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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Black aura flowed out of Anna's body. Snow formed around her as she lifted her staff in the air. She slams it into the ground, causing the ceilings and walls to cover in ice. An then lifts an arm, and commands plants to crack into the clinic through the windows. They tangle around all of the students.


"Insolent brat." Radcliffe lifted his hand and gave the order to attack. All at once the mechanical golems jumped at the worm, causing it to let out an aching scream. Using a very special magic, the golems could neutralize some of the worms natural magic.

Radcliffe pulled out his pistols and aimed it at barrel. "Children these days, so undicsiplined." He fires his pistol at barrel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Anna's world became black as the fire withered away her body. As she fell dying, the ice and plants around her disappeared into ash. "I-" she couldn't finish her sentance. The darkness finally fell over her eys as she burnt down to the ground.


"Damn child." Radcliffe continued to shoot at the boy, missing every shot. His aim wasn't what it used to be. "Golems." Radcliffe ordered, "initiate thunderstorm."

The golems surround the worm, widen their arms, and spiraled electricity around each other. Their wall of thunder electrocuted the beast, angering it even more.

The worm let out a high pitched scream. It cried out, calling unto the creatures of the night. Shadow wolves and beats left the forests, and charged their way into the golems. The golems weren't fazed by this, they maintained their thunder wall, electrocuting everything that tried to touch them.


Hades walked into the clinic. Two golems stood behind him. "wow, what a show!" He says with a big grin on his face, "you guys killed so many students, the disease has probably ended!" (Referring to the dead patients.)

Hades looked at Nessa. She probably wasn't infected, but better safe then sorry. "I ought to give you guys a medal, but since I don't have one, I'll just give you... My condolences."

Hades gave a bow as he left of the clinic. He shakes his hand to signal for the golems to attack.


"Maleficent." The voice in maleficent's phone said. "Are you done yet?"

Maleficent looks at the chaos wreaking through her school through her crystal ball. Maleficent replies, "almost."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Nessa looked around, feeling so confused as to what was going on around her. Anna was dead and so were many students, Fredrick was missing an arm and now Hades sent golems to attack them. "Wait what? Why are you-" She was cut off when she had to dodge the fist of a golem. Deciding not to question anymore, she tried to use the powers Elsa gave her which was to summon snowmen. It worked because soon enough, a huge snowmen, though more like a snowarrior, appeared and began fighting the golems while Nessa tried to slash at them with her sword.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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"if a student can't survive a disease and a fight with some nightmare creatures, then they'll never stand a chance outside in the real world." Maleficent walked outside the school to look at the fight between the golems and the worm. "This is my way of cutting out the fat."


The golems had mechanisms to counter every type of magic, but as they fought the ice creatures, they froze. Not from the ice, but from a command from Maleficent. All together, they stopped moving, and walked out the clinic.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Nessa watched the golems leave, her expression could only be described as purely confused. She had realized magic did not work on the two golems but now they were walking out of the clinic. She had been at this school for a few days and she had never lived such weird, dangerous and confusing adventures. She would have a lot to write in the letters she would send to her sister when she finally got the chance to sit down and write something in peace.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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The golems from the inside the school leave and surround the worm. The worm kicks and screams as the electrocuting golems hold it paralyzed in its place. The other machines surround the worm, and let out a low pitched hymn.

Maleficent raises her staff, releasing a green light from it, illuminating northern lights throughout the entire mountainside. The golems glow green, their hymn grows louder.

The light brightens more violently, the ground beneath the school shakes. All at once, the worm's black aura gets stripped away from it's body and redirected into the golems. The golems turn black, and in an instant, explode.

The worm stops screaming. It stop crying and it stops struggling. It lays on the ground for a few moments, and then slithers it's giant body back into it's cave.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nehelenia


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Nessa watched the scene unfold from the window of the ruined infirmary. Once the worm was gone, she gazed at the northern lights that were illuminating the sky. She had never seen them before and she never imagined that the night could ever be so bright. She was one who always thought that the night and shadows were cold but with the northern lights lighting up the dark sky, she saw that they cold have a warmth sometimes. She was so tired and sore as she watched the lights, she decided to let her hair down, pulling out the turquoise ribbon, to let down her long black hair that moved gently with the breeze.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Two weeks after the Black Plague.


Pitch walks down the school hallways with his hands and legs chained. Two golems escort him as Radcliffe leads the way.

"How did you know?" Pitch asks.

"Humph," Radcliffe spouted, "Elsa told us everything."

Pitch lifted an eyebrow, "she's alive?" He asks.

Without looking at Pitch, Radcliffe replies, "apparently the worm had special properties that protected people from that nightmare curse. I knew Gothel was overreacting."

Pitch tossed his head back and laugh, "in other words, no one needed to die?"

Radcliffe remained silent. Pitch kept smiling. He asks, "where is Elsa anyway?"

Radcliffe answered, "she's been hiding in her room these last two weeks, she doesn't wish to speak with anyone."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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It had been two weeks since the incident with the black plague. Pitch has been put under custody for illegal experimentation and the few students that were plagued have recovered from the disease. Students were now back in class like the incident never happened. According to some of the senior, events like that are a common occurrence, something that students should expect by now. That didn't make Aladdin feel batter.

He sat in tapping his pencil into his desk. "I thought you were going to make me a prince," Aladdin whispered. Inside Aladdin's backpack, a blue imp-sized gas formation was playing gameboy. He had a juicebox in his hand as he listened to techno music from Aladdin's headphones.

"And I will." The genie said, "As soon as you marry Jasmine."

Aladdin rolled his eyes. "I wanted to be a prince to make her love me, not make her love me to become a prince."

Genie took another sip from his juice-box. "I can't make people fall in love Aladdin. People choose whom they love based on who they are. To change someone's emotion, I would have to change their memories, ultimately making them a different person. If I did that, the jasmine you love wouldn't be the same."

"Yeah but-"

Genie interrupted. "I got you a date with her didn't I? You shouldn't really be complaining now should you?"

There was a pause. "I just feel it was a waste of a wish. If I'd of known wishing to be prince meant making you make Jasmine marry me, I'd have just wished for that."

Genie smiled, "Just remember this Aladdin, I really do want to make you happy. So long as this wish stays in effect, I promise you'll marry Jasmine. You'll be a prince for sure."

Aladdin chuckled at the thought. A prince? Me? Who cares. As long as I'm hers.


Mulan analyzed the body in front of her. She's in the morgue, looking straight into the hole in the dead student's neck. "He didn't die from the plague." Mulan finally said, "he was killed."

Li Shang replied, "The question is, by whom? And Why?

Mulan rubbed her chin. None of them could answer that question.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FoxFireOfDawn
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Yoichi began to think as he writ down a couple of notes for if he needed them in what other people classed as fancy writing. Pitch had been put under custody and there was bo way that couldn't of happened. It was obvious from the start to Yoichi, he simply wanted to let the dog suffer. Two weeks since the insident happened with nothing else was a bit peculiar to him. Something must of happened in that span of time, but what? Yoichi scratched his neck, it having a red mark there now. He'd been worrying about something for the past few days, but he couldn't get an exact idea of what.
"Hey, you there?" He whispered quietly.
"What is it?"
"Has anything happened these past few days?"
"No, why?"
"...Never mind." He sighed, and soon he began to take notes again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Mulan and Li were part of the disciplinary committee. As members of the committee, they work as hall monitors to ensure that the codes of conduct are followed by all of the students. They're bother the more likable hall monitors, often understanding if a student is late for class or has an excused absence.

"The student never even went to the clinic to get treated for the plague." Li said to Mulan as they walked the hallways together. "He may never have been infected. He was probably killed during to plague to take advantage all the chaos."

Mulan nodded, "but what could anybody gain by killing a student?"

"What was the student's name?" Li asked.

Mulan replied, "His name was Kovu. The name doesn't seem to ring a bell. Let's ask some students if they knew him, or if they saw him during try Black Plague epidemic."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Juliette was enrolled late into this school and was not sure where to go once she was dropped off with her luggage. She pulled her luggage inside and looked around for anyone at all. It was as if the whole place was deserted...... Finally she called out

"Hello! Anyone around?!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

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"You want to see if your father is alright?" It was a bit surprising, seeing as he didn't even know this female student before him. The brunette nodded, taking a quick look around at the nearest bookshelf before facing him again. It might have been terrible for him to even think, being a staff member and all, but he couldn't help but think of just how stunningly beautiful this young lady was...in fact, all of the students at this institute he had met since his employment were terribly good looking. The same couldn't be said about 50% of the staff.

"Yes, my father is all alone at home now, and I can't help but worry about him. Beast mentioned you having a magical means of letting me see my father using your mirrors, so I couldn't pass up on this opportunity." Beast must have neglected to mention that he destroyed one of Orin's mirror in a self-loathing rage...but the girl seemed honest, and he wasn't going to say no this time around, maybe request that next time she bring a signed permission slip from a teacher.

Gesturing for her to follow, he stepped forward to a window, "What's his name? Where does he li--I need these pieces of information if you want to communicate, not just see him." The young beauty was a bit surprised when he told her that she could speak with him, not just see how he was doing. Quickly giving him the requested information, Orin reached over and tapped the surface of the window gently-once-twice-thrice-before the surface of the window rippled, revealing a scene of a work shop, and a crackpot looking white haired man. "You have five minutes. You really should be in class, little miss beautiful." She didn't even seem to hear him, instead, she was already asking her father a barrage of questions.

Going back to the front desk, Orin returned to reorganising the catalogues laid out in front of him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Tarzan casually walked the school halls listening to some Somali-hip hop music through his headphones. He was excused from class the first two weeks due to a family emergency. It's a shame too, he normally enjoys school.

Walking the halls, he noticed Juliette looking around confused with her luggage in her hands. Tarzan approached her. "Excuse me." Tarzan asked, "do need some help?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"Oh yes, please sir. I am new and I am to enroll her for some training, please. The Orphanage said there would be room here for me so may I enroll, please?" Juliette spoke rather quickly in her excitement. Then she put her luggage down.
"Oh my goodness gracious! Where are my manners? My name is Juliette. I am just so excited being out of the Orphanage and on my own for the first time."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Tarzan smiled and nodded, doing his best to remember the manners he was taught in reformitory school. "My names Tarzan. You must have gotten a letter saying you were accepted into this school. Normally on the first day, seniors help freshmen pick out their dorm rooms. Since you're enrollment is late, I'll be taking you there."

Tarzan carries Juliette's luggage. He begins leading her to the dormitory wing. "You're also allowed to pick out your roommates. Once you begin to know the other students here, I'm sure you'll be able to find one easily. So where are you from Juliette?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"I am from an Orphanage in a small town. I guess that the Orphanage forgot to give me a letter. I hope that I can still enroll here. And I hope that what I have will be acceptable. I was even given a brand new camera and laptop! I now can keep the harmonium too. It is coming soon or so I was told when I left. There will be a trunk of the rest of my belongings because I can't go back to the Orphanage." Juliette spoke as she looked around as she walked next to Tarzan.
"My goodness this is a big place!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by axleonex
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Tarzan nodded. "The size surprised me too. Growing up in the jungle I'd never known ceilings could reach so high." Tarzen's stomach began to churn. He misses his family, he misses his home, but he knows he'll never be able to go back to them. "So what are you powers?" Tarzan asked, trying to change the subject.

They were nearing the dorms now. Although girls and boys can bunk rooms together, the wings are still generally divided between the genders. There were always empty rooms on the top floors, reserved for guests and late students.
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