Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


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Joe Carter

After spending days in the outskirts of Los Angeles, Scared, always looking behind and with no idea what to do, Joe finally man up and decided to go to Camp Pendleton. He'd hoped his brother would be there, especially since someone told him two days ago that the US military took alot of survivors there. He found a gray 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII in very good working condition in the garage of a house and decided to take the vehicle and make his way to Camp Pendleton. Presently Joe was probably about less then an hour of driving away from Camp Pendleton.

However he was forced to abruptly stop the car as in front of him lied an immense sea of abandoned cars. Joe gets out of the car, puts his hands on his hips and nods his head in dissaproval. "You have got to be kiding me!" Said Joe, showing a disgusted face afterwards. As he was sitting with his ass on the hood of the car and trying to figure out what to do next, Joe couldn't help but notice something strange in the distance, but he couldn't see it clearly because it was too far away. He gets off the hood of the car, opens the driver's door and grabs his backpack from the passenger seat. After opening the backpack, Joe pulls out a pair of binoculars that he scavenged from a dead Marine. With the binoculars in hand Joe gets out of the car and starts looking through the binoculars as he was adjusting the zoom.

He saw a pack of about 5 walkers about to have their way with a redhead girl, leaning against a car. "Oh shit!" Said Joe as he took the binoculars off his eyes, got inside the car quickly, put the binoculars back in the backpack and started the car. Beying the kind-hearted person that he is, Joe wanted to help the poor soul about to get herself eaten alive. After starting the Lincoln, he drove backwards for a few feet and then stepped on the gas pedal, driving forward and steering to the left. The cars weren't blocking the whole road. The left side was still a little free. Joe was driving with the right half of the car on the road and the left half on the ground. He was also paying attention to to hit any trees.

WIth his foot on the gas pedal, the car continued to increase in speed as it got close to 90 mph when Joe slammed straight into the pack of walkers as 3 of them flew away, one got underneath the car and had his neck snapped by the wheels and the 5th was hit only slightly as he rolled a little bit and fell on the ground. Joe hit the brakes quickly as he grazed a tree with the right side of his car and hit his right side mirror as it detached from the car and fell on the ground. Turning his vision behind him, Joe reached out to the gear shifter, shifted into reverse gear and started driving backwards as he deliberately hit one of the 3 walkers that flew up in the air, as it was trying to get up from the ground, stepping with one of the wheels on it's head and making it snap like a watermellon. In all that chaos the glovebox opened up, revealing a Smith & Wesson snub-nosed .38 revolver and 2 speedloaders next to it.

He got out of the car, and despite the fact that he was scared as hell, he got close to one of the walkers that was trying to get up, pressed the barrel of the revolver against it's head and pulled the trigger, killing it. Joe wasn't a good shooter at all, he only knew the basics and his training was next to none. But from that point blank range nobody, not even a newbie like him, could miss. The recoil combined with his lack of training made Joe lose his attention for a second as he dropped the snubbie revolver and started shaking his right arm. In the meantime the other two walkers left were back up on their feet. As Joe leaned down to grab the revolver, one of them grabbed him in an attempt to bite him. Joe fell on the ground as he dropped the revolver again which ended up underneath one of the cars. Joe was now struggling with a walker on top of him and another one just a couple of feet away. Joe stared at the young lady which he was close to die for. "Get out of here now!" He yelled as he was holding the neck of the walker on top of him preventing it from biting him, but it was useless because the other one was close and once he would reach Joe it would be game over.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vampiress


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Lexie's mouth dropped open as she watched the Lincoln take down the Walkers that were trailing her. She had bent down, covering her eyes watching it crash into a tree then reverse and a guy looking to be about her age fall out of the car. She stood back to her height as everything just happened to quickly. He was now on the ground about to get bit. She knew what happened when people got bit or when a pack is on you in seconds, they rip you to shreds. Hearing him scream, a thought never even went through her head. Dropping her bag, she quickly walked over to the him, pointed her M1911 pistol at the Rotters head and fired off a single shot. The Rotter dropped instantly. She then took aim of the one that was coming at them, aimed and fired, watching him/her, she couldnt tell with this one if it were a male or female but it too dropped to the ground. She paused for a few seconds, looking around for anymore Rotters, once she thought they were clear she rushed over to the mans side and bent down next to him.

"Oh my god, are you ok?" Man, I would have been toast if you hadn't seen me. Thanks so much." She looked him over, checking to see if he had any bites or scratches. "You seem to be ok," She laughed uneasily, pushing her curls out of her face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wired


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Otto didn't exactly have the time to stop and fully take in what was happening to the base but from what he had seen thus far the place had fallen into chaos. Everyone was terrified, running around screaming for family, friends or simply in pain. It all sounded horrific. Occasionally Otto came across a walker or two, if he could he would simply dodge out of the creatures way but if he couldn't or he had people behind him he would simply draw his weapon up and send a round through it's head. It was around half way down the camp that Otto was stricken with guilt for not caring about anyone else. He suddenly really wanted to go and check his refugee tent. Maybe that's where Johnny had returned to.

With his own morals kicking his ass emotionally Otto ran towards the refugee tent in which he and a whole bunch of other people had been living in. Quickly making his way inside he was treated to a sight in which would make anyone's stomach turn. One of the old men in which Otto had seen sleeping in the tent for as long as Otto himself had been was kneeling over a dead body, pieces of flesh hanging from his mouth. Otto didn't understand, how had he been bitten? The walkers weren't this far into camp yet as far as he knew. With his moral magnitude now zapped empty at the sight he simply moved through the tent as fast as he could, putting a bullet into the old man's head as well as the dude in which he was feasting on. Luckily it seemed as if most had gotten the memo and moved the hell out.

Following suit Otto finally made it to the other side of the tent and escaped out into the light once again. He needed to go and get his vehicle. Sprinting faster than he had done in a long time he made his way to the civilian vehicle depot. The closer he got the more he thought he heard his name being shouted. In the five or so seconds it took him to close the distance he saw the only thing that could explain it. Johnny was being helped to his feet by a very familiar looking blonde woman, his shotgun a few feet away. Otto wanted to sprint and join up with them but he was struck once again by his morals. The feral horde was closing in and only a few feet in front of Otto was a young man doing his best to drag along a woman. They looked related. Otto couldn't force himself to just sprint on past so instead he just ran up to the two and wrapped one of the girls arms around his neck, the likely sibling having the other one.

“Let me help you, we're not gonna make it otherwise... I have a vehicle, a Toyota FJ Cruiser. Help me look for it.” Otto spoke, helping move the young woman as much as he could whilst also scanning the vehicles up ahead for his own ride. He hoped Johnny was safe with the women whom had helped him as he finally spotted his vehicle and moved towards it. Taking his keys (one of the few things the soldiers had allowed him to keep) from his pocket he pressed the button and unlocked his vehicle, quickly opening the boot and helping put the lady in the passenger seat before letting the man get into the back seat from the rear and slamming the back shut. Quickly starting the vehicle he slowly made his way out of the lot (being thankful that he was one of the later arrivals to the camp and that his vehicle was rather close to the edge of the lot) and sped up as he drove down the base looking for another way out.

“So, what're your names?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jade jerked slightly when she felt a hand lift her free arm. However she was so drained from the loss of her brother, Samuel, she just did not care anymore. She felt hollow and could not focus on what the newcomer was saying. “Toyota FJ Cruiser.” Tristan said out loud more to himself than anyone inpurticular. While searching for the vehicle Tristan started blinking back his streaming tears. It seemed the man had found his Toyota just in time Tristan could feel himself began to shake and the weight of Jade was increasing like she was about to collapse. Jade slid into the car as the two helped her. Tristan jumped in the back and slammed the door. Jade hoped the noise of the chaos outside would disappear but it did not; all she could do was draw into herself.

(“So, what’re your names?”)

Tristan tried to calm down before he answered the man’s question. “I’m Tristan and that is my sister Jade. Thank you for the help man. So what should we call you?” Tristan focused outside the car trying to help find a way out of this hellhole. Jade looked up after hearing her name. She realized that she was in the front with the newcomer. She could not help but give a sideways glaze toward her savior. He was quite handsome. Jade shook the thought away; she just lost her brother and people were dyeing just outside the car there was no time for thoughts like that. Instead she whispered. “What do we do now? Where do we go?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"C'mon we need to get to the cars." Johnny had heard those words as he grabbed his shotgun and he ran with the women. He then heard a horn of a car and saw a man shouting to get in the car and Johnny said to the women, "There get inside of it and get out of here. I'll make such they don't follow you guys.". He ran to the car and said, "There are two girls coming in the car, just go and I'll think of something.". He aimed his shotgun at one of those thing and fired onto the crowd of the undead, he hoped that the car had left (he couldn't hear the car due to his shotgun). There were too much for Johnny to kill but then he saw a car and decided to shoot at it, in hopes of starting a car alert. It worked as the sound was as loud as a school bell was and Johnny ran out of base before they would come and bite on him.

Johnny was thankful for the military to keep their cars here, after all it did safe his life. He had one last look at the base before he left and headed into the city once again. He had hoped that he was safe for good, but his definition of safe was forever changed because of this day.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


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Frank Carter

As Frank and Sarah were busy having their meal of the day, the shooting outside seemed to intensify. Frank heard shoot-out's when he was writing in his journal earlier too but he didn't pay attention because he got used with it. However now, things were different. Curious Frank rised from his stool and headed to the exit of the tent. After reaching the exit he stops there and looks behind at a concerned Sarah. "I'm gonna go out and see what this is all about. You stay here okay?!" Said Frank, gesturing with his left hand as Sarah nodded in approval without saying something. After getting out of the tent, Frank saw in shock as the front gate was crushed underneath the wheels of a large black SUV. he then watched as the SUV flipped over and crushed a civilian. That was gruesome to watch. And like that wasn't bad enough, swarms of walkers were now pouring through the opening killing anyone stupid enough to be close to those things.

The military were doing their best, but the situation was spiraling out of control fast. In that instant, Frank came to a realization, this place was no longer safe anymore. He then got back inside the tent as Sarah raised from her stool. "Pack up your stuff, and mine too. Were getting out of here" Said Frank. "But why? What's going on?" Asked Sarah again with that same concerned look on her face. "Just do it okay! This place is no longer safe. The military lost control. I'm gonna go grab our guns and then we'll go to the motor pool and take my car." He said as he kissed Sarah on her right cheek. "Everything is gonna be alright!" Said Frank with both his hands on Sarah's elbow's. He then ran out of the tent and straight to the place where all the weapons of the civilians were held. As he got inside the tent he saw a dead walker on the ground with his brains blown out by possibly a shotgun. As he passed through it, Frank stopped in the middle of the tent and started looking around.

Thank God the military put tags on each weapon with the name of the owner. But even if they wouldn't have done this, Frank knew the serial number of his Beretta so he couldn't have mistaken it for someone else's. This place was packed with all kind of weapons. Handguns were dominating the scene, but there were also some shotguns, AR-15's, some revolvers and even a couple of AK's, some imported some american-made. And of course, non projectile type of weapons like knives, baseball bat's, various types of axes and even a pair of knuckledusters. After grabbing his 92FS and the magazine he had with it, Frank removes the tag with his name and starts looking for Sarah's gun, a SIG Sauer P229 DAK chambered in .40 S&W. After finding her weapon too, Frank takes the two extra mags, removes the tag, runs out of the weapons tent and straight back into his, where Sarah just finished packing up.

"This is your toy, and the mags and this is mine. Now let's get the hell out of here." Said Frank as he handed over Sarah's P229 plus the two extra mags. Then the two put their guns in leather holsters that they had on their belts, and the mags in their pockets. Afterwards they both grab their backpacks as they get out of the tent and start running towards the motorpool, where all cars, civilian and military, were beying kept. "Oh my God I can't believe this is hapenning." Said Sarah scared as she kept looking back at the main gate while she was running with Frank towards the motorpool. When they arrived there Frank stopped and started looking for his car, a black with white stripes 1970 Chevrolet Chevelle SS. Frank loved this car. It had been in his family for over 20 years and he was close to giving it up while he was still in LA, trying to escape the city. As both he and Sarah got inside Frank took out his keys and started the car as the huge 454 cubic inch V8 engine started roaring angry. After revving the car for about 30 seconds Frank shifted into 1st gear pressed on the gas pedal with his right leg as the car rocketed out of it's parking place and passed right through Alex Culver, who was sitting at the exit, honking the horn of his car and screaming at people to come, trying to be a hero.
Joe Carter

As Joe was facing near death, the young girl ignored his request as she made short work of the two walkers left with her 1911. Then she kneeled down next to him, checked him for bites or scratches and thanked him for his heroic aid. Grabbing a car door handle with his left hand, Joe rises up on his feet as he started laughing. "I'm sorry, but it's incredible what this outbreak can do to people. Before this whole mess started I was a really against any type of violence. And now look at me, I almost died saving your life. But I guess we are even now. I saved yours you saved mine. By the way, my name's Joe. Joe Carter. And to answer your question...yes, i'm alright." Said Joe as he extended his hand to the girl who seemed about his age.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wired


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

The camp seemed to be in complete chaos now. People were running all over the place making Otto almost wish that he had been riding a motorcycle instead. It wasn't quite correct though, he couldn't have helped anyone on a bike, that alone made it okay for him to be driving as large a vehicle as he was. Nevertheless though he had to be extremely careful as he drove so as to not accidentally hit anybody who wasn't a crazy ass cannibal person. People were still shooting as well and the last thing Otto wanted was for him or either of his passengers to get hit by stray rounds.

“I’m Tristan and that is my sister Jade. Thank you for the help man. So what should we call you?”

“It's fine... I'm Otto.” Otto spoke quickly, his attention being taken as he had to swerve slightly to avoid a running woman.

“What do we do now? Where do we go?” The young woman; Jade asked. Otto wasn't too sure how to answer. All he could think about right now was how to get them the hell out of the base with their lives.

“I don't know.” Otto spoke honestly. “Once we get out of here we can find some place quiet and safe, even if it is temporarily to talk about that stuff. We weren't told much, I don't even know if safe still exists. The few soldiers I talked to seemed to be just as out of the loop as we are.”

If was then that Otto spotted Johnny blasting a car with his shotgun. He guessed it was to cause a distraction and buy everyone trying to get to their vehicles some time.

“Ah fuck, hold on guys.” Otto said as he sped up towards where Johnny was and pulled the handbrake, hitting a couple of the biters before popping the trunk and turning around.

“Johnny, get your ass in here!”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 25 min ago

When Johnny was finally helped up Sophia turned to look at the one man who was driving the military Humvee and looked to her sister who was still breathing heavily. "C'mon lets get in his car." Sophia said Katelyn simply nodded and started making a run towards Alex's car as he continued to honk the horn the walkers slowly started turning their attention towards it. When they were close enough Sophia let Katelyn inside first, then she felt something grabbing her arm and quickly turned around seeing one of soldiers who had recently turned. Sophia kicked him several times before it finally let go. "Go get us out of here!" Sophia yelled, Katelyn's breathing started to get worse, Sophia started digging through her pack and pulled out her sister's inhaler. The small hissing sound came from it the mist flowing into her sister's lungs Katelyn started to close her eyes and relax.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vampiress


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Lexie smiled, taking his hand in hers. "I'm Lexie...you can call me Lex, though." She, too, also laughed "yeah, I was a bartender back in Baton Rouge, my dad gave me this pistol when I moved down there." She looked over at her gun then back at Joe. "Good thing he Iis a corrections officer.. well was, I havent heard from him since the outbreak." She rubbed the back of her neck nervously, she took another look around. Sighing in relief that there were no Rotters in sight, she asked, "What's your story?" This was the first time in 2 weeks that she had a ful out conversation with another human being. Sure, she chatted with some Rotters but that was after she put a bullet through their head. It felt nice to get to talk to someone and it was even more of a plus that it was with a good looking guy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackacidan


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Victor watched as some of the survivors made it safely in to vehicles and sped off, but he also saw many who didn't make it. The gunfire was dying down at this point, and mostly he only heard screaming now. He struggled to keep pace with Ed, but he fell behind and Ed reached the car pool first and headed towards his black minivan. Victor quickly glanced over his shoulder and was relieved to see there were no corpses giving chase at the moment. It looked like they were going to be part of the handful of lucky ones who made it out alive.

As he reached the van, Ed was standing there with both of the passenger side doors open. "Stop standing there and get the damn van started! I can get in fine!"

Ed raced around to get in the driver seat and Victor hopped out of his wheelchair. He quickly folded it and shoved it in the back door, then dragged himself to the front door. He put one hand on the seat and the other hand on the door and hoisted himself inside. Just as he was lifting himself up, he saw a corpse appear next to the driver side window, which was rolled down at the moment. "Ed! The window!"

Ed turned around in shock as the corpse reached through the open window and grabbed at him. Unlike Victor, Ed had never been a soldier. He had no combat training of any kind and just flailed wildly to try and keep the thing away from him. Victor hurriedly finished hauling himself in the van and reached for the small pistol he carried. He had to wait a few seconds to get a clear shot, with all of the moving around that Ed was doing. But when he saw an opening, he took advantage of it and made the shot count. The corpse jerked backwards and tumbled to the ground as blood poured from it's head.

"Whew, thanks." Ed said, visibly shaken. "That was too close!"

"Just roll up your fucking window and start driving! Follow the rest of the vehicles out of here. I don't know where to go, but that's all we can do right now."

As Ed began to drive, Victor calmed down a little bit. The world was going to hell, but they were safe for now. There had to be something they could do, he just wasn't sure what it was yet. He looked over at Ed, whose hands gripped the steering wheel tightly and eyes were bugged out from what just happened. Victor froze as he noticed something that made his heart sink. There was a fresh, bloody scratch on the back of Ed's neck.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Hang tight, ladies," Alex instructed as he gunned the engine. This was probably as many passengers as he was likely to get. Everyone else was going to have to fend for themselves. The Humvee roared past geek and refugee alike, out of the warzone that Camp Pendleton was rapidly becoming.

"Duck!" he yelled as the vehicle smashed through the chain-link perimeter fence surrounding the installation. Debris went flying, but the car was tough and heavy. A fence would barely scratch the paintwork. Outside the camp, he turned onto Baslione Road, one of the only thoroughfares in this isolated place. Around, the vast desert scrublands stretched on for miles. Alex considered turning around and heading into the base housing, but shook his head. The suburban homes would be deathtraps. No, into the wilderness.

"I'm Alex," he yelled to his passengers over the roar of the engine. "Alex Culver. I play for the Kings. Maybe you recognize me." He gestured to the younger chick who seemed to be having some trouble breathing. "She alright?"

While waiting for a response. Alex kept his eyes open for other vehicles. Surely others had escaped, maybe he could meet up with some of them. Safety in numbers, after all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 25 min ago

When she finally started to calm herself down her breathing was more normal then it was a few seconds ago, Katelyn quickly put on her seatbelt watching as the humvee speeding out and bashed through the gates. "We've seen some of your games before."Katelyn said as she looked out the window and leaned herself in the back of her seat. "My sister has had really bad asthma since she was little, I'm Sophia Harris by the way and this is my younger sister Katelyn. I've been in a few movies if you have heard of me." Sophia said and looked towards the dashboard of the military vehicle. "I noticed some survivors making out of there, is there some kind of radio or something?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex surveyed the woman with interest. She wasn't half bad. End of the world wasn't so bad if he ended up giving a ride to a gorgeous blonde, right? Besides, he was famous and shit. Aw yeah, things were looking up for sure. "Nice to meet you, Sophia. You too, chica," he said with what was intended to be a disarming smile. With dismay, Alex realized he hadn't had time to snatch up a toothbrush before leaving the base. So much for the pearly whites that had briefly trended on Twitter after he had signed. Damn.

Still doing forty or so on the paved road snaking through the desert, Alex scanned the dash, lighting on the boxy display painted in the traditional olive drab. The handset rested tantalizingly in a cradle atop. Tentatively, not wanting to take his eyes off the road, Alex poked at what he assumed was the power switch. He grinned when the device obediently gave a warm orange glow.

"Alright, well, this can't be too hard to use," he said. "I mean, it's meant for soldiers. No disrespect to boys in uniform, but it just makes sense to make it simple as possible, right?" He slowed down, not willing to stop entirely, as he lifted the handset and held down the SEND button on the side. Hopefully, everyone was tuned in on this standardized frequency. Taking a deep breath, he mentally organized what he was going to say. Just like leading a team.

"Calling anyone who escaped from Camp Pendleton, any and all refugees on this frequency. We need to regroup. Get any weapons and supplies you can and meet up at, uh, head west towards the I-5. Where Las Pulgas Road meets the freeway. Over."

Alex nodded to himself in satisfaction, then handed the handset to Sophia. "Somebody needs to take charge, right? Might as well be us. Okay, I'm going to get my bearings, then head for that place. I want you to count to sixty, then broadcast that same message. Every minute, got it? Las Pulgas Road and the I-5." With that, he gave the woman a clap on the shoulder, then surveyed his surroundings. Satisfied, he began to drive what he was pretty sure was west, towards the rendezvous spot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Johnny had just stopped walking when he heard Otto's voice saying to get in and he saw his car. He held his shotgun and ran for it, while two more of the undead ran towards the car. Johnny turned as he aimed his gun at one of the undead's head and fired, which he fell to the ground and died once again. Johnny opened the car door and entered but was grabbed by the undead, Johnny took the gun and fired at the undead's mouth and he dropped dead and he got in the car. "Get us to the I-5, mate!" said Johnny to Otto and he turned to the base and saw that the undead were getting out of the camp in order to catch up with the remaining survivors. After he drove away from the undead, Johnny put down his shotgun near him and saw a man and grabbed his shotgun and aimed at him saying, "Who are you?!". He then turned to Otto, which was driving, and Johnny said to him, "Who is he?! Is he bitten?!".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


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Frank Carter

The camp was now in chaos, there were walkers everywhere and civilians running away from them. As he was driving Frank blasted through a tent and then into another as he was trying to avoid some civilians. "Stop. Please stop!" Said Sarah as Frank stopped the car and she opened the door. "Come on Buddy! come here boy!" Said Sarah as she instructed a border collie dog to come to her. The dog was cornered by 4 walkers and kept moving backwards and barking at them. Then after hearing Sarah, he ran through the legs of a walker and jumped straight into the black Chevelle on Sarah's arms. "What's with the dog anyway?" Asked Frank not understanding what's going on. "His name is Buddy and he belonged to the family that had it's tent next to ours. The Harrison's remember." Said Sarah as she was patting Buddy on his forehead. Frank said nothing and nodded in approval.

"Umm, Frank, why aren't we moving?" Said Sarah concerned as she saw some walkers getting close to the car. Frank didn't respond to her question however. He hit the clutch pedal and started revving the car as he looked straight to the main entrance, where some leftover marines were battling walkers. "Fraaank?" Shouted Sarah as she turned her view to Frank and then to the main entrance in the camp. "Oh my God! You don't wanna..." Said Sarah not continuing her sentence. "Yes I wanna!" Said Frank as he continued revving the car then all of a sudden he stopped as he hit the accelerator pedal and the car started doing a burnout. "Wanna see what happens when you put sufficient torque into the rear wheels?" Said Frank as he looked at Sarah smiling. "All I want is to get out of here. Come on Frank stop showing off. In case you haven't noticed walkers are closing in on the car." Said Sarah concerned as she raised her voice.

Eventually Frank let go of the acceleratoin as the Chevelle sprang forward and started to do a wheelie as the front end of the car rised up in then air for about 5 seconds. Frank, visibly pleased by his accomplishment blasted through the walkers at the gate and even hit a Marine too. "Oh My God you hit that guy!" Said Sarah as she looked back at the marine who fell on the ground and a couple of walkers ganged up on him and started biting off him. "Relax, he was gonna die anyway. What matters is that we are out of that place." Said Frank with a cold stare in the rear view mirror as he kept hitting some walkers that were in his way. "So what are we gonna do now?" Asked Sarah as she kept playing with the dog on her lap. "I'm thinking." Said Frank staring at the clear road in front of him. Just as he was doing that, Frank heard a message on his radio in which some guy was calling out to anyone that escaped the camp. He said that they need to regroup and gave a destination too. West to the I-5, where Las Purgas meets the freeway. Franks abruptly stops the car as he started thinking. "Well are we gonna go there?" Asked Sarah, looking at Frank. "Well you know what they say. The more the merrier." Said Frank smiling, turned the car around and drove to the destination given. "Thank God I decided to keep the radio open. Just in case." He said.
Joe Carter

"Nice to meet you Lex." Said Joe smiling. As he payed attention to what Lexie was saying, Joe couldn't help but notice how gorgeous she was. He had a thing for redheads too. After Lexie asked him what's his story, Joe layed down on the hood of a car, took a deep breath and scratched the back of his head. "Well, I was born and raised in Los Angeles, but my family is from New York. My father used to work as a secretary for the owner of a real-estate company and my mother was a teacher. I have a brother, Frank, he's 9 years older then me and is a homicide detective for the LAPD. Unfortunately he and I never really got along. He always felt that my parents were giving me more attention then him, and I can't really say that's a lie because I felt it too. But Frank...he was always so bad. I can't believe he even became a cop. You know I could've become a doctor, if it wasn't for this outbreak." Said Joe as he paused for a few seconds. "Anyways, i'm heading for Camp Pendleton. Some guy told me two days ago that the military took alot of survivors there. Where are you going?" Asked Joe.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jade just nodded slowly. Otto was right finding a quiet place to talk was all they could do. She looked back at Tristan giving a look that asked if he thought the same. He gave her a small shrug, smiled slightly; they had no better ideas so this one was it. Otto had sped up telling the siblings to hold on. Jade quickly started panicking thinking that something horrible was about to happen. Jade cringed when she heard the thuds of the rabid people hitting the car. Tristan was just about to yell at Otto, asking the man what the hell he thought he was doing, however he closed his mouth as soon as he opened it. Otto had yelled for a man named Johnny.

They watched as the young man was fighting for his life to reach the car. Jade ducked, covering her eyes and, buried her head into her lap. She could not watch any longer. As the man made it, jumping into the car a creeper grabbed onto him. Tristan pushed himself back against the door, frightened, his eyes were glued to the scene. However it was over in just a matter of seconds. Tristan body was starting to settle down when the young man started to shout at Otto in what deration to take. It did not last long as the next thing he knew a gun was starting at his face.

(“Who is he?! Is he bitten?!”)

Jade’s head snapped up. The sight of a gun in her brother’s face almost made her vomit. She tried her best to speak to do something. She was at a loss of words and her body felt like iron not letting her move. Tristan started to sweat he had nothing to protect himself with. He had left everything back at the god forbidden military base. “Of course not man. What the hell Otto. Why did you pick up a fucking crazy person?” His eyes were still on the gun to scared to look away. Feeling if he did he would be dead. Jade looked at Otto with pleading eyes. “Please do something.” She whispered just barely enough to where he could hear.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wired


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Otto was extremely happy when Johnny made it into the vehicle in one piece but there was absolutely no time available to celebrate. Instead Otto put his foot down as hard as he could, speeding off and making his way quickly through the almost now fully infected base. He got to the smashed gates just in time to see an awesome looking black muscle car storm through a crowd of infected escaping, sadly hitting a living soldier that was about to be eaten anyway. Still, it was a disturbing sight. Otto kept his foot down and sped through the gates after the black vehicle, running over the soldier that had already been hit hoping to put him out of his misery and stop him from being eaten alive. The feeling of success that came from escaping the camp didn't last long however as Otto was made aware of Johnny sticking his gun in Tristan's face. Looking in the rear view mirror Otto felt a sudden anger take over him.

“Please do something.” Jade spoke; a barely audible whisper. Johnny reached over her somewhat dangerously as he was still driving, pulling her seatbelt over and clicking it in place. After he immediately slammed on the break, pulling the car to a full halt and sending both Johnny and Tristan flying.

“No, he's not bitten! Would he have looked that scared of a gun in his face if he was already dead? Keep that fucking shotgun down.” Otto almost shouted, taking a deep breath once he had finished. “Look, we've all seen a lot of death. We're all tense, I know I am, but we have to trust each other. We're bound to see a lot more death and in order to make sure we're not the ones experiencing it we have to pull together, not apart. So, fresh start, Johnny, this is Jade and this is her brother Tristan. I had a hand in saving all your asses, so see, you even have something in common.”

Otto took another deep, yet less stressful breath and once again began driving.

“I-5 here we come.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vampiress


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Lexie's ear perked when she heard him say he was from New York. "Where abouts in New York? I'm originally from Canandaigua, it's up near Buffalo. My sister and I moved to Baton Rouge about 2 years ago for school." She smiled lightly, watching him lay across the hood of the car. Looking towards the ground, she kicked a rock with the toe of her sneaker. She was out of her game when it came to talk to guys. Sure, she was a bartender and new how to make awesome tips from the guys but when it came to one on one she was out of it. She had been in a long term relationship before she moved to Baton Rouge and the two had tried to do the long distance thing but he ended up breaked her heart in the end. When he stated that he could of been a doctor, she lifted her head back up. "I went to school for writing and before this whole thing went down was working on a book." She shrugged her shoulders, "that's not going to happen now." Laughing uneasily, she rubbed the back of her neck. "I was actually headed to Camp Pendelton myself, i lost my sister when this whole thing went down and i'm hoping she heard the same news cast that i did." She glanced behind her, hearing the branches in the forest snap. Her hand gripped her pistol tightly, biting her bottom lip. "Do you think your brother is at the camp?" She shifted uneasily on her feet, hearing more branches break. "We probably should try one of these cars to see if they work or start moving. I think we're about to have some company." She motioned towards the woods.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 25 min ago

Sophia smiled, she was grateful that they managed to get a ride out of the now infested military base that they had been living in for almost a week, Katelyn looked towards Alex with some interest only knowing one other celebrity which was her older sister she then turned to look out the window seeing the occasional walker that were walking towards the way they just left wondering who else had made it out alive. "Thank you again for saving us." Sophia mentioned watching Alex as he searched along the dashboard until he finally found the radio, after Alex had sent the message out over the radio hoping for anyone to hear it. Sophia then accepted the radio receiver, knowing how to use one she pressed the button counted sixty seconds before saying. "Calling anyone who escaped from Camp Pendleton, any and all refugees on this frequency. We need to regroup. Get any weapons and supplies you can and meet up at, uh, head west towards the I-5. Where Las Pulgas Road meets the freeway. Over."

After doing it for awhile Sophia looked at her sister and gently nudged her. "Are you okay?" Sophia asked her sister simply shrugged before nodded. "Yeah i'll be okay.. just wishing that this was all a dream." Katelyn answered, but it wasn't.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Crazy guy?! I'm just looking out for everyone in this car!" said Johnny as he had point his shotgun at the guy, they flew towards the back of the car seat and his shotgun fell to the car floor. Johnny rubbed his head and said, "Watch it! I could of fire it." and heard Otto defending the guy. Johnny heard him to put the shotgun down and Johnny turned and said, "Even if you're bitten, you still don't want to die. But I'll keep my shotgun down for now. If he is starting to bite on the girl, I'll be happy to shoot both of them." and let his shotgun into the floor near his feet. "Yeah, yeah. I'll talk to him later." said Johnny after Otto's speech, Johnny over looked the window and seem the endless land as the sun was up at the sky. He wished that the radio was working, but every station was down and he just looked at the window and hoped to get to the I-5 as soon as they can. Johnny had nothing to say to him and he didn't care what he had to say, but Johnny opened his mouth to Otto and said, "There must be something on the radio for one of the military cars, that left the base.".
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