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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Out of the corner of her eye, Rosalie saw Gore tentatively test out his wing, noticing the angle of which it had bent. Did it happen when he was hit or when he had crashed? She wasn’t completely sure of what compelled her to question exactly when the dragon’s wing had turned out the way it had, but reckoned her curiosity stemmed from being given the chance to use them as a ramp to get onto his back. They were so soft and leathery that they seemed to easily absorb her weight when she had stepped over them. She’d never had that experience before. That must be it... Rosalie thought to herself, drawing in a slow, deep breath in the hopes that it would calm her nerves and enable her to consider and clearly think through the situation she had landed herself in.

Gore didn’t seem too impressed with her comment, judging by the way he turned to shoot her a look to which Rosalie responded by quickly leaning back to distance herself from him. Despite the reaction to the dragon baring his teeth and how quickly her heart was thumping in her chest, the girl did not allow her gaze to drop away from him. There was a strong distaste towards her in those eyes, but it seemed to shimmer with something else she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Was the Blood Dragon capable of making other expressions that did not resemble rage? She wasn’t in this to impress him; she just knew that she wanted to stay alive for as long as possible and for that to happen, she would need to choose her actions carefully. It was not necessarily based on whether she liked the dragon or not, but was based purely on... survival. Was she grateful for his acts towards her in the rain, for catching her and trying to protect her? Yes, she was, but with the way people viewed dragons, she found it rather difficult to look past the facts gathered and organised throughout the years since the enslavement of dragons; it was almost like trying to use her hands to fan away the fog that obscured her vision. At this point, it was impossible, and considering her current mood in response to the unfortunate ending of her journey, she was unwilling to go out of her way to see another side to this dragon if there was one. She had no interest in the dragon himself; being more interested in what he could give her instead. Just a single scale was sure to get her at least some information to Setton’s whereabouts. She just needed to put more effort into it.

Seeing Marian pinned beneath Gore’s claw made Rosalie’s body grow cold for a few seconds, mind already jumping to conclusions over how it could possibly turn out for the woman. Rosalie didn’t know her, but hadn’t there been enough lives lost? Did Gore even consider the families of those who had died? If those hunters were also parents.., Rosalie shook her head quickly to stop any depressing thoughts -that might be around the corner- from reaching her too quickly. It wasn’t as if she had the power to change anything; the only control she had being over her actions.

The chance to protest against the situation was lost when she noticed Gore had tensed, deciding to wrap his tail around the woman -once pinned beneath his claw- and jump away from something. Whatever it had been, no matter how different to the machines Gore had encountered and Rosalie had seen, the reason behind its deployment was pretty much the same: intent to harm. As much as technology had advanced to make their lives much, much easier, the majority of the new machines created were for purposes such as this. Rosalie wasn’t surprised, but she did find what some of the machines were capable of doing quite interesting.

The cloud of dirt made her cough and prevented her from seeing much, but even after it had settled, Rosalie still had a difficult time pulling herself out of a hunched position to try and see what had happened. It just felt safer to be hunched down against the dragon as it lessened the chances of her losing her grip and being thrown straight off his back. Right now, he served as a form of protection from whatever or whoever was attacking.
She had let out a little cry at the explosion, but it was more out of fear and surprise than frustration in trying to hold on and keep herself steady. After all, she had no control over the turn of events and if she had? She would have taken her chances at fleeing instead of allowing Gore to pull her into this mess with him. It was only when the warmth from the dragon’s flames reached her did she quickly look up to see the unfolding events. Who could have command over the strange, white, cable-like things that sought Gore? Rosalie frowned, trying to pinpoint its origin.

At first, she thought it was coming from some sort of machine, but the longer she stared through the rain, the more apparent it became that it was coming from an individual figure as opposed to a mechanical construction. It was strong enough to match Gore’s flames, but had technology really come so far as to match the strength of an ancient creature? To think of it from another perspective, it wasn’t really that much of a fair fight and for all she knew, Gore was the Guinea Pig for their first trial. As Rosalie thought this, the dragon seemed to lose balance. ‘Pitiful’ would have been the word that described Gore well at this moment and time, but she kept an eye on him when she would usually look away at the sight of so much blood. The way in which he had been hit made the girl shudder, but it was no doubt nothing compared to what Gore was going through. His strength was failing him, that much was easy to see, and yet, he had decided to spare yet another life.. only to throw the woman away moments afterwards...
Being set on the ground, she frowned lightly at Gore, wondering where Marian had landed and if he was finally letting her go. You abusive, overgrown liz- She began out of distaste for his treatment of the woman, but her mental thought was replaced with the initiative to turn away with hope that she wasn’t roasted alive. A few moments after the flames had died down, she was left with scorch marks that marred the ground. They weren’t ordinary scorch marks; they actually formed words that she understood. “Run... stay safe...?” Rosalie read aloud to herself after Gore had left her. Surely, dragons weren’t educated enough to write like this. Perhaps Gore was actually... intelligent for his kind.

While Gore continued the battle, Rosalie sought a means for escape. He didn’t have to tell her twice for her to run away, but where and how? Perhaps, since the hunters were focused on Gore, that would create a gap just big enough for her to slip through. Spinning on her heels, she caught sight of two people she hadn’t noticed before; a female holding an umbrella, and a tall male attacking Gore. Who are they...? She thought, watching them warily as she slowly backed away. A cough caught her attention and immediately, Rosalie’s hands went to hover over one of the blades hidden within the folds of her clothes that now clung to her form in the rain.
“Answer me this, girl,” the raven haired woman demanded, propping herself up against a tree whilst holding her side. “It’s.. also rude to stare.” The woman chided her when she started staring at Marian’s limp arm. “Blasted dragon. Ah well... he’s as good as... dead if he keeps this up.”
“You think I care?” Was the girl’s blunt reply. She was wary even though Marian appeared to be injured since it could very well just be a ruse to get her guard down.
“He... spared you, didn’t he?”
“I know that and he also did the same with you...” but this isn’t my fight, Rosalie finished just to herself, not at all. Her brown eyes flickered over to Gore and the two strange figures for a moment. Best not to get on their bad side. Rosalie, though her gaze remained fixed on the dragon and the two figures fighting to overwhelm him, remained mindful of Marian’s position, trying her hand at playing the same game she was. After all, this could very well be the only chance of escape she would get. Still, when it came down to it, would she be able to leave the Blood Dragon while he fought after all he had done for her? Seeing as it was not her fight, she did not have any obligation to stay.

At Aisen’s command, Delna fished from her pockets another crystal, similar to the last, but was darker in colour and shaped more like a cube. Instead of forming a dome, this one expanded, broke into four different sections that surrounded Gore and started to close in on him much like a box. However, she would have appreciated more of an opportunity to act seeing as the flames eating the trees also seemed to be eating at her time. They were more of a distraction than an actual threat to the two seeing as they could try and make an escape at any time. It would have been a waste to flee after pushing Gore to the edge as they had, though.

One could see, that between each section of the box, sparked purple electricity which kept the walls connected in a way and allowed them to move in sync with each other despite there being some space in between them. It also moved with a strange, yet soft, humming sound only audible to a dragon, one that intensified as they spun every once and a while. It seemed the aim here was to confuse the weakened dragon.
The rude interruption of his spells made Aisen stagger back at the force of the impact, shouting for Delna to “hurry it up,” amongst the sparks of his magic that fell away as one with the rain. She was trying, she really was, but it was up to him to buy them time.

Finally. After all their patience, they were getting close to the capture of this ancient, scaled beast. Should this final attempt prove successful, they would finally be able to get in touch with their client and confirm the date of which they wanted the payment by. Once they got their prize, they would make their way off the mountain into another location -preferably one that was secluded- as they waited the days out. After all, no one wanted an untamed lizard and, as the hunters, it was part of their job to break the beast and turn him into an obedient dog.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

After centuries of waiting, after everything that happened to Dragons everywhere. The Blood Dragon didn't care about the lives of mankind. He didn't question the lives he took, nor would it haunt him when evening came and he was to slumber. As far as Gore saw it? They knew what they were getting into. Do or die, they wanted to claim him for themselves, for coin or for some other purpose that was meaningless. Those who died to his claws or the very fire he breathed died a good death, even if the beast himself didn't believe the men and women that were slain that night deserved such an end. Glory was earned and there was nothing more glorious than fighting what the world see's as "Death Incarnate.".
Even after so much time and all the horrors he had seen, Gore in a way did hope that mankind had grown wiser to what they were doing to his kin. It was the whole reason he attempted to keep Rosalie safe, The one Human who actually thanked him and shown him some sort of concern beyond that of a pet or worse, an object. Being a slave wasn't foreign to the red scaled monster and he would never forget how people treated his brothers and sisters. How they treated -him-. There was a reason why he broke free of his bonds so long ago, and it wasn't because of his blood-lust for mankind.

Over the course of the multiple battles the Blood Dragon had been in, one would notice the change since he had placed the girl upon his back. How little he used aerial maneuvers to reign destruction upon the land and more on how defensive he was with himself and his -rider-. Though it was his fault, he did have reasons beyond it. Hunters didn't care about collateral damage and if there was a young girl roaming the battlefield? Chances are they'd take her away and no one would see her again. That's how little of faith the Dragon held in mankind. They were sick and corrupt creatures after all.
Perhaps if he -didn't- have her on his back, he wouldn't be as wounded as he was, he may even be considered ruthless for endangering the young girls life but he would have rather saved her that horror and suffer for it then let her find out just how awful mankind was in -that- way. Though the wounds only drove Gore to keep fighting harder and harder like the monster he was labelled to be.

Blood leaked from each wound on Gore as if it were a fountain, causing him to actually stagger right before he left Rosalie. Hah the girl probably didn't care about how much he was hurting to try and keep her safe! Even still, he would continue fighting as best he could to the very end. Staying in hiding for centuries wasn't going to end with him going quietly into the dark night, to be chained and enslaved for the likes of -these- foul creatures!
Even with Gore's claws shaking from the weight of his form, and his wings shambling to get a hold of the air around him. As well as how it hurt just to open his massive jaws. He was having trouble just moving let alone fighting. The Blood Dragon truly was on his last leg in the fight and after clearing out two small armies with technology he had never seen before, as well as two 'Dark' casters? He should have been defeated by now. The look in his teal eyes never did fade, the anger and rage carried on within his heart as his body began to fail him.

As the Blood Dragon ran at the the two casters, he let out a roar to the humming sound, quickly spinning his body to slam his tail at one of the walls, getting a shock that went through his body, making him stiffen up as if he was being electrocuted. The wail he gave shown just how much pain he was in. His wings locked in place while he felt another one of the cord like white spears ram through the top of his neck, slicing into him while he was disoriented.
Gore's face quickly dropped down to the ground, whimpering from the suffering his entire body felt. As the walls began to close in on him, Gore slowly and weakly picked himself back up, his body shifting from the weight it held. That is when he let out a massive breath of fire, quickly beginning to fill the mystical cage that surrounded him with smoke and ash. The barrier began to flicker from the pure energy Gore was exuding from his mouth, so much so that his entire body was concealed in it. Aisen just laughed until he heard a crackling thunder like sound. Something was hitting the box that concealed the Blood Dragon and judging by the sounds? It was angry and growing stronger.
The box flickered one more time when a bloody tail shot out from the box, wrapping around Delna before dragging her back into the smoke box. The barrier came back up just as she was pulled in and locked in the cage with the beast himself.

Gore leaned down, tilting his head at her before snarling violently. Even with the smoke and ash in the air, one could see when up this close of the malice that lay in his eyes. As if centuries of hatred was about to be unleashed upon this soft child of mankind.
No one could see what was happening inside the cage, but it didn't sound pleasant. Gore quickly wrapped his wings around the girl, bringing his jaws over her, scraping his massive fangs down her body, cutting into her as she screamed for Aisen to help her. That's when his blood tail wrapped around her and began squeezing her tightly. After a few moments, cracking could be heard within her form and the huffs given by Gore were of a sadistic nature. Until..
The same white spikes that brought him down reappeared on both sides of his neck, slamming into him and impaling him up. Blood poured from the wounds as they skewered him, actually having enough force to push him back away from Delna. The pain in the Blood Dragons eyes fought the pure rage he felt for the girl. That's when he slammed his neck into the mystical spears, using his tail to throw the girl into the wall she made like she was a ball, actually having her bounce back with that same spark. That's when he let out a blast of fire right into her, point blank as he blazed her violently, he spun, causing the spears to rip out of him, slamming his tail into her like a baseball bat hard enough to slam her through the cage she made.

With that, the cage closed in on Gore and pinned him down, electrocuting him while the same white spears appeared over his form, ramming into his limbs as they pinned him there.
Over time, the cage slowly lifted and the ash and smoke faded, showing a defeated Dragon that was skewered like one would do to a dinner. Though the look in his eyes was angry, one could also see that he was laughing maniacally at what he had just done to the girl. He could see Aisen rush over to her and try and pull her up. He could hear her comforting the woman as if that would make a difference. When Aisen looked at Gore, another white mystical cord appeared a few feet away from the Dragons face, about to send it home into the Dragons skull. After a moment, it faded. They wanted Gore alive, not dead..Plus, something told Aisen that if he did kill him now, it would be giving the Dragon a gift, something like a release.
"I won't kill you, GORE...No..I'm going to do something more.." Aisen moved closer to the incapacitated Dragon, resting a hand on his head, smirking darkly.

"I'm going to volunteer to be the one to break that spirit of yours..I can't -wait- to see just how much you can take hah."

Gore let out a scoff, blasting out a bit of fire in how amused he was with what the man was talking about. There was an old saying that even Dragons knew. 'If you had to say it, you can't do it.'. That saying seemed to stand true.
After a few hours, Hunters began to show up and move Gore to a large vehicle where they chained him up, more so than any other Dragon had been chained, loading him for processing. He would have to be broken in, but as far as the mercenaries and the Void were concerned? They got the job done and were going to be paid handsomely for it. The Anicent Dragon, the -Blood Dragon-; was captured. If one wanted to get a scale off of him, they would be able to do it now with how wounded the was. The battle wounds on Gore's form were being mended LIGHTLY, so he wasn't to die during transport. They weakened him passed the point of any other Dragon and feared that the mighty beast may actually succumb to the multiple wounds he had. A Dragon caretaker actually was summoned to account for all the damage that was done to their 'prize. The list counted off as follows;
Both wings were bent the wrong way, his sides had multiple gashes and cuts. A chunk of flesh was missing under the right front leg. Neck puncture marks on both sides that seemed deep and even partially ripped out, Puncture wounds on the head and face. Part of his wing as well as his shoulder and side had a long slice mark going up it, Electrocution marks were all over his form in the forms of nets and in concentrated areas. His claws were cut and scathed as well as his tail that looked to be cut into. Multiple arrows were embedded in his wings and form, some of which looked to be poisoned. Cut marks seemed to move down the base of his wings that could have made it so that Gore could no longer fly. There was also a large puncture mark on his left side right below the slice that, and on the right side his wing looked more bent and broken than the other.
The caretaker marveled over the Blood Dragon and how he was still alive, let alone able to fight as hard as he did. After his initial check-up, he nodded to the men that slowly began to drive him away toward the camp. Where ever Gore was being taken? It didn't look good.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It surely was a difficult scene to watch and listen to, the light-formed spears conjured by the male caster inflicting more and more damage over the time that he was given thanks to Delna’s interference. The sight of two people against the crimson dragon would have been laughable from a different perspective, but considering how quickly the tide had shifted just at the appearance of these two, it went to show that Delna and Aisen were no ordinary individuals. To take down a beast with little to no use of the machines the hunters used required a great deal of control over their abilities and good co-operation skills with one another. It seemed, that if an individual was lacking in one area, say defence, it was most likely that they would be paired with another who focused on attacking power or casting ability. It would make some sense, at least, should one try to assume who took on what role just by watching.

That was one of the few things Rosalie picked up on whilst watching the two, Delna and Aisen, carefully; they seemed split in their abilities and relied on each other at times if not most. Still, with two against one -the latter fairly injured in the previous battle- it wasn’t much of a fair fight. She was not making note of this out of boredom - she just had an eye out for things that interested her or could be a threat to her. Though it was difficult to watch spears run through Gore’s flesh, Rosalie just did not have the thought to turn away, finding herself staring for a while longer than she should have as the dragon’s cries of anguish echoed through the area.
No amount of thinking could drown out the wrenching screams coming from the woman who had been snatched by Gore and though much of it was left to imagination, it was still gruesome and unnerving to be standing there doing pretty much nothing as the event unfolded. After a while, the screams died down and a projectile actually shot straight out of the cage, landing with a sickening crunch that stirred the imagination of those watching and made them cringe. Those who had figured out what it had been, stepped back out of fear and disbelief, protesting against moving any closer than they had to.

It was only when the prison had lifted, and a dragon sapped of its strength was all there was left of the cruel capture, did Rosalie decide to drop her gaze and step back slowly. It was brief, but as her eyes trailed down, she glimpsed the prone form of Delna -who had been the one to set the prison- in Aisen’s arms. Her body was almost beyond recognition after the abuse she had suffered, and yet, the male still held her as tenderly as he would a child, the sorrow and rage in his eyes burning brightly.
Marian,who had been staring Rosalie down this entire time, must have thought it the best time to act, running forward as quickly as her injuries would allow. Rosalie’s eyes widened and she took in a quick breath at the sound of footsteps rushing toward her, barely having enough time to counter by stepping to the side, grasping the woman’s arm, and using the other’s momentum against her. She ended up kneeling on Marian, careful over putting her full weight onto the woman. Though she contemplated on whether or not she should do so, she instead settled with the thought that she did not want to give the woman anymore injuries to tend to unless left with no choice.

Hunters, no doubt Marian’s bodyguards, pointed their weapons at Rosalie in warning and she almost jumped away. Almost. “You’re not going to call them off?” She asked the woman who only growled at her in response. “Oh, c’mon... you’re really not in a position to be playing games.”
“And neither are you.”
“I know... I know...” Rosalie sighed, applying only slightly more pressure to gain the reaction she wanted. “I knew it wouldn’t take much to make you cry out. That just proves that if I choose to continue, it’s going to get much worse. Tell me: what do you plan on doing to Gore now that you’ve won? Don’t lie to me, okay?” To prove that she wasn’t playing any games, the girl pushed down a bit more, but to those observant enough, it was easy to see that her confidence was all an act. Surrounded by so many with the potential to harm and even kill? Who wouldn’t be afraid? Still, if she were to allow this mask she had created for herself to shatter more easily than glass, it would no doubt reflect badly on her father.
“Ow, get off of me, brat! ...ugh...If you must know, we plan to sell Gore. Not like you'd care, anyway.” Marian grunted, tensing. She was trying not to show her extreme discomfort, to let Rosalie know that even the most gentlest of touches would bring about pain. She was almost like an injured animal; wary, but fairly dangerous if given the right opportunity, but either way, Rosalie could not afford to make a mistake here.

Occasionally, the girl’s eyes would flicker from face to face, taking note of the position and distance of the hunters who surrounded her. She couldn’t care any less about Delna and Aisen; they were too far away from her and perhaps too tired to waste their time. They’ve gotten their prize, so why bother with anything else?
Being all too aware of her surroundings, the questions Rosalie asked Marian became a bit of a blur; she wasn’t really thinking, even as her eyes settled over the bloodied scales that had fallen from Gore’s body as a result of the struggle to evade his captors. The thought to collect the scales actually did not occur to her despite it being one of the things on the forefront of her mind just moments before and, even if she had wanted to, she couldn’t - not just yet, at least.

Rosalie just found it hard to believe that the dragon, who had been fighting with so much vigour, had finally been reduced to nothing but a pile of sprawled and bloodied limbs. Gore literally did look like a ‘Blood Dragon’ with the grievous injuries he had sustained and it was amazing that Gore was able to stay awake. His tolerance and endurance for pain was admirable, but in the end, he had lost the battle and it was his shame to deal with.
Rosalie shot Gore one last look, wondering if he would notice it, before she drew her knife and held it to the woman’s neck. “Stand.” She commanded, becoming slightly nervous when the other did not obey. The girl cleared her throat and made a louder demand and this time, it worked. Rosalie would use Marian as a means for ensuring her own safety and if the hunters wanted to save the woman a few additional marks to her skin, they were going to have to comply and clear a path for her. Taking someone hostage was the last thing she wanted to do, but, eyeing one of the Blood Dragon’s scales on the ground, she would have to. After all, she was about to get what she had wanted.

During the time it had taken the party to transport Gore away, Aisen had left Delna under the care of a doctor in another vehicle, his duty forcing him to keep an eye on the beast to make sure the dragon did not struggle against its bonds. It made the man mutter darkly under his breath, already planning what methods he would use against the ancient lizard. They weren’t going to be pleasant, that was for sure. After all, dragons were slaves to humanity so it shouldn’t matter what methods he used to break the dragon, right? Not many would care as long as Gore was still alive, right? Aisen resisted the urge to laugh at the thought, folding his arms as he leaned back in his seat, telling the driver to speed up so they could get to their little camp.

“Even if news of the Blood Dragon’s capture spreads quickly, not many would dare come see it for themselves. Not like this.” Aisen said, staring blankly ahead. He felt drained after exerting himself against Gore, and it frustrated him to no end to think he had almost been defeated by an injured dragon. How pathetic! If he had trouble going against Gore like this, he dared not think of how he’d make it through against the dragon at full strength. “Step one is over. Now to move onto step two.” After hearing a short and sharp reply of confirmation from his driver, Aisen sighed and tilted his head back, closing his eyes now. This victory, though, had been at the cost of Delna, his sweet partner whom he trusted with his life. Now she was fighting on her own for hers and he was unable to stay by her side. Aisen had been told that she might not make it through the day and would be lucky to make it to nightfall. Strange that this bothered him. He shouldn’t have grown attached to her, but perhaps, he thought, he had.

Where they were headed was quite secluded, but near enough that they could get to taming the Blood Dragon as quickly as possible for his new owner. Earlier, Aisen had asked one of the members of the party to take an image of Gore at the moment of capture so he could later send to his client. They were always picky and difficult to work with. Why, if they went with his word, it would make his life a heck of a lot easier. Unfortunately, he did not have that luxury.
It took five hours to reach their camp and another hour to unload Gore into a cage that was just big enough for the dragon to curl up in. Should he decide to pay more attention to his surroundings, he would find that this area was actually not so far from a quiet town that could still be seen from where they were. Within the area, small shelters for the hunters dotted the space and in the centre was a large tent. What set this one apart from the others -aside from its size- was that it bore a strange marking which had never been seen in the common dialect. It was unusual and yet, at the same time, it had a place even in this age where technology played a big part in life. The reason why it was so close -roughly two hours away from town- was for the convenience of gathering supplies and gathering information. That was how they had gotten wind of the Blood Dragon and why they had decided to set up camp here just days before attempting the capture.

Aisen approached the cage which held Gore with a stone-cold expression, hands held behind his back. The way he looked at Gore had no room for any other emotion apart from pure resentment for the crimson beast. “You’re lucky, you know, Gore. As much as I would like to get the process of taming you started, I’ve been advised not to... Heh, not yet, anyway.” He dared to close his hands around the steady bars, glancing very briefly at the lock with a small, electronic panel that flashed with a blue light from time to time. “Best get some rest because tomorrow,” Aisen said slowly, slamming his fist against the cage, “I’ll make you pay for EVER touching Delna. Ancient dragon? Hah! I’ll turn you into an obedient, little dog.” He stared directly into Gore’s eyes, a silent challenge issued. A dragon who had been away from this rapidly changing world was sure to stick to outdated traditions, but unfortunately things have drastically changed, and Aisen was going to make sure Gore knew who was in command here. The land no longer belonged to dragons, but to the ‘lesser beings’ that were larger in numbers: Humans.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

As the casting male of the pair moved to his partner, the pained teal eyes of the Blood Dragon stared at him with what could only be described as dark amusement. The look of pain and anger in Aisen's orbs only reflected the same look in Gore's. After all, the Dragon was exactly where that very man was centuries before and that look of anger shot toward that caster much like the casters anger shot towards the 'Lizard'. Now it may not have been the very pair that Gore had assaulted, but the Ancient Dragon could feel the magic they had casted and held no reservation in his mind. It was the same as the casters who took his allies so long ago. Though he was no fool, he knew that such power came at a cost. Everyone who held skill or ability had to give something up to obtain it. Even the Blood Dragon held sacrifice, though that was his own story.
The true question was..where did -they- get such power. Perhaps this time around among the lowly beings; Gore may just find out and then finally he could deal with 'The Void' once and for all. Whomever wielded such darkness clearly held little regard for any of his brothers or sisters that were in chains. Dragons everywhere needed a chance for freedom and while 'The Void' continued to be free to prosper, Dragonkin in all the realm couldn't rest east. Those who died against them will NOT have died in vain! Not if the Blood Dragon still breathed!

Clearly the pride within the Dragons heart still hadn't faltered. Even after it being a near millennia since the Dragons had been enslaved, the red scaled Dragon stood proud to be what he was. Everything he has done so far was for his kind and how could it have been any other way? Sure the younglings of his kind held no idea of what their true culture was and many of the somewhat older Dragons had lost touch with such. Gore? Gore had -never- forgotten of how the skies used to be theirs, about the Hunt for the beings far more powerful than that of what the Humans were. Many of the stronger creatures had died out since the old days, though there was a time when giant beasts that were ravenous roamed the lands. Creatures with the ferocity of the Dragons themselves and each gave a grand fight to the death. Honor rested within such creatures, unlike these..-things- that call themselves humans.
Watching Aisen start to form a mythical spear that was intended to end his life made the Dragon huff in laughter. Those pained teal eyes tensed up, snarling as if to tempt the human to do it. Though it quickly the caster quickly pulled back which made his captured 'prize' stir to smack him, only to have the beast recoil when he still felt the other spears impale his form in such a way to keep him where he was. Without Delna, Aisen seemed to use his own ways to keep him from moving.

As the trucks began to come to move Gore, the Blood Dragon did very little to make an escape. Taking a great deal of pain was something he may have been used to, but everyone, even the Ancient Dragon himself felt the aftermath of a conflict and it hurt. As the doctor showed to examine the 'specimen', Gore moved his face inward in a coil fashion, letting out a kind of whimper at the feel of someone moving their instruments over his wounds. In truth he was beyond exhausted and in pain.
The Doctor pulled away, nodding before writing down a few things on his clipboard before talking.

"Most impressive..judging by the wounds I am seeing, he should have died multiple times. The first blow with the Ballista and its arrow would have knocked the wind right outta him." Said the doctor, going over the wounds, not minding the blood puddles he was stepping in. "The only explanation of his ability to fight as well as he had with such extensive damage is the adrenaline. Adrenaline in humans reacts in a much similar way, only difference is that in Dragons it occurs in two different ways. A controlled method and a natural method. When both occur at the same time..still, how he continued is purely amazing..I would -love- to get to examine his body if he dies in my lifetime hah, course what you did to him may just kill him, eh Hunter?" Asked the Doctor, looking back at Aisen with a smile.
With that, the Doctor nodded and began filling out forms for different medications that he would use for treatment as well as some that may come in handy for the torture of the beast. It was obvious that Gore was going to need to be broken in to serve people without the fear of him killing his new owners. There have been cases of 'wild' Dragons being aggressive and even attacking the humans that often punished them. No Dragon was -ever- allowed to harm a human being after he has been approved for servitude. If they prove to be violent, then the Dragon will be immediately terminated and those who approved him would be taken before a judge to determine their fate.

Those whom were stationed at the camp quickly moved so they could get Gore secured in the back of the truck, letting Aisen do what he had to. Most of them avoided talking to him but the medical doctor stuck with the 'Overgrown Lizard' to keep an eye on his vitals. Such a catch should be handled properly after all.
The Blood Dragon had no plans or delusions of escape this time. After all, as soon as the 'Spears' had been removed from him, he could barely move his limbs with how much they hurt. He held no idea's of what had changed over the centuries and worse, began wondering how the treatment of his brothers and sisters had changed too. That's when he heard a dark laughter from his side, making the Blood Dragon tilt his head in a way to stare at the man who had impaled him multiple times. Though there wasn't a look of anger, but amusement. Gore started huffing louder than Aisen, slowly beginning to slam his tail into the back of the truck, huffing louder as he signified just how truly amusing the man was. The Doctor pulled back and stared in shock before looking at The Void member, tilting his head at him.

"..He was just whining..Whatever you do to this Dragon, only seems to make him want to react more to you..I'm actually curious to know whether or not if we were to unbind him, would he be able to hurt you with how badly wounded he is.." Said the Dragon Doctor aloud, looking at the Blood Red scales that actually now had blood on them.

Gore found himself following Aisen along the truck as it bumped and moved toward its destination. Teal eyes still held that amused look, as if a parent were watching a child throw a tantrum over some little toy. When the male started to speak, Gore began to smack his tail into the bed of the truck, huffing again. No one would come and see him? Did this man think it'd be -that- easy!? The only humans in the tiny space were in were the Doctor and him, though that's when something was said that made Gore stop smacking his tail.
"We could always clip his wings, though that would make his value drop.." The Doctor stated, looking at the massive wings that were perfectly placed on the Dragons back, even as broken as they were from the battle.

Moving his large face back to the Doctor, Gore simply stared at him in a way that made the Doctor stiffen up and actually shake his head. Within the next few seconds, the Doctor would completely refuse that, saying how that would be a horrible idea considering most would want Gore to be used for both gambling when it came to Dragon Fights, or travel while flying on his back.
The Blood Dragon then heard the door unclasp and felt the slab he was on shift and move to a point of him being placed in a cage that was barely big enough for him when he was laying down. After they sealed it up, those same teal eyes started to get a quick look around, making him tilt his head at how rudimentary the bars looked. Had they not been changed? Metal still melted with enough heat and this Dragon that they now housed held more than enough fire within to burn their realm to ashes..

That's when he heard that same man approach him, the one who managed to defeat him..if you could call it a victory. As he spoke, Gore looked up at him with a huff, still seeing the same child that threw a tantrum because his tiny little girlfriend got blazed. Now to Gore, she deserved it. After all that was the way of the world, if one were to try and threaten another living being, that living being has the right to threaten your life right back..which he did. Plus it didn't hurt that the humans were the true monsters here.
Aisen started to talk and Gore let him, though as soon as he mentioned making him pay for touching Delna, the Blood Dragon roared, huffing loudly at how angry the man truly was. That is when he placed his arm on the cage, having Gore lean closer with a whimper. In an instant, Gore shot his long tongue out, wrapping it around the mans arm, pulling HARD into the cage, trying to at least bruise Aisen. It was only to tease and make the Hunter feel even more silly. Though after a moment, the Dragon would recoil back with how much his body hurt.

As Aisen turned to leave, He'd hear something from within the cage. It sounded as if Gore was once again laughing. Did this person truly think he had the power to make the great Blood Dragon a dog? Either way, it didn't truly matter. What he was going to do 'had' to be done in the eyes of humanity.
Three Weeks Later

Lights had lit up the stadium as people from all over began to pour into the stands. The Capital was buzzing just in that one location where people went to buy Dragons and tonight? Tonight the skies were lit up with fireworks and bright lights as if it were a festival. After all, it wasn't every day the stadium would be dealing in Legend.
The Stadium quickly filled with people of all sorts, though all seemed to be wealthy from just how they were dressed. As everyone took their seats and waited for the main event, a slightly round man came out with a smile and microphone.
"Good Evening ladies and gentlemen! It is our grand pleasure to see such lovely and may I say, wealthy people out tonight haha! Tonight we have several of the very best that we know some of you must have! We here at Druthers&Druthers only wish to give you the best because that -is- what you demand, is it not!? Ah! Well, let's get started!" The round man quickly began introducing several Dragons that were either in their human form and ready to go, or in their Dragon forms. All of them seemed to be well built and even respectful to those around them.

The Stadium floor quickly lit up and fire shot out around the stadiums base. The large man quickly came back to the Stadium with a smile, already selling four Dragons that evening.
"Haha well bought..Alright dears and dearies, for our best and -final- Dragon, we have the stuff of Legend waiting for you to bid on him! Now if you haven't heard of this fine specimen, where have you been living! But just in case, let's look over the highlights." Taking a deep breath, he quickly unraveled a rather long sheet of paper, getting a laugh from the crowd at how long it was, clearly meant to make the crowd chuckle.
"This Dragon is the most common in our history books. His name has been written in blood and tears and we know one thing for certain. He has hunted, killed and terrorized hundreds of thousands of our people over the centuries. Battlegrounds were nothing but burning Graveyards after this next Dragon was through. Leaving a trail of blood and fire throughout his wake, He suddenly disappeared..that is until today. Ladies and Gentlemen..I bring you the real Blood Dragon, straight from the Legends and Myths of all monsters! The one that's been haunting you since your youth!" The large man pointed to the side of the field where a Dragon in chains was brought in, bringing him to the center of the field for everyone to see. Though it seemed the Blood Dragon was the only one in chains.

"Gore! We shall start our bidding and leave the floor open to offers!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Her escape had been rather rushed; not quite the getaway she had imagined, but in the end, what mattered to her more than just getting close to the dragon of legend, was living to tell the tale. However, the chances of people believing her to that point were incredibly slim if none at all. Children would, perhaps, but young minds that absorbed knowledge like a sponge did not count in Rosalie’s book. If she ever hoped to get anywhere by recounting the events that led up to her encounter with the Blood Dragon, she would have to provide evidence. The thought prompted the girl to glance down briefly at what she had grasped in her hand; little objects slick with blood. It didn’t surprise Rosalie that getting back to town took slightly longer than she had expected, but she wouldn’t want to rush the journey anymore than she had trying to get away from Marian. Even if she hurried and made it back home under the watchful eyes of Sigmund’s family, it would make sense for the hunters to head back to the nearest source of supplies as well.

Suppressing a growl of frustration, Rosalie forced herself to focus more on the ground before her as she moved down the rocky slope, stopping only very briefly to check that none of the hunters were closely following her. Even if she were being trailed at this moment, there was nothing she could offer them aside from what she had taken from battle. After all, the greatest prize belonged to them and knowing what happened to dragons after capture, Gore would become another lowly slave. Even the strongest of beasts would eventually fall, as seen today with the Blood Dragon. This did leave much, however, to be considered. If it had been a fair fight, would the outcome have been any different to today’s? What would be considered [/i]fair[/i] in this day and age? No doubt things have drastically changed from the swords and arrows of old that someone or something Gore’s age would be used to.

Now on even ground, her hometown, Kalandor, was a long hour’s walk away, but the thought of sitting in the warmth of a heater and the relief of getting into some dry clothes only urged her to pick up the pace. She had been trudging along the damp earth for too long, breathing in the cool air and the scents that came with it whilst thinking back over the events that led to many lives lost in a matter of minutes. She wanted to forget that, but for some, that would be a luxury they would never be able to afford. She felt terrible after witnessing the events, yes, but in the end, was there really anything she could do about it? If Rosalie had pushed the arrows further into the dragon when she had the chance, would that stop her from feeling guilty for being a bystander while all those hunters died? After claiming the lives of so many, surely killing the one who had caused this destruction would make up for it, right? The girl knew she should and could have, but when it came to the subject of actually taking a life, it left her wondering if she would be capable of doing so.

The idea of being taken in for questioning crossed Rosalie’s mind many times, but she also thought it was likely that they would tend to their own rather than send people off to get her. They’ll need all the help they could spare, the girl decided with a firm nod of confirmation to herself. It was not because it was a habit of hers but because Rosalie wanted the reassurance she might get from someone who accompanied her. Yet, she thought, slowing only when the sheet of rain had settled into a mere drizzle, if someone had gone along with her, would they have made it back? Just look at her: she was extremely lucky to make it back with only a few scratches. It could have been worse if not for Gore...
She trailed off, then, brows furrowing. Gore. Why did that scaled beast save her? Seeing as she couldn’t exactly try and get an answer, the only thing left to her, sadly, was to speculate.


Three weeks. Three weeks since then and Rosalie had never been able to forget about it. It also didn’t help that Sigmund would often tease her about the cut she had received on the day, leaving her more than a bit paranoid that the wound would open up and she would be able to stick her tongue through it. She shuddered, pressing a hand against the cut that was healing up quite nicely -in her opinion- as she sat quietly in the room she had rented out for the duration of her stay in Desdemona, a city well known for its advanced technology and its easy-to-access location for travellers coming from all directions. What brought it new faces almost everyday were the amount of airships ready to be used for public transport and the fact that many people came here to trade. It certainly was a big step up from Kalandor. No wonder Sigmund and Eric were disappointed they couldn’t tag along, Rosalie thought, shifting on the bed to get into a more comfortable position. She could have gotten them to pay for her food in exchange for forcing her to come here. At least they had paid for her travelling expenses.

She honestly did not see any real reason for being here for Druthers&Druthers’ Grand Auction, but Sigmund and Eric insisted that she go out and gather what they could not: pictures. Why pictures? Well, their reasoning was that it was going to be a historic event and since they had their hands full helping their father with the delivery of weapon and armour sets, they had sent her out in their place to take pictures of the Blood Dragon before the beast would be given an owner. It might be their only chance to see the dragon of legend. Rosalie rolled her eyes, heaving a sigh as she allowed herself to become lost in the light display happening outside her window.
Her eyes slowly wandered over to the time and that was when she jumped off the bed in a rush to leave as if zapped, realising it was only ten minutes till the end of the auction. She couldn’t return to the two brothers empty-handed. Then the whole point of her staying here would have been a waste of time and money.

If Rosalie thought it had been lively from inside, then she had been missing out on quite the celebration. The enticing aroma of food, sweet, sour and savoury wafted through the cool air along with songs sung and stories told to children crowded around puppet stands and various stalls. Even child-friendly holograms of the Blood Dragon were for sale along with other merchandise that actually brought a smile to Rosalie’s face. Perhaps these were just limited edition merchandise to promote the auction... or rather, was payment for the city in turn for becoming the hosting venue. However, as bright and festive this was, Rosalie couldn’t help but see the darker side to it.

Murmurs and gasps were heard throughout the stadium as soon as Gore was taken into the centre of the field for all to see, bound by sturdy chains for obvious safety reasons. Though Gore was secured, it did not stop them from taking precautions to make sure the beast did not claim anymore lives. The reaction that rippled through the audience seemed to satisfy the portly man, and he smiled a snide smile at Gore very briefly before resuming the bidding. The number of offers, though, was quite interesting - interesting enough that it made the man frown slightly. The number of bids wasn’t disappointing, no. He huffed, adjusting the cuff of his jacket as he attempted to keep the ‘sweet and entertaining’ smile he had to keep the crowd drawn in. It was just that he had been expecting braver people to step up and take Gore in their hands, not those who looked just about ready to soil themselves at the sight of the dragon.

Stepping forward, he took in a deep breath, speaking loudly and enthusiastically to try and raise the amount that Gore was going for. At this rate, the Blood Dragon would go at a fairly good price, but he wanted to see if he could raise it. “C’mon, now! Don’t be shy! Be brave and take this dragon by the horns! We’ve tamed him and can assure you that he’s as obedient as a dog despite the chains that bind him!” To prove his point and to ease the growing tension among some buyers, he hopped down from his stand and made his way over to the chained dragon. When he was close enough, he kicked the dragon once and pulled at the chains with his weight. While he did so, he whispered lowly to Gore, “do try to be on your best behaviour, now, Gore...”

He then moved away to stand facing the crowd of potential buyers, raising his arms in a way that made him seem ready for a welcoming embrace. “See? Completely safe! Now, let’s see if we could get things rolling again, shall we?" That could have been a mistake as after all, the last thing you wanted to do was taunt the dragon, but this was one of the only and easiest ways of which he could potentially ease growing concerns. Unfortunately, Aisen, the one still standing after the fight with Gore three weeks ago, was unable to attend the auction. He was away for personal reasons, as it seemed, and didn’t appear too interested in seeing the outcome of Gore. He only left with the hope that Gore suffered in the hands of his new owner, whoever they may be.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Darkness. That was all there was around the Blood Dragon as he waited for the Humans to pawn him off as if he were some kind of object. The Blood Dragon recalled everything that happened to him for this to happen. Those damned humans invaded his home -again-. Why couldn't they have left well enough alone!? Was it not enough that Gore stopped attacking them!? Did they truly have to take him from his hearth for nothing but profit!?
With that thought in his head, he pressed himself against the tight and heavy chains that were pressed down against his body. With a low grumble, he forced himself up into them to try and loosen them only to find his body still wounded from the torture they had forced upon him. His wings looked mostly broken, as if to keep him from flying for at least some time. Moving his head enough to look at his partially broken body, the Dragon began to huff in laughter at the situation. He began to question his own choices in the centuries that have passed. After all, that is all he had left at the moment, his memories of the choices that have changed history as he knew it. That's when he felt someone come closer to him, making him tense up before growling at the people who planned to pull him out for the auction.

From the Darkness of where they kept him to the night air that was well lit, making Gore's teal eyes narrow at the bright lights. It looked as if they were meant for some kind of festival, not for selling a sentient being. Once he was placed in the center, Gore's head quickly began to move to see just how many had come to see him. These insects..these -monsters-. All of them came to see a legend suffer, To watch as the great Blood Dragon was humiliated in front of thousands, if not more.
After a moment, the larger man began to speak about him as if the child knew who he held in chains. Gore bared his fangs at the man who was near, as he tried to entice the people to pay a great sum for him, only to have several people make smaller offers. This caused the ancient Dragon to huff in laughter, watching the man on the stand who began to shift nervously. At this rate, they weren't going to get enough to pay back the Hunters whom claimed him. The next few minutes went slow as people began to raise their offers, slightly. That is when the larger man moved over to the Blood Dragon, making Gore tense up, narrowing his eyes at the large man who came closer to him.


As soon as the man kicked him, Gore pressed against the chains and roared loudly, actually causing the lights to crack around him. Leaning out, he snapped his massive jaws at the fat man, causing the auctioneer to actually recoil in fear, looking back at the crowd who seemed to be covering their ears and cowering. Though within moments, men had come out with spears and held them at the ready in case the 'prize' Dragon actually got out.
The auctioneer coughed, clearing his throat before he continued to tell the crowd at how abusing this Dragon was more a risk than anything, but he was still tame enough to be owned. This made Gore huff even more considering the man himself was ready to flee for the hills. With that, Gore's eyes slowly narrowed at the people around him. He began to wonder just what would happen to him if he didn't sell..His wings hurt more than anything else and he was having trouble moving them. Flying would be impossible. Without flight and being in the middle of whatever city he was in, the ancient Dragon realized there was no escape. So, he lowered his head as he began to contemplate how he would make it out of this with -some- dignity.

With an uncomfortable shift, Gore decided he would do something he, nor any Dragon enjoyed doing. Some things were just meant to be private but if it meant a better chance for him to be free? He had to do something. Besides, this could prove to be somewhat amusing.

The chains began to rattle a bit as Gore clasped his jaws, feeling his wings slowly fade within his form. His entire form began to shrink, causing the chains to began to fall off him, even if some had stayed, it didn't seem to stop what was happening. The snout the Dragon had began to withdraw and as his tail began to also seem to fade within him. His scales also did the same and within the span of a few minutes, there stood a human male that stood at 6'1. The rune that was upon his shoulder was more than proof of who was now standing before the crowd, but it wasn't needed. After all if one looked into those teal eyes, they would know who he was. With darkened hair and a tanned complexion, the creature pushed the remaining chains from his body before walking over to the large man, tilting his head at him. The horns that remained on his head looked sharp enough to impale someone.
The large man didn't look back until he felt something touch his shoulder, that is when he turned and saw that Gore had shifted into his human form. A form that no one had seen in ages. He immediately recoiled, only to have Gore throw him toward the slab he used to be in. With that, he grabbed the microphone, moving his darkened claws over the instrument that the larger man had.

The men around him all looked to each other, terrified to see the Blood Dragon out of chains, but waited to act.

Another moment passed before Gore took a deep breath.
"As it seems.. every last one of you fear me, aye? So then you must know of me. As you should..For all of you must know of the tales that go with the name your ancestors had granted me. Allow me to answer such a question. Aye..those tales are true. I once desired the blood of your ancestors to be spilled, causing your ancestors to quake with the same fear you do today. If I were the dog that this..-thing- suggests I am, than I would not be worth the price as every youngling sold this moon. Though is that not why you had ventured to this place? Did you all truly wish for a pet, or the myth that is the Blood Dragon? Hah if not, then your journey to see the great me was truly was misplaced and you should venture to your hearths. Though if one among you actually recognizes that of which could be yours? By all means..stay your hand. Those who have the heart to take up true ownership will know respect, for I guarantee your kind as well as mine shall falter when they hear that name your kin have granted -me-.." With that, he turned to move to the stage, jumped up onto it before setting the microphone down.

The men with the spears all wanted to put him back in chains and take him away for talking back, but oddly enough the offers began to rise, making the Dragon before them grin and show a fang.
Gore -hated- this form. To him, looking like one of their kind was an insult and disgrace to his true lineage as well as speaking their common tongue. He couldn't help the accent he held considering the last time he was one of them, they spoke perfectly in a more civilized manner. So he couldn't help that. These -things- around him should be honored. They were the first to see this form. Course he was clothed in dark garb, that seemed to come from the transition alone. Though he had to play the part he did, if he didn't sell well he had no doubt what would happen. They would take it out on him and others of his kind to be able to make up for the loss of profit which was something the Anicent Dragon couldn't allow.
The Dragon began to wonder if these people knew he was intelligent enough to even speak for himself..If they did, they seemed to be rather quiet about it..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

From afar, the stadium looked oddly quiet as if devoid of life. For someone to only just be approaching the stadium, it brought a weighing sense of doubt as to whether or not they were wasting their time and effort just to catch one last possible glimpse of the Blood Dragon before the beast became another ‘face in the crowd’. Of course, if given the opportunity, Rosalie would have liked to have gone back and make it very clear that she had no plans in leaving Kalandor just to take photos of some overgrown, crimson lizard she had enccountered some three weeks ago. As lucky as she was to see the scaled beast -and be saved by the creature- it was more than enough excitement for one month. It seemed, that as ready as the girl was to finally leave the nest and search the world for her father, she had never ever dreamt that she would be put in so much danger in such little time.

She did, however, allow herself to become a little sidetracked by the fancy machines for sale near the stadium itself; mechanisms that would transport the driver through the air and were the latest and most convenient mode of travel through the streets. She slowed, eyeing the shiny new designs with suppressed excitement and, for a moment, forgot about the amount of time remaining for the auction. Her enthusiasm for the machines might have even been close to a person in the midst of picking out a motorcycle from the many available, but considering that one machine would cost quite a lot, she really had to ask herself if she needed one or just wanted one. If she had one of these, surely it would cut her travel time to and around the city -or any town, for that matter- in half. It made sense that the city of Desdemona would hold such treasures and perhaps the trip here was not a such a waste of time and money after all.

About to make an approach and perhaps spend all her money -along with the fair portion Setton had left her- in one go, a roar she deemed to have come from the stadium startled not just her but also the people around her, all heads turning towards the stadium - which would make sense considering the stadium was occupied and for very good reason. Rosalie shivered but not from the cool air as she looked down, forcing herself to focus. That roar should have sounded just like any other fierce roar that a dragon would emit, but for some reason, this one was dreadfully familiar. Remembering what she needed to do before she slacked off, the girl hurried off in the direction of the stadium with her camera grasped tightly in hand.

There were quite a lot of well-dressed individuals sitting in the stands but some of those present seemed interested in only catching a glimpse of the dragon of legend. It was interesting that Druthers&Druthers’ auction was open to the public of all ages. Usually, children weren’t allowed to attend something such as this because of the events having the potential to go terribly wrong. After all, children should remain innocent until a certain time in their lives where they would better be able to grasp various concepts and behave maturely. Quite a lot of things could go wrong during an auction such as this if not handled in a correct manner.
This also just meant Rosalie had to be more mindful as she worked on somehow navigating her way through the crowd to a spot where she would be able to take a good shot of the dragon for Sigmund and Eric. Oh, how they were going to owe her. As she moved about, she paid no heed to the new voice that had taken over and had piqued the crowd’s interest.

“Excuse me.. Uh... sorry!” She said quickly, weaving through the crowd around the stage. Rosalie brushed shoulders with a couple of people in trying to get to the centre, earning a few frowns and comments of disapproval as she went on. However, the attention did not remain fixed on her for very long seeing as they were more interested in what was happening on stage... whatever it was. The girl would try to remain as inconspicuous as possible in the case a few hunters were present. The fear of being taken in was with her no longer, but she just did not want to run into any trouble during her little ‘holiday’.

Once in a position where she would be able to get a good shot of the Blood Dragon, Rosalie looked up only to question why there was a giant slab with loose chains around it and why there wasn’t a red dragon even though people were still present. A few seats were quickly becoming vacant, though, the occupants having the minds to leave while they still had the chance. Rosalie raised a brow at this, looking around and watching the well-dressed individuals leave in a fashion almost akin to discreet urgency. It was almost as if they had gotten what they had come for and were now with the mind to take part in the ongoing celebrations in light of it. “Hmm... so... the auction is over then...?” She asked no one in particular, but a man, possibly in his late 30's, standing next to her overheard her question and answered her in a low tone of voice.
“No.” He was clearly captured by a sense of awe, and that was seen in his facial expression and his voice as he continued to whisper to her in the same manner that he would when telling a child a story, “the Blood Dragon is still here...”
“Really, sir?”
He waved at her for silence, gesturing to the speaker on stage as he leaned closer to her, making sure that she was looking in the right direction. “See that one there with the horns over his head and the clawed hands? That’s the Blood Dragon... in his human form.”
“Human form?” How she felt like a parrot! Eyes now going to the figure with his clawed hands over the microphone, she cringed, taking a few steps back. What?! Really?! Rosalie shook her head, blinking as if it would clear her mind and allow her to see and hear what was happening before her clearly. Nothing changed; she still saw a tall person with horns jutting from his head. She couldn’t see the colour of his eyes or anything that proved he really was the Blood Dragon from where she was, but she still watched, intrigued. Say if it really was the dragon from three weeks earlier, then perhaps she would find entertainment out of this in some way.

Though there were armed guards present around the tanned man, Rosalie did not see the point in them standing there if they weren’t going to do their job. This one standing here, talking with an accent that belonged to a much older time, was obviously dangerous, and yet, he stood there addressing the crowd with a calmness that was almost... mocking in a sense. He knew their tongue, that much was clear, but what was he doing? His speech? As serious as it was for him, or perhaps how great he sounded in his ears, it only served in making Rosalie cover her mouth in a silent fit of laughter. He really had no idea how ridiculous he sounded. In the minutes it took for the number of bids to rise, Rosalie recovered slowly, wiping the tears from her eyes as she fought to keep her laughing under control. It was the whole idea of the clearly non-human taking on the role of the auctioneer that got her. He’s good for something, at least. Maybe they’ll pay him. Rosalie thought to herself, straightening to take the promised pictures for the two brothers. There was no way this man on stage would spot her in the crowd. Chances of that happening were fairly slim unless he had good eyesight. Besides, she believed she would blend in well with crowd of spectators. A shame, though, she thought to herself whilst frowning, she would have liked to get pictures of the dragon in... well... dragon form. She would then glance around as offers for the Blood Dragon rose. It appeared the auctioneer was looking for a good price and who wouldn’t for a creature so rare? What would happen, though, if he didn’t sell? Would the red lizard be their slave, instead?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The guards surrounding the horned man only seemed to shiver. If wasn't as planned and from the looks of it, even as pained as the Blood Dragon had looked? They didn't want to intervene and throw away their lives for nothing.
The Ancient Dragon -did- look as if they had put him through hell. Precise cuts were all over his form, though he seemed to ignore them as if they weren't there. He would move across the stage and stare at the people whom were fleeing, making him chuckle a bit on the inside. These people really didn't deserve a chance to see him let alone buy him..They were all too cowardly. Though if anything was the way it had been back in the day, Gore would try and sell himself. The act that he had to play was pathetic and completely built up but his memories of what they did to Dragons who didn't sell like they wanted, made even him hesitate.
The Blood Dragon recalled how his brothers and sisters were beaten and abused in ways that no living creature should be, most of the time Dragons who didn't sell often found themselves being tortured. Sometimes even pieces of their bodies would be removed for trinkets or toys. Scales, Fangs, even claws were taken in hopes to sell them, claiming that the figures from the Dragons were great and grand.

Gore could only imagine how many they would take from him. The removal of scales wasn't a severely painful thing, but if done repeatedly? Could feel like thousands of needles had been punctured into one of the 'Lizards' forms. They would probably receive a great amount of profit from the color of his scales. So he continued to play the part, trying to endear them to spend more.
That is until several armed men, dressed in a grey color uniform approached the Stage, moving quickly on it as they pointed their spears, swords and guns at the Blood Dragon, making the Dragon look around himself before narrowing his eyes. The Uniforms that the men were looked familiar to him, but that was impossible! No order stood over the period of centuries. Then a man with jet black hair approached him.

The Blood Dragon just tilted his head at the man who seemed to look at his very being like he was nothing. The lack of fear in this humans eyes bothered the Dragon greatly. Why wasn't he -afraid-!? He wanted him to be terrified, but the mans blue eyes simply remained on him like there was nothing amiss!
"Gore, We have come to place you back in your chains. Either return to your true form and place yourself back where you belong..or, be tried for the deaths of the countless people you have murdered in cold blood like the monster you truly are. Others of your kind have been put down for less so you can imagine how much I hope you-"

Gore started to laugh, actually unable to listen to what this pathetic man was spewing. Did he really just call the Blood Dragon a monster!? Moving a claw to his own stomach to try and balance himself from falling over from having such a chuckle, He simply stepped forward toward the man, causing each one of these guards to lift their weapons even more, aiming them at him with the intent to use them and kill him.
"Aye, because I shall obey you. A man who follows the Order." The Dragon knew of the uniforms and figured these were of the same group of people that were around in his prior days. At least something was familiar.
The Order was a group of government that specialized in the laws of Dragonkin. They would be considered the officers of Dragons and would enforce their laws by any means required. They often abused their power to get some sadistic thrill out of making life as hard and horrible as possible for Dragons.

"Of course you would know of whom we serve, the Blood Dragon has killed more people than any other living thing in this realm, so you must have held a close relationship with our ancestors whom were honored to serve the balance of things."
Gore growled, clenching his claw into a fist. He wanted to rend the man before him into a million pieces, but didn't. To the Ancient Dragon, this man was the very thing he loathed the most. Naive belief and fortitude of humanity, the same people who captured innocent Dragons for labor and other demeaning tasks.
"Aye, I shall offer you a counter offer then..Admit your kind are the monsters..and I shall return to the chain. But if you cannot? You best bring my end -human-."

As soon as he said that, the men moved forward in a blink, actually impaling Gore in the side, flipping a switch in their spears as volts flew down them, making Gore fall to his knee's, having one of the Order move behind him with a blade at his throat.
"Gore, by will of the Order-"
Before the man could finish the order, the stout man moved over to him, speaking up to try and settle this.
"Now hold on, hold on! The Blood Dragon is owned by Druthers&Druthers and will not stand for him to be tried or punished! That is our Dragon until he sells! This is an auction, not a courthouse! People have already placed bids, you cannot do anything to him until he breaks the law -after- he has been properly civilized and approved by the court!" Said the large man, knowing he could lose his job if he allows them to take the Blood Dragon.
The black haired man looked over at the stout auctioneer. With a shake of his head, he didn't agree.

"Is that so?" He asked, looking at the stout man before turning to the crowd who grew quiet. Moving over, he pulled out a fire arm and shot Gore in the shoulder, causing the Dragon to groan.
After that, he turned to face the crowd with a dark smile.
"My dear people, I am Lieutenant Rorshe of the Order. I have come here to punish the guilty and this Dragon -is- guilty, is he not?..So I ask you this. Will any of you truly claim him? If so, please..speak..if not, then I ask you another question. Would you prefer to see the execution of Gore, the Blood Dragon?"

Gore growled, moving to try and stop the man who would seem to want him to die, shaking his head. Why would they do this now of all times?! That's when the Dragons eyes widened. He knew why, but couldn't speak out. These people were as corrupted as they were back then! They often claimed they followed the law but instead they just enjoyed beating Dragons. They were worse then hired Mercenaries!
They wanted to make Gore look weaker than he was, knowing that this would sell. This was all an act! Though after a moment of silence, Rorshe moved back to the Dragon, moving to impale him as he began to shock him. Waiting for someone to speak up. Gore struggled, only to growl at the man who was torturing him.
"Well, if no one wishes to buy him! Then this shall be quite a night, don't you agree?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
Avatar of Sylvazard


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright... there’s someone who looks like he has a backbone... was Rosalie’s initial thought when she saw the man with jet black hair make an approach, a group of men under his lead appearing just as fearless. Who were these people? Their uniformal use of colour and clothing was what had drawn her attention, but not as much as the weapons they were carrying and their bold way of approach as they set foot on stage, immediately putting Gore in his place. It showed just how subservient dragons were meant to be toward humans. In this day and age, they did not have very much significance when technology was quickly becoming a part of daily life. Sure, they made wonderful slaves, but really, who wanted to cover expenses should their dragon fall ill? Machines, at least, did not have that particular problem at all.

However, Gore didn’t seem to be bothered by the new group, laughing like some madman on the street, instead. Rosalie furrowed her brow at the sight, eyes fixated on the legendary figure as she tried to figure out whether the Blood Dragon’s years of living had done him any good. To be completely fair, though, she thought to herself with a light shake of her head, he had been missing for quite some time so there was no way he could be aware of the rapidly changing world outside while time for him remained seemingly still. Could that have been the reason behind his smug, little stand?
The dragon was in no such position to be standing so high and mighty - especially when he was the one to be sold like nothing more than a pet. That was when Rosalie sighed. The girl reckoned she would have more luck buying a machine that was in her favourite colour than she would with taking photos. The thought of going home empty-handed did not sit too well with her but she might as well leave the bidders to themselves.

When Rosalie spun on her heels though, ready to leave, the crowd around her gasped. They were either shifting anxiously, murmuring amongst themselves with uneasy looks over their faces, or were cheering for something to be done. Flickering light coming from the stage illuminated their faces, the perfect recipe for gaining Rosalie’s curiosity. The girl looked over her shoulder, her bored expression being quickly replaced with a hard frown. Had there been some shock and concern over what she saw? She wanted to know why they were abusing the dragon in front of the crowd now of all times. There were children here, but that was beginning to change as mothers and fathers began to usher their young ones away, voices full of wariness and disapproval. It did, however, make it easier for Rosalie to wade her way toward the front and strain to hear what was going on. This scene would serve as good warning for any dragon thinking to run their mouth in the face of authority. Rorshe, he said his name was? Whether or not he was an important figure, this was the first Rosalie had heard of his name. It was not as if she paid much attention to this part of the market, anyway, but the man still intrigued her enough for her to stay. If he kept torturing Gore like this, the dragon’s price was bound to drop. Who would want to pay for the recovery? Though... it appeared that if Gore did not sell, the dragon’s fate would then be decided by this new man.

Her eyes began to flicker this way and that, scanning each face in the crowd carefully while trying to determine if they would make a move to buy the dragon. As she did this, she could feel herself becoming slightly expectant of someone to raise their hand and claim the dragon as their own. Why? She did not care for what humiliation Gore suffered nor what was planned for him should he be given an owner, but what she did care about, which came as a surprise to even her, was that he was treated as more of a legend instead of a ‘fresh harvest’. Even if his scales and other things such as a claw grounded up for medicine and whatnot could fetch a fortune, the least they could do was make him seem like something worth the money they were calling for. Bids were rising but perhaps not near enough the asking price. The buyers always wanted the lowest price possible and the sellers wanted the highest. Whether this bidding war amongst buyers continued or not, this night would still be one night to remember.

It was becoming difficult to watch, the shot Rorshe had fired hitting Gore square in the shoulder. Rosalie had to think for a moment as she looked to the ground, her body tensing. She hadn’t forgotten what the dragon had done for her and neither did she forget the moment he dove for her as she fell from the sky. It was the lizard’s fault that led to that particular event but if not for his quick decision, she would not be standing here watching him. She clenched her hands into fists, torn in her decision to leave right this instant or stay for a bit longer. It was nonsense to believe that she would be left indebted to this winged lizard, a killer, a monster, but the truth was clear to her: she owed him more than just a small favour. A dragon’s not as flash as a machine, though... Rosalie thought, kicking at the ground with a small growl. She should save her money and use it when she needed to, but one would argue this was what she should use it for. Sigmund and Eric won’t be paying for my return trip, that’s for sure...hmm... The girl made the mistake of looking directly at Gore, seeing how he was fighting even in his condition against Rorshe and the weapon that had impaled him once more. “I’m going to regret this...” She mumbled to herself, raising a hand with a sharp exhalation of breath.


Rorshe smirked when he saw that this was going in his favour. At this rate, Gore’s life would be taken like a mere animal. It was what the Blood Dragon deserved for the many people who had lost their lives going up against him, their blood nothing but another stain on his name. The people here knew that and did not appear too confident after that buffoon’s display of how close one could get to the crimson lizard without almost getting themself killed. Who was going to believe that act? He shook his head slowly whilst he addressed the crowd. “Well...? It appears that maybe a public execution will be scheduled tonight, after all... I hope you enjoy the show.” Rorshe smiled darkly as he approached Gore, then, roughly pulling the other to his feet and bringing him near enough that only the dragon could hear his next words, “Don’t worry... I’ll be sure to make this as slow and painful as possible. Maybe then, you’d feel the pain of those you’ve killed.” He raised his weapon, its tip crackling menacingly with light as Rorshe pulled it back, aiming right for the dragon’s chest.

“Wait!” The auctioneer interrupted.
Rorshe groaned, stopping inches from Gore’s heart. “What is it now?!” He hissed through clenched teeth. “You can’t stand giving these people what they want, can you?”
“As things are going now, it appears to be more what you want, Lieutenant. Though... I believe this dragon may no longer belong to Druthers&Druthers.” The short man smirked and moved to the centre of the stage, then, raising his hands in an overly enthusiastic manner, calling for silence as he spoke to what remained of the crowd. “We may just have found a potential new owner! Is anyone willing to go higher?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Gore's eyes turned dark as he saw Rorshe come closer to him, fighting the urge to maim him. These humans, every last one of him found him to be a jest! Something to be mocked at, instead of killing him they were making him look like a fool! Everything in the Blood Dragons heart was yelling at him to turn and to burn EVERYONE there. He knew he could, even if it meant he would die. Though his eyes fell over the children that were still in the stadium, making him whimper. Not all of the kids were ushered out, making Gore's eyes drop to the floor. He could only imagine what would happen if he changed. The panic would make them either be trampled or worse..He would burn them with the rest.
"..You are the monsters..." Gore said, taking a deep breath before looking up at the dark haired man, growling. "Ignorant human..The words you speak with that fangless mouth of yours shows how little you truly know of my kind." Stiffening up, he felt the blade that was at his throat press even tighter against his skin.
The ancient Dragon already accepted his fate was to die here, on stage to a man who was the purest of reasons why he held his crusade. Instead of fighting back and ensuring that the children of the stadium would perish, he would die himself. As a joke for all to laugh at.

Gore just smirked when Rorshe stepped closer, nodding to him. Leaning up to meet his weapon, Gore kept his eyes on the man who would be the one to kill him.
"..This day shall haunt you for the rest of your life, human..Nay for the things you say or what you do..but the outcome in which you do it..Here lies Rorshe..the one who killed a stabled legend, no battle was fought, just a simple dive of his blade to an already kneeling 'monster'. All the glory be yours."
Gore was about to be impaled through the chest when he heard the stout man speak up in his defense, actually make Gore look over at him in shock. The Blood Dragon stared at him, then looked at the crowd as if to find his potential buyer. Though with Rorshe in his way, he couldn't see anyone. With a growl, Gore moved to step up, grabbing the weapon Rorshe was about to use on him, bending it backward, showing just how strong he genuinely was. The Blade that was at his throat stayed, but quickly began to slip away from his neck just from the height of the Dragon.

"Looks like your honor will remain only slightly broken, human.."
His teal eyes remained on Rorshe as the Human stared back, clearly agitated. Gore could tell that this man so DESPERATELY wanted his end, only he wouldn't earn it today. The Anicent Dragon was ecstatic to have it so that the man before him was denied. Humans were naive and thought themselves superior, so every victory against that belief made it all the more special.
"No one else will outbid this lovely young woman!? Then my dear, he is all yours!" Said the auctioneer in an oddly gleeful voice, cheering at her and clapping his hands. The tiny man seemed to be rather happy about the outcome of tonight's events. Who is to know what was going to happen to any of them, but one thing was certain. The man who was trying to sell him would have lost his job if not worse if the Order was going to execute their greatest prize.

Gore stepped closer to Rorshe, pressing his chest against the Lieutenant's. The smirk remained on the Dragons lips. The gleam in his dark teal eyes gave Rorshe even more of a reason to growl and be angry.
The black haired man moved away from the Blood Dragon as the employee's of the auction moved to chain Gore and lead him off stage. The auctioneer moved to announce the end of the auction, and told the winners of the auction that if they have yet to register their Dragons, to move to the office to meet their winnings. They had the option to have their Dragons shipped to their homes or if they would prefer to simply keep them there.
Once the auction had ended, the stout man quickly moved off stage, moving to Gore with a smile. He patted his shoulder with a nod, looking at him.
"I know why you didn't fight back mate..I get why you did what you had and why you remained idle when that awful man threatened you. Thank you." Said the stout man, quickly moving away from the Blood Dragon who in every regard stood shocked and wide eyed.

Did that tiny man just thank him!? Twice in one month a human actually showed compassion toward one of his kind, making him smile widely. Not smirk or grin, just a genuinely sincere smile. Never had Gore been so happy to be proven wrong that -all- ,mankind were despicable.
With a nod, the Blood Dragon was slowly led to the office when it was his new masters turn to register him as theirs. Gore kept his gaze down at the floor, making sure to avoid eye contact with other humans. Now that he was officially owned, he went back to the old ways of what it meant to be just what he was. A servant. Moving into the rather large room, he remained idle at the side of it, not caring whether or not his shoulder was still bleeding. It didn't seem to slow down the Dragon at all.
The man at the desk had finished most of the paper work before nodding to Gore so he would come over.
"Alright Gore, here's what you do, you see this little box here? Press yer claw up agai-" The Blood Dragon had already done it before he was done, making the man just laugh and nod.

"Seems he already knows how things work haha..yer last owner must'a taught you well boy." With that, he set the paperwork down and moved to look at the Blood Dragon before his owner came in.
"..They really did a number on ya lad.." Taking out a cloth, he started to clean up the wounds he suffered, patting the shoulder that wasn't shot. Did all humans do that?..
"With how yer standin' now, ya coulda pushed em off of ya self..Why didn't'cha eh? Did you actually wanna die?" He asked, looking at the Blood Dragon with a bit of fear but also genuine curiosity.
"Haha sorry fer all them questions boy, I just haven't ever met somethin' as legendary as you.." With that, he moved to sit back down and wait for the owner that would come and present herself.

When she did, Gore would keep his eyes to the floor, still not able to tell who it was. Though the faint sounds of footsteps did make him question the size of his owner.
"Ah! Ms. Sylvazard! Welcome, welcome! Please have a seat and we'll complete the registration." Shuffling through papers, he sat down a clear folders of the rules and regulations of what it meant to own a Dragon.
"Alright so these are the rules, Some of them are specific but only to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone! You can enforce them however you like." He also set down brochures on the things she could do with him such as the Arena, or sporting events that could get her extra income or even fame. "These are the events you can do with him other then your every day stuff..He would probably be a champion in the Arena's if I do say so myself."
Finally he placed the registry form in front of her, the same one that Gore had just marked. Pointing to several places she could sign for him as well as pay for him.
"Sign here, here and here and he'll be all yours Ms..Gore, why not greet your new master."

Gore looked up and he finally saw who it was, blinking quickly to see if it was real. That is when he moved forward, kneeling to her.
"..Greetings, master. From this day on until your last I will always be with you, to keep you safe, and to care for you." He said in his normal deep tone, looking up at her. It was actually the same human who he saved. The naive one that always assumed everything he did was silly and didn't question why he did anything!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
Avatar of Sylvazard


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

While the auctioneer spoke of registering dragons, new owners were directed over to the office by one of the officials there. Rosalie figured she should follow before she was asked to. Was it too late to take back her bid? She began to look around quickly as she moved forward, beginning to feel like she was part of a flock of sheep. She was not too keen on the amount of time it was going to take to register her dragon, but what difference did it make from here on out? She was going to be stuck with Gore, that monstrous lizard, despite how slow or quick the registration was.
The soon-to-be owners were talking amongst themselves, some saying they already had plans for their dragons and it seemed to Rosalie that they had been planning for at least months before the auction. But her? She kept her gaze on the ground out of embarrassment, not having a single clue over how she was going to cope with this. It had been a last minute decision, after all, and it certainly felt like nothing more than improvisation. If she had told any of the new owners that when asked instead of smiling and making a comment, would they have laughed or simply stared at her in disbelief? What am I getting myself into? Why did I buy a dragon when the latest technology out was right there?! I was supposed to save money on this trip but... but... Rosalie wanted to lean back against a wall, press her palms against her eyes and growl lowly at her decision.

Rosalie patiently waited in a large room with several others, thinking over her upcoming meeting with Gore. Things would be different this time around. First of all, no hunters and second, she would actually be around him for longer than just a few dangerous minutes. She drew in a deep breath, tilting her head back slightly to look at the pale ceiling. The room wasn’t all that big but the colours really helped to give it that illusion of space and light. It almost felt empty despite her sitting next to quite a few people. Pot plants placed in corners did add some life to the room, but the cheery atmosphere in the room at that moment was spread by the buyers. Occasionally speaking to those around her quietly, Rosalie would sometimes look at the clock mounted on the wall opposite her. With each passing minute, she was growing a bit more anxious. She didn’t know when the person before her would be done, but when the buyer and their dragon walked out of the room, Rosalie found herself close to walking away. No. She told herself quickly, reclining in her chair. She had to stay. She owed the cursed beast that much. She waited a bit, gathering her nerves all in one single breath before pushing herself out of her chair as if her own weight was more than she could bear.

Each step she took brought the office closer and closer until finally, she could see a man sitting behind a desk with paperwork ready for her to sign. Strange that this room was slightly larger than the last, but Rosalie wasn’t going to dwell on the small details, choosing instead to sit down and stare the paper placed in front of her down as if locked in a staring contest. Out of the periphery of her vision, she saw there was one other in the room, but she didn’t have to look directly at him to know who. It was obvious and she shouldn’t be surprised that he was there. Besides, he had already gone ahead and signed the paper. It’s not as bad as I thought... Rosalie nodded at the man, taking her time to read the rules and guidelines thoroughly, occasionally looking up at the man to ask a few questions to clarify points that she did not understand. When she was done, she signed her name in the spaces provided.

“Wow... I didn’t know there were so many events available...” There were so many that it was almost impossible to choose any one that interested her. As much as she would have liked to pick one and go along with it, she did not really feel the motivation for it knowing that this dragon had drained her of the small fortune Setton had left her. If she ever saw him again, she would have a difficult time explaining this.
“Of course, Ms. As I said; Gore seems as if he would stand a good chance in the arena and perhaps you could use him to win back his cost, hmm?” The man took the paper back and began to discuss a means of payment. “Of course, it’s just a suggestion,” he later added as an afterthought.
“Uh... N-no! That’s fine. I’ll keep that in mind.” She was new to this, so she might as well pick up some tips whenever she could - even if it was just general knowledge to others. She decided she would figure things out later.
She ended up paying for Gore just like she would with anything else she bought, pulling out a strange, clear, card with black, blunt edges that had a single white dot placed near its corners, being similar to the design of a die. This card seemed to harbour a red and blue core that glowed from time to time, the two colours sometimes mixing to form a soft magenta colour that showed its user’s account was still activated and in use. Should it be dull in colour, then it would be a concern to sellers and dealers.

While the man took care of that on his computer, Rosalie would have gone back to scanning the brochures if Gore had not introduced himself. This must be some sort of procedure, she guessed. It was normal for her to feel uneasy about this, even more so when she had seen him kill many hunters three weeks earlier. Even then, she kept her distaste for him to herself and nodded slowly like she was in a bit of a daze. It was difficult for her to take in. This was actually the Blood Dragon kneeling before her in human form.. Or what was close to it. It was also awkward for her to be called ‘master’, but she would try to ignore that for now. Could she really trust what he says? It sounded so formal, so different to how she had seen him speak earlier. Perhaps it was the tone? Rosalie did not care. She would have to keep an eye on him as the fear of being strangled when her guard was down never strayed too far from her mind. She could care for herself. “Mhm. It’s.. Rosalie, by the way. Nice to meet you.” She gave him a brief, small, smile and turned back to the man when he spoke.

“Alright. That’s your registration and payment complete. We’ll be keeping your record here and as proof that Gore is registered under your name, these papers will be yours along with a card as convenient proof of this. Also, before you leave, I’m afraid I may have to take a moment of your time to take a quick profile picture of you and Gore.” The man moved to get the task done and when he gave her the ‘okay’, Rosalie got up, gathered what was handed to her, and moved back while the man prepared to take one of Gore. She took this chance to look the dragon over, shaking her head at the fresh wounds she spotted. Surely there should have been a discount offered for his new wounds, but of course that was wishful thinking.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Blood Dragon kept his teal eyes on his new master. He was observing her but not like he had the hunters prior. The same look that Marian had seen earlier was still there, only something new was as well. Relief? Could the Dragon actually feel some sort of relief that this girl, this random child that wandered into his home..could be his new master? There were many different types, Sadistic, controlling, cruel. Though this girl seemed to only suffer from the bark worse than the bite. He heard her during the battle and how she complained and blamed him. An opinionated brat at most, but maybe..there is more to this one. She helped him once before with the newer more painful arrows. Maybe she won't beat him like the many before her.
"Aye..Rosalie. I shall nay ever forget it Master." Said her new property, making him look at the door. He wanted to ask where they could get a saddle so she can actually ride him comfortably instead of bareback like she had before. His scales could hurt a human if they stay on him too long.Though he couldn't speak out. Especially now when he's enslaved and sold off like a piece of meat.

"If Master wishes it, I will claim the arena in the name of Sylvazard.."
With a cough, he bowed his head and moved back. He didn't mean to speak out but when someone mentioned the arena, he figured that he would say what was on his mind. In his culture, it was one of the greatest of things to fight in. Only the Humans wouldn't know that..few Dragons would remember it as well. Most of them were young and childish and had no clue who they were or where they came from. Though deep down? The Blood Dragon didn't want to hurt the others of his kind. It wasn't right and even a warrior such as him knew that. That's when Gore's eyes looked up at the posters of the pictures that hung up of the more famous Dragons, making Gore's eyes widen at one particular one.
"..." Biting his tongue, he kept himself from throwing the table or moving in anyway. The picture clearly bothered him but hopefully the humans didn't notice. Usually they were too busy with their own dealings and often found themselves dribbling on about some other topic besides caring for a 'tool'. Hah a tool!

Gore's observation's of his new master quickly ended when she spoke back toward the tips of the arena, making him smile to himself. She really had no clue about what she was doing did she? The way she acted, it seemed like she hated every minute of this. Did she really not care that she owned him? The Blood Dragon found that rather insulting, if only he knew that she would think some technology outside would out-do him. -HIM-. At least she can make profit off of him, save fuel costs among other things -and- she got a servant. The last one though, her Dragon would never say.
Taking a deep breath, the Blood Dragon blinked when they mentioned pictures, tilting his head. He had no clue what they were even if he did notice the image earlier on the board. Taking a step back, he watched as his Master took one, then blinked at the registration manager, tilting his head at him. What was going on?! When the manager came closer with the Camera, Gore tensed and actually looked concern.
"Master, what is that.." He asked, staring at the contraption that took his picture. A growl left his lips, narrowing his eyes at the device that made the flashy noise thing! Leaning closer to it, he wanted to touch it to see if it was a weapon, but quickly recoiled when the registration manager chuckled and moved back to his desk.

Gore's eyes never left the device until he found himself being ushered toward his owner, that is when the registration manager smiled, setting down a collar with a slightly heavy chain, nodding to Rosalie.
"This is his collar, it doesn't really do anything and for him? If he wanted to get away, chances are he'd drag you. Most owners use these just for their self image and to make themselves feel as if they're in control. If you want it, it's complimentary..Speaking of which, do you want us to try and set up Dragon riding lessons for you?"
The Dragon bit his tongue harder to keep himself from scoffing. The girl seemed to fight him when they got in the air during the battle. So much for saving her life from her own people. Who knows what happened to her after he let her go but looking at her now? She still had a few cuts, one in particular that actually did get his attention. The arrow that caused him to bring his wings up in defense of her, causing him to take even more damage to himself. Despite that, he did feel somewhat guilty for making her go through all of that.

After all was said and done, the man stood up to shake the girls hand, smiling to her.
"It really was an honor Ms. Sylvazard. If you have any questions, please call the number listed and get back to us. I personally would like to see him more often. Hah when I was even younger than you I always had figures of the Blood Dragon..Now he's right here!"
Looking over at the man, Gore tilted his head. Everything that man just said..was a complete loss on him. Why was he so happy to see him!? Did he have any idea who he was? The things the very Dragon they were registering had done to their kind!? It looked as if the only people who really cared that were present at the moment were his master! When the man pulled out an old looking Gore figure, it was the size of your average toy. The second he saw it, Gore took a step closer to it, nodding.
"..What manner of sorcery is this..There lies a tiny version of me." Leaning closer to it, Gore couldn't stop himself this time, he scoffed. "..Nay am I such a foul looking creature..the snout is square.." Gore said, nodding.

The man seemed to burst out laughing when the Dragon reacted like he had, but then again being away for centuries as this legendary creature had been, one couldn't expect him to know everything there was, especially about his figurines, action figures and other things.
"Haha my boy that's an action figure, that and back when you were around they didn't have pictures or anything like they do today, so the details are a wee bit outta touch." Said the registration manager with a nod, sighing faintly.
Gore nodded and looked over to Rosalie, seeming a little disheartened. He didn't know what was to come next but it seemed they could leave now. Moving behind Rosalie, he smiled to her.
"Master..shall we be residing here for the time being, or will you wish for me to take you home?" He asked, looking back at the registration manager. "Are there any area's where we can either rest or obtain a saddle?" Asked her Dragon, already taking up the part of her servant. He wanted to make sure everything was handled.

With that, they were escorted outside where they were left alone, though Gore quickly started to draw attention.
"..Master, may I speak freely?" He asked, looking at her. If she said yes, he would continue. "I never had reason to say such before, nay to any human at least..but thank you. Had you not spoken out, I would sure be dead..I also would like to thank you for removing those arrows. They had not felt all too pleasant." He said, nodding to her. Depending on what she wanted, they would either go get a saddle, or find an Inn. If she was truly broke and couldn't afford either one, Gore would offer his services to pay for anything that she required, in which the owners of each establishment would accept. After all..how many could say they had the Blood Dragon working for them?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rosalie made no move to scold Gore for speaking up. It was not as if she was unaware of what rule the Blood Dragon followed as her servant, but more so that she was not as serious about being an owner as others might have been. She did not, after all, come here with intentions of becoming a master to anyone, really, and neither did she plan to spend what she had. She was a bit disheartened by the loss, but she was going to find a way to make it so that buying Gore was not a waste of her money. Going by what she had seen of his fighting prowess three weeks earlier, she did not mind him fighting but she doubted she would have the time to enter him in any battles for the moment. Money? She could get that back, but time was something that would never return to her.

The girl found that it took her mind a few moments to make sense of what Gore would say, though, mind being a bit slower to register his pattern of speech than that of the man behind the desk. It was going to take some getting used to, that much was evident, but it made things slightly more interesting, if she did say so, herself. She wanted to laugh at how outdated his speech and accent was, but now was definitely not the time to poke fun so openly, so she settled for cracking a smile. Seeing Gore become so wary over taking a picture made her smile grow. He wasn’t camera shy. No, it probably would be the first photo taken of him that he would be aware of. “That’s a camera.. It really is harmless...” She replied. His knowledge of the world today really was limited. She wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow got himself caught in an automatic door or something of the like.

The collar and chain set upon the desk by the man made Rosalie look back to Gore, tilting her head slightly as she tried to imagine him with such a thing - meant to lead dogs - around his neck. It was meant to show status and make the owner feel important, was it? She brushed her fingers lightly over the chain before picking up the collar and actually examining it. “These are... wonderful. Thank you.” She was already imagining herself being pulled along, but in some cases, it may actually come in handy. She was unsure when, but since it came with the dragon, she could always keep it as a souvenir of this day if she wanted. It would become a symbol, a bitter reminder of what she had lost in exchange for something or someone she did not actually need. How was she supposed to ask herself if she wanted or needed something for sale now? She neither needed nor wanted Gore, but something told her that she would feel a bit guilty if she did nothing to help him when she had the chance. “I would love lessons... though I’m not sure if I would have the time to attend them all.” She shook her head. Maybe she would not need them.

“This meeting was a pleasure,” Rosalie said in reply to the man, “I look forward to when we next meet.” It really did look like she was going to have keep the number given to her by the man. Rosalie could already imagine the questions that might arise from her travels and asking someone who knew their stuff was clearly the best solution. While she stared down at the card, she paid little attention to what the man was now doing until Gore spoke, causing her to snap her head up and try to see what he was referring to. foul looking creature? Seems like someone doesn’t know himself... She thought, shaking her head.
She did find the scene a bit endearing, though. The way he had been talking during the auction made him seem like he knew what was happening in the world, but really? It seemed more that he liked the sound of his own voice to her. When she caught Gore looking to her, she actually froze, immediately wondering if he had mistakenly said that thought out loud. Was he angry? Rosalie waited, actually narrowing her eyes at him in a light frown before flicking her gaze over to the man. Good. She hadn’t said anything.

“I think it’s too dark to be travelling anywhere. My expenses for getting here and staying a few days have already been paid for. I don’t live in this city.” She rubbed her arms, dreading the trip back home. At least Sigmund and Eric won’t get me for not taking pictures of the Blood Dragon in his true form. They’ll get the real thing like this man here...
“You don’t, Ms?” The registration manager asked. “Though, I suppose I shouldn’t be all that surprised. A lot of people travelled quite a long way just to be here for tonight and as it is on a normal day, we get a lot of fresh new faces passing by. I can imagine it being difficult to get a booking in.”
“It was... The two who booked the room for me said I owed them one.” Rosalie laughed lightly, folding her arms. “Looks like my debt’s paid and more.” Being the time to leave, she walked ahead of Gore, thinking of ways she could at least get a few favours out of the two brothers. It should be easy, she believed, sending a quick glance over her shoulder at the Blood Dragon.

The night was still festive, not showing any clear signs of dying down just yet. Looking over at Gore when he spoke, Rosalie had to take a few steps back. He really was quite tall. “You may,” she said with a slight nod, listening to what he had in mind. When he thanked her, though, it was so unexpected that she only stared back at him. This lizard has manners? First, he was childlike and now this? Wasn’t he supposed to growl and mention something about how he had fun killing the hunters? At least that would be more believable than this.
She recovered and nodded, looking Gore straight in the eye. “You saved me, first, and I felt like I owed you one.” The girl then gestured to the place they were in, “Aaaaand.. Here were are. I wouldn’t be standing here, either, if you hadn’t saved me. Thank you. A fair exchange, don’t you think?” She started walking ahead at that point, not really having much to say over the arrows save for, “it’s fine”. Rosalie did not care if Gore somehow managed to figure out why she had helped him then. She wouldn’t say. A thing like that? It was no big deal compared to what Gore had done for her. The girl knew that and she would hate herself to admit that much to the dragon. “The two people who paid for my expenses... They’ve already paid for the room. Might as well make the most of it... and... I’d rather think of how I’d get back home later, if that’s alright.”

I don’t have enough to get back at all...great. Just great. Rosalie sighed, spinning on her heels to walk backwards, looking over her shoulder every once and a while to avoid crashing into someone. “Hmm... think fast.” She told him, throwing her camera to him. If he wanted to play around with it, then she would let him. After all, Sigmund and Eric wouldn’t need the pictures now that she would be bringing them the real thing. Rosalie also wanted to see how he would react to it seeing as he never got the chance to take a proper look at the first one he saw. It may have been slightly different, but the function was the same. “You’re going to have to get used to this time and age. You mentioned the arena at one point, didn’t you? I’m not going to spend my time on that unless I really have to.”

She stopped, taking a minute to look at the stall with the holograms and whatnot. “I’m just going to warn you that you’ll be seeing a lot of strange things around here.. Things that wouldn’t have been around back then... If you’re interested, I’ll let you look around. No point wasting this night.” Rosalie turned away from Gore with a sigh, folding her arms. “Also, your wounds... how would you be holding up?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The ancient Dragon followed his new Master tenaciously, looking around at the city that he barely had a chance to see. When they brought him here, they kept him under a tarp and chain as if he were some horrible thing. Looking back at the girl in front of him, he wondered why she would rarely look back at him. Did he bother her? The thought brought back a memory of several other owners who he was given to since they were children. Often they would shy away and avoid looking at him when he was around, sometimes out of fear or just because they were simply shy away from new people. That could be it! Though this girl was almost fully grown, at least for a human. So he simply bit his tongue, nodding to her each time she looked at him.
"Master..the darkness nay hinders my eyes. I can see in the dark. My people were glorious predators in the realm when mankind had not shown themselves yet. We hunted the largest of beasts..one of which who enjoyed smacking me with it's face..That creature confused me greatly.." Gore blinked, realizing that he had hinted toward his age among other things.

"What I mean to say, Master..is that I can aid your venture nay matter the sun or moon's gaze..I even could speak of what your kind are doing several hearths down from where we stand if that is what you wish."
Keeping his head down, Gore tried not to speak too much. It wasn't that he enjoyed his voice, but this was really the first time he had spoken to a single living person in ages. He had been in his cave for so long that he hasn't seen anyone in ages and he enjoyed conversation, Human or not. Dragons felt lonely too.
Looking over at the festivities, The Blood Dragon's eyes fell on the holograms shown, making him tilt his head at them. They looked so realistic, as if he really were standing on them.
"..It is as if I had bred with a mate and held little ones...A great many of these things are all around.." Looking over at the others that seemed to be on other tables, he questioned where they came from and more so, what they were. He didn't seem to mind though as the children all gathered for them, asking their parents to buy them.

"The last I had walked amongst your kind..Humans had a desire to throw things at me..Children would gather around and kick at a Dragon as if to tempt his or hand.."
Without realizing he had said that out loud, his dark teal eyes widened before immediately finding himself bowing his head, biting his tongue.
"You have my apologies, Master..I nay had meant such words..I shall not speak of such things again." Gore wasn't going to say that his memories were meaningless or that he was wrong to say them. He just knew that Dragons should never speak of the past, especially when not questioned about it. Humans were..fragile creatures. They never wanted to hear about how horrible they truly were.
Moving along, Gore had found himself looking over a great many things until something was thrown at him. He caught it, immediately making it flash in his face. His eyes widened as he bared his fangs, growling at it as it flashed at him again, making him whimper. Leaning down, he bit at it, trying to find out what the hell it was.

"This sorcery..I nay enjoy such things!" He said in a rather cute way, biting more at the camera, causing it to flash repeatedly against his teeth, mouth and face. Gore immediately recoiled, moving his long slithery forked tongue around his mouth, coughing as if he had something in his mouth.
"It must have infected me, The light had been in my mouth!" Snapping his jaws, he found nothing wrong, making him growl at the Camera, narrowing his eyes at it. Looking over at his master, he wondered what her reaction was to the weird device, making him look at her, questioning what her intentions were. He didn't know whether or not she was enjoying tormenting him or if she just wanted to make him learn. After another minute, he remembered what she had called it.
"..Camera..Your words claim it takes images and it is harmless..aye, I shall remember such." Keeping his claw around it, he tried not to damage the Camera. The last thing Gore had wanted was to enrage his new master, especially when her intentions were completely confusing him.

"Master..May I venture another question?"
Gore had looked her over and observed the way her eyes had ventured onto him among other things. The questions the man at the desk had asked seemed to catch her off guard and often were shrugged off by her. Now the Blood Dragon was no expert to how Human kind were with these things, but the eyes Rosalie had..They spoke volumes.
"..Nay, forget such questions. I hold little concern over why." With that, he nodded and moved closer to her, looking around to keep himself busy. He was still curious but he didn't want to speak out against his owner, besides he wasn't even sure what he wanted to ask.
"..My kind nay hold any belief in what you call 'debt'. Aye, we seek vengeance, we return favor when required..When it comes to a life, we believe the strong decide the turn of the tide..You venturing into such a horrid of places? You nay belonged there. Your kind are cruel and vicious creatures..They would have taken you and possibly abused you in ways nay any such be abused. Then they would have discarded you and treated you as a casualty..That is why I had aided you. Better with the monster whom would not treat you as a doll, that a group of wretches who would only see what they can breed with..forcefully."

Gore didn't mention the other thing. He couldn't. How she actually thanked him and showed him that there was hope for humanity in some small way. If he did, she probably would lose even the littlest of respect for him that she may have.

With a quick nod, Gore looked at her with a bit more seriousness to his eyes.
"Aye, the arena. As you have witnessed, I am nay a stranger among conflict and pain. I can endure any Dragonkin that wishes to attempt to defeat me. Though I know little of your culture..I remember your kind must bet on the Dragon of whom they believe will win and unfortunately..Unless they odds are against me, profit will be unlikely. Though that is nay to such things as I cannot grant my Master coin. If you wish to place faith in my flame, then I can take on the greatest of odds, even against multiple creatures at once. I believe if the right amount of threat is placed against me, your pockets shall fill."
With that said, he nodded and moved his gaze back to the sights of the city. It generally was beautiful and well lit. That is until she mentioned wasting her time on the arena, making him sigh and nod to her.

"Your hearth, Master?" Asked the Blood Dragon, looking at the sky. With that, he looked around and questioned why she was so concerned with returning. "If you wish to return to your hearth, I can return you there now if you wish. Aye your kind have changed a great deal..but if you merely point the way in which to return you, I could bring you to where you wish to go."
Even as old as he was, he knew that he could never tell how the world had changed in his time gone. Cities were built and demolished in the time he retreated from the world and even slumbered. Getting lost would be a problem if she was tired.
"We would require to halt our efforts periodically though. In the battle in which they captured me, A small span of your minutes had passed in which seemed like hours. Nay am I fast enough to close a great distance in a span of minutes and riding without proper protection from my scales could harm you..That is the last thing I would wish to do, Master."

"Aye, I agree..My knowledge of your time is short handed and if I am required to venture anywhere with you..I know little of what I can cloth myself in, your people, and even the lands. They had changed a great deal since last I seen them..The sky looks marvelous and beautiful." Seeing a firework go off made Gore's dark eyes light up, smiling at it.
That is when he was brought back to reality when he looked around at the place they would be staying.

"Aye, Master..my wounds are of little consequence. Though..For Dragons, when wounded in one form..it is difficult to shift to the other form as it is difficult for your kind to move when wounded..The onslaught in which your kind had invaded my hearth had left my wings wounded..which is why I had mentioned the halt in your venture home periodically. I nay know much of the extent of how wounded I am, but I am still healing. Hah your kind had dealt quite a great deal to me."
The Blood Dragon didn't like mentioning weakness, but if he were expected to fly, she should know why he would need to stop every few hours. His wings were brutally wounded. -All- for her sake.

"Does my Master wish for me to remain outside?" He asked, looking at her. "If you wish to retire into this place, I would understand if you wish for me to stay out here and wait for you until the dawn in my true form."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

“Hmm... people would throw things at you?” Rosalie frowned a little, biting her lip as she shot him a hard look. Should she really make a comment on that? The girl contemplated on delving further into how he saw humans after that, but she sighed a few seconds later, shaking her head as she told herself not to say anything. Was it really right for her to ask? Though if he somehow managed to get her mad, she could maybe use that as a threat. She had not told anyone how Gore had killed the hunters in the way that he did, but was sure that if she had, it would be quite easy inviting people to participate. “You know... you really should watch that tongue of yours. It’s fine if you’re around people you can trust, but... I can’t guarantee people I know will like me having you around.” Rosalie told him, folding her arms.

The way he referred to things made Rosalie raise her eyebrow from time to time. If she had not been worrying so much, she would have laughed a little instead of cracking a faint smile. An interesting sight, if she may say so herself, to see the Blood Dragon, a fierce beast on the battlefield, act in such a way to everyday objects such as the holograms, that had the younger kids in awe. He was almost childish. Almost. “I.. guess that’s one way of seeing things.” Rosalie briefly looked back up at him, gauging his height for a moment. Of course Gore would look capable of fighting even in this form. That led her to wonder if she would be able to defend herself should he turn against her. Would he? The girl gave a wary shrug at her own thoughts. At least if he did, she knew the Order would be quick to dispose of him, so perhaps she could rest easy knowing that. Rorshe had seemed extremely disappointed when the opportunity had slipped through his fingers, so she guessed he would be the first to step forward and take up the task. Rosalie should not be thinking about that now, though; being a bit tired could lead to some undesirable situations.

Gore playing with the camera did cheer Rosalie up a bit, a small chuckle escaping her. It just meant closeups of him without her making the effort, really. It was better for him to learn some things through experience as not everything could be learned by listening.
Did Gore really have something to ask? How strange, she mused to herself, blinking a couple of times. What had happened to that high and mighty act? She shook her head but she did not appear annoyed that he had not voiced his question. The girl just thought he seemed quite hesitant, like he had lost that fire he had when talking to the crowd.

The moment Gore had mentioned why he had aided her, Rosalie stopped and looked at the ground, suppressing a shudder. She had been so intent on getting something as proof of his existence that she really had not thought of what she would do if she had been caught. Rosalie would have liked to believe that she was careful, but maybe not careful enough in this case. “I wasn’t expecting to hear that. Not from you, anyway.” The girl did not believe he cared. For all she knew, he could have saved her to get back at the hunters, but either way, he had helped her and for that, “I am grateful, though. If you think your questions are appropriate, just ask. I feel like I should at least give you that much for helping me out back there.” Rosalie sighed, regarding him carefully with a slight tilt of her head. He was acting differently to how she thought he would initially act. Rosalie was quite suspicious of him because of it. Maybe he was trying to get her guard down?

Rosalie had other reasons for not wanting to enter the arena and the way Gore was speaking about it, about odds and betting on him, was starting to bug her. She reminded herself that he didn’t know and that perhaps his way of thinking was greatly different from hers. At least he wasn’t being insistent that she enter him in the arena. She hated being pushed about and she wasn’t going to stand for it from a dragon of all people.
The building of the inn she had been staying at came into view after a while of walking, but as relieved as she was to know that rest was right around the corner, Rosalie did not pick up her pace at all. Instead, she stayed near enough so that she was able to hear what Gore was saying over the loud explosions of fireworks overhead, stopping to look up at the sky when the Blood Dragon commented on it. “It is, isn’t it?” The girl realised that she had agreed with him a little too late. The monster was able to admire even a night like this? He was right, though, she would give him that. It was one that should be remembered for the opportunity it brought. If Rosalie continued to count her losses, she would never be able to focus, so she decided that tomorrow she would start anew and try to forget the large amount she had spent. Hopefully, the lizard wouldn’t remind her by making her regret her decision in buying him.

“We’ll start heading back tomorrow.” She declared as her attention flickered back to Gore. “I’m not in much of a hurry to get back home, so we can make stops in between when necessary.” Rosalie figured it might give her time to get used to his presence now that she would be around him more in the future. Perhaps she could ask him some questions, as well as answer a few of his - if she wanted to, that is. Thinking back to the battle, she saw how the arrows had pierced him and how he had formed a ‘cocoon’ of protection around her with his wings. That coupled with the new injuries sustained tonight could be a bother. Obviously, that Rorshe character didn’t think this winged lizard would sell. She thought, shaking her head.

Reaching out to Gore, the girl pinched a bit of the garb that he was wearing with her thumb and index finger, testing the quality and texture of the material with a light frown of disdain. It really did not fit their time at all, but there were still people who adopted the traveller look, so it shouldn’t be a big deal just yet. Depending on how much money she would have left to spare tomorrow after buying a saddle, she should probably consider getting him some new clothes to help him blend in as much as was possible. Maybe Eric and Sigmund would have something to spare? Rosalie had absolutely no idea how owners dealt with this. Did they already have something picked out in mind or did they let their dragons choose?

Stepping back at Gore’s questioning, Rosalie tilted her head to one side, humming a flat tone in thought whilst looking back over to the inn. I.. I don’t know - as much as I hate admitting that. “Here’s a chance to possibly earn a bit of my trust; I’ll let you decide what you do. If you want to come inside, I’ll see if I can convince the innkeeper. If not, then just stay close to the area. If I find that you’ve run off... you’ll be in trouble.” She warned him before switching to a slightly lighter tone, “take this time to rest...and... here’s a bit of homework..” There was a smirk on her face, “play around with that camera and see if you can figure out what button does what.” With that, she turned, making her way to the inn.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Blood Dragon continued to follow his new mistress around, keeping his on the ground or around them to make sure everything was fine. He couldn't help himself since he started to think more of what happened three weeks prior. How Marian had desperately wanted to capture him. Why did he save her? He couldn't even answer that! Maybe that was it though, maybe he was going soft? He had been away from humanity for so long, maybe the loneliness of being by himself had finally caused his heart to soften toward them enough to actually save some of them. Gore hoped not..
Looking up when he heard her ask about what people had done to him, his dark teal eyes widened a bit at her tone. She seemed genuinely taken back by the news that people had done that to him for no reason. Was this human ignorant or something? Did she really have that little knowledge of just how cruel her kind were? He would enlighten her if it came to it.

"Aye they had mistress..among other things. My kin can heal at a great pace compared to most other creatures in the realm..unless we are ill. One of the many times they had thrown something at me, I had gotten sick with the plague that had come down on your kind, only..I nay know how. Normally Dragons do not fall ill, especially to a Human disease.."
Moving closer to her, he leaned over so she could see right behind his horn was a decently large scar that looked as if it had crushed his horn and almost ripped it out. It healed mostly back in place but the mark remained.
"Falling ill and then receiving such a wound will cause Dragons to heal much slower, if it is a significant blow then it can leave a scar or even kill a Dragon. Thankfully as my owner had put it, my head was thicker than the concrete slab they had used.."
The tone of the Blood Dragons voice had shown that he seemed to hold some kind of off feeling about what they had done to him. That was only the start of the many cruel things her people had done, the many things that a majority of the population had forgotten.

"Mistress, if people dislike me being around you..it nay holds consequence. -You- are my owner. Only you can punish me for my presence and if someone comes to threaten you or harm you, they must deal with me. The duty falls to me when it comes to protecting you. Though if my mistress finds it more compliant, than I shall remain where she tells me to until she calls for me. I am yours, nay any others..Your word is far greater than the millions upon millions who would call upon me."

When it came to people he trusted, the Blood Dragon could think of none. There was no one in the realm he trusted, not even his new mistress. Everything that happened to him because of -their- kind, everything that will continue to happen? The blame falls on these lesser creatures. Though looking at the young woman who owned him now? That same hatred and resentment did fade slightly. She had no real malice toward him besides the discomfort of actually owning him. Even if Gore wanted to ask her outright whether or not she disliked owning him, he remained quiet. He didn't need to know and besides if he did, chances are it would only hurt their 'growing' relationship. The last thing the Ancient Dragon had wanted to do was to make it harder on himself, living with her.
Hearing Rosalie's tone over what he was saying made him blink. Was it that odd for her to listen to how he put things? It was how people had spoken when he was last captured and taken in. He was taught to speak this way as well as taught to hold the manner of which 'Manners' were handled. A gentleman way that most men would probably lose in the current times.

It was true that all Dragons were far weaker in their human states, they were stronger and faster than humans but with the lack of scales, conventional weapons could do a great amount of damage to them. It's why a bullet from Rorshe's gun managed to cause him to bleed. Though if one were to engage a Dragon in actual combat, their weapons were already on them. The claws that Gore had looked as if they could rend flesh and cut through a body like butter.
Though not all Dragons looked as he did in their human forms, only the ones that had a strong toned build in their true form seemed to resemble his more draconic look. Others who were more slim and graceful seemed to hold a more human quality save for a few places on their limbs.
The thought of harming his new mistress hadn't even occurred to the Blood Dragon, after all why would he hurt the one human who showed him a bit of kindness, even if it isn't much. That isn't saying that she didn't annoy him or bother him with her ignorance or naive view on the world. Just the way she looked at him made him feel heavier with doubt. Was owning him that much of a burden?
If the Order came for him, The Ancient Dragon actually didn't know whether or not he would fight them. He couldn't be sure what would happen to him if they ever felt the need to take him back. The first thing that came to mind was..

Gore's teal eyes fell over his new mistress once again, wondering what was crossing her mind when he mentioned why he saved her, the look on her face looked like she saw a ghost. It was more than that, a mixture of emotions that couldn't quite be explained.
"..Aye, The Blood Dragon actually going out of his way to protect a human, 'tis absurd! Hah I remember my mistress blaming me for everything that had happened and even pounding your tiny fists into my neck. You hold my thanks for that mistress."
Even if what he had said on stage was an act, he wanted to kill the naive thought this girl had over him and everything else involving him. She didn't know him yet she judged him for being a Dragon. Because of her he couldn't fly perfectly at the moment, because of -her- he was weaker than what he should of been when fighting the two casters of the Void.
An act or not, that fire never did fade. Gore was only trying to keep what he said in check and nothing more. Though he was only being sarcastic with what he said, he didn't feel any ill feelings toward his owner and he hoped she picked up on that.

When they arrived at the Inn, Gore looked at his owner in a questioning manner. There wasn't a place for Dragons to sleep, but he could probably coil himself in an Alleyway that wasn't in the way of the general public and could probably stay out of sight from most inhabits of Desdemona.
"I can remain here..besides, who would be crazed enough to allow the Blood Dragon to reside in a hearth." Looking down at the camera she tossed him, he just tilted his head at it, then at her. Homework? What the hell was homework!? Was he building a home? Did she plan on using him for hard labor? It was safe to say he was confused until she finally said for him to learn the camera.

"Aye, I shall learn if that is what you wish Mistress.."
Watching her walk into the Inn made him look down at the camera, accidentally pressing the flash again,making him recoil and let out a reptilian snarl at it. He wanted to bite it again out of habit but decided not to. Moving to the Alleyway, he started to press each button, keeping an eye on what they did. Pressing the zoom, he stared at the screen that seemed to make something appear closer. Pressing the adjacent button made it go back and he nodded, satisfied with what he learned. Taking another picture, he did manage to shoot an image of his shirt, laughing faintly at it. This was the last thing he wore in this form. It looked partially ripped but not dirty, it was as if he was in a fight with it.
The Blood Dragon started to move around the Inn, trying to figure the camera out as it started to flash repeatedly. He growled at it, moving his claw over the flash, causing it to stop. This was growing tiresome!

Finally he managed to get the thing to work. He started to take pictures of the sky, watching at how beautiful everything appeared and actually managed to see something that most humans couldn't. The true beauty of it. Hours and several pictures later, Gore had move back into the Alleyway and shifted into his true form, wincing at the change since his new injuries hurt him during the shift.
When he was in his form, he adjusted himself to fit into the tiny space, resting his claws on the ground, laying his head on top of them.

Morning wasn't far away...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Stepping into the dark room, Rosalie trailed her hand along the cool wall lightly, feeling about for the switch as she tentatively walked. Whilst constantly bracing herself with each step she took, she tried to remember the contents of the room and their location even if it wasn’t exact. She did not want to kick anything by mistake and had resorted to sweeping her free hand about her blindly to catch herself before she did. Finding the switch, she flicked it on and moved to flop onto her bed, screwing her eyes shut. The girl had a difficult time believing what she had just said and did. She had actually been talking to the Blood Dragon and, more than that, she was the dragon’s owner! Turning her head slightly to look at the curtains, she resisted the urge to go near the window and peer outside. Perhaps laying there pondering the events of tonight was much, much better.

Even if it had been only moments ago, she could still see the scar behind Gore’s horn, a static image that failed to leave her. Had that really been the result of people throwing an object, a “concrete slab,” as the dragon had said, at him? Maybe he could have done something to anger the people at the time? Rosalie’s shoulders rose and fell in a light shrug. It was not that she was nonchalant over what she had been told or even seen; it was simply that she did not know the whole story and for that, she was unable to judge what had really happened save for perhaps regarding Gore with even more suspicion than she did earlier. There was some sympathy for him, but she had no plans to dwell on that. The girl did not know the dragon well enough to be taking his side, so she might as well keep him at arm’s length. After all, seeing as she was his Mistress, it meant she must have the right to decide the course of their relationship. At the moment, it was nothing more than two souls finding a common ground for survival. That was, if Gore did not decide to kill her, first. It was natural to be afraid of something that was not understood, and that meant Rosalie would have to keep a careful eye on the Blood Dragon. She could not forget what she saw that day; of how brutally the hunters were murdered. Saving a few lives did not make up for the sheer loss. She would hate to be in the position of receiving news that someone she dearly loved had been killed. Through all that, could forgiveness be given so easily? Not just by those recently left behind by the dead, but by many past warriors? These were some of the matters that could come up once she got back home, and she was becoming quite concerned.

Gore seemed ‘nice’ at least.. Or as nice as a monster could really be. Rosalie was more than aware that she could have left him there to a new owner who would treat him as he deserved to be treated as a dragon with a bloodstained name, but would she be thinking back on it later? She gave a light and bitter chuckle at the thought, shifting to lay on her side now. Boy am I going to have fun explaining this, she thought, sitting up as she looked to her phone sitting idly over the bedside desk. She could give Eric and Sigmund the outcome of the auction or she could show them herself. Hand hovering over the little flip-up phone, Rosalie gave a light smile and pulled away. She wanted to see their reactions personally and would allow them to do almost whatever they wanted to the dragon. It was what Gore deserved.


Morning came quickly, bright light reaching into the room through the small parting of the curtains. Rosalie had been up a bit earlier than that, planning her trip while quietly pacing about the room as to not disturb those who had not yet risen to this cool morning. Every idea had been shot down so far as she wanted to spend her money wisely. Where she could walk the trip, she would and where there was no choice but to pay for something necessary, she would do so and that was considering she had something to spend.

Exiting the inn with her bag that was lighter than it was on that day three weeks ago, Rosalie only continued to pace about in front of the inn, chin lifted. Perhaps she should stop planning ahead so much and take things one step at a time, she told herself. It would certainly help with the stress. Also, she thought, stopping for a moment, I can’t believe I’m going to be going home... with Gore. That winged lizard better not have run off. Then again... if he had, I wonder if it’ll be my responsibility. I guess the Order or that Rorshe guy could still be here in Desdemona. I wonder if they offer refunds. “Hmm... Then again, maybe last night could have all been a dream.” Rosalie was aware it wasn’t seeing as she had woken up worried over how she would make it back, but the thought that maybe it had been was all too enticing to her.

The girl shrugged her backpack off, dropping into a crouch as she rummaged through her belongings. If she found her camera, then that would mean this was all in her head! If not, then she was stuck with him. The girl shuddered, the thought prompting her to search faster with a bit more urgency to it. Rosalie knew the answer. She knew it wasn’t there, but the hope of maybe finding it at the bottom of her bag, under all her possessions, teased her like an odd glint in the ocean.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The ancient Dragon had nestled himself into the alley, feeling the camera hang from his horns while he slept. Despite how it looked, the Blood Dragon -hated- human beds. His kind were never meant for such luxury so even if she had offered for him to have a room as well, he would have only done it for her sake and not his. Beds were soft and rooms were confining.
Gore didn't want to cause his new mistress any more trouble than he had, shifting his form in the middle of the night would have been bad and since it had been so long since he was in this specific form? He wanted to be sure that the room wouldn't suffer for it. Knowing how much he was worth, Gore could only imagine just how much money the girl had spent on him as well as how much she had left on her.
Slowly, the Dragon's eyes fell heavier and he soon drifted off to sleep in the middle of the night. It was true that he was far more vulnerable in this state but he didn't seem to care that he was in a city full of people who may or may not want to see him harmed. The legendary Dragon slumbered as if he were a baby.

The day was long and arduous, his master had refused him the arena and instead? Sent him off to handle the fields. The last thing Dragons cared for was the growth of plants. They would sooner set the fields ablaze and feast off the ash that the fires created. Finally finishing the damned fields, he headed back only to find that he was to head out into the near by town to collect items with his master. With a soft and subtle sigh, Gore went with his master to the market, keeping his head down. His dark red color looked slightly paler than usual and his eyes looked more strained as well. It seemed as if the Blood Dragon had fallen ill, it was most likely due to tending the gardens as much as he had..His kind -really- wasn't meant for that kind of work.
Keeping his darkened teal eyes hidden from the other humans and other Dragons in the area, he collected the satchels of seeds and oats, as well as soil from the market, carrying it all as his master went on to explain why he was tending the fields. Something about how his kinds presence always made the insects flee, like they knew he was there or something.

Clearly the human was insane, though Gore still followed him blindly. There were many questions about why a Dragon such as Gore didn't fight back and simply fly off. His masters back was toward him and he could easily take his claw and run the man through. The Blood Dragon couldn't lie..the thought crossed his mind more than once. He wanted nothing more than to taste the blood of this rotund man. The one who kept ordering him to do menial tasks, the very one who made the Legend himself a joke.
Clenching his claw into a fist, he found the restraint he needed and carried on. That is until they had left a store. All he heard was someone say something crude and then he felt a blow to his head that caused him to stumble and fall to his knee's. Everything he had carried fell and he quickly looked around to see what happened, seeing a slab of concrete shattered into multiple pieces. Then his teal eyes looked up at the second floor window that was still opened. There was a group of kids laughing and grinning from the window. A pair of adults were also there looking out the window next to it, grinning themselves.
Gore leaned forward, trying to grasp what was happening. He could hear someone but couldn't make out what they were saying. Moving his claw to the back of his head, he felt the red sticky liquid that poured from where the slab hit him.

The Blood Dragon's senses quickly returned to him, only to hear someone yelling.
"Oi! You kids..I paid good money for him and if he's hurt you're gonna be in debt for the rest'a yer lives!" Feeling the faint vibration of the mans movements into the cobblestone, Gore looked up at his Master with confused eyes.
"Quickly, quickly! Pick up what ya dropped or else ye aint gettin' any dinner for a whole week!" smacking a bag into Gore's head, the Blood Dragon looked down at the small puddle of blood that had quickly formed below him, starting to piece everything together. Moving his clawed fingers over the items he dropped, he collected them with shaky hands. The only thing he wanted was to shift and to blaze every last damn human around! They were laughing at him! What kind of sick people would do something like this to just laugh at him!

Standing back up, Gore had held back the urge to growl. The Blood Dragon just felt sick to his stomach. These pathetic parasites were beyond cruel. If he didn't feel as ill as he did, chances are he would have been able to avoid this whole thing.
"Oi..Lemme look at'cha.." The man moved closer to him, grabbing onto Gore's wounded and nearly ripped off horn, pulling him down hard. Letting out a whimper, Gore felt the eyes of his Master on the wound he had. His horn looked as if it could be pulled off with just a bit more pressure.
"Ah yer alright..No food for you though, not for a week. You load some of the oats and our horses are gonna be a wee bit more hungry than they should be..well, come on."
Gore kept his eyes down on the ground, carrying what he had. Even though he was stumbling all the way home..


The Blood Dragon woke up to find a humming bird perched on his snout. Narrowing his eyes at the creature, Gore hadn't moved. Part of him wanted to snap his jaws over the tiny thing. Letting out a snort, he tried getting it off him. Finding that his actions weren't working, the Dragon merely laid there and whimpered until he saw his mistress come from the Inn. Looking up at her, he quickly moved over to her in his true form, leaning down to bow his head to her.
When he left the alleyway, he could hear kids making comments about him. Some of the people were taking pictures and others were gripping onto some rocks they found like they were about to pelt him in the face..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sylvazard
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was not as if she could go back to Druthers&Druthers and tell them she had changed her mind. No. That guilt would play more heavily on her mind than not buying Gore when she had the chance. With a faint laugh that was more forced, she zipped up her backpack just as the dragon approached. Some would have said her reaction was delayed as she just stared for a bit at this red creature before her, mind drifting back to the events three weeks ago. “Gooood morning!” She finally greeted, smiling. He was so close that she could just reach out and touch him just to make sure that he really was there with her, but as Rosalie did, she stopped herself from touching the dragon’s snout and instead reached for her camera hanging off his horn. The slight hesitation might have been obvious, but the girl did not care. Anyone else would have done the same to be sure they were not crazy.

Disbelief still flickered in her eyes, but she was slowly coming to terms with her ownership over the great legend. Her light brown eyes then trailed down to the camera she had taken back before dropping her hands to her sides. “Today, we’re heading back to Kalandor. Preferably, I want to get back before it gets too dark, but if we have to camp out.. then.. I’ll get you to make up for it the next day.” Rosalie informed Gore. It felt so strange to be looking straight into the beast’s eyes like this, telling him what she had planned and what the consequence may be if the schedule was not kept. It was not much of a threat, but she was afraid of him, so that could have been taken into account in the way she spoke. He could bowl her over just by leaning closer if he wanted. “Sooo.. You better have gotten enough sleep last night.”

She looked just about ready to leave then, but stopped to give the camera her attention once more. “Oh, and..you have to tell me what you’ve managed to figure out about this camera, Gore. It was your homework for the night.” Rosalie smirked, watching him expectantly for a bit. Was it something of a choice for him not to talk whenever he was in this form? Was it some sort of custom? If so, dragons had some pretty strange ways of going about the world. “Ah.. That’s right.. For some reason you don’t talk in this form... but you’re going to have to shift back whether you like it or not; you’re too much of a big target like this.”
So the people of this city still planned to pelt the dragon with stones? The girl glanced at one of the individuals who had stepped closer with both hands behind their back, admiration for the Blood Dragon clear, but it could have also been a ruse. Wise that the young man should step closer yet keep a reasonable distance at the same time. Rosalie looked about herself and noticed that, as ready as they were, hesitation was clear. Why? Some people were genuinely interested in the legend, the girl would like to believe, but even if they weren’t, there was no way she could pick them out, herself. “We’re wasting time standing around like this. Let’s go, already!” She urged Gore, gesturing with a quick wave as she walked ahead.

Rosalie believed they were all more civilised than that - to pick up stones and pelt dragons like the olden days. She could be proven wrong, however, and if she had, she would not care so much as long as nothing was thrown her way. Wouldn’t that have been the point, though? Would she be treated any differently for being the owner of this killer? All the more reason to keep moving, she supposed. She did not want to take any chances. “I wonder how much a saddle would cost..” She mumbled in thought, speaking just loud enough for Gore to hear her. “I mean.. We could go for a saddle, depending on the price, but that would mean I won’t be able to buy anything else for the trip back..” Rosalie would not go so far as to say that she was inexperienced. No. She would never admit that and would prefer to say that she was rather unprepared. It’s this lizard’s fault that I never got to speak to Glenn properly. If not for Gore, I’d probably be much farther ahead than I am now.. Was it normal to be excited yet afraid at the same time that she was setting out of Desdemona with someone accompanying her? Rosalie did not know, but already she was thinking up questions to ask Gore in the case that their journey was quiet.

It certainly wasn’t a bother to her that things could get a little quiet, but the girl had the mind to test Gore’s patience and see how tolerant he was. He was now her property, but there was no telling how he would act when annoyed by her presence. Would he be annoyed? Rosalie peered over her shoulder at him, wanting to be sure that he was still with her. She still held distaste for him; for ruining her plans and killing those people, but she also would not go so far to say that it verged on hatred. Don’t get her wrong; she had not forgiven him, but perhaps she would later change her mind and make things worse for him. A LOT worse.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arclite
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Blood Dragon had noticed how people were gripping onto the rocks they had found. It was hard getting anything passed the Dragon that had seen most of what the realm had to offer.
Though when his new mistress approached him, the Dragon seemed to be taken back by how she greeted him. It was so unusual to see her be 'cheery'. Ever since he had encountered her, all she had done was blame him and fight him. When he tried saving her, she beat on him to make him stop. If he had no scales to protect him? He would most likely taken his tail and thrown her off with it. The thought of how she saw him did enter his mind, making him wonder just how much she resented him for being just what he was? Maybe she was like the other humans. Maybe she was angry..
With a faint huff, he tried greeting her in this form. Letting out a snort and slightly murmur, he bowed his head and nodded to his rather large face to her. Looking at her hand, he tilted his head. That's when a kind of playful idea came to his head.

Staring at her hand, Gore slowly licked his lips, making sure to emphasize the sound his jaws made. He only wanted to make her think he was considering of eating her.
When she brought up where they were heading, Gore nodded and started to follow her slowly, making sure he kept his tail from flicking and possibly destroying a store or home. Of course the Blood Dragon had no clue where Kalandor was, the buildings had changed and landmarks that once were? Were redone or even demolished now. Hearing her bring up him turning back into his human form, he started to question whether she wanted him harmed or not. Did she really want him back in his human form? How could he do anything in that form, humans had good aim and even if he was a smaller, they could do -far- more damage to him. He got the scar he showed her from being in -that- form!
Feeling her bring up the Camera made him huff in laughter. The Ancient Dragon tried his best not to laugh at the thought of someone so old as him, was using this..whatever it was, a camera? Like that. Despite the humor in it, he liked to think that he learned a lot. So he nodded and let out an enthused huff to try and show her how he was feeling.
With a deep in take of breath, he was about to obey his mistress to turn back into his human form.. until he felt the thwack of a rock against his side. Immediately in response, the Dragon's wings extended around his new mistress while he endured it. He was going to protect her no matter how much his wings still bothered him. Gore's initial thought was to look at the human who came up to look at him, thankfully to find that they had retreated. It didn't seem as if that one had anything to do with it. A thwacking sound could be heard again as another stone was chucked at him.

"That man in the uniform should'a executed the likes of ya!" Someone said, throwing a rock at Gore, hitting him in his cheek. Another voice carried on, it was a woman's. "That..that thing murdered my husband! He's never coming home!" She was clearly trying to hold back sobs as Gore was being pelted more. Though what none of them would see due to the wings shielding the human in front of him, was the fact Gore's head had dropped and looked down at the ground as if it were in shame. His darkened teal eyes were clearly enduring what the crowd was saying.
Didn't they know they came into his home!? Wouldn't anyone do the same if they were in his stead?! Of course they didn't care to think about that. They only saw a monster; A legend of blood and pain.

After a short time, the rocks had stopped and they seemed to be clear. With a few steps, Gore let out a sigh and retracted his wings, folding them on his back. The look on his face was a conflict of emotions. It was a Dragons nature to desire conflict, to fight back and to live for the hunt. Though the look in his eyes? It had that and something else.
After another few steps, he quickly began to shift back in mid walk, keeping his eyes down. He didn't want to look up to see anyone. Especially the younger Dragons who would barely know -him-. They knew the name that the humans gave him and their biased tales of what has come to pass, nothing more.

Hearing about the saddle, he looked up finally, nodding to her.
"Aye mistress, Uncertain as I am to the price of a saddle, it is assuredly required. Even in the shortest of times that the battle took place, you seemed uncomfortable. A flight back to your hearth would make any have trouble upon my scales and spikes. If you cannot afford it, I will attempt to offer labor or some other type of favor for the saddle." When she brought up how much she was thinking of bringing along, he only shook his head.
"Dragons are great hunters, mistress. Few may know this, but I can prepare a meal with what I hunt that would suit your standards. A prior master had me trained to learn human dishes, and to know what they like."

After a short walk, they managed to find themselves at a store that seemed to specialize in saddles for Dragons. The sign was lit up bright and there were different kinds of saddles in the window. All made out of leather. Large ones, Small ones and even different colors. Gore looked at it, blinking. The last time someone had purchased a saddle for him, it sure didn't look this glorified..
Walking into the store with his owner, the Blood Dragon kept his eyes down on the floor so she can deal with him. If his name was brought up, he would look up and acknowledge the man in the least communicated way possible. Gore knew his mistress somewhat, but he wasn't about to test her resolve -quite- yet.
Whether or not they could afford it, or what his mistress chose. The Ancient Dragon started to head toward the exit of Desdemona after their shopping was concluded.

Looking at his mistress, he then stared at the saddle they acquired. After a moment, he took a step back and shifted into his true form, wincing once more. Being hurt made changing difficult.
Without a second to lose, The Blood Dragon laid on his stomach so she could reach him easier, lowering his wing to let her climb on him and place the saddle. If she had managed to place it on him, he would stand and help her strap it onto his properly. After that was done, he leaned back down so she could try out her saddle. It had to be more comfortable than the last time she had been on him.
Once she was on, he leaned up a bit, gripping the earth before unfolding his massive wings, launching himself up off the ground. Within the second, the two found themselves in the sky with the airships and even a few of the air machines that she wanted to purchase. The sky seemed lively but not crowded from where they were.

Seeking to find out how much tolerance the Blood Dragon had may not be the wisest sake, but soon she may just find out what he truly thinks and feels of the situation and humankind in general..
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