Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jade was startled when Otto reached over her. She sucked in her breath not daring to breath. Once she under stood what he was doing she relieved a puffed out sigh. The strap from the belt hurt, from being yanked into her, when Otto hit on the breaks. Tristan’s entire body lurched forward. Hitting his head on the car, we winced and clenched his teeth. He wanted to shout at Otto, he could have gotten killed, however the guy shouted first. “I don’t have a scratch on me fucker. “ He wanted to say more but knew better. It would not help, one; he had nothing to protect himself with if Johnny boy went off the handle, two; why fight more fights when there was a bigger one right outside this very car. Otto I hope you saving us is all I have in common with this dick. Tristan screamed inside his mind.

Jade tried to ignore the young man instead she looked at Otto and gave him a thank you smile. She felt too scared to speak in front of Johnny. Something was wrong with him or maybe she just felt that way because of how their first meeting went. Whatever it was it did not matter she just wanted to stay away from him. She wanted to be close to someone to feel confront. Tristan was in the back and Otto was driving, even though she only just met him he felt save most likely because he helped save her, all she had was the cold window. She scooted as close as she could and placed her head on the window. Jade lifted her head slightly to listen to what Johnny said about the radio. What did it matter it was all just so. She stopped her thought and put her head down again. Her eyes felt heavy and worn out she slowly drifted to sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


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Joe Carter

Joe noticed a change in Lexie's expression after he mentioned his parents beying from New York. But after she asked him from where exactly, Joe smirked, looked downwards and then back at Lexie. "Like I mentioned before i'm not from Mew York. I was born here in L.A., my parents and my brother are from New York. Well, they're from Brooklyn, New York City actually. They lived there for quite some time, up until my brother turned 5 years old. After that they moved here in LA, where I was born 4 years later." Said Joe as he wiped his forehead with his right hand. When Lexie asked him about his brother and if he knows if he's at Camp Pendleton or not, Joe took a deep breath and frowned. "I have no idea if he's there or not. I hope he is. He's the only family I have left. That's why I wanna go there." Said Joe with a serious face. Shortly after that both Joe and Lexie where distracted by some branches snapping and the sound of leaves beying moved around. Joe saw that Lexie imidieatly gripped her 1911 and he did the same thing with his KA-BAR knife. But he let go and went over to the Lincoln Mark VIII and opening the car.

"You know what Lex? Let's just get out of here before more of those crazies show up. And since we were both heading to Camp Pendleton, then I say we go there." Said Joe as he got inside the car and started to twist the ignition key. After the first twist the car didn't start, after the 2nd twist the same thing. "Come on God damnit!" Said Joe upset as he twisted the ignition key the 3rd time. This time the car started as Joe closed the door. The Lincoln's front left fender plus the left door were a little bented in after Joe grazed that tree, plus the left side mirror was gone along with some paint from the bented left sides. But aside from that the car was still functional, and that was what mattered. After revving the car a little Joe started driving slowly forward, taking advantage of the small strip of road that was still accesible. "At this rate we should be at Camp Pendleton in a couple of minutes." Said Joe as he looked at Lexie and smiled.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vampiress


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Lexie listened to Joe talk about how his brother and his family were from New York and she nodded as he spoke. She had gotten into the Lincoln with him and placed her back pack on the floor in front of her. "Let's hope it's still there." She said of Camp Pendleton. Looking out the window, she stared at the cars as they passed by. Sighing, she shook her head and looked back to Joe. "What do you think caused all this? I mean, ive seen my share of zombie movies and it's usually some sort of virus or something. I never thought that it could be real." She fiddled with her tee shirt, looking back out the window. "I really do hope that we make it to Camp Pendelton and we find your brother and i'm hoping my sister is there. It's really driving me crazy not knowing if she is ok or not." She pushed the thought out of her head before she started to cry, she didn't want to show any sign of weakness to Joe. She didnt want to come off as one of those girls who cried every time something bad happened. She wanted to be strong, she thought thats what he needed right now too, a strong person to help him get to Camp Pendleton.

"So," She rubbed the back of her neck, "I wonder if the radio is working." Leaning orward, she turned of the radio, checking for any broadcasting station. Then she heard someone speak. "Did you hear that?" Going back to the channel with a guy talking, she turned up the volume. "Calling anyone who escaped from Camp Pendleton, any and all refugees on this frequency. We need to regroup. Get any weapons and supplies you can and meet up at, uh, head west towards the I-5. Where Las Pulgas Road meets the freeway. Over."

She looked up at Joe, her mouth hanging open and a sheer look of terror on her face. "Escape?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As they drove to their intended destination Sophia looked out the window seeing the black smoke in the distance where Camp Pendleton was until they were far enough away then the Humvee that they were in slowly started to come to a stop. Sophia sat up she had been saying the same message over and over for the past eight minutes she looked towards the fuel gage seeing that it was now empty but it was enough fuel to make it to where Las Pulgas Road met the freeway. "Why have we stopped?" Katelyn asked sitting up from where she was and looked towards the window there wasn't any signs of the Walkers anymore. "We just ran out of fuel is all. Stay inside okay?" Sophia said opening the back door and looked around there was a sea of abandoned cars some were wrecked or were set on fire days ago and now the frame of the car was showing. Sophia turned back to the car and grabbed the radio and spoke into it again pressing the button to talk. "We are in the military vehicle we will wait and repeat the message every minute." She looked down at her watch and then said the same message again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Dammit," Alex swore. "Fuel tank must've caught a stray round in all that shooting." He fretted for a moment, but he'd look pretty damn stupid if he stopped being the iron-jawed take-charge streetwise Hercules he had been building himself up as for these two beautiful women. No way he'd score with the older one if he made a vital misstep. Dammit indeed.

"Alright," he said, grabbing up his hockey stick and giving it an affectionate pat. "Sophia, you stay with the car, keep broadcasting. The more people we get here the better. Katelyn," he said with a smile to the younger girl, "I got a special job for you, shawty, alright? This is a military car, I'm sure it's got plenty of good stuff in it. Maybe a toolkit, or some rations. Probably at least some flares. Start looking through, see what you can find, alright? I'm gonna look through these abandoned cars," he said, gesturing up the embankment to the thousands of wrecks sitting on I-5.

Hockey stick in hand, he started the steep climb up to the roadway, batting aside the knee-high grass. "I can't believe I'm doing this," he muttered to himself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


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Frank Carter

The location mentioned by the person who was broadcasting this message wasn't far away from the camp. About 8 to 10 minutes of driving. As a detective Frank didn't had to use police issued vehicles, however his Chevelle, was listed in the LAPD's database and he had a police radio in his car. Ever since the outbreak he kept it turned on, just in case someone might be broadcasting sometyhing, anything. "How's the gas?" Asked Sarah. "Were good. The tank is still three quarters full." Said Frank as he looked at the fuel gauge. He starts seeing a military Humvee in the distance that stopped in front of a large sea of abandoned cars. About a minute later, Frank arrives at the scene, stopping the car in the back of the Humvee.

"Stay inside!" Said Frank as he got out of the car and closed the door. Then he starts to proceed with caution towards the Humvee and sees two young women inside. He knocks on the glass. "Hey! Me and my companion are survivors from Camp Pendleton. We heard your radio broadcast." Said Frank from outside.

Joe Carter

Joe looked rather surprised at Lexie after she asked him what could have caused this. "Want my honest opinion? I think this is all the government's fault. They were probably working on some virus or some biological weapon, something went wrong and now we pay the price. Or if you're a religious person, you can think that God finally decided to punish us for all the terrible deeds we've done in these last 2000 years." Said Joe smiling aftewards. After hearing the message on the radio, he started looking shocked at Lexie as she gave him the same look. "This is bad! Something must've happened at Camp Pendleton." Said Joe as he turned his view back at the road and saw the smoke in the distance. "Look over there? See that smoke? That's definetly coming from the camp." Said Joe as he did his best to remain calm. As he was driving though, a bald african american male, dressed in military gear, pops out of the bushes and stops in the middle of the road, in front of the Lincoln with his hands up in the air, signaling Joe to stop the car. Joe hits the brakes, abruptly stopping the car in it's tracks as the tires started squeaking.

After stopping the car, Joe gets out and heads to the soldier who was now on the ground. He was heavily wounded, bitten by walkers and was breathing very fast. "Who are you?" Asked Joe as he leaned down and grabbed him by his right shoulder. The man takes a deep breath and introduces himself. "I'm Darryl Woodman, 1st Liutenenant in the US Marine Corps. If you're heading to Camp Pendleton you can forget about it. The place was overrun by the undead. We were taken by surprise. It all hapenned so fast. A large black Cadillac SUV was heading towards the front gate at high speeds. We tried to make the driver stop but it was useless. Eventually we opened fire on the car which blasted through the front gate flipping over and squashing a civilian. But that was just the tip of the iceberg. Imidieatly after that all hell broke loose. Hordes of walkers kept showing up out of nowhere. We killed as many as we could but their numbers were too great. The base was overrun fast. Many civilians and soldiers have died. But i've seen some civilians escape in their vehicles or in military one's. Like I said before...if you wanna go at the camp, you can forget it. That place is an undead infested wreck." Said the Marine who started breathing heavily.

"Do you know anyone by the name of Frank Carter?" Asked Joe with a desperate tone, seeing that the guy was nearly dead and he was losing probably the only chance he had to gain information about his brother. "Frank Carter?" Said the Marine who started thinking for a few moments as Joe nodded his head. "Oh yeah. I remember a Frank Carter. He arrived at the camp 6 days ago. He was driving a black Chevelle, with white stripes. He had a woman with him too. Shortly after all the comotion started I saw him leave. He was driving like he was possessed and literally blasted through all of the undead at the front gate. Unfortunately he also hit one of our own too, but who cares anymore, were all dead." Said the Marine as Joe rised up happy and grabbed Lexie by her shoulders.

"Did you hear that Lex? My brother is alive and well. Oh my God I can't wait to get to him." Said Joe happy. "You really need to leave, before i'm gonna turn into one of those things." Said the Marine as he pulled out his Beretta M9 and placed the end of the gun's barrel underneath his chin. As Joe was heading to the car, a loud bang distracted both him and Lexie as they both turn around only to see the Marine lying dead on the ground. The guy shot himself in the head in order to avoid transformation. He had a small entry hole underneath his chin and a much larger exit hole on the top of his head. Joe tries to act like he's not affected by the image he just whitnessed as he gets in the car and starts driving towards I-5. "Don't worry. We should be at I-5 in a manner of minutes. I'm sure my brother is there already. And...oh my God, we forgot to ask about your sister." Said Joe with a rather guilty look on his face as he placed his right hand on Lexie's left shoulder, trying to confort her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Wired


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Otto was pleased that the drama that had occurred was done with. At least for now it was anyway. It had made things far tenser than he had hoped for them to be but at least everyone was pretty much calm now and things could progress once again rather than deteriorate. He looked over at Jade hoping his actions hadn't scared her too much but found himself receiving a smile. It was nice, beyond nice actually, he hadn't been smiled at in quite a while. It seemed like it had been forever. The simple and brief smile gave him a warm feeling in his chest, a very nice feeling but it was unfortunately cut short as he had to swerve to avoid a car and slammed into yet another rotter. The rotter’s had themselves a horrible way of dragging people back down to survival mode.

“Come on Johnny, I know you're not cold hearted enough to have had your finger on the trigger... Anyway, yeah, that radio thing is a good idea. I'll go through them, hopefully we'll pick something up.”

With that Otto began going through the radio channels, soon finding what they had all obviously hoped would be there.

"Calling anyone who escaped from Camp Pendleton, any and all refugees on this frequency. We need to regroup. Get any weapons and supplies you can and meet up at, uh, head west towards the I-5. Where Las Pulgas Road meets the freeway. Over.”

“Looks like we've found somewhere to head towards. We should be there in a few minutes, it's as good a place as any to think about what to do next. Safety in numbers and all that good stuff.”

With that Otto sped up, soon arriving at the intended place where a military vehicle and the awesome looking muscle car he had seen smash through the rotter's earlier had already pulled up. Slowly pulling his own vehicle to a stop he stopped the engine and once again made sure his Glock was fully loaded and ready to fire. He then gently nudged Jade's shoulder, sadly trying to wake her from what he hoped was a nice escape.

“We're here Jade. You guys, don't act aggressive, these people could be very desperate after what we all just went through and the last thing we need is to aggravate each other and cause more death. That said, desperation makes people dangerous so keep your eyes open, watch each others backs and if you think anyone is starting to lose control try to let us others know so we can help put a lid on it. Everything will be fine if we stick together.”

With that said Otto got out of his vehicle and tucked his handgun into the front of his pants. He didn't want to be actually holding it around the others but he wanted to be able to get to it very quickly if he had a need to. Having done and said everything he could he walked towards what was now starting to become a convoy, pretty much just hoping to talk and figure something out. Most of the arrivals seemed to still be in their vehicles but one or two people had gotten out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vampiress


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Lexie shook her head to the religious comment, "that i am not. But i do think that this is some government thing." After the broadcast came over the radio and the look of shock splayed across both of their faces, she saw the smoke rising above the trees. "This is really bad." As joe hit the brakes, she noticed the African American man stumble out onto the road, signaling them to stop. They both got out, hustling over to him. Joe was eager to find out what was going on while she gripped her pistol, staring at the wound on his neck. She placed her hand on Joe's arm, backing away from the soldier in case her was to turn at any second, she wanted to be ready to take him out. As Joe questioned Darryl about his brother, she was almost as happy as Joe was to find out that he was still alive and made it out of the camp. Joe grabbed her by the shoulders, which surprised her. "That's amazing news." She said smiling at him then looked to Darryl who was now holding his gun underneath his chin. They had managed to get a few feet away from him before he took his own life. She stared at the lifeless body on the ground. The scene didn't affect her, though. She pretty much just shook it off, which was scary to think about.

As they got into the car and started to drive, Joe had mentioned her sister and how they forgot to ask. She took a deep breath and nodded, "I'm sure we will find her. Maybe she was with the survivors at the camp," she shrugged her shoulders, "or she could be somewhere.....wait..." Looking out the front window, she saw a familiar pink flannel shirt staggering through the grass ahead of them. "Stop the car." She instructed. Joe stopped the car and Lexie quickly got out. "Laney?!?" Running up to who she thought was her sister, she recongized the dyed blonde hair, black converse sneakers, that flannel shirt and ripped jeans but everything, from head to toe, was bloody. Clearing her throat, Lexie called again. "Laney?" Her voice shook as what once was Laney turned around. Lexie drew in a breath as Laney's face had decayed, her lips had been ripped off revealing only her, once, perfect teeth. "no...." Laney's left eye was hanging from its socket and her right foot was turned the opposite way. Laney snapped at her, stumbling to turn around and come after her.

Lexie could hear the pleas of Joe for her to get back in the car, but she ignored them and let Laney approach her slowly, "Laney......Fuck...." A large lump had formed in her throat and she could feel her stomach begin to ache. She wanted to puke, cry and let Laney take her down but as Laney reached out to her, smacking her teeth at her, she raised her pistol and fired a single shot, the bullet hitting her sister right between the eyes. As Laney's body fell to the ground, so did Lexie.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sophia turned around hearing a car coming up in the distance when it stopped a few feet behind their military Humvee, she wasn't sure who the man was as he got out of his vehicle. She sighed softly when he was from Camp Pendleton and smiled extending her hand towards Frank to shake it. "Thanks for hearing the broadcast, strength in numbers and all that you know?" Sophia said looking towards the woman in Frank's car. "Our car just died just when we got here we are looking for another car. If we find more from the base maybe we can work out on where to go next i'm Sophia Harris by the way." Katelyn looked over at her sister from the inside of the Humvee and climbed out looking at Frank and smiled.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackacidan


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Victor didn't have very many friends, and he preferred it that way. Ed was an exception. He was a young scientist with a bright mind and an eagerness to learn. They had only known each other for a couple years, but had bonded over that time. Ed had even invited Victor over to his house for dinner on several occasions. He had a lovely wife and child, with another on the way. Ed never had a chance to say bye to them. They were halfway across the country, visiting family, when the chaos started. All of his attempts to call them went unanswered.

Those were the things going through Victor's mind in the minutes after he saw Ed's wound. Victor still hadn't said anything, and he wasn't about to either. He knew what needed to be done. There was no cure for this madness, at least not one that was known. Ed still had time left, but there was no point in delaying the inevitable. Best to get it over with now before he realized what was happening.

Their van had sped out of the camp going west, toward I-5. It was easy to follow the trail that another vehicle had blazed on it's way out. Before long they saw a few vehicles in the distance, including a military Humvee, with people standing outside them. Victory calmly held his pistol in his lap as they drew closer.

"Stop right here, Ed." Victor instructed as they got to within 200 feet of the other vehicles.

"I'm glad some other people made it out! Why don't you want to drive up to them? I don't think they're dangerous..." Ed squinted to try and get a better look at who was out there.

Victor raised the gun while Ed was focused on watching the strangers. "You've been a good friend. I'm sorry."


A gunshot went off. As blood ran down from his head, Ed's lifeless body slumped forward against the steering wheel and leaned on the horn, causing it to go off. Victor slowly lowered his gun and set it on the dashboard. He sat there, unmoving. As he had no family, this was the first casualty of someone close to him that he'd experienced in this whole mess. He could feel his temper rising as the horn continued to blare.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tristan was sitting silently. His sister had fallen asleep and it seemed Johnny had settled down somewhat. He perked up when he heard the radio. It was good news people had made it out of the base but it still was just a little hope. They still had to find a save place for everyone. Looking out the window Tristan saw a pink little shoe sitting on the sidewalk. As they drove past that little pink shoe his thoughts filled with so many things. He hated to think were the owner of that shoe was and what had happened to the small child. He closed his eyes for just a second trying to push away his thoughts.

Otto pulled to a stop. Looking up he seen they had made it, two other cars were already there. Tristan was just about to wake Jade up but Otto beat him to it. Jade slowly woke up she almost forgot where she was but the memories flooded back once her eyes meet Otto’s. She nodded slightly once Otto gave his little speech to the small group. Jade and Tristan got out slowly, Tristan made sure the door was not shut completely just in case they had to make a fast get away, He went to Jade letting her grab onto his arm. “It will be dark soon.” Jade said, looking up at Tristan while following Otto. “Don’t worry we should be able to find a place to hold up just for the night soon. Let us just see about these people first.” Tristan pushed Jade away from Johnny and more toward Otto. He did not trust Johnny just yet.

Jade was about to say something before Otto reached the car that held the new unknown people when out of nowhere a bang filled the air, not even seconds go by than a horn was being constantly laid upon. Jade squeezed her brother Tristan's arm digging in her long fingernails into his skin, enough to bring about blood. "What is going on? What if the rabid people hear it?" She and Tristan looked back searching wildly for the sores of the noise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Alright, I'm an intelligent man," Alex said to himself as he surveyed the line of abandoned cars stretching into the distance. It was eerily calm- the cars seemed to be abandoned without exception. "Which of these is going to have useful supplies in it?" Hefting the hockey stick, he began a slow tiptoe through the wrecks. They seemed to have only been abandoned a few days, like the owners might return in an hour or two. But the broken glass and shell casings on the ground told a different story, as did the occasional brownish stain.

He was hoping to find a gun, really. Alex's father had made sure to teach him how to shoot at a young age. But there really wasn't time to suss out each and every car, he didn't want to leave the two women more than a few minutes. Call it pragmatism, call it chivalry, call it wanting an audience.

So which car might have a gun? No police cars in sight, this hadn't been an orderly evacuation. Maybe, he thought, I'll find a big ole pickup with a Confederate flag, a rack of rifles and a pistol in the glovebox. But no, that particular type of person was the type who would stay and defend their home, not get caught up in a panicked evacuation.

There was too many cars. Alex shook his head. Not likely to find a gun here, and he wasn't going to get anywhere just off make or model. Might as well just crack one open at random and see what was available. Alex stopped at the nearest car. A minivan, a stylized soccer ball on the rear windshield. Soccer mom. He remembered him and his buddies being chauffeured back and forth from hockey practice as a kid. God, that must have been trying on the woman. Alex really hoped she was okay.

He reached out, tried the sliding door, found it unlocked. Well, something was going right today. He yanked open the door-

-the arms reached for him, and the teeth snapped at him. Alex took an involuntary step backwards. Before her throat was ripped out and her skin turned yellow, she had been attractive. Seven out of ten, maybe. Of course, death and undeath had ruined that. Not a MILF anymore, just another geek. Alex swallowed, clutched the stick, remembered what they had said on CNN as it climbed out of the van, groaning and snapping. Go for the head.

He timed his shoulder check just right, as the geek was setting one foot on the pavement. No balance. His shoulder rammed right into the thing's collarbone. No boards to catch it, just empty air. There was a certain satisfaction in watching the dead thing fly backwards, smash to the pavement, struggle to get up. It was slow and awkward. It needed time to regain its feet, and Alex wouldn't allow that. "Sorry, mama-san," he said as he brought down the stick like he was chopping wood, a huge over-the-shoulder blow. The skull split, like a cleaver had been taken to a melon. The groaning and snapping stopped, and the geek lay still. One down, ten million to go.

No more wasting time. He looked inside the old minivan, musty with the smell of blood of death. Mamacita must have bled to death in here. Alex lit on the plastic Ralph's bag lying on the passenger seat and snatched it up. Two granola bars, a can of tuna, a half-empty bottle of water. And one unopened bottle of Bombay Sapphire gin. Well, better than nothing. Might as well git while the gittin' was good.

Snatching up the plastic bag and his newly blooded stick, he picked back down the slope to Las Pulgas Road and the Humvee. The thudding of his heart didn't let up as he saw the other vehicles that had joined the girls. Slow and easy, Alex. He raised up his stick over his head, slowed his step. "Don't shoot! I'm not one of them!" he called.

Somewhere, a car horn sounded.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Rare The Inquisitor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Johnny turned away from the guy and looked into the outside world. It looked peaceful until a undead mate walked onto the car's path and Otto ran it over. He heard what he said and Johnny couldn't help but grin at him and blushed up a bit and saw him flipping the channels on the radio. It seem like forever until he found a girl speaking about meeting up on the I-5, Johhny could help but realize that his car is there along with the others. He still had his keys in his right pocket for some reason, maybe it was a habit that he had. Johnny smiled once more and looked out of the window and seen the I-5 along with cars. The car stopped and Otto spoke to the people once more and said to not act aggressive and other shit before he got out of the car. He stayed in there and held his shotgun along his lap and overlooked the guy and girl, that pushed his girl away, and laughed as he got out of the car and walked towards Otto.

He then heard a gunshot and turned around and saw a guy, horning out of the car and he held his shotgun, but turned towards the I-5 as a guy said that he was not 'one of them'. Johnny got mad, due to the crazy guy in the car, and walked towards the car with his shotgun and stood in front of the car. Johnny aimed his shotgun at the guy and said, "You better get out the car or stop hitting the horn so fucking much. If you don't, I'll either shoot you or leave you in the car as the undead will fucking eat you up like a fat guy in a diner.".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


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Joe Carter

After that whole scene with that liutenenant Joe and Lexie left, heading to I-5. However as Joe was driving Lexie instructed him to stop as she saw something familiar out in the bushes. As Joe stopped the car Lexie ran out towards what looked like a human. "Wait, be careful!" Said Joe as he raised his hands and tried to make Lexie be careful. However as he was sitting there, next to the car and deeply nervous, he catches a glimpse of the person that Lexie told him to stop for. He imidieatly pulled out his KA-BAR knife after seeing that the human was actually an undead. But for some reason Lexie must have mistaken this undead for someone else. Or maybe it used to be friend or family. Joe could hear Lexie calling the name Laney at the undead. Maybe that was her name or something. "Come on Lex! We need to get to I-5 fast, if there are survivors gathering up they won't stay there forever. Lexie? Do you even hear what I say?"

Lexie couldn't hear him, or she wasn't paying attention to what he was saying. Either way she was putting herself in alot of danger because the undead girl was closing in on her and she wasn't doing anything about that. "Goddamnit Lexie, please come back. You're gonna get yourself killed." Shouted Joe but it was useless. Lexie either turned deaf all of a sudden or she was in her own world right now. Then Joe heard a gunshot as he saw both Lexie and the undead fall on the ground. "Oh shit!" Said Joe as he ran towards Lexie with his KA-BAR in hand. After reaching her he sees the undead girl, which was now dead for good at her feet with a perfect shot right in between the eyes. "Are you okay?" Asked Joe as he leaned down next to Lexie. "Come on. Let's get you up." Said Joe as he put his KA-BAR back in the sheath and grabbed Lexie gently by her waist, helping her get up as she grabbed him by his shoulders.

Frank Carter

Frank saw one of the girls in the back of the Humvee, a blonde, introduce herself as Sophia, thanking Frank for coming and extending her hand to him. As Frank heard what Sophia had to say and shook her hand, he watched her get out of the Humvee and give him a beautiful smile. "I'm Frank Carter! Homicide detective for the LAPD. Unfortunately that dosen't mean anything anymore. Just a bunch of words in a sentence." Said Frank, with obvious regret in his voice. However Frank didn't get the chance to say more to Sophia as a gunshot was heard followed by a car horn beying honked continously. "Shit that horn is gonna alert every walker in the area. Stay here and watch out for walkers." Said Frank as he headed towards the van from where the horn was coming with his right hand on his Beretta. As he was doing that he saw another guy with a shotgun in hand get in front of the van and making threats to whoever was driving it as he pointed the shotgun forward threatening to use it.

As Frank got close to the van he took the shotgun away from the guy's hand. "Relax! I think we've all seen enough shooting for one day." Said Frank as he opened the van door, grabbed the dead guy with his left hand and pulled him out of the vehicle, letting him fall at his feet as that infernal car horn finally stopped. "See?! He's dead. Somebody killed him because he probably saw the wound at his neck and wanted to be safe." Said Frank as he threw the shotgun back to the guy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vampiress


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Lexie wrapped her arm around Joe's shoulder, staggering to her feet. She said nothing as he helped her back to the car and into the passenger seat. She stared, blanlkly out the window, hearing him shut the door and put the car in drive. She heard the lecture he gave her about being more careful and how she could of gotten killed. SHe blinked her, continuing to stare out the window. "That was my sister, Joe." She said calmly. Biting her bottom lip, she looked over at him. "That was Laney." She nodded then shrugged, "She looked like she's been dead for a few days, maybe a week. She must've made it out of the city if she's this far from it. I wonder if she got a ride or something." Closing her eyes, she fought back her tears, "I at least thought we would have reuinted before one of us got killed." She felt Joe put his hand on her shoulder, saying a few comforting words. She cleared her throat, "No, it's ok.. She was weak. I told her that if we got seperated to be strong and we would find each other." She rambled as her breathing increased. "I told her to not be scared because i knew she would be..." And finally, for the first time since the outbreak she began to cry. She hunched over in her seat, hands over her eyes and cried. Joe had asked if he should pull over again but she shook her head, waving him on. "Just keep going, we need to get to I-5..... We need to find your brother." She sat back up in her seat, wiping the tears from her eyes and cheeks. "I'm ok, now. Just had a moment." She took a deep breath, seeing the look of concern in Joe's face. "I'll be ok, i promise. At least I know now, i don't have to worry where she is... We need to find your brother and stay alive." She smiled at him and reached into her backpack, pulling out a bottle of water. She took a small sip and offered him some.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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"It's nice to meet you Frank, I used to act in movies but I guess it doesn't matter now anymore does it?" Sophia said looking to Katelyn who was still sitting quietly in the back seat of the Humvee, that's when she jumped and heard a gunshot along with the loud sound of a horn being held down. Sophia was tempted to go and check it out but her priority was protecting her younger sister. Sophia turned to see Alex coming down after scavenging and motioned for him to get closer before any walkers showed up, her eyes went to the other survivors who had gotten out of the military base one was a girl and another a boy guessing that they were family as well. Sophia went back and sat next to Katelyn who was looking terrified. "It will be okay." Sophia said softly Katelyn simply nodded, and then the horn stopped everything had gone quiet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Polyphemus
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Polyphemus They/ Them

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Alex walked cautiously towards the vehicle, relieved to see the girls were okay and equally relieved the horn had stopped. "I'm Alex Culver," he said. "I play for the Kings."

He glanced over the newcomers. A few had guns, meaning they were either good to be around or that Alex and the girls were fucked. He chose to interpret their presence as a good thing- common enemy, right? Banding together in a time of crisis and all that. "You guys from Camp Pendleton?" he asked. "We only just made it out. Car's out of fuel." He held out his bag of scavenged supplies, an olive branch for the newcomers. "Found a little food. Not much, but I'll share it. A little booze, too," he said with a smile.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


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Joe Carter

As Joe helped Lexie get back up and head to the car he couldn't help lecture her a little more. "Jesus Christ, Lex! What were you thinking? Are you deliberately trying to get yourself killed?" Said Joe as he opened the car door for Lexie as he watched her get inside. Then Joe himself got inside the car and continued to drive towards I-5. As Joe was driving, Lexie confessed to him, saying that walker that almost killed her was her sister Laney. Then he watched as Lexie got more and more emotional until finally bursting into tears. After calming down Lexie pulled out a bottle of water and took a sip from it, giving the bottle to Joe who took a sip as well and gave the bottle back to Lexie. "Thanks!" Said Joe as he was paying attention to the road. "You know what? You should never be afraid to show your emotions. Many people think it's a weakness. That's just BS if you ask me. Keeping them inside you will only do more harm then good. If you wanna cry, then cry, if you wanna scream, then scream. You get my point right?" Said Joe with a serious tone as he saw a couple of cars in the distance and a familiar face next to an opened van with a dead guy at his feet.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PoisonLilies


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jade’s mind was running everything was happening so fast. Johnny had rushed toward the car that was blasting the horn, this made Jade nervous, he was holding up the shotgun threatening the people inside. She knew someone had to do something to stop Johnny but she was still scared of him from their first encounter. Lucky for her and the rest of the people a man with short dark hair, with dark eyes, went to fix the problem. It still did not help that the horn had been going off for so long. Jade tightened her hold on Tristan while looking around to see if any walkers were on their way.

Jade’s eyes landed on a new comer, or not so new comer, he reached them and stated something about playing for kings. What an odd greeting. Jade thought. “Yeah we are and no we don’t need food.” Of course they did but he did not want to rely on these people. No telling how long they would even be with them. He would find his on for him and his sister. He also needed to find a flashlight fast. “You think booze is really a good idea right now. Johnny is already to trigger happy.” Tristan said. “Oh I am Tristan by the way and this is my sister Jade.” Jade lifted her hand slightly in a small wave. Squeaked out a small hello and started to look all around again for any walkers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vampiress


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Lexie smiled slightly, nodding her head at Joe. "Yeah, i get your point." She whiped the remaining tears from her face as they approached a small convoy. "Hey, look there are a bunch of people up there." She glanced over at him, "I wonder if they are from Camp Pendleton." She saw a small light in Joe's eyes light up as they got closer. There was a man standing over a dead body and she already knew that it was his brother, Frank. She didn't even have to ask.

As Joe pulled the car over, she got out, her pistol in her hand; ready for anything. She eyed the people around the cars, hearing Joe quickly scamper out of the car and quickly make his way to his brother. She smiled watching their reuinon but never let her guard down incase something crazy happened. She had noticed the hockey player from The Kings, Alex Culver. She had played hockey when she was younger. When she lived in upstate New York, her family had season tickets to the Buffalo Sabres games so she knew quite a bit about the sport. "small world." she had said to herself, checking out the area.
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