It is the year 3045 and the earth has reached the point of its usefulness. The plague known as ‘Mankind’ has slowly but surely deteriorated the lush sphere of beauty into a craterous shell of hellish landscape and toxic fumes that curses the once-fresh air. All that remains inhabitable of the lifeless boulder is a massive valley secured by a manmade atmosphere that is quickly depleting the miniscule amount of fuels that remain on the planet to keep it running. The crater itself has mountainous walls reaching too high for any being to climb with it’s own limbs and it reaches to a length where one end cannot be seen from the other. No one left on the planet understands how the crater itself was created, or why his or her ancestors decided it would be the most suitable place to hold out as the world fell apart. This is due to the countless amount of records lost across the derelict panorama that was once called “Earth”.
The only remaining texts of the world’s history lie within the massive library positioned in the middle of Terraspei (Terra spei: Land of Hope in Latin), one of the two remaining cities of earth. The other city that still struggles to maintain life is Solumfortis ( Sloum fortis: Only the Strong in Latin). Although the world has fallen apart and nearly every aspect of mankind gone, one thing will always remain:
These two cities lie backed into the opposite sides of the valley to maintain distance from each other, but inhabitants of these cities meet with each other on a weekly basis. However, it is not for tea and crumpets. No. They meet with the intention to wipe the existence of the other from what remains of the face of the planet. Even when all hell has erupted upon mankind, they will continue to come at each other’s throats with a lust for blood. Nothing can stop war, not even the end of the world, as we know it.
It is the year 3045 and the earth has reached the point of its usefulness. The plague known as ‘Mankind’ has slowly but surely deteriorated the lush sphere of beauty into a craterous shell of hellish landscape and toxic fumes that curses the once-fresh air. All that remains inhabitable of the lifeless boulder is a massive valley secured by a manmade atmosphere that is quickly depleting the miniscule amount of fuels that remain on the planet to keep it running. The crater itself has mountainous walls reaching too high for any being to climb with it’s own limbs and it reaches to a length where one end cannot be seen from the other. No one left on the planet understands how the crater itself was created, or why his or her ancestors decided it would be the most suitable place to hold out as the world fell apart. This is due to the countless amount of records lost across the derelict panorama that was once called “Earth”.
The only remaining texts of the world’s history lie within the massive library positioned in the middle of Terraspei (Terra spei: Land of Hope in Latin), one of the two remaining cities of earth. The other city that still struggles to maintain life is Solumfortis ( Sloum fortis: Only the Strong in Latin). Although the world has fallen apart and nearly every aspect of mankind gone, one thing will always remain:
These two cities lie backed into the opposite sides of the valley to maintain distance from each other, but inhabitants of these cities meet with each other on a weekly basis. However, it is not for tea and crumpets. No. They meet with the intention to wipe the existence of the other from what remains of the face of the planet. Even when all hell has erupted upon mankind, they will continue to come at each other’s throats with a lust for blood. Nothing can stop war, not even the end of the world, as we know it.
Terraspei is a glowing city reminiscent of mans technological accomplishments and the land itself shines as a beacon of hope for the future of mankind. Although vehicles no longer run through the streets of cities, the shine of self-power lights brighten the streets and walkways of the luscious city. At the back of the large metropolis lies the governmental building, where the head of the military, elected official of political matters, and the spiritual abbot of the people correlate to run what remains of civilization. The city itself stands upon the ideals of a fairly run society balanced upon the scale of each individual’s spiritual freedoms, political evaluations, and militaristic needs. The aspired utopia thrives to protect every being within its walls as well as give them the freedom to resolve internal issues as a community. In the middle of the city rests the academy, it is the largest building within the walls of Terraspei. Inside the architectural masterpiece rests the last library in the world, the institute of education for all within Terraspei (Both scholastic and militaristic), and the various courts needed for political discussions and entertainment-based sports. The rest of Terraspei is a collage of dome-covered gardens, homes for the inhabitants, and various buildings that were erected for the purpose of shops or other necessities to the city (such as diners and gyms etc…). The all around Terraspei is constructed of white rock multiple layers thick that stretches from the front and around the city. Only the tip of the academy can be seen over the mountainous defensive barrier. Across the top of the wall are security drones that relay footage to the military headquarters across Terraspei.[more on this technology ‘thing’ later]
Solumfortis is darkness itself personified into the formation of buildings within a terrifying presence of looming damnation. This city, an epitome of darkness, shares its likeness with the ideals of its people. In the back of Solumfortis lies a massive fortress where the rulers of the city live. However, they do not live lush lives as they are not the kings and queens of the colorful renaissance. Solumfortis is run on a truly Darwinistic principle…only the strong will survive. There are no ‘civilians’ within the walls of the city. All people are raised to be strong fighters like the men and women of ancient Sparta. Rest only comes at three times within the life of a man or woman living in the city. 1: as a child 2: before and after a fight/battle/war 3: in old age when they have served their kingdom and earned their retirement. Although the city is harsh in nature and the people dark in spirit, they inhabitants treat each other with love and kindness when it is earned and deserved. They care for their sick fighters, their old veterans and the young prodigies of war. All things are decided between the rulers of Solumfortis, but ultimately come down to the decision of one man that leads the entire city. In the middle of the civilization lies the Citadel where, much like in Terraspei, the inhabitants are educated in both military and culture. Next to the Citadel is the Coliseum. The Coliseum is exactly what it was meant to be so long ago in ancient civilizations. Here the people of Solumfortis work out their disputes, hone their skills, and entertain themselves all with the thrill of battle. It is neither honor nor disgrace to die in the Coliseum, but regarded as dying in war. You were brave enough to fight, but weak enough to die. While many would look upon such an event as barbaric, it is a part of life for the people of Solumfortis and it reflects well upon the manner of their city. The wall that protects Solumfortis is similarly multi-layer but the rock is dark colored and goes in one straight barrier from side to side of the canyon (This is literally MILES of wall…each city is quite large) and it is also equipped with cameras that, just like in Terraspei…will probably never capture anything more than returning soldiers due to the nature of their war.
Due to the human ability to continuously advance technologically the cities are in possession of highly advanced surveillance drones and medical tech as well as basic luxuries like radio, television, home-cooking devices etc…
Vehicles however, have faded with time because of a few key reasons. Firstly, materials have become scarce in recent times and the people of Earth have come to see vehicles as a waste when they can simply walk to their destination. Secondly, the only knowledge on creating engines to fuel a craft or car involves using varied fossil fuels to make it run. For those two reasons vehicles no longer exist, they have faded away with most of the earth. However, modes of transportation are not the only things that have been outdated. The age of guns has passed and all advancement in weapons have become obsolete.
Additional Details
As the years passed weapons continued to improve like layers a new offense to defeat a new defense and so on and so forth. This vicious cycle continued through the ages and man slowly tore each other and the planet apart. However, shortly before the collapse of the planets atmosphere, mankind finally underwent its long awaited ‘evolution’. Humans began to experience what was first called ‘psychic powers’ but was later discovered to be a skill within humankind that had finally been ‘unlocked’. People were progressively grasping the ability to manipulate their energy as a physical material by using their mind.
This physical material took the form of millions of small crystals that built upon each other to create solid objects. At first it took hours for a person to create a stick the size of a pencil. Others watched and took notes as small bits clumped together in the subjects had to eventually form a sleek and shining object. After a while man began to notice the differences in the color of the energy. It was always one of three crystalline appearances. A white with a gold tint/shine, a gray object that had a small reflection of any basic nearby colors, and a pitch black onyx-like color that had a flow of dark purple within it. As studies progressed and subjects were evaluated, they eventually stumbled upon the realization of these colors.
Over time mankind has developed morals, a difference between good and bad that is understood by all individuals…whether they know it subconsciously or consciously. With that understanding of good and evil has eventually come an association of color. White and gold for pure/good, gray and mellow for neutral, and a black and dark cool color for evil/bad. These color connotations have been embedded within the minds of all humans and through that each individual’s energy is personified by the intentions of the creator as being of Good, Neutral, or evil intent. The energy is created based on the overall state of the person, not the current purpose for manifesting the energy.
As is with all influential discoveries it was quickly developed into a weapon. Children specifically selected for their projected physical well-being were instructed on the use of this from an early age. By the time these people were in their early twenties they could encase their entire body within the material for protection, adjust the opacity of the energy to create a thin visor to see, and all while doing that…create a weapon of their choosing to be wielded in battle.
AND with that the ways of war spiraled backwards into the days of old. No longer were fights won with a missile lock from great distance…or a small firefight between miniscule groups of armed men. No…it had returned to a lock of blades between two beings, face to face with the intent to kill the other by their own hand. Some war historians said that battle was finally restored to its former glorious state. Honor had now taken on an old meaning that meant much more than being able to pull a trigger.
But these new ‘knights’ did not clank around in heavy armor as they marched into each other. The materialized energy weighed very little but was as strong as the creator’s mental willpower. Also with the intense mental and physical training the beings had undergone…their bodies quickly advanced just as their minds had. People had become capable of much quicker movements, higher leaps, and an overall stronger use of their muscles. Some called it nearly superhuman, but it was nothing more than new-human.
The Reason
The purpose for the war between these two enormous cities is their goal as a society. The people of Terraspei are using what little information they have to construct multiple pre 31st century spaceships that they hope to use to find a new planet with similar living conditions to earth. Although the plan is far fetched, they feel as though it is their only hope, but true hope nonetheless.
The people of Solumfortis hold true to their belief that only the strong will thrive. They seek to wipe out the Terraspei and harness whatever remaining technology exists between to two cities to restore planet earth to its former state. They know that it will take many centuries for her to ever return to her previous glowing state. However, they are confident that if in possession of the proper supplies they can expand the manmade atmosphere gradually and re-forest the earth with the hopes that the precipitation will expand beyond the small sections in which it currently acts.
The Landscape
The only stable plant life is within domes in the cities and directly outside the city walls where the man-made atmosphere properly regulates sunlight and precipitation to continue creating a livable environment. In the massive stretch between the two empires the plant life gradually dies out over a span of miles until it is no more than a rocky desert and an ideal field for war. Here there is too much sunlight piercing the atmosphere and very little precipitation.
Across the lands are old relics and facilities from older times… they will be the primary purpose for battles…holding these areas for study and material gathering is key for both sides whereas “Relics” will be important parts not found commonly in an ancient facility.
Keep in mind…it’s a BIG valley so there’s not just a couple warehouses full of cruddy scrap metal and porno magazines…
City Leadership Positions
Governmental head- Prime Minister-elected every two years…there is only one political party and although the world has gone to shit…politics has cleaned up nicely.
Current Prime Minister- Prime Minister Matthias (No CS)
Military Head- Commander in Chief- achieved by respectfully rising through the ranks
Current Commander in Chief- General Atkinson (No CS[Possibly soon?])
Religious Head- Abbot-although there are no religious requirements many people within the city remain religious and the abbot voices their individual opinions as suggestions to any decisions made. The abbot himself is not of one religion but a designated person rich with intellect and cultural knowledge permitting him or her with the ability to properly represent people of different faiths.
Current Abbot- Abbess Marylyn (No CS)
Terraspei loosely follow the old military ranks of what was once the Army branch of the United States Military.
Private First Class
Staff Sergeant
Sergeant First Class
Master Sergeant
Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel
Brigadier General
Major General
Lieutenant General
Private First Class
Staff Sergeant
Sergeant First Class
Master Sergeant
Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel
Brigadier General
Major General
Lieutenant General
The Solumfortis do not follow any type of government-based system. Instead it is a chain of command between three positions of militaristic power and potential.
Warlord-(High Emperor-like position) This is the highest possible position within the city and can only be obtained by showing true power and intellect in multiple situations. This position, once obtained, cannot be challenged and the person in this position will hold it until they feel the next in line is capable or they die. A warlord is rarely ever seen in battle and one of the few people that isn’t constantly fighting for sport in the cities beloved arena.
Current Warlord- Mordeaki Tempest (No CS)
Liege of Battle-(Kingly Position) This is the second in command to the Warlord, usually the apprentice to the Warlord when he held the position before him and so on. This person has a large influence on the Warlords decisions as a close friend and associate. He also will be seen rarely in battle, but more so than the Warlord.
Current Liege- Gabriel Winters (Will definitely make CS)
Apprentice in Combat-(Prince like position) This is the relatively third in command position and is challenged on occasion causing it to switch hands multiple times before they apprentice and climb in rank. This position, although student-sounding, is generally given to the strongest youth on the field of battle. This position sees much more action than the latter two, but also has much less influence and is often swapped due to battle or challenges as previously stated.
This position is hatefully referred to as “The Prince of Darkness” by the soldiers of Terraspei.
Current Apprentice- Cameron Lewis (Has CS)
- No Godmodding
- No Powerplaying ( I understand that the character Cameron is fairly Overpowered here at the start)
- MY WORD IS LAW…but open to logical rebuttal
- I will expect your posts to be sufficient in grammar, detail, and length in correlation with what is requisite of a Roleplay in the Casual section.
- Please include a strong amount of detail within your character history, appearance, and personality. Really give us a good explanation of how they look, act, and what they’ve experienced.
- Pictures are acceptable for appearance but please also include any other details such as height, weight, etc...
Character Sheet Outline
Age: (18-26 please as they are young but still soldiers)
Extra: (Include anything else here…such as a preferred weapon etc…)
1. I would ask that everyone try to make two characters so that there are always people in each 'zone'.
2. To give you an idea of how your characters armor will look...imagine something similar in nature to the armor of a keyblade warrior in kingdom hearts. The armor is like a thin layer of plating over what would seem to be a jumpsuit for easy maneuverability...and of course each persons helmet will have a visor that is a thinner more opaque layer of physically manifested energy that allows them to see, but provides less protection. Keeping in mind that depending on your characters OVERALL good or bad intentions it will be white/gold, gray, or black/(violet, purple, blue...any dark cold color)
You wont need much of this 'armor' info as you will not need to make anything about it in your bio. I just thought you might want to get a strong image of it in your head for when you are writing anything.
(The Terraspei are defending their city (good intentions overall) and the Solumfortis are attacking(bad intentions overall) but within each city their can be neutrally powered individuals)
3. As said in the History of my characters, they have(for Sam) or had(for Cameron) within Terraspei...So feel free to add something about already being acquainted with one or both of will make things more interesting
My Character Sheets
Name: Cameron Lewis
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Cameron is around 6’2” tall and weighs around 200 pounds. He has an athletic build and broad shoulders. Cameron's eyes are a blue as dark as the night sky and his hair is a thick dark brown.Cameron has lightly tanned skin due to his mother being of a more native American decent.


Personality: Cameron is practically Sam’s opposite in almost any aspect. He is calm and collected and always thinks before he acts. His decisions’ are based on what they may affect later rather than just a current judgment. He is generally quiet and understanding, but easily angered. Although he tends to avoid conflict if it comes to him he will deal with it the most appropriate means. Despite his casual nature he is a deadly force to be reckoned with. Cameron is an incredibly pessimistic person and truly believes that mankind will so die out.
History: Cameron grew up like most children in the town of Terraspei. He attended events with his family, regularly went to school, and trained to be in the military as his father did before him. Cameron was an only child, but quite sociable at a young age and was through that able to make friends before he matured into a more subtle person. The friends he made when he was younger continued to support him and spend time with him despite the eventual change in his nature. One of these friends was Samuel Thorton, who goes by Sam.
[This Section is the SAME in both Character Pages]
When they were younger, Cam and Sam as they preferred to be called, spent the majority of their time together whether it was at school or back within the residential areas of the city. However, as they got older Cameron drifted more and more and also became an opinionated individual. Tension between the two started when they where in the high school classes of the academy. Whether it was political views, sports, or girls…they two where almost always at each other’s throats and there wasn’t much their other friends could do about it. Eventually, once they were starting to go out on scouting missions and other duties of a lower ranking military personnel, Cameron’s pessimistic views started leading him towards a lack of belief in all Terraspei was doing. One day an argument broke out between the two that quickly escaladed into a violent fight in which they were both wounded.
With that occurrence Cameron ran off into the wasteland of the canyon and was presumed dead of the wounds he received and the lack of medical care and supplies within the valley…
[This Section is the SAME in both Character Pages]
However, this could not be more untrue, as Cameron made his way more than halfway across the valley due to the fact that their scouting trip had been so far out. A similar scouting venture from Solumfortis found him wounded and crawling through the dirt. Noticing that he was wounded from a fight they showed him the respect they would give any warrior and there Cameron weaved a lie about how he himself was from Solumfortis. The young group did not question Cameron vigorously and he was able to find his way into the city.
There Cameron adapted to the life of a Solumfortis ‘citizen’. He was cared for by the people of Solumfortis and created an alias for himself. There he was known was Naunix Xeduun and quickly found himself in rehabilitation in preparation for war.
By the time had fully recovered, Cameron knew the majority of Solumfortis culture and understood all their customs. Once he had gained this knowledge he decided he did not want to be a mere grunt like he was in Terraspei…here there was a quick way to the top. He had to defeat the Apprentice in the Coliseum and then he could take his place.
Cameron spent the next few months training at an irregular rate to prepare himself for the challenge he was about to propose…when the day came, no one knew his name…let alone how skilled he was…
The fight lasted a mere minute before Cameron had the previous Apprentice pinned to the ground with a black and purple blade pinning his right arm into the dirt of the arena floor. Cameron decided not to kill the man and removed the blade to walk away. The man shouted at Camerons back in defiance of his mercy that “Only the strong shall survive”…Cameron responded calmly, as he always would. “You were the apprentice before me, that’s stronger than most, therefore you are still strong. That’s called logic.” With that statement Cameron disintegrated his energy and left the arena as the new Apprentice.
City: Born and raised in Terraspei, but currently resides in Solumfortis. He is the only person to have ever changed cities, but only the Warlord and the Liege of Battle currently know who he is.
Extra: N/A
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: Cameron is around 6’2” tall and weighs around 200 pounds. He has an athletic build and broad shoulders. Cameron's eyes are a blue as dark as the night sky and his hair is a thick dark brown.Cameron has lightly tanned skin due to his mother being of a more native American decent.


Personality: Cameron is practically Sam’s opposite in almost any aspect. He is calm and collected and always thinks before he acts. His decisions’ are based on what they may affect later rather than just a current judgment. He is generally quiet and understanding, but easily angered. Although he tends to avoid conflict if it comes to him he will deal with it the most appropriate means. Despite his casual nature he is a deadly force to be reckoned with. Cameron is an incredibly pessimistic person and truly believes that mankind will so die out.
History: Cameron grew up like most children in the town of Terraspei. He attended events with his family, regularly went to school, and trained to be in the military as his father did before him. Cameron was an only child, but quite sociable at a young age and was through that able to make friends before he matured into a more subtle person. The friends he made when he was younger continued to support him and spend time with him despite the eventual change in his nature. One of these friends was Samuel Thorton, who goes by Sam.
[This Section is the SAME in both Character Pages]
When they were younger, Cam and Sam as they preferred to be called, spent the majority of their time together whether it was at school or back within the residential areas of the city. However, as they got older Cameron drifted more and more and also became an opinionated individual. Tension between the two started when they where in the high school classes of the academy. Whether it was political views, sports, or girls…they two where almost always at each other’s throats and there wasn’t much their other friends could do about it. Eventually, once they were starting to go out on scouting missions and other duties of a lower ranking military personnel, Cameron’s pessimistic views started leading him towards a lack of belief in all Terraspei was doing. One day an argument broke out between the two that quickly escaladed into a violent fight in which they were both wounded.
With that occurrence Cameron ran off into the wasteland of the canyon and was presumed dead of the wounds he received and the lack of medical care and supplies within the valley…
[This Section is the SAME in both Character Pages]
However, this could not be more untrue, as Cameron made his way more than halfway across the valley due to the fact that their scouting trip had been so far out. A similar scouting venture from Solumfortis found him wounded and crawling through the dirt. Noticing that he was wounded from a fight they showed him the respect they would give any warrior and there Cameron weaved a lie about how he himself was from Solumfortis. The young group did not question Cameron vigorously and he was able to find his way into the city.
There Cameron adapted to the life of a Solumfortis ‘citizen’. He was cared for by the people of Solumfortis and created an alias for himself. There he was known was Naunix Xeduun and quickly found himself in rehabilitation in preparation for war.
By the time had fully recovered, Cameron knew the majority of Solumfortis culture and understood all their customs. Once he had gained this knowledge he decided he did not want to be a mere grunt like he was in Terraspei…here there was a quick way to the top. He had to defeat the Apprentice in the Coliseum and then he could take his place.
Cameron spent the next few months training at an irregular rate to prepare himself for the challenge he was about to propose…when the day came, no one knew his name…let alone how skilled he was…
The fight lasted a mere minute before Cameron had the previous Apprentice pinned to the ground with a black and purple blade pinning his right arm into the dirt of the arena floor. Cameron decided not to kill the man and removed the blade to walk away. The man shouted at Camerons back in defiance of his mercy that “Only the strong shall survive”…Cameron responded calmly, as he always would. “You were the apprentice before me, that’s stronger than most, therefore you are still strong. That’s called logic.” With that statement Cameron disintegrated his energy and left the arena as the new Apprentice.
City: Born and raised in Terraspei, but currently resides in Solumfortis. He is the only person to have ever changed cities, but only the Warlord and the Liege of Battle currently know who he is.
Extra: N/A
Name: Samuel Thorton
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Samuel is 6 feet tall and has much kinder facial features than Cameron’s sharp expressions. He has fairly light skin and shaggy orange hair of medium length. His eyes are a bright green color that along with his other features, clearly display him as someone with strong Irish blood. Due to his training Sam is also in a good athletic shape.

Personality: Sam is cocky but clever enough to not make himself look like an idiot. During a serious moment he will focus on the situation at hand and take on a no bull attitude. However, if he’s around friends he can be quite talkative and fun to be with. He keeps most of his true feelings bottled up inside and is very good at hiding his emotions. He likes to try to pass off as the strong silent type that no one would dare to bother when he is busy. He sometimes comes off as a maniac at first encounter; his decision often differed from Cameron’s. Sam is a quick thinker but an even quicker talker; he enjoys the difficult and loves the crazy. The bigger the reward the less Samuel cares about danger and the more willing he is to do anything to get it.
History: Sam grew up without his father due to the casualties of a constantly warring world. However, he did have two older brothers to help raise him with his mother. Samuel aspired to be in the military for the very reason his elder brothers preferred to live simple lives. To some, not joining the forces was frowned upon, but they would rather take the shame than the risk. Sam instead wished to follow his father as a valiant warrior of hope and defend his friends, his family, and his home.
Sam was always a hyper and socially active child…this lead to him making friends with a numerous amount of people. When he was younger he truly had one BEST friend and his name was Cameron Lewis.
[This Section is the SAME in both Character Pages]
When they were younger, Cam and Sam as they preferred to be called, spent the majority of their time together whether it was at school or back within the residential areas of the city. However, as they got older Cameron drifted more and more and also became an opinionated individual. Tension between the two started when they where in the high school classes of the academy. Whether it was political views, sports, or girls…they two where almost always at each other’s throats and there wasn’t much their other friends could do about it. Eventually, once they were starting to go out on scouting missions and other duties of a lower ranking military personnel, Cameron’s pessimistic views started leading him towards a lack of belief in all Terraspei was doing. One day an argument broke out between the two that quickly escaladed into a violent fight in which they were both wounded.
With that occurrence Cameron ran off into the wasteland of the canyon and was presumed dead of the wounds he received and the lack of medical care and supplies within the valley…
[This Section is the SAME in both Character Pages]
Sam returned home with the rest of the group and was pardoned on grounds of self-defense. Although many of his friends were also close with Cameron, no one blamed either of them more than the other for what happened. They both instigated and they both fought. It was tragic that it had ended in such a way.
After the incident Sam continued to work hard within the military and through his actions on the field he eventually found himself sitting at the rank of sergeant. He now leads a squad of some of his closet friends and the most prestigious recruits from the academy on relic recovery missions and front line support during any major battles.
City: Terraspei
Extra: Cameron prefers to manifest his energy into Halberd or Spear like weapons.
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Samuel is 6 feet tall and has much kinder facial features than Cameron’s sharp expressions. He has fairly light skin and shaggy orange hair of medium length. His eyes are a bright green color that along with his other features, clearly display him as someone with strong Irish blood. Due to his training Sam is also in a good athletic shape.

Personality: Sam is cocky but clever enough to not make himself look like an idiot. During a serious moment he will focus on the situation at hand and take on a no bull attitude. However, if he’s around friends he can be quite talkative and fun to be with. He keeps most of his true feelings bottled up inside and is very good at hiding his emotions. He likes to try to pass off as the strong silent type that no one would dare to bother when he is busy. He sometimes comes off as a maniac at first encounter; his decision often differed from Cameron’s. Sam is a quick thinker but an even quicker talker; he enjoys the difficult and loves the crazy. The bigger the reward the less Samuel cares about danger and the more willing he is to do anything to get it.
History: Sam grew up without his father due to the casualties of a constantly warring world. However, he did have two older brothers to help raise him with his mother. Samuel aspired to be in the military for the very reason his elder brothers preferred to live simple lives. To some, not joining the forces was frowned upon, but they would rather take the shame than the risk. Sam instead wished to follow his father as a valiant warrior of hope and defend his friends, his family, and his home.
Sam was always a hyper and socially active child…this lead to him making friends with a numerous amount of people. When he was younger he truly had one BEST friend and his name was Cameron Lewis.
[This Section is the SAME in both Character Pages]
When they were younger, Cam and Sam as they preferred to be called, spent the majority of their time together whether it was at school or back within the residential areas of the city. However, as they got older Cameron drifted more and more and also became an opinionated individual. Tension between the two started when they where in the high school classes of the academy. Whether it was political views, sports, or girls…they two where almost always at each other’s throats and there wasn’t much their other friends could do about it. Eventually, once they were starting to go out on scouting missions and other duties of a lower ranking military personnel, Cameron’s pessimistic views started leading him towards a lack of belief in all Terraspei was doing. One day an argument broke out between the two that quickly escaladed into a violent fight in which they were both wounded.
With that occurrence Cameron ran off into the wasteland of the canyon and was presumed dead of the wounds he received and the lack of medical care and supplies within the valley…
[This Section is the SAME in both Character Pages]
Sam returned home with the rest of the group and was pardoned on grounds of self-defense. Although many of his friends were also close with Cameron, no one blamed either of them more than the other for what happened. They both instigated and they both fought. It was tragic that it had ended in such a way.
After the incident Sam continued to work hard within the military and through his actions on the field he eventually found himself sitting at the rank of sergeant. He now leads a squad of some of his closet friends and the most prestigious recruits from the academy on relic recovery missions and front line support during any major battles.
City: Terraspei
Extra: Cameron prefers to manifest his energy into Halberd or Spear like weapons.