Hello you lovely blokes. I'm new to this site and I'm itching to get an RP going with said theme. So how about it you exploronauts? Who's up for it?
...Oh, yeah... I should fill you in on the details...
My idea is to have it entirely story driven with character depth and development. We're not space marines looking to slaughter bugs with unlimited ammo and sylvester stalllone curled lips, we're a joint intergalactic space faring group exploring uncharted clusters in our galaxy.
That's right.
The ongoing warfare in our galaxy has finally seized; it's all about peace and love in our star sectors man. W-wait. You didn't know? Oh man, the major space federations signed a peace treaty over 50 years ago! It's all about doing your part in the galactic community and expanding new horizons. So the joint committee of the Galaxy is pooling together resources to launch the first multi-species crew of exploronauts to check out the outer rim. Chart new worlds. Find new resources. Help out those backwater colonies that are still stuck in the stone age, and possibly settle major disputes planetside.
I'm looking for RPers that have an alien character in mind that is near and dear to them. Not some random mary sue put together, but a character you put some actual thought into because the species of your alien, one way or another, will have some sort of history (good or bad) with everyone else. I plan to accomplish this by having you fill out a CS (leaving out the alien origins part) and if I accept you, you can then start collaborating with other players to flesh out all of that good stuff.
So whadayathink?