Name: Kaleb Traine
Age: 900 (looks 25)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Medium Length striaght Black Hair, Athletic build,
Bio: Born in the year 1114 Kaleb was growing up during the period in the UK known as the Anarchy, as such he's become very good at surviving in Chaos, he also takes credit or rather blame for the sinking of 'The White Ship' in 1120 despite being 6 years old.When he hit puberty his slower aging kicked in and since then he has only grown a year older every 60 years or so. He has lived in the UK his entire life but has found himself in almost every city across the world in his time on it.
Power 1: Blink (The ability to teleport anywhere he can see)
Power 2: Super Jump (Can't fly but can jump a rediculous amount with damaging himself)
Power 3: Water Affinity (Can control water, think avatar)
Power 4: Hyper-Instict (Sort of light spidey sense, asin slight precognition)
Power 5: Phase Walk (Can move insanely fast but only short periods at a time and it needs to recharge)
Strength: 9
Speed: 1
Personality: Happy go-lucky and very caring for those weaker than him, especially humanity. Sort of just let's his life happen to him as appose to purposefully making anything happen. Not quick to anger but flies into uncontrollable rage when he is angered. Not shy but doesn't try and have emotional connectino with anyone as he has seen everyone who he did have a connection with die over his lifetime. Still acts like a 20 year old man despite his age and hates the fact that he ages so slowly
Name: Judith Gibson
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Personality: Careful, faithful, kind, polite, shy, and sympathetic
Power 1: Power Sensing (To sense other superhuman powers)
Power 2: Animal Mimicry (To take on the abilities of animals)
Power 3: Night Vision (To see clearly in total darkness)
Power 4: Animation (Bring inanimate objects to life)
Strength: One.
Speed: Three.
Name: Eli Gibson
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Personality: Adventurous, easygoing, friendly, honest, optimistic, and straightforward
Power 1: Earth Manipulation (Control sand, stone, rock, and dirt.)
Power 2: Possession (Take control and inhabit the body of an individual)
Power 3: Night Vision (To see clearly in total darkness)
Power 4: Animal Control (Communicate with animals to get them to do task on command)
Strength: Three.
Speed: One.
Bio: It was raining, dark gray clouds covered the sky, the day Judith and Eli came into the world. Their mother had lost her life giving birth to her twin, leaving the father to take care of them. He was a strict man. Their father had always tried to control Eli and Judith’s life never letting them step out of line. As they grew their personalities had become different. Judith was a shy girl who wanted to work hard to please her father. She felt that he had blamed Eli and her for her mother’s death. She felt guilty and a part of her blamed them too. Eli was adventurous and defied his father at every turn. He hated when his father that he was better than him making him feel worthless. Judith and Eli started to discover their powers around the same time. They worked together helping each other. Judith was scared of her new found power while Eli enjoyed it wanting to take it further. However Judith had Eli promise not to use his power for anything unless it was them practicing together. He hated the thought of it but he agreed not wanting anyone to find out about his sister and his powers.
Note: I don’t know if this is another power. I want Eli and Judith to be able to feel when the other is in pain and the other’s emotions.
Name: Sonny Wakefield
Age: 38
Gender: Male

Personality: Friendly, laid back and curious to the point of annoyance. Sonny knows exactly what he is, and isn't one to second guess himself.
Bio: Sonny's abilities have always been an integral part of his life, though he's learned to blend in and keep his talents hidden over time. He was born as an only child to a single mother. The boys father had left before child birth, and his mother never talked of him. His relationship with his mother was close and warm, and he didn't have to deal with much conflict in his life until his teenage years. Sonny learned to hide his powers, but not fear them. In fact, the ability to link minds and hide away from bullies was great!
What bothered him was his seemingly slowed aging. Where as his friends grew up at a normal pace, he seemed to lag behind, and not only a little. By the age of 20, he looked like a mere 10 year old, unable to be taken seriously. Living in a single place for too long wasn't an option, and even after his mother died, Sonny didn't stop his wandering behavior.
Not that Sonny minds. ”To travel is to live,” and so on. Helps that it reminds how small he actually is, in the grand scheme of things, no matter what powers he has.
Power 1: Mind Link
(Linking to other people has been an important part of Sonny's life. Barely noticeable unless he makes himself heard, these links are easy to create and break so long Sonny is willing. Multiple links make psychic communication possible for all the participants.)
Power 2: Telepathic Power Mimicry
(Through a telepathic link, Sonny is able to copy any power from his fellow arisen. These power will stay with him until the mind link is broken.)
Power 3: Psionic Immunity
(Unless Sonny allows it, it's impossible to get inside his head. Psychic abilities are worthless against him. He is able to protect others from psychic attacks as well, so long he's linked to them.)
Power 4: Invisibility
Power 5: Sound manipulation
Strength: 4
Speed: 6
Name: Damien Morris
Age: 30 year old
Gender: male

Damien Morris comes from America. His story involves staying with relatives in the United Kingdom. He has always been an outsider. He suddenly discovered his powers after having an odd dream one night during his stay in a hotel. The next day, several criminals attempted to mug him, and he easily took care of them with no effort. Someone who witnessed this attack took notice of Damien, and that evening he was attacked by a Child of the Light. Damien had to defend himself from a murder attempt, and it ended up in the deaths of his uncle and cousin. His brother was nearly also killed during this battle, and the attacker was finally beheaded when Damien twisted his head off. During this battle, Damien came to discover that he possessed an extremely tough body, that was very difficult to injure, he also manifested shape changing abilities, and he managed to destroy the assailant's technological armor with a laser blast from his eyes in an instinctive effort to survive the assault. When his family witnessed all of this, they were afraid.
Because of this worrying event, he has taken it upon himself to embark on a journey of self-discovery.
Power 1: Superhuman Intelligence
Power 2: Atmokinesis (Weather control)
Power 3: Superhuman healing factor
Power 4: Shapeshifting
Power 5: Sun Energy generation/manipulation (He generates sun energy inside himself and can basically manipulate his own energy).
Strength: 6
Speed: 4
Damien is a family man, and he enjoys the company of others. He studies often, and is attempting to find out the nature and origin of his powers. He loves to ask the question "why?" and he wants to learn everything that is possible to learn. His curious nature has only lead to much more studying ever since he has gained his supernatural intelligence. He is seen as a kind person, for his donation of millions of dollars to charity, and his past, short career as a caretaker, despite possessing a fortune. He left his career as a caretaker to pursue a career in business, and eventually he made his fortune exponentially larger. Now he uses his fortune to fund his scientific endeavors.
Name: Thufir
Age: Appears to be in his late 20s, but forgets when he was actually born.
Gender: Male
Appearance: A tall, muscular Middle Eastern man with a full beard and long dreadlocks. Wears button up dress shirts and khaki slacks with leather shoes.
Bio: Doesn't remember exactly when he was born, but claims his earliest memory is battling the Spartans at Thermopylae. He doesn't have a home, preferring to live as a nomad, slipping away to devise a new identity for himself when he felt that people may become suspicious of his perpetual youth.
Power 1: Can absorb a portion of any energy that is directed towards him and store it like a battery
Power 2: Shoots lazers from his hands using the stored energy
Power 3: Ability to instantly teleport a short distance causing a release of stored up energy when he reappears which causes an explosion of varying size, depending on how much energy he absorbed and how far he teleported.
Power 4: Ability to read minds
Power 5: Can harden his skin into an armor-like surface, which impedes his movement greatly but amplifies his ability to channel stored energy
Strength: 8
Speed: 2
Personality: Calm and gentle outside of combat, ruthless and efficient when battling other Ascended. Views himself as a protector of the younger Ascended, and is happy to share his knowledge when asked.
Name: Currently goes by Sarah Nashan
Age: 600
Gender: Female

Bio: Sarah was born 600 years ago as the daughter of a noble. She discovered her powers on her 16th birthday after which she decided she would enjoy controlling the head of the family, her father, and all his wealth and power rather than be married off. And so she took control of him and ruled through him until he eventually died, but it was not the end of her manipulations she weaved her way in and out of Europe’s politics for centuries, but as time went on her interest and pleasure gained from politics lessened and lessened, in time she grew tired of the way humans were acting and left the normal world on her 350th birthday. For the next hundred years she simply wandered wherever she pleased, exploring to her hearts content. Finally shortly after the end of the Cold War she returned to civilization, though she still refused to get involved in politics again instead choosing to simply live peacefully in London.
Power 1:Gravity manipulation
Power 2: Teleportation (Can teleport to any place she has visited at will, though it does require a great deal of concentration and is thus useless in any battle)
Power 3: Limited mind control over normal humans only
Personality: Sarah is an excellent actor and is very skilled in deception and lying to others. She is able to change her mood, behavior and almost entire personality when needed as long as it would gain her some extra measure of power. What she is actually like is up for debate and she herself has almost forgotten what she was originally like all those years ago.
Daaaaaamn it.... I only meant to submit this one, anyone know how I delete?
Name: Jay Rayne
Age: 1631 (But his body is physically 12)
Gender: Male

Bio: Born at the height of the Greek Empire, the boy’s family was a casualty of some minor battle. The soldiers responsible were a minor casualty of the boy. He may have had ungodly power, but he was just a boy and was easily tricked. He was chained to a heavy boulder and thrown down the deepest of trenches. Eventually the chains rusted and fell away, but by then the people his rage was directed at were long dead and the story of the titan chained to the boulder for all eternity had become a myth. He’s been wandering the surface of the world ever since, only making sure to be there to see every war. He enjoys watching humans soldiers kill each other, they remind him of the soldiers that killed his family. He wanders around the city at night, stealing anything he should happen to need.
Power 1: Excess Life (He doesn’t age, ever. His blood can heal most wounds and illnesses if infused or ingested.)
Power 2: Force Control (His touch can null or multiply the forces acting on an object, person, or even himself.)
Power 3: Perspective Shift (He changes the direction of ‘down’ for an object, making it fall in the new direction as if that was down. Using it multiple times can either multiple the pull or apply a pull in multiple directions.)
Power 4: Rememory (He remembers everything, even what he doesn’t want to. He can also go inside his memories as an observer to see things he may not have seen at the time)
power 5: N/A
Strength: 10 (just because he multiples the force of his hit and nulls any resistant forces)
Speed: 0
Personality: Jay thinks of himself as being separate from the world around him. He doesn’t care about the opinions of others, but he also knows how to conform to them. He is untrusting in that he trusts all others to ultimately fail at everything they try to accomplish, only being mildly surprised should they succeed. He is apathetic about most everything, but should he take a stand, watch out. When he sets his mind to something, it will happen no matter what. Supremely confident in himself and with no reservations about doing whatever it takes, Jay is a terrifying person to oppose. He actually enjoys it when others try to get in his way because it means that he can escape the apathy that will return once he reaches his goal for a little bit longer. There are times when he’s succumbed to the madness brought on by the thought of living forever, and the things he’s done in those instances are so terrible and deprived that they would instill terror and revulsion into the darkest of hearts. Unsurprisingly, Jay isn't big on teamwork, though he's great at telling others what they should do.
Name: Jaydyn Dashiell
Appearance:Jaydyn has black hair, and blue eyes while he has a beard on his chin. He is currently 5”9. ( Pic coming soon)
Bio: Currently a student at university, Jaydyn Dashiell was born in a fairly normal family in the UK or London to be exact. Living his life he hasn’t been knowing about his power, thus having him live a normal life. Until on his sixteenth birthday he has accidentally caught “ on fire.” Not knowing what happened to him. But after that his curiosity has lead to him to try more things out, as he started to find out he had more then one power; what more they are totally different from one another. As he is in the pursuit of knowledge of how he got the power, and how he can use it for everyone's benefit. But, since he has little knowledge he try not to touch it, and will at times accidental start it up thou. After his graduation in highschool he has been attending a university , trying to act like a normal student. According to him, he is the only one who would of such power.
Power 1:Surrounding of Fire - Type of skill : Passive iInfo: As he first discovered, this power when activated will surround him in an orb of fire.Weakness : His power is stronger the more mad he is, making the calmer he is the less the effectivness of the attack is. He also has to worry about water.
Power 2:Strength Tranfusion: Type of skill : Support , Info :He is able to tranfer his skill to other objects, meaning at his will, he will give his strength to other objects / living things for a limited amount of time. Weakness :As he may be helping the other person, he is putting himself at a big disadvantage, as the strength he gives for a limited time, leaves for that time too.
Power 3:Electric touch Type of skill : Active, info : Jaydyn , whenever at will, he could at touch use some of his energy to extremly zap someone. Weakness : As he uses his energy, it could also be making him more fatiuqe , and it would be more hard to get a direct hit, making use of more “tatics.”
Power 4:l”Residue Bounce” Type : Active Info: From his hand he is able to make these balls that are described as a colorful electricity thing. Not much is yet known from it, he has only used it once.
Power 5: TBA, Later in the rp.
Personality:He has multiple personalitys and it often described as being a shy, and non talkative kid. Whenever he would talk he is decribed of making clever and witty comments.
Name:James Noir
Power 1:-Shape shifting
[He can only change into beings he's seen before]
Power 2:-Emotional manipulation
[Aka a silver tongue, good at webbing lies and talking his way out of situations]
Power 3:-Flight
[He can go as high as he wants but only for a few hours, he needs breaks]
Power 4:-Shadow sight
[He can see the undead, or ghosts, he can talk to them as well but he tries not to because they don't always say the kindest things]
Power 5:-tba [to be added]
Personality:He has absolutely no regard for his own life, none, he could get stabbed and he'd just kind of shrug, honestly he doesn't care if he lives or dies. He's hot headed if you get him going but most of the time he's extremely chill, he doesn't like fighting but will if he needs to; although he's much more prone to trying to talk his way out of a fight. He doesn't like hurting people unless he really needs to, he likes talking but not around other people because he hates the feeling of being listened to and judged, so mostly he talks to animals even if they don't understand him or talk back because they never judge the things he has to say.
He's not naive, not in the least bit, he's seen more than his fair share of blood but he tries to keep his chin up because he doesn't like other people to worry for him, while he really hates himself but he sees beauty in everything, every person to him is a masterpiece because he loves normal people, he envies them. He want's to be friends with everyone, in all honesty he's kind of an attention whore, but he doesn't mean to be, he's a hopeless flirt and a real comedian once you get him to open up to you, he's a pretty okay guy and easy to get along with.
A little wishy washy for a guy, but, he's never fit in with the guys anyway.