Nation Name: The Uzg Fauthûrz Dominion

Races of the Nation: (14/18)
Golug Bûrzu [Dark Elves] (3)
-Raptoria (3)
-Centaurs (4)
-Olog Malûrzu [Mountain Trolls] (4)
Nation History: Uzg Fauthûrz, or "Hidden Land," is the name attributed to the location where Dark Elf refugees settled after facing persecution by encroaching High Elf lords. United by their arrogant pride, an alliance of nobles from neighboring kingdoms mustered to eradicate the Dark Elves from their doorstep. Outnumbered, the Golug Bûrzu, as they call themselves, abandoned their traditional forest homelands and relocated to what is now called Uzg Fauthûrz. Over the course of the migration, the Dark Elves skirmished with High Elf warriors on several occasions, fighting bitterly to protect the civilian caravans. They were hounded until they reached the mountainous geography, which made it difficult for their adversaries to pursue. Fleeing into the mountains, the Dark Elves attempted to rebuild anew from what was lost.
Although their kin has eluded their grasp, the High Elves would not forget their original intent, and marched into the Hidden Lands just some years afterwards. By this time, the Golug Bûrzu had repaired most of their infrastructure, doubled their fighting force, and made alliances with neighboring races, should the High Elves attack again. These included the birdlike Raptoria, who dwelled high in the mountain peaks, Centaurs from the lower steppes, and Mountain Trolls, called Olog Malûrzu by the Dark Elves. Greater still are the fearsome beasts of the Hidden Land that the elves managed to tame - hydras, manticores, wyverns and other manners of monsters. When news of another High Elf incursion reached the ears of the newly-created Uzg Fauthûrz Dominion, it rose its army in defense.
This time, the High Elves were stopped at the mighty walls that stretched throughout Uzg Fauthûrz. In their haste to finish off their kin, they were not prepared to lay siege to their fortresses, and when the Dominion retaliated, they were pinned against its black towers. The Golug Bûrzu, all-too eager to avenge the lives lost to the first High Elf offensives, slaughtered all arrayed against them, drinking deep of hatred for their kin.
Many years have passed since the
Agon Mokûrz, or
Dusk of Hatred, as the Dark Elves refer to their victory against their invaders. The Dominion is not at the forefront of the world's military or economic powers, however its presence can be felt wide as it churns out goods and arms from the furnaces in the mountains. Its territories are protected by some of the strongest fortifications across the globe, and to attempt to penetrate it would require either tremendous effort, or tremendous insanity. The Dominion is content to sit within its walls and bide its time, so long as the Golug Bûrzu have a proper place to call home.
The Agon Mokûrz; The Golug Bûrzu clash with their High Elf kin on the plains of Uzg Fauthûrz, securing vengeance for their earlier transgressions.
Important Characters:
-Size Matters
-Bread & Games
-Watch Towers
-Unquestionable Violence
-Academy of War
-Tradesmen Academy
-Hunger for Knowledge
-Tome of Monsters
-Heavy Armour
-Superior Training
-Nightmares in the Trees
-Live off the Lands
-Buckets of Heads
-Block out the Sun
-Bushes Are Your Friend
-Hold The Line
-Swordsman's School
-Weapon Academy
-Thunder of Hooves
-Masterful Cavalry
-Monster Cavalry
-Beast Cavalry
-Cavalry Concourse
Navy Traits: 0
-Control the Skies
-Smiths Beyond Equal
-Horriifying Edifice
-Strong Stone Foundations
-Exotic Trade Goods
-Underground Markets
-Elemental Fires
-Element of Shadow
-Rune Magic
-Blood magic
-Death Magic
-Beast Armour
-Chariots & Saddles
-Great Wyrm
-Siege Beasts
Mechanist Traits: (0)
-Bound By Tradition
Capital City (Mountain) (5; 30 RP)
1 Citadel (Mountain) (15; 40 RP)
1 Fortress (6; 30 RP)
2 Medium Cities (1 River) (14; 40 RP)
3 Mountain (15; 15 RP)
9 River (18; 54 RP)
3 Forest (6; 12 RP)
9 Plains (18; 54 RP)
3 Tundra (3; 6 RP)
A typical gatepath to a Dominion citadel.
To an outsider, Uzg Fauthûrz is a bleak landscape of chill and stone, yet to the Dark Elves, it is a perfect abode to lay safely and ponder their next move.
Army: (7,000 Personnel; 281 RP)
Regiments of Sisters of Slaughter [Elite Dark Elves, Legionnaires]; (18 RP)
-The Sisters of Slaughter are a cult of fierce gladiator fighters, who make names for themselves in the coliseums of the Dominion. These venues provide the populace with bloody entertainment, but for these women, the arena is a way of life. Many choose to take a leave from the gaudy spectacles and enter real war under a lord's banner, seeking worthy foes on an actual battlefield. They seldom wear armor, rather dancing into battle flaunting their ivory skin and masks, emblazoned with sneering faces.
Regiments of Executioners [Elite Dark Elves, Legionnaires]; (18 RP)
-Executioners are an elite corps of soldiers, wielding long blades called 'draichs'. No longer do these men fight in the rank-and-file; they dedicate their lives to perfecting the art of death. Executioners can kill with but a single stroke of their blades, and spend hours at a time meticulously practicing their craft. As such, they also deliver punishment in the form of public beheadings of criminals and prisoners, for entertainment of the crowd.
20 Regiments of
Experienced Dark Elves; (60 RP)
27 Regiments of Experienced Dark Elf Bowmen; (81 RP)
5 Regiments of
Raptoria Monster Ranger Archers; (20 RP)
-Raptoria are fierce hunters, and adept with the bow. Those that choose to fight are grouped into archer regiments, suited especially with bringing down enemy monsters, flying or otherwise. Agile and swift, Raptoria make effective harassers, while staying out of reach from the foe.
5 Regiments of
Experienced Mountain Trolls (20 RP)
-Olog Malûrzu, Dark Elf for Mountain Trolls, are native creatures to the Hidden Land, and can be found dwelling in many crags across the peaks. The Dark Elves recruit them as shock troops; hulking brutes clad in plate make effective linebreakers.
4 Regiments of
Royal Guard Cold One Knights [Dark Elves, RG, Heavy Beast Cavalry]; (52 RP)
-Golug Bûrzu Royal Guards are the elite of the elite, lauded knights of the Dominion and defenders of the throne. When performing their day-to-day duties guarding royal and state grounds, they most often are dismounted, but when called to battle, they ride upon vicious lizards, as no noble would take to the field on foot. They are without equal, steering their
Cold Ones where the fighting is thickest so the beasts can claw and snap foes in two. Royal Guards are armed with special halberds, which are as practical as they are ceremonial. Many were once Executioners or hand-picked from esteemed regiments.
3 Regiments of
Experienced Centaurs; (12 RP)
-Centaurs are the least numerous race among the Dominion's military, due to an innate pride and nomadic lifestyle. However, those that do enlist put their natural forms to use as heavy cavalry, charging into the sides of enemy formations to break them up. A well-timed charge can trample half an army in minutes, as once the momentum builds, they are difficult to stop. Some centaurs become so enthralled in the fighting that they fall into a rage, chasing down and stomping down any fleeing enemy they find. Woe to those who find themselves under the hooves of these soldiers.
Command: (70 RP)
Dark Elf Hero of the Realm: (6 RP)
Dark Elf General (4 RP)
5 Commanders; (15 RP)
Dark Elf Sorceresses (Arch-Mages); (45 RP)
Monsters: (70 RP)
Great Wyrms (30 RP)
Hydras (40 RP)
(12 Monsters)
Air Force: (70 RP)
80 Wyverns (40 RP)
20 Manticores (30 RP)
(100 Monsters)
Navy: N/A