Yeah, Alexi wouldn't be the main target, and he didn't plan on being there, but the recent attack on the factory would prompt him to go, and he wouldn't tell Erik about it. However, Joseph could mention off hand where Alexi went that day which I could see as a trigger for Erik's memory. Since Alexi has not asked about his terrorist activities out of respect, I can see it not really being a main topic for them hence on the back burner in importance for now. The main targets would be the CEOs, and Alexi would be a coincidence.
The cascade effect of emotions. Alexi would be in danger, angering Mois, Alexi would see people dying for the first time sending him into a bit of a shock. He would have to calm Mois while dealing with not only his own feeling on the matter, but the absolute mess of emotions from the blending with Erik as well, and when he gets home he would have to deal, presumably, with a very upset Joseph, until finally he comes in on Erik, his emotion over the happening crashing with all the ones he's already built up, and Erik being bombarded with that near explosion making the encounter very intense.