Hello, everyone =3 I'm glad that you have taken interest in this little idea of mine and clicked to find out more. There is a lot of explaining to be done, which I can not summarize in just one go, due to the fact that I do not wish to make this post long and frightening ^ ^" That is why I advise you to visit the site I have made for this role-play, where I have written down and structured everything (hopefully) that you will need to know.
After reading that introduction, some of you probably didn't understand a thing at all XD Don't worry. It's supposed to be confusing. Now, onto the short straight explanation, concerning this role-play.
This is going to be a role-play, which falls into the following categories:
1. Murder
2. Fantasy
3. Psychological
4. Drama
5. Cyber
6. Randomness X3
One day, you receive a message on your phone.
To: (insert character name/username/address/e-mail)
From: 1.73
Topic: News
Hello and good yesterday.
Here are the news for our lovely city.
06:00 A number of newcomers have arrived. Please, threat them nicely~
10:30 The weather will be perfect. Indigo Square will have a sky of wonderful velvet. The vegetation in Last Part will continue growing uncontrollably. Aquatwist will be busy as always, but due to the overall sunniness, the chance of shadow-consumers is low. Akasan will have a medium fog snake factor. In the rest of the areas, everything shall be splendid as well.
13:25 Orangada offers 25% off on the drinks. Remember to get one, since the atmosphere will get warmer.
15:35 Construction on the new skyscraper will continue. Please, be wary of falling objects.
16:30 A murder will take place in Underpass. The murderer will be William Low.
Remember, keep your keys in your pockets and treat them with respect.
Have a nice yesterday~
Basically speaking, in this story your characters will enter Cell City, a city located in another dimension, which is situated one day before their present. Within that town there are eight areas, full of peculiar sights, sounds and creatures, which will offer you an adventure of a lifetime. You will get to participate in many missions and quests, meet beings of all kind and see many wonders. Think of it as an MMORPG.
The reason why they, the humans, have been granted access to this bizarre land is for them to take part in a murder game. Every day they receive a message on their device, stating various news regarding Cell City, one of them being an announcement for the murderer of the day. The said person has to become a murderer during or around that time, seeing as something of this caliber can never be predicted accurately.
This being said, you should be aware of the fact that characters will be dieing during this role-play. Not descriptively, of course, yet they will and others will be their murderers. Not to mention that humans, who are users in the game, will also have the chance to fight each other. Thus, if you decide to join this story, don't complain when any of the mentioned occurs.
You will be able to pick between two types of characters: Players and Keys.
Players are normal humans, who got the message and a certain app, which automatically gets installed after closing the message.
Keys are beings from the other world, Cell City, which will play the role of companions and main battle pawns of the players.
This role-play will not be all about murder and killing. You will have plenty of opportunity to do other things as well =3 As I mentioned, think of it as an online game. It'll be easier to accept death that way.