Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 2 mos ago

GM'd by KenzieLikesToKill

For nearly a thousand years our nation, known as Aeros, was ruled by Titania, the Faerie Queen. It was a prosperous time-- trade flourished, and our borders were protected by treaties, alliances, and Titania’s Royal Knights. But twenty years ago she bore a son... and then disappeared without a trace. Some say she disappeared to raise her child; others believe that she just abandoned us. But when Titania disappeared her Royal Knights disbanded, leaving our borders unprotected.

After a year of fighting ourselves and enemies abroad, Titania’s younger sister Iris claimed the throne, and committed Aeros to industrialization through a process called magiscience. The older generation argued vehemently against Iris’ policies... and were swiftly dealt with by the queen’s Honor Guard Corps. Thousands were slaughtered on what is now called the “Night of Blood and Steam”, and Iris’ grip tightens every day, as if to suffocate an unwanted child. Several factions dedicated to ending her reign have formed, but there are only three that may be strong enough to defeat Iris and her Honor Guard: Dragon’s Fire, The Paradigm, and the Order of Titania.

Iris is aware of all three groups’ existence, but what she does not know is that all of them are cooperating together in a two-fold plan...

1- All RPG rules apply.
2- That being said, keep the RP at a PG to PG 13 level. Scale language, violence, etc. accordingly.
3- No spamming, arguing, or flaming. If two RPers get into an argument I will ask that they take it to PM, and I can act as a mediator. As a rule of thumb, just be respectful.
4- Keep it realistic. Yes, we’re talking faeries and magic, but basic physics still apply.
5- Try to avoid “Gary-Sue” and “Mary-Sue” characters. Make them interesting.
6- There is a three strike policy here: Strike 1 is a warning to the player via PM; Strike 2 is a one week ban from the RP, and one character injured; Strike 3 is a permaban, and all characters killed.
7- Have fun!


Things You Need to Know

The Races
Faerie- Faeries are an incredibly ancient race, having outlasted the dragons’ creation and extinction. Compared to humans they are taller and more lightly built. All faeries have three, four, or five pairs of wings, and using magic is second nature. They age more slowly than humans, and faeries living to be several hundred years old is not unheard of. Curiously, when a faerie falls in love with a human, the human’s life can be extended to as long as their partner’s.
Human- The humans of Aeros are much the same as in real-life. However they can use magic and magiscience, although not to the same degree as faeries, nor at the same time. Although the species is a minority in Aeros there have been many human kings and queens of the nation in the past.
Halfling- The children of humans and faeries, halflings combine traits of both species: they are more heavily built, like humans, and only have one or two pairs of wings. Because of this combination few halflings are able to use their wings for more than gliding or jumping higher. Since Iris’ rise to power they have been discriminated against more and more. In terms of magic, they can use magic and magiscience simultaneously, although not to the same degree as pure faeries.
Golem- Automatons created and maintained by magiscience, golems can appear similar to humans, faeries, or halflings. However one can usually tell a golem from a normal citizen in that they move and think less fluidly, and tend not to use contractions in sentences. In some cases, golems can (in a way) reproduce by creating another golem, and imparted with knowledge from each golem who takes part in the process. They are not able to use regular magic, only magiscience and alchemy.

The World
Aeros- One of the largest countries of the continent Gaia, Aeros is the birthplace of the faerie species. Over its many years of existence Aeros has seen many things, including the early wars between humans and faeries. It was only during the start of Titania’s rule that humans, faeries, and halflings were first considered equals under the law. Its capital is Yggdrasil, built on and in the tree (about the size of a mountain) of the same name.
Magiscience- Magiscience differs from normal magic in that the process use energy from chemical energy, kinetic energy, etc., instead of magic energy or aura energy in a given area. Since the discovery of magiscience new inventions have been created, namely prosthetic limbs and firearms.
Alchemy- A sub-branch of magiscience, alchemy allows the control of Periodic elements, rather than “olde” elements, such as fire, water, or plants.

Dragon’s Fire- This faction bans its members from knowingly using magiscience, believing it to be a tool of the enemy that should be destroyed; punishment for using magiscience ranges from fines and being banned, to even mutilation and death. Dragon’s Fire is led by Tiberius Zmaj, a faerie with strong fire magic abilities.
The Paradigm- Led by Johannes Kugge, a human magiscientist, The Paradigm wishes to defeat Iris with the very tool she created. Most members are inventors, and supply the rebel factions with weapons.
The Order of Titania- The largest faction, the Order embraces magiscience, but does not use it as its primary weapon. The majority of the Order is composed of those who lost loved ones on the Night of Blood and Steam; however, nobody knows who its leaders are.
Iris’ Honor Guard- Each member of the Honor Guard is hand-selected by Iris herself, and will do whatever the queen asks. They are known to be brutal and loyal, her own secret police force. They are led by Iris’ son Pothos, a faerie skilled with nearly every form of magiscience.

Age: (Faeries age more slowly than humans; for example, faeries are considered to be adults at thirty years old)
Species: (Human, halfling, or faerie?)
Appearance: (If not using a picture, please have a detailed description)
Weapons: (if any)
Abilities: (Include magic, magiscience, and/or alchemy)
Personality: (Optional; development is welcome)
Backstory: (Optional; development is welcome)
Faction: (One of the four, or unaligned?)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 2 mos ago

Character roster
- Lydia & Larkin (Order of Titania; RP'd by XxLyraxX)
- Violet "Vi" Ellis (Unaligned; RP'd by Vec)
- Trista Thropp (Unaligned; RP'd by Nehelenia)
- Kyra (Honor Guard; RP'd by KenzieLikesToKill)
- Abel Whitefield (Paradigm; RP'd by Lightless)
- Alice Venos (Paradigm; RP'd by zombiechum)
- Mohan (Order of Titania; RP'd by Jett Ryu)
- Nyx Agenon (Honor Guard; RP'd by BK201)
- Eight (Paradigm; RP'd by deadpixel101)
- Scarlet (Paradigm; RP'd by AcetheKidd)
- Annet Popstein (Honor Guard; RP'd by Epiphany)
- Dirk Cush (neutral; RP'd by manapool1)
- Adela Magdalena (Honor Guard; RP'd by Dahlia Hawthorne)
- John Summerleaf (Order of Titania; RP'd by smarty0114)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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smarty0114 Human

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I'll have a CS up by tonight
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by XxLyraxX


Member Seen 6 yrs ago




She only has a small dagger that she would rather not use.

Personality to be developed

Backstory to be developed

The Order of Titania

She is the Faction Healer.(I hope that's alright ^^)




He has a bow and also twin swords.

Personality to be developed

Backstory to be developed

The Order of Titania
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 2 mos ago

Lyra, the twins are approved. My main character will be up soon.
Vec, if you're doing the backstory and personality, you just need those and she's approved.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Mohan
Age: 21
Species: Halfling
Appearance: Mohan has lightly tanned skin, and stands at about 5'8". His hair is raven-colored, but his eyes are a metallic silver. He is of a stocky build, and his right arm is a mechanical prosthetic that can shift to different forms (listed below). His wings (four in all) seem to be a cross between a bird's and a dragonfly's. He tends to wear darker colors.
Weapons: Autocon Arm (possesses a sword mode and rifle mode resembling the Storm PSR), flashbang grenades
Abilities: Magiscience, light magic, limited shapeshifting abilities
Personality: Mohan is overall a quiet, intelligent person, although he can be a bit naive sometimes. He greatly enjoys reading and writing. in combat he prefers dealing with enemies nonlethally, and rarely resorts to more than using his flashbang grenades and some well-placed nerve jabs. However he will kill when absolutely necessary. He is extremely loyal to the Order, although he never says why, and never talks about his past.
Backstory: [REDACTED]
Faction: Order of Titania
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Trista Thropp
Age: 29
Species: Faerie
Weapons: A simple katana
Abilities: Shadow magic and some abilities in water magic
Personality: Despite being a quite girl, she is always up for a challenge. She answer when spoken to but with the least amount of words possible. The only time she will really talk is when she is speaking about something she passionate about. She is a very curious individual and a rather intelligent one as well. Most things come easy to her and she gets frustrated rather easily when she can't hone a new conception with ease. She enjoys observing others from the shadows, to better understand how certain situations will play out thus learning what she should do.
Backstory: She was born and raised in a small village not too far away from Yggdrasil. She and her father were spared from the massacre that is now known as the "Night of Blood and Steam", while her mother was not so lucky. She does have some resentment for Iris and her Guards but she has grown out of the anger, though she does not forgive them for what they did. She now travels around Aeros, looking for work wherever she can find it.
Faction: For now she is unaligned.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by KenzieLikesToKill


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Kyra
Age: 23
Species: Halfling
Weapons: (a twin set)
Abilities: light magic, magiscience
Personality: Quite shy, but outgoing and clingy once you get to know her. too brave for her own good, but only for her friends. doesn't trust others easily.
Backstory: She grew up in a village of humans and fairies. She only haw a few halflings in her life. she always thought she was an outcast, one of the only of her race. She was always depressed. She had lived by herself ever since she could walk, raised by a pair of humans. They were in allegiance to Iris as soon as Titania fell from the throne. 'Always be loyal to your queen,' they would always say. So Kyra didn't know the story. She was in allegiance to Iris as well. For now.
Faction: Iris' Honor Guard (for now.c; )
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Working on mines
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lightless


Member Offline since relaunch

I'll finish this up tomorrow or something.. Done!

Name: Abel Whitefield
Age: 24
Species: Human
Weapons: Abel carries around a dart gun and a dagger.
Abilities: Magiscience. He specializes in inventing weaponry.
Personality: Abel tends to be calm and polite, perhaps overly so. He always wears a mild smile on his face when talking to others. Though, at certain times, he gives rather passionate speeches about something regarding "the modern world", and listens only to himself until he has finished dreaming.
There's a side to him that seems somewhat unsettling, but most people aren't able to figure out what.

Faction: He's with The Paradigm, though at times he's seen with Iris's Honor Guard.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Agent B52
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Agent B52

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nehelenia said Appearance

You look like 'no hotlinking'. Might want to fix that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


Member Offline since relaunch

Oh okay, thanks for letting me know!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

name: Alice Venos
Age: 19
Species: human
Weapons: a magical steam gutair
Abilities: her gurtair as many functions besides being played when its weapon mode is activated, playing certain notes have different effects (throwing fire, lightning, and sonic blasts)
Personality: Alice struggles with always wanting to do the right thing, and getting revenge for what was done to her, she will activly go out of her way to help someone but struggles to stay on task when she has a change to punish someone who wronged her.
Backstory: Alice was one of the kingdoms best gutiar players, playing for high lords and concerts where the queen watched, one day she was asked to play for the queen privatly, when she did the queen was moved and payed her double her price, but things went amiss when the queen ordered her to be chained to her gutiar in order so she does not loose her abilty to play.
when Alice fought the guards who were trying to hold her down one of the guards slashes at her with his sword the hit trailed down her face and she lost her right eye to the blow.
Faction: has some ties with The Paradigm
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Miraboreasu

Miraboreasu Nope

Banned Seen 2 mos ago

Vec, zombiechum, Kenzie,Lightless, Nehelenia, you're all approved. I can't add them to the roster right now, but I'll do it when I can.
EDIT- Roster updated.
EDIT2- We'll be starting tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 1 mo ago

btw if faeries age slower than humans wouldn't the age equivalent or a 30 yr old faery be 40+ yrs old human? how can they be adults at 30 :/
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Name: scarlet
Age: 20
Species: halfling
Appearance: scarlet haves long brown hair,with green eyes and Her skin is abit tan. She wears a short sleeve plad shirt, blue Jean shorts,and brown boots
Weapons: a long blade
Abilities: shes able to shift her weapons into different ones. Also,she can do some summoning spells. Shes also good at building weapons and equipment
Personality: scarlet is a really nice person. She likes to help out anyone the best she can.also,she doesn't put up with people's crap
Backstory: TBR
Faction: paradgim
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I know this isn't the list of races, but I feel like it would fit in this world you created, if you don't think so, just say and I can take this CS down or change it :D

Name: Eight

Age: Unkown

Species: Magiscience golem

Appearance: "Eight" looks nearly human, "she" has panels of a pale resin that looks nearly like skin covering nearly all of her but some main joints (knees, ankles, elbows, shoulders, wrists, wasit and neck) are left open for movement which show the small and intricate machinery that keeps her ticking. She is merely 5 inches tall. She has small and relatively common place gems to simulate eyes and she has a head of paint brush bristle to simulate locks of brown hair. She is modeled to look feminine (which is why she is refereed to as a "she" despite having no gender) She has a small panel on her back that can be taken off to charge her magic core.

Weapons: Her trusty sewing needle and thread. She also keeps a lock-pick at hand, as she is often assigned for infiltration or reconnaissance.

Abilities: She is very light and surprisingly strong, she can jump a startling height and can see in the dark. She has no magic capabilities whatsoever, and is unable of obtaining any. She has constructed (with much help) some augmentations she can attach to her body, one example is a pair of thin wings that allow her to glide, or retractable wheels on the bottoms of her feet. She does not always have many of these attached, and she cannot attach them herself, so they are useless if not equipped before the situation at hand, and most of them take more energy from her core. She can also store water and heat it to produce steam, jetting it out of exhausts hidden under her panels, she uses this to propel her and make her jump higher, or move faster. The amount of water does not effect her energy use, heating it though, does.

Personality: Eight is a character who is out to prove herself. She tries her best to be useful and proactive and hates not being taken seriously. She accepted things easily and is a realist. She is learning things about people and society and acting more and more human with each passing day. She seems stiff at times but does her best to meld.

Back story: Eight was found in a rundown building a good while after "the night of blood and steam" she was mistaken for a doll and handed down to a magiscientist's daughter, when the daughter was practicing magic while playing, Eight was activated. It was later discovered the owner of the building was a renowned magiscientist who had been striving to create golems, he had documents saying that he had created nine prototypes, the only one found was the "doll" and she was recorded to be the eight in the series. She was to be taken apart and studied until she showed signs of sentience, when she took a nearby sowing needle and pricked the finger of the man trying to dis-activate her. She learned and taught all she could and eventually joined with the Paradigms, in hopes of learning more about her creation and reason for existence.

Faction: She is aligned with the Paradigm, yet she isn't treated with much respect, she is more of a center of curiosity to a lot of people she works with. She is poked and prodded often and it is always argued whether or not she should be taken apart so as to be studied and or replicated.

Other (Thought I could put this here): if she is not recharged every few days, her life will slowly (and painfully) peter out. She can slow her energy use by entering a false sleeping state. She is quite frail and relies mostly on avoiding combat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vortex
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Think I'm going to have to drop a Rp
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BK201


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Nyx Agenon
Age: 23
Species: Human
Weapons: katana, wakizashi and bow
Abilities: magic: speed
Backstory: The Agenon family has always served the crown, Nyx joined the Honor guards at the age of 18 soon she was known as "the terror of beauty"
Faction: Honor Guards, to not look suspicious and in order to get information she runs a flower shop in the center on the city
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