Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

AegonVI can i get your opinion on my NS anything you see that needs to be fixed?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ya, i'm probably going to gain some of the wooded coast, build a couple passages through the mountains for trading purposes, and relax.
Also, what do you mean post a picture?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


Member Offline since relaunch

And I'm probably gonna end up toning my population down, too, after looking at everyones'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


Member Offline since relaunch

Titanic said
Ya, i'm probably going to gain some of the wooded coast, build a couple passages through the mountains for trading purposes, and relax.Also, what do you mean post a picture?

Sorry, that was before I saw your NS go up.
Trying to multi-task right about now. Added some info about your population if you didn't see it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Overpopulation is one of the main problems for my nation, my weakness.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


Member Offline since relaunch

Fallen Muse said
AegonVI can i get your opinion on my NS anything you see that needs to be fixed?

Gimme a moment and I'll see what I can help with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


Member Offline since relaunch

Titanic said
Overpopulation is one of the main problems for my nation, my weakness.

I LIKE THE IDEA. Not one I've ever used, but interesting. Can't wait to see how it plays out.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well I am already looking elsewhere to put a request on a plot of land :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Awesome, so I got my Nation sheet pretty much done with the exception of the "Nation Description" section. So I guess you can go look and see if it's okay whenever you get on Golem.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


Member Offline since relaunch

Okay. I'm breaking from helping people to be selfish and work on my NS. Then I might have to stop so I can do HW and I'm not sure if I'll get on conversationally again tonight or not.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

i just realized, i probably have one of the best naturally defended areas. :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

well so much for showing the location I would like I edit it, and it wont save to my photobucket....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jonesy


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nation Sheet

Nation Name: The Al-Emekir Tribes

Shulam's / Al-Emekir

The people of the Al-Emekir Tribes are predominantly composed of the "Shulam" religion, a culture present only in the province of Ta'if. Men are born equal if born into a Shulam household, where all men are given a choice in life. They can either take on their father or uncle's trade, or sign up for military service when they are 15 years of age. Women are treated unfairly, and are either servants, entertainers, or homemakers. In strictly conservative cities such as Najran, they have absolutely no political or personal freedoms. However, in more liberal clans they are allowed to join the militia; under the condition that they must dress in the same way as a man. Non Shulam men/women are not allowed to own land or participate in a traditional lifestyle, and are often slaves in mining camps or sex slaves for some of the more greedy Chiefs. A notable exception is the progressive city of Ha'fra, the trading hub lying on the only land border to the province. There, foreign traders can live and work, free to practice their religion in private.

Population Scale/Nation Size:

The people of Ta'if believe in clan-based governments, having control over their own boundaries. Each of the six clans have a Chief who oversees the population's needs on a local level, maintaining a standing militia and trade. From there, each Clan has a liaison in the capital of Najran who form the tribal council. They are lead by the "Holy-Lord", a leader appointed by the Shulam priests. He ensures that disputes between clan leaders are settled quickly and quietly, without unnecessary bloodshed. When two clans have a disagreement, it is up to the two Chiefs to meet in neutral territory. They don traditional Al-Emekir swords and shields and go to battle, the victor of the two being successful in the conflict. The only way to remove a chief from power as a citizen is to assault his compound, defeating his four selected guards and then him in single combat. In times of peace, the clans manage themselves separately. However, when the sovereignty is in jeopardy; often the Clans will come to an agreement that their Holy-Lord should lead them into battle.

People of Importance:
Siad-Bashooq: The Holy-Lord, oversees all national affairs of the Al-Emekir. Although he does not control policing, taxing, or much of anything inside of the hold walls, he is arguably the most powerful man on the Island. With him he maintains a dozen bodyguards and at least four mistresses at once, rarely leaving the capital of Najran. He is regarded as a cruel man, despite having a shewd mind for business.

Ali-Buroj: The General of the Al-Emekir legions, Ali-Buroj is self proclaimed to be one of the greatest military minds of his generation. His cunning tactics make up for his troop's light footed capabilities, preferring ambush and surprise over head on confrontations. To most, he is regarded as little more than a puppet to Siad-Bashooq.

Muraj Al-Ashard: The chief of the Ha'fra clan, he is known as one of the most hospitable chiefs. As the man in control of the primary trade route out of Tai'if, he ensures that his citizens are well taken care of and have an abundance of civil rights. He and the Siad-Bashooq have been known to not see eye to eye, but both fear the repercussions of directly opposing each other. They often grudgingly work together, bound by the Holy-laws of Shulam.

Muammar-Ghallic: Muammar is the primary dignitary for the Al-Emekir, proficient in many of the languages that the Empire has to offer. Some say his longevity is a blessing by the gods, while others say he simply is just younger than he looks. He has been negotiating peace treaties for many years, spinning tails to benefit his people. He holds no side in the internal conflicts, rather being driven by greed for his people and prosperity.

((6)) Najran. Najran is a sprawling cityscape, known to be home of some of the greatest artists in Menora. A stronghold of the Ta'hamurg Empire, it is a compromise between the modern style defenses of the Empire and the beautiful decoration of the Al-Emekir. The city is the only city to be surrounded by a large stone wall, standing at forty feet tall. Although an affront to the brave combat style of the locals, the Chief has decided to ensure that the wall is in a dependable status. The city spans several kilometers, with farms and citizen housing being located outside of the great wall. It is home to Pillar of Imh, a thirty foot monument obelisk in flawless jewels dedicated to the primary deity of the Shulam religion.


Al-Emekir people primarily house themselves in Stone and sand hovels, perfecting construction with clay and sand to prevent water damage. The walls are quite thick, which provides them a decent layer of protection from both the harsh elements of the Jeranova desert. Tents are set up while travelling, where shrines to the god of protection are set up to ward off predators through the night. In trading camps, hundreds of tents are set up to form their own little cities. Water wells are the center of a city, and the Clan guards its water resources fiercely
((1)) Ha'fra: The port city in the North Eastern Regions, it is regarded as the most friendly side to Al-Emekir hospitality. To the east is a twelve stone wall, the thirty miles of deteriorating stone remnants of the great civil war of Menora. This is the only land border that separates Tai'if Island with the rest of Menora. All land traffic moves in and out of the city, making it one of the largest trading hubs in the country.
((3)) Mi'Hala: The central most city of the Jeranova, this clan had began its humble beginnings as a rebellion camp against the Ta'hamurg incumbents. Due to the hardy desert conditions, the population primarily remains underground in mines or in their weathered homes. The temperature is known to reach continental records in this area, prompting only the hardiest to survive in this region. Only one trail makes its way out of the desert to the more hospitable fringes, all other paths being occupied by raider settlements or littered with giant scorpions. Constant caravans make their way down the treacherous road, hauling precious cargo of stone and iron from the carvers and smelters of Mi'Hala.
((5)) Ju'bruun: The Ju'Bruun city is home to the Ju'Bruun clan, one of the most vicious of the six clans. Their leader claims to be the direct descendant of Huul, the god of war. The finest warriors and blacksmiths on the island of Tai'if, their men are often the first to join the ranks of the legion. The majority of the al-Emekir's weapons are produced in this region, utilizing iron brought from Mi'Hala.
((2)) Al-Jaktar: The farms of Al-Jaktar raise the beef that the people of the Southern Clans eat, and the eggs that they wake up to every morning. Although a small, rural clan; a large militia resides inside the City. The small amounts of food actually produced in Al-Jaktar are all farmed here, disregarding small milking operations in some of the richer Northern cities.
((4)) Paradisis: What remains of an ancient Ta'Hamurg fortress has been converted into a training camp, housing the training units and their auxillieries. Every month, the training camp processes approximately 130 new recruits, alongside training a few new elephants for the infamous Bashooqs. The walls of the fortress still stand on three sides, making this military community one of the most easily dependable locations in Tai'if. Tents line the fortress, with the majority of the inhabitants living in temporary structures and lean-to's.

Nation Description:
The Al-Emekir people were a large group of established people inhabiting the fringes of the Jeranova desert on the Ta'if island. Since the first recorded history of Menora, the Al-Emekir have been renown craftspeople. Their beautiful works of art are on display all throughout the continent, some famous artwork fetching enormous prices in auctions in the more prosperous regions. The tribal based clan system ensures that although the holy rule is followed all throughout the settlements, each of the clans have their own rule via chiefs. During the great civil war of Menora, the Al-Emekir overthrew the Imperial troops stationed in the capital city of Najran. The dislike for a strictly central government had prompted rebellious leaders to form their own great clans inside of each of the province's six primary cities. The only link between the clans currently for military co-ordination is the tribal council of liaisons located in Najran. From there, the province as a whole by the Holy-Lord, currently known as Siad-Bashooq. Since then, each clan has traded with each other to create their economies, with the majority of international trade going through the port city of Ha'fra. The Al-Emekir treat all outsiders as second-class citizens, and often prisoners of war are forced to work in the mining camps deep in the Jeranova desert. Defense is one of the few "centralized" aspects of Al-Emekir culture, where the primary military force is governed by the tribal council. Each city maintains its own defensive garrison, troops loyal to only their tribe and its inhabitants. They can be used as an offensive force, but this is a foolhardy option as the Clan would then be left undefended from raiders if the army is not present.

The religion of Shulam is known as a cruel and merciless religion, governing nearly every aspect of the Al-Emekir's lives. It is made up of three gods major gods, with six other minor gods. Imh, the god of culture is known as the chief deity. He is the patron god of priests and scholars, for his area of rule lies over religion and education. His brother, Huul is the god of warfare and burial rights. He is the patron god of Chiefs and soldiers, both of whom make sacrifices of animal blood to him weekly. Every family of a soldier holds a shrine to him in their household, in which he will return protection and valor in return. The last deity, Jah'rah, is the god of balance and rule of law. Her teachings outline the Holy-Law, a set of rules that outline how to life. Noteable examples of this law are (Do not kill your fellow man for personal gain, do not steal property from your fellow Shulam man, among others.) Workers and craftsmen pray to her, as she ensures prosperity to those who work for it.

Flora & Fauna:
In the central Jeranova desert, plant and animal life is few and far between. The mountainous regions are home to species commonly found in Southern Africa. Around the greener fringes of the province, cows and pigs are very common. Pests include multiple types of spiders and snakes, and beings native to the real life Nile River. In the mountainous regions, a species of dragon called Ja-Ruun claims ownership of the central ranges. The dragons are ancient, and battle for dominance with the raider tribes who reside there. Uniquely, the Ja-Ruun are armored flying beasts that have impressive jaw strength. Unlike mythical creatures, these dragons do not have any special "breath". In addition, large scorpions about the size of a dog roam the desert in groups of three. They bury themselves in Sand, preparing to strike at prey. Their armored tops are a bane for travelling caravans, who stay on beaten roads to ensure that they are not ambushed.

Magic is not practiced in the form known, rather the belief in gods can provide subtle changes. The holy city of Najran's temple, presumed to be powered by the glorious Pillar of Imh, is home to the six priests of Imh. They possess powers of infinite life and unpredictable onsets of seeing into the future. They do not leave this temple however, and are the only noteable examples of magic inside of the borders. Any who possess magical abilities inside of the province are brought to justice by Huul, A.K.A. a scimitar swipe across the neck.

Technology is restricted to that of chariots and caravans for transportation, and does not seem to be a primary focus. Most of the advancement comes in the form of artistic fashion, where most trends are developed from Al-Emekir fashion consultants. Crossbows are very popular for their powerful shot, with barbed and hooked arrowheads being common place in the army. Swords are often in scimitar fashion, complimented by pikemen.

Known to be a very money-oriented society, second only to religion. They feel that they are destined to be the dominant people in Menora's deserts, but are in no hurry to press their luck until they gain control of their own regions.

Imports: Foodstuffs, silk/fine clothing, horses.
Exports: Fine artistic items, stone, clay, iron.

Army Size: 9,200 Regular Soldiers, 2,300 Militia.
Regular troops:
Regular soldiers are decorated in highly fashionable clothes, wearing leather breastplates and helmets. Infantry often carry scimitars and pikes with leather or iron shields, depending on their formation. Although not good in regular combat, the lightly armored units are proficient in flanking and surrounding enemy soldiers. Their hardy upbringing makes them very proficient in desert warfare, though most of them have never seen heavily wooded areas and would have no idea how to wage war in these areas. Calvary is often made up of camel riders, men wielding pikes and swords for shock tactics. Chariots are also very common, imported horses being a big part of the chariot legions. One group, the "Bashooqs" is made up of elephant riding soldiers. These armored elephants plow through crowds, allowing their riders to use bows and pitch bombs off the elephant's back. This group is made up of 45 elephants, and inspires fear in those who have the misfortune of coming in contact with them. It is rumored that their riders are blessed personally by Huul, given the ability to command the beasts with legendary efficiency.

The militia are often under armored and equipped, sporting swords from their past conquests or passed on in their families. The richer clans have better financed soldiers, and in the result of this they are more well defended.

Navy: No naval presence.

-- I will finish the sections that remain and elaborate on the cities and economy tomorrow. --
-- Hit me up on here if you'd like to set up roleplay alliances / disagreements between our empires --
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Jonesy; I can have my guys trade your some anti-magic runes if you want.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Fallen Muse
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Fallen Muse Where's my Obi Wan?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Jonesy: not sure if my nation and yours could trade since my nation is female dominant while your nation is male dominant. It could possibly lead to a war of the sexes XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well, i need some stone, then again. i could always just conquer the coast and mine the mountains
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AegonVI


Member Offline since relaunch

Well, I didn't get nearly as much done as I had hoped, but I really need to go off and do my HW, so I'll see you all tomorrow, or if I'm lucky (prolly not) later tonight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

i am almost done, but i will finish the rest of my nation sheet tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

eemmtt said
@Jonesy; I can have my guys trade your some anti-magic runes if you want.

the Eranorians would frown upon your nation's belief that magic is unholy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

The Irodeins wouldn't care what the Eranorians think about them.
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