Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Leyya said, as quickly as possible while staying clear: "I doubt that my wind will be able to quell such strong flames, but I am experienced with wounds from combating humans and monsters alike so let me handle that. Check yourself in this order: serious injuries, burns, smaller injuries. If you have only small injuries then I will tell you what to do while for others I must see for myself. I think Isaiah took a nasty one from Zagan just before we slain the beast so I will go to him first and then see the rest of you."
She run to where the young Isaiah stood and as soon as seeing him lean on his broadsword issued something that was next to an order: "Lay on the ground using your unwounded leg as much as possible! If you have broken your leg I have to immobilize it or you risk limping the rest of your life! Cale I need an extra pair of hands!"
She tossed her bag and pouches to the ground near Isaiah while stooping on the same side on which he injured his leg. She grabbed his shoulder to support him and readied herself to follow his every movement when he begins to lay down on the ground ...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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"Well considering i broke both of my legs, i should just drop to the ground." Deciding to not be completely rude, seeing as she was helping him, he contiued " but thanks for the help. Really i appreciate it. Also i might need some help with my ribs. Feels like 2 or 3 are broken from being a stress test for that demon." He laid down on the ground yelping from the pain in his legs. "Well lets get started shall we?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Everything was over, the string of constant attack were effective and finally the beast was felled, and so like the sparks of water droplets among the grass show after a tempest the jupiter adept showed timidly from her cover to approach the group. Unlike Leyya, Marta didn't have any way of treating wounds, yet, but she had a way to end the flames.

"Don't worry, I think I might have a way to cease the fire."

Easier said than done, Marta had never tried to use psynergy by infused items, and apparently those things were gems that weren't supposed to be given to anyone, and so she knew that taking the douse drop from the temple at lemuria would have been useful.

But she didn't take it! And now she would have to improvise with what she knew. If douse made water fall from the sky, she supposed prism making ice fall wouldn't be much different, right?


A giant ball of ice appeared on the air and crashed violently on some nearby trees, exhinguising the flames yes, but also breaking the trunks in two and making a strendous noise. Marta turned and with a stupid grim on her face, product of her surprise, she said

"He heeeeeeee... This miiiight take a while."

She then started to crash ice into tress to cease the fire
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grayscythe
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Cale moved to where Isaiah at the request of Leyya in order to help her treat Isaiah. This would be a lot easier with a healer. Sure people should know basic first aid, but living in Prox he had gotten a bit used to having the village healer around where people could get care really easily. Out in the field though, it just wasn't that simple. You had to take care of yourself, or in this case have someone else to take care of you.

Cale helped Isaiah sit lay down as he waited for Leyya to do her thing. In the meantime he looked up to see Marta dropping icebergs on trees.
"Hey! Stop that! We're not trying to destroy the forest! Don't you have any other psynergy?" He shouted.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demous
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Sayuri sighs as the fight ends. Turning to look at the destruction she sighs, "Well at least we know whats causing it, but, how would we stop it?" that was a problem that summon was hard enough.

Watching Marta using prism gave her an idea, "This'll be a much better idea!" watching the sphere of ice fall she times the position before casting Fume on it not only causing it to break into hundreds of pieces it also caused them to melt spraying water all over the fires. She then looks at Cale, "That work for you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Leyya begun to check Isaiah legs and to see in which state were they, if they had a serious break she would rather just immobilize them and take him to Suhalla where hopefully someone would do a much better job.
Checking revealed that the left leg was broken ten or so centimeters bellow the knee in multiple shards, what meant it would need someone with powerful healing abilities or a military surgeon to take care of it otherwise it would heal up wrongly, the right leg was in a similar situation but she cloud feel that unlike the left it was a single clean break just above the feet and it cloud be set back right now.
The ribs were broken and she cloud do nothing about this, thankfully they didn't breach into any of the important organs they protected so as long as Isaiah stays calm they can be left like they are now.
She spoke up, addressing the laying Isaiah: "Isaiah you have something that a medical expert would call a "complex break" in your left leg. I will not try to fix that, it is above my expertise. Your ribs will heal themselves if you don't try to play stronger then you are, tell me if they hurt so I can give you something to ease the pain. As for your right leg right I can fix it right here if you wish, but be warned it is going to hurt and I only have herbs for half the strength of the usual pain-killing solution. Want me to fix it here or would you rather leave it for whoever will be able to help you in Suhalla?"
She was genuinely worried when she said this, one thing gone wrong cloud cost Isaiah his legs and any hope of traveling without a group and horse.
She readied the things that she needed for the treatment - straps of clothing for bandages, alcohol to treat wounds, a solution for treating burns, a medicine for killing pain, two long wooden sticks, while saying to Cale: "Cale I need two more wooden sticks, as even as possible, for the other leg. I will also need you to hold Isaiah down if I am going to fix his right leg."
She then turned back to Isaiah and did the best to look reassuring despite the seriousness of the situation, especially for Isaiah's left leg ...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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"No. No pain killers. Save it for someone else. I'll be good. Besides, I was just kicked by the king of hell, I think I can handle it." Isaiah said, knowing full and well how painful it would be. He would have to put a facade on, not letting anyone know it was painful. "Besides, I have my sword as a crutch if the procedure does go wrong." He said jokingly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grayscythe
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Cale nodded at Sayuri's solution. They didn't need to start a wildfire, they were out here specifically to stop that. Crushing the trees instead of putting them out wouldn't have helped either.
"Yes, that works thank you." Cale said in response. He had questions about what had just happened too, but for now he needed to put it out of his mind. He handed Leyya his own herbs and got up to find the sticks she had requested.
"Use these. He needs them the most regardless of what he says." Cale said as he moved to some of the downed trees. The branches on the ground were too charred. He could use them but they might be prone to crumbling. He wasn't going to find a much better solution, so instead he hacked off some tree limbs from one of the downed trees. They were a bit sturdier and would hold up better.

Once he was done, Cale returned to Leyya with the sticks for the splint in hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Leyya sent a quick "Good, this herbs will help" to Cale before proceeding to mix up the herbs that Cale passed to her with her own pain-killing solution and then, not taking a no or chances, forced the liquid into Isaiah's mouth. "Cale hold down his torso just in case but be careful about his broken ribs. Since my solution never take away all the sense of pain, he will still feel quite an amount of pain from what I am about to do," she said to Cale as Leyya's solution begun to dull Isaiah's pain.
Leyya positioned herself and her arms so she cloud move the broken bone in his right leg back into it's place while waiting for Cale to get ready. She then cleared her mind from all except the leg and the break in front of her, optimizing her concentration on the procedure that she was getting ready to do. This killed the nervousness that she felt, after all this was the first time she tried this on a human, trough she did this on her own to a farmer's dog whose leg was broken from a nasty fall, now all that was left, was to fix Isaiah's right leg. ..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grayscythe
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Cale nodded and did as he was told, being mindful to not bear down on any of Isaiah's ribs. He took a look around and noticed that most of fires had been put out thanks to Marta and Leyya's efforts. As soon as they took care of Isaiah they would be able to move, or at the very least they needed to get out of here soon. Isaiah needed proper medical attention.

"How much longer you think? Will we be able to move him after this?" Cale asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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Isaiah was upset at them for looking at him like a injured dog. "I can walk myself thank you very much. I never needed much help before, and I don't need help walking now. I'll use my sword as a crutch and walk myself." he said, waiting for leyya to fix his leg. In honesty, he probably couldn't walk on his own, but he didn't want them to think he was weak. So he decided he would walk on his own when the time came to get up. However the pain was still horrible, and he was wincing from his ribs. "Also I have a rule until I heal," he said, making sure they were listening, "If we run into trouble, leave me behind. I'll be able to handle myself well enough. I won't need your help because i'll slow you guys down significantly. I don't want anyone else hurt because of my idiocy and being nothing more than a practice dummy for Zagan. Understood?" he said, hoping they would follow the rule.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Marta continued doing the combination of ice with fire alongside Sayuri until they were finally done. Well, at a first moment it seemed like a good idea to break some trees to save the rest, but well, what did she knew about good ideas? When they were finally done, Marta silently walked in the direction of the rest of the group, not sure why she didn't want them to be aware of her approaching, but she was quite surprised of what she heard from Isaiah when she arrived, something about leaving him behind if they ran in trouble? She put one hand on her hips and the back of her hand on her chin before bursting


She kept laughing in this awkward manner for quite some second before finally calming down, she sit on her knees next to the jupiter adept and she started to talk with a monotonous tone

"Okay, why not? If we run into trouble, you stay behind while we take care of it, no big deal, you are a fine man afraid of quarrels, I can understand that."

She then raised her hand and slapped the face of Isaiah with the strength of the mighty thunder, leaving a bruise on his cheek, she then turned to Leyya and still with monotonous tone she talked with increasing speed and pointed to the same bruise she had caused."

"Oh Leyya, I think you have forgotten to heal a part over heeeere and we need this guy to be healthybecauseotherwisehewon'tbeabletofightinproperconditioooons..."

She then jumped back and standing up she recovered her smile and putting a hand on her hip she retrieved her witch wand and pointed it at the laying kid with a defiant look

"OOOOOR where you implying that at the sight of trouble we should run away? No way! A real hero never runs from trouble, neither she lets trouble ran rampant. If needed I'll go look myself for trouble to get into and you know why? Because I never had so much fun in all my life and definitely you are not going to be the one taking all the fun away from me."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Leyya looked at Marta with a singe icy cold look and said: "Silence! I don't have time or concentration needed to deal with your childish behavior. Be quiet or I will give you a nice drink which will make your mouth go numb and thous make you shut up alright?!"
Then without waiting for a reply she returned her full focus to Isaiah and then with a single precise and careful movement she returned the broken bone in Isaiah's right leg back into its place. Then she proceed to immobilize both of Isaiah's legs while at the same time cleaning any scratches or wounds that she found on them with some wine that she always carried for such needs. With no other thing to do she checked the rest of his body, not giving Isaiah an opportunity to fight back, and cleaned all scratches or wounds and applied a burn-healing solution on any burn.
Whit this done she left Isaiah to rest while turning to Cale: "Cale, how about I check you next for scratches, wounds and burns?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grayscythe
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Cale blinked in surprise with Marta's tactics, even wincing a bit when she slapped him across the face. Here he was, a mighty warrior of Prox, wincing at a small girl slapping another man. The concept upset him, but he did understand Marta's intent even if it was...odd in its execution. He looked to Isaiah after Marta had spoken to him.

"Seriously, don't insult us by suggesting that we're just going to leave you at the first sign of trouble. We started this together, we'll finish it the same way." Cale said. It was kind of odd to say that. He hadn't known these people very long but they had fought together. Also there was the fact that he wasn't sure how much longer they were going to be together anyway. Technically their mission ended once they reached Suhalla. He snapped back to it when Leyya yelled at Marta and then started asking if he needed any medical attention.

Cale felt himself up a bit, he was bruised pretty well but no broken bones. He also didn't seem to have any severe bleeding, just minor cuts from being thrown through the brush. As for burns, the idea was kind of laughable to him.

"Uh, nope I'm fine. Nothing serious here. Anyone else need serious attention or should we be on our way?" Cale asked, looking to Marta and Sayuri specifically.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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Isaiah sat up after leyya fixed his right leg. "Hey leyya you're all worried about us but what about you? I hit you pretty hard back in the fight when i got tossed. Why not make sure you're alright before checking the rest of us? We don't need two people down while we are traveling. Besides, you seem to be the only one that actually has medicine experience here. That's pretty important." Isaiah was genuinely worried. If she went down they had no way of having medicine.

Isaiah tried getting up, but realizing leyya had immobilized him, he asked "who's gonna carry me?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Demous
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"We should be on our way. Though if you want to stay and rest that would be fine with me as well," Sayuri answered sheathing her sword. She raised an eyebrow at Marta's hitting. Then looks at Isaiah, "There is no way I am carrying you. Not that I have anything against Beastmen, but I don't like working harder for others then I have to..." she turns and looks of into the distance.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"It was quite I hit but I landed pretty soundly considering the circumstances so I am alright" she said while turning to Cale with a flask in her hand. She spoke up to the Mars Adept: "Here, use this to clean out all the cuts. I have seen people lose their life for not cleaning small cuts properly so take good care not to miss any. Careful it stings." Then she turned to the rest of the group: "Anyone has burns, cuts or injuries? For the cuts I have two more flask of the thing I gave Cale. Burns I will have to treat with a solution to fasten their retreat, while any injury I must have a look at so I can see if there is anything I have to and can do. Don't play brave since it cloud read to your death." She glared across them waiting for a response.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Amalvi


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Isaiah said who's gonna carry me?

"Oh! Let me help you."

Marta put the arm of hr boy over her shoulders and tried to lift him, tried because he was definitely heavier than a pipsqueak such as her could carry. It wasn't that Isaiah himsepf was very bulky, but the armor and weapon he was carrying added to the weight and it was definitely too much

"Feeew! That armor is too heavy, let me..."

Take it off? Bad idea, Marta, just don't.

"He he, nevermind. I'm sorry, I can't help you. If we had a mercury or a venud adepth we would be able to use healing psynergy, but for now we'll have rely on Leyya treatment."

Speaking of which, didn't she say something about burns getting infected and being a serious issue? Marta planned just to use some ice from a prism and rub it on her wounds to ease the pain from her legs and arms, she wasn't the kind of girl to take too much care, but considering the ominous tone of big sis, eh, Leyya, she better ask her if she had something for her burned skin, which was taking a nasty red and black color in some places.

"Oh big sssss arg!."

Her habit from her home place was hard to cease, she hoped she hadn't been heard and quickly tried again.

"Oh Leyya, I could use some help and some of your medicine for these burns."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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"Well cale," isaiah said, "Looks like you're the only one who is left. Sayuri seems to be keeping to herself, Marta can't even lift me, and Leyya has already helped me out. You're the only candidate. If you want to help you can. If not I'll walk on my own. Whatever you want to decide. But we better get moving soon. We need to finish this job quick."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Grayscythe
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Cale went ahead and applied Leyya's ointment, wincing a bit again when it stung just as Leyya warned. Afterwards he moved over to Isaiah and helped him up with one arm as they moved out.

"Come on, let's go." Cale said. Their destination was Suhalla which, if he wasn't mistaken, wasn't too far to the east. The group would move on away from the small crater of chaos they had been fighting in and would journey to the city at a steady, yet unimpeded pace. By the time they arrived at the town it was twilight. It had been a long day.

"I'm going to take him to the healer and get him patched up. I'm not sure where this scholar that Iodem mentioned is, but we should probably all go see him together so we can all get confirmation for the reward. Why don't you guys go get some rooms at the inn? See what the word on the street is?" Cale suggested to Marta, Leyya and Sayuri.
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