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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

JUNE 16th, THURSDAY, 2018, 8:02 AM

Jen's eyes fluttered open. A couple rays of sunshine seeped in through the window shutters. The alarm clock on her bedside table was giving off a continuous shrill whine. The young conduit glanced over at it. 8:02.. AM.. AM! She had work! Jen rolled out of bed, landing on the floor with a loud thump. She groaned, rubbing the back of her head. Jen had to stop doing that. She stood up, brushing off some dust from the wooden floor. She attempted to navigate the mess of her room in order to get to the closet. Jen kicked aside an old pizza box from a couple of nights ago. She pushed away a pile of dirty dishes, which she swore to clean at the coin wash later. Gah.. She thought, stepping over a mess of pillows. I really need to clean this place up. In reality, Jen repeated that sentence every day though she never did it. After finally getting through the minefield of her bedroom. Jen threw open the closet door. There were two pairs of clothes in it. Her work uniform. And her regular outfit. Jen threw on the Starbucks Uniform. She really hated it, but she had to. Jen briefly brushed a hand through the hair under her Seattle Panthers baseball cap. Technically, the cap wasn't part of the uniform, but she had negotiated. Using her powers.

Jen ran into the main room. It was also the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, and the game room. She hurried into the kitchen and reached into the cupboard, throwing a pan on the stove. Jen walked to the fridge, and held her breath. She slowly opened the fridge. She slowly reopened her eyes. A ham. An old carton of milk. Some chocolate bars. A pizza box. And a carton of eggs! There was breakfast. She grabbed it and took the last 2 eggs, throwing the carton in the overflowing trash can. She cracked them both open on the stove and started the pan. Jen tossed the two yolks around, before raising her hand over the stove. A dusty blast of sand flew into the pan, and she mixed it about in her eggs. Sandy eggs. Delicious. Not quite what some people would call all that great, but it was her form of salt. As she flipped the pan around, one side of her hand accidentally touched the searing hot pan, and she dropped it back on the stove, wincing. "Oh, come on!" She swore, gingerly brushing it. "Seriously? This is the third time this week! I swear.. why couldn't I have gotten some ember powers? Like Tom? At least he could cook something without searing his hand off!"

Jen sighed, and ended it there. You win this time, pan. She thought, sliding some rubbery, sandy eggs on a plastic plate. Jen simply grabbed a plastic fork and impaled them, eating both of them in several bites. A good, delicious breakfast, She thought, rubbing some sand off her mouth. Jen sighed, yawning. She stretched, and walked over to the window. She flung it open, and the smells of New York City filled the old apartment. A stream of sunlight poured in, illuminating the kitchen. "Time to go to work." Jen grinned. This was one of her favorite parts of the day. Jen slowly raised one leg over the window, taking a deep breath. It was also one of her most dangerous. She slowly raised another leg, until she was sitting on her windowsill, looking down at the countless cars and people scuttling about. Jen took a deep breath, and leaped off of the windowsill. Jen began to use her feet to, in a way, run down the glass windows, using her downward momentum to go faster. She could hear some people screaming down below. The crowd backed away from the area where she would probably go splat. However, halfway through the fall, she began to change form. Jen began to transform into a long, dusty stream of sand.

Right before she fell, Jen completely transformed. The stream of sand disappeared, flying and swirling off down the road. Several people down below sighed in relief or continued on with their business. Jen's sand form flew straight down the road, ducking and swirling around traffic lights or flying through cars down on the road. The swirling vortex of sand was ignored by most. Beside Jen, some other conduits were on their daily commute. One was floating, his entire bottom half a funnel cloud. The other was dashing through the cars, leaving behind a trail of rubber. Jen ignored them and continued ahead to her job. Just your average day in NYC. Conduits and People heading to their jobs. Flying, Running, Driving.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird won't sing,
Mama's gonna "- SNAP-"Break its neck."

The woman stopped singing, taking her clawed hands off of the man's head that was tied to the chair. They had kidnapped him late last night on a hunch he could help find the location of other Syndicate members. Unfortunately the guy wouldn't talk and she got fed up playing with him and had figured to end his life, after all they could always find another Syndicate member to squeeze information off of.
"Take care of the body," she said to one of the members in her group. Before she had gone to New York she had gathered what little remains there was of the group once called The Reapers. Only five members had survived over the years, from the events of Empire City and New Marais. Two she had met in Curdon Cay, both the last of the white suited conduits in the group, the other three merely were pawns, old gang members that had worshiped Sasha, the former Reaper leader. They followed the new leader around like a queen as if she was a reincarnation of Sasha herself. She rather enjoyed it despite them being what she called norms. People with no conduit genes. She had no love for norms but the three that worked for her were quite nice. Though she preferred the company of the two Reaper conduits both sporting old white suites from the former gang. She herself wore the outfit that the Reapers had worn, and painted her face of that as a skull. Now the Reapers were her command and she was going to reform them to be even stronger, first though she had to eliminate the biggest threat to her plans the Syndicate. Other conduits might try to stop her but they did not matter for the time.

Her hideout was in an old abandoned building on the less savory side of New York City, highly unlikely to find someone that would bother them there besides the other unsavory people that lived there."Perhaps I should go visit the city and do some observations," she said thinking aloud, maybe if she got lucky she would find a few of her old Curdon Cay friends and have them join her or at least have a lovely conversation. She might of been a physcopath, that loved killing but it didn't mean she didn't enjoy to socialize.
"Hold the fort down you two. You know the drill," she told her two white coated members who gave a nod, unable to see their faces under the dark shadows of the coats. She smiled and ran at a wall, shadows covering it. One moment she was running at the wall the next she was on the roof tops jumping and disappearing through shadows in the morning sun. Soon the world would realize a new age was upon them. Norms were the past, conduits were the future. Things would change soon and Chloe plans were slowly falling into place. The big apple was only the start of her plans.
Her name was Chloe Allaire but she hated being called that, it only reminded her of her abusive past, the past that drove her to become the monster that she loved she was. Once she might of been a shy timid girl but now she was only hate and destruction. She went by a different name, she preferred being called Scorn, something sinister and something that personified what and who she was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dean


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June 16th, Thursday, 9:00am

Walking down NYC his coffee in hand, dressed in a blue short sleeve shirt with the a white Nike sign on the rightside of his chest. With matching jeans, a man late for work bumped into his shoulder in that moment of distraction, the coffee in his hand spilled over almost ruin the shirt he brought an hour ago luckily he pushed his body back to avoid messing his shirt up. "Excuse me sir. Usually I'd by you coffee. But I'm terribly late for work!"

"Don't worry about it." He said helping the guy put his papers back in his suitcase before setting off again down the crowd of massive New Yorkers, today was his only day that he was able to relax from training members at the local gym. And he wanted to spend it catching up with his friend Jack and fellow conduit Jack at the local cafe where could refill on coffee. A few blocks down was multiple chairs sitting outside the cafe with an umbrella hanging through the hole of the table, to block the sun.

Passing by a poodle he sat down across from Jack "Hey Roman. It's been a couple year. How are you?" He said as a lady walking out from the cafe, walked over to greet them then ask them if they wanted a drink. Looking up at her "I'll just coffee and one sugar please." After turning her attention to Jack and getting his order he answered, "After what happened at the college things have gotten better." The woman walked back into the cafe to get their drinks. "Are you here staying in NYC?" She came back a few moments later to sit Jack and Romans coffee in front of them. Jack shaked his head before saying "No. I got a gig back in Alabama. I gotta be back by tomorrow morning."Roman felt good that the acting classes paid off for Jack but was a little saddened that he had to leave.

"Looks like all those theater classes paid off."

Jack finished his drink and told Roman that he had to do a project for his second job. "Second job?" Roman asked. "Yeah, I paint to pay for my tuition in Alabama, it's tough trying to manage, but I make it work. Well man good seeing ya, hopefully we'll keep in touch."

Standing up and next to the table the two gave each other a handshake before parting ways. Conduits like the guy jumping from rooftop to rooftop was heading to start their daily routine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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'Wake up... Ellie, sweetie time to get up, you're gonna be late for work.'

Ellie groaned and tossed away from her father as he attempted to wake her up. "I don't wanna go..." She mumbled back, climbing deeper into her lilac bedsheets. Clyde Haywood knew exactly what he had to do know. He quietly leaned over Ellie and grabbed the curtain, yanking it quickly and releasing the sunlight into the room. Ellie covered her face with her hands, "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT," She yelled "I'M GETTING UP!'. Ellie climbed out of bed and grabbed a pair of teal fuzzy socks on, slipping them onto her feet and making her way out to the kitchen. 'Any update from Tommy?' Ellie asked, getting out a go cup from the cupboard and sticking a tea bag into it. Clyde turned around to face Ellie. 'Ho yeah, 4 actually.' Clyde remarked '1 Murder, 1 robbery and 2 vandalisms.' He sighed and took a sip of his coffee. 'Town's kind of gone to hell since I left. I don't think Tommy can handle all this by himself.' Clyde took another sip of his coffee. 'Anyways, get dressed and get your toast. You shouldn't be late.' Ellie nodded and finishes putting her 3rd sugar into her tea, sticking the go cup lid on and running into her room to get dressed.

Ellie came out of her room in her usual attire: T-shirt, Sheriff's jacket, Shorts and her favourite pair of green tights to wear underneath said shorts. She quickly grabbed her toast, go-tea and bag. Ellie quickly pecked her dad on the cheek and ran out the door into the busy streets of New York City. Ellie took continuos sips on her tea and bites of her toast. Ellie's workplace was rather far away, but it was fun walking there than driving. Besides, walking there didn't make her late, her bosses were cool about it anyways. Ellie quickly turned down between 9th and 44th street and down a small alleyway, but this time it was populated by people, cafes and little shops. Ellie quickly took a turn into 'The Daytime Owl' and entered. 'Morning!' Ellie said as the others in the cafe/library waved. Ellie hung up her sheriff's jacket on the coat hook and ducked underneath the desk, grabbing an apron and tying it on. While Ellie was doing this, the idea of using her energy form to get across New York passed her mind. 'I'll do that on the way home...' Ellie muttered to herself, pulling out her order book and getting ready for the rest of the day.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Eli tapped three times on the bar. "Bartender! A double! If you would only be so kind." Eli said with a certain charm that only he could muster. He hadn't been able to sleep that night. All he could was walk off all the nervous energy from the nights broadcast. Yet again someone was coming for his head and the head of others like him. This wasn't the first and it was highly doubtful it was going to be the last.

"It's not even noon yet, who the hell let you in for that matter." The bartender barked as walked down form his second floor apartment.

"Didn't you see the tv last night? People want me dead. I'm in major destress here." His tone was mocking the entirety of the situation. " You also need to remember that the locks around here are metal. Not a good way to keep the likes of me out."

As the bartender walked be hind the bar, he began to speak. "Do you know anything a out these Syndicate people?" He poured Eli a double of Bourbon and set it front of him.

"Why do you think I'm here before 10 AM looking for a drink? I got nothing on these guys right now." Elijah down the double in a single gulp. "You hear anything about them yet?" He tapped his fingers on the bar again.

"More people than you think agree with these guys. People are still a skiddish of you freaks around here Ford." He poured an other double.

"Nice to know I can always get an honest answer from you Marty." Eli downed his drink again and started to leave. " I'll check in with you a decent hour." Eli flung the door open and using his powers he shut and locked the steel framed door almost as if it was second nature.

"Man that guys a pain in the ass." Marty said he watched Eli leave.

Elijah's minds was racing trying to figure out was going to happen next. He knew it was pointless but he couldn't help it. The quicker this was done and over with the happier Elijah Ford would be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Scorn landed in the dark shadows of an alleyway."Ah now to blend it with the norms," she said with a laugh, zipping up the hoodie that had the design of a rib cage on the front, and part of a skull on top. She pulled the hood farther around her face, blocking it from view. One day they all would know her face, one day but for now she kept it hidden until the big reveal. She of course kept doing her shadow teleportation ability to get around the large crowds on the streets and used the roof tops as well to her desire. Every now and then another conduit would pass by, the thought of a potential recruit always in her mind as she watched them but before she asked strangers should would find the faces she had seen in her stay at Curdon Cay, those she had names of. Give them the first come, first serve offer. If they didn't join well she would give one warning and that was it, those that got in her way would be crushed between her hands and she would enjoy watching the life drain from them. The thought gave her a smile.Soon this entire city would be her playground of torture and chaos, oh how excited she was for that day.
"Ashes and ashes they all fall down," She laughed to herself as she continued on her way. She stopped though when she saw a billboard in a prime location to make one of her marks later that day. The mark of the new Reaper gang. It was similar to the old Reaper gang of Empire City but Scorn had felt it needed also a new look, something to show it's new leader and power. So down the skull red blood trails were added to the design, representing a disorder that Scorn had. Due to her beatings she had recieved as a child, she had developed haemolacria, a disorder in which the person cries blood rather then tears. She also added the crossed skulls behind the skulls of the design, similar to that of pirates flags had of the jolly roger. There were also a few other minor modifications. She held her hands up in a square imagining the design. Then another idea popped in her head.
"We can also hang the body of that syndicate guy I killed this morning alongside it, give the Syndicate a warning of what they are messing with," a cold grin going across her face as she called up her gang and told them to hold on to the body she had said to dispose of. She laughed to herself happily, and if anyone was around they no doubt would think she was insane which she practically was.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

JUNE 16th, THURSDAY, 2018, 9:32 AM
Jen Darude stood lazily at the counter, drumming her fingers on the granite cover. Today hadn't started off amazingly. She had to deal with quite a few angry customers who hadn't had their dosage of caffeine already. So far, not many people had come, surprisingly. Usually the place was bustling with tired adults mulling about and sipping coffee. But today, she had a few enraged customers, and that was about it. Most conduits rarely got stellar job opportunities. So far, she had landed about 6.. 7 jobs by now. Starbucks was her longest one. She had worked at places like McDonalds, Burger King, and plenty of other low grade fast-food restaurants. Most lasted 2-3 months. Starbucks lasted about 8 months. A stream of sand surged down her arm and twirled around her fingers. Sometimes when business was awful, she just practiced her powers in the back room. Jen sighed. Just another day she had to deal with. "Friday can't come quick enough.." She murmured, tracing a particular pattern on the countertop with her finger absentmindedly. She was here with a couple of coworkers. There was some guy in the corner tapping away on his laptop. Just the regular crowd.

Jen was immediately woken up out of her drowsiness by something she always dreaded. It was loud, wailing shriek. Every civilian in NYC knew the siren. It was a continuous whine, something that was drilled into your head so you would never forget it. Screams echoed down the street. "No. No no no no no noooo.." Jen muttered, walking out past the countertop. Not today. Why did it have to be today? "Oh godd. Tell me this is just a drill..." Jen slowly pushed the sliding glass doors open. "Just.. just lock the door. Please." She said, turning behind her. The manager stepped forward with a set of jingling keys. "Jen, just try not to damage anything." He advised her, placing a hand on the glass door. "Be careful." The man reached forward and locked the glass door behind her. Behind her, her coworkers immediately began protocol. They locked the doors. The man in the corner was escorted to the back room with everyone else to minimize damage. She could hear the lock click as they backed away from the main entrance. Jen watched through the glass door for a while as everyone disappeared. "Great. This is the 5th time this month.." Jen muttered, slowly turning around. The conduit immediately stepped out into the street to survey what she knew was happening right now.

There was a massive tornado making it's way down her street, absorbing anything that stepped into it's path and adding it to it's already growing mass. It was a swirling vortex of rubble and scrap. But she knew it wasn't a regular tornado. When did one see a tornado just hurling itself down NYC? It was controlled. It wasn't veering off and absorbing anything in it's path. It was trying to maximize it's damage. Several conduits had already stepped up to do their duty. One was standing on a rooftop, and launching massive rockets of multicolored paint toward it. Another was shooting rubber shards at it from the ground. This was the rogue conduit siren. Every citizen in the surrounding district knew the drill. They were to escape immediately. Her coworkers in Starbucks were already heading out the back entrance to another district. They were to stay there until the rogue conduit was dealt with. The drill was slightly different for conduits. All conduits in the surrounding district were to step up to the challenge and take down the rogue. It was their duty as a conduit. Those who did disable the rogue conduit were given a fee for their duties. There was a police force, but conduits rarely joined, despite the fact it would greatly aid them.

"Great. Another rogue. Just absolutely fantastic." Jen morphed into a stream of sand and scaled another, tall concrete building. She stood on top of the rooftop, examining the tornado from her viewpoint. Inside, she could see the very faint silhouette of a person inside. The rogue conduit. The conduits were all aiming for it. Disable the person, disable the power. Jen sighed. "I always hated these days." She said to no one in particular. Jen aimed her arm toward the tornado, and a swirling vortex of sand began to swirl around her arm. A massive blast of wet, hard sand was launched at the tornado with a thump. It could be describe as crouching beside a mortar. The tornado simply ate the sand right up. "Hm. That.. That might be a problem." She said, watching as it ripped the asphalt off of the road. "We need something thick.." Jen morphed into a stream of sand and moved onto another rooftop. The tornado was moving quickly. She needed to keep up with it. Several other conduits were stepping up, moving onto rooftops and shooting. They were all eager for the money it offered for detaining the conduit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The sirens went off as Ford was walking down the street. Hyper focused on the syndicate matter. Options and senerios ran through His head till the sirens brought him back the reality. He let a grown. The kind you let out when you really don't want hear bad news. Without a second thought he raised his hand and started to drain the near by siren of electricity. At the moment he couldn't happier that he was conduit of electricity.

Ford clawed his left and looked hard it. Then the same on his right. Only the finger tips of his left hand let up. He only had half a charge. This was his gauge on how he had stored in his body. A tenth of a charge for every finger tip. To go in half cocked would be highly dangerous. While find more was extremely simple. To the point of taking ten steps ahead and draining whatever else was there. He simply couldn't be bothered with it right now.

Still he had to at least check it out. Might bring him out of his stuper. He might find something new and exciting. Though those odd were agajnst him. After a a few steps he turned down an alley. Using one if his favorite gifts electromagnetism. He "found" a couple of pipes and placed one under each foot. Like an skier he was off and flying through the air.

He wasn't too high up before he started to figure out that the wind was all kinds off. It was turbulent to say the least. He landed on top of a building and discarded the pipes. There were more the enough powers lines to get him from point to point. But getting there in this kind of wind might be a little more difficult.

Thankfully he didn't have to travel far. At all really, because a gaint tornado was coming right at him. Handy other than the fact it was a massive vortex of death and destruction. Two things he wanted nothing to do with.

"Well that's.... That's just... Why today?" He said rubbing his temples. Ford looked back and saw a power transformer. He took just enough to give himself a full charge and fired a heavy bolt. Only to see ot had little effect. " Why can't it ever be that easy?" He words were at best crestfallen
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Grease groaned as he was abruptly awoken, a siren jolting him out of his deep sleep. His eyes fluttered open, as he tried to figure out where he was. A quick glance showed him that he was on his couch, a beer in his hands, and a glazed look in his eyes. He looked down at his laptop in front of him. Multiple tabs were open, showing a few hotels, as well as a couple of peoples Facebook pages.

Grease tried to take in what he had been doing last night. He sat up, rubbing his temples. Then he remembered what he was doing. He had gotten some info about Syndicate members. The Facebook pages were targets, not friends. Grease smiled, taking a sharpie, and writing one of the names on his arm, before getting up.

"Now, what the hell is with the sire-"

He said. A quick glance out his window showed him all that he needed to know. He walked over to the window, awestruck. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to think of something he could do.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit... I didn't sign up for this."

He muttered, looking out at the twister. He noticed soon that the cyclones movement was less than natural- it had to be man-made somehow, whether it was a conduit or a machine. Looks like all of those episodes of storm chasers really did pay off.

Finally, deciding on a plan of action, he flung open his apartments window. The wind whipped through the room, blowing around a few loose papers. Grease went over to a chair, where his black leather jacket was draped. He pulled it on as swiftly as he could, as well as slapping his hat onto his head.

"Let's have some fun..."

He said, leaping out of the window, relying on his conduit strength to save him from breaking a leg. He thudded onto the pavement of the street below, causing a few cars to swerve, honking at him all of the way. As Grease touched the pavement, he felt strength flow through him. He took a moment, drinking in power from the asphalt, before dashing as quickly as he could in the direction of the tornado.

Buildings blurred into the background, becoming little more than grey smudges in the background as Grease sped up. Cars honked as Grease wove through the traffic, all going the opposite direction as him. As he ran, Grease laughed, wondering how everyone else survived without being able to go this fast.

Nearing the twister, Grease skidded to a stop. He had trouble keeping his feet planted on the asphalt, the vicious gust tearing away at him with claws of cold cutting wind. He looked around, not surprised to see some do-gooder conduits, attempting to help, most of them futilely.

Grease looked down at the name on his arm. Jen Darude. Last night, Grease had met with a man, someone who he had paid for information on the Syndicate members. Jen was supposedly working with the Syndicate. At least, that's what the shady man had told him. An extensive search told Grease that Jen was a conduit, someone who used sand, and worked at a nearby Starbucks. Well, everything was nearby to Grease. All Grease could do was hope that she had shown up to help with the tornado.

None of the nearby conduits seemed to be using sand, though. Electricity, concrete, rubber, but no sand. Grease laid a hand on the asphalt, in an attempt to raise up a pillar from which he could leap onto a building, for a better view. However, much to his surprise, his pillar rose only a short distance, thanks to the twister ripping away his building material.

Grease sighed, knowing that he only had one way up, and it wasn't an easy way. Mustering his strength, he fired a glob of thick, sticky tar at the wall of a nearby building, coating the side with liquid asphalt. Taking a deep breath, Grease ran at it, using the enhanced speed asphalt gave him to boost up the side. His momentum sent him flying up the side of the building, his arms flailing wildly, until they caught upon the ledge of the building, allowing him to pull himself up.

He kneeled at the top of the building, looking down at the tornado. "This might be more of a problem than I thought..." He said, gazing upon the sheer destruction caused by it. Prioritizing his schedule, Grease decided that not dying took priority over finding his target. He backed up, indecisive as to whether or not he ought to run for his life, or wait it all out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Ellie heard the siren from afar and immediately knew the situation. She quickly slid under the table and took her apron off and grabbed her jacket, quickly putting it on and looking back. "Don't go out." She said, immediately going out the door as she slammed it behind her. Ellie quickly sourced the direction of the tornado and headed that way. She looked up afar to see a tornado, and conduits trying to seduce it. Rubber, sand, and paint conduits threw what they could at it, but it just ate it up. "Rogue Conduit. Why now? Why Now?" Ellie muttered to herself. She quickly jumped up, turning into a flowing consort of yellow light energy, making her way up the building. She landed on the building with one knee to the ground. "Right, Guess I have to make a light show..." She muttered as she formed 1 Energy Needle in both hands. She quickly fired both of them at the tornado. "Maybe if we fire these shards at the right distance and velocity we could pierce the guy...." Ellie thought. The Tornado started to move away, and so did Ellie. She had to keep up with the tornado. Ellie again turned into a stream of light and moved towards the tornado and other conduits. Ellie reformed and landed on the rooftops, creating two more needles and blasting them at the tornado. "No, as mush as I liked putting that into words it would be too dangerous..." Ellie muttered, firing more and more needles at the tornado. Ellie was just about to fire another needle, but soon realised she ran out of light energy. Seeing a street lamp Right below her, Ellie focused her arm, absorbing the energy she needs to last her a few more rounds. Ellie formed two more needles in her hand and held them.

"Should I talk to one of them?" Ellie muttered, looking at the other conduits around her. "Maybe Sandy over there might be a good person to discuss." She muttered. "No, I think we should just scrap plans and fire as much as we can at it..." Ellie threw the two needles in her hands. "I'll lay down a few bombs and see if that works." Ellie thought. She formed two rather small balls of light and threw them at the tornado. After about 2 or 3 seconds the bombs set off, not causing any damage, but some minor buffs. "Right, needles and bombs, needles and bombs..." Ellie said to herself as she chucked both an assortment of Light Bombs and Energy Needles.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dean


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Thirty minutes passed since Jack walked back to his apartment after having a brief discussion about his avenues in Alabama with his classmate Roman, the two were heading down the same road in theater after his college days. Roman felt a burning desire to become a personal trainer, a job he was proud of getting up every morning to do. Particularly, two minutes later, the siren in Brooklyn New York blared loudly signaling the approach of a tornado. A wave of people panicking, ran passed him, while others were getting there kids out of the back of their cars. Right after he arose to his feet a woman ran out of Starbucks she stood for a moment before turning to sand; and reaching the rooftop to attack the tornado and keep the swirling mass of rubble and scrap from destroying New York.

In the middle of traffic, was a woman with her husband that has just awoke after a long sleep with her two children buckled in the backseat of her SUV, Roman rushed to the scene quickly opening the door and unfastening the belts from the passenger seat before doing the same in the backseat. After the family escaped down the middle of the street Roman suddenly caught sight of another conduit in the air this one used his electricity. He jerked his body forward with the idea to help the two get rid of the tornado or slow it down. Two conduits were already handling it he didnt need to be involved right now, using telepathy he traced the thought patterns from people around the area. 5 miles away, he saw another family on the rooftop of a hotel a closer look into the building he noticed the door that lead the roof was locked. Looking behind him to judge the distance of the tornado between the people stuck on the roof and the rest of New York. He ran to the hotel while the two conduits fought off the tornado and he made his entrance into the building, after climbing a set of stairs to reach the door, a turn of the knob would open the door or he thought it would. Dealing with a stuck door this was a problem either someone with know idea of what they did, locked them out, or the door was simply jammed. He leaned back briefly and after a hard kick the door flung open. The man wearing causal brown jeans and a brown shirt was in a slight panic.

Though it ended the moment the door was kicked opened, as they looked at him with a concerned expression. "Well, what are you guys waiting for?" He said. After a while they ran to the door and down the steps.

Amongst all the conduits helping to slow down the tornado using a range of powers like electromagnetism, sand, and paint. Roman positioned his arms exactly like he was holding a bow and arrow which formed to his hands, it was time to join the rest of the conduits in stopping the tornado.

He released his arrow as it darted through the air with a green aura that soon solidified tight enough to slid down. The tip hooked into the side of the building a five blocks behind the conduit using sand. He grabbed the rope made of psychic energy and slid toward the building, his feet touching the pavement. He landed on the building a few footsteps away from the oncoming tornado and the hook disappeared, He figured firing shots of kinetic energy would not do anything it was nature or so he thought it was. A tornado formed without clouds? Unlikely.

He wanted to end this quick atleast thats what he thought might happen. A green thick blade the length of his right arm, extended from his palm he grabbed the handle and leaped toward the center of the tornado and attempted to impale the conduit in his head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sam sat on the roof of some building that she'd decided to spend the night on. It wasn't because she was destitute, or because she was poor -the money for relocation of imprisoned conduits was still sitting in her bank- it was because she liked the sky too much to waste the chance to spend an extra day outside. Sam stretched out and gathered her stuff, some blood bags with her name on them, a black hoodie, and a wallet that she'd found on the bus. She left most of the cards and junk with the driver, but kept the twenty dollars for herself. She didn't have an easy way to access her money at the moment. She'd have to get one, naturally, but she'd spent the years since Curdian Cay shut down just wandering.

She wandered up and down the country, just seeing what all she could see. Everything was so bright and shiny, or when it wasn't clean was dirty and real. She just loved that it didn't only reach five feet in every direction and was some kind of in between. She loved that she felt grounded in reality, that when she opened her eyes in the morning she wasn't hooked up to a machine that would fill with red liquid and fall back asleep as soon as she'd woken up. It wasn't a pleasant experience.

When she'd finally decided to stop wandering, the last place she decided to be in was New York City. It did not disappoint in the least. She peered over the side of the building to see people flying around and driving. There wasn't anything that she'd heard about Conduits and humans fighting each other. It was harmony, and it was peaceful. Sam was tempted to just Plasma shift down, but that would startle the norms. Conduits being normal or not, a blob of blood descending from a rooftop just was too disturbing. So instead she moved across to the next rooftop, crossing quickly across the city.

She barely realized that sirens were going off around her. A tornado was rampaging through the town. From the looks of it, it might have some conduit influence. She quickly dashed over to check out the situation. She might not be able to do much with all the wind, but at least she could try to help. She managed to get behind some guy who was trying to decide whether or not to help. "Would you mind if I joined you? I'd help, but..." she shrugged her shoulders. "My power would be kind of useless."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yellow energy twisted around Grease's ankles, as he was still trying to make up his mind. He was almost set on his decision to run away, until he heard the voice. He jumped, not a big fan of being snuck up on. Composing himself quickly, he turned to see the woman behind him. He frowned for a moment, taking in the sentence for a moment, as the energy around his feet vanished.

"It can't be that bad. Some guy is down there throwing rubber."

Grease muttered, shaking his head. He shrugged, before zipping up his leather jacket all of the way, so that the gale wouldn't whip it around too much. He reached out his hand for a handshake as he secured his hat. "The name's Jack, most people call me 'Grease'. I run fast. How about you? What've you got up your sleeve?" He asked, giving a glance to the tornado, which was getting rather far away.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


Member Offline since relaunch

Ellie quickly jumped from rooftop to rooftop to keep up with the tornado. "Jesus Christ how strong is this thing?!" Ellie yelled, throwing more needles at the tornado. "Crap i'm running out..." Ellie remarked. 'Best if I take this down below..." Ellie jumped down and used the last of her light to form into it, then reformed and landed. Ellie went up to a TV shop and absorbed as much as she could from the tv. "Alright, this could last me a while..." Ellie said, chucking more Needles and laying down more bombs. "Right, Now just to get behind it." Ellie muttered, turning into light then reforming on a rooftop as the tornado past her. "Holy shit that was close..." Ellie said, falling flat on her ass. 'Gah! Shit." She exclaimed quietly, getting up.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Scorn heard the alarm which brought her out of her daydream of what the billboard wiould look like and some of her other future plans."Oh what trouble is someone causing today?" she mused to herself, continuing along the rooftops until she came upon the battle at hand. Normally she would just watch these events of rogue conduits fighting other conduits, why should she help take down a rogue conduit? She didn't care for the norms and the rogue's provided a good distraction for her to cause her own little scenes of chaos that most were still picking there brains about on who had done those. This time was different though, most of the time they didn't create such a big mess, like tornado boy was doing, it made her blood boil. This was her town, her play area, she wasn't going to let some rogue mess it up, only she was allowed to do that.
"This is my town!" she growled and then jumped off the building landing in a shadow and appearing on top of another building, getting closer to the action and running alongside the swirling vortex. She formed a ball of dark shadows in her hand, and shot it at the vortex, a missile made from shadows. Unfortunately it seemed to do nothing or even slow the guy who was creating the tornado. She promised herself if she got her hands on the guy, she was going to sink her claws into his skull and use him as an example as well as that Syndicate guy for her billboard.
She ran past a few other conduits, not bothering to tell them to move, shoving past a few of them that were not paying attention. At least a good outcome of it would be being payed if she was the one who took the guy down. Or she would kill him, in any case it was a win-win situation for her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RainDash
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RainDash Turnabout Luckster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Honestly, I wish it was rubber. It's uh..." she trailed off. If she revealed her power then he might be repulsed. She rubbed her palm with her thumb, nervously trying to think about how to say what her power was better. "I can... I can control blood." she took a step back, closer to the edge of the roof where she could just Plasma Shift down if things went sour. As she did so, she pulled the hood over her head, tugging it tightly over her face. She just had to hope that he wouldn't panic. She couldn't control internal blood yet, she had to see it to manipulate it. Maybe she should have mentioned that, but it was too late now. The man would probably think she was a crazy blood witch or something.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ford kept close enough to see what was going on with the other conduits. Nothing seemed to be working yet at the same time no one seemed to be doing anything all that powerful. No, pulling out all the stops menuvers where to be found. Well if someone was going to start that party might as well be him.

He took another look at his hands. They helded a full charge. He was going to need every bit of it. Racing from roof top to roof top he managed to get a head of the tornado. Never stopping to think he started charging up his right. It sounded like a flock of birds all chirping were flying next to him.

When he hit what he thought was going to be a safe distance. Ford dropped to one knee resting his left hand on top to of his free knee. He used his right hand to generate as power as he could safely. He would then fire the lightning bolt in to his left to speed up the bolt of lightning as much as he could without causing any danger to himself. This wasn't something he could do often. Between the power it consumed and the fact that there were normally people everywhere. It wasn't an everyday move. Past that, this was right the limit of what he could control and lightning has a mind all to itself.

He unleashed his attack the horridly loud rumble of thunder followed behind the shot. All his eyes could make out behind the blinding blue and white blast was that it made contact with the tornado. Between the blinding and the disorienting thunder right behind it. It was all he could just to get out of the way of the tornado. That was his best shot on his own. Any more than that he would need help. But what the hell, there are plenty of other conduits that can take care of it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Of course. Of course, I would be stuck with the..." Grease muttered in a disappointed tone, trailing off. "Everyone gets something badass, like blood, or smoke. Hell, even sewage is cooler than me. Asphalt. Goddamn asphalt." He said, putting his face into his palm.

"Trust me, you can help." He said, a smirk on his face. "Also, we should get going if we want to catch up. Need a lift?" He asked, offering his hand, still throwing a nervous glance back at the tornado from time to time. He wasn't a fan of idle conversation, or standing still. It took a lot of self control for him to have not bolted already.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


Member Offline since relaunch

"This isn't working, nothings working!" Ellie said to herself, firing another 2 needles at the tornado. "Who the hell is even in there?" Ellie wondered, looking around. "Who ever it is they're one hell of a conduit..." She fires two more needles at the tornado, but too no eval. "God freaking damn it..." Ellie cursed, throwing more needles at it. "Wait, Maybe i've just been missing completely..." Ellie said. "Eye of the storm is in the middle, so just fire there..." Ellie created two more Needles and threw them at the middle of the storm, seeing if anything will happen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Jen sighed, looking around desperately. The rest of the conduits seemed to be doing their best work. Launching shrapnel. Shooting shadow. Blasting light. What else were they to do? She began to pace the rooftop she was standing on. It was directly by the tornado’s path. Nearby, a conduit attempted to launch itself at the tornado, gripping a green blade. The hurricane simply absorbed the person, adding it to it’s growing mass of rubble. If she- Jen paused. A massive, deafening boom echoed through the ruins of the street. Nearby, merely one rooftop away, a conduit launched a massive lightning bolt at the tornado. A crackling, arcing bolt of pure electricity. The lightning didn’t seem to do much, at first. The twister shrugged it away like the rest of the attacks. But on closer examination, the lightning did seem to be doing.. something. The rubble absorbed by the tornado was beginning to act more wild. No longer did it seem to be in check by the rogue conduit. The man had lost all control of the rubble. The lightning had thrown him off, the light blinding him. “He’s done for!” Jen yelled over the turmoil of fighting. “He’s done!” Jen watched as the rest of it began to continue. As she hid, it occured to Jen how stupid she looked right now. While the rest of the conduits seemed to be fighting in sleek jackets and shirts, she was launching blasts of dusty sand in a Starbucks Uniform.

It continued on like this for several minutes. Conduits throwing all they had at the rogue. The man stumbling about in his tornado, trying to make sense of his surroundings. The tornado was getting wilder now, as he began to lose control of it. The figure was getting fainter and fainter. Finally, the man was done in by one of his own scraps of rubble. One particular piece of shrapnel had gotten close to the center of the twister and had launched itself at the man. The man, along with the rest of the shrapnel, were all launched from the tornado. It was hard to make sense of what was happening. Jen dived behind a nearby generator on her building, taking cover. Several pieces from the hood of a car flew over her. She peeked out from behind it. Jen spotted the figure of a man being flung over to a nearby alley. It seemed that all of the conduits who had been fighting immediately converged to the alley where the man had been flung. Only one of them could get the prize money for turning him in. It was as if one soldier had finally thrown out an enemy troop in his tank, and the rest of his allies were converging on the one man. Jen herself was kind of hoping to turn him in. It would pay the bills for a long while.

Jen morphed into a continuous stream of sand and flew over to the alley. Man, he really did some damage.. Jen thought, looking over the destruction as she flew to the man. The area the twister had ravaged was in tatters. The dark alley was one of the few untouched areas. Jen arrived to it. However, the rest of the conduits seemed to be in a massive crowd by the beginning of the alley. They were all staring awestruck at what was happening. Jen pushed her way through the crowd. She could hear what sounded like sobs at the end of the alley? Why were they just standing there? Why didn’t they help? Jen arrived at the front, and what she saw was awful. “I.. hey.. uh..” Jen began in a meek voice. At the end of the alley, the rogue conduit was on his knees. He wore an old hoodie and tattered jeans. His hands were on his lap and he was staring straight into the sky, his mouth hanging open. His eyes had rolled into the back of his sockets. A man was holding his scalp. He wore the traditional garb of a Syndicate – the trademark mechanical mask and the clean suit. He wore the same gloves seen in the video about a year ago. He held the rogue’s scalp tightly, and a blue neon energy was seeping from any available orifice from the rogue right into his glove.

Jen slowly raised her hand, but she was too late. The man let go of the rogue’s scalp and the conduit dropped to the ground, unconscious. One conduit by her raised a hand and let loose a swirling blast of shrapnel. The Syndicate member raised his glove, who’s neon lines now glowed a dark, shadowy grey. His arm morphed into a swirling tornado, and simply absorbed the shrapnel. The tornado disappeared just as quickly as it turned. The Syndicate member flexed his metal gauntlet, forming a claw in his hand, staring down at it. He slowly rose his mask to face the crowd. “The Syndicate sends it’s regards.” He said. And with that, the man turned around and walked off, suit fluttering behind him. As he melded into the shadows of the alley, most of the conduits launched their attacks. Paint, rubber, smog. All of the attacks hit a brick wall at the end. It was as if the man had simply disappeared. Jen and the rest of the crowd just stared at the alley for a long while, the unconscious rogue norm lying on the ground.
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