Little_ninja said
You are very much welcome to join us!Please post your CS and one of us will look over it.
Reposted from the recruitment thread
here and already approved by Garrison.
Name: Gerald H. Williamson
Alias: Blue One/Blue Actual
Age: 25

Behind that mask is a face of alabaster complexion, thin lips, and eyes of blue. His blond hair, naturally wavy, is short and trimmed at the extremities so as not to interfere with the fit of his helmet, but he has allowed his forward locks to grow a bit, peering slightly over his forehead. Underneath that suit is a lean, strictly-maintained, hairless musculature, with a trio of jagged scars running down diagonally from over his heart to his navel.
Position: Sergeant, Evol Incarceration Facility "Purgatory" Prison Guard
Personality:Gerald, like many other members of the militarized police, is cold, almost unfeeling. As he rests his elbows on the catwalk rails, he looks down with a piercing blue stare at the Evols who scurry around in the mess, holding their food-filled trays. He examines each and every one, judging, analyzing, contemplating -- for that was what he was trained to do, and what his job requires of him. As a leader of men, he must remain alert, ever watching, taking note of every radio report he receives, with his hand ready to swipe the Staken from his holster should the need arise.
Indoctrinated into unquestioning servitude, he believes that the Government is ever right and that all should bend to its whims, for only through cooperation can prosperity follow.
History: Gerald’s story is not an unusual one: born to two middle-class office workers, he had lived a relatively normal childhood until the Government draft took him away at age 11, the authorities having decided that his parents did not need to take care of a third child. Although heartbroken at first, the subtle cues and suggestions of the militarized police’s education program slowly but surely indoctrinated him to serve and protect the State, and made him feel next to nothing for his parents. Fiery nationalism and a deeply servile attitude were, just according to plan, sewn into his very character, and by age 17, after doing exceptionally at basic training, he was given the rank of Corporal, his own rifle, and a fireteam which he could lead when his squad leader deemed it appropriate to split the task force.
His life continued to not be at all extraordinary as he was assigned to a platoon running routine patrols on the streets and in the underground of the capital city. So far having fired his weapon only once, in an incident involving a drunken homeless man and a stinking sewage pipe, there wasn’t much to distinguish him from his peers. Until, of course, the Evols showed up.
Berzerkers gouged out craters from the asphalt roads, witches sent out flaying lightning bolts from their very eyes, wizards took to the air and flew effortlessly without any aid from technology. The whole world seemed to be turning into a fantasy hellhole and the Government, in its infinite wisdom, rightly mobilized the militarized police and sent people after them, to take them away and lock them up to prevent anything overly sour from happening.
Gerald’s platoon made sweeps all around the capital city, and for many weeks, the sight of armored men peering down rifle sights as they walked briskly down nighttime, lamp-lit sidewalks was not uncommon. Radios crackled and the booms and thuds of breaching charges could be heard several times in one night, followed by screams, gunfire, and then silence. At age 24, Gerald took part in many such operations whose intensities ranged from a simple arrest to property damage to a whole city block. Managing not to die, unlike the unfortunate 6 of his 10-man squad, his commanding officer saw it reasonable to promote him to Sergeant as a birthday gift.
Now 25 years old, the Government has seen Gerald, along with many other Evol Outbreak veterans, fit and experienced enough to be assigned to one of the many prisons made to seal the mutants and keep them away from the rest of mankind. Taking command of Blue Squad, Sergeant Gerald Howards Williamson will do his damned best to make sure they stay that way.
- Evol Hunter’s Ribbon: Gerald received this award after his service in the most violent of Evol outbreaks. It represents his extensive first-hand experience in dealing with Evols.
- Squire’s Cross for Good Service: Gerald received this medal along with the Evol Hunter’s Ribbon. It represents his service with the militarized police lengthy and bloody enough to acquire the experience necessary to have the leadership capabilities to effectively and efficiently direct a squad against the mutants.
- Sharpshooter’s Badge: Gerald has repeatedly hit a target at two hundred meters in training without computerized assistance and has thus earned this badge. His knack for deadly accuracy extends to real operations.
Power: None
Military Value: Slightly Significant.