Name: Lupus
Gender: Male
Age: 10
Personality: Lupus has never wanted anything more than what he has, and what he has is a pack which he devotes himself entirely to. He is willing to do anytging to better the pack even sacrifice his life and the lives of those that would hurt the pack. He despises those who are unloyal and tough he is old he will still fight until he or his opponent drops.
Bio: He was born into the pack and raised to be a killer like all of his brothers and sisters. He was being taught to hunt by an older member of the pack, he was instructed to hunt down a rabbit and bring it back. The older pack member lingered behind him allowing Lupus to hunt somewhat on his own. He chased the rabbit through a thicket and heard it stop he peered through the brush and saw a large wolf with the rabbit in its mouth. He saw the wolf tense then drop the rabbit and sniff the air, it looked towards the bushes and beared its fangs. Lupus began to back up but heard rapid pawsteps behind him and stopped, he heard claws scrape ground then watched the older wolf jump over the bush and slam into the other wolf. Lupus watched as the two struggled, biting and tearing, the occasional yelp came from either of the two. Lupus watched in awe and approached the pair teeth bared he lunged at the opposing wolf and managed to work himself into the fight. He felt a claw rake across his face and he yelped in pain, he backed away from the battle and looked to the floor as he felt warm liquid flow from his left eye. He saw it, laying there a bit of blood around it, he ignored the fight as the older wolf bit hard into the neck of the opposing wolf. The older wolf looked back at Lupus as the other fell to the floor limp. Lupus looked down he did not notice any pain, he just felt angry, rage swelled inside him and he looked towards the older wolf. Only this time he ntoiced the older wolf was at eye level no longer above him, both looked puzzled and with though came rationaliazation, with that came serenity of mind, Lupus felt himself grow smaller and the wolf looked down at him. Lupus walked to the rabbit and picked it up, he and the elder wolf made their way back to the den. Since that day Lupus has faithfully served the pack, taking part in many fights and doing whatever the alphas require him to do.
Rank: Beta
Power 1: He can tripple in size and lose all reasoning making him into a berzerker on the battle field.
Power 2: He can make his fur hard as bone when necessary.
Markings: A large scar is over his left eye and has many stray scars on his body and legs.
.Family: None
Mate: None
Friends: Some may call him a friend but he doesnt call many his friends.
Sentimental Attachment: None
Other: Unnecessary
Gender: Male
Age: 10

Personality: Lupus has never wanted anything more than what he has, and what he has is a pack which he devotes himself entirely to. He is willing to do anytging to better the pack even sacrifice his life and the lives of those that would hurt the pack. He despises those who are unloyal and tough he is old he will still fight until he or his opponent drops.
Bio: He was born into the pack and raised to be a killer like all of his brothers and sisters. He was being taught to hunt by an older member of the pack, he was instructed to hunt down a rabbit and bring it back. The older pack member lingered behind him allowing Lupus to hunt somewhat on his own. He chased the rabbit through a thicket and heard it stop he peered through the brush and saw a large wolf with the rabbit in its mouth. He saw the wolf tense then drop the rabbit and sniff the air, it looked towards the bushes and beared its fangs. Lupus began to back up but heard rapid pawsteps behind him and stopped, he heard claws scrape ground then watched the older wolf jump over the bush and slam into the other wolf. Lupus watched as the two struggled, biting and tearing, the occasional yelp came from either of the two. Lupus watched in awe and approached the pair teeth bared he lunged at the opposing wolf and managed to work himself into the fight. He felt a claw rake across his face and he yelped in pain, he backed away from the battle and looked to the floor as he felt warm liquid flow from his left eye. He saw it, laying there a bit of blood around it, he ignored the fight as the older wolf bit hard into the neck of the opposing wolf. The older wolf looked back at Lupus as the other fell to the floor limp. Lupus looked down he did not notice any pain, he just felt angry, rage swelled inside him and he looked towards the older wolf. Only this time he ntoiced the older wolf was at eye level no longer above him, both looked puzzled and with though came rationaliazation, with that came serenity of mind, Lupus felt himself grow smaller and the wolf looked down at him. Lupus walked to the rabbit and picked it up, he and the elder wolf made their way back to the den. Since that day Lupus has faithfully served the pack, taking part in many fights and doing whatever the alphas require him to do.
Rank: Beta
Power 1: He can tripple in size and lose all reasoning making him into a berzerker on the battle field.
Power 2: He can make his fur hard as bone when necessary.
Markings: A large scar is over his left eye and has many stray scars on his body and legs.
.Family: None
Mate: None
Friends: Some may call him a friend but he doesnt call many his friends.
Sentimental Attachment: None
Other: Unnecessary