chukklehed said
it's not just ANY cancer, that would be bad. It's SUPER cancer.
Sounds like a disease ridden hero in tights....
chukklehed said
it's not just ANY cancer, that would be bad. It's SUPER cancer.
chukklehed said
Well, apparently super cancer comes with telepathy, so at least there's a silver lining.
Alphakoka said
It's alright. I'll get to posting on Sunday.
Raen Elvarasi said
If she is being attacked, or in any "Lethal" danger.
Kestrel said This would become even more dangerous as Eowyn began feeling the effects of their song; causing her battlerage to begin wavering... Quartz on the other hand, courtesy of it's smaller size and flight, managed to escape. Nor had he (nor mime) yet to feel the influence of the sirens...
chukklehed said
Are you talking about Charles, Maria or Simon?
chukklehed said
Are you talking about Charles, Maria or Simon?
Fallenreaper said
The Quartz in me wants to point one thing out, Kestrel...He is not an it!! :P Not sure why I notice that right away but I did and gain a funny vision of him all feathers puffed out and muttering he's very well knows his gender is male. XD
Kestrel said
Also Simon was meant to die. Too little blood these days.Gotcha.
Alphakoka said
So, those of you that still remember Simon's last name and your conclusion to it...*points to Simon's fate* Is this, in any way, surprising to you?