I'm really into music and such and I was wondering what other people liked here. You can say specific albums, artists, genre's etc.
Me, I pretty much will listen to any genre of music without much discrimination. As well, my music taste is constantly changing and I can never really clamp it down as to what I like forever. There's a chart I made for 4chan of some of my most recent favourite albums so I'll post them here right now and talk about them a bit.

Battles - Gloss Drop: Described by some to be Prog-Pop but it's really more experimental rock. It's mostly instrumental although there are some guest vocals on a few tracks. All in all I think it's really interesting and if you're looking for something off the beaten path that isn't too weighty then you can't really go wrong with this one.
Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over the Sea: Fuzz folk and probably my favourite album. While the instrumentation isn't the most interesting thing ever (Though there are some great moments on the album) Jeff Mangum can write some of the most beautiful and poetic lyrics ever. The lyrics and just fantastic and even though Jeff's singing isn't what is normally seen as great it just really works on this album, as if his limitations make it all the more interesting.
Giles Corey - s/t: Again, another kind of weird one. Described by most as avant-garde folk I think it fits pretty well. It's really dark with sort of sparse (But great) lyricism. It's not really good in every mood but if you're up for something a little weird and dark then you should listen to this.
Sleater-Kinney - Dig Me Out: Sort of a Post-Riot Grrrl punk album. I can't really explain why I like it as much as I do but I just think it's really great.
Dinosaur Jr. - Farm: One of the newer Dinosaur Jr. albums, sort of grunge type music which is pretty self-evident because they are one of the progenitors of the movement. It's really good with some absolutely amazing guitar (I mean it's J Mascis so of course) and just a great sound overall.
Mac DeMarco - 2: This guy is getting relatively big and for good reason. He makes jangly pop type stuff and it's just really good and really chill. Not something that requires a whole lot of thought but he can play guitar really well and he makes really catchy music
Elliott Smith - s/t: In contrast to Mac DeMarco, Elliott Smith is a singer-songwriter that is really sad but pretty much fantastic in every way. I had a really hard time choosing between this and Either-Or because both are really good. Even though Either-Or has my favourite Elliott Smith song on it (2:45 AM) I just chose this one because I think it's a better album. Though like I said, it was really close.
Peeple Watchin' - Somethin' ta Tell Ya: Queercore punk rock. The singer is an MtF transgendered person so most of the songs are focused around issues involving being transgendered or even just being part of the LGBTQ+ spectrum. I really like the lyricism on the album and the singer is just so emotive that it works well cohesively.
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone: Stoner/Sludge metal. This is an album that must be played loud, the lyrics are almost completely buried in the amount of distortion that is on this album and it just feels like a really heavy album with slow moving riffs and really screamed vocals that just work overall in creating an experience. If you want some metal then this is what you should be looking at.
Swans - Love of Life: Swans are a very varied band. Their early stuff is really industrial no wave which is basically just Michael Gira screaming over it without a whole lot that I personally liked with it (Though I can appreciate what they were trying to do with it), Love of Life goes for a more gothic folk/rock stuff with some other elements interspersed throughout the album. It's really varied and I like that a lot, and I just personally really like the gothic sounds. Even the interludes sound good and really add to the album as a whole.
Anyway, I'd like to hear what you like to listen to and such, don't need to be anything like mine, but this is just a thread to discuss what kind of music you like.
Me, I pretty much will listen to any genre of music without much discrimination. As well, my music taste is constantly changing and I can never really clamp it down as to what I like forever. There's a chart I made for 4chan of some of my most recent favourite albums so I'll post them here right now and talk about them a bit.

Battles - Gloss Drop: Described by some to be Prog-Pop but it's really more experimental rock. It's mostly instrumental although there are some guest vocals on a few tracks. All in all I think it's really interesting and if you're looking for something off the beaten path that isn't too weighty then you can't really go wrong with this one.
Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over the Sea: Fuzz folk and probably my favourite album. While the instrumentation isn't the most interesting thing ever (Though there are some great moments on the album) Jeff Mangum can write some of the most beautiful and poetic lyrics ever. The lyrics and just fantastic and even though Jeff's singing isn't what is normally seen as great it just really works on this album, as if his limitations make it all the more interesting.
Giles Corey - s/t: Again, another kind of weird one. Described by most as avant-garde folk I think it fits pretty well. It's really dark with sort of sparse (But great) lyricism. It's not really good in every mood but if you're up for something a little weird and dark then you should listen to this.
Sleater-Kinney - Dig Me Out: Sort of a Post-Riot Grrrl punk album. I can't really explain why I like it as much as I do but I just think it's really great.
Dinosaur Jr. - Farm: One of the newer Dinosaur Jr. albums, sort of grunge type music which is pretty self-evident because they are one of the progenitors of the movement. It's really good with some absolutely amazing guitar (I mean it's J Mascis so of course) and just a great sound overall.
Mac DeMarco - 2: This guy is getting relatively big and for good reason. He makes jangly pop type stuff and it's just really good and really chill. Not something that requires a whole lot of thought but he can play guitar really well and he makes really catchy music
Elliott Smith - s/t: In contrast to Mac DeMarco, Elliott Smith is a singer-songwriter that is really sad but pretty much fantastic in every way. I had a really hard time choosing between this and Either-Or because both are really good. Even though Either-Or has my favourite Elliott Smith song on it (2:45 AM) I just chose this one because I think it's a better album. Though like I said, it was really close.
Peeple Watchin' - Somethin' ta Tell Ya: Queercore punk rock. The singer is an MtF transgendered person so most of the songs are focused around issues involving being transgendered or even just being part of the LGBTQ+ spectrum. I really like the lyricism on the album and the singer is just so emotive that it works well cohesively.
Electric Wizard - Dopethrone: Stoner/Sludge metal. This is an album that must be played loud, the lyrics are almost completely buried in the amount of distortion that is on this album and it just feels like a really heavy album with slow moving riffs and really screamed vocals that just work overall in creating an experience. If you want some metal then this is what you should be looking at.
Swans - Love of Life: Swans are a very varied band. Their early stuff is really industrial no wave which is basically just Michael Gira screaming over it without a whole lot that I personally liked with it (Though I can appreciate what they were trying to do with it), Love of Life goes for a more gothic folk/rock stuff with some other elements interspersed throughout the album. It's really varied and I like that a lot, and I just personally really like the gothic sounds. Even the interludes sound good and really add to the album as a whole.
Anyway, I'd like to hear what you like to listen to and such, don't need to be anything like mine, but this is just a thread to discuss what kind of music you like.