Cameron stretched after slipping into his sleek black jumpsuit in preparation for a solo patrol. When going alone it allowed him to wander much farther without detection and due to his current lack in purpose, he was willing to take slightly greater risks. As he slipped the sleek black mask over his nose, covering his entire face but his eyes, Gabriel walked in. Gabriel was the only other person than Mordeaki to know Cameron’s true origin of birth.

“Do you cover your face to prevent being recognized as a traitor?” Gabriel asked the boy, taunting him slightly.

Cameron remained un-wavered by his insult and calmly turned to face him. ”I was born in the wrong place. My personal beliefs did not align with those held by the society I was raised in and so either my values or my place of residence needed to change. Seeing as how I’m fairly opinionated and steadfast in my views…the latter was what I decided to adjust. All it took was one patrol past the midpoint; I knew I could make it once I reached that far. The only thing I didn’t count on was that little sh*t actually getting me. However, unexpected results are quite common when a fight is instigated through nothing more than the mere poking and prodding of some existing emotional conflict. I should have been more careful, true, but I’m here now and that’s all that currently matters.” Cameron explained as he manifested his armor immediately, his helmet formed within his hands. “I will return later Mr. Winters” He stated before placing the helmet on his head and walking out of the room and out of the city

Sam was lazily leaning on the hooked portion of a pole arm he had created. It was a basic combination between a double-sided halberd and a typical spear. Samuel usually favored weapons like this that gave him more distance between him and his opponent and so far it had served him well.

~How long are they going to take? ~ Sam thought as he waited for the rest of his troops to arrive for the patrol. Granted…Sam was early as usual, but he still felt as though he was waiting on them. Sam spun around, still an arm resting on his weapon as he looked out across the massive span of the crater. They were currently positioned quite far out into the massive field of battle. Deployed from a nearby station of operations, they were able to take shorter trips to examine farther out into the gap. After today’s patrol they would be heading back to the city for some R and R.

As he stared out into the dusted plains he began to see a figure seemingly materialize upon the horizon. It was a tall and strong looking frame adorned with sharply angled plates of armor over a sleek black jumpsuit. A brief bit of time passed as Sam tried to register the situation, but once he saw the sunlight gleam off of the visitor's visor he realized what was walking towards him. ~By yourself…stupid guy, huh?~ Sam thought as he picked up his pole arm and moved forwards, not bothering to wait for the rest of his group. Sam could handle this, he was a sergeant after all…
Cameron spotted a familiarly armored individual in the distance and a small grin slipped onto his face underneath his mask. ~Oh fate, you beautiful little deviant.~ Cameron thought as he immediately geared up his stroll into a full sprint. He made no deterring actions…it was clear that he was heading right for the person he knew as Samuel Thorton. ~Time to pay for that little scratch you gave me…getting across this desert wasteland was a pain in the ass because of you.~ Cameron recalled as he briskly formed a katana at his side upon reaching his opponent.

Cameron was never the type to fool around, even with someone he considered to be prey. With him all things were dealt with as quickly as possible to avoid any unfavorable complications. Sadly for Sam, this meant the fight would be done before anyone could arrive to assist him…

Cameron quickly lunged forward as his first move and Sam barely managed to raise the head of his weapon up to halt the attack. At that moment Sam, who is definitely no idiot, realized that the person he was now engaged in battle with, was much more dangerous than previously assumed. Mentally declaring this, Sam decided to go on the defensive and focus on parrying Cameron’s attacks while waiting for any opening to turn the tide in his favor.

After two more of his quick jabs and slashes were reflected and halted accordingly, Cameron realized that he already had his opponent in an instinctively protective nature. ~You’re pathetic, haven’t gotten any stronger have you?~ Cameron silently asked Sam as he swiftly plotted a way to dispatch his opponent.

To Sam, the attack seemed like a repeated attempt, but Cameron had much more behind his next swipe. As he swung he let go of the blade with his right hand, making it look as if he was using the turning force of his body to propel the blade in his left hand. Sam, like any normal person, took the bait and slammed the head of his pole arm down to push the blade useless into the dirt…

At first, confusion overtook Sam at the lack of contact on his weapon and by the absence of a clanging noise. By the time Sam began to process his predicament it was too late. His concept of time slowed to a crawl as he helplessly watched the event unfold.

The blade of Cameron’s katana disintegrated up to the handle, but instead of disappearing completely and returning to nothing more than a mental essence, the small crystals of willpower flowed behind Cameron’s back in an arc like leaves perfectly spiraling in a trail of wind. Their destination was Cameron’s right hand, now raised above Sam, where they reformed into a jagged dagger-like blade. Cameron brought the blade down hard into the area between Sam’s shoulder and neck. As the blade sunk in Cameron let out a small chuckle before breaking the blade off at the handle and putting a boot in the center of Sam’s chest, knocking him down into the dirt…