnn): Attack with a powerful wind blow.
Calm (Jupiter Dijnn): Cleanse party of status effects. (Cures poison/sleep/stun/delude... for whole party).
*Bora is a strong wind that commonly blows from the Dinaric Alps (Dinarides) towards the Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas, sometimes with blows of over 200 km/h.
Known: Whirlwind, Ray, Jet (later also Jet Stream) - Powerful single enemy attack .
To be learned: (Plasma), (Shift/Accelerate-Boosts party agility), (Poison Cloud/Venom Cloud/Venom Storm - Poisons enemies).
Leyya's psyenergy is combat orientated with a few support functions.
Utility Psynergy: Whirlwind, Jet (push distant objects with a powerful wind jet - trough it can't pull objects towards one it can push objects away at much further distances then move). Can learn Reveal if a teacher/tablet for it is found.
Weapons and equipment:
Can use Light Blades, Long Swords, Bows. She prefers swords over bows but is not shabby with a bow due to constant practice of hunting with it for food.
(I was also wondering if I can have Spears since trough they are not a equitable weapon type in any game they are clearly the weapon of choice of city guards of multiple cities and of the Kibombo tribesmen. It would be realistic to have Spears don't you think so?)
Currently carries the a longsword named "Old Faithful", the first sword she ever had that she still keeps with herself, a longbow and a rapier.
Can wear Clothing, Armor, Hats, Circlets, Gloves, Bracelets.
Currently adorns an chain mail, a silver circlet, a pair of ordinary boots and a heavy bracelet.
Personality: Leyya is a silent and observer person which is almost always calm in her behavior, rarely allowing her feelings to get the best of her. With those rare friends and people that she trusts in she is more open, especially with her positive emotions, and usually is not to slow to speak up her mind about anything that bothers her. Her main drive for traveling is her never-ending curiosity and thirst for knowledge, coupled with the fact that she shows no wish to settle down in one place and live in peace.
Leyya is the child of Meris Sormgele a villager of unmentioned and unnamed village on the eastern coast of Angara. Her father remains unknown since the two last years of her life, inside which Leyya was born, Meris was living somewhere in the mountains which are to become the Kolima Heights. It was one day that Meris came back to the village with a small, younger then 12 months child, in her arms and sick with a incurable disease. Two weeks later Meris died and Leyya, the name that child received from her dying mother, was given to care to Meris' older brother.
What followed was a childhood of being neglected and next to invisible since as her uncle held her at nothing more then a burden in the already harsh life of a farmer. While she was still not of any use she was kept isolated from her uncle's children and as soon as she was old enough she begun to help with at first house and then farm work, living a life only a step better then a servant only because that, at least technically, she was a free person. Her days were pretty peaceful, with lessons from a ex-Biblin town guard in using bows and swords (+ spears if you allow) as well as in surviving of the land while on the move - hunting, tracking, herb gathering, making fire, maintaining weapons and armor.
But as Leyya was getting older she was being treated by her uncle with less kindness and with more cruelty, which was worsened with the passing of his wife, Leyya's aunt and the moving out of his oldest daughter which took the his remaining children whit her in the fear the her psychologically unstable father would hurt them. In the last year in her hometown the uncle begun to drink heavily and his behavior started to escalate quickly, with an intensification of both the severity and occurrence of violent outbursts. Finally it all culminated in at the day which marked Leyya's fourteenth birthday - the fourteenth anniversary of day that she was returned to the village - when her uncle, drunk like never before beat her so hard that she actually started to caught blood while repeating that as soon as she turns fifteen he will marry her away. Finally this ended when Leyya's uncle collapsed in a drunken sleep.
Not wasting time Leyya gathered the few things she had, took some food from the house, a brief stop to say farewells with her teacher, which also given her a sword to protect herself, and then out of the village, but not before stopping in the graveyard to also say goodbye from her mother and aunt. With no regret Leyya left her village and never returned.
From the time that Leyya left her village she traveled across the land, spending less then a few weeks only in a few places, like for example in one instance she spent two months as a part of a Champa pirate ship crew, in a disguise naturally. From Nihan to Tundaria Leyya traveled all the lands east and north from Gondowan finally deciding to visit Gondowan and then the western part of Weyard. With her never-ending lust for wandering and a spirit which never gives up in face of any challenge Leyya steps into Tolbi after crossing the Karagol Sea ...
Character Name: Leyya "Ly" Sormgele
Age: 18-19
Race: Human

Bora* (Jupiter Dijnn): Attack with a powerful wind blow.
Calm (Jupiter Dijnn): Cleanse party of status effects. (Cures poison/sleep/stun/delude... for whole party).
*Bora is a strong wind that commonly blows from the Dinaric Alps (Dinarides) towards the Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas, sometimes with blows of over 200 km/h.
Known: Whirlwind, Ray, Jet (later also Jet Stream) - Powerful single enemy attack .
To be learned: (Plasma), (Shift/Accelerate-Boosts party agility), (Poison Cloud/Venom Cloud/Venom Storm - Poisons enemies).
Leyya's psyenergy is combat orientated with a few support functions.
Utility Psynergy: Whirlwind, Jet (push distant objects with a powerful wind jet - trough it can't pull objects towards one it can push objects away at much further distances then move). Can learn Reveal if a teacher/tablet for it is found.
Weapons and equipment:
Can use Light Blades, Long Swords, Bows. She prefers swords over bows but is not shabby with a bow due to constant practice of hunting with it for food.
(I was also wondering if I can have Spears since trough they are not a equitable weapon type in any game they are clearly the weapon of choice of city guards of multiple cities and of the Kibombo tribesmen. It would be realistic to have Spears don't you think so?)
Currently carries the a longsword named "Old Faithful", the first sword she ever had that she still keeps with herself, a longbow and a rapier.
Can wear Clothing, Armor, Hats, Circlets, Gloves, Bracelets.
Currently adorns an chain mail, a silver circlet, a pair of ordinary boots and a heavy bracelet.
Personality: Leyya is a silent and observer person which is almost always calm in her behavior, rarely allowing her feelings to get the best of her. With those rare friends and people that she trusts in she is more open, especially with her positive emotions, and usually is not to slow to speak up her mind about anything that bothers her. Her main drive for traveling is her never-ending curiosity and thirst for knowledge, coupled with the fact that she shows no wish to settle down in one place and live in peace.
Leyya is the child of Meris Sormgele a villager of unmentioned and unnamed village on the eastern coast of Angara. Her father remains unknown since the two last years of her life, inside which Leyya was born, Meris was living somewhere in the mountains which are to become the Kolima Heights. It was one day that Meris came back to the village with a small, younger then 12 months child, in her arms and sick with a incurable disease. Two weeks later Meris died and Leyya, the name that child received from her dying mother, was given to care to Meris' older brother.
What followed was a childhood of being neglected and next to invisible since as her uncle held her at nothing more then a burden in the already harsh life of a farmer. While she was still not of any use she was kept isolated from her uncle's children and as soon as she was old enough she begun to help with at first house and then farm work, living a life only a step better then a servant only because that, at least technically, she was a free person. Her days were pretty peaceful, with lessons from a ex-Biblin town guard in using bows and swords (+ spears if you allow) as well as in surviving of the land while on the move - hunting, tracking, herb gathering, making fire, maintaining weapons and armor.
But as Leyya was getting older she was being treated by her uncle with less kindness and with more cruelty, which was worsened with the passing of his wife, Leyya's aunt and the moving out of his oldest daughter which took the his remaining children whit her in the fear the her psychologically unstable father would hurt them. In the last year in her hometown the uncle begun to drink heavily and his behavior started to escalate quickly, with an intensification of both the severity and occurrence of violent outbursts. Finally it all culminated in at the day which marked Leyya's fourteenth birthday - the fourteenth anniversary of day that she was returned to the village - when her uncle, drunk like never before beat her so hard that she actually started to caught blood while repeating that as soon as she turns fifteen he will marry her away. Finally this ended when Leyya's uncle collapsed in a drunken sleep.
Not wasting time Leyya gathered the few things she had, took some food from the house, a brief stop to say farewells with her teacher, which also given her a sword to protect herself, and then out of the village, but not before stopping in the graveyard to also say goodbye from her mother and aunt. With no regret Leyya left her village and never returned.
From the time that Leyya left her village she traveled across the land, spending less then a few weeks only in a few places, like for example in one instance she spent two months as a part of a Champa pirate ship crew, in a disguise naturally. From Nihan to Tundaria Leyya traveled all the lands east and north from Gondowan finally deciding to visit Gondowan and then the western part of Weyard. With her never-ending lust for wandering and a spirit which never gives up in face of any challenge Leyya steps into Tolbi after crossing the Karagol Sea ...
Profile Name:SwordfishKnight
Character Name: Isaiah
Age: 16
Race: Human
Appearance: A short young male, sandy blonde hair, and his looks betray his age in that he looks younger than he is.
Djinn: Jupiter Djinn Hurricane:Seals opponent's psynergy.
Jupiter Djinn: Raises party's resistance.
Psynergy:Ray psynergy as well as Ward psynergy
Utility Psynergy:Move and Pound Psynergy
Weapons and equipment:Isaiah carries only a basic broadsword.
Personality:Isaiah is selfish and doesn't care about other people. That being said doesn't mean he is willing to let someone die because of some annoying wild beast. he will ward off any elemental attacks in order to recieve praise. He enjoys a good tussle and will get into arguments for the fun of it and in order to baffle someone with his flawed logic. He is somewhat misogynistic as a result of his mother leaving him to fend for himself when he was younger
Biography:Isaiah is from Garoh. Despite being from garoh, he never turns into a werewolf while looking at the moon, resulting in his mother leaving him far outside the village because of this unfortunate occurence. due to his mother doing this, he now hates women and will help children in need in order to keep the from suffering the same fate he did. He traveled to tolbi shortly before the start of this story to seek glory and fame and cocoa banana beans. He has also has heard of kraden's legendary beard.
Character Name: Isaiah
Age: 16
Race: Human
Appearance: A short young male, sandy blonde hair, and his looks betray his age in that he looks younger than he is.
Djinn: Jupiter Djinn Hurricane:Seals opponent's psynergy.
Jupiter Djinn: Raises party's resistance.
Psynergy:Ray psynergy as well as Ward psynergy
Utility Psynergy:Move and Pound Psynergy
Weapons and equipment:Isaiah carries only a basic broadsword.
Personality:Isaiah is selfish and doesn't care about other people. That being said doesn't mean he is willing to let someone die because of some annoying wild beast. he will ward off any elemental attacks in order to recieve praise. He enjoys a good tussle and will get into arguments for the fun of it and in order to baffle someone with his flawed logic. He is somewhat misogynistic as a result of his mother leaving him to fend for himself when he was younger
Biography:Isaiah is from Garoh. Despite being from garoh, he never turns into a werewolf while looking at the moon, resulting in his mother leaving him far outside the village because of this unfortunate occurence. due to his mother doing this, he now hates women and will help children in need in order to keep the from suffering the same fate he did. He traveled to tolbi shortly before the start of this story to seek glory and fame and cocoa banana beans. He has also has heard of kraden's legendary beard.
Profile Name: Demous
Character Name: Sayuri Takashi
Age: 18
Race: Half-Proxian
Appearance: She is 5'9" with an athletic build. She has waist-length red hair and sharp red eyes. Her skin has a red tint that is lessened due to her human blood. She has scales on her shoulders, back and the back of her hands continuing about halfway up her forearm easily identifying her as Proxian. She wears her hair in a long thin ponytail. She wears black armored boots, black pants, a white sleeveless shirt and white cloth bandages that cover her hands and lower arms. She also wears a black hooded cloak that ends above her ankles.
Djinn: Flash - Zaps an enemy with a moderate amount of electricity - Jupiter
Psynergy: Fume, Beam, and Stardust
Utility Psynergy: Blaze and Burst
Weapons and equipment: She has a sword made by her father. The sword looks basically like this except the two stubs on the side aren't there. The hilt and blade are black and the gold is red. Her cloths are also flame resistant so it isn't destroyed my her psynergy. Her cloak is also enchanted to protect her against Mercury psynergy which is her natural weakness.
Personality: She is generally laid back and carefree. She has a general distrust for people but rarely shows it. She is very good at hiding things and keeping secrets. She is generally difficult to anger. Two things that anger her are theft/vandalism and threatening or harming her friends or family. She enjoys writing and drawing the characters she's created. She also gets very determined once she makes up her mind about something.
Biography: She was born south of Ayuthay in the back of a wagon of a merchant caravan. Her father was a Proxian mercenary who had been hired by the caravan and her mother was the daughter of the Merchant that owned the caravan. She was their second daughter. Her older sisters name was Akami and she was two years older. A couple years after she was born her dad was injured in a raid by bandits and was no longer able to fight. So he became a black and weapons smith for the caravan repairing anything that broke and making weapons to sell with iron they bought or traded. As they grew older they were taught to fight by their father. Their mother taught them about trade among various other things. They both learned quickly. She learned slightly faster due to more exposure. Their mother was a jupiter Psynergist though she didn't use her psynergy often. They both inherited psynergy from their mother but in two different types. Sayuri was a Mars and Akami was a Jupiter. They learned the basic from their mother and more advanced stuff from other psynergists in the caravan. As they grew older the two sisters grew extremely close becoming almost inseparable. When she turned 14 they were given a pair of swords made by their father and another smith in Prox. A short while after her 16th birthday her sister left with no explanation which confused the whole caravan and especially Sayuri. She was utterly devastated that she wasn't trusted with the reason why she left. So a couple days after she turned 16 she left to go and find her sister. She has spent two years traveling searching for her sister. During those two years she found a handful of abandoned and injured birds which she patched up and kept them as pets that she generally let fly around as they please.
Character Name: Sayuri Takashi
Age: 18
Race: Half-Proxian
Appearance: She is 5'9" with an athletic build. She has waist-length red hair and sharp red eyes. Her skin has a red tint that is lessened due to her human blood. She has scales on her shoulders, back and the back of her hands continuing about halfway up her forearm easily identifying her as Proxian. She wears her hair in a long thin ponytail. She wears black armored boots, black pants, a white sleeveless shirt and white cloth bandages that cover her hands and lower arms. She also wears a black hooded cloak that ends above her ankles.
Djinn: Flash - Zaps an enemy with a moderate amount of electricity - Jupiter
Psynergy: Fume, Beam, and Stardust
Utility Psynergy: Blaze and Burst
Weapons and equipment: She has a sword made by her father. The sword looks basically like this except the two stubs on the side aren't there. The hilt and blade are black and the gold is red. Her cloths are also flame resistant so it isn't destroyed my her psynergy. Her cloak is also enchanted to protect her against Mercury psynergy which is her natural weakness.
Personality: She is generally laid back and carefree. She has a general distrust for people but rarely shows it. She is very good at hiding things and keeping secrets. She is generally difficult to anger. Two things that anger her are theft/vandalism and threatening or harming her friends or family. She enjoys writing and drawing the characters she's created. She also gets very determined once she makes up her mind about something.
Biography: She was born south of Ayuthay in the back of a wagon of a merchant caravan. Her father was a Proxian mercenary who had been hired by the caravan and her mother was the daughter of the Merchant that owned the caravan. She was their second daughter. Her older sisters name was Akami and she was two years older. A couple years after she was born her dad was injured in a raid by bandits and was no longer able to fight. So he became a black and weapons smith for the caravan repairing anything that broke and making weapons to sell with iron they bought or traded. As they grew older they were taught to fight by their father. Their mother taught them about trade among various other things. They both learned quickly. She learned slightly faster due to more exposure. Their mother was a jupiter Psynergist though she didn't use her psynergy often. They both inherited psynergy from their mother but in two different types. Sayuri was a Mars and Akami was a Jupiter. They learned the basic from their mother and more advanced stuff from other psynergists in the caravan. As they grew older the two sisters grew extremely close becoming almost inseparable. When she turned 14 they were given a pair of swords made by their father and another smith in Prox. A short while after her 16th birthday her sister left with no explanation which confused the whole caravan and especially Sayuri. She was utterly devastated that she wasn't trusted with the reason why she left. So a couple days after she turned 16 she left to go and find her sister. She has spent two years traveling searching for her sister. During those two years she found a handful of abandoned and injured birds which she patched up and kept them as pets that she generally let fly around as they please.