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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by smarty0114
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Fletcher Soren sat in the back of the car that the kids from Grayson Academy had commandeered. He was nervous. Which was strange for him. He was quite the confident person. You could see it in his eyes. But today he knew that everything had to go according to plan. It needed to. Regina patted his hand. Regina was smart, calculating and sly. He didn't trust her at all. Yet he loved her. Funny huh. He got out of the car as it reached the plaza, and conjured his most charismatic voice. "Attention children of Granite Rocks! I am Fletcher Soren! And I am just like you. I have been left alone in this dome. I have also decided that the children of Greyson Academy and Granite Rocks, would benefit greatly from the others help. I would like to speak to your leaders in a peaceful place." Fletcher said and then watched the crowd.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Reggie snorted and rubbed his now sore ear, "Then i'd have had to make my ass metal, now wouldn't I? Speaking of which...", Reggie shook his other hand a bit and reverted his fingers back into flesh, something he'd forgotten to do when entering the van. Riding with Susanne at the wheel was still far from a picnic, her constant swerving, horn blaring, and near collisions with other cars still made him grit his teeth, though he remained silent about it as he'd promised. Still in the back of Reggie's mind, all he could think of was that at some point Susanne would likely make him regret his decision to let her run unchecked. 'Welp, you asked for it Reginald...might as well sit back and enjoy the ride.' he thought as he clicked his seatbelt into place.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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"Speaking of which what? Your metallic ass?" Susanne said, turning to look at him for a second, letting her van steer slightly right as she did so before fixing the course she was taking. "Not much of a problem. I just won't be kissing it as the winter comes around. By the time It'll be your turn." she continued with bit of a chuckle, as she took another turn, even slowing down ever o slightly. It was good vehicle, the steering just wasn't so accurate in hands of a 15 year old. They weren't exactly going to the center of the city, bit further to the east side, which was the middle low class place to stay. Students looking for cheap places to stay, people who spent their lives at low class jobs. It wasn't exactly a new course since Susanne herself lived there... yet going to home wasn't her plan.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Reggie shrugged, "I forgot to turn my fingers back, they can get stuck in whatever position they're in at the time if I leave em' metal for too long. And I'd assumed you meant sorry ass as 'me' in general, not my actual ass. Though if you decided to literally kick my ass I could make it metal too I bet." he said. Reggie then decided to poke a bit of fun at Susanne leered at her with a raised eyebrow, "So, you want me to kiss your ass huh? Is that figuratively or literally? Because when the literal version comes into play someone usually buys the other person dinner first." he said with a snicker, enjoying the perverse humor as a brief reprieve from the mature and mellow image he'd always tried to keep up since moving to Granite Rocks. "By the way, were are we going? I've never been this far out before." Reggie inquired while looking around curiously.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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Susanne turned to look at Reggie for a moment, surprised how he hadn't reacted with his usual modest way. She wasn't exactly surehow to respond into cheeky lines since she was always the one on the offending side. "Yes, the moment you find a working restaurant around here, you got that date. So just keep dreaming on".... Modest success. Not saying anything for a second, she made few dodging turns for the cars in middle of the road. "...It's actually around the corner already." Susanne said, keeping her eyes now on the road as she made the last turn before half parking the car on the side of the pavement. Looking out to the street, the first stop was going to be the place that had raised her curiosity with those closed curtains ever since she had to take past this road to get to the school bus. Gentlemans club.

"Now come on, since I only got one bloody day, you better not be slacking." she said, getting out of the van already, as Susanne opened the door on her side, hopping out as she slammed the door shut, using the key to lock it firmly. She was starting to see why her dad was so close with this van.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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"Well then I guess i'll have to find a functioning restaurant then, won't I?" Reggie crooned as he undid his safety belt, hopped out of the van, and looked around with growing interest. As his eyes settled on the Gentlemen's club, Reggie's mildly lascivious joking and half smirk were replaced by silence and a curious stare, "Huh. Weird looking place. What do you suppose they do in there?", he inquired as he trailed behind Susanne. Much like most other boys his age, Reggie has zero clue what a gentleman's club really was, nor what actually went on in one. This was going to be an interesting learning experience.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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Susanne laughed, thinking he was joking. "Yeah, what ever they might be?" she said. Susanne may have never been inside a club like this, but she had seen more than enough movies involving these to know the basic gist. "Maybe we find you some proper clothing." she continued, never minding as she went for the side of the vans back to open the door. She then went for her fathers hunting gear, at least what she decided to keep as her 'negotiator'. It was a a simple two barreled hunting shotgun with a small box of bare shells, though she just grabbed a handful to her pocket, before closing the door again. She had shot exactly twice with that gun while being on trip with her dad. She wasn't best, but she didn't fall on the floor while shooting either. Not anymore.

"Time to see if the vermins have settled in." Susanne said, feeling like being on some action movie as she went for the door and used her shoe to kick it open. "Alright, if anyones here, five seconds to speak out, or you'll be speaking to my miss's from that point on!" she shouted out of pure amusement, waiting few seconds, before looking behind her. "Seems empty. Now come on, let's get to it." Susanne said, as she went further in. The lobby had rows of coat hangers and few signs, but as you went the one open door past that, it was the club itself. One stage with small catwalk, barstand, tables for customers, few poles... nothing extremely different from what Susanne had thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Reggie didn't even bother grabbing a weapon as Susanne had pulled a shotgun from the side of the van, after all if it came down to it, Reggie was confident that his new found abilities would allow him to deal with close quarters combat so long as she could cover him from a slight distance. Reggie's bewilderment as to the nature of the gentleman's club continued to grow as they entered the establishment, that is to say, right up until they entered the show room. It took a second to sink in, but when realization dawned on him, Reggie's cheeks flushed red, "Wait, this is a strip club isnt it?! Sweet mother theresa on the hood of a mercedes benz, THATS what a gentleman's club is?" he asked incredulously. This was definitely a culture shock for Reggie, he'd always seen such places on television, usually on movies that rated above PG, but actually being in a strip club as opposed to seeing one on television was a completely different animal all together.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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"What?" Susanne said, before turning around with a grin on her face. ""Oh, you WERE serious before. Jezus, newsflash... this is a strip club." she said, as she walked on the counter right away, leaving her shotgun on the top as she used her arms to jump over to the other side. "Well, all that is stripped from it anymore are the actual workers. It doesn't seem that fancy right now... though do tell me if you find someone on the back, since you'll be checking anything good from there." Susanne, trying to sound as cool as she could, though it wasn't exactly 'just another place' to be in.

There was a door that was for personnel only, which Susanne pointed for a second as a sign to Reggie, before crouching down to see some glass bottles. She had never had alcohol, as much as she had moaned her dad about it, but now was time... just a little taste. Susanne didn't doubt for a second as she placed rather fancy looking bottle, filled with transparent liquid, as she tried to figure out a glass for herself... the beer glasses were the closest, so that was going to do the trick.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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For a second Reggie began to tell Susanne not to mess around with the alcohol at the counter, however he managed to bite his tongue at the last second despite every fiber of his being pleading with him to tell her what a terrible idea that was. 'I did say whatever she wanted' He thought with an audible sigh before trekking over to the door that forbade non personnel entrance. Reggie fiddled with the handle, "Locked. Of course..." he grumbled while raising a hand and transformed it into its metallic state. There was a loud *clang* as Reggie brought his hand down on the handle in an axe chop, the force of the blow paired with the ridiculously hard tungsten-carbide smashed away the handle made from inferior metal with minor difficulty. "I'll let you know if I find something useful, try not to get shot by some guy sneaking in." reggie called back to his partner before slipping behind the door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tarantulass
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"Yeah, you'll do that." Susanne said, before taking the glass on her lips. She managed to get a mouthful into her from the glass before the 40% alcohol started to burn enough of her to spurt the entire mouthful to the bardesk, as she was left violently coughing for a moment, gasping for breath. Leaning to the bardesk, she almost felt like throwing up, but looking to her side, the open door to the back at least told Reggie wasn't there to see. She then went back to the bardesk and just decided to go with a soda.

After a drink, and some minor scavenging from the bardesk, Susanne then grabbed her shotgun, starting to check out rest of the room. Looking up at the stage, she couldn't even imagine what kind of people would pay their heads off to just see some skank shaking their ass ever so little at here. Turning away, Susanne then noticed the booth, that apparently worked the lighting and sound. Getting behind it, she noticed some CD's, but as she started going through them, Susanne saw that it was mostly some dance disco garbage, at least to her.
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