They called themselves Mythics, none knew verily how they came to be, but one fact stood true, they sought the extinction of Humanity. As a testament to their power, they razed one city after the next, they spared nothing as those that were 'inferior' deserved not to live. After a year of their grand crusade, Humanity is but a fraction of itself, and the remnants have most likely been enslaved, for if they should not, they shalt taste of their wrathful onslaught. Though, the Mythics grew arrogant, overlooking details as the ease of their destruction blinded them. This flaw allowed Humanity to thrive a few years more beneath the soils of their once-land, in the years, they waited, watched, studied, and built, built machines of war, and of destruction, the humans christened them "Titans". And when the moment was ripe, they rose and exacted just retribution upon the unwary, striking them down as mercilessly as the invaders struck down their brethren.
So begins the war.A few Rules:
-Nothing overly violent that its horror-worthy.
-You may only control your characters and the environment they affect
-If you have romance, nothing
too mature, kissing is fine. If you must do the other stuff, just fade out or don't imply it too much
-Try to resolve disputes outside the actual RP, as civilized as you can
-Have fun :D
Everything will be explained in the character sheets:
You may have one character for either race (1 Mythic and 1 Human)
Race: (Human or Mythic)
Age: (Mythics' ages are unknown, they just appear to be a certain age)
Appearance: (Picture or written. Recommended: For Humans, have either a not-so-victorian steampunk outfit, or some modern/post-apocalyptic clothes. For Mythics something fairly futuristic to wear, also Mythics look just like normal Humans, maybe have unique features like white/different colored hair or more conspicuous heterochromia. Also, that means humans may not have hair color other than naturals, like blonde, black, brown etc.)
Personality: (Mythics tend to be arrogant and see the Humans as lesser creatures, they see the retribution of Humanity as a fluke. You don't have to necessarily follow this, just remember that both races are sworn enemies, and there has been no instance of friendly contact between the two as of now. At most they can be curious.)
Backstory: (Mythics can only remember their stories when they started the invasion, or at least a bit before it, but no exact origins, at least just as far back as planning with other Mythics.)
Titan: (If Human)
Blank: (If Mythic, these are the Mythics' powers and elemental specialty)
Name: (Optional. The name of your Blank, it should relate to the actual powers and affinity the Blank bestows)
Blank class:
Element: (You may put N/A where applicable like in Larkei classes)
Description of Abilities: (What your Blank does or can do. More so in the case of the Larkum class, may skip this if element is obvious)
Pilot(s): (You'd want to partner with at least two people for a Command type)
Type: (Command, Combat, Tactical, Artillery, Support. Details below)
Height: (Corresponds to what type, look below for specifics)
Appearance: (Becomes less humanoid the larger the Titan, also has to support real world physics in its structure and appearance as it becomes larger)
Armaments: (Artillery types get as much weapons as they can possibly carry, Command types should have atleast a large primary weapon such as a rail gun. No energy weapons unless you can explain extremely well how it works)
Equipments: (The unique none-weapon items your Titan has, such as kinetic shields for Supports)
Blanks may be one of these classes
NJEREG - Njeregs are energy based Blanks, these Blanks bestow energy based abilities unto the Mythic, enabling them to use their own spirit's power to manifest into blasts of whatever element they possess, Mythics under this Blank are more combat oriented than other classes. With enough skill, these Mythics may even become their respective element, either enabling them to travel fast, or being completely intangible. Though these Mythics seem to be some of the stronger and are the second most common of the classes, they are entirely more susceptible to both high-pitched noises and energy based attacks from any source, as well as EMPs. They are also unable to control ambient energy in the environment, they cannot manipulate their element even if it is present in the area.
Examples of elements under this Blank:
THARE - Thare are substance based Blanks, Mythics under this Blank are usually able to manipulate the environment, and change the state of an object into pseudo versions of any of the three states of matter, such as dissolving rocks into mud and evaporating it into dust or sand, easily making these Mythics one of the more versatile classes. Mythics under this blank, though versatile, are the most defensive of the classes, since they are able to create barriers out of their respective elements. Being only able to manipulate the environment, they are unable to turn into their element, even with years of training and meditation. They are also fairly weak against Titans themselves, the first Mythic killed in the reemergence of the Human race was a Thare Mythic.
Examples of elements under this Blank:
LECETUM - Lecetei are blanks that are an amalgamation of both energy-like materials and substance materials. They are able to both manipulate their ambient element in the environment, produce their element out of there own bodies, and even turn into their respective elements. Though, they lack the versatility of Thare Mythics, being unable to change the state of their elements. Another of their weaknesses, is that even though turning into their elements makes them nigh invulnerable, attacks are able to take some of their mass away, and they will seem significantly smaller when they revert back into their humanoid form, they also need a bit more concentration than Njereg Mythics to reform and more so when turning into their respective elements.
Examples of elements under this Blank:
Corrosive/Radioactive liquids
LARKUM - Larkei are Blanks that either don't fit into any of the other categories or are in a sense anti-matter. Mythics under this blank are some of the most powerful of the, stronger offense than Njereg Mythics, they can manipulate the environment, and may produce their respective elements out of their bodies where it makes sense. Depending on their element/affinity, only these Mythics are capable of destroying Command Titans single-handedly. Though, these Mythics are rare, and have to practice extreme restraint when using their powers, going at it without holding back could potentially destroy the very planet they seek to dominate, including their species, or even risk tearing the delicate fabric of reality.
Examples of affinities under this Blank:
Anti-matter/Darkness/Dark Energy
unlimited energy-based weapon summons
Chronokinesis (Time Manipulation - cannot concentrate on one location, manipulating time affects the generality of time. I'll explain if someone actually uses this.)
Each Titan type has specific stats such as
Maximum Range - The maximum range the Titan may fire in a certain direction. (varies with armament)
Average Speed - The speed at which a Titan usually travels
Durability - How tough a Titan's armor is
Firepower - How much damage a Titan deals (varies with armament)
Maneuverability - How fast a Titan can change direction
COMMAND Type - The most massive of any Titans, they reach from 30m to even 60m tall, the only Titan requiring a crew of at least three to operate. They carry the largest weapons and most powerful weapons, and the most durable armor, they pose the most threat to the Mythics. Despite their strengths, they are not without weaknesses, their size makes them slow, and easy targets for more powerful Mythics, sustained damage may shut the whole system down, and their build requirements are so immense that the Humans have only built less than 5 units since their retreat, one of which, was destroyed recently.
Maximum Range: 10km
— 9/10
Avg. Speed: 1km/h
— 1/10
— 10/10
— 9/10
— 2/10
COMBAT Type - The all rounder types, these titans are usually 3-15m tall, they are capable of standing toe-to-torso with any Mythic and winning, these Titans are usually deployed in the front to combat Mythics head-on, they may also carry melee weapons such as retractable arm blades or even enlarged fists. Balance between, mobility, defense, and offense are what defines the COMBAT types. But being a Jack-of-All-Trades, these don't specialize in any particular stat, and are particularly weak against long-ranged Mythics.
Maximum Range: 500m
— 6/10
Avg. Speed: 21km/h
— 5/10
— 7/10
— 6/10
— 6/10
TACTICAL Type - The fastest of the titans, they are just about 2-4m tall, they boast superior maneuverability and speed, their main weapons are lightweight allowing them to retain their agility, humanoid shaped Tacticals may also carry bladed weapons with them, these Titans are usually deployed behind the scenes, some even have equipment to either increase their speed, such as boosters, or enhance their tactical application such as a personal cloaking device, Lastly, they are one of the only two Titans capable of flight. Being fast and maneuverable, they fall short of the other Titans in terms of firepower and durability, a single Mythic may be able to destroy it if the Titan is cornered, also a Mythic able to manipulate light would be able to see through and dispel its cloaking device.
Maximum Range: 100m
— 4/10
Avg. Speed: 55km/h
— 9/10
— 4/10
— 5/10
— 10/10
ARTILLERY Type - These Titans are mobile emplacements, they have the most superior range of all Titans. They're usually 5-10m tall, and not only boast superior range, but also firepower and are surprisingly fast turners despite their size, they also sport the most vast and diverse weapon systems. Despite being fast turners, their average speed is less than average, and their even less durable than Tactical Types. Keep them away from mid-close ranged Mythics at all costs.
Maximum Range: 15km
— 10/10
Avg. Speed: 7km/h
— 4/10
— 3/10
— 8/10
— 7/10
SUPPORT Type - Second only to Combat types in terms of versatility, these types are about 2-12m tall, they are usually deployed in the frontlines together with Combat types, or are placed in a squad to escort certain Command Types. Support types are essential for keeping a squad alive, they are the only Titans capable of repair, though they are not limited to this, they are also able to generate kinetic fields which reflect oncoming projectiles, as well as generate entire cloaking fields, to hide an entire squad, even emitting sound waves for a variety of uses, such as confusing Mythics or echo-location. Supports may have these equipments installed, but they may not have all installed at the same time, although they may be re-installed in hangars. Being so focused on defense and keeping the squad alive, its offensive abilities are less than awful, at most its primary weapon is small cannon, some aren't even equipped with any weapon, using only their equipments as improvised self-defense tools.
Maximum Range: Varies
— 2/10
Avg. Speed: 15km/h
— 5/10
— 6/10
— 1/10
— 6/10
Accepted Characters:
Drei sturiMotuAlluria SotoHumans:
Grado Von GalbriNotes: Now, I know that most of the theme of this RP is about being OP, but you aren't so much as OP as to be able to crash the Moon into the planet. Mythics are weak against high-pitched sounds, distracting, confusing, and paining them more so than it does to Humans, some more so than others, such as the Njeregs.
I'm open to more suggestions, if you have any.
Disclaimer: I am well-aware of all the similarities with numerous other works of Fiction. This was inspired at first by Pacific Rim and the Steelheart novel's summary. One Piece Devil Fruits have been a source of reference for some of the Blanks. I don't wish to plagiarize/copy any of the works I mentioned nor the ones I didn't mention.