Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Lupus
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Personality: Lupus has never wanted anything more than what he has, and what he has is a pack which he devotes himself entirely to. He is willing to do anytging to better the pack even sacrifice his life and the lives of those that would hurt the pack. He despises those who are unloyal and tough he is old he will still fight until he or his opponent drops.
Bio: He was born into the pack and raised to be a killer like all of his brothers and sisters. He was being taught to hunt by an older member of the pack, he was instructed to hunt down a rabbit and bring it back. The older pack member lingered behind him allowing Lupus to hunt somewhat on his own. He chased the rabbit through a thicket and heard it stop he peered through the brush and saw a large wolf with the rabbit in its mouth. He saw the wolf tense then drop the rabbit and sniff the air, it looked towards the bushes and beared its fangs. Lupus began to back up but heard rapid pawsteps behind him and stopped, he heard claws scrape ground then watched the older wolf jump over the bush and slam into the other wolf. Lupus watched as the two struggled, biting and tearing, the occasional yelp came from either of the two. Lupus watched in awe and approached the pair teeth bared he lunged at the opposing wolf and managed to work himself into the fight. He felt a claw rake across his face and he yelped in pain, he backed away from the battle and looked to the floor as he felt warm liquid flow from his left eye. He saw it, laying there a bit of blood around it, he ignored the fight as the older wolf bit hard into the neck of the opposing wolf. The older wolf looked back at Lupus as the other fell to the floor limp. Lupus looked down he did not notice any pain, he just felt angry, rage swelled inside him and he looked towards the older wolf. Only this time he ntoiced the older wolf was at eye level no longer above him, both looked puzzled and with though came rationaliazation, with that came serenity of mind, Lupus felt himself grow smaller and the wolf looked down at him. Lupus walked to the rabbit and picked it up, he and the elder wolf made their way back to the den. Since that day Lupus has faithfully served the pack, taking part in many fights and doing whatever the alphas require him to do.
Rank: Beta
Power 1: He can tripple in size and lose all reasoning making him into a berzerker on the battle field.
Power 2: He can make his fur hard as bone when necessary.
Markings: A large scar is over his left eye and has many stray scars on his body and legs.
.Family: None
Mate: None
Friends: Some may call him a friend but he doesnt call many his friends.
Sentimental Attachment: None
Other: Unnecessary
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The One
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The One The Only One!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ok. I am not going to be nice here. Your wolf is completely, and utterly useless. You have the worst powers out of EVERYONE! I told you, give yourself useful powers that you can use to defend yourself with. How is seeing far distances when you are being attacked by and entire pack of wolves? How will making your skin hard help in that situation? Sure, it could be useful, but, you can't use it all the time, and even with that, you can't attack.

Look. Just do exactly what I tell you to do.

You need to do a bio, even if he never talks about it. Do one, or you are not in.

Your powers, are shit, make them better. If you need help just ask Pharaoh who will be the one in charge of powers from now on as I have had way too many people mess around with useless, stupid and shit powers. Good luck, as now, because something I hadn't said was, you can and will die in this Rp. If you have a shit power, then you are most likely to die. If you can not keep up, you are most likely going to die.

Good luck, some of you are REALLY going to need it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

o... k some one has finally snapped umm HellHoundWoof i would be happy to help u out with your powers that is if u haven't been scared off but just let me say one is not normally like this but she is getting relay annoyed with having to repeat herself and constantly tell people to edit witch was the reason for you little entry qwze but if anyone else would like to make your characters stronger dont hesitate to ask as she is pretty pissed ATM so someone will likely die soon if this keeps up
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Wow, that's just...really harsh :O I'm not going to argue, but I think I'm going to withdraw from this RP. It's really spiraled further away from what I thought it was, I understand how it can be annoying when an RP doesn't go your way and people don't stick to the rules but can I just point out here that at no point in the interest checks or the OOC starting post have you specified what you actually want from people except their roles :S In fact I was under the impression we could have powers if we wanted them, there was nothing about needing them. Or needing them to be powerful. A lot of people have had really good ideas on powers but you've shot them down without even giving them the chance to demonstrate them :O Plus does it not feel like your recycling all the same powers? Wouldn't variety also be a powerful thing?

I'm really sorry to post this but I feel I needed to say that. You have an awesome idea going here, or did from what I read in the Interest check and I honestly really hope it all works out for you :) But I'm sorry I won't be continuing with this, I can edit or (if possible) delete my posts in this thread for you if you would like me to. Best of luck to you all :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

fist of let me say Rose i can see where you are coming from but a lot of the powers she has rejected are a sub ability of stronger powers and where as it dose not she you have to have strong powers it dose state you will be fighting other packs so it would stand to reason that you would need good power in order to defend yourself and the pack and as for her being harsh she is i agree but she is getting relay annoyed with contently repeating herself and even though you haven't seen it let me just add this has also been going on in PM with multiple people where she has heard them out with their powers and explained the situation she has even shown me some of the quotes but she has just had enough that's y she has handed it over to me but if i where in here position it would not have gone on for this long as i would have been more direct with those who she has had this problem with but i wont mention any names anyway sorry to see you go and try not to hold it agents her she has just lost her peasants today is all

ok now i have taken a quick look at everyone's CS's accepted and none accepted and this is a of week powers u ay want to change and stronger power serjestions that give you the same ability as the weaker version you chose this is in order of when i spotted them now obviously those who been accepted dont have to make any edits but i would strongly serjest you do as i have been told that i am allowed to kill of any of the weaker wolfs and i am going to make a character just for that porpoise now we will all end up fighting him he will only kill those who are week and cant put up a good fight

from page one

Stitchblades, Bjomolf, Power 1: his large size has given him abnormal strength for a pup of his age thats not even a power or an abillity its basically make you like any other body builder IRL but he is a pup so he will have others to look after him so if you dont want to edit you should be pretty save as long as you have Strong body guards now you could give him enhanced ability's I.E strength speed agility dexterity regeneration ect or you could focus on strength in witch case give him super strength and invulnerability or go with one of the mimicry powers i mentioned before as their are a lot of animals that are stronger then wolfs both IRL and in myths that would give you that ability like my spder ability give me enhanced strength and agility

Argetlam350 Thalesin Power 2: Unusually fast, more then most wolves. ok this one is an elder so he probably wont be doing much fighting but you basically just made him like any Olympic runner you could do the same thing as i serjested for Stitchblades

Page two

Argetlam350 Zaccar Power 1: Manipulates smoke ok i have watched one piece and i know smoker is pretty strong but his body is made out of smoke so unless you are going to do something simmaler i cant see how that will help you other then covering your escape Power 2: Some unusual strength for a wolf ok what is it with theses so called types of powers enhanced strength is classed as an ability super strength a power theses types of powers are never trust me on this you could put that in your bio and give a half assessed expansion like he works out a lot and gained a lot of muscal and one would accept it you are meant to be the hunter leader and from what i can see you are one of the weakest hunters if you want to control smoke why dont you give yourself water/ ice control as that actually lets u manipulate water ice snow and steam now i know that seam is not smoke but it is close enoth that the one will let you control smoke with considering how annoyed she is for power two see perveios tips i gave Stitchblades and Argetlam350 now you dont have to edit as i believe u have already been accepted but if you dont i dont think you will live long and since i am one of the three who will be killing of characters others being one and DKUK i know what i am talking about here

SomeoneSomewere Austin Power 1: telepathy( communication with mind alone. Once he creates a conversation he can recieve thoughts aswell from the other person before he ends the conversation.) that just telekinesis so y dont u add physic

FireHeartWolf Alexis(Alex) Power 1: When she sinks her fangs into something, it injects a paralysing poison. If she catches someone out, her pack then has the upper-hand. if you give yourself spider or lizard mimicry you would have that anyway as well as other ability's and have access to different types of venom Power 2: Can create a 'forcefield' or barrier surrounding something, creating it invisible and masks into the background- much like camouflage. light control can do the exact same thing and you can use it to kill people and fly who dosnt like flying?

FireHeartWolf Tristan Power 1: If he makes contact with someone- licks them, cuddles them ext.- he will sooth them and, if he licks a wound, can heal. ok sound manipulation can do the fist part as you could use it to sing with has been proven to sooth animals IRL as well as bring out other emotions as for the healing if you use the Molecular Acceleration sub ability theoretically you could accelerate the body natural healing process this link will enplane it in more detail http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Sound_Manipulation power 2: Can communicate with people by sending them images telepathically-but only pictures, no words same as someonesomewheres power1

Page three

Athinar Bandit Power 2: Enhanced healing same as Argetlam350 and Stitchblades but for the mimicry you would need something like lizard dragon or phoenix thinks than naturally regenerate faster then other animals

Cerberus Apollo Power 1: Empathic healing- Takes wounds and pain onto herself.
Power 2: Hyper persuasion- Hypnotically forces others to obey comands, this is weaker on Alphas, Elders, and ones with strong will. ok power 1 is a unique ability's so its hard to give you a power that can do them but their are lodes of ways to heal other if that's what you want to do i can give you list if you need ideas and as for Power 2 you can use physic/telekinesis and you could attack and defend with it and considering you are a Caretaker and part of your job is protecting pups and the sick/ injured you should make him a bit stronger

Cerberus Artemis Power 1: Vulpes senses: Can hear and smell much better than a wolf should, matching the senses of foxes./ CerberusArtemisPower 1: Vulpes senses: Can hear and smell much better than a wolf should, matching the senses of foxes.OrionPower 1: Vulpine Physiology- Has a Fox like appearance and senses. ok i have gone though the enhanced ability and senses thing a few times now so i assume you all get the idea

Page four

Destinyfailhorror17 Corin Power: Super sonic bark (deathen enemies if they got to close and disorientate them, leaving them defenceless) ok sound manipulation would not only give you the same ability and more it would make this power completely useless

Destinyfailhorror17CorinPower: Super sonic bark (deathen enemies if they got to close and disorientate them, leaving them defenceless) same as Destinyfailhorror17/ Corins Power

Page six

HellHoundWoof Lupus Power 1: He is capable of seeing far distances with his ome eye. ok this power can be use as a sub power of a lode of stronger power or you could just do the same thing as i have said about the enhanced ability's if you need a more detailed list then let me know that is if you are still interested after all that
Power 2: He can make his fur hard as bone when necessary. Bone manipulation this would allow you to make bone armor and fire parts of your bones as weapons and give you enhanced regeneration

now to address Roses commute duplicate powers yes they are a lot of them but that is because there a lot of similar ability's
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

All right I changed some powers up. Elder wolf now has fire and earth, while leader hunter has ice and electricity, hope those are seen as better.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

yeah they are stronger but seen as you clearly dont mind having different powers i could give a list of decant power if you would like considering that they are strong power but they are also common but they are fine i only gave the suggestions that i did because they where stronger powers that gave you the same ability so if you want more uncommon powers i can get u a list otherwise they are fine
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ok I changed mine.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ok the reason he doesnt have control over earth or fire or ice or flight is because all of those are OP I am trying to make it so hes not a litteral god. The bio thing I will admit I was lazy on that, and a side note to everyone who assumed I would take offense at her criticism I am not at all offended and she was fully entitled to a bit of rage. I will edit it if pleases the group.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Stitchblades
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Stitchblades Never Fear Stitch is here

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I apologise but i am withdrawing from this rp not having internet for a feww weeks and it would be un fair for others who could have my spot. Good luck everyone tho hope you have fun
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ok added a full bio. I appologize for any inadequacies.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

PharaohAtem said
yeah they are stronger but seen as you clearly dont mind having different powers i could give a list of decant power if you would like considering that they are strong power but they are also common but they are fine i only gave the suggestions that i did because they where stronger powers that gave you the same ability so if you want more uncommon powers i can get u a list otherwise they are fine

I'm listening, I'm always up for more unique abilities. So yeah if you have any suggestions that could be of some service.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

ok here theses are both links to a pretty big list of powers



i would give you more specific recommendations but just found out form one she has lost interest in the RP and will not be making the IC so hope that helps you in the future and sorry guys it was nice meeting you all
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

FaithsRose said
Wow, that's just...really harsh :O I'm not going to argue, but I think I'm going to withdraw from this RP. It's really spiraled further away from what I thought it was, I understand how it can be annoying when an RP doesn't go your way and people don't stick to the rules but can I just point out here that at no point in the interest checks or the OOC starting post have you specified what you actually want from people except their roles :S In fact I was under the impression we could have powers if we wanted them, there was nothing about needing them. Or needing them to be powerful. A lot of people have had really good ideas on powers but you've shot them down without even giving them the chance to demonstrate them :O Plus does it not feel like your recycling all the same powers? Wouldn't variety also be a powerful thing? I'm really sorry to post this but I feel I needed to say that. You have an awesome idea going here, or did from what I read in the Interest check and I honestly really hope it all works out for you :) But I'm sorry I won't be continuing with this, I can edit or (if possible) delete my posts in this thread for you if you would like me to. Best of luck to you all :)

I'm honestly going to have to agree. In the beginning I totally understood with your suggestion that I change my CS, but at this point, after seeing that nearly every single power has been pretty much uselessly shot down, and after that somewhat-large outburst, I think I'm gonna withdraw as well. Bye. Good luck with your roleplay.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Well it seems this RP is somewhat falling to pieces a bit I mean if The One is dropping out, that's nearly half of the characters it seems since The One made quite a few characters. Guess there's highly unlikely any chance of this getting off the ground so I might drop out myself. Was nice meeting everyone but I guess this is goodbye for now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This looks like its really falling apart, I might back out too, maybe when its stable again I will join again. See you guys, until then
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PharaohAtem


Member Seen 3 mos ago

oh well it could have been a descent RP but with gm gone and everyone dropping out i think it is safe to say this RP is officially dead so...

Time of death 10 pm 20/04/14 anyone like to say any last wads?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cerberus


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Apollo
Gender: Female
Age: 6

Personality: Apollo is a kind female, always willing to help those in need. However, due to the way in which she was raised she holds a rather intimidating aura about her. She is most protective of the cubs and elders of the pack, believing that the pups are the future of the pack and the Elders shall help guide them onto the right path. She is not very patient and will often do things herself so that she doesn't have to wait. Apollo is a very stern she-wolf as she will openly demand a wounded wolf, regardless of rank to do as they are told by her or Schol. If said wolf does not comply, she has no problem shocking them still.

Bio: Apollo is what one would call the black sheep of the family, he parents and grandparents as well as her siblings were all hunters, all having powers suited to hunting. When she discovered her abilities she was outcast from most of her immediate family aside from her little brother and twin sister. It was through the support of these two that she began actively helping pack members while also keeping up with the rigorous training the hunters went through, if only to keep her sister company.

Rank: Caretaker Female
Power 1: Cryokinetic Healing- Generates Ice that heals wounds or accelerates the healing process greatly.
Power 2: Electrokinesis- Can generate and control electricity in a number of ways.
Markings: Several Scars from training and playfighting with her sister and a few Hunters, Red markings around eyes and forehead, Black Sclera(white part of eye), teal iris, no pupil but can see clearly.
Family: Artemis- Twin Sister
Orion- Little brother.

Friends: A few of the weaker hunters as they see her often.
Sentimental Attachment: Family
Other: She has quite a bit of training as a Hunter so she is stronger than she looks and it has given her an air of authority that intimadates some of the wolves, mainly those who only know her in passing.


Name: Artemis
Gender: Female
Age: 6

Personality: Artemis is a serious young female, she is extremely protective of pack and is Loyal to her Alpha. She is A skilled hunter and has been trained as one since she was able to walk and see on her own. However, Artemis is actually very insecure about her abilities as a hunter and trains often, having Apollo help her in one way or another.

Bio: Artemis was raised to be a hunter, however she had always felt as though she was a step behind her sister whom was the only one in their immediate family with no abilities that would actually aid a hunter. Although instead of resenting, Apollo, Artemis looked up to her sister because she never let anyone get to her. Since then she has dedicated her life to becoming one of the top hunters of the pack.

Rank: Hunter
Power 1: Serquekinesis- can generate and manipulate a corosive acid.
Power 2: Dust Mimicry- Can evaporate into a cloud of black dust that is capable of traveling faster than she can run.
Markings: Blue crescent moons on either temple, black sclera
Family: Apollo- Twin sister
Orion- little brother
Sentimental Attachment: Family, the braided rope she wears as a momento of her friend who died trying to escape poachers.
Other: She is irrationally jealous of her sister's ability as a hunter even though her hunting ability is sub-par


Name: Orion
Gender: Male
Age: 3 Months

Personality: Orion is a rather rambunctious little tyke. he is often getting into trouble due to his intense curiousity and lack of self preservation. Orion very hyper, one to ask a question per-second and never quit. He is also quite lovable due to his skiddish nature at times. His personality is a bit hectic and ever changing due to his young age.

Bio: Orion was born during the recent mating season and has yet to really venture out and explore, however his father died shortly before his birthing and his mother passed during his birth. He has never thought as to if that was a bad thig or not.

Rank: Pup
Power 1: Hallucikinesis- can create and manipulate illusions.
Power 2: Unknown as of yet.
Markings: black muzzle, Black sclera
Family: Artemis and Apollo- Older sisters
Sentimental Attachment: Family
Other: Since the death of their parents, Apollo and Artemis have been taking care of Orion as their own.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Athinar
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Athinar Big Stupid. Veteran from Oldguild.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Good bye. I can't really do this, I have a work load that can't let me do this.
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