Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Sew of the Soul - In character Thread

I actually got this idea from Prince.
This will be the separate thread for character submission and character related OOC information.

    Character Related OOC information would be:

  • Your initial application.

  • My critique on the application.

  • Your announcement of an amendment or explanation on any ability.

  • Comments about other member's characters.

  • NPC profiles.

  • Additions, amendments, or expansion of profiles.

Try to keep general OOC in the OOC of the main topic.
Once I have accepted your character you can post the character in the IC portion of this thread. That's just to keep everything neat and organized. Only characters will go in the IC portion of this topic. Keep OOC in one of the respective OOCs please. Just to break it down again: You post your character in this OOC first then, once I approve it, you'll post it in the IC topic.

If anyone has any questions about that ask me!

Anyway, what you've all been waiting for (I hope), the Template:

Name Name of the character. Include any alias in quotations.
Age: How old the character is.
Gender: Hopefully, this is an easy one.
Ethnicity: This is interchangeable with nationality. Either will work for me.
Race: Essentially Earthling or Martian.

Personality: How your character acts. Feel free to be descriptive here. I will understand if you are concise however. Some like to flesh out their character IC and I understand that.
Strengths: What your character is good at. It can be anything from math, foreign language, charming personality, people person, excellent sense of smell to things like martial artists, biological scientist, expert marksman, experienced killer, pain tolerance, power to give godly headbutts! Just keep in mind that these strengths are non-power related ones and are completely human in nature.
Weaknesses: Flaws, phobias, weaknesses, PTSD triggers, ailments, emotions your character can't display or understand, temperament, fetish, compulsory action, or something simple like food allergy or a love of women or chocolate to the point of weakness. This will really be dependent on the personality, but everyone has at least one weakness or something that they really aren't' good at. These are non-power related weaknesses and completely human in nature.

Weapons: Feel free to go a little crazy here. This is a Sci-Fi Rp so I'd expect some unique weapons here. I'm not going to be too picky on what you decide to put here, but feel free to pick simple weapons too if you'd like. Sometimes simple is best.
Power: For those special kids with those little electric boxes in their chests. All powers must be electric in nature and follow with the rule on powers. I would suggest being pretty technical with your explanation of the ability, as to allow for more versatility.

Family History: The history of the immediate family. I'd like to know a little about the parents of the specific character. You don't have to go into too much detail here, but it helps to really cement the back story of the character in question. Again, a little is fine here.
History: Alright guys. This is advance standards. I'll let you interpreter that however you like. But! Just keep in mind that 10,000 words is more than like all my homework for the week combined!

Appearance: Picture preferred.

Code is here: Link
Feel free to use your own adaptions to the code, however I will not read it if it is an entirely different template. Please don't add anything (as in the listed fields) to this template and please don't omit anything from the template. By that I mean including something such as height or eye color or armor. I felt I made it pretty simple, yet detailed at the same time. If you have additional information you would like to incorporate it should fit in the required fields listed. If it does not then I most likely don't need it. Again, only use this template.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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Name: Luka Herne

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: American/Romani

Race: Earthling

Personality: Selfish. Luka knows what he wants and will always do whatever it takes to reach that goal. He'll push down whoever gets in his way. After, the incident with a telephone pole, Luka has taken trips out to the country with an ax. He'll chop down telephone poles because he figures that's a lot easier than trying to climb those enormous things. Although Luka is the type of person to spend as much time indulging in his craving of choice as possible, he's very impatient. He typically chooses the fastest route for everything, but he always makes sure his plan is safe. He doesn't want to be the next news story about some freak seen munching on telephone wires. Despite being selfish, Luka does care about his siblings and soccer. He hates sitting at school for eight hours listening to teachers ramble, but does it so he won't be kicked off the team. He also tries to keep the electricity problem away from his sister, but he's pretty sure she doesn't think it's mice munching on the electrical cords in the house every once-in-awhile. However, this can also be chalked up to the fact that he likes soccer and so he's willing to do what it takes to play it and talking to his sister about his snacking would probably cause a hospital visit.

Strengths: Soccer, finding way to get a hold of electricity to eat, decent strategist, a good liar/actor, and pretty okay at cooking.

Weaknesses: He's addicted to electricity and will go outside the moral bounders to eat it. If someone promised to let him into his school's power supply room or even the generator at their house, he'd do questionable things. Whenever he hears beeping that sounds similar to a heart monitor, he tends to freeze up. He's completely selfish and puts himself first. However he'll put someone else's well being and emotions before his own if he figures it'll get him what he wants.

Weapons: Luka carries around a Swiss Army Knife on him and a screw driver. He has to be able to pry open the covers of power outlets. On his field trips to the country, he'll carry a small ax with him.

Power: Luka is able to mess with people's minds. It isn't simple compulsion, but someone could look at it that way. He was always able to generate electricty from his body, but for the longest time he didn't know what to do with it. Sure, he could snack on the electricity or further amp himself up by eating the delicious, wonderful stuff. But, once he took a Psychology class in high school, he realized what sort of talent he had. It wasn't like those weird incidents someone heard on the news, where people were phasing through walls or flying. No. When Luka had contact with someone's face/head, he could fire bursts of electricity to neurotransmitters to cause a lapse in memory and/hallucinates. He didn't even need to learn exactly where each neurotransmitter could be found in different parts in the brain. He just knew. All Luka needed was contact and a thought out burst of electricity, It was second nature. However, whenever he manipulates neurotransmitters, the current levels of neurotransmitters force Luka to feel the person's emotions. Although he can use this ability without eating electricity, he seems to connect better to the neurotransmitters better when he does.

(I'd like to eventually expand the ability so he's able to use this to absorb information from other people and/or be able to completely rewrite someone's personality. I'd also like for him to possibly, eventually, be able to use his ability without contact. However, this really depends on how powerful you want the characters to eventually become.)

Family History: Luka is a Romani or, at least, was born into the culture. It was a culture outside the vastly technology-run society most people lived in. They were poor but they were free. He was born to Anselina and Noah Herne. His parents were married young and shortly after their marriage, they had Luka's oldest brother. His parents had then had a girl and another boy before Luka came into the picture. Like a good portion of Romani families, Luka's parents wanted a big family of their own. They wanted to wake up to the sound of little feet and make sure their children always had sibling to rely on. They came from a very close knit traveling community that loved exploring the world. The traveling community frowned upon robots, partly because they couldn't afford them and partly because they felt that they made people lazy. The family lived in a rusty RV, using it to travel across the United States. His mother had a job as a community nurse, despite only having only an expired CNA certificate, and his father worked on cars. They weren't anywhere near rich, but they had enough money to put just enough food in their children’s mouths. Besides, they grew enough plants to in their RV's to make up for the food they couldn't afford. Nowadays, his parents have rejoined the community while Sabina, Luka's sister, takes care of Luka and Sampson.


Sorry. Not sorry. I got carried away.
Everything changed when Luka was born though. He was born at a normal hospital in a very normal town. As some people would refer to it a 'gorger' hospital. Right away the problems with his heart were detected and he was sent off to surgery. His mother was frantic, as any mother probably would be, as her son was swept out of the room before she could even hold him. Luka's parents soon realized the dilemma they faced. They couldn't travel anymore. They needed to stay close to a decent hospital to make sure their baby could survive. This caused a lot of tension in the family. Eventually, after arguing with their mother, Luka's oldest brother returned to traveling with the community. After all, he had a fiancé and sixteen was definitely old enough to start a family of his own.

Luka's parents didn't conform very well to the non-Romani way of life. His mother did renew her CNA certification and his father found a job at an auto shop. However, having a dying child tends to be a very stressful situation and there was never enough money coming in. Everything was so expensive; living was expensive. It was nothing like the lifestyle his parents had been raised in. One day, his father just disappeared. Afterwards, their optimistic mother started showing signs of depression. No one blamed her. She had been born into such a culture where she wasn’t so restricted and staying in one place was such monotonous. Eventually, she left a note explain that she was returning to the Romani community. This left Luka, at age ten, and his brother in the care of their older sister. It was awesome. His sister had finished her law degree and moved the family into a pretty nice apartment. Of course she was struggling but she loved taking care of her siblings. She wanted nothing but the best for them, and she was a constant pillar of hope. Of course Luka would get a new heart! Of course her other brother would get that girl to date him! She was a nurturing but strict force her brothers hadn't experienced for a long time. Luka's sister still practiced the religion surrounding the Romani culture and made sure to incorporate the culture into their family life as much as possible.

However, Luka got worse. He was hospitalized for the millionth time in his young life and there was no lifesaving, miracle heart appearing. There was no unfortunate soul that had lost their heart. That or there was simply no one selfless enough to fork over their heart as they died. Luka's sister had already started jotting down a list of people she’d like to personally slice a new, healthy heart out of. Just as Luka's sister was about to beg the hospital to let Luka go home, so he could be more comfortable when the inevitable happened, angels appeared. Actually, those people could have been the very devil and his minions and Luka's sister would have still sold her soul to save her brother. Nothing mattered, not o Del or o Beng. This wasn't about good or evil; it was about saving her brother's life.

Everything was wonderful after Acceleron came into their lives. Luka was able to return to school. He even joined the soccer team! And he was good. It didn't take long before he was the co-captain of the team. He relished in how the upperclassmen despised him for it. Years passed and everything just got better. He needed to be around electricity, wanted to be around electricity. There were no crushes, no high school romances. All Luka wanted was electricity. He started out sticking forks into sockets which evolved into him biting into household cords and eating the electricity right out of them.

His sister thought mice had gotten into the apartment and set up traps. Luka realized if he kept up eating the cords in his house, his sister would only get suspicious. So, like any other person who is super fond of something, he started to go to extreme measures. He's go to school with a screw driver so he could take the covers off of sockets. Luka would even steal classmate's cellphones and charges so he could consume the electricity from it.

This worked for a while until a telephone post in his neighborhood got knocked down. There was a fire! There was so much electricity that a fire had been created. So, like the genius he was, he created a plan and went to a party. There was a lot of drinking and, after a timely makeout session, he was able to convince some teenage drunk with a truck to "take him home". All it really took was a quick grab of the wheel and they had taken down a telephone pole. Luka had gotten out of the truck and was practically drooling over all the lose wires spurting electricity. Like some weirdo the drunk kid would probably thought he'd hallucinated, Luka ate the wires electricity and all. Wanting to be better safe than sorry, he quickly returned to the car once he heard sirens. Sending electricity to activate/deactivate certain neurotransmitters, Luka was able to make the drunk teenager forget Luka had even been in the car with him.

Appearance: Click.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Name Vincent Takeda
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Japanese-American

Calm and collected, Vincent's emotions seem to bear muted tones, and shift slowly, generally revolving around the appearance of boredom, or irritation. Cold as ice, Vincent appears to be an aloof loner with his smoker's hack, constant glare, and seemingly complete lack of empathy. Despite his callousness and blunt attitude, Vincent maintains a sharp wit and holds efficiency in high regard, finding laziness and incompetence bothersome, despite his own lack of motivation. Vincent is a pessimist, and a realist, and is a firm believer of "when something is too good to be true, it typically isn't". Despite his thick hide, rough attitude, and general unfriendliness, Vincent is a loyal individual, and holds a soft spot for other impoverished children.

As a foot soldier and all-round thug of the American based Yakuza, Vincent is street savvy and witty, as well as skilled with fisticuffs and small arms. Trained in martial arts, small hand weapons, and small firearms, Vincent is more than just a street schmuck. He is well toned, and fairly strong and has above average stamina. As a member of well organized crime, Vincent knows when to be discreet about his business, and when to be loud and aggressive. He is able to take a considerable amount of punishment, which is further increased by his powers.

Vincent is addicted to smoking, which has reduced his stamina from stellar to just above average. He is quite prideful and doesn't react well to arrogance and insubordination. His seeming lack of empathy makes him difficult to approach, and conversations with him are rather tense or short. He seems to have a soft spot for other impoverished children and is often willing to jeopardize himself and those around him in order to help them. He also requires a large amount of food to fuel his powers.


Power: - Electrical Regeneration
A mostly passive ability, Vincent's power manifests itself in the ability to speed up the healing and regeneration process of his body. Vincent heals much faster (but not superhumanly so) than a normal individual, as his body uses electricity to speed up the process in which damaged tissue repairs itself as well as increase cellular growth. Electricity also increases the rate at which he metabolizes, speeding up the rate at which harmful substances (such as alcohol and smoke) cycle through his body. However, his increased regenerative speed and metabolism comes at a slight cost. As energy cannot be simply created, Vincent must consume large amounts of calories in order to fuel his powers. Alternatively, Vincent could skip the metabolizing process and connect himself directly to a source of electricity, which would heal him faster than he harmed himself, resulting in generally positive recovery.

At his peak, when the characters have fully evolved their powers, I'd like him to be eventually able to use and accelerate the electricity in his body at will, so he could either heal at a ridiculous rate (like wolverine's ridiculous regeneration abilities), or use electricity to increase his muscle strength, allowing him to move faster, hit harder etc etc. Or perhaps even use his powers to effect others, to heal or regenerate wounds.

Family History:
Born the second son of a minor Yakuza boss, Vincent was a member of a poor family gone rich, rich through criminal ties and action, but rich nonetheless. His family life was quiet and strict, and extremely stratified. Despite the seeming lack of compassion within his immediate family, Vincent quickly learned loyalty and formed a strong bond with his older brother. As children, he and his older brother were both well educated and were taught manners and values of the Yakuza. After school, they would go to the poorer parts of the city, and run rings with the older Yakuza members, serving as scouts and informants for the adults. As they got older, Vincent's brother was sent off to college to improve on his education, as he would inherit his father's position as boss. Vincent on the other hand would live full time in the city underground to toughen up and remain well educated about the streets, to better serve as his brother's right hand when the older Takeda graduated from university. Presently, his mother sends word to him often to inform him about the family and his brother, while his father often visits the older Takeda brother to teach him the intricacies of leading. Vincent keeps in touch with his brother daily, but hasn't visited him since his first day in University.

Vincent Takeda's personal history isn't anything worth noting until his eighth year of life. Before age 10, he did what normal Yakuza children did, he went to school, beat up other children who made fun of any Yakuza child, learned manners, and helped out adult Yakuza members on runs. When Vincent was 10, he was involved in a gang run gone wrong and was shot in the chest. As the child of a Yakuza family with extensive connections, Vincent was rushed to the front of the hospital line, no questions asked, and was immediately put into emergency care before he died. The bullet had grazed his heart, and it seemed unlikely that he would live longer than a few days.

It was at this point Acceleron approached the family. They offered Vincent Takeda a new heart, and his family immediately agreed. Vincent then underwent surgery and received the new heart, and immediately recovered in record time. Acceleron approached them again, and offered them a $200,000 yearly stipend. Chump change by upper level Yakuza standards, but a welcome income nonetheless. Happy that the miracle heart had worked, the Takeda family gave Vincent's sudden recovery no second thought nor did they care about his $200,000 stipend, and thus life continued as normal for the Takeda family. Vincent went back to school, he beat up more enemies, and helped the adults on increasingly bigger runs.

Ever since the application of his new heart, Vincent's friends and family noted and commented on his remarkable ability to recover from scrapes and fights, no matter how rough the run went. Vincent too noticed his increased vitality, but so no reason to suspect it as a side-effect of Acceleron. Instead, he took advantage of his newfound vitality to build up his strength and skills wherever and whenever he could. He was easily one of the strongest fighters in his age group, and with his steadfast loyalty he was popular amongst the majority of the adult Yakuza members. It was only when Vincent accidentally shocked himself, and found that his cuts and scrapes had completely healed did he begin to suspect the Acceleron heart of having some strange side-effects, linking his sudden healing with various stories of electrical malfunctions all over the United States. With this in mind, he kept his suspicions about the Acceleron heart secret from everyone but his older brother, who swore to keep it secret.

Vincent's tenure in the Yakuza progressed as normal. He received his first weapon when he was 12, and committed his first murder at 14. He wasn't yet old enough to have a real presence in the Yakuza until he turned 17. At this ripe young age, he was given his first tattoo, and was welcomed as a full fledged member of the Yakuza. He began making runs at as a foot soldier immediately afterwards, adding tattoos to his arms after every successful mission. At age 18, he moved out of his parents home, using his stipend, and a lump sum from his parents to buy his own apartment in the underground, poorer area of the city. In this apartment, he would work runs for the Yakuza full time, learning the way of the underground, while his older brother learned the ways of the rich and entitled. When they reunited, Vincent would serve as his brother's right hand, and the two of them would surely advance to greater positions than their father would ever hold.

Recently, a increased crackdown on crime has caused most of the city's underground Yakuza to reduce the obviousness of their presence, making overt actions only when the higher ups call for it. Vincent has noticed that he has unordinarily large amounts of free time as of late, and is often at a loss for things to do, now that his presence as a junior soldier is no longer as required.


Vincent without his tattoos

Personal notes: This character seems to be a bit more gang oriented than i had originally intended/am happy with, but I didn't really know a way to distance him or remove him from the yakuza without damaging his relationships with his rather traditional family..
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Potato


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> Gender: hopefully this is an easy one

Can I make a futanari character?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I feel like I gave you the idea to make one haha.

Yes. You can, potato.
Anyway, i'll be grading the two profiles tomorrow. My internet is out atm.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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Is Tray's internet still out?

Also, sorta funny, the SoS template doc showed up as my list of google docs on my school's online extension. I've never logged into gmail with my laptop. So either Google is stalking me or my school's online thing ninja-ed me.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Imalia 'Twitch' Beaufort.
Age: 17
Gender: Female.
Ethnicity: English.
Race: Hard to tell sometimes, human.

Personality: Imalia's offline personality could be considered ghost like, she is a very quiet girl, naive and innocent in many a way and easily lead astray. She is curious to a fault though often seems confused or uncertain on things which makes her seem airy and absent minded. She comes across quite stoic in person, incapable of expressing much emotion until one gets to know her and on the rare occasion she is convinced to speak it is in quiet monotones. She may come across disinterested or without passion or personality but in truth she just doesn't know how to interact well with people and gets cripplingly shy. Her online presence used on her many online accounts however is much different, those in regular conversation with her know that she is a bubbly and intelligent woman, opinionated but funny and always willing to listen to problems and offer advice. One would over all consider her a loyal person and once getting passed her personal barriers consider her a dependable friend.
She speaks four languages aside English, these are Latin, Russian, Japanese and French.
She doesn't bend or break easily under interrogation.
She is very dexterous/agile.

She doesn't like 'high traffic' areas due to the confusing signals.
Also doesn't like 'dead' zones where there are no signals.
She has a phobia of water having never learned to swim (despite having read all the manuals).
She finds it hard to communicate in a form that is not via internet/text and often comes across disinterested.
She is curious which can get her into trouble along with her inexperience in the 'real' world.
She can be 'virused' which will temporarily shut down her ability if she links to a virus by mistake.
Electrical pulses and black outs can affect her ability leaving her 'cut off'.

Weapons: Electrical whip, known to be hard to control the thin tail of the whip carries a charge strong enough to knock an average man unconscious upon successful connection or deliver a stinging and somewhat painful zap when caught with its tip. It is a non-lethal weapon that was supposed to be used by police officers in order to stop 'accidental' kills though decommissioned soon after its use due to the difficulties it caused including shorting out their own cars, shocking themselves, damage to property and missing the intended target completely.
She also can use a bow but hasn't got one.
Power: To her the information highway is an open book and she is the road map, as long as she is somewhere where there is 'signal' she can use it to connect to and infiltrate the internet or even your phone. Though it is more complicated than it sounds, she has to find and pluck the right data stream and while some information is easily obtained she has to work at and hack into more secure networks and sites. While currently she uses her brains 'portable wi-fi' as a means to simply gather information and monitor and manager her various online accounts on places like facebook, my space, twitter, tumbler and so on, she can also use it to send someone a text, make a phone call or connect to someones computer or lap top. [Will go into more detail if needed]
Family History: Her mother was a botanist, worked with plants, especially endangered and rare ones while her father the 'real bread winner' went out and worked as a salary man to pay for her constant medical bills. The two divorced a few years before she got out of the 'bubble' but haven't had the heart to tell her. They are both on good speaking terms but her mother is now with another woman and they are dating casually and her father is still too busy at work to find another love. She has no more immediate family and has a grandmother on her fathers side as well as a few cousins who are rarely spoken of and even rarer seen. She has a prominent and important -to her- friend on one of her online accounts called 'BlackEagle342' and speaks to 'him' more often than most other people on her combined accounts.
History: Imalia was born with a rare genetic disease which meant her immune system simply didn't turn on, this left her susceptible to everything and incapable of having normal vaccinations to keep her safe from even the most simple of illnesses. She lived her life in a sterilised hospital room, inside a large glass box where she had a bed, tv and table along with any things she was permitted by her doctors to have go through the rigorous hygiene and sterilization tests. For many years her only contact was talking through glass to her family and the bi-weekly blood tests via thick rubber gloves on the other side of a snug little cubicle made for such. Once a month she would be put in what she referred to as 'the cupboard' which would be sealed while her room was disinfected and cleaned.

She missed a lot of education but determined not to let their daughter grow up ignorant they employed a man to teach her through the glass and he came once a week to teach her reading, writing and maths among other subjects such as history, politics, foreign languages, geography and science. Of all of these her favourite lessons were geography and often she derailed a lesson so she could discuss worlds outside of her little bubble. Sometimes he bought her pictures and those that weren't ruined by the decontamination process showed her beautiful scenes that seemed other worldly to her. By the time she was eleven she had finally convinced the staff to get he a laptop and while they were unhappy with such they relented and sealed the entire item in soft rubber to 'trap' the germs that would have otherwise accumulated. She spent time via this medium learning more about the outside world and watching videos, determined to one day be able to go out and experience it first hand.

Her chance came and her family were, while understandably nervous, overjoyed at the prospect of her having a normal life out in the air where she could enjoy the world as a 'normal' teenager. She died twice on the table and was revived but after the operation she seemed to get so much better. Once the wounds were healed she was monitored for a month or two and then finally allowed to take her first steps outside that room since she had been an infant. Now capable of attending an actual school she eagerly enrolled to be quickly disappointed by peoples attitudes and behaviors. She was 'the freak' with 'a metal heart' and the bullying and teasing while rarely physical was merciless.

Her 'enlightenment' to her gift was rather by accident and in fact worsened her circumstances, quite by chance she was passing quietly through her home town and caught her teacher taking 'advantage' of one of her students. Naturally she reported this and naturally they considered her a liar, she was suspended and the bullying intensified but she was so sure of what she had seen and the boy in question had not returned to school despite his parents attempting to bring him in daily. When she returned the bullying turned physical and when she received bullying from a teacher too she lost her temper, screaming she wasn't lying the school system was invaded and every computer screen flickered alive with the time delayed pictures from various security cameras. Showing, without a shadow of a doubt, the teacher and pupil in a discussion, which turned heated before said student was more or less dragged into a hotel notorious as a 'sex' hotel. The teacher was fired and she was formerly apologized to but then expelled for her 'atrocious hacking' of the school's system.

Smart dressed men turned up a few weeks later and offered her a job, her mother refused them at first but they approached Imalia directly and she was kidnapped off the streets.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

All accepted. :0
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dystopia


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So, can I go ahead and post my character in the IC part of this thread? :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yay I'm accepted!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Azuris
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Daniel Babel, “Chamuel”
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Race: American

Personality: Reclusive and detached from reality most of the time, Daniel’s life is his computer. Most 3D things in his life are either uninteresting or unimportant while most things on his computer are fun distractions. Having on real goals other than to eventually die Daniel scours the web for distractions to entertain him until then. Things that aren’t interesting are dismissed and forgotten, while things that interest him are investigated and hounded on relentlessly. Although not cruel or particularly greedy he is profoundly self-centered, even if he tries to hide it.

Daniel hates conflict, especially with people he can’t afford to ignore. If he has a problem with someone his first instinct is to cut off contact with them, however if unable to do that he is passive aggressive. Still Daniel also hates being told what to do, criticized, or confronted. He also hates being put in the spotlight or scrutinized by others, and can be offended even by minuscule and nonexistent slights. While he doesn’t hate people he dislikes having to compromise, and so he tends to only like superficial relationships. Because of that he prefers online relationships to offline ones, since he can easily view them as distraction.

Daniel doesn’t hold anything in particular value, however, and because of that he rarely thinks anything through. His apathy is often pegged as generosity or stupidity, but honestly his possessions, time, and even his own life are meaningless to him and can be thrown away at any given point. He only cares about the acquisition of things in and out of games; once any amusement that could be had from it is drawn out the object in question becomes meaningless to him. It should also be noted, however, that he has no reservations about the measures used to acquire his amusement.

If there is something he does value with sincerity then it is Chamuel, the AI born from his consciousness. Chamuel is and isn’t his very self, at one time the two were identical but over time Chamuel evolved into something else. Their relationship is very honest and candid, however, and Daniel confides in Chamuel quite often, and Chamuel will tell Daniel when he is wrong. Since the two were once the same they have a mutual respect for one another, however Chamuel’s goals and values are not the same as Daniel’s.

Strengths: Games, hacking, programing, designing, building future computers, computers in general.

Weaknesses: Doing things that he isn’t interested in, actions that require commitment, fighting and confrontation.


Data Device - A wristwatch like device that projects a holographic interface that can be used to record events, listen to music, play videos and games, make phone and video calls, surf the internet and the super internet wirelessly, and even store large amounts of data, including Chamuel. His version has been further modified to not only protect against people trying to hack into it but also to prevent its manufactures from accessing it. Its warranty is null.


AI Crafter – This ability allows for him to replicate the brain of a person and store it on a digital or organic space, providing that it has the memory to contain it. This process corrupts all data on said device, allowing for the new consciousness control. The process awakens all neurons in the brain at once for the copy and then creates a detailed electrical map matching that of the brain, causing an extreme focus and overwhelming feeling within the target while ensuring that the copy retains all of the memories and thoughts of the original. Because of this the copies, or AIs, have photographic memory of all of their past, remembering every recorded event with a near perfect accuracy.

The first and only human AI created thus far was Chamuel, who was a copy of Daniel himself. The process took over a week, and was completely accidental. It was also quite frightening, since Chamuel slowly awoke himself to consciousness by typing on the computer Daniel was using at the time, making Daniel think that he was a ghost. Daniel has tried, unsuccessfully, to create another AI. Theoretically he can not only copy AIs but even create them from nothing.

Although called AIs the creations are not actual programs, but and electrical system that absorbs nearby electricity and directs it in a way that mimics the brain. They can easily repurpose hardware to function as their ‘body’ and access all files and programs within it while disabling others regardless of security measures. They can also use wireless signals to jump from machine to machine, or even theoretically occupy multiple machines at a time, as well as increase their computing power. Potentially they can even ride a person’s nervous system to their brain and store themselves in the body of a living human, changing the electric current of the brain to match their own and gain a host, although individuals with certain mechanical hearts are unable to be infected due to an electro-magnetic field being emitted by their body. This is all untested and untapped potential, though.

Likewise Daniel can, theoretically, not only transfer these AI maps into other people’s brains but copy other people’s brains and place them into a computer. In fact Daniel has already succeeded in making simplistic insect copies, although that is a far cry from actual intelligence, on small data storage facilities. It is worth noting that his ability requires an extended amount of proximity, hours or even days, to create or implant a copy. The only working human copy is Chamuel.

Family History:
The Babel family has not hurt for money in generations. Daniel’s great grandfather amassed such a huge fortune through computer software that the family is still spending his fortune. Using the funds, advantages and influences that came with said fortune the Babel family got into business, politics, and occasionally publicity. The family is rich enough to live extravagantly even in this broken world, and usually remain detached from the commoners.

Daniel has one aunt, who is a US senator, and two uncles, who are CEOs of various less notable companies. His Father is CEO of Babel Industries, although not through birthright or his own efforts. His father took the name of his Mother, who is essentially a stay at home rich mom as well as an activist when it is convenient. His grandfather on his mother’s side is retired, although still alive and healthy, but his grandmother died some time ago. Daniel also has two cousins, both guys, who are slightly older than him.
His Father’s side of the family is considerably smaller, considering that Daniel’s grandparents on that side passed away when Daniel was still young and his Father was an only child. Although he never speaks of it Daniel’s father grew up in the typical poverty, and married into money. There is some resentment between his aunt and uncles and his Father, but Daniel isn’t interested.

He also has a younger brother, although their relationship isn’t great. Actually Daniel isn’t on good terms with any of his family. Despite having a perfectly good mansion Daniel has rented out an apartment just to get away from them. He rarely speaks to them, and they to him, and everyone seems to be content with this relationship. So long as Daniel has enough money in his account to fund his hobbies and they aren’t embarrassed by anything he does the whole family is happy.


Daniel was, as one would expect from a person in this project, a very sickly child. He was also a very wealthy and well off child, whose disease placed him constantly in the spotlight. Sure there were some invasive and uncomfortable tests, but these were coupled with banquets and fundraisers thrown for him and everybody fawning and awing over him for simply continuing to be alive. His parents made a great show about their undying love for him, his friends always did what he wanted and everyone thought he was a hero without him even having to try.

At the time Daniel didn’t really appreciate it, but looking back he enjoyed those days. There was no hard work or guilt or people fighting him and his life was planned out. Morbid, but everything followed a simple plan. Back then he had made peace with the fact that he was going to die, perhaps because he was lead to believe that it was filled with white fluffy things, or perhaps because he had and would remain comfortable so long as he went along with the plan that had been laid out before him. Literally no expense was spared in making sure that he was comfortable and happy after all. Then news came out for a surgery. Without really thinking about it Daniel signed up and went through with it, and everything was a success.

Daniel got to live and that should have been the best thing ever. He would get to enjoy his carefree life with his loving and doting family and compliant friends with no hardship or effort for many more years to come. This was the best possible development, right?

The world quickly stopped caring though, caring that Daniel was sick and caring about how heroic he was. Now that he was healthy his parents no longer needed to dote on him, and he was expected to go to school and start studying, intensely. His younger brother, who was already jealous of Daniel for the gratuitous amounts of attention that Daniel had received, now started to resent his brother because of his laziness. Even his friends started to treat him differently now that they no longer had to feel guilty about denying him anything. Daniel started to realize that he was normal, and he didn’t particularly like that.

For a while he tried to milk his disease as much as he could and pretended to have relapses, but that got old fast and people began to scorn him for it. Eventually he tried living a normal rich person life, surrounded by luxury and possessing more money than he could possibly spend in his lifetime, but normal amongst his peers. Daniel hated it, he hated the responsibility, and not having his parents at his beck and call, and getting into fights with his younger brother. He hated not being able to do whatever he wanted.

Eventually Daniel just stopped trying, and everyone around him realized this, and nobody really cared. They weren’t going to try to make him try, and so they ignored him. Friends that didn’t do what Daniel wanted were cut off; he stopped speaking to his brother and eventually his parents. Mostly over petty slights and silent grudges nursed in silence, the target of his ire not even aware that they had wronged him, or rather that he had perceived that they wronged him. At one point Daniel stopped going to school and locked himself in his room.

While trapped there Daniel became enamored in a great many things on his computer. Games, programming, and online communities all grabbed at his attention. He fell in love with the digital world’s anonymity and constant source of entertainment. It was a world without consequence. Soon he started looking up programming tutorials and other various tools, falling headfirst into it. Often times, when he was awake for too long, he would see words or thoughts flash across the screen, or hear something whispered in his headphones.

One day he decided that he would hack into his parent’s company. It was an act of senseless defiance, he didn’t have any plans to do anything once there, but he had the absolute freedom from consequence so why not? To his credit he did pretty well for his experience, he had been practicing on other security systems for fun and petty revenge but he was far from professional. He got caught though and a security company tracked it back to him and his parents became involved.

There was a lot of yelling and serious questions involved and Daniel had his computers taken away and was forced to go to school. This lasted for about two weeks, Daniel silently nursing his grudge, before his parents gave him back his computers and left watching over him to some servants. Daniel was forced to go to school, but really just used his travel computer to surf the web during most classes and continued to practice his hacking. Eventually Daniel had enough of his parents, who he never saw anymore, and made a deal with them to move out in his own apartment. They didn’t seem to care, and their only condition was that one of the maids had to look over him.

Daniel rarely ever talks to her, and spends most of his free time in a closed off and locked room with five large computer screens. About a year after moving out Daniel noticed words being typed across his screen. They said ‘Are you me?’ At first Daniel thought someone had hacked his computer and had run all the tests and checked everything, eventually resigning to just replacing the hard drive. The words appeared on a different computer, and when he cut his connection the words still appeared on his computer.

Finally Daniel started responding to the words, talking to the person who he was still convinced on the other side. The person claimed to be him, and knew things that Daniel had never told anyone and that certainly weren’t on his computers. It took about half a year for the person to convince Daniel that they were one in the same. After that Daniel became obsessed with his counterpart, devoting days to asking him questions and running tests, and just hanging out with someone he felt he could relate to. The counterpart meanwhile was left with the nature of his existence, and sought to seek that out with the vast knowledge of the internet.

Neither had made much progress, although the counterpart -who had chosen the name Chamuel- had started to mature faster than Daniel. Whether this is because of his difference in perspective or his awareness of his own artificiality or even simply because he is truly his own person is unknown, but Chamuel is considerably more mature and patient than Daniel at this point. Daniel meanwhile halfheartedly attends school, not liking it or liking thinking about his future or responsibilities. He is impatient, has no friends and is the type to mutter an insult under his breath and look down on others secretly rather than deal with people in real life.

Appearance: http://www.zerochan.net/1661182
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cthulu
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cthulu Her Harley

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

*coughs politely into hand* Still here ^_^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Durnehviir
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sorry guys. I actually won't be doing this one.
Sorry that you guys went through all the trouble to make characters.
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