The Black Kingdom of Styiga

Nation Name: Stygia
Races of the Nation:
Serpentesine- Yuan-ti
Draconians -Yuan-ga
Dragon Ogres- Yuan-ignan
Nation Details: The desert kingdom of Stygia is possibly the most infamous, and mysterious nation among the realms, as well as the birthplace, home, and wellspring of the Priesthood of Sseth the serpent god of darkness and all Serpentine kind. The entire kingdom is ruled by the clergy, with the closest devotee or disciple of Sseth having the single most influential hand throughout the Stygian territory. From the Great Glass Sea to the shores of the River Styx, the power of Sseth’s snake-worshipping acolytes is supreme. As Stygia itself is so old, few truly know, or at least remember how it came to be. Those of Sseth have long believed that rightful rule belongs to Dragonkind, and specifically under the Serpentesine. Due to the nations origins however, racial divide has almost vanished, as a worshipers of Sseth is known only as a Yuan-ti, Not a Serpentesine, Draconian, or even Kobold. Though each have a distinct place in the hierarchy. Yuan-ti of pureblood Serpentesine decent rain atop, Yuan-ga or Draconian’s bellow them as their faithful guardians and stewards. Dragon Ogres, the Yuan-ti Ignan, called by many as simply abominations exist next in line, with Kobolds below them, a position they seem too take with surprising acceptance. Though, when it comes to those not of Dragon blood, they are lower than even Kobolds. Fit only as slaves or worse.
As with any desert land, Stygia is a dry and desolate place that has claimed many unprepared travelers who have gone into the desert without enough food or water. Culled from this world by scorpions, serpents, raiders and the very sand itself, few survive without native assistance-which is difficult to receive, as few trust or are allowed to give aid to those not of Stygian, or Yuan-ti blood. Where this discrimination can be detrimental to trade and commerce elsewhere, it is simply noted as fact here. As far as the theocracy and aristocracy of Stygia is concerned, they do not need the outsiders' trade. Still, this does not stop many outsiders from attempting to trade with the darker slightly seeder elements of Stygia, for they offer goods that cannot be easily obtained elsewhere. Making Stygia a hub for black market trade, something the ruling class has never bothered putting a stop too, as long as they acquire their ‘cut’.
Yet truly why do these outsiders continue to brave this prejudice and risk choking on sand or the thrust of an assassin's blade? Stygia is a rich land filled with treasure hidden away in tombs and catacombs all across its expanse, much of which lies in wait for a brave soul willing to risk the dark god's eye by robbing graves and unearthing these long lost secrets. It is well known across all of the realms that magic is strong in Stygia, with promises of sorcery and witchcraft calling scholars and dabbling would-be warlocks from the far reaches-if only to discover a single spell or ritual under the sand and stone.Though it would seem a dark shadow has been cast across Stygia for centuries, taking many shapes as time progresses. Rulers, warlords, dragons, beasts and demons have risen up between the dunes to make Stygia their rightful home. While the faithful control and master where the walls built by slaves will keep the wilderness at bay, there are countless stretching miles of sandy wastes that give Stygia a thousand and one places to hide treachery, death, and-for the bravest of souls-adventure!
National Traits: 8
Agents Everywhere
Spies, Spies Everywhere
Silent Assassins
Master of Disguise
Church Rule
Chosen of God
Population Traits: 5
Know your place
Chain Gangs
The Bloody Altars of the Priesthood
Winged messengers
Academic Traits: 8
Agricultural Institute
Academy of Power
Theological University
Hunger for Knowledge
Information Brokers
Military Basic Traits: 3
Ambush Predators
Superior Training
Archery Traits: 3
Composite Bows
Apple Shots
Bushes Are Your Friend
Infantry Traits: 3
Arrow Fodder
Cavalry Traits: 2
Beast Cavalry
Cantabrian Circle
Navy Traits: 0
Airborne Traits: 3
Runes of Flight
Flying Carpets
Tradesman Traits: 6
Smiths Beyond Equal
Master Glassblowers
Religious Icons
Horrifying Edifice
Elemental Weapons
Merchant Traits: 5
Underground Markets
Business espionage
Magecraft Traits: 14
Blood Magic
Reputation of Nightmare
Holy Magic
Scholars of Power
Elemental Fires
Elemental Waters
Elemental Earths
Elemental Air
Element of Shadow
Storm Magi
Golem Creation
Rune Magic
Monster Traits: 4
Great Wyrm
Sorcerous Bindings
Mechanist Traits: 0
Holy Wars
Bound by Tradition
Limited resources
Faith is Blind
Custom Traits:
Glass Armor
The Yuan-ti have long since favored mobility and speed, allowing them to quickly outmaneuver most foes. However, their home region lacks many ores and even suitable enough farming land to allow the creation of even simple light leathers or steel lamellar. To this end they have invented their own unique form of Armor creation known as “Glass Armor.” Most may be surprised to think that Glass can be thought of as a metallic let alone armor, but appearances are deceiving. What the Yuan-ti call Glass is nothing like the windows panes you see in houses. The greenish material is far stronger and has a much higher melting point. No one outside Stygia knows how these weapons and armor are made. Just how the Yuan-ti would like to keep it.
Inscribed Spellblades
Glass or other metal weapons bathed in Yuan-ti magic, these are forged not by a sword smith but a sorcerer, and are thus arcane infused blades which amplify their wielders magic. Unlike the wizard staves or wands it is based on, this weapon also has a sharp edge, a technological innovation which has proven historically useful in battle. Not to mention the added benefit of casting stored spells from the blade itself much like the wands and staves they replaced. Their wide use means agents and spell casters of Stygia are better equipped and versed in close combat then those of other nations.
Territory: 100/90
1 Mountains Capital City (5p) (30 Regiment points) (Ss’thar’tiss’ssun)
1 Desert Large City (11p) (30 Regiment points) (Samargol 'City of Slaves')
2 Desert Small City (10p)(20 Regiment points) (Para'ssethis 'City of Thieves')(Ss’khanaja ‘City of Serpents)
18 Deserts (18p) (36 Regiment points)
16 River (32p) (96 Regiment points)
1 Desert Fortress (7p) (30 Regiment points) (Cabalist Coven)
1 Castle (6p) (River) (20 Regiment points) (Ss’yin’tia’saminass, fortified ruins)
Army: 262/262
Infantry Regiments: 1350 total
5 Regiments of Elite Draconians Infantry (20 RP) (500 Swordsmen)
4 Regiments of Elite Witchhunters Draconians Infantry (24 Rp) (200 Witchhunters)
4 Regiments of Royal Guard Serpentesine Infantry (24 Rp) (spellswords: 400 SpellScales)
3 Regiments of Elite Dragon Ogres Vanguard (18 RP) (150 Ingan Champions)
1 Regiments of Elite Serpentesine Warrior-monks (6 RP) (100
Sseth Jeskssej)
Ranged Regiment: 5200
20 Regiments of Serpentesine Archers (40Rp) (2000)
10 Regiments of Elite Serpentesine Archers (40Rp)(Shadowscales: 1000)
10 Regiments of Experienced Kobolds Skirmishers (20RP) (Peltast: 2200)
Light Cavalry Regiment: 1600
5 Regiments of Elite Kobolds Dune Lizard Riders (25Rp) (200 Light lancers)
10 Regiments of Experienced Kobolds Camel archers (30Rp) (1400)
Slave Infantry Regiment: 12000
60 Regiments of Kobold Infantry (15 RP) (Spear: 7200)
Command: 66Rp/66Rp
Lord/Commander (Ith-kar) =
High Lord/General (Janikup-Ir) =
Great Noble/Great General (Pliso-Ir) =
Hero of the Realm (Jennu Seian) =
1 Draconian (6Rp)
Apprentice Mage (Tija lexi) =
2 Serpentesine (10Rp)
Mage (Jexi) =
5 Serpentesine (28RP)
Arch-mage (Jennu Lexi) =
1 Serpentesine (15Rp)
Monsters: 66/66
4 Great Wyrm (60Rp)
Air Force: 66/62
10 Magic Carpets (10Rp)
3 flying Galleys (40 Rp)
30 Bireme
40 Trireme
12 Quinquireme
4 Galleys (three are enchanted with flight)
6 Caravel
Important characters

Archmage Shaaneks of House Sauringar
Shaaneks is The Coiled Cabal Archmage, and thus easily Stygia's most powerful master of the arcane arts. Well versed in magic and it's uses, Shaaneks has accumulated a formidable library of knowledge over her years, both mundane text to forbidden lore. Sheeneks has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and power. She cares little for the Politics of the other Houses and leaves them to their squabbles in the pursuit of power through pure knowledge.
High Priestess Saaveed of House Se’sehen and Sibyl of Sessth
Saaveed is currently High priestess of Styiga and thus acts as a voice piece as well as supreme ruler over the entire realm. Saaveed remarked is both cunning as well as a shrewd politician, though her taste for power seems to know no end. In the years following the previous High Priest departure from this world. The houses of Stygia bickered over who should take his place. The situation only worsened when it was discovered that the now deceased High Priest might have been assassinated. Saaveed in the end managed to win enough support to make a bid for the now vacant and powerful position. Saaveed is a graduate of The Coiled Cabal, the prestigious school of high Arcane in Stygia. Saaveed was Intelligent but paranoid to the extreme, two traits that would soon lead her to achieving her goal. Saaveed used heavy handed tactics with hard-line political maneuvers that saw her eliminating several of her rivals on her bid to power, many of them permanently. After ascending to New High Priestess, she used her position and influence to weed out many of those who had spoken against her, even among her own House. Voicing that they had in fact been a part of a plot to kill the previous High priestess, though not all were fooled, she got further support among the populous. Having secured her rule within the priesthood, Saaveed looked without to the other powerful Tribal Houses. There she made sure to retain each houses heir, and make them a special retainer under her full supervision and watch. Thus ensuring the loyalty of the major ruling bodies of Stygia. In present times Saaveed still looks to increase her power ever more, eliciting the aid of Ivaniss, Spymaster Master of Saaveed's court as well as Shaaneks Se’sehen Archmage over The Coiled Cabal. Saaveed seeks to extend her influence far beyond her nation’s what end none yet know.
Saaveed Sibyl has a 14-foot-long, snakelike body covered with thick black scales. Four humanoid arms, also covered in scales, protrude from her body below the neck. She uses two arms for spellcasting and wields a massive spiked chain in the other two. Two great leathery wings, like those of a pterodactyl, sprout from her back near her shoulders. Her eyes glow red with malevolence.
(Apprenticeship mage level, Holy Magic)
Aurytiss Hesjing is scion of a respected clan of kobolds known as Shadowscal. On the outset Aurytiss resembles an unassuming Kobold merchant, with well-connected merchant ties. However in truth, Aurytiss is the true leader of the thieves’ guild in Para'ssethis and is thus a powerful figure in his own right. In fact, some have come to call him the ‘Grandfather of Assassins.”
Kiha, Hero Of The Realm.
Kiha is a belligerent, quick to anger, though talented grand general of the Realm, or as the Yuan-ti called her, "Jennu Seian". Aggressive, defensive and quick to take offense or see challenge, Kiha has often been called rash and bullheaded. But never within earshot. Despite Her short comings in regards to her mannerisms. There can be no denying her vast talent in the art and application of warfare in its many forms. After successfully quelling a great slave rebellion 3 months prior to the new age, with one fell swoop and little bloodshed, Kiha was quick to rise among the ranks, and is among the few Yuan-ga to be seen as an equal by the ruling theocracy. She is six feet tall, and her leathery wings span nearly twelve feet extended. Kiha also often wields a double-bladed axe that's nearly as big as she is. Her eyes are pure crimson, save for a black slit in the center, and a pair of thick draconic horns sprout from her forehead, arcing over her ruby-colored hair to point behind her. Dim red scales cover her arms, legs, back, and strong-looking tail, providing what protection they might to large areas of her body. The few glimpses of exposed skin are dark, almost chocolate in color, broken only by a few stray scales on the underside of her bosom and on her cheekbones.

Ivaniss of the House of Jennestaa
Ivaniss is a fairly mysterious figure few know about, in fact so little is known of her many wonder if her position as spymaster is but more than a myth. It is told Saaveed recruited Ivaniss as her head of foreign and civil intelligence, handpicking her from a selection of nearly a 2 dozen other candidates. It is a job Ivaniss is all too good in, as her connections within the infamous thieves guild within the city Para'ssethis allow her vast knowledge of the going on's of the realm, as well as a pool to recruit and train more agents from.

Shiisthel of House Hss’tafi is a well-respected and well-connected Serpentesine. He has been called an arcane genius and purveyor of many magical innovations. He has worked tirelessly on all kinds of new enchantments, always redefining the borders of magic and it's laws. Shiisthel is one of the Archmages two apprentices destined to replace her if fortune allows. Already he has shown much promise, being the first self-proclaimed Red Sand magi. Shiisthel was has managed to imbue a part of his spirit into specially treated sand he carries with him at all times. A 'Blood Bond' as he calls it, something that has given him unnatural control over it and has made him quite famous. Shiisthel uses a Inscribed spellblade that resembles a cross between a pole arm and proper sword.
(Golem Creation, Blood Magic, Earth Magic)

Deryssa is one of Shaaneks two star pupils, among those most likely to replace her as Archmage. Deryssa has undoubted skills in magic, but lacks initiative and drive that would help her see her dreams come true. She does however not lack for either the ambition or cunning contributed to most of her kind, nor does she lack devotion to Sessth. Due to her mastery over wind and water, Deryssa has earned the moniker “Ice Queen.” He Inscribed spellweapon of choice is a long wicked looking dagger.
(Element Air, Element water, Divine Magic)
Mazikul of House Extaminos, or more widely known as Mazikul of the Black Flame. Are among the Coiled Cabals most master wizards. Obtaining the rank of Jexi like Deryssa and Shiisthel. Despite his young, Mazikul has risen far and fast. Said to be the youngest Jexi in the Cabals history and widely considered a prodigy. His skills in the arcane are masted only by his skills in swordplay. However, even for all his skills and accomplishments, he is too young to be named heir to the current Jennu Lexi(archmage). Some what cold and calculating, Mazikul possess a robust curiosity for the unknown. Seeking lore and knowledge for not for power but to sate his appetite to learn about the world around him. Among his accomplishments his the creation and invention of "shadow fire." Potent magic he has perfected and only he can use. He has also constructed from himself by his own hands two magically crafted inscribed Spellblades, Phantom and Shadow.
Society of the Yuan-ti
To understand the history of Stygia on must go back, far back in history indeed. The world the realms reside, had been home to reptilian creatures of both the serpent (legless) and the lizard (limbed) kinds ever since the beginning the newly formed continents. Sages believe that before the coming of dragons, much of the continents dry land was dominated by creatures that some humans called Thunderers—lizards ranging from a few inches in length to the size of the biggest oceangoing ships that humankind has since constructed. Amid this flourishing profusion of reptiles were certain kinds of sentient lizards and snakes that developed societies, mastered magic, and eventually built empires.
In these ancient time, the lizard people known as the sarrukh rose to become the dominant race of the continent Elmora. Through their superior intellect and tactical sense, they forged the land empires known as Isstosseffifil, Mhairshaulk, and Okoth—vast realms wherein they enslaved, bred, and experimented upon other creatures. The sarrukh dwelt in fortresses, kept thousands of slaves, and built a culture the like of which has never been seen since. Eventually, however, the empires of the sarrukh met the inevitable fate of all empires—they slipped into decadence and were ultimately swept away by foes from within and without. None one truly knows how this occurred, but it is widely believed it was do in no small part of the Cataclysm some 500 tears prior.
Created first by the sarrukh in the long-ago days of the Mhairshaulk Empire in the far deserts of what is now Stygia, the first serpentesine, or Yuan-ti, were the results of controlled breeding experiments that melded early humans with serpents and sarrukh. Altered and augmented by sarrukh magic, they became the most powerful and successful of the “created” scaled races--more intelligent than the Saur or kobolds and more loyal and versatile than the nagas or Draconians. The sarrukh favored the serpentesine over these other creations and entrusted them with the most challenging tasks--those that required free will. By and large, the serpentesine were happy to serve in such capacities. As the depth and fervor of Sseth worship grew among them (carefully manipulated by certain sarrukh through generations of serpentesine breeding), the serpentesine increasingly viewed such service as right and fitting--the only proper aim and pursuit of their kind. Yet the very growth of intellect, society, and faith among the serpentesine inevitably weakened their obedience to their creators. At one time, the sarrukh held the power to compel obedience from individual serpentesine, regardless of their personal wishes, but the creators gradually lost that ability as serpentesine society grew stronger.
As their civilization grew, serpentesine began to covet the powers, possessions, and influence of the sarrukh. Though they admired sarrukh society and embraced its values and worldview (including the fact that lesser beings were meant to be slaves to their betters), they also came to see the sarrukh as lazy, decadent, and inattentive. The serpentesine had always taken pride in their own accomplishments as players in sarrukh society, but increasingly hey saw themselves as more worthy of Sseth’s favor and rewards than their creators and began to resent their domination by “lesser beings.” As fate would have it though, disaster would strike during an event known only as the ‘Cataclysm’. There are few details that remain on the accounts that followed—so shrouded in mystery are these events that none even know nor remember what exactly it was, let alone what caused it. Perhaps the gods punished mortals for their preserved sins, or it may have been the results of a mad cabal of wizards. Whatever it was it single handily wiped out every major empire of the once mighty sarrukh. Only the tattered ruins and remains of Mhairshaulk would remain.
It was during this time the serpentesine saw their chance and overthrow their old masters, imprisoning their remains in caskets then buried in forgotten tombs of power. Until that time they had slyly waited for a chance to overthrow their old masters, organizing the other created scaled ones against them. However, sarrukh gone, the serpentesine had to then contend with the draconians for control of the nation. With cunning and sorcery, they manipulated the draconians into unwitting and willing servants. Among the kobolds the task was even simpler. The more powerful serpentesine would enslave the larger population of their kobold kin with the aid of the draconians, but they treated them well indeed. Slaves would hold no rights to own property, but their masters were responsible for their well-being. They would give them a roof, food, cloths, and safety. In so doing insured their loyalty and even their undying devotion to their haughty masters.
Throughout the ages the serpentesine power would begin to grow, as well as their control over their scaled brethren. They followed in their old masters footsteps, carefully breeding future draconians and kobolds for obedience, bolstering strength but not intelligence among them. Serpentesine--or Yuan as the races of the realm become to be known as a whole, continued to experiment with humans and other sentient beings, leading to the creation of the Dragon Ogres, or Yuan-ignan.
“Always skulk, strike unseen, and glide softly. Let your targets think of others as their foes, and become their unexpected doom. Manipulate before fighting, and ride unfolding events so that your part in them can escape the notice of the lesser races and others as much as possible. Brutes they may be, but to do things their way is to become as they are. We are better than that, and Sseth expects us to show it.”
Sseth, the Slitherer Supreme, the Old Serpent, and one of the five Draconic gods of the vrael olo and the ancient god revered and worshiped mainly in Stygia. He is a cruel, somewhat jealous god who demands constant sacrifice from his subjects, and his priests are only too willing to comply as they bring naked virgins screaming to his altar to appease his blood-lust. In Stygia the snake is holy and to kill a snake is a mortal sin. If a snake slithers into the cities or to the streets, Sessth's subjects will lay prostrate before him, hoping to be found worthy of his bite. His priests are almost as frightening as the god himself, and they terrify their own people almost as much as they terrify their enemies. Stygia is a theocracy, and the mad and corrupt clergy run the country on fear and wonder, as well as an indiscriminate willingness to sacrifice their own people.
For most yuan-ti, there is Sseth and only Sseth. The other serpentine deities that some vrael olo have worshiped over the years have all been either masks worn by Sseth or false faces of the fell deities venerated by Scaleless Ones. These latter beings seek always to subvert yuan-ti from the truth of Sseth and lead them into decadent indolence, loss of power, and ultimate betrayal and destruction. Sseth whispers in dreams, speaks directly through his priests, and on rare occasions even appears to his faithful. More often, however, the Slitherer Supreme leaves signs in the smoke of his temples after suitable sacrifices of life have been made on his altars.
Sseth guides in mysterious ways, leading his faithful toward ever-greater power and eventual supremacy over the world. The path to dominance that he reveals, however, is invariably a winding, veiled, and subtle one rather than the destructive and brutal route of conquest embraced by humanoids.
The Sacred Way Of Sseth
Devout worshipers of Sseth may express the god’s creed in different ways, and indeed many fall to arguing over its specifics. In general, however, they all believe in the following tenets. Sseth guards secrets to make his believers strong, imparting hints and aid to faithful followers subtly and sparingly. Those who use the god’s gifts to achieve power and success are pleasing to Sseth and worthy of rewards ranging from rebirth after death to augmentation with increased powers, such as serpentine limbs, stronger venom, or greater mastery of magic. All secrets are known to Sseth. He yields them up sparingly in return for service he finds pleasing, such as achievements that benefit all vrael olo, sacrifices made in his name or upon his altars, and obedience to the priests of Sseth and orders from the god himself. All yuan-ti must act in accordance with the Sacred Way of Sseth—that is, subtly. Whenever possible, vrael olo should choose manipulation over open confrontation, the whisper over the fang, and subterfuge over battle spells. Those who follow the Sacred Way of Sseth know their foes, think ahead, plan forward, and slither well.
Sacrifices To Sseth
The Slitherer Supreme hears all prayers from his yuan-ti followers, but he is likely to dispense actual aid only when the sacrifice of life accompanies the request. Any sort of intelligent creature is a suitable sacrifice, though some creatures are more pleasing to the god than others. Sacrifices rank in desirability according to the list below.
• A scaled creature that submits willingly to death in Sseth’s name.
• Any sort of scaled creature.
• A Scaleless One with at least a little arcane spellcasting ability or a natural spell-like power.
• A Scaleless One with great personal power or achievements.
• Any other sort of Scaleless One.
In any of these categories, a more formidable creature is always more pleasing to Sseth than a small and insignificant one. Thus, a dragon ogre experienced in battle is far more worthy than a kobold infant. Fervor of feeling while conducting a sacrifice is more important to the Slitherer Supreme than the total number or frequency of sacrifices offered. Sacrifices are expected whenever a worshiper needs to atone for straying from the Sacred Way, but they are entirely optional for worshipers who have been diligently following the wishes of Sseth, as communicated personally in dream-visions or by his priests. The manner in which the ritual is conducted and the attitude of the victim also has a bearing on the acceptability of the sacrifice. An ideal sacrificial victim is one that submits willingly to death for the glory of Sseth. Few Scaleless Ones are truly happy about dying for Sseth, but yuani-ti and other Scaled Ones often see some benefit in giving themselves wholly to the god.
Next most prized are victims that participate willingly in preparing themselves for sacrifice. Potential sacrifices are usually offered all they desire of food, drink, treasure, company, and favors. Yuan-ti frequently offer aid in slaying a hated rival or righting a perceived wrong, then slyly drug their intended victims’ food or drink so as to render them unable to resist. In the third rank of acceptability are creatures slain in Sseth’s name on an altar of Sseth by a worshiper employing either a melee weapon or her own fangs. Sacrificial victims slain by spells or bound so as to hamper resistance are less desirable.
A trussed, terrified, struggling victim is the least desirable sacrifice of all. Offering up such a victim requires little effort, almost no risk, and not much subtlety, so it is unlikely to impress the god.
The Answered Prayers Of SSeth
Almost all priests of Sseth are serpent-headed Serpentesine, but the most powerful are often multiple-snake headed yuan-ti. Sseth accepts, ordains, and ranks his priests in dream-visions. No Serpentesine can declare himself a priest of Sseth or remain one without the agreement of the Slitherer Supreme. If any yuan-ti counterfeits priestly status in any place sacred to Sseth, the god is instantly aware of it, and it is believed he may inform any true priests on that consecrated ground via visions, telepathy, or other remote communication. The clergy of Sseth tend and clean the god’s sacred places and prevent defilements and intrusions of nonbelievers other than sacrifices. His priests also breed, rear, feed, and train the snakes that serve as temple messengers and errand runners, as well as the Yuan-ignan (dragon ogres) who are tasked with guarding temples, and they manage and dispense all temple caches of poisons, osssra oils, and monetary and magical treasures. Furthermore, they are charged with communicating the will of Sseth to all yuan-ti , yuan-ga, and kobolds within their reach and with giving holy orders in times of strife or war with Scaleless Ones. In addition, they continually monitor yuan-ti society for signs of disloyalty to Sseth and perils to all vrael olo.
The yuan-ti of Stygia are divided into seven great tribes (called houses) and one intertribal, not-so-secret society. The allegiance of any particular Stygian is based primarily on blood ties but can be modified by deliberate choice. Charismatic local leaders like to gather their own ssrath. Stygian society is then divided into three rigid hereditary castes from within these Houses: the nobility, the aristocracy or middle caste, and the peasant caste. The noble caste is much diminished in the modern age. Unlike the lower castes, whose blood has been increasingly intermingled, the Stygian noble caste is tall and dark-haired, with fair, ivory-colored skin and varies dark sandbrown scales. They are rarely seen even in the largest Stygian city, and are never known to travel abroad, preferring to spend lives of indolence and contemplation in their lotus-perfumed estates. Neither Kobold or Draconian's exist within Noble cast, though some Draconian's have managed to rise to middle cast.
The middle caste comprises the Stygian aristocracy, and is the true ruling power of the realm. Tall but dusky-skinned with darker scales, black-haired and hawk-nosed, with many Serpentesine fully resembling serpents while Draconian's range from a number of scales tones with varying builds. The aristocracy provides the scholars and priests that run the kingdom’s many temples and maintain its fabled libraries. Beneath their heel lies the peasant caste, marked by their shorter stature as almost all of them are kobolds, with Dragon Ogres, or yuan-ignan, of course having sturdier heavier builds while possessing frames and sizes that easily dwarf the other races. The aristocrats rule the peasant caste with an iron grip, steeping them in a culture of absolute subservience and fear, something that comes naturally for kobolds. The peasant caste exist to serve the aristocracy and to feed the appetites of their god Sessth, and even the merest hint of disobedience is enough to merit an agonizing death in the torture chambers of the city temples.
Stygians as a people favor cunning, intelligence and agility over brute strength. Swords and axes are the hallmarks of a barbarian, not a civilized person. For this reason, most Stygians found outside the borders of their kingdom are typically scholars or seekers of knowledge. This quest for knowledge can come in many forms, whether through the practice of sorcery, the study of the body and the healing arts, or the stealthy practice of assassination or thievery. Each pursuit is equally valid in a Stygian’s eyes, because they require intellect, education and discipline; qualities they believe to be lacking in the lesser kingdoms of the age.
The seven great tribes or ruling Houses of Stygia are as follows.
House Se’Sehen
The Se’Sehen tribe is currently the largest and most powerful in the Black Kingdom, and their breed resembles more closely of serpents then any of the other houses. The Se’Sehen exchange exotic spices and poisons for slaves and a means to transport their spies to other natins. The spies, assassins, and thieves of the Se’Sehen (including members of House Extaminos) are scattered throughout the lands, where they work to advance yuan-ti plans for domination of the realms. Though they are skilled in the art of intrigue as any of the other houses, it is their skills in politics and the closeness they share with the nations chosen god that make them famous as well as powerful. Members of the Se’Sehen tribe experiment extensively on other creatures of the Black Sands. Their most successful creations are the serpentlike ti-khana and the Yuan-ignan, and the house is now served by the predatory ti-khana deinonychuses. It should be noted the Se’Sehen are also known for their ability to spit venom. The Se’Sehren count the Extaminos and Sauringar tribes as their closest allies, but they clash frequently with the Coiled Cabal politically due to their often clashing view points, since both groups see themselves as the rightful crafters of yuan-ti dominance in the realms.
House Sseradess
The Sseradess currently dominate the waterways of the River Styx and the subterranean passage known as Latrand’s Folly. These holdings are isolated enough that the tribe counts no other yuan-ti tribe as a true ally or foe. Which gives them unsurpassed control of much of the trading along the river. Which serves as the highway of Stygia. The Sseradess employ deep diving kobolds as “farmers of the river” to harvest fish, pearls, and certain riverweeds that are valuable to alchemists and scent-makers. These marine products are sold through agents (or used for bribes) in Para'ssethis. Members of this tribe are known for their ability to hold their breath and swim underwater.
House Sauringans
The Sauringans are closely allied with the Se’Sehen tribe, and are known as the nation’s best merchants and trade dealers. Something that has made them very rich indeed. In addition, they have been working indirectly with the Sseradess river merchant consortium of the Para'ssethis for centuries, supporting the Sseradess's protection policies through targeted acts of piracy. For decades, the Sauringans have subtly guided the Sseradess away from selecting leaders who exhibit any hostiles to Se'Sehen or Sauringans. This careful strategy has resulted in a newly forged alliance between the Se’Sehen tribe and key members of Sseradess, which has brought security to the far weaker Sauringans.
House Jennestaa
Sometimes derided by other Stygians as “untrustworthy vrael” and “sly tongued ones,” members of this house are allied with the Eselemas tribe against House Se’Sehen for control of large areas of the Stygian land. The Jennestaa, as members of House Jennestas are called, dwell primarily in Para'ssethis the City of thieves, while Se'shehen primarily controls Ss’thar’tiss’ssun, City of Slaves. The Jennestaa are also interested in capturing desert beasts and rearing them in captivity, both for food and as experimental subjects. Their ancestors once bred and altered jackals in search of a new serpent race, thereby seeding the deserts around Ss’yin’tia’saminass with many formidable jackallike creatures that exhibited unusual powers. In the same way, the boldest Jennestaa now experiment on halflings abducted from nearby nations) and on humans abducted from surrounding lands. The Jennestaa are known for their stealth and patience in battle. Warrior members of this tribe usually possess the Chameleon like skills, and most of them can remain motionless for hours, observing their surroundings through slitted eyes and clearly remembering minute details of what they've seen.
House Extaminos
House Extaminos is an offshoot of House Se’Sehen, but the two tribes have remained close allies. Extaminaar act as trade agents for the Se’Sehen, controlling local smuggling, slaving, and drug trading through the thieves guild, and even adventuring bands that they control, as well as other human agents. Almost all members of this house conduct personal experiments on captured creatures, employing spells, drugs, grafts, and various training processes to create loyal servants and guardians. The elders of the tribe approve of all such activities so long as such experimentation does not expose House Extaminos to wider public scrutiny in a particular foreign city, and any useful advancement are shared with the tribe. Thus, should any experiment produce a creature that could be of significant use (such as an aerial steed or a swiftly breedable soldier), the Extaminaar could quickly assemble numerous specimens to improve the tribe’s chances of attaining true greatness.
House Hss’tafi
The Hss’tafin, as members of this house are known, is among Stygia’s most well-known artisans and smiths. Their skills in crafting both magical and mundane weapons and armor are without equal among the other ruling houses. Hss’tafin’s are also known as the inventors of glass forged weapons and armor. The Hss’tafin see their ha’srammass as the most capable and practical of all. They are not too proud to work with and even serve under yuan-ga (or other any creature, for that matter) if doing so will ultimately advance the designs of the holy Sseth and the rightful dominance of the yuan-ti race and all scaled kind. Other vrael olo, however, see them as unprincipled schemers who shouldn’t be trusted with a single copper coin, let alone the future of the race. The Hss’tafin are known for their cobralike hoods.
House Eselemas
Members of this house, known as Eselemaa, are known for their desert stealth and battle-prowess. Those who hunt regularly possess much dexterity and are accomplished at wielding and hurling weapons with their tails. Such hunters always carry extra weapons with them for this purpose. The enmity between House Eselemas and House Se’Sehen stems primarily from rival claims to certain key desert areas. More than one Eselemas “beast hunt” in the sands has turned out to be a thinly disguised war party seeking Se’Sehen—and vice versa. House Eselemas is allied with the Jennestas tribe, and the two houses have often fought together in the Black Sands against House Se’Sehen in the early days of Stygia before full unification. The Coiled Cabal also takes care to remain on good terms with the Eselemaa.
The Coiled Cabal
This secret society of arcane spellcasters is dominated by the Hss’tafi n, but it draws members from all the great houses of the yuan-ti in Stygia. Though the vrael olo do not consider it an independent tribe in its own right, it is often treated like one in intertribal politics, especially since membership requires that loyalty to the society take precedence over tribal allegiances. The mark of the Coiled Cabal is an S-shaped serpent with open-jawed heads at both ends. The Cabal secretly recruits all those with budding magical skill in Styiga, thus becoming something of an arcane collage for the elite. Those within the Cabal learn not only magic, but also stealth, deception and other skills required of an agent, so that even those who do not have the skills to become a mage can still serve in the ranks of the fabled shadowscales or even spellscales. Cabal acolytes also actively take part in the nation’s inquisition.
People of Stygia
The Yuan-ti are an ancient, decadent people, born of a culture more than fifteen hundred years older than any of their neighboring kingdoms to the north, though much was lost during the cataclysm and war against their old masters that followed. Dominated by a ruthless theocracy dedicated to the worship of the serpent-god Sseth, the Stygians are masters of occult secrets and diabolic lore. The scholarship is legendary and their mastery of the magical arts is believed at least, to be without equal anywhere in the known world. Unlike the lesser race kingdoms the Stygians care little for what goes on beyond their borders; while the many proud budding empires of the age measure their worth in castles and glittering armies, the scholar-priests of Stygia care nothing for such trifles. They learned long ago that true power lies in knowledge and in pacts with dark powers older than the cosmos itself.Some even believe Abyssal's came into existence because of Stygia, though this may only be rumor.