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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


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Also, I suppose we'll be having a pretty in depth discussion(s) about history and backstory before we start?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


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ALSO (hahahaha), since you're adding countries to the map, I don't want that bit of mainland land that was a part of that map, just the island-y parts.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


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Question (so many posts from me, I know). If this was an empire largely like the Roman Empire (which is an assumption I've made) were there any invaders/barbarian like people that invaded to help bring about the collapse? And were there any regions that never were a part of the empire? Because empires tend not to be self sufficient so I imagine they'd be trading with other nations. I think that would play an important part of how I want to create my nation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Um, I'm new to this website but i want to try this out. how do you take a picture of a part of the map?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jonesy


Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Titanic, you can either save the image, cut it up on paint and re-post it. Or if you'd rather you can use an application like screensnapr to take a cropped screenshot of the image and post it back. (Also, I'll be doing my nation shortly)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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Still a WIP, obviously, but I figure I'll get what I have up. If only to claim my spot.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

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I reposted my sheet here, I took my sheet off the first page, purely because there were so many images and sheets already just so the first page wouldn't be so cluttered.

Nation Sheet


Nation Name: Avalaysia

Demonym: Laysians

People/s: 80% Laysians, 20% foreigners

Population Scale/Nation Size: 358,823

Government: Matriarchal Council

People of Importance: Matriarch Of the Council
Council Woman of Magical Affairs
Leader of the Nation’s Military
Leader of Religion.
Lady Malisa Vargas Head of Trade
Lady Yansa Uvar Head of Mining
Lady Kani Poso Mistress of Velvet

Capital: The Aegis

Settlements: Buildings of importance are built with stone extremely well crafted and beautiful inside, some better off folks have stone structures but most homes and business are made with wood.

Nation Description: The Nation of Avalaysia is very female dominant men taking the role of being subservient and they are used in combat and laboring roles. They are also allowed to marry, but only if a woman asks them. Mostly women marry each other only using men for purposes of having children. Their military is fierce and works in small skilled groups of warriors. A fort can usually be found being manned by a total of 2000 troops. (This does not include slaves.). They are all very religious and worship daily fervently. They have many that perform “excursions” where they go to capture foreign populace to use as slaves, it doesn’t matter if they are male of female if they are not Avalaysia they are a slave.

Religion: They worship one Goddess, Aztea The All Mother, she is worship regularly three times a day at dawn, noon, and dusk by pray to the east. They also have one day a year called “The Day of Chaos.” On this day all people let loose doing whatever lust takes them, whether drink, sex, and in sanctioned places murder. This day is ended with a human sacrifice in every village and city by beheading a virgin male coming of age on that day.

Flora & Fauna: Timber trees exist in the mountains that their nation is centered around, they also have many mines carrying many different ores within them. The plains are filled with grass that cannot be gotten rid of no matter what it grows back overnight therefore it is impossible to grow fields of wheat, the only way they have found to get rid of the plants is to pave over the grass. This is helpful though as there are large herds of bovine that roam the lands that almost seem limitless meaning meat is never in question of being needed. Creatures exist in the mountains that are always a danger, Great yetis attack mining camps when they can though mining camps have become well guarded. Ettins also exist in the mountains though they keep to themselves due to their populace being cut down by the laysians.

Magic: The magic of the nation is used by sacrificing the life force of slaves. This is typically why the Laysians have some many excursions to capture slaves.

Tech: Crossbows and plate armor. Though the plate armor has been restricted mostly to the making of

Ambitions: It is expansionistic, but also knows it’s boundries and seeks to capitalize power before it moves to take over anything. (They also perform raids on neighboring and far away lands for slaves.)

Imports: Sugar, Wheat, Vegetables, Slaves, fruits, Salt
Exports: Silver, Iron Ore, Slaves, Velvet, bronze, beef, cattle

Army Size: 30,023
Regular troops:
Spear Units: They wear breastplates usually made of leather (officers in iron or bronze) wooden bucklers and leather skirts they carry ten foot spears used for holding off enemy units and calvary, also they carry short swords. This consists of both men and women.
Sword Units: These are the close combat fighters, carrying Gladius and shields made of bronze. They typically wear iron breastplates and leather skirts. Also both male and female.
Archers: These wear a jacket of overlapping metal discs over a thick quilted outfit. They are armed with yew longbows. (male and female.)
Crossbow Units: They wear leather armor and carry yew crossbows. (Male and Female.)
Calvary: These units are the most prized of combat units, they wear bronze breastplates leather skirts and carry lances and longswords as well as bronze shield. (They are only female.)
Battle Mages: These women go into combat wielding incredibly destructive magic, each of them having a slave on a leash drawing the life power from their body to fuel their powers. They simply wear leather pleated skirts due to the fact that armor can dampen their magical powers. This leaves them very vunerable if anyone can get close enough. (Females Only.) (there are only 2 of these mages besides the arch Magus. One of them resides at Fort Ish, the other resides at The Velvet port while the Arch Magus resides in The Aegis.)
Ballista: These are siege weapons usually manned by four people of either gender. (There is also usually a ballista on Merchant ships.)
Catapaults: These are siege weapons usually manned by four people and guarded by ten. All of either gender.

Navy: They have slave ships, light fast ships that are used to arrive on a shore capture members of whatever local populace and then quickly leave. The warriors on these ships are usually former members of the military. They also have merchant ships that are protected by units of the nation’s military.(including a ballista)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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i like to state interest in this and may reserve a spot?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rare
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Can I join?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

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Fallen Muse said
I reposted my sheet here, I took my sheet off the first page, purely because there were so many images and sheets already just so the first page wouldn't be so cluttered.Nation SheetLocation: Flag: Nation Name: AvalaysiaDemonym: LaysiansPeople/s: 80% Laysians, 20% foreignersPopulation Scale/Nation Size: 358,823Government: Matriarchal CouncilPeople of Importance: Matriarch Of the Council Council Woman of Magical Affairs Leader of the Nation’s Military Leader of the MilitaryLady Malisa Vargas Head of TradeLady Yansa Uvar Head of MiningLady Kani Poso Mistress of VelvetCapital: The AegisSettlements: Buildings of importance are built with stone extremely well crafted and beautiful inside, some better off folks have stone structures but most homes and business are made with wood.Nation Description: The Nation of Avalaysia is very female dominant men taking the role of being subservient and they are used in combat and laboring roles. They are also allowed to marry, but only if a woman asks them. Mostly women marry each other only using men for purposes of having children. Their military is fierce and works in small skilled groups of warriors. A fort can usually be found being manned by a total of 2000 troops. (This does not include slaves.). They are all very religious and worship daily fervently. They have many that perform “excursions” where they go to capture foreign populace to use as slaves, it doesn’t matter if they are male of female if they are not Avalaysia they are a slave.Religion: They worship one Goddess, Aztea The All Mother, she is worship regularly three times a day at dawn, noon, and dusk by pray to the east. They also have one day a year called “The Day of Chaos.” On this day all people let loose doing whatever lust takes them, whether drink, sex, and in sanctioned places murder. This day is ended with a human sacrifice in every village and city by beheading a virgin male coming of age on that day.Flora & Fauna: Timber trees exist in abundance in the mountains that their nation is centered around, they also have many mines carrying many different ores within them. The plains are filled with grass that cannot be gotten rid of no matter what it grows back overnight therefore it is impossible to grow fields of wheat, the only way they have found to get rid of the plants is to pave over the grass. This is helpful though as there are large herds of bovine that roam the lands that almost seem limitless meaning meat is never in question of being needed. Creatures exist in the mountains that are always a danger, Great yetis attack mining camps when they can though mining camps have become well guarded. Ettins also exist in the mountains though they keep to themselves due to their populace being cut down by the laysians.Magic: The magic of the nation is used by sacrificing the life force of slaves. This is typically why the Laysians have some many excursions to capture slaves.Tech: Crossbows and plate armor. Though the plate armor has been restricted mostly to the making of Ambitions: It is expansionistic, but also knows it’s boundries and seeks to capitalize power before it moves to take over anything. (They also perform raids on neighboring and far away lands for slaves.)EconomyImports: Sugar, Wheat, Vegetables, Slaves, fruits, Exports: Silver, Iron Ore, Slaves, Timber, Salt, Velvet, bronzeMilitaryArmy Size: 30,023Regular troops: Spear Units: They wear breastplates usually made of leather (officers in iron or bronze) wooden bucklers and leather skirts they carry ten foot spears used for holding off enemy units and calvary, also they carry short swords. This consists of both men and women.Sword Units: These are the close combat fighters, carrying Gladius and shields made of bronze. They typically wear iron breastplates and leather skirts. Also both male and female.Archers: These wear a jacket of overlapping metal discs over a thick quilted outfit. They are armed with yew longbows. (male and female.)Crossbow Units: They wear leather armor and carry yew crossbows. (Male and Female.)Calvary: These units are the most prized of combat units, they wear bronze breastplates leather skirts and carry lances and longswords as well as bronze shield. (They are only female.)Battle Mages: These women go into combat wielding incredibly destructive magic, each of them having a slave on a leash drawing the life power from their body to fuel their powers. They simply wear leather pleated skirts due to the fact that armor can dampen their magical powers. This leaves them very vunerable if anyone can get close enough. (Females Only.)Ballista: These are siege weapons usually manned by four people of either gender.Catapaults: These are siege weapons usually manned by four people and guarded by ten. All of either gender.Navy: They have slave ships, light fast ships that are used to arrive on a shore capture members of whatever local populace and then quickly leave. The warriors on these ships are usually former members of the military. They also have merchant ships that are protected by units of the nation’s military.

Eranor would not like the choice of government that Avalaysia has chosen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


Member Offline since relaunch

I'm fairly certain that we are still allowing people to join, yes, but check with Golem.

Also, since this is explicitly an OOC, maybe we'll end up posting OOCs in the IC sub-thread of this thread (Don't do it yet though).

Additionally, I'm about to start incrementally updating my NS as soon as I get off my phone and onto a computer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well I do have an Original nation sheet I was working on for the last site it never got finished but quite a few of the basics were there, plus is it a good idea to reserve a spot on the map before it all goes? or is it the plan to fill the map up?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

reserve spot, i reserve the islands below myraratur republic
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


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Titanic said
reserve spot, i reserve the islands below myraratur republic

Do you mean in that bay/sea??
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


Member Offline since relaunch

Those are rather small...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well, my nation is small and i control the eastern coast too. just not too far inland.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

i mean south coast
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nation Sheet
Nation Name: United Islands of Myration
Demonym: Myraian
People/s: 80% Myraian 15% Tarokians 5% Others
Population Scale/Nation Size: 235,000-small estimated
Government: Oligarchy, The three largest islands are ruled by a monarch. Decisions that affect the whole nation are made by the High Council. Other than that, each Monarch minds its own business. The smallest island currently is ruled by the people and once every two months, holds the meeting of the High Council.
People of Importance: King Haerid the Magical of Myra, King Geria the Wise of Taria, and The Holy King Jokan(also called The Strength of the Holy). The Exiled Kings of Yolah(Outlaws).
Capital: Urbem libera (The CIty of the Free). The CIty is on the south part of the island of Yolah (smallest island), Completely unaffected by any decisions made by the grand council, it is ruled by the people of the island. It holds the Great Hall which hosts the council meetings and the ruins of Urbem a mortuis (The City of the Dead) which was the site of the biggest battle in the Exile War.
Settlements: Myra's architecture has a Roman-style buildings made mainly from marble, Taria use Greek-style buildings that are similiar to the Myra buildings also built from sandstone, bricks, mud, Joka architecture is Chinese-style and made mainly from wood and stone, and Yolah architecture borrows from the other three islands and beyond. Every building is unique.
Nation Description: The islands had each been ruled by kings since the fall of the empire. There was peace for hundred of years, until the Exile War. It all started with the rise of the Twin kings of Yolah. Quickly taking control of the island, they forced most of the population into joining the army. They tested and caused the deaths of hundreds of citizens by forcing magic power into their bodies. With the immense increase in military might, the kings of Myra and Taria formed a pact where they would defend each other if Yolah attacked. Yolah did attack but not Myra or Taria but the Holy Island of Joka. Myra and Taria entered the war after the holy temple in the capital of Joka was burned, This quickly lead to the fall of Yolah and the Twins kings being exiled. The southern island is Myra, The easternmost island is Yolah, The north-western island is Taria, and the smallest island is Yolah. Each of the islands have their own government but Myra provides the military might that protects the island nation, Taria controls most of the income flowing into the nation, Joka is the homeland of the main religion of the island but also holds the most knowledge in the nation, also knowing most about the outside world. Yolah has nothing, it just minds it own business and doesn't interfere with anything.
Religion: We worship God, Our god is just called God. He does not control anything but decide if we go to a peaceful afterlife or not. He is worshiped twice a day, each at 12:00. Holidays and the general happiness of people are ways to honor God.
Flora & Fauna: Ships often site what we call, Lievations. Which are scaly serpent like creatures ranging in size. They are known to be friendly but a few of the old ones guard their territories furiously. A rare type of fish that only lives in Lievation territory is also in myration territory. Somehow the size of the fish is based on how aggressive the Lievation is. Called Kain
Magic: Magic is used rarely and mainly only by healers of Myra. Combat magic was outlawed after the Exile war but a small force of 80 is kept trained in it if a war ever arises.
Tech: Some Late Middle Age-Renaissance Era tech
Ambitions: We seek to gain knowledge whether through trade or war, but mostly trade.

Imports: Jade, Iron, Wood, Food(fruit, vegetables, and beef/chicken/pork) and Knowledge/Technology/Art.
Exports: Fish(Kain and others), Building Materials, Stone, and salt.

Army Size: 14,000 troops (Mainly in Navy)
Regular troops: Swordsmen and riflemen
Navy: Our military strength is focused mainly on the navy, but we have few actual military ships. Many are just merchant ships armed with cannons.

(This good? my first Nation Sheet on this website.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


Member Offline since relaunch

That's cool. And if I were you I wouldn't want to go too far inland, because those mountains are a hell of a boost to the defense of your nation. Who in their right mind wants to cross those things??

But for that small amount of land that is an uber large population. That's about my population size, if you want to compare, though you should look at other people's to get an idea...
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