Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

In the land of Basque which sits between France and Spain as a land rich with gypsies. There stands a chapel as mighty as any castle which is presided over by a Cardinal By the Name of Xavier. He is known as a kind soul with a great passion for collecting the children of mishap from any lineage. Yet equally known of his ruthless accounts of total slaughter to those who stand against the church, those who fall in battle are never seen from again and others speak of occult dealings with devils, Angels and monsters. For every story of praise there seems to be a tale of curses.

There are those born with blessings and curses yet some gifts pass those ever known to become tales of horror like the Golemn of living iron. Yet all are a part of gods divine plan and it is not the place of mortals to kill each other over the fear of what is not understood. It is here in this castle that all are welcome to learn more about themselves and the greater destiny of all.
So this is a game which will take place in a fantasy setting of the marvel universe all 'supernatural' aspects will simply be various mutations with the single exception of asguardians who will be handled seperately.

[ b]Christian Name: [/b]
[ b]True Name: (the reflection of your blessing)[/b]
[ b]From:[/b]
[ b]Powers: (For each power you have, there must be some sort of mark or disfigurement, the greater the power the greater the mark, No more than 3 powers.)[/b]
[ b]Pros: (Character's strength, either or skill or power based)[/b]
[ b]Cons:(Same as pros but the opposite, anything that can prove to be a hindrance to them in missions and every day life)[/b]
[ b]Virtue:[/b]
[ b]Vice:[/b]
[ b]Favored weapon:[/b]
[ b]Favored profession/Labor:[/b]
[ b]Brief bio: (1 paragraph)[/b]
[ b]Appearance:[/b]
Here is an x-ample of what I am looking for:
Christian Name: Charels Xavier
True Name: Doctore Xavier
From: Xavier, Kingdom of Navarre
*The ability to read minds was at first a horrible curse that nearly had him beating his head against the walls to get the voices out, But he has learned to controll his curse, he has also developed this offsetting quality that he never seems to blink for hours at a time with an unnerving gaze that makes you feel like he is looking right into your soul with those unblinking eyes of the devil.
*The ability to plant thoughts into the mind of another is truly a test from god to not abuse his powers given to mankind. He could be pope in a year, but clearly this is not his true path god has for him. Sadly the lord giveth and taketh as he robs Xavier of his ability to walk past a shuffle. Often is he seen using a small chariot to get about the castle manned by one of any dozen loyal disciples.
Pros: (Character's strength, either or skill or power based)
Possesses a doctorate of divinity from the Vatican as a reflection of his years of study.
Hew has amassed a great knowledge of heraldry to trace back linages up to ten generations with sometimes the most scant of information to draw from.
With his ability to read minds, he can become a powerful negotiator able to bring almost anyone around to his way of thinking with nothing but sufficient time to debate
Cons:(Same as pros but the opposite, anything that can prove to be a hindrance to them in missions and every day life)
Xavier's aching bones has often left him to preside from bed for days or weeks at a time. His lower half is slowly wasting away as much as he seeks to prevent such from happening.
There are days when even his disciplined mind looses grip on the ability to filter all out others and he must seclude himself lest he say something into the minds of all with far reaching consequences.
(He is only taking three due to his high standing as Cardinal)
Kindness, Patience and Chastity
Favored weapon:
Crossbow, a necessary tool he has put many an hour into to keep himself safe in his travels and defense of the Castle. It also provides him with an upper body strength needed to labor about in his daily life.
Favored profession/Labor:
Had he never found his calling within the church est higher paths, he would have been a great scribe who was more than happy to pen away the days and stay up all night in theological discussions.
Brief bio: (1 paragraph)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DR_TRAPEZOID


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

~dibs on nightcrawler
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Question! Are we playing canon characters or OCs, or both for this?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Answer! opening up as a mideval era mutation heavy setting really makes it easy to adjust most cannons however you like to making them OC. who and what did you have in mind?

Question! Who is your avatar of?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gravislayer
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Gravislayer Bearded Vault boy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

making one this night
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'd like to reserve Cyclops if I may.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

knighthawk said
Answer! opening up as a mideval era mutation heavy setting really makes it easy to adjust most cannons however you like to making them OC. who and what did you have in mind?Question! Who is your avatar of?

I meant like... a new mutant not based on any others. Mostly because she looks a certain way, and I don't think her power set has been used for any major mutant. I could be wrong.

My avatar is of one of my OC's. Her name is Devika. It was a commission I paid for.


Here's the full thing with the artist that drew it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cybelle


Member Offline since relaunch

This is a great thing!!! Medieval X-Men are an awesome idea. Working on a character now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gravislayer
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Gravislayer Bearded Vault boy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[ b]Christian Name: [/b] Heinrich Schmiedfeuer

[ b]True Name:[/b] Forge

[ b]From:[/b] Germany

[ b]Powers:[/b] Heinreich's power is simple, he is able to store kinetic energy and able to release them at once. Sun and heat can not be stored but impacts of blunt weapons, collisions or a small amount of falling damage. The limit has yet to be tested but a mace which was once swung by a trained knight with full force only left a scratch on him, that said he could still store more energy but the limit how much at once was tested this way. Sharp objects are still able to penetrate Heinrich, it seems he needs to cover atleast a certain amount of surface of an object.

The stored energy can be used to strengthen Heinrich's attacks or to boost his speed for a short amount of time. Right now he is only able to release the stored energy at once but is trying to learn how to release it rational over time.

While Heinrich seems to be normal on the first glance he turns more and more abdominal when he absorbs more and more energy. His skin would gain an unnatural redish tone and his eyes would appear to be darker nearly to the point of being black. He sure gains a diabolical look this way, also he would emit a constant heat, probably from his blood rushing through his vessels at top speed.

[ b]Pros:[/b] Heinrich made his living as a smith and so is highly skilled in it, swords, tools and armor are easily crafted by him but his power and a rather brutal attitude is keeping him away from white smithing.

Heinrich is rather bulky and his body is naturally resistant against cold or heat, in combination with his power he can survive in great cold or heat as well but constant use will put strains on his body.

His powers gains him a huge resistance against blunt weapons or otherwise bone breaking damages. He simply absorbs the impact and uses them later on.

Heinrich is very outgoing bit also keeps a healthy mistrust to people he does not know, one has to proof himself to be called friend or to be treatend as a foe.

[ b]Cons:[/b] Heinrich isn't too smart, he may seem dumb at some times but naturally he is not but still do not suspect him to speak several languages or to solve a complicated mathematical problem. He knows what he needs and even a tad more but aside of that he neither has the interest nor the knowledge.

Heinrich is very hot blooded in fights and quickly looses control over his powers and so it isn't too smart to pick a fight with him.

Storing the power for too long is causing the absorbed forces to be caused on his internal organs, it is dangerous and so Heinrich has to keep an eye on it. Furthermore storing the power also comes with a painful urge to release it which grow stronger with tine passing.

[ b]Virtue:[/b] Strong willpower, friendly. outgoing, honest

[ b]Vice:[/b] Grumpy, hot headed, over protective, quick to judge

[ b]Favored weapon:[/b] Heinrich knows his way with many weapons, not mastering them but atleast knowing how to use them but his most favorable are hammers.
He can easily use his powers with them and his years as a smith made them trust worthy.
His weapon of choice is so a large smithing hammer.

[ b]Favored profession/Labor:[/b] Smith

[ b]Brief bio: [/b] Heinrich was born is Wesel, a rather wealthy Hanse city and so an important bastion for many travelers of many heritage. The city was guarded and so the chance of being attacked by bandits was low. The Hanse sure kept the peace around their cities. His father was a smith and his mother was coloring clothes. Both quickly earned money and so were rather wealthy since his mother colored in a wanted and rare red via lead paint and his father was the most craft smith around.
Heinrich was the first child and the last since his mother quickly faded away to the extensive handling with lead, a poisonous metal which would be revealed centuries after. Naturally Heinrich would be raised by his father to become a smith as well and well they began quickly. Heinrich quickly learned his way around and even thou he became stronger than his father he lacked the precision. Early they both also found out about Heinrich's gift but his father took it as a blessing of the gods since their mother faded so quickly and so both kept shut about it.
Many years passed and Heinrich was now also taking jobs as a smith, while his father did the handsome things, Heinrich did tools and blades for the soldiers.

It was then at Heinrich was 20 that a wealthy Hanse merchant wanted Heinrich and his father to forge a sword for him. Both did their best and as the merchant arrived he received a sword which could be called legendary.
The merchant was surprised by their skill but was neglecting the pay. Angered his father spoke up just to be quickly silenced by armored knights protecting the merchant. They struck Heinrich's father down with their armored hands.
Heinrich jumped between them and their father and received hit after hit and so getting stronger with each hit received that way, it was then as a Knight drew his mace and wiped it over Heinrich's head. He then released his power and literally punched through the knight's face.
Heinrich had to flee but then found himself quickly guided towards Xavier....he promised that his father was save and that no one would ever dare to oppose him again, yet he was still wanted. Heinrich trusted that man and accepted the offer to stay with him.....maybe it was because the whole time he heard the man speak....it was only inside his head....

[ b]Appearance:[/b]

A Birthmark in form of a spiral is covering his whole lower back. Many mistook it for a tattoo and so naturally accusing him of paganism since the spiral is a symbol coming from the religion of the "World's tree"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Dizzy: Fair enough, Fine, I'll allow OC's but know that I prefer your take on cannons instead if only to see your inspirations. I'm not going to loose people over my personal choices.

Cute image, very nice.

Gravislayer: is he meant to be someone specific? I'm seeing something more like sebastian shaw here rather than forge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gravislayer
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Gravislayer Bearded Vault boy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He is non canon thou! I used the name forge because he's a black smith and they...well forge xD the name is unrelated to his powers but I could not come up with a good one but Repell or Riochette....and both would be rather....plumb when compared to him!

If you have a better idea then sure go ahead!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

No worries, I just wanted to see if you were playing forge or an origional named forge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

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[ b]Christian Name: [/b] Kassandra
[ b]True Name: (the reflection of your blessing)[/b] Mirage
[ b]From:[/b] Córdova, Spain
[ b]Powers: [/b] Illusions of all kinds. Has a birthmark shaped like an eyeball on the back of her neck, and all of her hair is snowy white.
[ b]Pros:[/b] Kassandra can create illusions of all kinds, but she's most powerful with those involving sight and sound. Touch is second-most powerful, while taste and smell are still quite limited. She is an excellent swimmer, and can read and write. People, especially younger people, tend to trust her more easily. (As long as they don't see her hair.)
[ b]Cons:[/b] Kassandra is heavyset and not very physically capable yet. She has to keep her hair hidden or dyed at all times, as she will stick out quite easily in a crowd. Also, she has the tendency to be naive and trusting. She tends to see things in a sort of 'black/white' way, not really realizing that most people and situations come in shades of gray.
[ b]Virtue:[/b] Warm hearted, intelligent
[ b]Vice:[/b] Overly trusting, naive
[ b]Favored weapon:[/b] Heavy Staff
[ b]Favored profession/Labor:[/b] Cook, scribe
[ b]Brief bio: (1 paragraph)[/b] Kassandra was born to a quite normal father, and a mother who was said to speak with spirits. The small family was always traveling, going from city to town working the mother's trade. Kassandra's mother would teach her growing child to harness her fledgling powers as they grew. One day they were attacked by religious purists who denounced her mother as a witch, managing to land a fatal blow on her before the family could escape. Kassandra's grieving father dropped her off at the home of his sister and her family, and never returned for her. Kassandra grew up shamed by her aunt for being a 'witch-child' and was usually kept isolated indoors lest anyone see her unusual looks. Her only solace was in her older cousin Leo, who brought her books, and taught her to read and write, and was her dear (and only) friend. When they got older, he married and moved away, leaving Kassandra at the mercy of her aunt. She took her escape in the midst of the night by making herself invisible, and sneaking out of town.
[ b]Appearance:[/b]

What do you think so far?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gravislayer
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Gravislayer Bearded Vault boy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Finished it <3 God a decent picture was hard to find
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Divine Darkness Numb

Member Seen 11 mos ago

This might help some people out:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Christian Name: Neena Thurman
True Name: (the reflection of your blessing) Cheat (would use domino but doesnt sound like it would fit)
From: nomad
Powers: (For each power you have, there must be some sort of mark or disfigurement, the greater the power the greater the mark, No more than 3 powers.) subconsciously able to turn the luck of hers or others around her, good or bad it would also seem her powers has cursed her skin to turn pale white
Pros: (Character's strength, either or skill or power based) expert markmen, with very nimble fingers
Cons:(Same as pros but the opposite, anything that can prove to be a hindrance to them in missions and every day life) her powers have a tendency of making her enemies, people calling her a cheat, terrified of live chickens
Virtue: patience,determination,confidence
Vice: Thieving,Secrecy
Favored weapon: bow and arrow
Favored profession/Labor: Thief
Brief bio: (1 paragraph) Neena was the daughter of a high born a high family, but one day a garrison of sell swords under the hire of a rival family put her home to the torch and sword, she was the only one who survived by hiding in a celler, when she was found days later by a small group of traveling knights, she was huddled in the corner starving and pale.
she was now homeless so she was taken to the captial but soon slip the cracks and found herself in the gutters, forever pale from the event she took to pickpocketing and lying to get by, as she got older her skills got better and her powers also came into play. during one night of gambling at a tavern she won alot of gold off of a young lordling, and being the spoiled sore loser he was, he had his gaurds hold Neena down as he branded her with a hot rod over her eye to mark her as a cheat.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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knighthawk Djinn Jedi

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The idea here is to make these people have to hide at all times, hence the castle for them all to stay in.

Dizzy: I like the birthmark, but is there any way we can expand on it? Perhaps it sits somewhere harder to hide or she cant cast any illusions if it is cover it up? Audio visual illusions can be the most powerful if done right so I want to make the cost appropriate

Gravislayer: are you willing to make the empowered appearance his default? If not just his eyes being stuck in the dark setting. It is a good power, but having his mark only present when he uses his power makes it too easy to hide.

Blacksam: Cyclops needs a much heavier downside to his powers or a reduction of his power. His beams are strong enough to destroy a fortress but he can control the width height and intensity? It's force but can bank a dozen times? Able to put a hole on a wall or a pinhole in a coin 2000 feet away? I need some consistency here on what his powers are since he basically has visor on/visor off.

He doesn't have the adjusting goggles visor

At best you have a single pressed lense of ruby dust glass

And he would probably have to sleep in a ruby lined iron mask to not take out half the castle waking up from a dead sleep in the middle of the night.

Zombie: If her skin is so pale as a reflection of her power, I'm okay with it. otherwise I need a downside to mark her as cursed with power.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

added a line about her skin in her powers
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gravislayer
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Gravislayer Bearded Vault boy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The problem is he automatically uses his powers~ i found it fair since he has to release them and well....either the release is drawing attention or him getting close to a miniature of a red freaking hulk....with a better haircut of course. IF you want i can also add a bigger birthmark covering his back or chest~
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