Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

1SG Abram Chamberlin - New Orleans/Vicinity of the Catacombs
((Did I do the bold thing right?))

Abram Chamberlin came to with trained reflexes and sudden movements; the cans had rattled in the alley behind the building. quickly, he seized his pistol with his right hand and proceeded forward with expert movement. The man quickly moved to the alley window, one of three windows in the apartment. This window gave view to the alley and onto the streets adjacent to both sides, the one facing east gave view to the street directly outside it.

Abram peeked out of the window to examine the line of rope that held up his improvised alarm system; a series of cans and spoons that clanged whenever moved. A single biter had straggled into the line and now observed its surroundings with irritation. The man didn't bother to open the window and put an end to the creature; instead he simply slid the black blinds closed and returned to his business. "God bless you're hell bound soul, my friend." He muttered quietly. He laughed quietly to himself; God must be taking a nap...

The man scratched his beard absently, but then stopped to examine himself in a wall mirror. He was still as fit as ever; maybe he'd lost a few pounds, but at 6'2 and 200, he didn't worry about becoming scrawny. He was, however, aging. His dark beard had been come slightly peppered and no longer bore strong emphasis to his dark face, but it wasn't close enough for him to be thought an old man. He slid a hand under his shirt and lifted the hem a little bit. "Yikes..." His formerly defined abs were not at all what they used to be, albeit sixty days in hell could do a lot to one's physique.

Presently, Abram dropped the hem of his shirt to his waist band and proceeded to the north-facing window. This was his most prized besides his setup on the roof, where his tripod rested. This room was the only room on the uppermost floor of the building, and he'd pushed every piece of furniture except the bed to block the stairs. Nothing was coming up and nobody was going down. The only access to the building lay on the roof; a single ladder that somehow managed to reached the top.

Abram pulled the window blinds apart and looked outside. His eyes set hard on one place; the catacombs. Said place was the residence of terrible men who were to low to be called demons. These men held women for breeding stock; he'd watched them bring countless women and girls through the front gates. Only a few days ago; about three or four, they'd hauled in a woman and a young girl. Upon taking a glance at the teenage girl through his scope, he saw that she couldn't be a day over fifteen. He'd also noticed that her face reminded him of someone, but he couldn't remember who.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Robert - Haywood Gates - Daniel/Amy/Etc.

The man before him revealed his status in the United States Army which brought a faint smile to Robert's face. With a distant laugh, Robert spoke up himself. "A fellow brother in arms then. Robert Dalton, First Company Sergeant" the man declared. He took Daniel by the arm and shook it with respect. Men who served in the armed forces were relatively connected in some odd way. People who haven't served would not understand, but those who have can relate to what Robert was feeling.

In addition to them both having military backgrounds, Daniel reminded Robert of his actual younger brother. Robert had lost his little brother when he was visited by him during the war with Afghanistan. Robert was in the infirmary during that time, he had broken three of his fingers during a futile attempt to overtake a certain terrorist group. Anyhow, during his time in the infirmary, his brother arrived to keep him company. During that time, the infirmary was being infiltrated by a small unit of terrorist. To cut to the chase, his brother was killed along with many other good men and doctors. Robert and a few of his brothers were abducted and tortured for days at end. A squad of U.S. soldiers luckily got there in time to save them. Robert had to attend rehab for about six months to get over that insanity he attained from solitary containment.

"We've got our squad mobilizing right now Daniel. We were thinking of attacking them head on, maybe our forces will outmatch theirs. But now that you say you know a way around them, then lets do it your way. Everything is ready, weapons, ammunition, everything. I hate to say it, you're a stranger and all, but I suppose I'll have you lead us" he told Daniel, turning to the gates. "Roll out! Let's get going!" Robert yelled, waving his hand to announce to the drivers to start exiting the community. As the vehicles roared in the background, Robert returned his attention to Daniel. "Your friend, ummm.......Shay was it? Anyhow, she'll be safe in the city. We've got a decent medical group working on her as we speak, don't worry. "C'mon, we head out now. I know it's overwhelming, I know its sudden, but we've decided to do this now" he started, opening the slide door to the black van. "I'm sorry to hear about your sister and I know all you wanna do is save her, but I need you to focus on my men. These are my men, but they'll be under your command. If anything happens to them, its on you. I'm trusting you to put thirty lives over one. I know its hard to do, but you were in the military, you know what your priorities are. Let's go, get in" Robert finished, entering the van with Daniel and Amy, shutting the door behind them. He then handed them their weapons, the ones taken from their truck. "You'll need them."

"You with them?" a guard called out to Enrique. The guard was in the bed of the truck with two more armed men. If Enrique answered yes then the guards would allow him to enter the bed and go with them to raid the raiders. If he answered no, then there would be a problem. In the meantime, the old man was allowed into the community. The guard that helped him inside was leading him to Haywood's infirmary. "I'm taking you to our little medical center. The medics aren't all that educated in their field, but together they can heal most of us. I mean, nobody has really died from any illness or anything. One of your friends was taken in here too, the girl with the bullet wound. How did that happen anyway? Was it the raiders?" the random guard asked the old man.

The van and the following trucks then rushed through the streets, heading to the catacombs at dashing speeds. The sun was shinning brightly in the faces of the drivers as the burst through the wind. The hiss of the engines called the walkers hiding in the grasslands. From time to time one could see their small decomposed heads pop out of the bushes, their hands reaching for the trucks. Robert just stared out of the window, his elbow laying on the armrest as his hand covered his mouth. He was lost in thought that man, worried for what was about to happen. He felt they were rushing this, but this little leverage they had, this second entrance was not something they could pass on. After a timely travel, the group was about a mile out from the catacombs. All the trucks stopped as the van instructed them to. Robert turned to Daniel and Amy before speaking and opening the slide door. "We walk from here. You will lead most of these men through the entrance you spoke of. I will attack from the front, catching their attention while y'all flank them." The men started to get into two groups, two thirds of them turning to Daniel for instruction, the rest following Robert. Robert started to walk down the road, but before fading from Daniel's sight, he turned to him. "Kill that son of a bitch for me!"
Floyd - Catacombs - Katie/Lauren/Lynn

Lynn's words were getting to Floyd, the redneck just stood up as she started to call him out. Though she hated to agree with her, she was right. He couldn't let something so stupid get to him, there were more important things to worry about. But regardless her being right, regardless her helping him escape that pitiful trance, Floyd wasn't going to let her shit go unnoticed. "Shut up bitch" he told Lynn off, trying to return to his regular self. He had finally shown them a small portion of weakness, how even he could fall.

But once he returned, he returned. That same arrogance and winning personality sprang up from his deep soul. His thoughts regained consciousness, which helped him understand what the people around him were saying. He listened to Lauren and could actually make sense of what she was taking about. Maybe if they could find the other girl, they'd have a clue where Jess was taken. Or maybe that wasn't even Lauren's plan. Still, Floyd did not trust the raider, regardless her statement that she wanted nothing to do with them. "Let's go" Floyd said, starting down the hallway in the way Lynn pointed. He turned to Lauren in the process, "What do ya wanna do bout the brat?" he asked her. There was no way he was bringing her along, no way. "And what exactly is ya game plan? We can't just stand here and wait for sum shit to happen, we've gotta do sumthin. She's sumwhere in here and I gotta find her. I gotta at least see her, just to make sure she's alright."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Espatier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

QT said
In the meantime, the old man was allowed into the community. The guard that helped him inside was leading him to Haywood's infirmary. "I'm taking you to our little medical center. The medics aren't all that educated in their field, but together they can heal most of us. I mean, nobody has really died from any illness or anything. One of your friends was taken in here too, the girl with the bullet wound. How did that happen anyway? Was it the raiders?" the random guard asked the old man.

It was nice that the other gentleman made light conversation.

" What girl, oh... that woman was with the other man, I'm not sure how anything happened with that" . The old man answer the guard. "I haven't seen anyone else, so I don't know about who these raiders are either, sorry".

"But if it's ok with you, I'll check on her now, I don't mind helping out. Besides it looks that they could use some help in here". He smiled. " If you can lead the way to the patient, please"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lauren - Cells - Lynn, Katie, Floyd & Emma

Lauren didn't move. "I've been waiting a long time already. It's been unravelling little by little, and one day its going to collapse." Even as she said it, she knew Floyd would probably want none of it. She sighed. "... Seeing the girl now would be really risky. You need to understand that." She then turned toward Katie and laid a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Sweetie, your dad will see you soon. But you have to go back to your room, alright? Bull will be waiting for you. I trust you and know you can do it." The redhead then gave Lynn an apologetic look before following Floyd deeper into the cells.

She walked in a hurried stride, glancing briefly into each cell before moving on to the next one. When they came across Emma, Lauren's breath caught in her throat. She looked simply awful. "Oh, the poor girl."

Then, they heard the yelling.
Tyler - Cells - Katie & Lynn

He entered the cells, a scowl on his face. "You've certainly done a number on your friend, Lynn-"

Then he saw Katie. Tyler's face fell and he marched toward his daughter. "What... What are you doing in here?!" he screamed. "Who was watching you?!" Tyler was far too furious to curb his anger around his daughter. He screamed at her with little disregard. "Did you sneak out again?! Katelyn! Talk to me!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katie - Cells - Lynn, Tyler

Katie understood what Lauren said, but she wanted to visit with Lynn more.
"Why is Daddy mad at you?" she asked sadly.

Lynn sighed. "It's complicated."

"Daddy always says that when he doesn't want to tell me something."

Lynn chuckled. "That's just what adults do I'm afraid. You'll understand when you're older. Now you should probably get back to your roo-"

Before she could finish the sentence they heard footsteps coming their way. Tyler appeared and at first Katie was happy.
"Daddy!" she cried and started towards him with her arms open.

But her happiness was short-lived. The little girl stopped short when her daddy started yelling at her.
Her eyes went wide and she backed away. For the first time in her short life, she was afraid of her daddy.
Tears filled her eyes.
Her daddy was yelling at her... yelling at her...

Loud sobs echoed through the cell tunnels as Katie ran away. He was angry. He was scary.
He was just like a monster.
A monster had taken over her daddy.

She tripped and fell, skinning her knee, but she kept running.
She scrambled up into one of the air vents, scooting back out of reach. Hugging her knees to her chest, she cried little girl tears of hurt and betrayel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel Crowe - The Catacombs - The Raid Party

Daniel slowly nodded to each man as they were assigned to his squad. It felt good to be back in command, and he was at ease with himself. However, by the time the gravity of the situation set in, the groups were split. He had no idea of the capabilities of these men. Could they fight, shoot, and hold themselves high enough to stand tall in a firefight? He realized that this is how the foreign insurgent soldiers must have felt against heavily trained soldiers.

“Men,” Daniel gave a slight nod to a young woman, maybe around shannon’s age.”and women. I am Master Sergeant Daniel Crowe; US Army CAG. I don’t know the slightest bit about any of you, but I can tell you’re good people, so I wish you well when we enter the catacombs.” Daniel motioned to Amy, who stood at his side. “This is Amelia Stephens, and I trust her with my life. Robert has given me charge of each of you and now I tell you that some of you will be taking orders Amy. Before we go, I’d like to know a few things.” A total of eight people looked at him.

“First; who’s your best sharpshooter?” A man called Henry stepped out. “Good, you’ll assume point with me. Now; I need the two fastest people here.” Daniel continued to list of the requirements until he came up with what he needed. With him, Henry the sharpshooter, James the fastest, Miles the shotgun, and Audrey. He’d picked Audrey for a specific reason, and pulled her aside to explain to her.

“Audrey… these men keep women locked up for pleasure…at all times, I’d like you to keep yourself hidden from view of the raiders. The reason being that, with your permission I’d like to use you as a decoy.”

“Wait, wait, wait- What!” Audrey sputtered.

“Look, you meet the criteria; you’re young and pretty, and I’ll bet that the raiders would hesitate if I pretended to threaten your life.” He set his eyes hard on the girl for a minute. “That would only be an absolute, last minute resort. Tell me if you can’t do it.”

“I… I can do it…” Audrey nodded and returned to the group. Daniel triumphantly returned as well, leading the group away from the trucks. It took a total of five and a half minutes to get through the streets and find the store that the raider had told him the secret entrance was to. They’d broken in after another two minutes of lock picking, and slowly checked the dim corridor.

Daniel held his AR-15 leveled forward and began to proceed into the den of the raiders.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyler - Cells - Lynn, Floyd & Emma

"Katelyn! KATELYN!"

Tyler yelled Katie's name to no avail; The girl was gone. He fixed a glare on Lynn before hurrying deeper into the cells. He would deal with these men, then figure what to do about his daughter. He couldn't leave their cancerous behaviour to infect the other men. He turned a corner and ran into Lauren and Floyd, the woman taking a step back at the monstrous look on his face. He knew they weren't supposed to be here, especially the new guy, but Tyler's anger got the best of him. It took everything in him not to grab Lauren by the shoulders. "You need to find Katie and lock her in her room," he said, his voice managing some level of calm. It was the eye of the storm. "Then you will get your boyfriend and as many men as you can and seal up whatever holes she has been using to sneak out of her room. I will not have this insubordination go on any longer." When Lauren didn't immediately leave, Tyler raised a fist. "That's an ORDER, Lauren." She gave Floyd a small look before quickly leaving.

The boss turned on Floyd. "The fuck are you doing here, anyway? Get out of my sight." Tyler looked in at Emma and shook his head. "If you were thinking of getting a taste yourself, you should know that Hex is going to die for what he did. That is how it is around here. You cross me, and its death."
Lauren - Catacombs - Katie

She hurried quickly out of the cells and into the hallway. She looked left and right, unsure where Katie would be. She had to find the girl and calm her down, for her own sake. "Katie, I'm sorry," she said, walking down the hallway. She spotted a part of the air vents that Katie so often used. Lauren realized she would never fit herself.

With a great sigh, Lauren managed to lift her head as close to the vents as possible. "Katie? Katie, it's me, Lauren. I want to help you, okay?"
Bex - Catacombs - The Raid Party

Bex had been in the Dining Hall for most of the evening, wallowing in his guilt. He'd managed to tell Brad about what Hex had did, but that's all he could manage to do. What happened now was out of his hands, no matter how awful it made him feel.

A few of the men had convinced him to hang out in drink. Al had been keeping a stash of alcohol for some time. It wasn't against the rules, but most of the men tended to drink their rations immediately. Not Al, it seemed. They were in a deeper part of the catacombs, laughing and shooting the shit. It was easy for Bex to fall in with these men. Beckett may have hated these men, but for Bex, these men were now his companions and he needed them to survive. Besides, a couple of drinks helped dull the guilt.

"Holy fucking SHIT, Hex is one thick motherfucker!" exclaimed Gregory. His face was red and he was laughing hysterically. "Everybody wants a taste but you don't actually go THROUGH with it!"

"The forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden," Bex murmured.

That made Gregory laugh. "Yeah, like that! Stupid idiot."

The raucous group of five men were completely unaware of the danger approaching on them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Espatier
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Old Man - Haywood (Infirmary) - NPC Guard/Shannon/ NPC Medic

Shannon Greene was unconsuois and lying on a cot in the recovery room section of the infirmary. As the old man peeked in, he announced that he was in the room, Shannon didn't stir.

The wound was on her right shoulder, in between the clavicle and the scapula, the anterior entrance of the foreign body was some what smooth as the Posterior side of the patient, but the wound care that was provided was seemingly inadequate. The patient still had arteriole bleeding that was leaking with signs of sanguine residue as the plasma was separated from the RBC on the bandage.

" This will not do, she might get a nosocomial infection " The old man said as he began to look around for new bandages,Sphygmomanometer, Stethoscope, Plastic Emesis Basin, and latex gloves.

the sound of the privacy barrier was pulled back and a voice ask "What's going on here?" by a medic. " I would ask you the same, I'm assuming that your the butcher, yes? " The old man asked. " Who are you?" the medic asked as he looked to the guard that didn't say anything but watched the two talk to each other. " I'm someone that obviously care more about your patients than you do?"

"What?... wants wrong with the woman and what are you doing in here?" The medic asked " I think that you need to leave now, please" The medics voice got louder. " Come here and look at this here, do you see a problem with arteriole bleed after a pressure bandage has been used?, for the love of all--". " That happens sometimes when" the medic interrupted " When you don't know what your doing... is when things like this happen, so I tell you want right now, YOU go get me some Povidone-iodine, sutures, and more 4x4s, Stat...please". The medic had a blank look then looked at the guard that made a motion with his hands to go. The medic left but returned with others in tow.

The old man explained in detail the effect of hyper-velocity objects and flesh when they meet, the basics of would care, disinfecting, cicatrisation and field expedient ways of wound closing. The question was quickly brought up again to who the old man is. " I'm a NP/PA with additional areas of proficiency but that isn't important as this patient that didn't receive good medical care right now, agreed? " Nods made in agreement that the patient comes first, they become quiet and watched ass a few circled around to see what the old man was doing. The guard stepped up on a chiar just to see whatever he could.

30 minutes later with new smiles made and a unconscious patient that will be waking up sore but alive with little damage nerve damage to that area for a while was successful.

The old man discarded his gloves and washed his hands, dried them with a towel and said " you can check vital every 30 mins instead of 15 for this one". As he began to leave with the guard " Are you going to stay for a bit?" One of the medic asked " Depends....how good is the cooking around here?" The old man smirk, turned then left the medical center.

"speaking of eats?.... Where can I find some food around here?" He asked the guard
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Robert - Catacomb's Entrace

As the smaller group of the Haywood Militia started to gain ground on the catacomb entrance, Robert started addressing the men to their task. He motioned them move to certain locations, remaining undercover so that the raiders wouldn't see them yet. The front entrance would probably be the most guarded location and the deadliest. Robert's main focus was the survival of his crew, of his brothers. He didn't want to lose them like he did those good men back in Afghan. "All of you hold position until told otherwise. Do not fire unless I give the call" he whispered to the men as they all began to crouch into certain cover.

They were all armed and ready, safeties certainly off. During their time in Haywood, both Bruce and Eli put Robert in charge of training all the men over eighteen to shoot a gun. He was also in charge of teaching them certain survival tactics that would most definitely keep them alive. It would seem that Bruce, though he was insane, knew what he was doing and predicted this fight to someday come to life. People always wondered why Robert hadn't been in charge in the first place because of his military standing. The reason for it was that Robert hadn't always been sane one could say. After losing his unit and his brother, he went a little haywire, lost his humanity. He regained it once the virus spread, giving him hope again to really survive, trying to help and make a difference. If it wasn't for Bruce finding him in the woods, then he would have never made it this far. Guess the man had some good in him, though it wasn't all that visible.

But back to the present. As the militia were in position, they scouted out the entire area. They could see raiders roaming about the entrance yard, some around their parking lot, others walking in and out of the catacombs. Before giving the signal, Robert turned and faced all of his men, one by one. Each of them nodded with agreement that it was time to strike. So with Robert himself nodding, the unit revealed their weapons out of cover and began blasting. They weren't aimless, they were well trained. As the bullets blasted, raiders fell one by one. The ones not shot had taken cover, evading the bullets temporarily. And of course, they started to fire back at them. The sound of the lead clashing with the concrete echoed through the woods, giving signal to Daniel's group that it was time to strike.

"Continue firing, take them down!" Robert called out. "If y'all wanna live, if y'all wanna survive, you've gotta fight for it! I'm talkin bout fightin! Right here! Right now!" The war had begun.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel Crowe - The Raiding Party

One might say that Daniel was pleased with how well the Haywood soldiers followed his move. Robert trained them well, that was for certain. Each hallway brought the same maneuver; Daniel dropped to one knee; Henry, the sharpshooter, kept stand with his rifle pointed forward; and finally, Amelia would whisper, "Cleared." The group moved with precision, and precision is what Daniel wanted. He had one suspicion though; Where was everyone? Had Robert's diversion been effective enough to draw every Raider to the gates?

Daniel must have jinxed himself; as the second they rounded the next corner, they came face to face with three men. The loud bang of Henry's rifle sounded and the leftmost man fell dead. Daniel and Amy quickly tapped their triggers, sending several rounds into both men; dead. As they passed the bodies, Daniel stopped and fired three shots, one into each man's head. They couldn't afford to kill their enemies twice. "Combat Position, all eyes forward. The shots were heard somewhere, trust me." The squad moved forward, and two halls down, Daniel's theory was proven right. This hallway was a long line of cells. It was so long, Daniel could barely see the end. Near one of the cells, four armed raiders were walking their way. With startled eyes Daniel slid to the ground and lay prone, firing shots quickly into the first raider. Three shouts whizzed past Daniel and he heard a cry from his group. In moments, everyone had jumped into a cell. Henry and Amy were with him. "In three, two, one." Amy dove to the floor, Daniel fell crouched, and Henry stood level. All three of them fired at a different raider. The last three fell heavy to the ground.

The silence hung in the air for a moment, when a shout came from one of the far cells. "Hey! What's going on?" Immediately Daniel registered the voice. Emma. Daniel sprang to his feet, much to the objection of Amy. Right before he could reach the cell, a raider came around the corner. The man skidded to a halt, but then charged Daniel, swinging a knife toward him. He was to close for Daniel to shoot him, so he dropped his gun and ripped his axe from it's strap. Adrenaline kicked in, and Daniel felt alive as he clashed with the man. First, he caught the knife hand by the wrist, swiveled 180 degrees, and then used the man's momentum to throw him the ground. The man jumped to his feet, taking a jab towards Daniel's liver. Barely missing the attack, Daniel turned his torso to doge and quickly gave a furious kick to knock the knife away. With one swing of his tomohawk, Daniel had put a large gash in the man's skull. Breathing hard, he watched as his team came toward him. His eyes turned to a cell a few yards away as he heard the voice of his sister. "Daniel..."

"Oh, my God." He heard Audrey murmured. "You move like Robert." Daniel payed no attention to these words and gave Audrey no recognition, as he hurried to Emma's cell. He saw the that bars were very rusted and somewhat corroded. Daniel reared back and put all his weight in his leg as he forcefully kicked the rusted lock as hard as he could. With a loud pang, the lock broke with another kick. Instantly, he had Emma in his arms, and she wound hers around his waist.

"Look at me; we're gonna get out of here-"

"Daniel, we've got to hurry!" Amelia said urgently.

"I can't walk." Emma protested as Daniel pulled her along. Daniel turned to one of the men in his team. "James, I need you to help her; take her back to the hatch and get her to the trucks." James came forward, said a few words to Emma, who nodded.

"We'll get through this, and then I'll be back with you." Daniel said to Emma, who nodded hastily. He clapped James on the shoulder and stepped out of the cell, giving way. James carefully pick Emma up and hurried off towards the hidden entrance. Daniel turned back to face his team, his hope renewed. "Lets go!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Atomyk ⚆ _ ⚆

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bex - Catacombs

It all happened so quickly. Bex had seen the soldiers turning into the hallway before anyone else. His mouth fell agape and he boggled at the sight for the few precious seconds it took to take it all in. These guys were armed and organized, while Bex and the others were drunk; It didn't take a genius to figure out how this would go.

Too buzzed to do much else, Bex managed to grab Al and pull him away as the shots rang out. Gregory and the other two raiders died before they had even realized what was happening. Bottles fell to the ground, smashing and sending glass skidding across the floor. Bex pulled Al into a new corridor, the other man still not registering what was happening.

Then Bex ran.
Tyler - Cells - Floyd (Before Daniel has freed Emma and before Brad talks to Lynn)

He was about to lay into Floyd some more when Brad suddenly appeared, breathing heavily. "There's a fucking group of men storming our gates!" he yelled. Tyler forgot all about Floyd and turned toward Brad.

"The hell are you on about?"

Brad turned and pointed behind him. "There's a stand-off at the entrance. Not sure who it is."

For a few seconds, Tyler was quiet. "... Of course." He stepped forward and grabbed Brad by the collar. "Find my daughter, Brad." Brad nodded incessantly, licking his lips. Tyler glanced toward Floyd. "You, secure the armory. Other men should be there."

Tyler let go of Brad. "Go now!" he yelled and Brad ran away, stumbling over himself in the process. Tyler waited patiently for Floyd to follow after him.
Lauren - Catacombs - Katie

Battle cries erupted up and down the corridor. The men were funnelling toward the entrance of the catacombs in order to meet the enemy head on. Lauren had no idea what who was attacking, but a part of her felt like this was the break she had been waiting for. No matter the outcome of today, Lauren knew she wouldn't get another opportunity like this.

She just had to find Katie.

"Katie! Katie, something's happened! I need you to come out right now!" Lauren walked up and down the corridor, yelling toward the air vent. "Please, Katie!"
Brad - Lynn's Cell - Lynn (Before Daniel has freed Emma in the deeper part of the cells)

After Floyd and Tyler had vacated the cells, Brad sneaked back in. He walked up to Lynn's cell, a smile on his face. "You brought your friends, huh? This is your fault, isn't it?" The short mousey man caressed the bars with his hands. "You're bad news, I knew it. All you women are. I told the boss this, but he didn't listen. We could have been the strongest damn fucks in this whole goddamn city! But you're all poison!"

Despite his words, Brad was starting to giggle now. He was afraid. The man had been afraid all his life, always worrying about what others thought of him. Countless dark nights spent in his room, staring up at the ceiling and alone in his empty world. Brad had sometimes felt like the loneliest guy in the world, but he could never let people in. For if they knew the real him, they would most certainly have hated him.

He had found Tyler soon after everything started. Tyler had been a man so incredibly sure of himself that it almost frightened Brad. He was powerful and intimidating, two things Brad had never felt about himself. Tyler was everything Brad wished he could be; It was no wonder why he grew to admire the man with every fibre of his being.

"Everything was going good, Lynn, until you came along. You gave him the idea that he could change it all. The world has rules and won't fucking change for one man, Lynn! But the boss will never accept that. That's why he... he-" Brad gripped the bars of the cell tightly. He brought his face close to the bars. "And now you hate him. But it's you who did it, girl. All on you. You're so fucking toxic, you can't even stand it."

Brad reached down now and unlocked the cell door. He took off the machete strapped to his back. "It's better this way, girl. Better for you, too."
Aleck Wyrde - Catacombs (After Daniel has freed Emma in the deeper part of the cells)

This bombing event finally happened for real, though not on the hideout's entrance gate. The gates on the walker cages in the arena were blown open, setting free the small collection of undead to wreak further havoc on the raiders. Aleck Wyrde had been responsible for the explosion, though he hadn't known his attack would coincide with Haywood's. He had left his sister Gwen safely outside. With the raiders scattered and their attention elsewhere, it had been easy for the man to sneak inside and set up the explosives. Now with his plan complete, Aleck searched for Emma, his gun out and ready to take down any enemies in his path.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Emma and James - The Catacombs - Bex

Emma was about to object being taken away, but the serious look in Daniels eyes told her that it wasn't a great idea. James quickly picked her up and carried her in his armsm and in turn, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life. They turned down the corner and Emma felt relieved to be away from the cells. She momentarily looked James over, and she saw that, in truth, he was kinda cute. He had dark brown hair that was pushed to the left side of his forehead. His eyes were funny, though; a strange, murky green color. Right then, James stopped in the middle of the hallway as a raider came running down by himself. Emma gave a surprised gasp and shouted a with relief. "Bex!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bex - Catacombs - Emma

Bex stopped in his tracks at the sound of his voice being called out. He wobbled on his feet and turned toward Emma and the boy carrying her. The shock of the previous events had managed to sober him up slightly. "Emma?" he said, a bit confusedly. "How'd you..." It took him a moment to connect the dots and he realized the full extent of what was happening. He supposed he shouldn't be surprised that someone had eventually worked up the nerve to attack them.

"Emma, you gotta get out of here. There shouldn't be any-" Suddenly, an explosion rocked the catacombs and nearly sent Bex falling to his feet. Wherever it was, it had managed to send the whole hideout rumbling. Bex briefly wondered if the catacombs would hold. "The path behind me is safe. Run as fast as you can!" He spoke urgently, one hand on the corridor wall. He pointed down the way he came, waiting for the boy to carry Emma off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katie - Underground - Lauren

Katie heard Lauren talking, but she didn't want to come out. Her little heart had been broken by the one person she truly loved and cared about more then anything, the one person she trusted to never hurt her had hurt her the most. She continued to cry, wishing that she was dead.

An explosion made her scream in terror. She scrambled out of the vent as the entire world shook.
"DADDY!" she screamed, terrified. She ran to Lauren and latched on to the woman, crying. "DADDY!" she screamed again.

Several men came charging their way. They were strangers and they had guns. Katie clung to Lauren, burying her face into her leg. "Make it stop!" she cried, not understanding what was happening. She was more scared then she had ever been before. There was zero chance she wouldn't come out of this traumatized.

Lynn - Cells - Brad

Lynn could only chuckle when Brad came her way. "You finally going to kill me? At least you finally grew a pair. I was wondering how long it would take for you to let your jealousy out. But seriously this homo-love you have for Tyler is truly disturbing. More power to you for embracing your sexuality, but you could do a hell of a lot better then that motherfucker."

Lynn stood and stretched. "Sorry Bradley, but I'm not going to roll over for you."
Suddenly a shrill scream echoed.
Using the distraction to her advantage, Lynn charged at Brad and faked to the left before going right and darting past him. She wasn't about to take on a man with a machete when she had nothing. No, the only man she wanted to get her hands on was Tyler.

Jessalyn - Underground

Jess heard the shooting and shouting. She had been locked in a room apart from the other women. She started pounding on the door. "Help! Anyone! Let me out!"
The explosion shook the ground and knocked her down. Jess scrambled to her feet. Fortunately it had also knocked the door jam loose. One good slam with her shoulder got the door open.

Stumbling out into the hallway, Jess put up her hands in defense as men with guns rushed past her. They didn't even acknowledge her, focused on something obviously more important.
She was free. For the first time since she had been taken captive by Eli, she was free. No one was watching her or restraining her, no lock was keeping her in. She could get out.

Thoughts of the other women played in her mind. They were in that harem, probably terrified. They wouldn't survive this on their own. They were like caged birds, too domesticated to deal with the real world anymore.

Jess sighed deeply and turned away from freedom, hurrying back towards the harem.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lauren - Catacombs - Katie

Lauren held Katie wordlessly. Her eyes were wide open, frightened herself by the explosion. Some of the men around them paused and looked around confusedly. After several deep breaths, Lauren managed to bring herself back down to Earth. "... Katie," she said, barely loud enough to be heard over the shouting. "I'll make it stop. I'll make it all stop. You just have to come with me, alright?" She went to take the little girl's hand. She couldn't dare take her to Tyler, she didn't even want to think about that man right now. "We need to go."
Brad - Cells - Lynn

Brad snapped. Lynn had not just crossed a line, but dashed head first over it. He would kill her. He would mutilate her. "Don't you fucking dare!" he screamed, slashing his weapon wildly. Amongst the rumbling and shouting, Brad managed to become confused by Lynn's dodge and slammed his machete against the cell's bars. He cried out wordlessly, his voice full of rage and blood lust. He spun around and made a leap for Lynn, his hand managing to grab her by the leg as he slammed to the ground. His machete flew out of his grip, but Brad didn't care. He was trying to pull Lynn down now and pin her.

"Don't you dare! Fuck you!" His shouts became shrill, almost deranged. He grunted and bellowed, his wails beginning to sound like maddened sobs. "I'll kill all of you!" he yelled, though who knew who he was talking to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by QT
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QT The Vacuum Detective

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Floyd - Catacombs

Floyd never followed Lauren as she ran off after Katie, instead, he started to retrace his steps. If he had the choice to help the teen locked in the cell, he would have, but he didn't. Right now, everything seemed to be going down faster than his mind could actually comprehend. The entire facility started to shake from what seemed an explosion as he ran passed Katie's room. The sound of firing bullets became louder as he reached the dinning hall. Floyd stood still as about three raiders passed him up. They were in a rush towards the entrance, armed and ready, some cursing, others shaking from the fear. Once it was clear, Floyd continued down the halls, also passing up the washroom and stopping suddenly near a blood stained wall.

It had been the wall where he first encountered Katie and broke a raider's nose. But right now was where it really begun. Floyd was in search of the armory, therefore he had to do a little recon, tracing Katie's steps as he ran from the raider thief. Floyd crouched and stared at the ground, searching for footprints. Sine the ground was basically dirt, it was easier to catch certain sized feet. He noticed the small little prints right beneath him and started to follow them. As he continued, it was harder to spot the footprints, but as he turned the corner to another hallway, he found what he was looking for. Floyd burst through the sheets that covered a certain room, the room that held the raider's armory. The armory was quite empty though, it would seem the raiders got to it before Floyd had the chance to. Therefore he was in search of whatever was left. He found a decently sized knife that would come in handy. Then he found a magazine, but no pistol. He took it anyway and put it inside his cargo pant's pocket. All the guns and bigger weaponry was completely wiped out. Without any other choices to make, he rushed out the door slamming onto a certain raider.

He fell back a few steps as he noticed who stood before him. He looked into the giant's eyes, rage building up inside him. His brow tightened and became red as pulled the knife from his side. He held it in his right hand and was prepared to strike. It was the golem Bull who was standing before him. It was a coincidence that it so unfortunately had to be him. With a lunge forward, he ran passed Bull. In that little confrontation it would seem that Floyd was about to attack Bull, but at the last second, he decided to evade him. Floyd didn't have time to waste, he had to get priorities straight, even though he had survival in his mind at all times.

He started down a hallway he hadn't seen before, it was lighter than the rest. Soldiers ran passed him once again in the opposite direction. The ground above him started to crumble on his shoulders, the dirt particles dirtying up his jacket. But right before turning onto another hallway, he could have sworn to see a mirage. He plastered his feet to the ground, sliding on its surface a few inches. He blinked and the image was gone, but he could swear it was real. He saw the outline of a woman, but not just any woman, a pregnant woman. "No...." he whispered to himself as he had two choices before him. If he continued down the hallway he planned to go down, he would soon find a way out. If he turned to where the mirage came from, then he had a fifty-fifty chance of finding Jess. But as these thoughts swindled through his mind, time was being wasted. "Dammit!" he grunted as he started down one of the two hallways.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Myst
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Katie - Underground - Lauren

Katie reached her arms up, wanting Lauren to carry her. Once the woman picked her up Katie buried her face into the woman's neck and held on for dear life. All she could hear was her world ending around her. Shouts, gunshots, swears, screams... it became like white noise in her mind. She continued to cry, her tears dripping down Lauren's neck and wetting her shirt.

Daddy... Daddy where are you?
She was scared, but she even after him yelling at her she still wanted her daddy. She wanted him to hold her and make everything go away.

"I'm sorry," she whimpered into Lauren's ear. "I'm sorry. I won't be bad anymore. I promise. Make it stop. Make everything go back. I want my daddy back. I promise I won't be bad anymore. I'm sorry."

Somehow, this was her fault. For always sneaking out of her room, for teasing and tricking the men, for eavesdropping when she wasn't supposed to, for not listening... she had caused all of this. It was all her fault.

Lynn - Cells - Brad

Lynn fought for all she was worth. There was no way she was going to let Tyler's lapdog kill her before she took a chunk out of Tyler.
Because she didn't have much time left.

"You really need to let go of me boy," she said with a scary grin. "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you force me to. My fight is with Tyler, not you. And if you don't like being called homo you really shouldn't have such hatred for women and follow Tyler around like a puppy. Do you even know what the other guys say behind your back?"

She taunted him with this, trying to direct his anger at something other than her.
"They say that you hate me because Tyler was fucking me and not you. They say you want to kill Tyler's kid because your jealous of the love and attention he gives her. They talk about you Brad... talk about how much you want Tyler... you know what they call you? We both have similar nicknames. They call me 'Tyler's whore', you are 'Tyler's bitch'. And Tyler knows about it. He thinks it's fucking funny. He laughs about it."

Okay so maybe that part was not quite true, but the other stuff was.

Jessalyn - Hallways/Harem

Jess managed to get herself lost. She came very close to swearing. She did find a piece of bent pipe to use as a weapon in case she needed it.
She had gone down one hallway, realized it was wrong and was doubling back when she heard it.


The sound made her freeze.
The walkers... The cells must have been damaged in the explosion...
The walkers had gotten loose...

Jess saw a shadow and gasped. It came towards her and she raised the pipe, ready to strike at whatever it was.

A raider came around the corner. "Shit what are you doing out here?!"

"The walkers got loose!" she answered, trying to distract him from the fact that she wasn't locked up anymore.

It worked.
"Son of a-!" he started, and looked around, listening. Shirll screams came from a short distance away.

"The girls!" Jess exclaimed and started to run, only to be stopped by the raider.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"I have to get to them!" Jess exclaimed. "Those girls, some of them are pregnant! They don't stand a chance!"

"Fuck those bitches!" he snapped. "You're the furthest along and that makes you more valuable. You're coming with me to Tyler."

"No!" Jess shouted and swung at him with the pipe. It caught him right above the eye. The man let go of her to grab his head. Jess took off.

She reached the harem, but it was too late.
Some of the girls had taken the opportunity to run. Hopefully they had made it to the Haywood men. But the ones who had refused to leave...
Jess closed her eyes and turned away, leaning against the doorframe and trying not to vomit. Their bodies had been torn apart by walkers.

A snarl told her she wasn't alone in the room. She whirled around in time to see two walkers dragging themselves towards her. Thankfully they weren't very fast, one having lost a leg and the other having no legs at all.
Jess climbed up on top of one of the dressers, out of the creatures' reach, and when they tried to climb up after her she hit them with the pipe to knock them back down.

"Help!" she called out, hoping someone with a gun would hear her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Daniel - The Raiding Party

The group turned the corner just as the bomb went off. They all staggered for a moment, but were instantly awaken by the sound of gunfire. It came fast; one, two three, the three haywood soldiers in the back fell dead; and the rest of them fell into the rooms to the side. Daniel peeked out quickly, to examine his group. He swore to himself; but then look to his left, inside the room. Audrey lay on the ground, clutching desperately at her arm. "Audrey!"

"It's just a graze!" She responded. Daniel momentarily peeked out and counted five bodies on the ground; all of them haywood, he then look across the hall to the other room, where Henry stood against the frame, covering himself. Beside him, Amy heaved in an out. Good; she was alive. Beside her, stood Enrique, whom Daniel gave a small nod. Daniel craned his head out of the door frame into the corridor to look at the attackers. There were three, and all three fired as soon as they saw his head. Fortunately, all of them missed. Daniel quickly set his gun to semi-automatic, and dropped to his knee, sliding his backpack from his shoulders. He'd done this once, and it'd broken his gun... he hoped he'd be more fortunate this time. He pulled a roll of duct tape from the pack, before pulling the trigger and firing a shot from his rifle once, but keep his finger on the trigger. He ripped of a strip of tape and carefully wound it around the trigger.

"Ya comin' out, buddy?!" One of them shouted. Daniel secured the trigger in hold, and counted to three. On three, Daniel slid the safety to fully-automatic, and dropped it into the hallway. The force of the bullets and the lack of stabilization on the rifle would cause the barrel to spray the hallway with bullets, and that's what Daniel hoped it would do. Shouts of pain came from the men. Daniel grabbed his side arm and jumped out into the hallway, firing his whole clip into the men. Once they were dead, Daniel picked up his gun, fixed it, and retrieved his pack.

He stopped and regarded the bodies for a moment. "They were good men." Daniel motioned for the group to move forward, and they follow him; right into a pack of a dozen walkers.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Atomyk
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Lauren - Catacombs - Katie

Lauren scooped Katie up into her arms. She caressed the little girl's hair, saying "It will be okay." As the girl cried, Lauren could feel her heart breaking, even amongst this chaos. She spun around and began running as fast as she could while carrying Katie.

She found Bull running down a corridor opposite of hers. She called out to him, managing to grab his attention. He hesitated slightly before running to meet her in the middle of the hallway. "I saw Floyd," he said, barely paying Katie any attention. He looked a bit shell-shocked to Lauren. "In the armory. He was acting suspicious, and I-"

"Bull," Lauren said, attempting to interrupt him.

He carried on regardless. "I thought he was going to attack me, but-"

"Bull!" Lauren repeated, louder this time. Bull finally stopped and stared at her. "We have to go," she said, moving around him.

Bull scoffed. "Go? Go where? We have to get in on the action, Lauren."

"No, Bull, we don't." She turned on him, a glare settling on her face. "We have to get Katie out of here." She didn't bother to mention that it was largely to get Katie away from her father. "We'll sneak out the back. Whoever's attacking probably knew about that entrance, but there's no way we're getting out the front."

Bull stared at her. She watched as his hands balled into fists. He didn't like the idea, she could see. Unlike her, he was loyal to that awful man. Worse than that, Bull enjoyed a good fight; Violence excited him more than she would have liked. Still, despite fitting in with the other men so well, Lauren knew he was different. She hadn't attached herself to this man just because he was the biggest or the strongest. His demeanour was almost childlike occasionally, and Lauren knew that deep down he had a heart. Something Tyler had lost long ago.

That's why Lauren knew that Bull would nod quietly to her and agree to her plan, even if his face showed disappointment. "We'll get you somewhere safe," he said to Katie. Then they ran.
Brad - Cells - Lynn

Brad screamed as Lynn continued to humiliate him. Every word was like a kick in the teeth. He knew she was right. Right about everything. The men had never said anything to his face, but Brad knew. He knew because he knew people. No matter what hell would descend on Earth, the people that walked it would always be the same. They would always judge him and scorn him. Brad had never fit into this world, but he had been able to pretend he fit in, at least for a little while.

But Lynn was lying as well. She said she didn't want to hurt him, but Brad knew that was not the truth. It was him against the world, after all. This toxic bitch hurt him with every breath she took of her miserable life. "You're wrong about him! You're fucking wrong!"

Brad thought he had the upper hand, but Lynn was not backing down on him. He couldn't get his hands on her throat, to shut up her incessant talking. "Godammit!" he yelled, throwing himself off of her and running to grab his fallen machete.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellHoundWoof
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HellHoundWoof The Hell Bound Hell Hound

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Enrique followed the breaching team for some time after the raiding party arrived, after following them inside he veered away from the group and began exploring this place careful to remember his way back. He eventually heard an explosion and some gunfire. Enrique made his way towards the explosion and covered some ground before turning a corner, he saw two men walking towards him one held a small assault rifle the other a shotgun. Enrique raised his pistol and squeezed the trigger twice hitting the first man twice in the chest, he fell back onto his friend with the shotgun. The man that had been shot managed to get a shot off and the bullet tore through Enriques left pant leg breaking skin. The man with the shotgun raised it under the arm of the first man and pulled the trigger, the majority of the shots landed to Enrique's right but he felt fire in his right bicep and shoulder. He took a moment to look down at his arm he saw blood and three entry points, Enrique raised his pistol as high up as he could he felt pain in his upper arm and squezed the trigger until the gun clicked empty. He saw the bullets hit their make some hitting the already dead man, the man with the shotgun fell with the first mans body on top of his. Enrique grimaced in pain and slunk against the wall, he looked at his arm and noticed more entry points than before he counted five. He moved over to the dead men and pulled out the assault rifle from the mans grip with his left hand. The man had a folding knife clipped to his belt and Enrique grabbed it, he cut around the mans shoulder and cut the sleeve of his shirt off, Enrique tugged at the bottom of the sleeve pulling it off the limp arm. He bit onto the top of the sleeve then ran the knife down the sleeve cutting it in half. He spent about 10 minutes fastening his arm into a sling, afterwards he attempted to reload his pistol and managed to do so after some time. He slid his pistol into the back of the seam of his pants and picked up the assault rifle, he looked it over and recognized it as an AEK-97, he set it against the wall and checked the man for spare ammo Enrique only found one extra magazine. He stuffed it into his backpocket and picked up the rifle setting it into his right hand.

"Onward and upward," Enrique said in a strained voice, he moved in the direction of the explosion and heard rapid footsteps, he ducked down and saw a tall blondheaded figure run past him. Enrique let out a breathe and began carefully following the man, Enrique heard groans and strange footsteps. He knew these sounds well enough as walkers, Enrique picked up the pase and followed the man down to what appeared to be a prison. The man pulled a pistol and began approaching the door to it, Enrique heard voices inside andaimed his rifle at the mans back. He pulled the trigger and fired two shots into the mans back, the man raised his hands above his head trying to reach the wound the man twisted as his knees buckled then another shot rang out. With a shout Enrique to fell to the ground a searing pain in his right shin. He squezed the trigger for 4 seconds tracing his aim up the mans chest into his head, after a few seconds of heavy breathing Enrique looked at the man. His chest had multiple wounds and his neck bled purfusely, there was a gaping hole starting from the right side of the mans jaw continuing just under the eye and the top right of his head.

Enrique made an effort to stand but failed, he used the rifle as a levvy and made his way towards the door, he pushed the man aside and reached for the handle putting the majority of his weight on the door, he clutched the handle and the door swung open. Enrique leaned just outside of the door his rifle propped on the ground in one hand.
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