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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Emma - Cells - Bex

As Bex entered Emma's cell, she was overcome with relief. Right when her sobs seemed to die down, however, it came all back around and started over. "B-ex" She stammered lightly. As he came to her, she wasn't even embarrassed at the fact that her clothes were almost off. She was just relieved to have someone who didn't want to take advantage of her body. "H-h-help me, bex..." She managed to say through sobs. "Help- help me e-escape..." She dared to say it now. It was obvious that something had given Bex a change of heart. When Bex finished untying her, she shakily pulled down her shirt to cover her stomach, and re-fastened her jeans, then proceeded to pull herself in as tightly as she could into a ball. She lay in wait of his answer, still overcoming the sobs.

Daniel - Building Place Thingy - Amy and Shannon

"I need... Someone...!"

Daniel heard Shannon's voice and bolted up the stairs to the room. He saw her distraught face and knelt beside her. "Hey, hey, shh... Don't sit up, you'll rip your stitches." He gently pushed her back down. Daniel began filling her in on what had happened. She'd blacked out when Amy had removed the bullet. From there; he'd tied up the raider and Daniel had carried Shannon inside. The raider spilled with a little bit of convincing. Tyler; indeed had sent him to the mall. Tyler, indeed, was holding a young girl with red hair in the cells along with other women. There was a group that Tyler had been giving supplies to in exchange for women. Daniel filled in the rest and offered her a dose of painkillers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katie - Underground - Floyd, Bull, Lauren

Katie just smiled as Floyd ate. He was like a grumpy bear. She could tell he liked the food.
"You looked hungry," was her only reply. Now that her new friend was fed she would take him to her room. Lauren was probably there anyway.

But before they could go anywhere Bull appeared. She laughed at his marching but followed anyway. It made him happy so she did marched with him.
Just as she thought Lauren was outside of her room. Katie grinned and tugged Floyd by the hand over to her room.
"After you talk to Lauren, will you play with me?" she asked, tugging on his shirt sleeve.

Jessalyn / Lynn- Underground - Tyler

Lynn forced herself to stand and go to the bars, taking Jess' hand as she glared at Tyler. "I told her the truth : that you keep women locked up to be used as breeding stock. These women have no lives except rape and giving birth. What would you call the man who did such things?"
She turned back to Jess, who had tears in her eyes. "Don't worry Jess. You're already pregnant. The bastard won't take a chance on anyone harming you."

"But what about you?" Jess asked tearfully.
Lynn smiled. She had never believed in lying to the girl. "I'm going to die Jessalyn. Tyler is going to keep sending me to his walker-fighting arena until they kill me. Or perhaps he'll let his men rape me first. Maybe he'll even watch. Either way, I'm going to die."
"No!" Jess cried, jerking at the bars futilely. She turned on Tyler and started beating on her chest with her fists. "Let her go! You have me! Let her go!"

"Jess stop it," Lynn ordered. "You're going to be a mother. Stop acting like a child."
"Lynn..." Jess whimpered sadly, but settled down. Tears streamed down her cheeks, dripping onto the stone floor.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shannon - Building - Daniel

Shannon nodded dumbly at Daniel. Her head still felt light, but she was able to soak up what Daniel was telling her. They had the location of the hideout; As long as they had that, then they could save Emma. "I'm sorry," she managed to say. She grabbed for Daniel's arm. "Danny."

She froze at that. She immediately recognised it as wrong, even in her daze. That was his name, not Daniel's. Shannon gripped Daniel's arm tighter. Why did he have to have his name? "I'm such a screw-up."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Floyd - Meeting - Katie/Bull/Lauren

As a giant's arm clashed against his shoulders, Floyd became uneasy. He shoved the man's hairy arm away, escaping the contact. He slid off the side of the table, taking a stand and brushing himself off. "Don't touch me" he murmured to himself. He watched the man as he began his solo conversation with the child, it seemed like they were on good terms the two.

As the giant golem played nanny and joked willingly, Floyd's temper started rising uncontrollably. He couldn't comprehend how they were joking at a time like this, in a world like this. There were no longer fun and games around these parts, nowhere for that matter. One little small joke and one could die without even knowing. In addition to that, these people were basically slave owners, living in the south during the civil war. That, or they were mere pirates, raping women, stealing gold, and getting drunk.

Therefore, watching the giant salute and march jokingly was disgusting. He wasn't anything close to being a soldier, he was the exact opposite, there was no honor in what this man was. But anyhow, Floyd continued to follow the marching duo, walking down the wretched catacombs heading towards the brats quarters. As they approached it, Lauren became visible from a distance. "Oh thank god," the woman exclaimed, her worried face relevant to the situation. She had been in charge of taking care of the child, something she obviously failed at doing. Then, her eyes caught Floyd's. The redneck just stared at her with his squinting eyes, making no sort of facial expression, just staring in blank. But unlike Floyd's face, her's showed enough emotion for Floyd to comprehend. She obviously didn't like him due to what he had said to her in the cell, or maybe it was just because he was different, who knew. But Floyd didn't really care what she thought of him, he didn't care what anybody thought of him.

It was time to get to business anyway, so Floyd busted forward through the Kate and Bull and confronted Lauren. He stood inches from her, staring her down for a couple of seconds before speaking.

"I need ya to take me to those girls y'all keep captive round here" he demanded, it was not a debate. Suddenly his concentration was shattered by the tugging of his new jacket's sleeve. He turned to his left to find a seven year old brat pulling his shoulder up and down. "What the hell do ya want kid?" he whispered to her, at the same time turning to Lauren with a raised brow. "After you talk to Lauren, will you play with me? Katie asked. In response, Floyd placed his hand on her little round head and spoke. "Yeah, yeah, whatever ya say kid."

"Now I ain't askin again, where them girls?" he quickly returned from the distraction. He didn't care if her boyfriend stood about three to four feet taller than him, Floyd had fought bigger men. He hoped to god she was there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler - Catacombs - Jess

Tyler waited patiently for Lynn to finish. He even waited patiently while Jessalyn futilely pounded on his chest. He eventually grabbed her wrists and gently laid them at her sides. "Those women serve a greater purpose," he said, turning to Lynn. His grin was gone now, his face now a mask of utter seriousness. "You're naive, Lynn. You do good in the arena, otherwise I wouldn't send you in. My boys need entertainment."

Brad returned now and stood off to the side. He looked about ready to lunge at Jessalyn for attacking Tyler. The boss waved him off. "Check on Bull, will you? He had some things I wanted him to do." After a moment's hesitation, Brad nodded and left.

Tyler put a hand on Jessalyn's shoulder now in an attempt to calm her down. "You're going to live to see my dream come alive, Lynn. Then you'll understand that I was right and you were wrong." Tyler started leading Jessalyn away, pulling her away if he had to. "Come, I have to show you something." They left Lynn alone.

Their walk was a silent one. Tyler was leading Jessalyn away from the cells to what most considered a different kind of prison. Tyler nodded toward the one raider on guard and entered the woman's quarters. Inside was a large room that could have been called impressive, considering the rest of the hideout. It was almost on par to Katie's room, sporting well-maintained furniture from the surface. The pair was greeted with the smell of apple-scented candles and a pair of women sitting at the large table in the middle of the room. They were eating, but turned toward Tyler as soon as he entered. The look on their faces was genuine relief.

"You're back," said the one woman, a tall brunette named Sarah. She got out of her seat and walked over to Tyler, smiling. Sarah was about a month pregnant, indicated by her belly bump. "What's her name?" she asked, referring to Jessalyn.

"Jessalyn. But she goes by Jess, I believe." Tyler put a hand to Jessalyn's back.

The other woman, a slightly chubby brunette named Amber, got out of her seat as well. "Can I feel your stomach?" she asked in wonder. Other women started to pour into the room now, their bedrooms connected by a single corridor. The younger ones were the ones largely from Haywood. Unlike the other women, they didn't look Tyler directly in the eyes. They shuffled into the room, their eyes on their feet. The less shy ones began to crowd around Tyler and Jessalyn, some asking into Tyler's well-being, but most asking Jessalyn questions about herself. "What's your name?" "Where did you come from?" "I guess you don't know the baby's gender, do you?"
Lauren - Catacombs - Floyd & Lynn

She stared at Floyd, hesitant to respond. She watched Bull's goofy grin fade as he fixed a stare at Floyd's back. "You ain't allowed to see them," Bull said adamantly. "You're new, and the boss won't like it one bit." The air now was suddenly tense. Lauren didn't want her boyfriend to give into his baser instincts in front of Katie.

"Bull, stay out of it. I got this."

His face fell, looking almost like Katie when she was disappointed, albeit hairier. "Okay, whatever you say."

Lauren turned back to Floyd. He probably expected her to argue, but she had desired this outcome. There was a shift occurring amongst the raiders. They all could see it, even the dumb ones. They were acting up more and more. Lauren knew Harley was stealing supplies, and she knew a few of the others were undermining Tyler every chance they could get. It was all going to come crashing down soon enough, and a large part of Lauren wanted it to happen.

"I'll let you see the cells," she said. She looked toward Bull, her face telling him to not follow. The big man frowned and looked down at Katie, realizing he was going to have to watch her now.

"Where you were kept, that's mostly for men," Lauren explained along the way. "The women are kept closer to the entrance, at least until Tyler moves them." As they entered the cells, Lauren stared at Emma's empty cell. She didn't think the girl would be moved so soon. "... There's only one girl here at the moment." Lauren gestured toward the only occupied cell: Lynn's.
Bex - Deeper Cells - Emma

Bex looked away to give Emma some dignity. His hands gripped at his knees, realizing he was in over his head. Once, when he was a man named Beckett, he had believed his little girl would one day grow up into a teenager like Emma. Then, he would watch as she grew into an adult, full of life and love. No matter who that little girl would have become, Beckett knew he would have been proud.

But Beckett and Beckett's life was gone now. Here Bex sat, beside a terrified girl who he could do nothing for.

Bex shook his head. "I can't do that," he said, his hand rubbing at his eyes. "Tyler will catch you, and then he will kill me. So, I can't do that." He looked at her now, his eyes on hers. "I can have those men punished, but that's all I can do."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel Crowe - The Building - Amy and Shannon

Daniel faltered for a moment when she called him "Danny". He'd heard her whispering the name in her unconscious daze. For a moment, he was mad. Danny is what his mother used to call him, and it'd been about four years since such had happened. "No... You're not a screw-up; just stupidly courageous. That round would've most likely put Amy down if you hadn't intercepted it."

"To her, you're a hero."

Emma Crowe - The Cells

Emma had drifted to sleep, and by the time she'd woke, Bex was gone, the cell was locked, and her hands were once again bound. She'd quit crying before she fell asleep, but she stilled cringed several times when the picture of Hex crept into her mind. With the image, the feeling of his dirty hands on her stomach and his lips on hers came back and made the tears beg to return. They did not however, as she reminded herself that she did, in fact, have a friend in this hell. Bex helped her and he would see Hex punished for his actions.

Even still, the man had done her another favor, though maybe not intentionally; he'd tied her hands in front of her this time, and this time she was not restricted as harshly as before, nor were her restraints as tight. Emma sat alone in the cell, quietly shivering in the cold. After a moment, she began to quietly sing a song. She couldn't remember the name of the song, but it'd come from a musical... Les-something... She couldn't remember the name of the musical either, but she did remember the words...

Look down, look down! Don't look him in the eyes!
How long, O Lord, before you let me die?
Look down, Look down; You'll always be a slave!
Look down! Look down! You're standing in your grave

Emma laughed at herself; the song described her perfectly. The girl wished that God would simply strike her down where she sat. She was a prisoner just like the men in the story... and better yet; she couldn't make herself look Tyler in the eyes... Emma breathed sharply through her nose; an ironic laugh. She'd tried to sing to cheer herself up, but instead, she'd just stated her case... She was standing in her grave.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Floyd - Cells - Lauren/Lynn

As Lauren walked down the pathways, Floyd followed step by step. He kept a distance between them, symbolizing Floyd's trust towards the woman. Even though she stated she'd take him to the cells, Floyd didn't fully believe her yet, he still felt uneasy alongside his captors. The redneck was silent, not even his breathes could be heard. It felt as though they were going deeper into the catacombs, though it was all in the same level. The stench wasn't as bad there as in the men's cells, but it did have its comparisons. One could feel the lack of oxygen around these cells. Lauren even explained how the women's cells were not connected with the men's.

The woman also mentioned something Floyd believed she shouldn't have. She said that the women were later moved from their cells by Tyler. The question was, where? Floyd didn't ask though, trying to play off the fact he heard her. At this point, Floyd wouldn't know if Jess was taken to this place. If she wasn't, then there wasn't anything else Floyd could do at this point. She was gone, just..........gone.

As they made it closer to the cells, they passed a couple empty cells. It was obvious somebody had been kept there though because of the conditions of those cell. Finally, Lauren announced that they were reaching the only occupied cell. Floyd stopped before reaching it, hesitating to see who lay inside it. For a fraction of a second, he wished it wasn't Jess. Not because he didn't want to find her, he obviously did, but because he didn't want to see her in such conditions. He failed to save her back then, he failed to save her child, he failed Lynn, he failed everyone he'd ever met, deceiving them of hope. So as he lay inches from seeing who lay inside, Floyd just couldn't commit. He felt a downpour of doubt sweep over his body. He wanted her to be there, but at the same time despised the thought of her imprisonment. What if she was there? What then? He couldn't fight all these pirates on his own, it just wouldn't be possible. Therefore, if she was there, he would have failed anyhow.

With a step, he turned to the front of the cell. His eyes were staring at the ground for a second before looking back up. When they did turn neutral, they became startled by the sight. He lay motionless as his pupils became dilated and shivered by what seemed an illusion. What were the odds that this woman lay within the containment of that cell. He frowned, pissed that it wasn't Jess, but grateful at the same time. "Lynn?" he called to her, trying to get her to face him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - To Haywood - Amy and Shannon/Haywood Guards

After discussing it, the three had decided that medical supplies were more immediate than needing to get back to the garage. They would have problems if Shannon's arm got infected. Amelia took the bags down to the truck and Daniel picked up Shannon and carried her down too, as he didn't think that she was fit to move on her own. She'd lost a lot of blood and was still in a daze. They selected east, towards the suburbs of the city, and Daniel drove off.

Daniel contemplated the past day. Could they attack Tyler head-on? But as Daniel thought, his thoughts were cut off as he stopped in the middle of the road. Large gates blocked the road, atop of which stood two armed guards. Slowly, he motioned for Amy to get out. He gripped the rifle he'd taken from one of the raiders in the mall, and stepped to the ground.

"Halt!" The guards commanded. Daniel did not ready his weapon at the guards, but he kept ready in case of retaliation. "Don't move, or we'll fire!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katie - Underground - Floyd, Lauren, Lynn

Katie followed when Floyd walked off following Lauren. She wanted to know where they were going. And she wanted to make sure that Floyd was going to come back and play with her, like he said he would. She felt like Floyd was hers now, her new friend and playmate. When she saw her daddy next time she saw him if she could keep him.

She slipped by Bull when he wasn't looking and followed quietly so they wouldn't see her and send her back to her room.
Lauren led Floyd down where Katie had never been before. The tunnels went further down then she had thought they did.
They ended up somewhere scary. It was dark and there were cells, like a jail. Most of them were empty, but the one they stopped at had a woman inside of it.

Katie was scared, but she was also confused. Why was the woman in jail?
Then Floyd said her name and Katie gasped.
"Miss Lynn?!" she cried and ran to the cell.

Lynn - Underground Cells - Floyd, Lauren, Katie

Lynn shook her head once Tyler pulled Jess away. At least she would be treated well. While she was pregnant that is. Once she gave birth the special treatment was over.

She was left in silence, which was what she preferred. But unfortunately it didn't last long. The next thing she knew someone was talking to her. She opened her eyes to see the redneck she'd left Jess with.
Her laugh had no humor in it. "Well look who's come to join the party. I'm guessing you've joined these asswipes since you're not locked up. Did you bring Jess here? Is that how Tyler got his dirty hands on her? Now she's locked up in that bastard's harem."

A small voice made her groan and close her eyes in denial. Katie.
"You just had to bring the kid didn't you?" she asked as a small body reached through the bars at her.

"Miss Lynn!" Katie yelled, trying to reach for her. "Miss Lynn, why are you locked up? Why are you hurt? Daddy said you went away!"

"I did," Lynn said, touching the little girl's hand reassuringly. "But I came back. Your daddy put me down here because he's mad at me."

Katie looked up at Lauren. "You've got to let her out! Tell Daddy to let her out!"

Jessalyn - Underground/Women's Quarters - Tyler

Jess couldn't believe her eyes. She was looking at a harem. Several of the women were pregnant. Some were smiling, others looked scared.
"I'm... Jessalyn," she answered, moving away from Tyler as soon as she could. Both him and his man, 'Brad', scared her. She didn't want either of them touching her for any longer then necessary.

"I don't know how long I have. A doctor said I was about 5 months, but he..." she looked down. "He didn't make it. Walkers got him."

"You won't have to worry about that here," one of the pregnant women assured her with a smile, then frowned as she looked at Jess' neck. "What happened to you dear? You have brusies on your neck."

Jessalyn's hand went to her throat, shaking at the memory of what had happened. "My baby's father... he tried to kill me."

The women all gasped and made sounds of sympathy. "You poor dear!" one who seemed to be the leader said and led her towards an area that was heaped with pillows. "Sit down and rest. You don't have to be scared any more. You're one of us now. Tyler would never let anything happen to us," she added with a warm smile at the man.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Robert - Haywood Gates - Daniel/Shannon/Amy/NPC Guards

The gate guards started for the truck slowly and at an appropriate pace. Since the the others already started mobilizing, they guards were on high alert. They were instructed by Robert Dalton, new leader of Haywood, to prevent any entry to their community until the raid was complete and all the forces had returned home. The Haywood trucks were almost completely loaded and prepared to move, but now it all changed because of this unexpected visit.

One of the three guards headed inside in a sprint, running to find Robert himself. Robert at the time was finishing up loading the van he was going to be driving. "Robert Sir!" the guard called out. Robert turned to face the guard and asked what was going on. "There is a truck outside our gates, it isn't one of our trucks sir" the guard informed Robert, having him hurry to the gates of Haywood.

In the meantime, the two guards who were pointing their weapons at Daniel's truck ordered the man to roll down his window. Once he did, they got even closer to the truck. "Who are you and how did you get here? Are you one of Tyler's men, because the trade was complete, you shouldn't be here!" the guard nearest Daniel spoke. He was gonna ask more, but suddenly Robert exited the gates wielding his shotgun, escorted by the third gate guard.

"Exit the truck now!" Robert called out to them. "You two, give them some space" he instructed the two armed guards near the truck. They did as he commanded, backing away slowly, their weapons still armed. "Leave your weapons within the truck, do not come out armed" he added to his instructions. "If you do, we will fire."
Floyd - Cells - Lynn/Lauren/Katie

As Lynn started her unexpected rant, Floyd started to get irritated by her accusation. It seemed that her declaration of him joining the raiders was because he wanted to. The truth was, he joined them because he had to, else he'd probably die. He wanted to tell her that, but with Lauren to his side, it would have been a problem. She then started on about Jess, again accusing Floyd of doing wrong. She stated that he'd brought Jess here, giving her to these raiders. Floyd was about to attack, but was interrupted by the next accusation.

"Is that how Tyler got his dirty hands on her? Now she's locked up in that bastard's harem."

What she had just said, made Floyd take a step back. He turned to Lauren with a pissed off face. Then he returned to Lynn before speaking. "What do ya mean Tyler's got her?" he asked Lynn before turning and pushing Lauren to the wall behind her. He held her shoulders tightly, then her arms so she wouldn't use them. "Where is she?!! Where is she??!!!" he yelled in her face, tightening his grip.

The little brat then showed up out of the blue, reaching for Lynn with her tiny hands. She wanted Lynn out, and so did Floyd. The redneck then pushed Lauren to the cells. "Open it!" he yelled at her, his growl louder than before. He still held on to her, didn't want her trying anything stupid. This was what her feared, having Jess down here with this maniac. This entire time he though she was either just gone or dead, he hoped she had been here, but again, didn't want her to be.

As Lauren remained before Floyd, the man continued. "Where does Tyler keep em?! Huh?! Where dammit?!" he snarled, his grip getting tighter as his wrathful state continued. "Answer me!" At this point his mind was set on finding this girl, nothing else. He forgot about Lynn, about the little girl and about his own life. He might even have to kill Lauren in order to keep her quite. If he decided to let her go, she'd most likely tell somebody about their escape, something he couldn't bare to have happen. "Hurry up, open it" he continued, looking left and right, making sure nobody else showed up, especially a raider.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Haywood - Guards/Robert

Daniel gave Amelia a weary glance before slowly placing the rifle back in the cab of the truck. "Stay inside, Shannon." He looked back up at the man in red shirt and slowly walked forward, placing his hands on his head and nearing the gates. "We aren't a threat. We were just looking for medical supplies. We've got a wounded woman whom I'd rather not have die on my watch."

"As long as you aren't with the raiders, we're your friends." He slowly lifted his hands from his head but kept them in the air. "I'm Daniel and this is Amy. Our friend in the truck is Shannon. She's been shot, and like I said, I'd rather not have her turn into a biter."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lauren - Cells - Floyd, Lynn & Katie

Lauren grunted in pain as Floyd shoved her against the wall. He grabbed her by the arms to prevent her from retaliating. She squirmed in his grasp, a glare settling on her face. She hadn't expected the sudden violent outburst; She didn't think the man would be so bold. "Are you crazy?" she seethed through gritted teeth. "Your hurt me, you try to save those women, you won't be living very much longer." She pushed roughly against him, but it was like trying to move a boulder. He wasn't about to let her go, probably too angry to even consider it. Lauren looked past Floyd, toward Katie. "Bull's probably looking for her right now. If you lock me in here or try to hurt me, no one could stop him from attacking you."

Lauren started to relax in his grip. She needed to calm herself and appeal to this man. "I'm on your side, okay? We need to be stopped, but this isn't going to work. It isn't." She looked directly into Floyd's eyes now, her red hair obscuring the right side of her face. "Don't just get yourself killed."
Tyler - Catacombs - Jess

The man nodded, a warm smile on his face. He agreed with the woman completely; If it was within his power, he would protect them all. They were more than just means to an end, they carried his hopes and dreams. The ones that had been there the longest understood that. "I know you're still scared, Jess, but everyone here takes care of each other. I provide them all with whatever they ask for." A few of the scared looking girls shook their heads; Tyler would not provide them their desire to leave. "You are safer down here than you would ever be up there. I even provide you your own chef."

A woman walked into the room, a giant with a hairnet and apron. "And I need some of you back in the kitchen. Quit gawking now!" Despite her tone, the woman was smiling.

Tyler waved off a few of the women before putting a hand on Jess' shoulder. "But you'll have time to experience this later. There's one more thing for me to show you." He led Jess away, bringing her now to the arena, where a few of the men were hooting and yelling over the current match. In the arena stood a dishevelled man who looked like he hadn't bathed or cut his hair in weeks. He held a knife in one hand as he danced around a pair of walkers. He was a man named Berk, a longtime prisoner who had refused to join the raiders, no matter how many times they offered. His days were spent in and out of the arena.

After a few moments of watching, Tyler said. "It's barbaric." He gestured to the other gated doors, where the raiders stood cheering. "These are the monsters. Not me. I just happen to need them. In this world, only the monsters get what they want now." His hand balled into a fist. "I wouldn't wish what I do on anyone. I do what I have to, Jess, for the good of all. I want a world where my daughter can go outside and run free." He turned on her now, his face touched with sadness. "I have to keep them in control. I have to give them some leeway. Intimidation and execution alone will not win over monsters. I do give them the women occasionally, but there is no other choice. For Katie's sake and your baby's sake, and for the sake of every child yet to be born in this world, I do what I have to do."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

After some time wandering around Enrique managed to find his truck, he climbed inside the cabin and began pulling everything out of the glovebox. He sorted through it and found what he was looking for, he pulled his wallet out and slid it into his backpocket. He got out and moved around the side of the truck and leaned over into the tailbed and pulled a tarp off balled it up and threw it to the back of the truck. He saw his duffel and pulled it towards him, he tossed it to the ground beside the truck. He stepped back and picked up the bag putting it over his shoulder with the strap resting over his right shoulder and the bag resting on his left hip. He made the decision to completely avoid the autoshop from earlier, he doubted they would be wo happy to see him twice. Instead he made a wide loop around it and continued on.

After hours of walking Enrique came across a sign that read, Haywood, Enrique took out his pistol and approached the town's gates carefully.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Espatier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Old Man - Haywood Gates - NPC Guards

After wandering around a bit, the old man came across the armed gates of the town called "Haywood".

The old man saw others at the gate and waited for a time to interact.

With no visible nor hidden weapon other than a stick the old man approached the Gates with nothing more than his winter coat and his clothing. It was a big change he was taking making contact with armed people that he some much avoid from the beginning.

The old man was told to stop from above.

" I'm looking for shelter, would you grant me this request?" he asked the guards.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katie - Underground Cells - Floyd, Lynn and Lauren

Katie had tears in her eyes. Floyd was mad. He was hurting Lauren.
Reaching up, she tugged on his sleeve. "Please stop. Don't hurt Lauren," she pleaded.

She didn't like all of this talk about her daddy. They were making it sound like he was a bad guy, locking people up and keeping women somewhere.
"What's going on?" she asked, little tears glistening down her cheeks. "Where's my Daddy? I want my Daddy..." she whimpered, rubbing her eyes.

Lynn - Underground Cells - Floyd, Lauren and Katie

Lynn saw how things were progressing and it wasn't anywhere good. If Floyd went off half-cocked he'd get them all killed.

"Calm down," she ordered sharply, glancing at Katie. "This is not the time or the place to discuss an r-e-b-e-l-l-i-o-n," she spelled it so Katie wouldn't repeat it. "And you're upsetting the kid."

She looked towards Katie and attempted to smile. "Everything is fine Katie. Just a mistake. We'll talk with your dad and get everything fixed okay? No one is mad at you and no one is going to get hurt, okay?"

Katie lifted her head and sniffled. "You promise?"

Lynn didn't want to promise, but if she didn't the kid would keep crying and would likely run off and find Tyler which would really piss him off which was the last thing they needed right now.
"Yeah, I promise. Everything will be okay. Don't cry anymore alright?"

Katie looked unsure and glanced tearfully at Floyd. "You're not going to hurt my daddy... right...?" she asked in a scared voice.

Jessalyn - Underground Arena - Tyler

It was terrible. Terrible and unbeleiveable. The arena was a pit of blood and gore. And the men were cheering, applauding the massacure in front of them. She covered her ears and turned away.
"No more... I don't want to see anymore..." she gasped out, heer heart beating fast and her breathing becoming erratic from stress.

She stared at him in disbelief. "How can you even begin to justify this? This... this is beyond barbaric. It is... it is evil. It is twisted and wrong and just... evil. How can you approve this? What kind of a leader are you? You cannot blame it on your men. They are beneath you and do what you allow them to do. You said you had a daughter. What if one of them wanted her? Would you give her to him to keep him happy?"

She shook her head. "Do not waste your time trying to convince me that you are somehow a good person. You are not. You are either a liar or a coward. Perhaps both. Only a coward would allow such... animals to control him this way. And whatever good you do towards the women you hold captive, it does not balance out the horrible things you do and allow to take place. How do you justify what you are doing to Lynn? How do you justify letting helpless victims be raped and ravaged and abused by these creatures you have working for you? You are supposed to be the one in charge here. So everything that happens is your fault. You will have to answer for them, one way or another."

Suddenly Jess gasped in pain and put a hand to her stomach. The stress and upset was getting to her, wearing her down and affecting her baby.
"Lynn goes in there... she fights for her life... for their amusement..." she said, each word hurting her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Robert - Haywood Gates - Everyone that is there

With then entire situation escalating, Robert cocked his shotgun, prepared to fire at any incoming threat. The guards followed and prepared their rifles, all of them loaded. They obtained an assortment of ammunition by trading off Jessalyn, something they didn't really want in the first place. But anyhow, as Robert started for Daniel, another being popped from space. An old man, walking towards the gates was stopped by a guards command. Robert turned to the old man, then back to Daniel. He wondered if this was an attack or distraction set up by Tyler himself. He feared that Tyler knew Haywood was planning to betray them back there. If he did, this might be the first step to taking down Haywood.

"Apprehend him!" Robert instructed one of his guards. The guard rushed towards the old man pointing his weapon at him. "On your knees" he told the old man, ending up behind him, patting him down for any weaponry. "He's clear!" the guard called back to Robert. Robert returned his attention to Daniel before speaking. "You say you've got an injured party member in there?" he questioned again, making sure his response would be the same. But then something altered his trance of thought. The one that seemed to be the leader of their group spoke out about the raiders, meaning Tyler's group. "Whatcha know about the raider?" Robert asked, his rasp coming off strongly.

Suddenly, three more guards came out of Haywood, joining Robert and the other two guards. They started for Daniel and started to pat him down along with Amy. They nodded in regards to them being clear. "The truck" Robert instructed as the guards emptied the truck of the weapons that were inside. One of the guards was beside Shannon, looking at her injury and the severity of it. "She's been shot, its not a bite" the guard called out to Robert. "Take the truck inside, you two just stay were you are" he told Daniel and Amy, still pointing his weapon at them as they took the truck into Haywood. The truck growled loudly before starting off, the guards reassuring Shannon that they would get her some medical attention. "Calm down, they're just gonna take your friend to our infirmary. They'll do what they can." Robert turned to the old man and the guard who pointed his weapon at him. After about thirty seconds of pure silence, Robert lowered his shotgun and started for Daniel and Amy. He nodded at his soldiers and had them back away from everyone. One of the guards helped the old man stand up. "You're alright now sir, just this way" the guard told the old man as he started to direct him into the Haywood community.

Once Robert stood before Daniel, he stretched out his hand to shake the tall man's. Robert stood just below six feet, so there was some height difference. But Robert's height didn't mean anything, he was complimented by his size, he was very muscular. "Welcome to Haywood" he nodded gently. "Now, what exactly do you know of the raiders?" he quickly said, turning the tables and the entire conversation.
Floyd - Catacombs - Lauren/Katie/Lynn

As the raider spoke, his hands seemed to get even tighter. He felt his blood rush right through his veins to the tip of his fingertips. Ironically her skin was tender and smooth, not what one would expect from a raider. As he had her pinned against the wall, he could see the fear in her eyes. This was not Floyd losing himself, this was just pure desperation. He was now facing the woman he had made a promise to, a promise he failed to keep. He had told her he'd keep Jess safe, he'd keep her out of danger, but now he lays in the hands of a monster. A monster that hides his true identity from his own child. A monster that does not seem to understand that his own goal is unaccomplished.

As Katie tugged on his sleeve, he turned to her, his grip still firm on Lauren's arms. Everything Lauren had said went in one ear out the other. He wasn't worried about his own life, he'd never been worried about it. Even before the virus spread Floyd didn't have much to live for. He hated nearly everything he came in contact with, nothing made his day worthwhile. The hunt was all he really looked forward to. How can someone live off the death of innocent animals? It was a gruesome lifestyle he lived and yet this life continued for him even after the apocalypse, but now he had a purpose. He found something that kept him going, something that made his days worthwhile. He may not always show compassion for it, but its there, there is no denying it. He made a promise and he was planning to keep it, no matter what.

But when he saw the kids face, he couldn't help but see Jess' disappointment in her little blue eyes. He starred for a while, Lynn's voice echoing in the background. Suddenly, Floyd let go of Lauren and dropped, sitting down, his back against the wall as he starred at the ground. Nobody could see his face, only his hair drooping over his entire soul. Then a small drop of water crashed against the catacombs dirt floor. Then another, and another until it was interrupted by Floyd's own forearm. "I...she was just gone. I ain't know where she went, she was just gone..." he started, following that up with a silence. He then turned up, the water no more, just his red eyes. He looked at Lauren, then at Lynn, at Katie, then back to the ground. He punched it with fierce strength, scrapping his knuckles at impact. "What am I suppose to do?" he whispered at them. His question was interrupted by another one.

"You're not going to hurt my daddy... right...?"

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - Haywood - Robert and Amy

"I am Master Sergeant Daniel Emmett Crowe, and I'm whats of the US-Army's Combined Applications group." He breathed slowly. "I know a few things about the raiders, actually. I know they're led by some man named Tyler. I know that they are the largest Militia group in the city or possibly the state. I know that the raiders take women for stock, and I know that they've kidnapped my little sister and that she will be raped or murdered if someone doesn't put an end to it."

Daniel slowly rose to his feet, staring straight down the barrel of the gun. "Listen, my friend. I can tell you have a dispute with the raiders too." Daniel removed his hands from his head, ever so slowly, and used one finger to pulled his axe from it's strap, and letting the weapon drop to the ground. "I know where the entrance is to the hideout, and also where I secondary entrance/exit. I can tell you, but only if you give me your word that my friends and I will be safe."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Espatier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

QT said
With then entire situation escalating, Robert cocked his shotgun, prepared to fire at any incoming threat. The guards followed and prepared their rifles, all of them loaded. They obtained an assortment of ammunition by trading off Jessalyn, something they didn't really want in the first place. But anyhow, as Robert started for Daniel, another being popped from space. An old man, walking towards the gates was stopped by a guards command. Robert turned to the old man, then back to Daniel. He wondered if this was an attack or distraction set up by Tyler himself. He feared that Tyler knew Haywood was planning to betray them back there. If he did, this might be the first step to taking down Haywood. "Apprehend him!" Robert instructed one of his guards. The guard rushed towards the old man pointing his weapon at him. "On your knees" he told the old man, ending up behind him, patting him down for any weaponry. "He's clear!" the guard called back to Robert. Robert returned his attention to Daniel before speaking. "You say you've got an injured party member in there?" he questioned again, making sure his response would be the same. But then something altered his trance of thought. The one that seemed to be the leader of their group spoke out about the raiders, meaning Tyler's group. "Whatcha know about the raider?" Robert asked, his rasp coming off strongly. Suddenly, three more guards came out of Haywood, joining Robert and the other two guards. They started for Daniel and started to pat him down along with Amy. They nodded in regards to them being clear. "The truck" Robert instructed as the guards emptied the truck of the weapons that were inside. One of the guards was beside Shannon, looking at her injury and the severity of it. "She's been shot, its not a bite" the guard called out to Robert. "Take the truck inside, you two just stay were you are" he told Daniel and Amy, still pointing his weapon at them as they took the truck into Haywood. The truck growled loudly before starting off, the guards reassuring Shannon that they would get her some medical attention. "Calm down, they're just gonna take your friend to our infirmary. They'll do what they can." Robert turned to the old man and the guard who pointed his weapon at him. After about thirty seconds of pure silence, Robert lowered his shotgun and started for Daniel and Amy. He nodded at his soldiers and had them back away from everyone. One of the guards helped the old man stand up. "You're alright now sir, just this way" the guard told the old man as he started to direct him into the Haywood community. Once Robert stood before Daniel, he stretched out his hand to shake the tall man's. Robert stood just below six feet, so there was some height difference. But Robert's height didn't mean anything, he was complimented by his size, he was very muscular. "Welcome to Haywood" he nodded gently. "Now, what exactly do you know of the raiders?" he quickly said, turning the tables and the entire conversation.

The Guard was polite but firm as he help up the old man. " Thank you " he spoke as he was helped up.

The old man took his time and walked into "Haywood" and began to wonder around
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lauren - Cells - Lynn, Katie & Floyd

She leaned back against the cell door and breathed heavily. She stared at Floyd, unsure if he was not going to go on the offense again, even as he sat against the wall, looking defeated. Lauren saw the tears in his eyes and she slowly shook her head. All Tyler did was cause pain and suffering; The proof was right here, in the eyes of the individuals before her.

Lauren dropped to her knees before Katie and put her hands on the little girl's shoulders. "Katie, no one's going to hurt anyone. We just need to get a few things straightened out. Make everyone happy, you know?" She looked up toward Lynn. "We can't let Lynn out right now, but it's just a misunderstanding. We'll get her out as soon as possible." Her words were for Katie, but Lauren was giving Lynn a silent promise. She stood now and walked toward the woman's cell. "Where did Tyler take the teenager?" She asked, pointing toward Emma's old cell.
Tyler - Arena - Jessalyn

He stared at Jessalyn impassively. Lynn had clearly brainwashed her; It would take more than an afternoon to get her on his side. "And Lynn is a strong fighter. I wouldn't worry about her dying to a walker." He crossed his arms, a glare settling on his face. "I doubt you've ever been in a position of power in your life. You don't know the first thing about being a leader. You would shrivel and die almost immediately."

He paused his monologue when Brad approached them. The man looked grim, one hand rubbing at his neck."Boss, there's been a few problems while we were out," he said, pointedly ignoring Jessalyn.

Tyler let his glare linger on the woman before turning to Brad. "As per usual."

"Harley was caught stealing supplies. Bull's locked him up and your kid's the one who caught him." A raucous cheer from the arena interrupted him. Berk had won. Brad patiently continued when they died down. "And Hex was trying to rape the new girl. He wasn't able to go through with it, though."

Tyler's hands balled into fists. There was incompetency at every corner. Every day, his careful society crumbled, like a slap in the face. "As you can see, Jess, despite all of my efforts, these men continue to act out of bounds. Do you call this my fault? It is simply a symptom of this new barbaric world we live in." He turned on Jess now. "I will have to kill these men. Hang them. That is the only solution now. I guess you might enjoy that, the death of monsters." He let that sink in for a few moments. "Brad, take Jess to her quarters. I'll deal with these men."

He walked away, barely able to contain his anger.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katie - Underground Cells - Floyd, Lauren, Lynn

Katie saw her new friend start to cry and that made her even more scared. When Lauren promised to get Lynn out soon Katie nodded a little but was still confused and afraid. Things were happening and even at her young age Katie could sense they were very bad things.

"I want my daddy," she whimpered quietly, hugging herself and moving back into a corner. Her daddy would explain everything. He would make everything right again.
He just had to...

Lynn - Underground Cells - Floyd, Lauren, Katie

Lynn couldn't help but roll her eyes. Lauren was making promises she couldn't keep. And now the redneck was losing it.

"Look tough guy you really need to suck it up. I don't mean to be a bitch, but we really don't have the time right now for a pity-party. What's done is done, no use rehashing it. I'm probably going to be dead within the next few hours and that means you'll be all Jess has. So man up and get a hold of yourself."

Lynn knew she was being a royal bitch, but if Floyd lost it there was no hope for any of them. The reason she had trusted him with Jess was because of his level head and his ability to handle situations where other men would break down.

"I don't know where they took her," she answered Lauren's question. "We were talking too much for Tyler so he had her moved to another cell down here, but I'm not sure where. He hasn't touched her yet though, thank God. He hasn't had time to 'inspect the merchandise'," she added, choosing her words carefully because of Katie. "But man is he going to be livid once he finds out his little angel knows about his dirty little secret down here."

Jessalyn - Arena - Tyler, Brad

"I never enjoy death. That is what makes us different," she replied coolly to his awful insinuation.

He didn't understand. It was amazing to her how someone could look at this situation and what was happening around him and claim no responsibility whatsoever.
And he wondered why his awful world was crumbling beneath him.

"Evil never prevails in the long term," she told him. "Because it has nothing substantial to lean on. Your world is crumbling because it is wrong."

She winced when the man called Brad took her roughly by the arm. It was apparent he did not like her, but wouldn't risk hurting her too badly because of the baby growing inside of her.
She didn't even want to think about what would happen to her once she gave birth.
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