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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 26 min ago

Human thoughts, emotions, personality... all of it, it's something that makes humans inherently human. While there are some animals that are intelligent, and certainly capable of feeling emotion, only humans possess what could be called human thought, human emotion.

And this is why the Dreamtime exists. Another world, separate and yet connected to the world that people live in. It is a place that holds beings embodying the emotions, personality, psyche... everything of a person. They even resemble the one they embody, though with exaggerated characteristics and personality traits. These Alter Egos dwell in a surreal world of shifting landscapes, so vast that only the alter egos of those who know one another closely will ever meet. Each Alter Ego has a place in the world to call their own.

And it is here where they meet. For every argument between friends, there is a battle in the Dreamtime. Alter Egos clash, fighting one another, even when in the human world it's simply a disagreement. The severity of the argument is, naturally, reflected by the severity of the fight. The Alter Egos may simply be fighting for fun if it's a minor disagreement, but a severe argument could even lead to a fight ending in death...

Alter Egos cannot die permanently in most cases, but they can be killed. And the death of an Alter Ego strikes the person that they are reflecting, to the point of even destroying memories unless the cause is rectified. And even after reviving after death, the Alter Ego will be... unstable.

Unstable Alter Egos behave more erratically, and sometimes even in an insane fashion. Their appearances can even be altered. And it's not simply the death that can cause this. If the one they are reflecting is suffering, a problem causing them intense stress and pressure, perhaps, the Alter Ego becomes less and less stable. Many Unstable Alter Egos become outright murderous. The only way to fix this is to console the person they are reflecting... and for the Alter Ego to have the sense beaten back into them. To simply allow an Alter Ego to become unstable means not only may they attempt to spread their own instability by killing other Alter Egos, but they cause the person they reflect to come closer and closer to breakdown, or worse...

But humans are unaware of the Dreamtime. Even though they can experience it, from inside the forms of their Alter Egos, it will simply seem like a dream to them. Their actions in this state are only somewhat their own. But it's possible for them to become aware, to become in control and fuse entirely with their Alter Ego temporarily... and yet this causes them to vanish from the human world until it has ended. This may be the only way to counter some of the true dangers that effect the Dreamtime. Not only Unstable Alter Egos...


Nakajima Kazuko has fallen into a coma. No-one knows why, though her friends say that she was becoming more and more unstable, erratic, and emotional leading up to it. And then... in the middle of class, she simply passed out. No-one could wake her up. The hospital is baffled, she's perfectly healthy and yet there is no way to wake her. Her friends, her fellow students, none of them understand what has happened.

... And some have had the strangest glimpses, faint memories of the most unusual dreams...
So, um... this is a weird little concept I came up with recently. ^^; Before I get to posting bio setups, here's some explanations and ground rules:

Alter Ego: The living reflection of a human's emotions, personality, and psyche. They cannot die permanently in most circumstances, but they are effected by the emotional state of the one they reflect. They are, physically, an exaggerated version of their reflection in some way. The same is true for their personality and emotions. They are capable of extreme feats of regeneration and often wield strange, impossible weaponry with which they do battle with one another. Their instability, if it occurs, can have terrible effects on the human they reflect, and their deaths even moreso.
Dreamtime: A world born from the psyche of humanity as a whole. It is impossibly vast, an possesses a surreal, shifting landscape. The Alter Egos dwell here, and the only ones who ever meet one another are those who reflect people who know one another. Each Alter Ego possesses a home in this world that is also a reflection, though it is much more abstract then the Alter Egos themselves.
Violent Colors: Beings who are barely a whisper in the Dreamtime. Creatures that reflect the disorder that can occur in a human mind. But they are unknown and unseen... aren't they?
Negatives: Beings with no proper name. They reflect negative thoughts and come in a variety of forms depending on what thought they reflect. While they are easily destroyed, they can appear in large numbers and will swarm around unstable Alter Egos, who do not attack them. In large numbers they can form a single, massive negative that is far more dangerous then the individuals.

And some rules so everyone is on the same page. ^^;

-Every character must know one another. This is the only way that their Alter Egos will meet. They don't have to be friends, but they should at least know each other's names.
-I do not mind villains, as some Alter Egos may be rather negative even without becoming unstable. However, Violent Colors(and those related to them) will not be appearing immediately and are off-limits until I am able to assemble a very clear example of what is acceptable in regards to them.
-You must make both a regular human and an Alter Ego. Though technically they are the same character.
Human Bio:
Alter Ego:

Alter Ego Bio:
Name: (Examples of Alter Ego names are things like Crimson Star Vermilion, Rise Heart, or Resolve)
Gender: (The same as that of the human self)
And my character(s) and example bios:

Human Bio:
Name: Kawaguchi Mio
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: And now she has a picture. Less pale, and the school uniform is navy blue with a white undershirt and a black skirt.
Personality: Mio is a highly responsible girl. She gets her homework done on time, she doesn't stay out too late, she's focused in class... by all respects, she is a model student, certainly. She likes spending time with her friends and going out for ice cream, but at the same time she tries to remain serious when it's necessary and keep herself from getting distracted. Mio is also very concerned with others. She sacrifices personal time for herself to help them if they're in trouble. It could almost be said she cares a little too much, sometimes ending up exhausted from how much time she spends on helping people she knows out. Though at the same time she won't be giving out tips on homework or anything, at least not particularly willingly. As serious and responsible as she is, she can sometimes become irritated and annoyed with someone, which will conflict with her desire to help them out if they're in trouble. Mio is a fan of the idol Tendo Haruko.
Backstory: Mio has had a fairly normal life until now, at least until she began to remember unusual dreams, and... well, when one of the girls in her class suddenly fell into a coma.
Skills: Mio is fairly good in most of her academic areas and is a decent sprinter, but otherwise she is unremarkable in most aspects.
Alter Ego: Black Storm Barrage

Alter Ego Bio:
Name: Black Storm Barrage
Gender: Female
Appearance: Very pale skin, green eyes, black hair, black clothing, and... the weapon design was revised and is included below.
Personality: Black Storm Barrage devotes herself to a single idea: To bear the suffering that people feel and help them, no matter what. At the same time, she has a fierce temper and a serious nature. And her solutions to the problems of others mean doing anything she can, even if it means nearly killing another Alter Ego. However, she will not cross the line into truly killing them unless pushed to the point where she has no choice. She does, in fact, care deeply for her fellow Alter Egos. Almost to the point where she can cause herself suffering trying to help them. Still, she has a stern resolve and an unwillingness to give up even in the face of hardship. Her favorite food is ice cream.
Weapon(s): Alternate Cannon. The Alternate Cannon is a massive dark gray cannon, longer than Black Storm Barrage is tall. It is nearly impossible to break, and can be used as an effective bludgeon at close range. It can fire bullets, rockets, or lasers, and the barrel can expand to fire a massive beam of energy.
Abilities: Aside from regeneration, agility, and combat skill, Black Storm Barrage has no exceptional powers.
-Kawaguchi Mio
|Black Storm Barrage
-Takanashi Shion
|Riot Lily
-Kawaguchi Reo
|Radiant Blossoming Apparition
-Gregory King
-Migata Kano
|Scarlet Thorn
-Yoshida Kenji
|Fantasy Sky Breaker
-Kiryuu Aiko
|Crisis Sonata
-Tsuta Sabah
|Desert Swift Wind
-Tachibana Hanataro
|Steel Petal Inferno
-Sato Yoshi
|White Gold Lance
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 7 mos ago

I'll try and get my character written once I sort details out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 11 hrs ago

RolePlayerRoxas said
I'll try and get my character written once I sort details out.

Ditto! >.> <.<
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 26 min ago

Okays! Looking forward to them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CaughtInTheRiddle
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CaughtInTheRiddle The Goddess

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So interested :)
I'll make a CS soon
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Taro
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Taro Toxic Root

Member Seen 5 mos ago

2:30 AM........I'll post a CS when I can later today >.<
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 26 min ago

I'm glad to see I have more interest!

I'll probably start organizing a character list when I get signups.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 20 days ago

This is really cool! I'll make a CS :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 26 min ago

Glad to hear it! ^_^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 20 days ago

Human Bio:
Name: Arrayah Kuchikawa
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: (NOT YET DECIDED)
Personality: Though no one really knows why, Arrayah is quiet unless she is defending someone. It doesn't matter if she knows this person or not. Bullies are something she absolutely detests, and she would gladly take a blow meant for someone else. Though those who have spoken to her would say she is articulate and intelligent, her grades are low, and she misses more school than she should.. Often, she finds herself alone even though this is what she hates the most.
Backstory: Arrayah used to be a fun and loud girl, but five years ago she turned into what she is today. No one has asked why, and there is no one that she trusts enough to tell.
Skills: She has been taking self defense classes for the past few years, but otherwise she has no skills.
Alter Ego:

Alter Ego Bio:
Name: Moonlit Aegis
Gender: Female
Appearance: (NOT DECIDED)
Personality: Her main focus is protecting anyone she comes across. Aegis not consider herself close to any alter ego, but she would defend them to her death no matter the circumstance. If she feels like someone is trying to overpower an alter ego or take away what she believes are their rights, Aegis becomes furious. This can lead to her killing the criminal, as she sees them, though she will usually feel bad about this later. She is slightly unstable and can sometimes view friends as enemies. She absolutely will not cave under pressure, and if she feels threatened she will lash out.
Weapon(s): A very large, white shield. It can take a blow from most anything and not even dent. It is a defensive tool only. When fighting, she uses her feet and hands as weapons.
Abilities: (NOT DECIDED)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 26 min ago

I won't be giving judgement until she's finished. ^^;
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Really liking the looks of this. If you can reel in about three other people in addition to yourself, OP, you'll have my undivided support. I know it might seem a little cavalier of me to base my decision on whether or not to participate off of numbers but I want to be sure that this will last before I commit myself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 26 min ago

Hopefully I will have some more people. ^^; Though there has been quite a bit of interest which makes me happy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 26 min ago

Also, I may be editing new information into the first post, so keep an eye out for that.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FaygoLette


Member Offline since relaunch

Human Bio:

Name: Jenny Robberson

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: This

Personality: Jenny is very playful and loves to make her friends laugh, but underneath that is all of the morbid, violent, and feral emotions that are hidden away. She either loves you or hates you, there's no grey area there. To those she cares about she's fun, hyper, hilarious, a prankster, pretty much the type of person to cheer you up within two seconds if needed. Inside she really just wants to rip apart almost everyone that annoys her even the slightest bit, like a feral lion gone on a rampage. Jenny has a fascination with the Grim Reaper, which generally creeps people out when she shows it, but what really freaks people out is her obsession with evil clowns. Not the nice ones. The ones that want to eat you in a blink of an eye with their sharp pointed teeth.

Backstory: Jenny had a normal life really. Making her friends laugh, talking about random things, everything was fine, but recently her darker side has started to grow more and more. As years of highschool have been going by, her outlook on society keeps turning darker and darker. Her conclusion has been that, yes, there are some people who are great to be around, they are relatively good friends, but others that mock her, tease her, make fun of her for her odd obsessions and personality, are nothing but parasites. The only way she keeps herself from flipping out is by reading, but no one ever knows what because the book she reads has no title and is black.

Skills: Parkour, flexibility (has hypermobility), and lockpicking

Alter Ego: Jackie Sawbones
Alter Ego Bio:

Name: Jackie Sawbones

Gender: Female

Appearance: This, but she stands 6' 8" and has sharp teeth and claws

Personality: Jackie is probably gonna be the most manipulative, sly, feral, and twisted ego you're gonna meet. She's not unstable, she's just evil. Of course, there are those few who she doesn't try to trick all the time and are considered friends. What's weird is that when she is chasing you, don't expect to look back and see her running regularly, all you're gonna get is an eyeful of her running on all fours with her sharp teeth bared at you in a twisted sadistic smile. Her teeth is mainly what gives her away at being evil, besides her height and claws... not to mention that laugh she has.

Weapon(s): Her teeth and claws, that's it.

Abilities: Can climb on ceilings and walls, teleportation, flexibility, and she can run/crawl extremely fast when on all fours.
This rp looks awesome, I've been dieing to find one like this lol
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 26 min ago

Okay, um, where to start with this...

I'm sorry, but the Alter Ego really does not fit. While I did say I don't mind villainous ones, because some personalities can be expressed in a negative way from exaggeration, this seems... not quite what I was really expecting for those.

For one thing, the whole clown motif is a little baffling for me. Even though I did say things can be expressed through an Alter Ego, well... for example, Mio and Black Storm Barrage. Mio likes an idol. Black Storm Barrage has no reflection on this trait and is instead based around personality traits rather then things Mio likes. And the one case where Black Storm Barrage is based around one of Mio's preferences, it's that she likes ice cream. Liking clowns wouldn't make your Alter Ego look like a clown, no more then Black Storm Barrage looks like an idol or ice cream.

Also, Alter Egos... aren't animalistic, that's really the best way I can put this. They look and act human. Even unstable, an Alter Ego still uses their weapon. Though their weapon might change form or something. The biggest potential differences an Alter Ego can have is an exaggerated appearance in some way, or maybe, like, um... I could see one having claws or horns or something but they still act like a person. They wouldn't act like some kind of monster. And the vast majority do have some kind of weaponry. Also the naming scheme is off. Alter Ego names are more like... the closest that could even get to what you had would be something like "Saw Bone Blade" or something. Their names are nothing like what you would call a person.

Also, you don't give any idea of limitations for her abilities at all.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Well, this is what I have for now.

  • Human Bio:

  • Name: Shion Takanashi

  • Age: 15

  • Gender: Female

  • Appearance: "A routine? You really want me to waste my time dancing for you?"

  • Personality:
    Rude and short-tempered to most people, but nicer and meek when with those she considers her friends. Shion has difficulty with making new friends, since she resorts to biting remarks and unwelcome observations when nervous. Combined with a stubborn refusal to admit wrongdoings, and it's a miracle if you can even see her smile.
    However, Shion doesn't actively attempt to drive everyone away, and will do whatever she can to make up for her attitude later.

    Shion is also an avid cheerleader and shoujo manga geek, though she is quite embarrassed to admit the latter, believing it to be a childish thing to like. Not that it would stop her from excitedly rambling about her latest manga-binging when given half a chance. As for cheerleading, Shion is quite skilled and energetic, which contrasts quite heavily with the personality others tend to associate with her. The uninitiated have a habit of falling victim to her harsh criticisms when they attempt to make conversation with the bubbly. peppy girl they see performing routines.

  • Backstory:
    Originating from southern Japan, Shion had one friend she was practically inseparable from. Due to her parents' work, however, she had to move roughly three years ago. Having only really been on friendly terms with one person until that point, she had trouble making friends. While that's not as much as an issue as it once was, Shion still has to deal with her unruly reputation. Last year, Shion applied for the Cheerleading squad on a whim, and despite her harsh words, proved to be quite good at the role, and it seems her squadmates have gotten more comfortable around her lately, as well.

  • Skills: Shion is the head of the Cheerleading Squad, and is also skilled at dancing.

  • Alter Ego: Riot Lily

  • Name: Riot Lily

  • Gender: Female

  • Appearance: "It's okay to be inferior, it just means I'll be your shield!"

  • Personality:
    Riot Lily seems to view herself as some sort of protector of the weak, and an admittedly arrogant one at that. Seeing herself as the defender of the weak and innocent, Riot Lily will do whatever she can to protect others... even if she may cheerfully point out just how weak her protectee is.
    Riot Lily's personality seems to flip when excited, however, instead becoming more cold and ruthless. While not downright malicious, Riot Lily is most definitely not fun to be around in this state, with the only constant between the two states being the desire to protect... something. Anything.

  • Weapon(s): Two thorned staffs resembling the stem of a flower, topped by a head resembling a cheerleader's pom-pom.

  • Abilities:
    Exceptional Agility.
    She can make the 'pom-pom' on her staffs explode in a flurry of spikes. These take a few minutes to regrow.
    Additionally, she can enlarge the staffs themselves to ridiculous lengths, as well as the thorns. Funnily enough, the pom-pom's do not change size.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 26 min ago

While I won't give final judgement given that she's not complete, she looks great so far and her Alter Ego is accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by tatszico
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tatszico The Unseen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Interested, though I do want to know if there's a specific plot besides having out A.E. fight as our human characters mingle in everyday life? :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 26 min ago

Well, the initial plot hook is solving what happened to Kazuko, though there will be some delay before a solution is reached.

Then there will be other incidents, and after that, well... the Violent Colors will reveal themselves.

Though there will be some human character-mingling and Alter Ego fighting stuff.
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