Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

Makatsume Haru

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Think I fixed it, you meant that they are two different entities, right? At least until fusion.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 20 min ago

They are, yes. Also in different worlds. ^^;

... Again, trying to make sure, I'm sorry if it seems a bit weird.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

Makatsume Haru

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Not at all, I was also at fault, for reading things half-asleep after doing my homework. :P

So, need to change anything else?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 20 min ago

Well, the Alter-Egos live in the Dreamtime, which is a surreal and bizarre world where only the Alter Egos of those who know each other closely enough are located near one another. So, um, basically, there would probably be less social opportunities. Not to say he still can't tease and stuff, but yeah.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

Makatsume Haru

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

So, I should make him more sociable and less of an asshole, pervert?

On the works! ^.^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 20 min ago

Oh, no, no, I just mean the references to him having large social groups seem a bit out of place. ^^;
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

Makatsume Haru

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh noes, now I get ya. :P Edited it!

If there's need to change anything else, just say the word.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 20 min ago

I think he's okay now, accepted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Arrayah
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Arrayah The Awesome

Member Seen 26 days ago

ALRIGHT! Instead of editing my first post I'm just gonna go ahead and post my finished CS here.

Human Bio:
Name: Arrayah Kuchikawa
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: Though no one really knows why, Arrayah is quiet unless she is defending someone. It doesn't matter if she knows this person or not. Bullies are something she absolutely detests, and she would gladly take a blow meant for someone else. Though those who have spoken to her would say she is articulate and intelligent, her grades are low, and she misses more school than she should.. Often, she finds herself alone even though this is what she hates the most.
Backstory: Arrayah used to be a fun and loud girl, but five years ago she turned into what she is today. No one has asked why, and there is no one that she trusts enough to tell. All that people do know is that her strange looks come from an American mother. Despite this, she does not know any customs of the United States and gets rather annoyed when anyone asks her about it.
Skills: She has been taking self defense classes for the past few years, but otherwise she has no skills.
Alter Ego: Moonlit Aegis

Alter Ego Bio:
Name: Moonlit Aegis
Gender: Female
Personality: Her main focus is protecting anyone she comes across. Aegis does not consider herself close to any alter ego, but she would defend them to her death no matter the circumstance. If she feels like someone is trying to overpower an alter ego or take away what she believes are their rights, Aegis becomes furious. This can lead to her killing the criminal, as she sees them, though she will usually feel bad about this later. She is slightly unstable and can sometimes view friends as enemies. She absolutely will not cave under pressure, and if she feels threatened she will lash out.
Weapon(s): A very large, white shield. It can take a blow from most anything and not even dent. It is a defensive tool only. When fighting, she uses her feet and hands as weapons.
Abilities: Self defense and Martial Arts

If there is anything that doesn't fit, please tell me :)

Edit: Added her nationality.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nuttyjigs


Member Offline since relaunch

Looks like a whole lot of shiitake took place back there. >_> Meh, whatever. XD Doesn't really matter, as I literally have a single Japanese character reserved for Japan-based RPs.


Human Bio:
Name: Aiko Kiryuu
Age: 17
Gender: Female

(If you're all picture people, I might have a sketch up later on. ^ ^;)
Aiko is a slender girl of average height. Her thin lips are set in a perpetual grin, and her dark eyes are known to be rather piercing. Her shoulder-length hair is black, curly, and has never been dyed. Other notable features include long, thin pianist fingers and the rather small features of her face, apart from the glare of her eyes.

Aiko is sweet with her words and is fond of teasing others and creating pet names with or without the consent of the other party. Critics put her off as annoying, rude and bothersome, an attention-seeker. Others may consider her as charismatic and attractive, maybe a bit flirty. All will agree that she is either proud or arrogant, whichever synonym you happen to prefer. Whatever people think of her, she doesn't seem to mind, and it doesn't seem to deter her antics. She will treat most everyone in the same condescending, honeyed manner.

When the situation calls for it, she can lapse into seriousness and can, in fact, be useful in certain situations. Contrary to popular belief, Aiko does not tolerate slacking off or dilly-dallying, and will get the job done, whatever it is. She simply believes that goals can be reached while having a little...fun on the way, even if that means ticking people off or embarrassing them. In this aspect, she can be described as apathetic and self-serving, though it isn't unknown for her to help others if she happens to be bored.

Although the growth of her ego and her craving for attention can be attributed to it, Aiko rarely speaks about her personal life, perhaps preferring to come off as "mysterious" and not wanting to be associated with the rich kid stereotype. She is an only child with wealthy parents engaged in multinational businesses, though their positions are not particularly high enough to gain too much unwanted attention. Her father enrolled her in a public school, not wanting her to become spoiled, but it can be said that her mother is the opposite, doting too much on her. In any case, the latter's efforts rubbed off most on Aiko, and is mostly responsible for her constant want for others to pay attention to her and her alone. Still, her competence in serious circumstances, at least, comes from her father.

Aiko is a skilled pianist, as well as a singer. Her grades are above average, though not exceptional. It can also be said that she is an expert at getting attention.

Alter Ego: Crisis Sonata

Alter Ego Bio:
Name: Crisis Sonata
Gender: Female

(Again, may put up picture later)
Crisis Sonata's appearance is identifiable from several miles away. Her ash blond curls seem to glow in light, forming a halo around her head, and her eyes are a neon shade of purple. She is always in elaborate costume, usually in brightly-colored revealing dresses with skirts that flow in impossible shapes and heels that seem dangerously high.

Crisis Sonata is the diva to end all divas. She is vain, arrogant, apathetic, and narcissistic, and believes in her talent over everyone else's--though her talent is quite something. She will approach any stranger in sight, mostly to bother them, nag them, ask them personal questions...The possibilities are endless, and she has been known to stalk people she considers "interesting" or "amusing" for days on end, without actually caring for what happens to them in the end. Other people are items to her, objects that are only useful when their eyes are trained on her and her alone. In whatever job she happens to have to do, she takes on alone, but often brings companions along simply to "entertain" her. Either way, she always finishes what she started...So most will do good to stay out of her way in case what she started happens to be something they don't want ended.

Called the "Staccato Blades," a row of sharp lances follow Crisis Sonata wherever she goes, hovering in mid-air, floating single-file behind her when she's moving and surrounding her in a circle when she's not. They are graceful valkyrie-like weapons with elaborate designs and silver blades that seem to glow in the dark. Crisis Sonata rarely has to move to use them, as a flick of the finger or a single uttered word will send them off to do her bidding.

As stated above, Crisis Sonata has almost effortless control of her blades, and they move with surprising unmanned speed and accuracy. However, get past them and Crisis herself is quite fragile, as she knows just about nothing when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, and is always wearing unnecessarily unprotective clothing. Like Aiko, Crisis is proficient in piano and in singing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 20 min ago

@Arrayah: Accepted.

@nuttyjigs: Alright, um, she mostly checks out, but there's one thing I don't quite like. At the end of Crisis Sonata's bio, you mention that her voice can have a siren-like effect on people. I'd like to avoid that sort of power in RP's.

Otherwise, I don't see any problems.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

Makatsume Haru

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hey, hey nuttyjigs, wanna become teasing partners? We'd troll everyone else. :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 20 min ago

Also, here's the OOC!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

If you're still accepting I'll throw my hat in the ring, let me know if it anything needs to changed.
Human Bio:
Name: Yoshida Kenji
Gender: Male
Personality: Kenji is considered a lazy good for nothing which isn’t entirely inaccurate. He sleeps more often then he should and it’s not surprising to find him asleep somewhere when a class is active. Kenji always seems to be in a good mood and is friendly to most people he encounters. His sense of responsibility is lacking to say the least and he tends to forget his promises often. He’s a patient man who takes the time to listen when he encounters others and it’s not surprising for him to act a bit too familiar, he’s invaded enough personal space to ruin most first impressions. Contrary to his positive attitude he doesn’t have any friends, mostly because internally he has a hard time trusting others and always seems to put an invisible wall up. In extreme situations Kenji shows what little maturity he has in him and thus some who have seen this side believes he’s dependable….most of the time. He’s irritable when he’s tired.

Backstory: Until he reached high school Kenji was a bit of a loner avoiding most people due to trust issues he gained from relationships with his family. Kenji dyed his hair blonde and practiced a glare to keep others away deciding to act like a yankee. His actions accomplished his objective and he found himself pleased with the solitude he acquired, however his appearance and behavior upset the wrong people which were the very ones he imitated. After getting the daylights beaten out of him multiple times he found out a very inconvenient truth, being alone meant he didn’t have anyone to depend on, he realized then just how alone he was.
He changed himself as he entered high school and became the friendly person he is today, however his old habits haven’t fully gone away, and some of his behavior could be considered truant, he’s even tried to copy others notes before and thus has made a mental note of people who normally say yes and others who say no, and the few that ignore him.
Skills: He’s surprisingly very adept with his hands, he can sew, repair and build with an unnatural ease, aside from that his only redeeming quality is he can take a punch.
Alter Ego: Fantasy Sky Breaker

Alter Ego Bio
Name: Fantasy Sky Breaker
Personality: Fantasy Sky Breaker is normally a stoic individual who speaks very plainly and rarely smiles. Though his face hides it he’s a surprisingly friendly individual but due to his expressionless face and any lack of emotion in his voice it’s hard to tell. He’s openly distrustful of others but since he tries to be friendly his actions tend not to match his words. Though he desires to keep a distant from others he’s torn at the idea of being utterly alone, thus his lack of expression as he’s constantly torn between close and far away and the few times emotions shows on his face is when he realizes he can’t do both.
He sees anyone as a means to an end and isn't ashamed to express it.
Weapons: Breakers carries two guns on his person one a pistol the other a revolver that he uses to attack his opponents from a distance. The guns are actually similar to magical wands as he channels his magic through them, he uses them as he finds it tiresome to summon magic, manifest then shoot it out when the steps can just be skipped. The guns are still guns however and he has to manifest clips when he runs out of ‘ammo’
He uses his pistols for small spells and his revolvers for medium sized spells. He tends to dual wield one or another, on occasion he wields one in each hand.
He’s able to fuse the two guns together into a Winchester rifle that he uses to fire his extremely advanced spells, which are normally explosive.
Abilities: Inhuman strength, agility and physical resilience.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 20 min ago

Hmm, how does his magic work?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

He manifests it through his body using it as at catalyst and the guns are is how he casts.
Pistols for small spells without any element (Weak attack)
Revolvers for medium elemental spells like casting fireball(Medium attack)
Rifle for heavy spells, in reference to anime any spell that requires a pentagram basically (Heavy attack)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 20 min ago

Hmm, and what are they based around? As in, like, um, elementally.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ah well his pistols don't have any element they just cast simple spells so they can't cast any elemental spells.
The bullets are where the element lies in the revolver though it's main element is fire, he can only load one element worth of bullets, so basically, six wind, six water, six thunder, six fire, etc. He has to empty it completely to change the element.
The rifle is a mixture of all but he can't fire normal spells out of them only large ones.
Did I answer that one correctly?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 20 min ago

Hmm, okay.

Finally, exactly how powerful do his spells get in a bit more detail.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mizos
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Of course he relies on the elements of fire,water,thunder,earth,wind,light and dark so his spells use those elements. He only get's two shots before it changes back however.

Fire for instance he'd shoot at the sky and a meteor would fall from it. Not an extremely large one about the size of two hummers basically.
Wind would be a small tornado or a torrent of slices with the wind itself.
Thunder would be a lighting storm that would strike three places.
Earth would be multiple pieces or a change in land, instead of one boulder three to four, a small chasm opening something along those lines.
Enough to try and gain an advantage but nothing that could cover an entire battlefield basically, it would either be one large attack or multiple smaller ones since he can only fire six elemental shots. If it's netural it just fires a large focused beam of cylinder energy but he uses both bullets for an attack like that.
I'd say the strongest use would be if he mix two elements together but it would get rid of his rifle in the process and he can't summon it back for a bit. (A few post, three minimum)
Does that help?
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