Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 25 min ago

It had been two weeks since the outbreak had hit California and spread to the city of Los Angeles, survivors from the city had fled to US Military Base Camp Pendleton. Sophia was carrying two bottles of water she had got from the soldiers who were handing out water to the civilians, the young blonde headed back towards her tent. She went back to thinking of the past two weeks had happened she was at her action movie premiere called The World Ends where she was the star of the movie. Sophia remembered a person was staggering towards the crowd and started attacking people. Sophia shook the thought out of her mind, she quickly headed to the tent not wanting to be seen by the other refugees asking for an autograph, when she finally reached the large tent Sophia looked at her younger sister Katelyn who was sitting on her empty bed that had been set up. "Got you some water." Sophia said as she sat down and handed Katelyn the bottle.

"Thanks sis." Katelyn said with a smile taking the bottle from her older sister's hand and twisted the cap open and took a sip of the cool water having not drinked anything the whole day she sighed, the young brunette looked at Sophia for a moment and then down at her phone having not gotten any calls from their parents which worried her, she tried multiple times but the phone lines were all busy or not even working at all due to the lack of power. "I'm sure they are alright, we will get back I promise." Sophia reassured her younger sister. "I know, I just want to know if they are alright is all." In the distance she could hear gunfire which caused Katelyn to jump, Sophia went over and sat down next to her keeping her sister calm incase an asthma attack happened her medicine was in the backpack on the floor. The military has been keeping the infected out and were making sure no one had been bitten. It would be a matter of time the undead would come through.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wired


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Two weeks had passed. Two whole weeks. The world went to hell quickly when people started turning feral and biting each other. They infected their victims with whatever disease they had and quickly the virus spread. It wasn't long before Los Angeles resembled hell and most of the cities people were changed into it's demons. Otto didn't know what happened to his family. He rushed through hell to get home just to find his mother and baby sister deceased on beds. They were each covered with a white sheet and each had bullet wounds to the head. His father was hanging by the ceiling in his parents room, casting a shadow over his mothers resting place. He was likely driven to madness by the choices his morals forced him to make. Otto hadn't forgiven him for taking his own life, but he understood. What happened to his girlfriend and her father was unthinkable though, literally; Otto hadn't allowed himself to think about it. It would be too much. He was already on the brink, any more trauma and he would break mentally, never to pick up the pieces.

All he found he could do for now was survive. For all he knew he still had two siblings out there, they wouldn't be able to get into the city with all the monsters there. If they were still living it was up to him to tell them the families fate, it was his curse to bear, for now at least. This he had been thinking about. If they somehow were still alive and they found each other at some point would he tell them the truth? Maybe it would be better if he told them they had gone down protecting each other like a family should; like Abigail's father... Not by being forced to put each other down like sick dogs. He had often wondered whether it was his mother who had put his sister out of her misery, or maybe his mom bit Marie and she was forced to shoot her. Or maybe his father simply came home and found them both feral. He would never know.

He had been forced to kill a few feral people on his journey to the camp. He had to protect Abigail and her father. Her dad was a powerful man physically but he was only one man, they had to look out for each other. Killing the feral people was hard at first; it made Otto feel guilty. Not for the simple act of killing them, they were monsters, there was nothing to feel guilty about there, but for enjoying killing them... With the killing came a certain feeling; an intense excitement or maybe happiness. He didn't know how to describe it even to himself, all he knew was that in the few seconds during or after putting one of them down all of his problems disappeared and the infinite and intense anger he felt in the pit of his stomach subsided. It was bliss. After another few seconds though the blissfulness passed, the insurmountable anger returned and with it came a great shame for feelings he had just felt.

Finally Otto was pulled out of his own mind by the sound of distant gunshots. There had been a lot of them lately and there were seemingly more every day. Despite the obvious worry of that Otto just couldn't find it in him to give a fuck... Sighing heavily he sat up on his bunk and rubbed his face with his hands and then began looking across the dimly lit and relatively quiet yet large tent. Most were asleep, drained physically and mentally by everything that was happening. Quietly though he watched two sisters talk; or at least he assumed they were sisters by the close way they seemed to be communicating. In the quiet Otto caught the last two sentences of their conversation and immediately choked. He laid back down, folded his arms over his face and wept silently.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The sun was bright and beautiful the rays beaming down upon Jades light pale skin. She loved the feel of the sun and the light it makes. She was spread on the ground her body aching form the last couple of days. She mentally tried to make the sun’s rays heal her throbbing body. Jade heard yet another military gun go off, they seemed to be so many, it was hard trying to keep her mind focused on the radiant sun. She could feel herself twitch with every shot that spread across the camp. Her twin brothers were sitting beside her in a protective manner. She felt pathetic her sweet brothers where only eighteen and they was keeping her safe, Jade was the oldest she had to be strong, yet she felt weaker than a newborn. Her eyes began to cloud with fresh tears. Jade could not cry, not in front of Tristan and Samuel she had to keep some of herself together. She could not put everything onto her brothers’ shoulders. She smiled slightly once she noticed Samuel looking at her. She could see his lips starting to form upward; it faded once another shot rang out.

“Look Samuel.” Tristan said while nodding toward a blonde woman. She was walking into the tent that held their own cots with several other people who was lucky enough to make it into the camp. “Was that the actress Sophia?” Tristan started talking with Samuel about the actress and then they started on about her movies. This made Jade smile, a real smile not the ones she had been faking for her brothers, even when the world had gone to hell boys would still be boys. This gave her hope that maybe it would not be so bad. The world would go back to normal or what was left of normal. They would just have to wait for a while be safe inside the camp until the military fixed it all. Jade picked up her flashlight that lay beside. “Do you think the batteries will last the night?” Her question snapped the boys out of their conversation. “Of course it will don’t worry. Even if it didn’t we will be right beside you the entire night. You have nothing to worry about Jade.” Tristan said pulling Samuel down so they all laid down touching shoulder to shoulder. She continued to watch the sky. The clouds were big fluffy cotton puffs. How can the day be so beautiful yet unbelievably ugly at the same time? That was her last thought before she slipped into a restless sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"So, yeah, how much longer do you think it's gonna be, Captain?" Alex Culver asked a clearly irritated Marine corporal. "Cause, you know, we're playing Nashville this coming Friday night. I didn't mind missing the last few games, but I really hate those saber-toothed dorks. Oilers, Stars, Blues, none of them bug me that much, but the Predators really have it out for me. I remember their guy Aune really got me good a couple seasons back. That's how this happened, right?" Culver grinned at the silent and unresponsive Marine, pointing at a clearly visible chip in his incisor. "Got him back real good, though. It was worth the penalty. But they've been after me ever since. Do you want my autograph? Hey, where you going?" he called after the Marine as the man walked away.

Alex sighed. The time had been dragging on since all practice and games had been cancelled and the team evacuated. He had packed a couple bags and made his way to Camp Pendleton, instead of flying out like most of the rest of the teams. He had spent most of his childhood on one military base or another, they just felt right to him. And Alex figured he might as well be with his fans.

But seriously, two weeks? This was getting ridiculous. There had been some looting, he was a little worried about his condo on the 22nd floor of a trendy downtown building. A bunch of his stuff would probably fetch a high price online if people knew it belonged to the great Alex Culver of the Los Angeles Kings. But nobody knew when any of this would blow over. Guess the only thing to do was wait.

And so, Alex sighed, dejectedly tapped an old wiffle ball with his favorite stick. Might as well pass a little time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The camp was full of all kinds of people in Los Angeles and now they had nothing to do but just sleep, talk, and eat. Hell, how is there still food and bottles left, the supples must less be at a low level. Johnny still had some Matador Beef Jerky, that the military gave out to the people within the camp, but he still had some food in case things went down hill. His shotgun was beside him, thankfully the military let him keep it otherwise, he would of had gone crazy and trashed the camp. He was thinking of where his father was, in Washington DC, or in the Middle East, or dead by one of those things. In anyway, Johnny put his together and prayed for his father to be safe and found him as soon as he can. He didn't have his, due to the military's fear of anyone that had guns, that they would shot anything that moved.

He then heard the military firing their weapons and covered his ears and almost cried. He said at building to building for days, he heard gunshots, crying, yelling, and many other things, that scared Johnny. He just wanted to end it all and join his mother up at heaven but something is keeping him going, but he doesn't know what. It could be finding his father or something else, he just didn't know but he was safe for now. He decided to get up and look around for people to talk to because he had nothing else to do beside sit and let his mind think. But, he then saw a guy laying on a bed and looked like he was thinking and Johnny knocked on a pole and said, "Want to talk? I know that we got nothing else to do beside talking to eachother.".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wired


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Otto's heart raced as a group of three feral humans attacked them. Abigail and her father both stood a few metres behind him. In the corner of his eye Otto saw Mr Kaplan pull his pistol and begin raising it. Within a second a loud bang rang out and one of the infected dropped to the floor as the .45 round tore through it's forehead and brain. Before he could line up and take another shot the infected were already basically on top of him. He dodged out of the way of the first one, positioning his foot so the creature tripped and fell as Otto dodged it's attack. He heard a frightened gasp almost immediately but didn't have time to turn and see what or why it was. The other creature was already trying to kill him, it threw itself at him and this time he wasn't in a position to dodge. The creature hit him full force and went down on top of him as he fell backwards. He heard another shot as the creature snapped at his face and then another one as the creatures brains were torn apart and it went completely limp. Otto could barely lift the thing off him and when he finally did he was pissed that neither Mr Kaplan or Abigail had helped him.

“Thanks for the-”

His words stopped. He couldn't speak. Abigail was on the ground, the dead creature Otto had tripped by her side and blood pouring from her hand.

Otto awoke with a panicked breath, he was shaking and covered in sweat, he couldn't tell whether the wetness on his pillow was from sweat or tears. He brought his hands up to his face and wiped the tears that he could feel appearing. He had done enough crying for today.

"Want to talk? I know that we got nothing else to do beside talking to each other."

Otto sat up, thankful for the darkness. He didn't much feel like talking but he definitely understood. There was only so much you could do to keep your mind off of everything in a military camp possibly surrounded by feral cannibal people. It was a really shitty situation. Besides, Otto needed something to take his mind off of things anyway and talking was one of the few things he could muster the effort to do currently.

“True enough man. I'm Otto, a pleasure to meet you... Wish it was under better circumstances though.” Otto tried his best to keep the pain out of his voice when he spoke and stood up to shake the strangers hand.

“So, you know of anything one can do around here to keep themselves busy? Mentally or physically I mean. I've had enough of laying in bed now.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“True enough man. I'm Otto, a pleasure to meet you... Wish it was under better circumstances though.” Otto said as he shake Johnny's hand and Johnny responded, "It's Johnny, well this is okay circumstances least we aren't outside of this camp.". Johnny laughed after he had said something and heard Otto talking and Johnny said, "Well the guards aren't happy campers and there nothing to do but talk, eat, and sleep.". Johnny then said, "Did they take your weapon away, I was pissed off when they did. I mean what if one of those things gets in here and bits everyone.". He waited and decided to see what the army was shooting at, he turned back to Otto and said, "Want to come with and see what the army is shooting at? There had been a lot of gunshots lately.". Johnny assumes that Otto said yes and he goes towards the gunshots.

He saw a couple of soldiers, firing at the things as he could hear the bodies falling to the ground. Johnny stool and was thinking of what to do next and then he saw the gate, that he and the others entered and the room where they kept his shotgun.

-Two Days Ago-

Johnny was finally out of Los Angeles and he was thankful that he was before he became one of them. He looked like he hasn't taken a bath in days and blood covered his shirt and pants. He saw a couple more of those things, but he also saw a camp and made a dash for it and he shouted for help. He ran almost to the camp until people fired at the things and Johnny ducked in order to not get hit by bullets. He then heard shouting from the people and heard, "Come here now!" and Johnny walked towards the people and saw the army with guns, pointing at Johnny. "He looks human and he also has a shotgun. Should we let him in?" said a soldier and another one nodded his head and said to come in and change into something, that doesn't smell.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


Member Offline since relaunch

Frank Carter

Frank was in his tent. He sat on a stool, with a table in front of him. On the table there were various things. Among them there was Frank's LAPD detective badge and an open notebook with a ballpoint pen in the middle of it. Ever since the outbreak, Frank started keeping a journal in which he described various events or his current situation. He wrote in it 3 times so far. This was about to be his 4th entry. After scratching his head Frank grabs the pen and started leafing towards the beginning of the notebook. After doing that he leafed forward two pages, which were written. On the other side of the 2nd page, which was blank, he starts writing down.

Entry nr.4

It's been 6 days since me and my companion Sarah arrived at this camp. Time passes very hard here. You cannot even begin to imagine how boring it is. Mainly because there's really nothing to do besides sleep, eat, drink and go for a walk around the camp. We aren't allowed with our guns either. The military took all of them and placed them in a seperate tent. Out here the military are doing all the fighting, and there's quite alot of them too. Most of the military presence stay at the walls, shooting at any walker that comes close to the camp. So far so good but this place is not gonna last. There's too many of those things and ammmunition is not infinte. Sooner or later this place will be overrun.

Just as Frank finished writing and put the notebook and pen away Sarah arrives inside the tent with some food in her hand. "Here you go! You said you were hungry so I went and took some beef jerky and biscuits." Said Sarah with a smile on her face as she handed over the food to Frank. "Post apocaliptic food! You just gotta love it." Said Frank with a somewhat dissapointed tone as he took the food and placed it on the table. "Is that badge yours? You never told me you were a cop." Said Sarah as she took a stool, sat next to Frank and took the badge as she started looking at it. "Homicide detective." Said Frank as he took a bite of some beef jerky. "Now that I think of it I do remember seeing you on TV. Your unorthodox methods of work reached even the media's ears." Said Sarah as she put Frank's badge back on the table and took a biscuit, biting from it.

"Yeah, but at least I was efficient wasn't I? Not even one unsolved murder case." Said Frank looking at Sarah and raising the index finger of his right hand. "My daddy was a cop too. He was a sergeant. He taught me how to shoot. Although he was always busy with his police duties he was the best dad in the world. I can't believe I killed him." Said Sarah as she got sentimental and started crying. "It's okay. I was forced to kill my parents too so I know exactly how you feel." Said Frank as he finished eating the beef jerky slice in his hand and hugged Sarah. Frank met Sarah while he was still in Los Angeles trying to escape. Frank saved her life and the two paired up deciding that they are better off together then alone.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wired


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

“Yeah, I suppose it could be worse, could be a million times better too though. They took my weapon as well. It wasn't nothing fancy, just a Glock 17 with a spare clip... Still, it belonged to my father and I wouldn't mind getting it back. Wouldn't mind seeing what all this shootings about either. So yeah, I'll come with you.”

It didn't take the two of them too long to walk to one of the entrances of the camp where the military were seemingly constantly busy gunning down the crazies at the fences. The military presence wasn't light by any means but it was obvious they were a stretched a little thin. There were other places the soldiers had to keep an eye on after all as well trying to keep the camp under control. There were a lot of scared and desperate people; if they weren't careful things could spiral out of control very quickly. If he was honest with himself Otto was kind of sick of the base. He was sick of having nothing to do but stay in his head all day. The more he thought about it the more he wanted to leave. He observed the camp entrance for a minute or two; watching the feral people come again and again at the fence and the soldiers do their best to deal with them. After a couple of minutes yet another soldier came and began trying to whittle down the crazies numbers. They were distracted. Hopefully enough for Otto's obviously reckless plan to work.

“With all their focus on those fences it shouldn't be too hard to creep in there and grab our weapons. With the distraction of those crazies attacking I doubt anyone would even notice. It's not like we'd be heard over the gun fire either. I'm up for creeping in if you are, but that leaves us with one more problem. Mines just a relatively small Glock, how are you planning on keeping whatever weapon of yours is stashed in there concealed?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jade woke from hungry; the pain in her stomach would not let her rest any longer. It took her a minute to open her eyes, as the sun was beaming onto them. Jade was beyond relief she did not wake up to darkness. Once her eyes were fully open she saw the twins had returned to their sitting positions. “How long was I out?” She said as her stomach protested in a growl. Samuel laughed. “Not too long maybe fifteen minutes at the most.” Tristan stood smacking at any dust that clung to his clothing. “I will go get us something to eat. You two should head back into the tent.” Jade shook her head. “I don’t want us to go off alone anywhere. We will go with you.” Samuel pulled Lilith up off the ground. “He will be fine. We are at a military base nothing is going to happen.” Tristan gave a slight half grin and walked away. Jade wanted to stay and wait but her brother tugged her toward the tent.

Standing at the opening Jade tapped on the said of the entrance twice. She could feel her inside twist. A tent needed doorknobs it did not feel right to just tap the side of a cloth like doorway. They slowly made it back to their cots. By the time they set down Tristan made it back with food in hand. “See we told you everything would be alright.” He smiled handing them some of the food. Jade wanted to burst into tears again she was still feeling like a child while her brothers were being strong. She gave another fake smile before taking a small bite of food.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

“With all their focus on those fences it shouldn't be too hard to creep in there and grab our weapons. With the distraction of those crazies attacking I doubt anyone would even notice. It's not like we'd be heard over the gun fire either. I'm up for creeping in if you are, but that leaves us with one more problem. Mines just a relatively small Glock, how are you planning on keeping whatever weapon of yours is stashed in there concealed?” Johnny heard this at he looked at the tent, that had everyone's weapons, and turned to Otto and said, "Too risky, they sent a guy to check out the tent each day. Besides, this will end soon.". He turned away from the gate and walked away for it and saying, "If you want to come Otto, we could talk to someone else." and kept walking away. Johnny assumed that Otto either enter the tent or he still is looking at the gate and walked towards the group of people. He saw a guy, sitting there playing with a stick and ball and decided to say something to him, "Hello, mate. What's your name?".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nallore
Avatar of Nallore

Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 25 min ago

In the distance outside of the gates of the military base there was an SUV going very fast, inside was a man and his daughter the young girl had been bitten and was about to turn soon. A man from the military grabbed a megaphone. "Stop the vehicle or be shot!" He yelled, suddenly there was blood splatter on the windshield of the oncoming car it started to pickup speed and the men were ordered to open fire and the gunshots become more rapid then before. The SUV suddenly drove through the main gate running over a civilian killing the person instantly, the walkers then used that time and started pouring into the military base grabbing hold of anyone that was close and bit them.

Sophia and Katelyn heard the gunshots coming more rapidly then they had been before. "Stay here okay Kate?" Sophia reached out to grab her older sister's hand and shook her head. "No i'm coming with you." She said, Sophia sighed and shook her head she was always stubborn before finally relenting and nodded. "Okay stay close." Sophia said as she headed out, and saw a girl and two boy heading into the tent next to them, in the distance a few feet away from the main gate plumes of smoke started to rise, and then she could see some of the soldiers backing away still firing their weapons.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wired


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Otto had decided to stay behind and see if there was a way he could see his admittedly reckless plan through. He really did want to leave and in order to do that he really did need his gun back. Or at least that's what he was telling himself in order to justify even considering creeping into the large guarded tent and stealing his gun back. Fortunately, or very unfortunately depending on how you look at it he didn't get too much longer to dwell on the idea. A vehicle was apparently speeding towards the bases main entrance and before Otto knew it the soldiers had opened fire on the car and Otto had a vehicle coming at him at over a hundred miles per hour. Whether it was adrenaline, years of reflex training or a fierce mix of both Otto didn't know but he managed to dive and roll out of the cars path in the nick of time. He watched from his ass as the car continued on, flipped over and flattened another civilian. It was a gruesome sight.

Otto couldn't afford to stare too long however as he heard the sound of the feral people getting closer and closer. Quickly getting to his feet he rushed towards and into the tent in which held the bases confiscated weapons. It was a crazy sight; the tent was jam packed full of weaponry. Otto went along the isles as fast as he could trying to find the Glock 17 with his name tag on. Just when it seemed impossible Otto spotted the barrel of a Glock sticking out from underneath an assault rifle and quickly pulled the weapon and tag out from underneath. When it read Otto Olson he barely managed to stop himself from shouting out in momentary and misplaced joy.

He took the two magazines next to the weapon and slotted one inside, quickly going through the motions of loading the handgun. For a couple of seconds he thought about taking the rifle but quickly decided against it. He was used to the handgun by now but had never even fired a rifle. It was a bad idea through and through. Then another thought crossed his mind, he had the urge to try and find Johnny's weapon and then try to find him again but there were obvious flaws in the plan straight up. Firstly it would be chaos trying to find him in the camp right now and secondly he didn't remember what kind of weapon Johnny's even was, or whether the subject had even come up. He didn't think it had.

With his business concluded and nothing more he could do Otto rushed out of the tent, being shocked still for a few moments at the sight of the chaos. There was no way he was getting out of the main entrance; it was jammed packed with crazies fighting their way in. With no other option in sight Otto ran deeper into the camp, hoping and praying that he could find a vehicle or another way out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vampiress


Member Offline since relaunch

It's been two weeks since the outbreak. My sister, Laney and I were having our annual road trip and decided to go to Los Angeles this year. I can't find her. I lost her somewhere in the city. When all hell broke loose. We were walking... someone got bitten... Chaos began and we got seperated. I hope to God that she is alive and out looking for me because that is what i am doing. I managed to get out of the city but i have no idea where i am. I heard that Camp Pendelton is full of survivors but i don't know where that is or if i am even close to it. I am praying someone finds me before they do. I don't even know what to call them. Rotters? I've never seen anything like it before, i mean i've seen my share of zombie movies but i never thought that it would become real life. I don't want to call them zombies because i don't want to believe it. They don't run, thank God. Walkers? Either, or they are still dead and eating people. I only have one weapon thanks to my dad. He gave me his M1911 pistol before i moved to Baton Rouge and i just so happened to bring it on the road trip...

Lexie's head perked up, listening to the sounds of the forest around her. She closed her black notebook and tucked it back into her bookbag. Standing to her feet, she reached for her pistol. The leaves rustled a few feet ahead of her and she pointed her gun towards the noise. She wanted to call out but decided against it in case it was a Rotter. And it was. The male stumbled towards her from behind a set of trees, groaning and snapping it's teeth at her. "Shit." She grabbed all her supplies and shoved them in her bag. The male tripped over some branches, falling to the ground which gave her some time to escape. She didn't want to fire her pistol and draw more attention to her. She learned the hard way a few days ago.

Scurring through the woods, she came across a broken down, car infested road. "Fuck." She gripped her pistol, slowly making her way through the crowd. Her heart thumped in her chest as she looked in each car, hoping to at least find a survivor who was hiding or some kind of food or supplies. Most of the cars were abandoned or had some kind of rotting body inside. The familiar groaning came from behind her and Lexie spun around on her toes facing a pack of Rotters. "Oh no..."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Uh, what the hell?" Culver mumbled, looking up from the ball he was dejectedly tapping against a wall. Holding his lucky hockey stick at his side, he tentatively peered around the corner at the sound of automatic gunfire. His eyes widened as he took in the gate, lying crushed under the wheels of a heavy SUV, and the geeks coming through and biting anyone foolish enough to stand close. The Marines were putting up a decent fight, but stress and fatigue had obviously worn down their combat ability. Not to mention the sheer number of geeks pouring through this small opening.

Culver considered himself a brave man, but he also considered himself to be a pragmatic one. Obviously, the best thing to do was get out of there, at least temporarily. Maybe the Marines would rally and fight off the geeks and repair the breached defenses. Maybe. Until then, it might be a good idea to gather some supplies, maybe a few more people, a vehicle. Then head inland. One of those he knew where to find. He had been signing autographs at the motor pool the previous day, and noticed that the military vehicles required no keys, just the push of a button. Some of them were probably still fueled.

He had to get to work. The resistance at the front gate would crumble here in a moment. "Time to be a hero," he said with a grin as he ran out, flagging down the first person he saw. "Follow me! I know where to get wheels!" he commanded like he was out on the rink.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jade had just finished eating when the rapid gun fire started to spread across the military base. “What the hell?” Jade whispered to herself, jumping up off her cot. A loud crash from outside of the tent and the screaming from the other civilians snapped Jade out of her rushing thoughts. She looked around but her brothers were nowhere around. Jade thought they must have went out to see what the rapid fire was about just like some of the other curious occupants. She rushed toward the opening of the tent tapping it twice before rushing out. She searched around her eyes wide as she seen the chaos unfold before her. The rabid people had finally made it inside attacking anyone and everyone; spreading fear into the onlookers. Jade wanted to run but she had no idea where to go or if her brothers were safe. She needed to find them but she began to shake uncontrollable as more people fell to the ground. The site of them and their screams would be etched in her memory forever.

Jade felt an arm wrap around her pulling her past the tent and toward the back of the military base. She started screaming trying to fight back at the thing that had her. “Jade! Stop!” She swung her head backwards to find herself in Tristan’s arms. The feel of her brother’s arms and the knowing fact that she was safe in them made her lose the last strength she had. Her tears fell as her brother still dragged her away from the horrid sight that had unfolded in the base. Tristan was leading them to were the military cars where kept. It seemed he was not the only one thinking about stealing a car. Jade suddenly halted her moments pulling Tristan to a stop. “Samuel.” She said in a whisper. “What? We don’t have time for this we have to go!” He tried pulling her more forcefully, however Jade would not budge. “Samuel! I don’t see him! Why is he not here? We have to go back!” This time it was Tristan who had the tears flowing down his pale face that showed deep sadness. “He is gone Jade…. We have to go.” His voice was broken and cracked. Jade let herself be dragged this time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Before Johnny could talk to the guy, he heard a car rushing towards the gate and ramming it. It flipped and landed on a citizen and saw the poor citizen getting flatter and Johnny wanted to throw up but there was no time. He rushed back to the gate, it may seem dumb, but he had to have his shotgun and Otto. He didn't know why he must find him, it could be that he made a friend that hasn't died. He saw the things rushing from the main gate and ran inside the tent and searched his shotgun, but he heard 'them' roaring and he finally found his shotgun. He grabbed it and saw one of those things entering the tent, it was an older man that showed his bite mark around the neck, and Johnny aimed the shotgun at him and fired at his head.

The brain and the blood got all over the tent and got some on his shirt, but he didn't care and had to get to the military vehicles and find Otto. He saw the things had spotted him and rushed to him and Johnny shouted, "Oh Fuck!" and tried to run away from them as he held on to his shotgun and rushed to the vehicles. He saw the vehicles and shouted for help but he tripped and fell to the ground as his shotgun flew pass him and landed far away from Johnny. He had to get up and grab his shotgun and fired at them before they bite into him. He kept shouting Otto's name in hopes of getting him to help him before it was too late.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 25 min ago

Sophia watched as the chaos continued people were screaming gunshots continued to ring out, she quickly went back into the tent and grabbed the two backpacks of supplies that they got when they came in containing Katelyn's medication, a few days worth of food and clothes. "C'mon lets go." Sophia said as she grabbed her younger sister's hand, she spotted a crowbar near a crate and quickly grabbed it before heading over towards the cars. Some of them were military while others were civilians who managed to get their cars inside before they could breakdown. Katelyn held her older sister's hand tightly, her breathing started to get heavy she looked back behind her seeing more walkers coming some started chasing them. "Their chasing us!" Katelyn yelled holding Sophia's hand tightly.

Sophia could hear a man yelling out some guy named Otto and saw him trip and fall onto the ground, she noticed the shotgun fall to the ground and slide several feet away. She made a run towards Johnny and helped him up to his feet, Sophia noticed the Walkers were getting closer. "C'mon we need to get to the cars." Sophia said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A trained athlete with a head start, Alex Culver easily reached the motor pool before anyone else. He tossed his hockey stick in through the open window, jumped into the driver's seat and started the engine with the push of a button. Alex smirked at the full fuel gauge. Granted, this wouldn't get him terribly far in this gas guzzler, but it'd do. Besides, if he had read USA Today correctly, then he understood one of these babies cost $65,000. Seemed an appropriate price level for him. He didn't want to be seen in some grocery wagon.

He peeled out of the garage, practically on two wheels. The suspension was a little stiffer than his Hummer, the steering a little tougher. It didn't have the satellite radio or heated leather seats of his ride, either. But it was essentially the same deal. He could handle this, no sweat.

Alex could hear that the firing had dropped off to short, intermittent bursts. Ordinarily he might assume that meant the Marines had won, but the screams and fleeing civilians suggested otherwise. Too many geeks. Alex pulled to a halt in the midst of the chaos, laid on the horn in several sharp bursts. Leaning out the window, he yelled to anyone who could hear. "Free ride! Anyone! Get in, plenty of room!"

He wished his agent was here, this would be great for his image. Professional athlete stops to rescue refugees. Man, that would trend all over Twitter. He could worry about that later, though. He slammed the horn again. "C'mon, people, move it or lose it! Somebody get in here!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackacidan


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Several soldiers and a couple men in white lab coats sat in a dimly lit room at Camp Pendleton. Their voices began to get louder as they talked, their tempers beginning to flare. Victor Owens put his head in his hands and took a deep breath. He was doing his best to stay calm and not have another angry outburst. It had been the same thing for the past week. They would argue about what was happening, who was to blame and how to resolve the issue. Nothing productive ever came from it though.

Victor sighed and addressed the soldiers, "Look, for the hundredth time, there's nothing we can do here! We have no equipment. If any progress is to be made, we need access to our laboratory. We at least need one of those corpses so we can study it. Maybe then there's a chance at discovering the origin of this madness."

The ranking officer in the room was having none of it. "Those things are all over the place outside this base and we've lost enough good men already! We need answers, not excuses!"

Before the argument could escalate any further, there was a loud noise outside. The sound of gunfire was usually present at the camp, but now it had intensified. Everybody ran, or wheeled, out of the building where their meeting was taking place. A vehicle had blasted through the gate, and now the dead were pouring inside. A vicious battle was taking place, and the humans appeared to be on the losing side. Victor and his colleague, a younger scientist named Ed, were momentarily left alone. "Let's get out of here!" Ed yelled, and he grabbed Victor's arm to try and pull him along. Victor shook his arm free, not wanting to accept any assistance. "I'm going! I'm going!" he barked back at Ed. Victor moved his wheelchair along as fast as his arms could make it go, as the two headed away from the gate and further into the base.
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