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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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TURN 1, Spring, 1910

ECONOMIC TREND: -1 (Factories generate 7 this turn)
[Empire of Saurilia: Saurilian industrialists back expansion: +1 Saurilian Support ]
[Kingdom of Etelia: Regia Aeronautica funding increased: +1 Air Research increases by 1 Step ]
[Republic of Estaratia: Estaratian intelligence agency receives funding: Estaratia may increase any Intelligence Tech by 1 Step ]
[Grand Frienian Empire: Labor dispute is settled: +$40]
[Chaegon Empire: Open trade with Thecia: Thecia +1]

[Empire of Saurilia]: +1 (Event) + 0 (Colonies) + 7 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 8 Support
[Kingdom of Etelia]: +0 (Event) + 1 (Colonies) + 3 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 4 Support
[Republic of Estaratia]: +0 (Event) + 2 (Colonies) + 2 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 4 Support
[Grand Frienian Empire]: +0 (Event) + 2 (Colonies) + 2 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 4 Support




Peace reigned, but the nations at large suffered. The Grand Frienian Empire, a long standing and bellicose nation of Centran, was deeply in debt. Still yet, the Republic of Estaratia was even larger in debt. The people clamored for the demilitarization of their armies, which both had escalated over the Frieno-Estaratian Affair, which ended in Winter, 1909. The Frieno-Estaratian Affair began over the sovereignty of Kelric, which Frienia pressed and Estaratia supported. Observers from Foulic, Etelia and Saurilia looked on as war looked impending. When the Frienians blinked, peace was ensured. But only just.

The Etelians laid down the hull of the Macchi, a Bendetto-class dreadnought that would be finished sometime in 1912. The ship would be armed with a main battery of four 12-inch (300 mm) guns and would be capable of a top speed of 20 knots (37 km/h; 23 mph).

Blueprints of the Bendetto-class

The Saurilians, who long harbored localized police forces enacted the Regional Law Act of 1910, which organized a local police force. While expensive, it would help keep the fringe criminals at bay, ensuring that smugglers and banditry was kept to a minimum.

In the south, the Chaegon Empire stumbled under the weight of an impending debt. All was not last however, as a free trade deal was signed with the southern Kingdom of Thecia, which would have effects not immediately, but later down the road. The impoverished nation of Thecia and the indebted nation of Chaegon would be prosper in the next few years from the trade agreement.

Thecian coastal city of Kydonia, 1910

ZOOMED IN: i.imgur.com/vJSY6gh.jpg

The World, Spring 1910
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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The Imperial Saurilian Press

Many towns throughout the empire had been lawless, with the police forces of the land not doing anything to truly stop the ever growing criminal populous that would pose a threat to Saurilia. However, it seems that the towns themselves are solving this problem by setting up local police forces and their own laws. The government did not have to lift much of a finger other than fund the towns and give them a general set of laws that each force were follow, whether all of them followed was up to debate. Though, this will no doubt set the criminal agenda back by a few notches. It is certainly a blessing that our people have the initiative to do what the government has not done for years. Then again, the funding had been cut a few years back though luckily the people have seen the error in the ways of the government and have rectified themselves.

However, the people want the Empire to expand its borders and make the Empire even better than it already is in comparison to the height of the golden age several kings ago. The government may meet these demands due to the pressure that the people are giving it. We have gone to see what local industrialists have said.

The government really needs to expand, I mean we have had this territory for some time now and I think it's about time that we do something to make our influence a lot larger. -David McCollum.

It is not a surprise to see why the people would want this from the government, yet our military is among the smallest in Centran and it can be easily outclassed by some of our neighbors. However, we do seem to be having less economic problems than what our sources have been telling us. This may prove to be of the Empire's advantage to trade with the others nations, such as the Imperial Regime in Chaegon, to up the economy even more. In fact, global prices have been steadily going down while the Saurilian Empire has been holding it's economy very nicely and the national treasury may have never seen better days.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


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National News of Estaratia

The citizens of the republic had seen the crisis between Estaratia and the Frienian Empire as a possible escalator to war , such thing this don't happen thanks to the disuasive force of Estaratia and it's mobilization that was keep running until Estaratia was sure to maintain to maintain it's position secure in the global affairs , but this would cost money a lot of money that Estaratia did not have and with it's debt growing Estaratia would have to demobilize most of it's forces and focus on the economy , which sadly was not at par with it's neighbour to the north . The goverment gave more funds to the intelligence services because they wanted to make sure that no nation could get the in the affairs of Estaratia .

The military while big it was not as trained as most nations but it was the best equipped force of the world , this was thanks to the efforts of the factories of the nation that while weren't many could produce most things neccesary to the army and such , also the army had a focus to go on the offensive rather and defensive , this doctrine was refined over the years and the generals of Estaratia were well aware of that doctrine.

On the colonial affairs , Estaratia was very indeferent and only saw the need of colonies because of the lack of resources inside the mainland , Estaratia cared little about the native people on the colonies and while they gave education to some it was only because there was a bit of extra funding in the education sector thanks to certain humanist group that wanted to civilize the natives to the way of Estaratia , the natives had been certainly able to assimilate the Estaratian culture with ease at first but they were always in the bot of society.

More recently the goverment saw the opportunity to increase it's relationships with Kelric after the crisis and they would use that to their own benefit and while the goverment did not want to be an enemy of any major power , it wanted to be sure that Estaratia would be surrounded by allies and not possible enemies , after all the culture and traditions of Estaratia could be at risk.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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TURN 2, Summer, 1910

ECONOMIC TREND: 0 (Factories generate 20 this turn)
[Empire of Saurilia: Poor harvest. -$150 ]
[Kingdom of Etelia: High ranking design bureau folds. Cannot Research this turn. ]
[Republic of Estaratia: Estaratia records record trade surplus. +$175 ]
[Grand Frienian Empire: Frienian Army faces budget cuts. -7,000 Soldiers.]
[Chaegon Empire: Emperor writes best selling memoir. +1 Support. ]

[Empire of Saurilia]: +1 (Event) + 0 (Colonies) + 7 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 7 Support
[Kingdom of Etelia]: +0 (Event) + 1 (Colonies) + 3 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 4 Support
[Republic of Estaratia]: +0 (Event) + 2 (Colonies) + 2 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 4 Support
[Grand Frienian Empire]: +0 (Event) + 2 (Colonies) + 2 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 4 Support
[Chaegon Empire: +1 (Event) + 0 (Colonies) + 1 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 2 Support




The Empire of Chaegon begins it's first attempts at establishing a colonial empire. The Chaegonians land in Sereccia, a province north of Etelian Serranthia and begins the preliminary measures of establishing a Chaegonian colony there. The nomadic locals are unsure of themselves, but the Chaegonians--who arrive in steel ships, with water and luxuries never been seen--are apt hosts. The Etelian consulate in Liren admonishes the Chaegonian government for colonizing Serranthian land without consulting with either the Grand Frienian Empire or themselves. The colony is expected to be completed in early 1911.

Trade relations between the Republic Of Estaratia and the Kingdom of Kelric continue to improve. Free trade bustles, but the Estaratians continue to pile debt up. Still, relations between the two are at an all time high.

The Kingdom of Etelia plans to begin production of the Navigari Kz.10, one of only two aircraft considered mechanically competent enough to be used for military purposes--albeit only for reconnaissance. The aircraft is a single seater, powered by a 41hp Navigari Model 1910 engine. It is considered a pusher type, with a rear facing propeller.

Etelian designed Navigari Kz.10 Reconaissance Plane, 1910

The Etelian government implores any governments who may wish to purchase the planes to a special viewing in June, outside the capital of Parmua and enlisted by the Regia Aeronautica, one of only two official air corps in the world.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Imperial Saurilian Press

"Long has Tyrennian land been coveted by the Empire. Long have they sat there, believing they were safe from our invasion! No longer will they have no fear! No longer will we be seen as the weaker power! It is time that we take a stand, fellow Saurilians! Long live the Empire!" - Speech given to the Saurilian people by the Queen

The Saurilian military has been training many a days these past few months, not for a casual walk in the pubs lad, but for keeping us safe! Or so the Queen states to the people. Agression has been brewing on the Tyrennian front, some going as far to boycotting their goods in general. No one knows what is going to happen these next few months as tensions begin to rise between our glorious Empire and the Tyrennian people. It may be something that will destroy both sides, but again, no body truly knows what will happen.

Maybe this is a sign that the government is going to respond to the people by expansion by war, maybe they are gearing up for sending troops to secure a colony. However, Tyrennia had always been the target of Saurilian Empire and that is not going to change any time soon. Two prosperous nations may potentially come to blows. Maybe other nations will get involved, no body will truly know except for time.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Unbeknownst to the public, the Emperor had secretly been improving relations the Queen of the Saurilian Empire. Therefore, the brief following address came as a surprise.

"Good people of the mighty Chaegon Empire, this may come as a mild surprise to you, but I have found the Saurilians to be good potential allies. As such, we shall support their claim upon Tyrenian lands. This claim is just! This claim is true! Should it come to war, we shall lend our aid if they call for it. That is all."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 1 mo ago

National News of Estaratia

The support to the massive army of Estaratia became smaller with the time and the cost of it were huge because of that the government decided to send some of the soldiers to home , to work in the economy and to stop being an economic burden for the state , the military was obviously disgusted as they still believed that some kind of war was coming but the public didn't think so , however the news from Saurilian were shocking with the declaration of their Queen this was only seen by the goverment as a provocation from the Saurilian monarchy to threat Estaratia , the following day after the declaration of Saurilia , Estaratia gave it's own opinion about the matter.

"We can only see the declaration of the queen of Saurilia as an aggressive declaration towards the expansion , such expansion would not only be threat to our Kelric neighbours but also to our nation aswell , because of that we will defend the Estaratian interest with no fear for blood"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

TURN 3, Fall, 1910

ECONOMIC TREND: 0 (Factories generate 20)
[Empire of Saurilia: Coal miners strike: Cannot Industrialize or Build Factory this turn.]
[Kingdom of Etelia: Corruption in ruling party. -2 Support.]
[Republic of Estaratia: General Ruy Melchor Abano supports Recruitment Campaign. +5,000 Soldiers ]
[Grand Frienian Empire: Frienia supports Kiran Nationalists: +1 Kira]
[Chaegon Empire]: Chaegonian destroyer lost in squall: -1 Destroyer]
[Republic of Foucil]: Prominent factory burns down: -1 Factory.]

[Empire of Saurilia]: +1 (Event) + 0 (Colonies) + 7 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 8 Support
[Kingdom of Etelia]: -2 (Event) + 1 (Colonies) + 3 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 2 Support
[Republic of Estaratia]: +0 (Event) + 2 (Colonies) + 2 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 4 Support
[Grand Frienian Empire]: +0 (Event) + 2 (Colonies) + 2 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 4 Support
[Republic of Foucil]: +0 (Event) + 1 (Colonies) + 1 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 2 Support




Across Centran, the world was abuzz with the otherwise respected motives of the Empire of Saurilia. In late August, the government issued a formal embargo of trade goes entering and leaving Tyrennia. Naturally, the embargo of a nation from a single state would hardly change the state of living, but for Tyrennia, it all came crashing down. Tyrennia imported 67% of all of its goods through Saurilia. This did not mean that 67% of all its goods came from Saurilia, but rather two out of every three imports passed through Saurilian customs before reaching Tyrennia. The size of Saurilian industry was simply too large.

The Kingdom of Etelia issued a harsh critique of the Saurilian government, and Foreign Minister Marchi Sesso issued the following statement: "The Saurilian government have deemed themselves bullies. Though industrialized, Saurilians have proved themselves to be barbarians. The Etelian government issues a strict warning that sanctions will be taken against Saurilia if it continues to press the Tyrennian government further. Lastly, the Etelian government abhors that it iself is not in a capacity to aid the Tyrennian people at this time."

While tensions heated between Tyrennia and Saurilia, elsewhere they fell. The Republic of Foucil ended the service of 20,000 of its soldiers. The engineer Mathias Papier finished his designs on easily erected earthen barriers that soldiers could build themselves, but little other word was given on it.


Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 1 mo ago

National News of Estaratia

The news from the trade embargo on Tyrennia were taken by surprise by the government of Estaratia they didn't thought that the Saurilians would starve the Tyrennians to death to achieve their objectives , the public was also incensed with the Saurilians and the several parties of the republic started to want to do something about it even if it was in secret , however several days later in a press conference the president and the leaders of other parties gave the notice to the public that they would mobilize the forces of Estaratia and demand that Saurilia stops the trade embargo and their claim of the land of Tyrennia.The following speech was given by the president of Estaratia

"The people of Estaratia has shown their shock about the terrible news of what Tyrennia is currently suffering because of Saurilia and their expansionist desires , we have decided to demand from them something that should be already granted to Tyrennia , we demand that Saurilia stops the Trade Embargo and that they renounce any claim on Tyrennia , we also demand that Saurilia pays $2000 in reparations to Tyrennia for the damage that their actions have caused in the people of Tyrennia "

After that conference the army gave a small parade in the center of the capital and the men of the country started to move from one place to another to prepare for a war that might or not happen however the leaders of the military and the nation expected that this would maintain the status quo in the region for the next year at least , some of the men that were called into service were happy to serve their country while others saw no use to it since the country was not at war and they were only relieved because the mobilization would take time to reach all the capable men of the country.

The military leaders started to plan for a possible invasion of Saurilia , they knew that the Saurilians had no chance of winning with their numbers , this was thanks to the intelligence service of Estaratia that had reported to the military some time ago , however the massive army of Estaratia required a lot of supply lines and that was their major worry , what could happen if the soldiers were not well feed or had enough ammunition , the plans would go down.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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The Empire of Saurilia

It was a brisk night, the snow beginning to set in as the cold months came upon the Empire once more. The Ministers have come together with the Queen to discuss actions of what to do regarding Tyrennia. "My Queen, I believe that we may not wish to push Tyrennia any longer. We cannot wish to suffer sanctions or a war, we will be destroyed," Foriegn Minister Micheal O'Dowd stated. The others did not look so enthused. "We need those provinces, it may help us deal with inflation as it will give us a reason to raise our army," the Minister of the Army says. "Let us not forget the Aluminum mines, boys," the Queen chuckled, that was her ultimate goal, gaining those mines. "Yes, but what good will it do if the entire world is against us?," Micheal questioned, his tone growing aggressive. "Not to mention the inflation we are facing at the moment! The people are growing restless! We must do something about this!" The Queen nodded before further discussion went into the night.

"The Saurilian government has enter negotions with the Tyrennians, thus we will not abide by what the threat of Estarians. However, we are attempting peace. Depending on how the negotiations go, our decision will come."

The Saurilian government had ordered 10 fighter craft from the Etelians for $1,000. In other news the Coal Miners have gone on strike regarding the rising discontent within the country. The rising inflation within the country is likely a reason behind this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The Kingdom of Etelia

Fall, 1910
Parmua, Etelia

"Fucking Estaratian dogs," Foreign Minister Marchi Sesso mumbled, fixing his tie for the third time. "They beg and plead and look for trouble."

"And they are many millions in debt, senor Sesso," King Alberto Tavachi, Head of State of the Kingdom of Etelia replied. Though his powers were largely marginal, he was as always an accepted member of the State Meetings. This one in particular had been called in response to the partial mobilization of the Estaratia Army, an immense force. "They will not be along the border until at least the spring."

"Should we mobilize our own forces?" Chief of the Army Giovanni Tessi asked, sifting through an unlabeled folder.

"Pah. The Estaratians are bluffing. They bluffed with the Frienians too, you know," Minister of the Economy Juliano Marcolin spat from across the row. There, he poured himself a glass of wine. His third that night. "I've seen the reports, you know. They're in shambles. Three, maybe four years before a total collapse. And now they mobilize their army. They're a sensible lot."

Everybody in the room mumbled in agreement.

Savei, Etelia

The Sarano class was a class of destroyers of the Etelian Royal Navy. They were the first large Etelian destroyers and the first fitted with steam turbines. The class is sometimes also called the S-class. The Sarano class was designed by Luigi Scaglia of Societa Pattison of Bitonto. The Sarano class were the first in the progression of Etelian destroyers to be called either tre pipe or tre canne for their three funnels.

The ships were 237 feet 11 inches (72.52 m) at the waterline (239 feet 6 inches (73.00 m) overall) with a beam of 24 feet (7.3 m) and a draft of 7 feet 11 inches (2.41 m). They had twin shafts driven by two Tosi steam turbines that were fired by four Fornnik boilers. The drivetrain was designed for a power output of 16,000 horsepower (12,000 kW) to move the ships at 30 knots (56 km/h), but had a maximum output of 17,620 shaft horsepower (13,140 kW) which propelled the ships at 35.79 knots (66.28 km/h).

As built, the ships were armed with one 4.7 in (120 mm)/40 gun, four 3 in (76 mm)/40 guns, and two 17.7 in (450 mm) torpedo tubes. In 1909 they were augmented with an additional two torpedo tubes.

Etelian destroyer Marovetti, circa 1910

The Marovetti and it's sister ship the Cantovatti were aged, but reliable ships. They were immediately posted to the 4th Destroyer Squadron out of Tern. They left the morning of October 3rd, 1910 from Savei, sailed the Etelian Peninsula and slipped through the Terecian Channel. They reached Tern on October 17th, 1910. The 4th Destroyer Squadron was comprised of the Armored Cruiser Piza, and six Destroyers. Led by Admiral Sevometti, the squadron was entrusted with the security of the supply lines in the Western Serranthian Sea.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

TURN 3, Winter, 1910

ECONOMIC TREND: 0 (Factories generate 20)
[Empire of Saurilia: Saurilian Navy receives funding. 1 Naval Tech advances 1 step.]
[Kingdom of Etelia: Etelian colonists arrive in Serranthia. 1 Colony advances 1 step.]
[Republic of Estaratia: Inflates causes factory shut down. -1 Factory. ]
[Grand Frienian Empire: Immigrants from Serranthia arrive en masse. +1 Population. ]
[Chaegon Empire]: Cheagonian businesses see growth. +$75]
[Republic of Foucil]: Foucili Foreign Mission visits abroad. Next colony begins at Step 5. ]

[Empire of Saurilia]: +0 (Event) + 0 (Colonies) + 7 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 8 Support
[Kingdom of Etelia]: -0 (Event) + 1 (Colonies) + 3 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 2 Support
[Republic of Estaratia]: +0 (Event) + 2 (Colonies) + 2 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 4 Support
[Grand Frienian Empire]: +0 (Event) + 2 (Colonies) + 2 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 4 Support
[Republic of Foucil]: +0 (Event) + 1 (Colonies) + 1 (Factories) + 0 (Trade Pacts) = 2 Support
[Empire of Chaegon: +0 (Event) + 0 (Colonies) + 1 (Factories) + 2 (Trade Pacts) = 3 Support



In Pogradec, Tyrennia, the Tyrennian King Zag IV issued the Statement of Solidarity, stating: "It is apparent that our neighbors to the west wish us ill! We stand in good fortune in that our friends to the east value peace over war. We stand with solidarity with the Estaratians and I will proclaim here and now that no Tyrennian land will be given away unjustly. The bloodthirsty Saurilians may wish harm upon our nation, but Centran itself values peace, and so shall there be peace!"

At forty-one years old, King Zag IV saw the highest support since he took the throne. Urged to mobilized the Tyrennian Army by his advisers, Zag decided against it.

The Estaratian Army, which had begun to mobilize, was moving toward the Saurilian border. It would not be until the spring or summer of next year that all 1,405,000 soldiers would be fully mobilized. All eyes looked on as the Estaratians, who had feuded with the Frienians last year, now set their eyes on defending Tyrennian sovereignty in the region. With the mobilization of the army, the Kingdom of Kelric also looked on with hesitation.

The Republic of Foucil turned away from Centran and to Faresia. They reopened their embassy in the Qingsdao Dominion, reinstating the relations they had fostered back in the mid 1860's. The Foucili embassy immediately began to transition into a free trade agreement, which would help both the massive Qingsdao and the budding Foucili Republic florish.

The Chaegon Empire formed a Trade Pact with the Kingdom of Thecia. These trade relations would boost the free trade between the two, solidifying the economy of both Chaegon and Thecia. This trade agreement would stand until 1915.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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The Kingdom of Etelia

Liren, Empire of Chaegon

Pier Fini had been assigned to Liren since 1899. It was a decadent, backwater post. The Chaegonians were called half-citizens by the Etelians for their laziness and lack of industriousness. Liren itself, while an immense, bustling city, was unappealing to the eye and often cast in the shade of the grey skies of the murky and cold Frienian Sea. Ambassador Fini went about his daily routine, skipping out of his early morning briefing to head to the Frienian bistro at the end of the street (he couldn't stand Chaegonian food), then read the paper.

Estaratia was threatening war (again). Saurilia was acting outlandish. These were issues, while interesting, had little to do with Fini in faraway Liren. It was when he returned to the Etelian Embassy that he dropped his briefcase and had to sit down. The telegraph, straight from the Chief of Staff of the Etelian Military, was concise.

"No name," Lini asked aloud.

"What is it, senor Lini?" His thick haired secretary Yolando Bergolo asked.

"What kind of island has no name," he said, to no one in particular. He re-read the letter, it'd be his job if he got it wrong. He yanked a handkerchief from his jacket pocket and wiped his brow. He sat down at his desk and from the bottom drawer pulled a bottle of liquor. It was Chaegonian, but that's all there was. He studied the bottle for a moment, then crossed the room to a cabinet where he found a glass and poured himself a drink. It burned the whole way down and left a sour taste in his mouth. Was that because it was Chaegonian, or months old?

Fini left the room and found the hall to find the Chaegonian diplomat in the embassy. The man, whose name he had forgotten within seconds of hearing it, was old and fattened up. Still, he was a humble and funny fellow with a toothy smile. "I regret to inform you, sir," Fini said, pulling the paper from his jacket and handing it over to the Chaegonian diplomat.

"What is this?" The Chaegonian diplomat asked.

"The Kingdom of Etelia is now at war with the Empire of Chaegon."

The focus of the Etelo-Chaegonian War
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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The Empire of Saurilia

The Queen was absolutely livid that the Tyrennians had refused her offer, the most gracious offer that she would have provided them. Yet, she held them blameless as they would have accepted under any other circumstance and she knew exactly who gave them this false since of confidence. It was that damned Republic, Estaratia. How dare they tangle in the affairs of the Empire, the true empire that only had threatened a small nation, one that had been claimed by the Empire long ago.

"They wish to mangle in our affairs? Affairs that they have no business in mangling in! The Etalians have mocked us as well, now they engage in war with our friends, the Chaegon Empire! They are lucky I have other matters to attend to! Bring me the Estarian government, their men shall see that their government can't afford them any longer. They shall see that they may have numbers, but they do not have training like true Saurilian men! Give them War!"

"Your majesty, they outnumber us! I believe we should in the embargo right now and bide our time," Michael O'Dowd said, sweating profusely in his attempt to prevent war. So the order was given to life the Embargo of the Tyrennian people and give $1,000 in reparations to the Tyrennian government. However, they give nothing the Estaratian Republic. They did not deserve it, but if they went to war the entirety of the world would look down on them now. Would they dare risk war over nothing now?

On another front, to secure the Grand Frienian Empire border, the queen offers a gift of $2,000 to them in exchange that they consider an alliance with the Saurilian Empire.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kingdom of Etelia

Insignia of the Etelian Royal Navy

The Bendetto-class dreadnoughts were designed by Rear Admiral Engineer Edoardo Masdea, Chief Constructor of the Etelian Royal Navy, and were ordered in response to Frienian and Foulici fleets at the time. They were intended to be superior to the Frienian Slagschip class dreadnoughts and to remedy the Etelian's earlier's perceived flaws of weak protection and armament. As upgrading a warship's protection and armament on a similar displacement typically requires a loss in speed, the ships were not designed to reach the 24 knots (44 km/h; 28 mph) of their predecessor. They were still given a 1.5 to 2 knots (2.8 to 3.7 km/h; 1.7 to 2.3 mph) advantage over the 20-to-21-knot (37 to 39 km/h; 23 to 24 mph) standard of most foreign dreadnoughts. Foreign dreadnoughts were being designed with 340-millimeter (13.5 in) guns, but the Etelian Royal Navy was forced to use 305-millimeter (12 in) guns in the Bendetto because Etelia lacked the ability to build larger guns. An additional gun, making a total of 13, was added to offset this deficiency.

Taking advantage of the lengthy building times of these ships, other countries were able to build dreadnoughts that were superior in protection and armament, with the exception of the Foulici. Construction was delayed by late deliveries of the 305-millimeter guns and armor plates as well as shortages of labor. The Etelians imported the raw nickel steel for their armor from Estaratia and Vinheim and processed it into their equivalent of Stepp cemented armor, called Terni cemented, but there were problems with this process and suitable plates took longer to produce than planned.

Etelian dreadnought Fenice, circa 1910

The ships of the Bendetto class were 168.9 meters (554 ft 2 in) long at the waterline, and 176 meters (577 ft 5 in) overall. They had a beam of 28 meters (91 ft 10 in), and a draft of 9.3 meters (30 ft 6 in). They displaced 23,088 long tons (23,458 t) at normal load, and 25,086 long tons (25,489 t) at deep load. The Bendetto class was provided with a complete double bottom and their hulls were subdivided by 23 longitudinal and transverse bulkheads. The ships had two rudders, both on the centerline. They had a crew of 31 officers and 969 enlisted men.

The original machinery for all three ships consisted of three Fornnik steam turbine sets, arranged in three engine rooms. The center engine room housed one set of turbines that drove the two inner propeller shafts. It was flanked by compartments on either side, each housing one turbine set which powered the outer shafts. Steam for the turbines was provided by 20 Blechynden water-tube boilers in Bastarda and Fenice, eight of which burned oil and twelve of which burned both oil and coal. Monarca used a dozen each oil-fired and mixed-firing MIAT boilers. Designed to reach a maximum speed of 22.5 knots (41.7 km/h; 25.9 mph), none of the ships reached this goal on their sea trials, despite generally exceeding the rated power of their turbines. They only achieved speeds ranging from 21.56 to 22.2 knots (39.93 to 41.11 km/h; 24.81 to 25.55 mph) using 30,700 to 32,800 shaft horsepower (22,900 to 24,500 kW). The ships could store a maximum of 1,450 long tons (1,470 t) of coal and 850 long tons (860 t) of fuel oil that gave them a range of 4,800 nautical miles (8,900 km; 5,500 mi) at 10 knots (19 km/h; 12 mph), and 1,000 nautical miles (1,900 km; 1,200 mi) at 22 knots (41 km/h; 25 mph). Each ship was equipped with three turbo generators that provided a total of 150 kilowatts at 110 volts.

As built, the ships' main armament comprised thirteen 46-caliber 305-millimeter guns, designed by Costa Agnelli in five gun turrets. The turrets were all on the centerline, with a twin-gun turret superfiring over a triple-gun turret in fore and aft pairs, and a third triple turret amidships, designated 'A', 'B', 'Q', 'X', and 'Y' from bow to stern. The turrets had hydraulic training and elevation, with an auxiliary electric system.

Bendetto-class Dreadnoughts of the Etelian Royal Navy

The secondary armament on the first two ships consisted of eighteen 50-caliber 120-millimeter (4.7 in) guns, also designed by Costa Agnelli mounted in casemates on the sides of the hull. These guns could depress to −10 degrees and had a maximum elevation of +15 degrees; they had a rate of fire of six shots per minute. They could fire a 22.1-kilogram (49 lb) high-explosive projectile with a muzzle velocity of 850 meters per second (2,800 ft/s) to a maximum distance of 11,000 meters (12,000 yd). The ships carried a total of 3,600 rounds for them. For defense against torpedo boats, the ships carried fourteen 50-caliber 76 mm (3.0 in) guns; thirteen of these could be mounted on the turret tops, but they could be mounted in 30 different positions, including some on the forecastle and upper decks. These guns had the same range of elevation as the secondary guns, and their rate of fire was higher at 10 rounds per minute. They fired a 6-kilogram (13 lb) AP projectile with a muzzle velocity of 815 meters per second (2,670 ft/s) to a maximum distance of 9,100 meters (10,000 yd). The ships were also fitted with three submerged 45-centimeter (17.7 in) torpedo tubes, one on each broadside and the third in the stern.

The Bendetto-class ships had a complete waterline armor belt that was 2.8 meters (9 ft 2 in) high; 1.6 meters (5 ft 3 in) of this was below the waterline and 1.2 meters (3 ft 11 in) above. It had a maximum thickness of 250 millimeters (9.8 in) amidships, reducing to 130 millimeters (5.1 in) towards the stern and 80 millimeters (3.1 in) towards the bow. The lower edge of this belt was a uniform 170 millimeters (6.7 in) in thickness. Above the main belt was a strake of armor 220 millimeters (8.7 in) thick that extended 2.3 meters (7 ft 7 in) up to the lower edge of the main deck. Above this strake was a thinner one, 130 millimeters thick, that extended 138 meters (452 ft 9 in) from the bow to 'X' turret. The upper strake of armor protected the casemates and was 110 millimeters (4.3 in) thick. The ships had two armored decks: the main deck was 24 mm (0.94 in) thick in two layers on the flat that increased to 40 millimeters (1.6 in) on the slopes that connected it to the main belt. The second deck was 30 millimeters (1.2 in) thick, also in two layers. Fore and aft transverse bulkheads connected the armored belt to the decks.

Bastarda and her sister ship Monarca in the Etelian Sea on sea trials, circa 1908

The frontal armor of the gun turrets was 280 millimeters (11.0 in) in thickness with 240-millimeter (9.4 in) thick sides, and an 85-millimeter (3.3 in) roof and rear. Their barbettes also had 230-millimeter armor above the forecastle deck that reduced to 180 millimeters (7.1 in) between the forecastle and upper decks and 130 millimeters below the upper deck. The forward conning tower had walls 280 millimeters thick; those of the aft conning tower were 180 millimeters thick. The total weight of the protective armor was 5,150 long tons (5,230 t), just over 25 per cent of the ships' designed displacement. The total weight of the entire protective system was 6,122 long tons (6,220 t), 30.2 per cent of their intended displacement.

The Etelian Ambassador to the Republic of Foucil was an amateur statesman known as Gabriele D'Annunzio. A former artilleryman, he realized that politics had all the heart thumping characteristics of war without the shrapnel and shitty food. Still, Foucil was a homely place reminiscent in certain ways to the Etelian peninsula. It was not the shoddy backwater of Chaegon or worse the frozen and decrepit steppes of Frienia. ". . It was as if I was at a summer home, though it snowed frequently and often," D'Annunzia wrote in journal in 1907, a year after he had received the post.

Gabriele D'Annunzia, circa 1910

Still, D'Annunzio had been in talks with the Foucili for months. The Foucili, one of only two of the Great Powers with the industrial capacity and seamanship to challenge Etelia at sea, the Etelian Royal Navy found that instead of alienating the Foucili, a friendship might better yet be in order. The Foucili and the Etelians had decidedly different interests. The Etelians eyed the west, the Serranthian coast and the islands there. The Foucili instead favored the more exotic jungles of Faresia, a place which few Etelians cared much.

The D'Annunzio Accord, penned by Gabrielo D'Annunzio himself, reached the Foucili delegates office three days after the Etelian declaration of war on the Empire of Chaegon.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Legislative Election of 1910

Starting in November, as per Foucili tradition, the 1910 election would go down in the annals of Foucili history as the beginning of the end for the stability of the Unity and Radical Republican parties. The stronghold factions for both the Left and Right for decades, Unity and the Radicals had held the centre while outliers fought for domination of the extremes. On the Left, the Social Unionists had adjusted well to parliament and continued their steady gain; taking Rounnet from the Radicals and gaining an additional 5 seats from the faltering Centre-Leftists. On the Right, the more conservative Unity party continued to lose ground to the growing Liberals. In Dippes Liberal Party Chairman Francis Vidal proclaimed the following in his victory speech as he continued to hold his own constituency.

"The People of Foucil have said it before and they shall say it again. Unity has lost her Unity! For years now the old stooges in the Unity Party have held onto their vanguard position of isolationism and, for a lack of better terms, cowardice. Look where they are today, unable to not only hold their own seats, but unseat a single orange man! The people of this nation realize that Foucil can no longer sit idle as the other nations of Centran industrialize and expand their influence, and the time is now for our great Republic to show herself as the bastion of democratic civilization that we are! Vive La Foucil!" - Francis Vidal, 1910

Despite the cries of the Liberals that the isolationist conservative Unity was a sick man, the party held strong and was only inches away from taking their 100 seat goal, a number they have long been vying to retake since the rise of the Liberals in the 1890s. The growingly bitter Unity leadership continued to pledge their undying devotion to the people of Foucil and the defense of 'the fragile egg of democracy', however inside the party the cracks continued to form...

With the Radical Republicans taking majority, and their fragile alliance to the Social Unionists holding strong, Prime Minister Errando Bizcarte reformed his government and cabinet, ensuring that the Radical Republicans would hold another 6 years in government.

Results of the 1910 Legislative Election
Radical Republicans - Yellow
Social Unionists - Red
Unity - Blue
Liberals - Orange
Nationalists - Grey

Faresian Ambitions

While Politicians fought in Parliament, the fledgling military of the Republic continued to pressure the new government for support in Faresia. Many years ago, when Foucil was ruled via a monarch, the nation held vast colonial claims and kept them through naval and land superiority over their Faresian adversaries. The Liberals, much to the chagrin of the isolationist Unity, hounded the new Prime Minister to allow a new 'Faresian Charter' and revitalize the importance Pekalu once had in the nation. Finally, in December, the government faltered and a new colonial charter was written, being signed by both Field Marshal Pierre Laflèche, Colonial Viceroy Benoît Bain, and Prime Minister Errando Bizcarte.

Following the declaration of the charter, 3 armored cruisers were planned to set sail for Pekalu and plans were announced to increase the Foucili colonial garrison in the near future.

Foucili Armored Cruiser Duhamel, circa 1907.

The D'Annunzio Accord

The D'Annunzio Accord, as the Etelians called it, was the first obstacle of the new Bizcarte government. Interior and Political Minister, and renown Radical Republican, Grégoire Héroux viewed the Accord positively. In a private letter penned to Gabrielo D'Annunzio, Héroux stated his hope for an eventual alliance between Etelia and Foucil. However, others within the Bizcarte cabinet were quick to state their distaste for the idea. Minister of the Armed Forces and veteran of the 1873 Foucili-Cam colonial conflict Sébastien Verley decried multiple statements of the Accord as Etelia attempting to bring Foucil into a Centran war, saying the following.

"If those bastards in Etelia want Foucil to send their soldiers and sailors to die for some hog-wash island they hold no claim to then I may as well be a damn Frienian. Our Republic is in no such position to support a claim by either nation, much less get involved in a conflict in Centran at all." - Sébastien Verley

In a council vote, it came to pass that Article III of the Accord would have to be amended for the Accord to be signed by the Foucili government. In addition, the Foucili state declared complete neutrality in the Etelo-Chaegonian War.

Grégoire Héroux, Minister of the Interior, circa 1908
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 1 mo ago

National News of Estaratia

After the notice that Tyrennia got half of the reparations asked by Estaratia , the elite and the government saw that as an insult to the influence of Estaratia , they quickly formulated a new demand towards Saurilia , that if it wasn't met it would cause something that many didn't want to name but it would be sure , the people started to wonder if peace with Saurilia would be possible even if they accepted the demands of Estaratia , but what was sure to all the people of Estaratia was that the president and it's ministers part of very prideful generation would not accept a not as an answer by the Saurilians.

The president and his ministers after one week made a treaty offer to Saurilia the infamous Treaty of Sandalio , a treaty that was made to make Saurilia weaker in the short term so Estaratia would have time to increase it's industrial power and it's military might in order to keep at Saurilia at check for the next 20 years , if Saurilia signed the treaty Saurilia would not only be hummiliated but it's position in the continent would be permantly damaged.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 1 day ago

The Empire of Saurilia

Upon receiving the demands of the Treaty, the Queen did what any sensible person would do after receiving such a horrid and insulting claim to an empire. She burned it, right in front of the Estaratian emissary as well, they had been insulted for the last time and the mobilization of the army began to take place. It wouldn't be long before the men of the Saurilian Army would be ready for combat, due to the high infrastructure of the nation. Though, a response was given back to Estaratians. All the letter said was "No".
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

War of Reparations

With Tyrennia at it's center, the Republic of Estaratia moved to support Tyrennian sovereignty while the smaller nation of Saurilia threatened Tyrennia with economic sanctions and diplomatic annexation of it's outer territories. The world watched on, as in Western Centran the Etelo-Chaegonian War steamed on unabated, with little chance of a Chaegonian victory due to an inept bureaucracy and indecisive military leadership. The Estaratians had already begun to mobilize their army and their war production had started, albeit late. The fortunate truth was that weeks before the declaration of war, the Saurilian Army and Navy had begun to mobilize as well.

Vastly outnumbered, the Saurilian Army had two advantages: a small swathe of territory to defend and the truth that it's army--though minute compared to the Estaratians--was well trained, and in some ways of higher quality than the Estaratians.

Empire of Saurilia [0.5 Months Left to Fully Mobilize]
-- 72,000 Soldiers [90% Trained] [Range: 0 | Firepower: 0 | Simplicity: 2] [50,000 Salizar .48 Rifles]
-- 161 Whistling Batteries [Range: 0 | Firepower: 1 | Simplicity: 0]
-- 7 Runington Trucks [Range: 0 | Firepower: 0 | Simplicity: 0]

Republic of Estaratia [2.5 Months Left to Fully Mobilize]
-- 1,405,000 Soldiers [11% Trained] [2,000,000 EM-98 Rifles] [Range: 0 | Firepower: 0 | Simplicity: 0]
-- 122 Cañons Siel 105mm [Range: 0 | Firepower: 0 | Simplicity: 2]
-- 16 BT-5 Trucks

I. Saurilo-Estaratian Border (December, 1910)
WEATHER: Heavy snow fall
The Saurilo-Estaratian border was a slope of flat plains glossed in thick white snow. Within two days of the declaration of war, the five Saurilian infantry divisions (50,000) moved in to secure the border. Many of the men complained about being forced to walk when trucks were available for transport. Still, earthen embankments were built while they waited for the enemy. The enemy--the Estaratians--were dubbed "limitless in number," by one man. "They march a million abreast," another man mumbled. Further question was added as to why none of the Saurilian artillery were brought to the front. "They think we're gonna win the damn war with ten millimeter and bad language, do they?" a riflemen asked, incredulous as to why the Saurilian Army would send in the army without proper artillery.

Two Saurilian soldiers pose for a picture. Winter, 1910

-- Both nations may have a third free action of Production Queue or Design every turn.
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