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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Desert Zephyr

Desert Zephyr

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

First BlowAlexander Lyre

Alex finished reloading the pistols with a snap, the rubies throwing a hateful sparkle across the field. The proud mouths of the dragons were slowly turn black from the hateful fire and noxious smoke they threw. The heavy balls blew out a knee from one, and a splatter of dried gore came from the head of the other. Alex’s teeth came out in a ruthless grin, while Wren moved to engage, obviously feeling aggression to be better than taking a quick breather. The grin grew tighter at the thought, and his palms itched again. Especially since the damn gecko was Wren’s familiar.

Alex could hear the smirk on the gargoyle’s unholy face behind, "Zealots came before you, and died, female, what chance do you think you have when your male counterparts all fell before the wrath of my master?" The damn thing was probably playing with his comrades. Alex snarled at the thought, and almost swung around to unleash a hail of heavy lead upon the thing, when a shadow emerged from the mist. First, it was a crossbow quarrel in the back of the corpse left still standing. The thing took two steps and collapsed forwards, and then Alex caught a glimpse of what had emerged from the mist.

“Oh, Hell.”

Instead of the hoped for cavalry, a demon flapped through the mist, moving a great speed and glowing. Alex’s pistols snapped up, leading the hellspawn for a deflection shot just in case it was hostile. It appeared that not all hostile forces were on the same side, as magical quarrels erupted against the gargoyles stone skin. The enemy of my enemy was not always my friend. He decided that was a threat for later, worth a special shot. He half turned and aimed the pistol in his left hand at the remaining undead crawling up. Alex could almost feel the twisted body slavering against its unholy bondage.

“I’ll clean up the last one, Wren. I think you would be the best one to keep an eye on our new… friend.” The pistol roared a moment later, spitting yet another heavy ball of lead to free the last tortured soul.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brand
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Amazonia Imperiia


"Thank you," Ethyssa replied to the Amazonian remark on her strength. "I take great pride in strength, and I had heard rumors that there are few as strong as an Amazon. By the looks of it, for once rumors didn't disappoint."

Ethyssa was counting on Amazonian temper and excessive force to tire her opponent, the key to victory here likely lied in forcing the Amazon to over-exert herself. The Amazon was big, and as her grip tightened on the spear the muscles on her forearm striated. Often times opponents would keep their muscles limber, and only tighten before or as they struck. Oddly enough, the Amazonian's intense musculature and bare skin could help Ethyssa, for if Ethyssa noticed the muscles of the forearm tense then a strike was likely not far behind. Briefly Ethyssa's thoughts trailed off, the Amazonian had been identified as Elyssa, and suddenly Ethyssa couldn't help but think about the parallels in their names.

"Elyssa, right? Pretty name, but it's not Ethyssa," she teased as she began to circle the Amazon's left. Abruptly Ethyssa picked up a more serious tone, "Win or lose, thank you for this opportunity."

With that, Ethyssa did a quick jab, careful to keep her form proper and her defense up. She would test the waters and measure Elyssa before she committed to a serious offensive strike.

"We'll see about that." Elyssa murmured under her breath cryptically. Quietly and calmly she braced for a charge, thinking her opponent would be brutal and vicious like everything she grew up with she was instead surprised by the cautious jab, being taken aback as it hits her stomach and causes her to gasp in surprise. Had that been an actual spear, she would be moderately wounded, but instead a small bruise is left behind. "... Skilled and strong..." She seemed almost a bit afraid. "I am not yet so skilled."

Mira watched contentedly from the side lines, leaning against one of the large trees she shakes her head. "Stop thinking and counter attack sister!" Whether that was metaphorical or literal, one couldn't exactly tell at face value with the Amazons. Still. Elyssa took the advice to heart and immediately counter-attacked, aiming for Ethyssa's ankle to try and trip her. However, her attack was slow, and gave Ethyssa enough time to avoid the attack.

Ethyssa could almost laugh, but she saved face for the sake of respect. Her nerves about dueling an amazon had gotten the best of her. Whether she had a tendency to be overly cautious, or simply underestimate herself, it was a common trend with her fights. She sidestepped the Amazon's blow to her ankle and brought her own spear down with a quick snap, aiming for the Amazon's left wrist.

"Skill comes with time... How do you two feel about us being here? The Imperium for the negotiations I mean," Ethyssa inquired.

Elyssa was able to bring her staff up in time to block the blow to her wrist, and in an uncharacteristic manner for an Amazon, takes the opportunity to dash a few feet back from her opponent. She then brings her staff up in a guard position, ready to strike out the moment Ethyssa moved in to attack. Quite simply, she was playing the defensive game, showing no signs of wanting to go on the offense. Mira raises an eyebrow in amusement. "Surely you know to attack?" There was no response from Elyssa as she listened to Ethyssa's question. "Me, or the Amazons?... I don't know. We lived with them once, I think we can again."

"Don't feel pressure to attack; you'll only rush your swings," Ethyssa said as she continued to side-step, with each footstep being careful and deliberate. The Amazon's weakness was in her inexperience and uncertainty. The other woman, Mira, was offering no sound advice in coaching Elyssa to stay on the offensive, and indeed if Elyssa had been the considerably stronger or more experienced duelist then an intensive offense might pay off, but that was not the case.

"I agree with you. Me and my brothers would like to see our people unite, but I'm curious: Do most Amazons share our belief in unification? Also, what is it the Amazons seek to gain from the alliance? When I look around me, I see an endless jungle. I imagine if we had tried to navigate through the jungle as opposed to being escorted in as we were, there would be a great deal less of our number, even more so if you and your sisters stood against us. What i'm saying is: between Amazons and the natural hazards of the jungle, I don't imagine any army would be foolish enough to march against you. I could be wrong, but wouldn't it be easy for the Amazons to remain isolationists? So why reach out now," Ethyssa asked stepping back for moment and turning her eyes to the other amazon, Mira, and continuing, "I would like to hear your opinion as well."

Mira sighed and leaned against a tree, crossing her arms and shaking her head. "I, like many traditionalists, don't see much of a point, as you said..." She then glances at Elyssa. "Some cubs, however, see it differently."

Elyssa lowers her training spear and bites her lip nervously. "Because some of us sense something wrong. Something bigger than us. The jungle is scared. This jungle, of all places, scared... It must be something greater than ourselves posing a threat... Then whispers of demons from the outside world... It makes sense to stand with the world, we still live upon it."

Ethyssa also put her spear to ease. The importance of the duel was secondary and even negligible to the importance of the conversation, "It's true that demonic influences have been appearing and growing more prevalent in recent years, and I think even now no one knows how much more has yet to come, but ultimately the importance of such things are for you and your queen to decide."

She furrowed her brow and continued, "I hope I am not asking something that might offend, but we have heard rumors of the Amazon princess claiming the queen is under demonic influence, and I was wondering if either of you could elaborate on the accusation." Ethyssa then readied her spear and did a quick jab, meant more as a light practice check then an actual strike.

Elyssa blocks the jab quickly enough. Ethyssa, after all, had also lowered her guard temporarily, and that gave Elyssa enough time to respond to any attack... Yet she remained defensive, not responding with an attack immediately, and instead preferring the conversation. "It's not easy to explain, we've never had demons in our history." She states simply, shifting her stance slightly. Ethyssa didn't recognize it.

Mira didn't seem to care much for the conversation and yawned. "The mother claims this, the daughter claims that. It's a family fight, really." Elyssa frowns. "Don't be so sure, sister."

"Have either been acting strangely as of late," Ethyssa inquired.

They look at each other.

"We come from a village on the outskirts, we hardly see them, so we wouldn't know." Elyssa replies.

"Oh, I had assumed you saw them more frequently since you are both here in the queen's camp. Elyssa, earlier you implied the bickering could be more than just infighting, do you have any reason think such?"

Ehtyssa smiled and continued, "I apologize. I don't mean to come across as an inquisitor, and I hadn't expected the duel to turn into a series of questions. I think I am more inclined to agree with Mira as it would be silly to suspect demonic possession every time a child and their mother disagreed, but being with the Queen's Blades and tasked with the handling of demonic activities I have some obligation to make inquires."

Elyssa almost seemed annoyed by the lack of belief, considering Ethyssa's position. "It was serious enough to show weakness to outsiders." Mira seemed to go into thought about that. "We are an insular society. We are not comfortable showing weakness due to how few of us there are."

The culture barrier had made the supposedly obvious far less so, "That was something I had not considered."

Ethyssa couldn't put the pieces together. The queen had made her nation vulnerable by exposing weakness, and if such a thing was to be taken as seriously as the amazons implied it would almost seem as if the queen had backed herself into a corner. If she denied the alliance with The Imperium, not only would they have exposed their weakness to the Free Holds but they would short themselves an ally as well. It seemed almost as if the Queen had not given herself a choice. By this point is was obvious something was amiss, but Ethyssa had no leads.

Ethyssa focused her attention on Elyssa, "Usually we're advised not to insinuate demonic activities in political affairs, as many people in the past have taken it as slander and honestly I thought you would react far more harshly if I admitted I suspected it was a plausible as it is. Perhaps I downplayed the likelihood of demonic influence, but the fact you're standing by it as a possibility does cause me concern."

Elyssa blinks in confusion. "Why would others make idle accusations out of possessions and demons?" It was at this point that Mira pegged Elyssa with a pebble, then stuck out her tongue. "Outsiders are ruled by men and they're quite the gossipers." Elyssa giggles. "I suppose." She then looks to Ethyssa and in a sudden move, jabs forward. She does manage to land the blow on Ethyssa's shoulder... This woman was not particularly accurate at attacks, it seemed.

Ethyssa was stunned at first, her mind had wandered from the duel but she still hadn't expected the Amazon to land a strike. Ethyssa took a few steps back but quickly turned a switch. "Nice strike. I guess since you landed a hit this is a real duel now," Ethyssa replied with a smirk, and with that she went on the counter offensive with a strike to the leg.

Elyssa attempts to block it and fails, receiving the full force blow to her leg. Mira claps as Elyssa drops her spear and falls backwards, grasping her knee and whimpering in pain. With that settled, Mira smirks and looks at Ethyssa. "Well done. I almost mistook you for being an Amazon... Almost."

"I almost wish I was," Ethyssa jested with smile, and waited for a moment before offering a helping hand to Elyssa. "Good duel."

Elyssa nods, though looks down at the dirt as she takes Ethyssa's hand. "I am... More accustomed to fighting wild creatures, not intelligent people."

"The curses of being born in a jungle," Ethyssa teased. Suddenly Ethyssa took note of how different in appearance Elyssa looked from the other Amazons, "Were you born in the Amazon? You look very different from your sisters."

Elyssa nods as Mira scowls. "It's fine, sister." Elyssa says as she points in behind Ethyssa, towards the river of blood that flows into the jungle. "Most Amazonians drink from that river. There are a few, however, who do not, as a precaution against spirits and certain monsters that like to hunt those who drink from it." She bows her head. "I am one such Amazon. I specialize in fighting monsters and spirits." She then looks at Mira, who was pouting. "Not people."

"They drink from the river? Spirits that hunt those who do, and you specialize in fighting them? I'm sorry but there is still a great deal about your culture I don't know...and I meant no offense," she continued, directed to Mira. Ethyssa walked over to a small pile of stones and took a seat as she laid the spear and buckler aside. "Can you tell me more about your role, or maybe even a story about one of your encounters?" she asked, genuinely intrigued.

Elyssa sat on the jungle floor across from Ethyssa, Mira joined her, crossing her arms defensively, still not too trustful of the stranger. "Storytelling is something we do." Elyssa says with a warm smile towards Ethyssa's curiosity. "As told by my father and the woman who taught me, this river was poisoned by a great cataclysm long ago." Suddenly, her hands start to move with the demonstration, and after a few moments, small images in smoke begin to appear. Either she was a mage, or a very well rehearsed storyteller.

"There was the Great Fire, it spread across the land, unnatural, purple, these flames consumed the Empire of old, and turned all in its path into twisted, yellow sand. The whole world shuddered, and the river that once fed this jungle turned to blood with its victims."

Notable, Mira seemed quite interested in the tale. Surely she had heard it a thousand times, and yet, without hesitation, she was totally absorbed by the smoke tricks and woven words.

"So, in memory, the Amazons drank from the river... The men refused, being cautious of its taint, but the women, seeing the dangers of the jungle intensify, could not stand by idly, and had to try. Those few of us were the first of the newly reborn Amazons... The rest began to follow as they learned of its powers, to control ones own life stream, to escape death from even the most mortal of wounds, and to gain unnatural strength. Every act became sacred, and every emotion intensified. We were, as a people, more powerful than we had ever been, and even now, we remain strong... However..." Mira frowns again, knowing what was coming, and yet, feeling emotional about it. "...Spirits came. Evil ones, Amazonians who were in the Empire when it was consumed by the Great Fire. They returned, and began to possess only the women. Thus, some of us chose to abstain, and trained to fight spirits, and monsters who feasted on others with this taint."

Elyssa pulls up her left pant leg enough to reveal a long, vicious looking scar running down her thigh. "One such creature nearly took my life when I was but a child. That day I vowed to make sure it would not happen again... Thus, here I am."

"In my homeland, not the Imperium but among the peoples who lived on the land before the rebirth of the Imperium, storytelling is also common in our culture, and you may be the best storyteller I've ever seen," Ethyssa replied with a hearty smile in reference to how well the shaman had brought the smoke alive to match her words. Throughout the experience the smoke swirled and swayed as images appeared to literally come to life in the smoke, and Ethyssa could almost swear she saw plumes of color light up as well, much like lightning illuminated the black clouds that surround it. "So the spirits are your ancestors, or the ancestors of your people? And the river. Is there a ritual that goes along with drinking from the river? Is it a coming of age thing, and what happens if a non-Amazonian drinks from the river?"

"Spirits of our ancestors during the Great Fire... And..." She ponders the question for a few moments. "... I have no idea. All those who drink from it become Amazons..." Her face scrunches in contemplation. "Still... I believe you are needed with your compatriots, right? Mind if we accompany you?"

Mira rolls her eyes. "Yes. We."

Elyssa looks back to Mira. "What did I do this time?" She says with a wry smile.

"Oh, you always assume to speak for both of us. That's what!" Mira retorts, followed up with Elyssa rising to her feet and placing her hands on her hips.

"Fine then, what do -you- want to do, Mira?"

Mira clears her throat and attempts to immitate what she likely thought was royalty from an outsider country. "Ohh, well, I would deign to join thee on thy exquisite accompanymentingly of the outsider." One could almost feel the sneer radiating off of her lips as Elyssa giggles. The sneer dissipates into a soft smile.

The two were like family.

"Anyway, can we?" Elyssa asks again, this time with Mira's approval.

"Of course," Ethyssa replied as she stood to her feet. "Actually, that would be great."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tan S Lake

Tan S Lake

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Carnival of Chaos

Cristoff Whitemarch

Cristoff froze in his tracks as the sound of a massive explosion ripped through the circus town. He thought he felt the ground itself shake, and he came to realize that surely, one of them must have failed their task. He feared for Tristan's safety, but he quickly recovered his poise. Pushing the paralyzing thought to the back of his mind, he forced himself to move on, lightly touching another mirror, which instantly transported him, as all the others had.

Except suddenly, he found himself in a dark, enclosed space, and suddenly the feeling of making progress drained out of him. A hissing sound could be heard nearby, a thousand reflected lights appeared in the mirrors, not strong enough to light up the area, but clear enough for Cristoff to realize it was a burning fuse. Alarmed, he looked around, trying to tell apart the real fuse from its innumerable reflections, and realized he would have to use magic to do it.

The idea he had was quite simple, really. Enchanted as these mirrors were, their interaction with light seemed to be no different than an ordinary mirror, barring some distortion in shape and color. Cristoff conjured a light in his raised right hand, bright enough to light up the small space, but not so bright as to blind him. The mirrors would reflect the light; he could easily spot the real fuse by finding the only one that didn't reflect.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LimeyPanda


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Here Cometh the Wolves

Jellial, The Wind and Esyllt Boudica

Jellial elected not to talk to the lizardmen, as was requested of him, until after he had returned to his human form. The creatures were acting oddly reverent to him in his bestial form, and while it flattered him, it excited the beast. He didn’t need another synapse ticking away at the beat inside which already clawed for attention and power and demanded control. No, human form would have to be enough for the lizardmen.

It took him no more than a minute to re-don his clothing. He had pilfered a pair of guardsman’s trousers and, while they itched a little, they would suffice. He could repurchase quality at another interval. For now, he would deal with it. At least his shirt was undamaged. He could do with losing a pair of trousers or two, but the shirt held a certain amount of sentimental value. Not the ideal attire to wear for a werewolf, but when he’d heard he was going to be returning to Tuleria, he had decided that fate might deem fit to reward him with a visit to a certain woman of importance to him. Now, it seemed, he was being given that chance. He hadn’t even had to do any convincing, as the group were content to send him off to see the city’s pack. Would she be there? Hard to say, but fate had toyed with Jellial often enough that it was a distinct possibility.

“ Bastian, Rhia…” He called over to the two lizardmen, using his tongue now to speak, as opposed to his mental mastery. He needn’t disturb them with private conversation now, everyone would need to hear this. “...Can you have a look at the body for me? I want to exonerate your people, I share a blood bond with one of them and his safety is of great importance to me. Que’la’Quin is his name: perhaps you know of him?”

Her sudden vision had Esyllt out of touch with what happened in the room. Half the people had already left, including Saul, which gave the young woman a bad feeling. Esyllt had little time to make sense of what had happened, or her vision for that matter. “I beg your pardon.” She stepped backwards, creating distance between herself and Shria; her licking of her fingers put Esyllt on her guard. She barely managed to refrain reaching for her blade. Was that the language of a predator, or perhaps her vision had Esyllt riled up. The wells of power foreboded little good... Shivers went down the woman's spine; a sensation she'd not expected to feel in this hot land.

When Jellial returned shortly, he took upon him the request of asking the lizardfolk to do the matching-claws test. Esyllt, vaguely beginning to recall the topics of conversation during her vision, in turn she took off her jacket and took another sip from her water.

Bastian impatiently clicks his nails against his belt as he stares at Jellial, unamused by the request. Rhia looks side-long at her brother, before bowing her head, “Apologies, moonbeassst… But it is beyond my brother and I to desssecrate the body more. We have looked at the body already. It is… Peculiar. The good doctor, though he believesss… Believesss it is beassst, there ought be other marksss, if it were kin or lycan. The only thought to come to mind is a lycan who sssought not to turn them by fang, yet is carelessss?”

Bastian lets out a grinding cackle, “Oh yesss, they mussst only wanted to tassste!” Rhia shifts in apparent embarrassment, the flesh peeking out from scales about her face flushing, “Jussst a thought, brother. We are as cluelessss as them. This is such a strange happening…”

Jellial nods at the response, seeming apathetic at best towards Bastian’s response. “I thought that would be the case.” Looking now towards Rhia, he bows his own head lightly. “...and please, don’t bow your head. I’m not worthy of adoration and I certainly don’t pretend I am.” He offered a slight nod, before turning to the Esyllt. “Well, at least we form the most attractive pair.” He offered her larger smile than he offered to the lizards. “Now, let us be off. It has been a long time since I’ve seen my kin.”

As they make their way through Port Luclin, they slowly find themselves leaving the core of the hustle and bustle as they near the outskirts. The buildings grow less cramped and the menagerie of cultures battling for control ease up to something more unified. Indeed, it would seem Tuleria on its own did have some semblance of their own being when not vying with the constant locomotion of foreign trade. The buildings begin to look less and less flashy, instead aiming for structures both utilitarian and long-lasting. Many of the houses begin to appear abandoned. Jellial would know that is because of these buildings, many of the residents failed to stay in one place for long. Truly, they were more like temporary boarding houses for those who drift through.

Amidst the scattered houses, the two would be unaware of the shadow following them. The individual weaves between buildings skillfully, well aware of every facet they can exploit in their hunt. In time, more join the first, swift and silent. Jellial would recognize instantly as he passes into the currently established pack territory, the scents flooding him as warning. Crossing that invisible line, though, seemed to be all the warning the accompanying shadows needed, as in an instant, the first lurches forward, behind Esyllt and presses a hand over the woman’s mouth and a knife against her back. “Not a peep,” the feminine voice growls, low and threatening.

This seemed a nastier side of Luclin. For all it's glory it shew up front, the port's dark underbelly surely was nearby. Esyllt quickly realised this was a bad neighbourhood, and not for it's architecture. “Jellial, we're in danger.” Esyllt warned Jellial telepathically, the instant she was suddenly grasped from behind. “A woman with a knife has me in a hold, please do not act rash.” Esyllt asked of Jellial.

Calmly she complied to the woman's threat, not making a sound or move. However, the assailant had pressed her bare hand against Esyllt's skin which allowed Esyllt to read her surface thoughts...

Snarling bestial thoughts meet Esyllt, mingled with a great protective urge and concern. For what, she cannot tell. Trying to plunge deeper or sort through the cursory emotions to determine more seems of little use as the human woman is met with a barrier of resistance. It could stand to reason that the aggressor is used to such intrusions on her mind…

To the point she understands exactly what had just occurred. The knife presses closer, beginning to bite into flesh and draw blood. “OUT OF MY MIND,” the heavily accented command rings out as Esyllt is forced out. The beings on the edges of the street crowd forward. Jellial and Esyllt both would be able to see their silhouettes. Many of them appear to be that of small and agile figures. However, even from here, they could see looming shapes twisted in resemblance of animals. From them, the occasional glint of predatory eyes focus. The eyes of the attacker flicker up to Jellial, “Has this woman forced you to lead her here?”

Jellial had been perhaps slightly less respectful of the danger that Luclin could pose, not only to himself, but to Esyllt. He had been lax in any cautionary spells in that he hadn’t cast any, and he was foolishly caught off guard by the feel of Esyllt speaking to him through telepathy ”So you can use telepathy as well...useful to know.”

Not wanting to act rashly, Jellial seemed to sway a single finger through the air as he cast the most basic of wind magic spells. A light gust, barely a touch, blew from behind Esyllt and her attacker and wafted the scent towards Jellial. It took him a second to filter out Esyllt’s own smell, but as soon as he did…

The question from Esyllt’s attacker confirmed it: Jellial knew that voice almost as well as he knew his own. He turned to face Esyllt and the attacker, defying Esyllt’s request not to ‘act rashly.’ Converse to expectations, Jellial was smiling, at least until he spotted the small trickle of blood at Esyllt’s throat. At that point, he had a slight pout on his face, as if he were mildly confused and a bit mystified. “Maylene, you are wrapping your arms around the wrong person. She is a guest and I bring her to the pack out of choice. Stop making a mistake by aiming your aggression at the woman who is helping me clear the pack’s name.”
Maylene hesitates for the briefest of moments before releasing her hold with a huff of breath, “How was I to be certain? Whoever is doing this is not beyond treachery to get what they want.” Surveying Jellial and establishing that he really was alright, she allows herself to relax, drawing the face-wrap down. “Besides, you arrive in Tuleria and show up with some strange woman in the middle of all this, I needed to be sure.” The werewolf rogue flashes a sweet smile to Esyllt, “Forgive the rude greeting. Perhaps my time abroad has made me… Rougher, of late.”

“That is... Understandable.” Esyllt wheezed for air. She tore a piece off her cloth to make a light bind to her wound, merely to stop the bleeding. Esyllt took a breath to collect her thoughts, more than by Maylene's grasp, she had been taken off-guard by the woman's ability to not only recognise, but even dispel her telepathic ability. Never before had anyone managed to do either.

Jellial could only chuckle at Maylene’s brief exchange. Was she perhaps a bit jealous? For a moment, the wind-mage felt himself grow ever fonder of the old flame. “I arrived with a number of strange people. I think Esyllt here was the least strange of my small group.” He flashed a small grin before taking a few steps towards the two women. “All of this though, we can discuss in the privacy of the pack’s hall. Introductions are in order between the two of you though.” Jellial was directly next to both of them now and from the closer view he could appreciate their contrasting beauties. Esyllt was a picture of refinement and elegant education: not unlike a tended rose. Maylene, on the other hand, was a wilder beauty. She was dark skinned and beautiful and savage in her intensity. The wind mage suddenly felt himself very lucky.

“Esyllt, the woman who nearly slit your throat is Maylene Morvyn: Werewolf, thief and beautiful rogue, extraordinaire. Maylene, this is Esyllt, a fellow member of the Queen’s blades, and sadly, an enigma to me in nearly every other respect.”

“I apologise for that, Jellial. I have not yet been able to reciprocate your kind gestures. I would gladly tell you more about myself at a more appropriate time. Now, our mission takes priority.” Esyllt said to the wind mage. She was jealous of the lofty way Jellial carried himself, Esyllt herself had it hard to present herself properly in the face of the new experiences and people, not to mention the danger and importance of their mission.

“Esyllt Boudica, knight of Edmundal, currently in service of the Queen's Blades. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” Esyllt made a small bow, although clearly not most at ease despite Maylene's smile. Her eyes drifted to the silhouettes... Were all these werewolves? With every passing hour she seemed to become more aware of how lost she was in Tuleria. “I know little of this country's affairs, forgive my ignorance.”

“It is not your fault. You have not lived amongst the people, and I doubt you know much of our lands. Perhaps that is a failing on your superiors for having not told you,” she crosses her arms over her chest and levels her gaze on the both of them, “You are of this Queen’s Blades. The business I have heard you had gone to Renalta for, Jellial. I can only assume, given your words… I am sure you are here not for pleasure and fun…” She crooks her head down the alley, “You are right, we ought be somewhere more private. With the pack, while they are here… The packmaster is anxious, and for good reason. I have done what I could to learn more, but too many things are being said along the vine and all conflicting. Regardless, if you are both ready and can hold your questions… Should we be off?”

Jellial nods quietly as both women speak. It was good that Esyllt seemed to abandon any potential ill-will against Maylene, for if Jellial had to choose between his kin and his duty, it would be a very difficult choice indeed. “I’m about ready to be out of here. Sooner we can speak to the pack leader, the sooner we can fix this situation.” In truth, the wind-mage was conflicted. Being home was more than a pleasure to him, especially with the reunion between the two werewolves: but he knew the longer he was here, the more dangerous it was becoming for his pack. He could only remain while the mission was unresolved.

Esyllt nodded in agreement. “Please, lead the way.”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarzu


Member Offline since relaunch

Sarah's Request

Naream Baenre shrugged and commanded his minions to hit the Dwarves on their solar plexus to knock them out for a while as he went to bind and restrain them, gesturing for his wights to pick up the weapons and shields of the Dwarves since he had them drop theirs a moment before. Taking in the information with a curse, "Ilithid..." He hissed through his teeth and clenched his hands together, quickly thinking of ways to perhaps ward his mind against psionic attacks if they encountered such a being. He turned to the human ranger, "My minions will deal with the Dwarves and-" He frowned when it seemed clear that the ranger, Kasim was not listening to him in the slightest.

He looked ahead, widening his eyes upon seeing the circle and a strange mirror that might implicate many things magical wise and listened as to how the warrior woman was intent on grabbing a bag of gold just lying around in the open. He turned to Andrea and spoke in their home dialect to her. <"Dibs on her body, if there is indeed a trap that is triggered by picking up that gold. You can have the human pretty boy, when he dies."> After saying that, he would make sure to be in the rearguard of this procession, with his skeletal wights leading the way in front of him. Giant spiders were never a good thing, especially since the Lollth bitches love those eight-legged bugs so much. Though it would be interesting to see what the other Drow with them would do if there were indeed giant spiders here. Would she ignore the beasts or slay them, possibly incurring the wrath of her precious goddess? Then again all the gods had been locked away so perhaps the worship of spiders was so much a thing anymore, it had been over a century since he had been among Drow civilization after all.

Though he could offer one word of advice, even if the humans were to die anyway down here. "Do not break that circle!" He shouted up ahead... "And stay away from that mirror!" He sighed as he saw the warrior woman seemed to head to the mirror next after picking up the gold. <"How in the nine hells did humanity survive this long with their 'curiosity' just waltzing them right to their deaths..."> He muttered darkly in the Drow language.

She kept studying Kasim for a moment before finally pulling her dagger away, turning to Naream she snorted. <"I have no interest in corpses male, do with them what you wish but if you dare to desecrate my body in the unlikely event of my death... the spider queen will curse your worthless life."> She said hissing through her teeth. She had to agree a few seconds later with his words though, humans were too curious for their own good, heading for their deaths so eagerly. She decided to hang back with the other Drow and observe what the humans would do or the trouble they would raise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gat


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

First Blow
Maher Adonai

Maher blinked as the demon arrived, not entirely certain as to its intentions initially. While it had been on the ship with them and was supposedly a member of the blades... Maher just couldn't shake the instinct to watch his back around it. That instinct mingled with his Templar training and Maher caught himself moving to cast against the demon instead of the gargoyle. No matter how many times he told himself the demon was an ally during the trip over the Sea of Blood he just couldn't bring himself to trust it.

Shaking his head slightly Maher refocused on the gargoyle when the demon fired its crossbow at the animated statue. He kept an eye on the demon still but he started casting another spell at the gargoyle. This time trying to narrow down which element of his previous attack had effected the gargoyle as it did, He focused on just water rather than mixing in anti-magic. He had a suspicion the anti-magic had been the one to cause the stunning effect on the gargoyle, but in the chance that he was wrong, pure anti-magic would have little effect, by testing water first he hoped he could effect the creature through kinetic force of the water pressure if nothing else.

Concentrating Maher started another incantation for a powerful torrent of concentrated water, similar to the first but subtly different to strip the anti-magic properties and concentrate on the force of the torrent. He hoped he wasn't making a mistake...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

First Blow
When the gargoyle crashed down with an almighty thud near Erasmus, he knew the plan had been ripped to shreds already. There would be no teamwork for the short future to bring this creature down; its trajectory had assured it. Instead now it was just him and the beast who would be locked into a deadly dance of death; most likely his own. His chance relied on surviving an onslaught long enough for his companions to reach him and assist; his options were to run or defend. He’d never be fast enough to run, so his only real option was to defend and given his skillset, it was probably the best for him too. Rather than advance on the fallen creature; an action that would bear grave consequences, he hefted his shield up to his shoulder and held his blade out to the side. He warily balanced on the balls of his feet, ready to pounce to either side were it needed and then he did the unthinkable.

“Do you feel that creature? Do you feel your strength ebbing away, the threads of your creation unravelling? You’ve come to meet your demise here today, your master never prepared you to face me” he said, taunting the creature with the undoubted wave of sensations the gargoyle would be feeling. “You see, the magic that made you cannot stand my presence, thus as you remain here, you die. You’re weakness is so grave I don’t even have to touch you. Your demise is assured, creature. Unless you can kill me that is; so what of it, creature? Are you capable of that?”

Whilst attempting to enrage the creature would seem like an idiotic idea, in truth it was grounded in genius if he could stay alive. The more the beast threw itself at Erasmus, the more it would weaken; every blow it rained on it shield, which would be conducting an intensification of his passive anti-magic thanks to his amulet wrapped around it, it would further weaken itself. Or at least that was the theory; the magical constructions he’d faced before had all fallen prey to this unique situation and he had yet to meet a sorcerer who’d ever experienced his condition before. He'd aim to block any attack aimed within his reach with his shield or sword, even both if it took and to dodge any others that threatened him from outside his blocking zone.

Time slowed as he saw his words have an impact on the barely sentient creature; Erasmus controlled his breathing and braced himself for the attacks to come, hoping he’d survive long enough for his companions to arrive. If by some chance any of his companions managed to land an attack before the beast reached him, it’d be best followed up by a bash from his shield, which would serve as an adequate replacement for any defensive strategy.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Royal Blood- Rayne Walker

On the false assumption that his introduction established a rapport with the Crown-Prince, Rayne had pushed forward with an attempt to take the reigns of this quest and institute dominance within the group. Misunderstandings with what Xavier felt about him, likely mixed with the false fact that the man believed Rayne was from Renalta, lead to him taking what Rayne believed was a slyly delivered reminder as a threat on his daughter's life. Xavier was under the impression, now, that Rayne did not trust his family, and took his chance to bluntly show that distrust was mutual. Of course, this act was an accidental benefit to Xavier, as Rayne truly did not trust him, but it would be easier for the false hero if his deception had succeeded.

Interesting, the fact that Xavier kept Penelope at arms length yet did not show any signs of understanding that she could be dangerous. He must have some other wall, a separate divide between himself and his own daughter; Rayne would love to look into, take grasp of and exploit this weakness, if only he had the time. He had previously pierced the shell of Penelope's traumatized mind and convinced her to open up to him, but he had no idea whether his misstep would be too much to repair the fragile relationship he had with the princess. And, of course, Auric stepped into Penelope's good graces by stepping over him; should Rayne ever find it beneficial to end Auric's life, he decided in that moment that he would take his time to enjoy it. However, one member of the group being seen positively in the princess' eyes was useful despite it not being Rayne himself, so maybe ending the annoying man's life would have to wait until their business in the capital was concluded.

Penelope herself was an interesting case. An already complex situation, made even more complicated by the presence of a mysterious advisor (yet another divide between the royal family made clear by her negative feelings towards this Mauvais woman, a potential point of entry for later manipulation), and her relevance in this quest was rising at an alarming rate. There were a great many questions, all coming from this one source, but the most impactful detail was her easy understanding of Rayne's intent with the 'watch over your daughter' comment. Ironic how he gave Xavier too much credit and in the same breathe gave Penelope too little. Rayne would not make the same mistake again with the princess, as blind underestimation was more a quality befitting the Crown-Prince than him.

Deep in thought, he barely realized that the women of his group had divided themselves and taken Penelope with them. He had no faith in their ability to keep watch over Penelope- in a city like this, Penelope being kidnapped or finding a perfect moment to slip away unnoticed would not be difficult- so he simply hoped that they would be observant enough to assure her safe return. Perhaps time apart would allow Rayne to find a way to get on the princess' good side... maybe key information on the advisor she hated so much?

Rayne's history in Renalta allowed any who knew his name to understand that he could Soulwalk, so he knew that this was a tool he could use openly. Looking to his two companions, he simply said "Before I leave, I need to concentrate on something for a moment. If I take too long, just start making your way to the shop and I'll catch up." With a nod and a smile, he hoped that his companions understood that he did not want to discuss this further, as there were likely more ears then theirs in the room, but did not give them the chance to respond. Sitting straight in his chair, eyes closed, Rayne slipped into the familiar power of Soulwalking, launching his consciousness towards the Crown-Prince.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

“Mikan is up to her usual shenanigans. Though this time their more..“official” in a sense. And My Sister has never been happier with Alex. Though the Nobles did look a little pale at the wedding ceremony. Can't say I blame them really. Stuffy nobles confronted with two women kissing. I think one of them died before cake was served!” -Sisera, Page 2.

Amazonia Imperiia

Traxilus, within the tent, does quite the... Admirable performance. Luckily for Kraith as he slipped in through the front, there were privacy curtains inside, likely for such reasons as this. The loud noises of equipment banging about and animistic grunts was enough to cover up his own quiet footsteps, he slipped to the chest with ease thanks to his small figure and was unnoticed even as he passed by the pair as quickly as his little feet could carry him, and his most assuredly disturbed imagination inspired him to such fleetness. He opens it and quickly rifles through it, nabbing the gem, and immediately feeling a sense of weight and dread upon his very soul. He recognized it instantly as a necromancer: This was a soul gem!

Kraith then slips back out the same way he came in, however at the entrance, he hears the Amazon growl angrily. For a moment, he thought he was caught, until... "NO boy, the collar isn't for me..." With a look of total disgust, he leaves the tent.

A few minutes later, Traxilus would come stumbling out of the tent, with a very satisfied looking Amazonian behind him, smirking like a demon. "Not bad..." She says playfully, before letting him go his own way. Kraith was standing nearby the tent now.

It was at this point that Ethyssa arrived with the two Amazonians in tow: Mira and Elyssa. Mira walked with both of her hands interlocked behind her head, a bored expression on her face, while Elyssa's eyes widened at the sight of Kraith. Kraith hides the soul gem upon their approach, whether he showed them later or not was up to him. "You didn't tell me you had a goblin with you!" Elyssa says with a sense of awe. Mira, on the other hand, rolls her eyes. "Oh look, one of the little green boys the slavers bring to try and bait us out. Ha... Never succeeds."

It was at this point that, across from the queen's tent where the group now stood, Count Richielu and the princess left the tent. The princess nods and the count immediately starts moving in Alexandria's direction. It seemed their discussion had come to a close. She seemed to be waiting momentarily, trying to decide what to do as her eyes looked over those outside of the Queen's tent with a certain sense of curiosity...
Royal Blood

Rayne Walker's moves through the castle quickly, finding his mark he leaps for Xavier from behind, attempting to infiltrate his senses, but the moment he does, he instead finds himself wrapped in darkness. Then, suddenly, a bright light shines upon him from above, but only exposes a few feet around him. He was still without his body, only his soul was present, and yet, he could swear that he felt a chill around him.

That's when he hears it: A pair of high heels, stepping upon cold stone resound around him. He hears an icy voice, without any hint of gender, pierce through the darkness. "Ahh... An intruder... Intriguing... Xavier thought Renalta would send someone like you..." That's when he sees the woman finally enter the light, straight ahead of him. He found he could no longer move, looking beneath him, his lower half was frozen in a block of ice. The chill burned his non-existent form. The woman herself was voluptuous in form, likely disguising her true physical form like he did his own. Her face, even, was covered with a veil, preventing him from seeing her eyes. "... You have to go now... Go back to your friends... Oh, and if I should, see you... I will know who you are... Rayne Walker... Or whatever, other name, you choose to use... So should you try this trick again within this castle... I will kill you, and use your body parts as decorative arrangements to the next diplomat from your country as to what not to do here." With that, she thrusts a black gloved hand into his torso, and after a few moments of extreme pain, Rayne would find himself back in his own body.

Upon awaking from his stupor, he would find a mark of a single finger branded onto the back of his left hand... Likely as a warning that his power could hold physical consequences in this strange place.
As Ceann, Penelope, and Rayvon walk through the streets towards the mage, they would find the streets empty wherever they went. Only the occasional guard was spotted, who would give a quick salute, then go back to their patrol route. The closer they grew to the mage's location, the more tension the air itself held, and upon arriving, Mikan's eyes opened widely at the sight. "...Wow..." She says, almost breathless at the sight of a four story tall building made out of pure stone. Bits and pieces of gargoyles and other bits of stone creatures scattered the complex. Just as Penelope was about to say something, another gargoyle is thrown out of a window and goes hurtling down to the ground, exploding only a few feet away from the group, followed up with the frustrated scream of a woman at the top of the building. What they chose to do now was up to them, even as Penelope had instinctively positioned herself behind Ceann in a mixture of surprise and fear. "My mentor gets very angry sometimes..." She mumbles.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

First Blow - - Thailen Vicarris

Thailen managed to land her whip on the gargoyle's wrist, but had forgotten how fast they could be. It quickly yanked her forward, tearing the whip from her hand. Off balance, she could do nothing more than look as the creature moved forward, it's taunting words spitting mockery, it's fists and stone teeth flying towards her. But the death never landed, as Maher's magic managed to knock it back towards Erasmus.

Instinctively taking a few steps back, she drew her sword, gripping it firmly to counteract the sweat of her palms. As she did, crossbow bolts shot past her towards the gargoyle. As she turned to berate Alexandre for shooting so close to her, she realized that he didn't use a crossbow. He used pistols. She completed her turn to see a dark form striding up the hill towards them.

"Twin's fury," she cursed. The demon had arrived. Apparently she had not been as successful at convincing the captain the keep the thing aboard as she had thought. It must have persuaded him to send it ashore after they had left. Yet another problem to face. One that will have to wait, she reminded herself as she heard Erasmus taunt the gargoyle.

Looking down at her sword, Thailen tried to think of what she could do. Her blade was as likely to break against the gargoyle's skin as it was to pierce it. Though, she wondered, perhaps the mouth is not as strong as the skin. To strike it there without being grabbed or struck herself would be near impossible, however. It would be up to the mages to actually take the creature down. All she could do was help distract it. Levelling her sword towards the construct, she began to circle, ready to dodge out of the way of any attack, or stab for the gargoyle's face if the chance presented itself.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tempest
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Tempest Feminazi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Cease Fire

Things begin to pick up momentum, as Lothar's cry for rallying against the enemy stirs the disoriented and able injured to action. Those of the Templar and Republic not otherwise occupied begin to drag themselves up from the wreckage of the church and close-in as a group to drive off the last of the enemy. All the while, Draza and Gahrul successfully begin to move the injured away from the unstable wreckage where dust and small bits of debris still is in the process of settling. In there efforts, Draza even manages to assist the hefty Gahrul in extracting Sisera from the precarious rubble and laying him out, on a pew for someone more skilled who could come in and set the broken leg.

Nearby, though, Davian holds out his warhammer, fingers flickering as a signal. Himself and 2 Templar begin to hold back, one injured and one not. There eyes all dart around to survey the area around them and take in. Davian himself focuses with predatory eyes upon Taigyn, lips curling back into a sneer as he begins to walk towards him, leading the other two. All the while, Taigyn is too preoccupied, attempt to assist those in need and inspire them to continue the fight.

All the while, though, Alhvaharyis channels his magic. It would appear to be successful as the two mercenaries of the papacy release enraged screams and launch themselves at the leader of their assault, howling about gold and all they ought possess. A mag cackling begins to echo within the chapel and before them, fire flickers across the ground and the sound of clinking gold begins to filter. A golden fire erupts upon the ground and darkness begins to grow from it, until a lithe demonic form of dark red begins to reflect within its depths. A wide toothy mouth of crooked serrated fangs is spread with laughter as insectoid limbs protruding from its back twitch elatedly. “YES YES GOOD! REVEL IN YOUR GREED MORTALS!” It continues in its mad laughter, jowl spread in a wide maniac's grin as it revels in its chaos. Alhvaharyis begins to feel an immense tug upon himself, eyes wide as he feels the compulsion to indulge and horde, to rip items from the corpses of the dead and take what rightfully ought be his! Lothar, so close, feels the washing corruption flow over him and deeply buried thoughts begin to flicker in the back of his mind that this was rightly his land and all those before him were only serving to ruin what was his.

Around them all, chaos begins to erupt, as Templar, Republic and Papacy fighters all throw themselves upon each other, shrieking and trying to rip coin, armour and weapon alike from each others' hands. A few hold back, baffled. The few that resist, attempt to calm their brethren only to be taken into the fray. Even, it would seem, the two Templar following Davian find themselves in a scuffle as one throws themselves upon the other, much to the first's surprise, as it shrieks about gold and glory and power. The shadow of Greed laughs at the chaotic display. “You have done well, Alhvaharyis! Look at these pathetic mortals all! Scrambling and fighting for what is all mine! ALL OF IT IS MINE!” he howls delightedly, his entire body near in a spasm as he claps and stamps his feet and cheers.

Davian, though, lets out an angry cry, “IT WAS MY JOB! I WAS TO BE THE HEAD OF THE ORDER! THE TEMPLAR ARE MINE! THIS LAND IS ALL MINE!” The second-in-command throws himself at Taigyn, lashing out with his great hammer. The weapon slides off Taigyn's shield, effectively blocked as Taigyn instinctively strikes out, landing a blow upon Davian's leg. Metal crunches and Davian yelps out in pain, stumbling back to recover. He was limping obviously and his metal was bashed terribly in, restricting his movement and causing blood to seep out between plates.

“Davian! Get a grip of yourself! This is not you, we have a chance to do so much good! Resist the demon!” Taigyn pleads, taking a step forward. Out of the corner of his eyes, he spies the injured Alida, shield abandoned and arm dangling uselessly. The dark-skinned woman awkwardly goes to strike out at Davian from the side, to assist the Templar leader, but slips, her battle-cry alerting Davian of her attack. Even as the Templar swings to attack, Taigyn dashes forward and raises his shield to protect her. The strike was intended to kill, the force hits and Taigyn's arm goes numb, shield dropping... And sending the warhammer colliding with his face. Skin splits and blood begins to run down from his forehead as Taigyn splutters, slipping to the ground and struggles to gather his wits.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Elendra


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Cease Fire

Things were in utter chaos around Draza and her comrade Gahrul. Avarice and greed had flown through the ichor of the cruel laughter of the hellspawn demon lord, and had corrupted so many of those around her. Her friends, her allies, her people, her hope.

She had been in pain from her injuries, and in shock through a lot of this, only able to keep herself going on happy thoughts of teamwork, and she was seeing those thoughts seemingly go to waste. Her frail little body became stiff, as she glanced around at the devolving state of affairs and she turned to Gahrul.

With her remaining good arm, she tugged at the ogre, “Gahrul, I think I need a piggyback ride.” Her tone was oddly serious, even if her diction was still sweetly innocent. Gahrul gently grabbed her, so as to not hurt her, and placed her up and upon his shoulders near his neck. She leaned into him and got into a safe riding spot, using some material fetched from her pack to harness herself to him.

Gahrul didn’t take out his towering shield, instead leaving it on his back where it was, to protect Draza. As the soldiers of all sides fought around him, Draza spoke to him to pick up a large piece of debris, “Just in case.” Gahrul found such a piece, a large stone from the damaged building, and held it at the ready for whatever Draza had in mind. Gahrul trusts in the sprite.

Draza gestured off towards the maniacal laughing, “We’ve a friend to meet, Gahrul,” her tone pointed with anger, “Let’s introduce ourselves.” Gahrul simply nodded slowly in response as he made his way through the bickering and conflict towards the shadow of the demon lord that had so blessed them with his audience, and corrupted those present for his amusement.

With each lumbering and slow step, Draza prayed.

“Moja pani Łada, z za otchłani z której zostałeś wygnany, błagam Ciebie.

Zachować silny duch w moich znajomych. Zachować uczciwe ich umysły przed szaleństwem. Zachować nasze serca prawdziwe, i odeprzeć chciwość który nęka nas.

Pomóż mi, z całą współczucia, miłości i miłosierdzia Twego serca.

Wysłać posłańców, wysłać błogosławieństwo, wyślij mi łaskę, że mogę stanąć wysoki, gdy jestem tak słaby. Kiedy jestem tak boli. Kiedy jestem tak mało.

Dokonać we mnie wielki mówca, i niech mnie zabić wstrętną bestię, która jest korupcja. Z skrzydlate strony przewodnika mój język tak, że mówię dobrze i dobrze w uszach waszych, i zapisać dusze tych wokół mnie.

Moi przyjaciele. Moja rodzina. Niech sobie zostaną zapisane.”

Gahrul was now close to the demonic shadow, and Draza gave him a tug, whispering, “Stop.” Draza took a deep breath, and finished her prayer, “I daj nam świętować i się bawić kiedy to się skończy.”

She braced herself against her friend, giving a stern look to the shade of the demon, before turning to face the fighting crowds. Then, of all things, she began to sing, every line from her heart with all the love she could muster for these fractured people. Through the song, she would reach into her pack and take out more toys, and other gifts, and sweets, and let them be offered to all who would take them or wish to see them, even Greed himself was welcomed to her charity and song.

(( Sung to the tune of the following ))

“Hello to all my friends
Who gathered here today
You've forgotten how t'share, and think that greediness will pay

It doesn't matter now
If you are rich or poor
'Cause deep inside you, you all know that there is something more

'Cause you know what makes you smile, smile, smile
Yes you do
It fills our hearts with sunshine all the while
Yes it does
'Cause all you really need to smile, smile, smile
Are your happy friends and kin

You don't need lots of things
Or power and control
'Cause sharing all your wealth n' love
Is how you all should roll

But if you're kind of worried
That charity's around
Just know that all you give away
Will turn a sad frown upside down

'Cause you know what makes you grin, grin, grin
Yes you do
When you give a gift and see that smile begin
Just getting a joyful grin, grin, grin
Y'know will fill you with good cheer

It's true some days you're broke and lonely
And maybe you feel sad
But Draza will be there to show you that it isn't that bad

There's one thing that makes me happy
And makes me whole life worthwhile
And that's when I give to my friends and get them to smile

It'll make us all so happy
Your kindness gives me glee
I give a smile, I get a smile
And that's so special to me

So bust it out and just give, give, give
Like I do
Tell me, what more can I say to make you see
That it's right
It'll make you happy when you give, give, give
Yes, it always makes my day

Come on everybody, share, share, share
Fill our hearts up with sunshine, sunshine
All you really need's to share, share, share
Because sharing is divine

Come on everybody, share, share, share
Fill our hearts up with sunshine, sunshine
All you really need's to share, share, share
Because sharing is divine

Yes a perfect gift for me
Is to see you share with another
To make me happy as can be
Share, share, share, share, share
Come on and share
Come on and share”

Greed begins to laugh as the sprite bursts into prayer, his voice mocking, "Your gods are gone now, little Draza! They can do nothing Nothing NOTHING!" Yet, as Draza sheds her possessions, Greed for a moment looks shocked, eyes following as a particularly shiny object falls before him. Bodies leap for it and he lets out a howl of frustration, stamping his feet with great crashes of jingling coins. And yet, this little sprite chose to mock him more, by bursting into a song for the mortals about her! "IT WON'T WORK! IT WON'T HELP! YOU CAN DO NOTHING!" he snarls. Perhaps it would not, perhaps it would, but the soldiers of the republic were beginning to look about in a daze, uncertain what they were doing. And even still, a few of the Templar even appeared less aggressive in their fighting.

Draza, while she continued to sing about how wonderful sharing is, hearing the anger of Greed, upped the ante, and began to give more than just the gifts she had brought, now offering her money, and other stuff more important to her as well. Things meant little to the sprite, and people meant much. She would gladly give everything she owned if it would help save them. As she began to give some of her more valuable possessions, even Gahrul began to give of himself, joining her, although not quite sure as to what purpose it was for.

Outside the town, though, along a road dividing ruined fields, a winged angel perks their head up, listening, as if a whisper was in the wind. He sets his jaw and turns as the wind seems to die and change course, urging him elsewhere. His eyes glitter as he whispers, "I knew there were still those, who remembered." He spreads his wings and takes flight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Brovo


Member Offline since relaunch

"I baked, I did parties, I lifted spirits, I tried to make everyone smile and be happy." -Draza, page 3.

First Blow

The attack by D.H., while spectacular, was not particularly effective. Twenty four shots pierced through the air and as he attempted to control and enhance each of them, he gradually loses control and made mental errors with all of them as a whole. Some veered left, others veered right, and overall of the twenty four shots he fired, only two managed to hit their target. Atop this, only one actually detonates--he loses his influence over the other just prior to impact attempting to keep the rest from hitting incorrect targets. One detonates near Thailen's feet, but does no actual damage aside from a temporary scare for her health. The one shot that does hit and explode on target hits the gargoyle's back. The shadowy explosions didn't seem to have any effect on the outer shell of the gargoyle, though the bolt itself did manage to put a small crack in his stone skin... And it did get his attention.

Wren's expression was, initially, much the same as Alex's was at the sight of the oncoming demon... Though, when he attacked, she had a different thought in mind entirely. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, we'll deal with this later!" She does not obey Alex's order and instead turns to analyze the Gargoyle. Her eyes move over its every curve. It would take a few moments to find something, but, she was certain she would. Meanwhile, the undead gecko on her shoulder stared lifelessly at Alex, almost as though condemning him for prejudice. Its completely empty gaze, however, could mean anything. Alex's last shot manages an easy hit, after all, the creature was pretty much disabled, and he was firing only one round.

Maher's attack came next, and the Gargoyle, being made out of stone, had no real way to avoid the attack. The water gushed rapidly, striking his form, but not causing him to budge. He chuckles to himself. "Aha... You don't understand..." It takes to the air, shoving Maher's attack away and gaining a few feet of altitude. It was preparing to attack again, and this time, it had its eyes on the one person who had managed to harm it thus far... "... You will not get another chance, meat sack." Apparently its outer shell was protecting it from the anti-magic aura projected by Erasmus, and it had no intention of weakening itself by assaulting him. Taunts were perhaps not all that effective from someone without much charisma to back it up...

Its powerful wings make a final gust that leaves Thailen and Erasmus a little unstable underneath it, before diving for Maher. Its weight gave it added speed as it managed to slam into him. His one saving grace was managing to put up a burst of water to try and defend himself while trying to get out of the way, lessening the impact just enough to send him spiraling several feet through the air before landing behind Wren, D.H., and Alex. It glares back at Erasmus for a moment with delight. "Every moment you speak, I recharge... And you... Wither."

Two of Maher's left ribs were fractured by the impact. His survival was purely and surely... By luck alone... Or perhaps, by something else entirely... In fact, he felt something familiar nearby. Something only he would know, from his old Templar days... An old friend of Taigyn and Queen Kouri...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Raen Elvarasi

Raen Elvarasi

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First Blow - D.H.

D.H. swore under his breath. He was too far to accurately use such a technique. Time had drained him before they could become effective. Sticking to the shadows as he moved away, finishing reloading the crossbows, gaining a fair amount of distance from the Gargoyle. He let kept his eyes on the Gargoyle, his magic gathering again, but this time, he waited, the charge continuing to build, the wind picking up slightly, and the shadows around him deepening, seeming to engorge the bolts of the crossbows, covering them in their darkness. Using the head of one of the bolts, he made a small incision on his palm, letting his poisonous blood drip over both bolts, hoping the poison would help to weaken the gargoyle if they pierced, and if not, help break the shell, using their acid properties. As he gathered his magical energy, he made sure to keep a very close eye on the amount of energy he was using, and the strain it had on his body, careful not to let it exceed a safe level. He watched the others closely. Not really caring if they died, though knowing it would weaken his position. After a moment, he spoke quietly the one wielding two pistols, though doing so passively, and not listening for a response, as to not break concentration.

"Circle around. Aim for the wings. The less mobile it is, the easier it is to kill and evade. Avoid attention." He said, his eyes closing for a moment.

He made an effort to stay away from the anti-mages, lest it weaken his magic, and cause him to fail, thus giving the templars a wide berth.

With his eyes still closed, he moved away from the gun wielder. "Now I truly test myself..." He mumbled, going deeper into his concentration while keeping a mental eye on the Gargoyle, using the wind currents to passively detect his movements. He knew how vulnerable he was, though he trusted his instincts to be the faster between them and the stone creature. He could only hope the distance was great enough to give him a chance to finish what he had prepared. The crack in the creatures skin was imprinted into his mind as he knew if he could hit that spot, the bolts were sure to go through.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Herzinth
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

First Blow - - Thailen Vicarris

Thailen flinched as one of the numerous bolts landed next to her foot in a burst of shadows. Whirling around in case of further shots at her, she found herself unable to see the demon that had been there just a moment previously. As she did, the gargoyle leapt into the air, it's massive wings buffeting her with wind. The creature's following attack sent Maher into a flight of his own away from the hilltop.

"Maher!" She shouted. Sheathing her recently drawn sword, she ran towards the prone mage. "Alex," she called as she passed, "Aim for the face! Keep it distracted, try to blind it." As she came to a halt to a halt next to Maher, she saw that he was - thankfully - still breathing. "Blessed be the Twins," she breathed, grabbing Maher under the arms and dragging him towards the nearby tree.

After propping the mage up against the trunk, Thailen pulled out her prayer chain and wrapped it around her hand. Knuckles raised to lips, she let disjointed pieces of scripture run through her mind as she took a look around to check for any nearby dangers. "Where did that cursed demon go?" she mused aloud, eyes still failing to see it's dark form.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cease Fire - Lothar Wolff

Greed, one of the greatest sins of mankind, manifested itself right before Lothar. The darkness just overwhelmed him. Stunned and baffled, Lothar was at awe of this immense presence. How could anything of this magnitude exist on this seemingly mundane world? Then in the deep recesses of his mind came unholy thoughts. The mere aura of the hellspawn was causing Lothar to have strange thoughts. He quickly backed up away from the insectoid and muttered to himself "Dear gods... what have we wrought?" Lothar did not expect a minion of hell to show itself in these holy grounds. In fact, he believed that they were far from the power and influence from any demonkind, but the fact that one just appeared in front of him was just dumbfounding. It appeared that the demonic problem was much bigger than he originally thought.

Lothar then took a look around at the sight before him. It was heartbreaking. Friends were fighting each other over a few pieces of gold. Was this the face of mankind? Is a couple of bright and shiny metals enough to cause brothers to draw arms against each other? The situation almost seemed hopeless. Then Lothar heard the little pixie begin to sing. At first, Lothar become more confused, but as the singing continued he realized what Draza was trying to do. It was so simple and yet so brilliant. Lothar couldn't help but smile. The little pixie had a lot more in her than her appearances let off. Lothar then returned to the situation that was unfolding. Davian had turned coat and was attempting to end the life of Taigyn, who appeared to be barely hanging on to consciousness. Lothar then mustered himself with his shield and sword and began running towards Davian silently. Lothar hoped to catch Davian by surprise and use his shield to bash Davian to cause him to fall or at least stagger back so that there was some distance between Davian and the two leaders. Right now, their safety was top priority after all.

Davian's hammer was raised, about to end the life of the woman who dared interfere as she struggled to rise. Taigyn was still senseless, so finishing her, he could move quickly on to the pest who stole his rightful rule. As he draws to deliver the ending blow, though, a great force collides with the side of his head. Davian goes staggering, weapon flying from his hand and spit and blood flying from his mouth. He stumbles, dazed, as he attempts to regain his focus and find the apparent goliath that just struck him stupid.

Lothar raised his sword and pointed it at Davian. He then said “Do not move. Cease your sedition. You call yourself worthy to lead the Templars when you allow greed to overcome you and blatantly try to kill your brother and sister in the face of a demon?” He then yelled to the Republic soldiers and yelled “Rally men! Apprehend this traitor to the holy cause and protect your leader with your lives. This is a test of faith. Do not forget that you are the warriors of the Holy Order.”

As his call to arms ring out, as if the voice of a warrior angel was channeling through him, all those in the area, already stirred by the small beacon of Draza's purity, begin to break from Greed's great influence. The demon snarls and howls out his outrage at the mortal champion, before quieting into manic laughter as not only the republic and templar stir, but also the papacy fighters and the betrayers. Freed from the effects, they start to raise to see what they could do. As the papacy begin to charge, they are met with a small force of the allied warriors as they remember the charge forgotten in the madness. However, the two templar turning with Davian remember as well, and begin to close in on Alida and Taigyn. A brave Templar and Republic soldier each intercept their path to defend their leaders. Still, it would seem the voice of Lothar had no affect on Davian, as he levels his shield and sweeps up the weapon of a fall one-time comrade, "I AM THE ONLY ONE FIT TO LEAD THEM, TO RULE RHEINFELD!" Davian cries out in anger.

Lother solemnly responded “Then you are beyond redemption. May the Gods forgive you for raising arms against your brethren. Even if you are fit to lead, a man who plots against his brothers and tries to grab the crown while tainted by their blood is not fit to rule.” Lothar then readied himself and took position between Davian and the two severely injured leaders. Lothar hoped that Davian’s wounded leg would make it difficult to move and advance towards him. This would buy Lothar more time, which was good since a fight of attrition was favorable for Lothar due to Davian’s severe wound. Davian was losing blood quickly, so if he didn't get treatment, then it was very likely that he would pass out from blood-loss. Also, the two leaders would need time to gather their wits as well. Thus, Lothar stood his ground and waited for Davian to initiate combat since time was in some sense on Lothar's side in this battle. Lothar did not want to kill this man, but if he had to then he would. As an aggressor, Davian lost his legitimacy. He could have used reason and diplomacy to bring change to Reinfield, but he decided to use perfidy as a means to an end.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by PCSutfin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Royal Blood- Rayne Walker

Waking violently, Rayne stood up with such force that his chair fell back with a clatter that echoed in the throne room as he tried not to panic. The chameleon-like man had built such a thorough vault of personalities and identities that he thought the truth was behind an impenetrable wall of deception and manipulation; now his first true tests of power and influence were absolute failures, and some powerful guardian of Xavier knew that Rayne Walker was a mask. When he joined the Queen's Blades, Rayne thought that these diplomatic tasks would be child's play, but only now did he understand how little power he truly possessed. The Crown-Prince was no dense lord, and his guardian stood between him and even Rayne's Soulwalking ability. Everything was falling apart, and only taking a defensive position would allow Rayne to survive. He had to reel in the personalities and put together a single front that anyone would believe, something that would made perfect sense given the details of what Rayne's done since arriving at Liveria. But what could he do? What type of mask would fit so perfectly?

His introduction was a complicated (and failed) attempt at building an emotional connection with Xavier. The reason he gave for volunteering for this mission was to forge a friendly coexistence between Renalta and Liveria. He spoke softly and kindly to Xavier's daughter of experiencing traumatic events, but showed that he was trying to get information out of Penelope by emotionlessly accusing her of being dangerous and possibly connected to the assassination. Extreme paranoia was shown when he deconstructed what Penelope remembered of the attack. Almost immediately after being left alone, he'd been caught attempting to Soulwalk into Xavier's mind.

Manipulative attempts at emotional bonds used to further his own goals, a clearly stated focus on helping foreign relations,obsessive paranoia and sneaky attempt at Soulwalking? Rayne Walker could no longer be a young farmboy with dreams of uniting the world, but he could very easily be a distrusting patriot.

Suddenly realizing that he'd been silently standing before his two companions, Rayne sighed and put on an annoyed but optimistic face. Polite young lord's apology"I'm very sorry for having taken my time with that, but I just attempted to gain some information on the advisor by Soulwalking. Should have realized that Xavier was the type of man to put his guards up around Renaltans." Rayne smiled weakly, taking a step away from the table "I believe there is nothing further for us to do here. Shall we go question the ranger now?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asuras
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Asuras No spoken words, only napalm and guns

Member Seen 13 days ago

Carnival of Chaos - Aneura Shivan

If it weren't for the distant cry of an explosion, Aneura might have saved just that many more seconds. Standing in a spot she knew was devoid of oncoming pendulums, she paused to look to the sky, as if searching for the tell-tale signal of an explosive going off, or where it was coming from so she could deduce who had experienced it. It was too dark, however, and the sight of glinting metal swinging to and fro distracted her too much to properly scan the horizon. Rubbing the sore on her cheek, she continued forward, gracefully and knowledgeably dodging the flying death blades as well as she had done before; she chalked up the simple wound on her cheek up the vileness of the illusionist. She was doing just fine.

Eventually Aneura came to a fork in the gauntlet, but sparing no time came to a quick, simple, and wholly unthinking solution.

"Right is right," she stated to herself. Without further consideration, she made her way down the right path, thinking it better to take chances than debate possibilities and thought processes. Such would likely have been futile anyways, as the illusionist was madder than any man she'd encountered before.

I could have given you the right answer, whispered the voice inside her. Too focused on clearing the deadly game, Aneura simply dismissed its teasing, preferring to remain satisfied with her decision than delve into doubt and worry. 'It is just lying to me' had become a frequent chant of hers lately. She pressed on as fast as she could, becoming more comfortable with skipping past guillotines. Her muscled tensed in consideration that she was simply becoming too cocky...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Alex
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Hunt for Diana - Mathew

With the Dwarf taking the lead, Mathew found himself falling in behind their orange-clad guide. When they reached the cavern, the three choices were presented to them. To the left, the promise of fire and brimstone. Not being much for a fight, especially against crazed dragons, Mathew saw this option as a last resort. The Telepath thought the middle road the best bet, with its benign smells, but then the dwarf revealed it as a likely trap. Considering this idea, Mathew had to agree. They wouldn’t be so lucky as to have an easy road.

The third path, however, was unknown to them. But, if it was so recently made, then whatever made it must have wished to evade the dangers of the other paths. Whatever lay down that road must then have been less dangerous than what blocked the other two trails, surely?

”We should avoid the trap. If the Queen could barely escape from similar powers, I doubt our odds would be any better. I say we head down the road less travelled -- whoever, or whatever, made the tunnel did so to avoid the dangers of the other roads. I mean, assuming they all go to the same place. I’m not expert on underground passages.” Mathew said, ”At any rate, I think we should avoid hitting a dragon’s nest with a stick. I don’t fancy being a snack. What does everyone else think?” Having said his piece, the telepath shivered. Things were bad enough when it was just mind-flayers; now there were mind-flayers, dragons, apparently deadly-magic, and who-knows-what-else hiding in these caverns.

Just then, an idea came to his mind. He didn’t know if he could reach that far, but Mathew tried to feel out down the passages with his mind, searching for some mental purchase. Maybe he could feel some dragons’ crazed hunger, or the diabolical thoughts of whomever laid the trap before them… Or find some idea of what lays down the chilled, unknown path. Mathew knew he wouldn’t be very useful in a fight, but he could at least try to get more intelligence so they aren’t going in blind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kadaeux


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Sarah's Request

Eins's instincts alerted her as she approached the mirror just in time to crush a spider emerging from the pouch of gold she'd just attempted to pocket. The creature with a sharp red stripe on its back before it perished. Ignoring the advice of the rest of the party she approached the mirror crossing the glowing pentagram. Within the reflecting Eins saw herself reflected. More beautiful than she was however, more alluring and interesting. But Ein's manages to shrug off the mental influence of the mirror after what seemed but a moment, but was in truth closer to half a minute.

And the timing was impeccable. From the passage to her right, crowded with cobwebs a number of giant spiders were emerging hungering for her flesh, summoned by the mirrors call. "Slay them!" One of the larger spiders said in a tone barely audible to Eins. "Guard the Master! Slay the two-legs!"

While Kasim, Naream and Andrea could not yet see the spiders, they could hear the clatter of their legs upon the stone floors and the hiss of spider-like chitter. A sound the two drow would definitely recognise instantly.
Carnival of Chaos

In the Hall of Mirror's Cristoff's light easily enlightened the area and revealed the real fuse, A few steps was all it took for him to cross the span to the bomb and snuff it, it didn't take much for Cristoff to realise that had the bomb gone off there would have been little for him to be discovered had it gone off instead. And then the world changed again.

The 'hall of mirrors' illusion fell away as Cristoff 'solved the puzzle' instead finding himself in a stable. And worse... standing right in some horses leavings next to which the bomb had been placed. Looking around reveals that the illusion covering that part of the town had fallen away as well. It revealed a rather bleak town reminiscent of that before the illusion had taken place. There were no crows in sight anywhere. And yet as some of the townfolk peeked from their homes they soon slammed the doors shut once more. The fear could almost be felt.

And then Cristoff noticed the flame and smoke climbing skywards from the direction his brother had gone for his challenge.
Aneura fought to dodge the increasingly more difficult pendulums swinging before finally failing and overbalancing once too often, the blade came in low at a horizontal angle and ripped into Aneura's left leg deeply and Aneura could no longer retain balance. Fortunately she managed to pull herself out of the way of the next and dropped marginally into a small dip.

The sight of a large bomb and a fuse burning almost to it however managed to renew her resolve and made the leap towards the bomb snatching the fuse at the very last moment snuffing the spark there and then. The illusion collapsed as the bomb was defused and Aneura found herself in a warehouse of some sort, presumably for keeping the town stores.

It wouldn't take Aneura much to realise that she needed to bind her wound now, before she bled out.
Hanus found himself beset by crows as he fought to reach the bomb he could smell the gunpowder. He lashed out with his weapons to strike the creatures without losing momentum tearing through it easily to the bomb whereupon he wrenched the fuse from it as crows pecked for his eyes. Upon the fuse's removal however the illusion burst like a bubble poked by a stick. The crows were gone along with the large pavilion and instead he found himself in an enclosed paddock being watched by three rather disconcerted cows who were certain that the Vampire must surely be responsible.

Then he noticed the smoking section of town and knew he'd failed...

At least some of the Queen's relations were dead.

And seeing red General Hanus Wolfblood began to move purposefully towards the Inn where the vile mage had conducted his vicious assault.
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