Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



1.0 Call to Arms recreates the diplomatic and military maneuvering similar to our own world prior to World War One. The winner may be determined when war between two or more major powers breaks out, that war is decided and the game ultimately reaches the year of 1950.

1.1 While the players, as leaders of these major powers, recognize the inevitability of war from the outset, the same cannot be said of the countries they lead. In the democracies, the general population is convinced that the war can be avoided, while in the totalitarian states factions may oppose war, sometimes secretly and for their own reasons.

1.2 The task of each player is to maximize his freedom of action and take whatever steps best position his major power for the world. The game simulates this by the acquisition and expenditure of Support, which are used for a wide variety of economic, political, military and diplomatic purposes--provided the major power has sufficient Support available

1.3 At the start of each turn, random events are drawn that effect the economic, political, military and diplomatic environment for that turn. Some random events are public, but others are secret, leaving each player uncertain as to the capabilities of his opponents.

1.4 Each turn, the Aggression Index and the relative Balance of Power modifier will determine the aggression of certain nations, making it easier or more difficult for different major powers to carry out those actions.


2.0 The game begins in Spring, 1910 and ends after the conclusion of the Second Terrible War.


3.0 Turns in Call to Arms are played in turns of three months each (Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter).


4.0 Diplomacy in Call to Arms exists on a sphere of a single four spaced track, like the following:

-- Kingdom of Kelric: [___] - [___] - [Trade Pact] - [Defensive Alliance] (9,000,000 / 4 DEF / 2 AGG)

4.1 The [9,000,000] is it's Population. The 4 DEF is it's defensive rating. The 2 AGG is the Aggression that is created if the nation is Invaded or Annexed.

4.2 The third rank indicates a Trade Pact, which allows the exchange of resources between the Minor Nation and the Player Nation.


5.0 Support political capital and are spent to elaborate on diplomatic, political, military and economic maneuvers within the scope of the game. Deficit spending of Support is prohibited.

5.1 Every Player Nation begins with 0 Support.

5.2 A nation's Support when they end their turn is their Support for the next turn.


6.0 There are five phases: Event Phase, Income Phase, Research Phase, Construction Phase, Diplomatic Phase and Crisis Phase.

6.1 During the Event Phase, the Moderator will create an Event for each Player Nation.

6.1 Every Event also has an Economic Trend, that will effect the Player Nations.

6.2 There are four types of Events: Support, Research, Diplomatic and Economic.

6.3 Support Events increase or decrease a Player Nation's income and may affect a nation's ability to position military units during a Crisis.

6.4 Research Events affect the research of a nation.

6.5 Diplomatic Events affect diplomacy in the named nation for that turn.

6.6 Economic Events affect the national income in the named country for that turn.


[EVENT: Spring, 1910]
[Empire of Saurilia: Saurilia wins 1910 Grand Prix: +1 Saurilian Support ]
[Kingdom of Etelia: Regia Aeronautica funding increased: +1 Air Research ]
[Republic of Estaratia: Kelric cabinet considers Estaratian alliance. Kelric +1 ]
Grand Frienian Empire: Colonial dispute in Frienian Serranthia: -1 Frienian Support]


7.0 The number of Military Units that may be placed in a single turn is limited by that nation's Support.

7.1 Each Player Nation begins with 0 Support and is then modified by the following factors: Factories (Base 10), Trade Pacts and Colonies.

7.2 Support are spent on the Yearly Crisis events that occur during each Year.


8.0 When a Player Nation has at least three flags in a Minor Nation, they are to considered to have a Trade Pact with that nation.

8.1 A Trade Pact grants +2 Support per turn so long as it exists.


9.0 There are four research categories: Military, Naval, Air, Intelligence and National.

9.1 The research tree appears as the following:

-- Machine Guns: [0]
-- Defensive Fortifications: [0]
-- Assault Troops: [0]
-- Battlefield Doctrine: [0]
-- Military Logistics: [0]

-- Anti-Submarine Warfare: [0]
-- Light Ships: [0]
-- Battleship Design: [0]
-- Coastal Fortifications: [0]
-- Naval Air Training: [0]

-- Single Engine Reconnaissance: [0]
-- Single Engine Fighter: [0]
-- Aviation Designs: [0]
-- Offensive Capabilities: [0]
-- Defensive Capabilities: [0]

-- Occupation Policy: [0]
-- Codebreaking: [0]
-- Espionage: [0]
-- Counter-Intelligence: [0]

9.2. The minimum for each Research is 0. Every Player Nation starts with 3 Random Research.

9.3. The point requirements to tech up are: 1, 4, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 32, 37, 43, 48, 53, 58, 64, 70.

9.4 Every increase in a technology has an Effect.

9.5 When an Event calls for a Technology to be added a Step, it means a single point is added. For example, if a Player Nation has 2 Points into Espionage (meaning they need 2 more to reach the second Level), and they receive an Event to add a Step, it moves to 3 Points.


10.1 You may only build as many ships as you have Shipyards.

10.2 Dreadnought require the use of Shipyards.

10.3. Battle Requirement Times
- Minelayer: 1 Season
- Destroyer: 2 Seasons
- Submarine: 2 Season
- Armored Cruiser: 4 Seasons
- Dreadnought: 8 Seasons

10.4 All Naval Constructions go into the Naval Construction Row, as such:

-- 8 [Marciano [ETE], Sullivan [SUR]
-- 7
-- 6
-- 5
-- 4 [Caio Dullo] [ETE]
-- 3
-- 2
-- 1

10.5 Every turn, all ships in the queue are dropped down one, until they're deployed.

10.6 Naval Constructions do not cost money up front, but every turn. They are here:

-- Minelayer: $10
-- Destroyer: $15
-- Submarine: $12
-- Armored Cruiser: $35
-- Dreadnought: $60

10.7 Naval Ships do require Maintenance every turn. They are here:

-- Minelayer: $1
-- Destroyer: $2
-- Submarine: $1
-- Armored Cruiser: $4
-- Dreadnought: $10


11.1 Every Factory you possess generates $20 every Season.

11.2 Every Population you possess generates $2 every Season.

11.3 Every turn there will be an Economic Trend that occurs. It's modifier runs from -3 to +3. Every modifier increases or decreases how much a Factory generates by -/+$3.


12.1 Your starting Army will depend on your Random Laws at the beginning of the game.

12.2 Your Army has a maintenance cost of $1 per 1,000 men/Season if you are Demobilized and $1 per 3,000 men/Season if you are Mobilized.

12.3 You may Recruit for your army as an Action. This increases your Army by 20,000 men and costs $75.

12.4 You may use an Action to Mobilize at any time. Mobilization requires [6 Turns - (Infrastructure Rating)]. Every turn you are Mobilized while at Peace incurs +2 Discontent/turn.

12.5 You may use an Action to Train Army/Sailors at any time. This will increase the training of 5,000 of your soldiers or 3 of your ships and costs $100. You may use this incrementally. [10,000 for $200. 15,000 for $300], etc. The maximum in one turn however is 10 Ships or 50,000 Soldiers.

12.6 You may use an Action to Demobilize at any time.


13.1 You may construct Coastal Fortifications and Factories by using 1 Action.

13.2 Coastal Fortifications cost $60 and require 5 Turns.

13.3 Factories cost $50 and require 4 Turns.

13.4 Shipyards cost $50 and require 3 Turns.


14.1 You may spend 1 Action to conduct 1 Diplomatic Move a turn.

14.2 You may increase your Influence by +1 in a country when you conduct a Diplomatic Move.

14.3 When you reach the third Track of a Nation's Diplomatic Table, they are considered to be in a Trade Pact with you.

14.4 When you reach the fourth Track of a Nation's Diplomatic Table, they are considered to be in a Defensive Alliance with you.


15.1 Every turn, you will have a Production Phase. You may use 1 Action to request a Production Queue for your factories, which you will receive the next turn.

15.2 The base line stats for seasonal production are:

-- Rifle: 15,000/Turn [$15]
-- Artillery: 40/Turn. [$40]
-- Trucks: 8/Turn. [$16]
-- Reconnaissance Plane: 11/Turn. [$11]

15.3 When you use a Production Queue, you may use as many factories as your design companies own to create weapons of war (or national factories for your Rifle). There is no limit. You may also Sell or Gift Factories in this phase as well.


17.1 Here are the actions you can perform:
-- Diplomatic Move
-- Research
-- Train Army/Sailors
-- Production Queue
-- Shipbuilding
-- Build Factory/Coastal Fortifications
-- Request Design [New or Copied]
-- Policy Change
-- Industrialize [Population in Millions x 3 = $ Cost]
-- Colonize [Cost $200. Must select a Coastal Province in Serranthia or Faresia or one connected to an existing colony.]
-- Aggression. See Rules 20 Aggression below.
-- Declare War.

17.2 Only a maximum of one Action may be spent on Research per turn.

17.3 Every Player Nation has 2 Actions per Turn.


18.1 You may also use the action Industrialize which will increase your Infrastructure. Infrastructure correlates to Population Growth and Mobilization Speed. This increases it by .5


19.1 When you use Production Queue on a unit, only Factories of the Company that designed that unit can produce it. Same industry companies can also produce it if necessary, at -50% Efficiency.

19.2 When you use Request Design, you first choose [New] or [Copy].

19.3 A [New] design attempts to utilize new concepts, with a chance of it not working at all.

19.4 When you [Copy] a design, you are mimicking an already successful design.

19.5 When you use Request Design, this is what happens:

1. Select [New Design], [Copy Design] or [Variant]

2. Name of [Design] or [Variant]

3. Select [Rifle], [Truck], [Artillery] or any Aircraft technology that you have.

4. [New Design] rolls a 1d10.
- 1-2 is -2.
- 3 is -1.
- 4-7 is 0.
- 8 is +1.
- 9 is +2.
- 10 is +3. [Company Growth]

5. [Copy Design] rolls a 1d6. [Requires at least 10 Units of the intended copied design (Captured) or (Purchased)].
- 1 is -1.
- 2-4 is 0.
- 5 is +1.
- 6 is +2.

6. [Variant] roll a 1d6. Improvement is 1-3 = Good. 4 - 5 = Great. 6 = Exceptional.

7. Choose priorities: Place in order of importance:
* [ARMY]: [Firepower], [Range], [Simplicity]
* [AIR FORCE]: [Engine], [Guns], [Air Frame], [Range], [Life].

8. Choose companies to partake in the Design Competition.

196 Naval Design: Your government designs a naval vessel.
-- Select: [Minelayer], [Destroyer], [Armored Cruiser], [Dreadnought] or [Submarine]
-- Give the new class a name: [Terro-class, Sato-class, etc]
-- Priorities: Place in order of importance: [Battery/Torpedo], [Engine], [Armor], [Range], [Life].
-- You will receive a random amount of designs. You may select as few as 0 or all of them or any in between.

19.7 The number next to a company (1) is that company's proficiency. It will increase by producing that companies designs.


20.1 Aggression is what occurs when you use the Aggression Action.

20.2 Each NPC Nation has it's own Aggression Line that a nation can go down.

20.3 Aggression goes from [1] - [3] - [5] - [7] - [10]. You must have at least the same amount of Support to enact that level of aggression.

20.4 Aggression is enacted linearly. First 1, then 3, etc.

20.5 You may not enact Aggression if your [DEM] rating is higher than your [FAS] or [COM] rating.

20.6 If you enact an Aggression, nations that are Diplomatically Active with that nation have the option to stand against you.

20.6 Aggression offers tangible benefits such as Support, Income, Research and War Justifications.

20.7 If a Player Nation has begun an Aggression line, another nation may NOT start that line.

20.9 You may only use Aggression on another nation if you share a land border or have access by sea.

20.10 If Aggression eclipses 10, every time it increases over that, Discontent in every nation that Can Act or Borders the involved nations grows by +1.

21.1 When you produce something, you must produce it at the company that designed it.

22.2 You may have a secondary factory produce the same unit at -50% efficiency.

22.3 You may Sell any Factories you have to any Design Company you have for No Action. They can not be taken back. This generates $75.

22.3 You can also Gift the Factory for $0 to the company.

Call to Arms is a nation simulator set in a world reminiscent of ours in technology and geography but nothing else. This game will have three phases:
-- The Terrible War: Where nations join sides and the war starts (fairly soon, within 2-4 turns of the RP starting)
-- The Interwar Years: Which deal with the rise of fascism and communism in the world.
-- The Second Terrible War: Where the nations once again fight for dominance of Centran and the world.

Here is the application:

[b]Nation Name:[/b] [Kingdom of.., Empire of.., remember it’s 1910.]
[b]Geography: [/b][Minimum 1 province. Maximum 10. See map. Use MS Paint or simply describe where you'd like your nation to be.]
[b]Colonies: [/b][Geography + Colonies can not exceed 10 Provinces]
[b]Capital:[/b] [Name of capital city]
[b]Population:[/b] [Minimum 1,000,000. Maximum is 145,000,000. Any over 40,000,000 will generate Secondary Cultures.]
[b]Nation Description: [/b][A basic description of the nation’s people, terrain, cultures and values]
[b]Head of State:[/b] [Name of the head of government]
[b]Name of Automobile Manufacturers: [/b][Provide 6 names of Automobile Manufacturing Companies in your nation]
[b]Name of Aviation Manufacturers:[/b] [Provide 6 names of Aviation Manufacturing Companies in your nation]
[b]Name of Shipbuilding Manufacturers:[/b] [Provide 6 names of Shipbuilding Manufacturing Companies in your nation]
[b]Rifle Name:[/b] [Please supply the name of your nation’s primary infantry rifle.]
[b]Artillery Name: [/b][Please supply the name of your nation’s primary artillery piece.]
[b]Truck Name: [/b] [Please supply the name of your nation’s military truck.]
[b]Minelayer-class: [/b][Please supply the name of your nation’s class of minelayer.]
[b]Destroyer-class: [/b] [Please supply the name of your nation’s class of destroyer.]
[b]Armored Cruiser-class: [/b][Please supply the name of your nation’s class of armored cruiser.]
[b]Dreadnought-class:[/b] [Please supply the name of your nation’s class of dreadnought.]
[b]Submarine-class:[/b] [Please supply the name of your nation’s class of submarine.]
[b]Name of Chief of Army:[/b] [The name of your nation’s Chief of Army]
[b]Name of Chief of Navy: [/b][The name of your nation’s Chief of Navy]
[b]Name of Economics Minister:[/b] [The name of your nation’s Economics Minister]
[b]Name of Foreign Minister: [/b][The name of your nation’s Foreign Minister]
[b]Naming Conventions: [/b][Please supply several example names in your nation]

-- Design Competition: Your government has a need and it will put out a requirement for design companies to compete for the best design.
-- Select: [Rifle], [Truck], [Artillery] or [Scout]. (If you do not already have an existing design, you must pay $300 for research investment, otherwise this ability costs $200 for trials and testing).
-- Select: [New Design] (-2 to +2 Modifier) or [Copy Design] (select design from another country to copy) (0 to +1 Modifier)
-- Priorities: Place in order of importance:
* [ARMY]: [Firepower], [Range], [Simplicity]
* [AIR FORCE]: [Engine], [Guns], [Air Frame], [Range], [Life].
-- You will receive a random amount of designs. You may select as few as 0 or all of them or any in between.

-- Naval Design: Your government designs a naval vessel.
-- Select: [Minelayer], [Destroyer], [Armored Cruiser], [Dreadnought] or [Submarine]
-- Give the new class a name: [Terro-class, Sato-class, etc]
-- Priorities: Place in order of importance: [Battery/Torpedo], [Engine], [Armor], [Range], [Life].
-- You will receive a random amount of designs. You may select as few as 0 or all of them or any in between.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago


I also like how my nation is still measured in percentages for Infrastructure ;P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
Avatar of Theodorable

Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


I also like how my nation is still measured in percentages for Infrastructure ;P

Still adjusting your ledger. Also, nice IC post.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
Avatar of Lauder

Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago


Thank you very much, though I disappoint myself as I could have put something about bars and potatoes in there. Though, I decided against it
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Thank you very much, though I disappoint myself as I could have put something about bars and potatoes in there. Though, I decided against it

You could have posted about this: [Empire of Saurilia: Saurilian industrialists back expansion: +1 Saurilian Support ], as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Theo I really want to know how equipment will be measured
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
Avatar of Theodorable

Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Theo I really want to know how equipment will be measured

You produce it. With factories. Using Production Queue.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

You could have posted about this: [Empire of Saurilia: Saurilian industrialists back expansion: +1 Saurilian Support ], as well.

I did, it came after the police paragraph.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Once @Mardox and @Murtox send their actions we'll advance the turn.

Also. The Kingdom of Etelia has a functioning aircraft, if anyone is interested in purchasing some. ^_^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

I might buy a few, then copy their design.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Just to be sure our Amounts of actions is equal to our support or I am wrong?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Once @Mardox and @Murtox send their actions we'll advance the turn.

Also. The Kingdom of Etelia has a functioning aircraft, if anyone is interested in purchasing some. ^_^

You messed up slightly on my economy. My debt shouldn't be spiraling out of control quite so rapidly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
Avatar of Theodorable

Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Just to be sure our Amounts of actions is equal to our support or I am wrong?

You're wrong.

17.3 Every Player Nation has 2 Actions per Turn.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
Avatar of Theodorable

Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Theodorable>

You messed up slightly on my economy. My debt shouldn't be spiraling out of control quite so rapidly.

You haven't provided a reason or an explanation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Mardox>

You haven't provided a reason or an explanation.

I believe that you included expenses in the change rate but not income.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Whoops, no, you just confused me with the expenses being where you put total change...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
Avatar of Theodorable

Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

$1,850 + $79 = $1,929 (Expenditures) - $560 (Income) = -1,369. Looks good.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

$1,850 + $79 = $1,929 (Expenditures) - $560 (Income) = -1,369. Looks good.

Like I said, you just threw me by putting the -1369 in expenditures before treasury.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Once @Mardox sends his 2 Actions, we'll advance the turn. Salute.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago


Question, how am I making 1,100 money? I see 47 and 63 which would equal 110.
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