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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


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Grand Frienian Empire

Military spending cut

While the world bends its knees to petty violence and war, the Frienian government made great strides of reducing military spending and securing a more well trained army. Nearly 200,000 men had already been sent home. This decision however did not come easy, many party members within the government strongly disagreed with the current state of government, however Mathies IX pushed the bill to pass.

“In a time where war blazes across the entirety of Centran, Frienia must stand strong as a nation of peace and prosperity. We hope that these small strides towards a stronger, more centralized army will be a shining example to nations everywhere that war is not always the answer. However, even now conflict brews and because of conflict, we are required to make such small strides.” -Excerpt from Mathies IX speech to the parliament and its senators.

According to the Minister of finance David Hof this move is not only for political reasons, but rather economic as well. The Grand Frienian Empire’s military budget takes up nearly 200% of government’s budget, resulting in massive debt.

Saurilian Friendship and War for Reperations

After a recent notice by the Saurilian government had offered nearly $2000 worth of financial support due to Frienia’s massive economic and financial burden due to a bloated military. However this did not come without cost, the Saurilian government had reached its hand out in friendship, but the Frienian government was not entirely inclined to take them up on such an offer.

“While we are grateful for charity and offers of financial assistance in such dire times, we can’t help but be hesitant. Not only is your nation currently at war, but we do not wish to jump into an alliance with a nation whom we have little gain to ally, and so much to lose. Though, we are willing to broaden our relationship and as such propose these terms:

  • Demilitarization of the shared border between Saurilia and Frienia that stretches an approximated length of 2 ½ km.
  • Free trade between both nations
  • Promise of recognizing claims between both nations both in Centran and abroad

Though not much, it will have to do in such tough times. We can discuss furthering our relationship once the war is over.” Isaac ter Hogt, minister of political affairs was quoted to have offered in the Saurilian ministry.

Etellian-Chaegonian War for “Unnamed Island”

“It seems that Etellia has shook the hornet's nest that is the Chaegonian Empire, I wonder what events will unfold.” Mathies IX calmly stated reading the reports given to him by Piet ten Have. The war in its entirety felt off to him. While he hated the Chaegonian Empire, he did not enjoy having his patience tested by Etellia.

“The damned Etellians are trying to push for naval dominance in the Serranthian region and they know that no one will step in to prevent it. If I had any say in this war, both Chaegon and Etellia would burn, but it might be best to make our move now. Wipe the Empire off the face of the earth and seize control of the land that surrounds us. Denying both countries any power.” Piet ten Have shouted.

“The idea is far irrational at best general. While it would be incredibly simply to defeat Etellia in a war, Chaegon is a different beast. We would need to mobilize the entirety of the army just to hold the initial invasion.”

“Their generals know nothing of war, not like Frienia. We are an Empire built on conflict and it has strengthened us. We have more bodies than that of any empire in Centran. A million deaths is but a small fraction of the people willing to die for us.” While passionate about his conviction Piet eventually stood down. War was not like, nor possible at this time, Frienia would remain a sleeping giant.

“Piet ten Have, circa 1910”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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The Empire of Saurilia

The Queen had received the demands that the Frienian Empire, such simple demands that she had take a triple-take in order to make heads or tails of it. Though, she and her ministers could all agree that this would work as it was an easy thing to maintain between the nations. The Queen signed the paper to signify that she agreed with the terms and sent it back the Frienians. At least now she would have ease of mind on that small border. However, she would have liked it if they would send military support, but she knew her men would hold the front.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


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War for the Island of Fea

In an unexpected move for Serranthian dominance the Kingdom of Etelia had jumped at the chance to seize the Chaegonian Island of Fea. Both began to mobilize their forces, however due to efficient planning and the element of surprise Etelia had the advantage. It was not long before the Island was completely surrounded with no resistance by the Chaegonian navy.

With no allies to turn to and a lack of naval dominance it would seem that the Chaegon empire will suffer significantly in the coming days.

Kingdom of Etelia (5 turns left until fully mobilized)
--210,000 Soldiers [44% Trained] [Range:0 | Firepower:0 | Simplicy:0] [210,000 Sacrano 98 Rifles]
-- 109 Sarcano 75a Cannone [Range:1 | Firepower:2 | Simplicity:0]
-- 19 MIAT Kz.09 [Engine:1 | Armor:0 | Simplicity:1] [19]

Chaegon Empire (1 turn left until fully mobilized)
--1,850,000 Soldiers [49% Trained][Range:0 | Firepower:0 | Simplicity:2] [1,850,000 Chekhov’s Rifle]
--224 Hellrainers [Range:0 | Firepower:0 | Simplicity: 0]
--66 Fiery Chariots [Range:0 | Firepower: 0 | Simplicity: 0]


I. Southern Sea (December, 1910)
Operation Midnight had taken into full effect and the Etelian army began to surround the entirety of the Island of Fea with relatively little resistance. Rather than fighting the Etelian navy, Admiral Mileto retreated to the bay, where the remain trapped by Etelian forces unable to leave. However this would prove to be the biggest mistake made by the Chaegonian high command, as the Etelian forces began to move in relentless in their pursuit.

The Chaegonian navy realizing that the Etelian forces would make the bay their grave, attempted to leave, however the odds were against them. With little hope of survival otherwise, Admiral Mileto engaged the Etelian navy in hopes of breaking through their lines and escaping resulting the the Battle of the bay.

Chaegonian Navy
-- 1 Dreadnought
-- 4 Armored Cruisers
-- 10 Destroyers
-- 9 Submarines

Etelian Navy
-- 4 Dreadnoughts
-- 5 Armored Cruisers
-- 11 Destroyers

Luck however was not on the side of the Chaegonian fleet. As the began to maneuver several of their ships already began to take heavy casualties trying to leave the bay. In the first hour of the battle two Chaegonian cruisers had been sunk, and several destroyers followed suit. The battle in its entirety had lasted just under three hours with massive casualties on the Chaegonian side, just barely escaping the battle with any ships whatsoever.

II. Island of Fea (December, 1910)
Weather: Slightly cold temperature (No Snowfall)

The relatively small Island of Fea was the center of Etelian aggression and the focus of the war. Managing to take the initiative the forces of Etelia moved swiftly the the Island with a meager force of 6,000 men. This force however would be met with great resistance as the Chaegonian forces, while completely surrounded and cut off from the rest of the world, had become heavily garrisoned.

Reports of the army nearly five times their size had reached the ears of the men, and many spread word of worry among the ranks. However General Tunni, renowned for his trust of high command committed to the offensive anyways. Six thousand men marched onto the Island only to be met with heavy bombardment of artillery, unable to close the gap they were forced to retreat suffering numerous casualties as a result. A diary left by an Etelian soldier described the day vividly:

December 12th, 1910

0:20 hours

I awoke to shouting, the general even pointed to me specifically “Strap your boots on, get dressed and jump on a boat. Show them Etelian metal.” So I hurriedly rushed to the deck, several men had already began to get in small boats set to arrive at the island, cannon fire could be heard in the distance making it far too dangerous to arrive closer to the shore. In the next several minutes from the sea to the shore, we would be met with several casualties. Hundreds of men dead before they could even make it to the shore.

1:20 hours

The night assault seemed to have given us the advantage for the time being, the many who did manage to escape the cold grasps of the ocean where quick to dig in, however little ground was made. The Chaegonian firepower seemed almost limitless, with so little means of countering them. By the time I myself had made it to the shores I counted several dead, many close friends. General Tunni himself stood his ground, shouting to the troops about honor in death and that we shall be remembered as heros.

This however was not so glorious as many would seem to deem. Somes faces were unrecognizable, as the artillery had torn them to shreds. I however continued, we all did. Marching to the sounds of glorious Etelian anthem. Inspiring us even in the face of death to try and push forward. But even the beauty of our own countries anthem drowned out in the face of gun powder.

2:10 hours

The assault was deemed a failure. To many men lied dead on the battlefield. Many whispered that we were but a mere scouting force. Testing the island's garrison in preparation of the next assault. None deserve such a horrid fate however and only history will tell if this was but a honest failure or an indignity towards the men of Etelia by the aristocratic generals.

Battle of Fea Beach, Circa december 12th 1910

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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CALL TO ARMS | Spring, 1911

I. War of Reparations

The delayed mobilization of the Estaratian Army gave the Saurilians months to build fortifications and warm their feet against the fires. The Saurilians however, were not in great spirits, and during the Winter of 1910 the Saurilian Army saw over 3,400 men go AWOL. Culturally, the Saurilians were pragmatic people. 50,000 men poised against over a million did not bode well for them. Instead of fighting and dying, the men deemed their own lives more important. 1,000 of these men were captured, attempting to flee into neighboring Tyrennia. Their fate would be determined by the Saurilian government.

The Spring came, and still the war had not yet turned hot. Interestingly enough, the Estaratians inability to functionally mobilize over the 1st Army (350,000 men) would suit them better to their needs. Fighting in the harsh winter was deplorable, but the spring thaw brought a cool breeze and a sun that was warm and protecting. General Olegario Ramos, commanding the 1st Army, prepared for the assault on the 4th of March, 1911.

Estaratian artillerymen, 1911

With a hundred 105mm Cañon Siel field guns at his disposal, General Ramos began the assault as scheduled. During the early morning hours, the guns pounded the Saurilian positions. An aide to General Ramos pointed to the sky. "Sir," he shouted. "The Saurilians, what is that?"

"It is an aircraft," the General admitted.

The Saurilians utilized the Etelian purchased Navigari Kz.1 reconnaissance planes to scout enemy positions. The Saurilians however, did not bring any of their field guns to the front, and so their men could only bury their heads in the dirt and weather the barrage. After three hours, in which the guns had fired over 650 rounds, the assault began. 250,000 men--leaving behind a strong reserve--surged up and over their positions to assault the Saurilians, or whatever was left of them.

II. Etelo-Chaegonian War

The Battle of Fea Beach, utilizing poor tactics, went south for the Etelians rather quickly. A lack of communication between the Etelian Royal Navy and the Etelian Army meant that the dreadnoughts assembled off the island could not properly coordinate their assaults. "How did they know we were coming," one soldier asked. The answers weren't there. The Chaegonians had apparently assembled themselves, their field batteries sighted in, on the exact spot the Etelians decided to land. Etelian High Command had never seen such an event.

Etelian soldier carries his comrade back to the beach, December 1910

Still, the Etelians were not so distraught. The Etelian 4th Navy maintained it's hold on the island, while Etelian transports in Parmua were prepping additional soldiers. The Etelians, with a significantly larger naval presence could simply outlast the Chaegonians, anticipating them being brought to the negotiating table when their soldiers on Fea started to starve.

III. World Abroad

With war ravaging Centran, several nations--among them the Kingdom of Thecia, the Kingdom of Soreno and Tyrennia have requested an International Conference be put together, to be led by the Great Powers of Chaegon, Saurilia, Frienia, Foucil and Etelia.

The Conference of 1911 was agreed upon to take place in Glogow, Soreno.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 1 mo ago

National News of Estaratia

Recently the newspapers have been full of heroic tales of heroes of war from the past wars of Estaratia , by a government initiative to gather support for the war , however , as always the people is divided about the war some say that Estaratia needs to crush Saurilia and show them who is the real power in the region and other say that it is only a problem that will raise tensions with neighboring countries , the government and the ministers have made a lot of effort to change the opinion of the public that doesn't want war but with little results since the budgets are focused on war .

The news from the front have served a good purpose for the pro-war Estaratians because that shows that they won't have any problem and that the war will likely end soon and that Saurilia will be forced to pay the Estaratians what they didn't to the Tyrennians , the Elite of the country seeks to preserve the hegemony of Estaratia and it is likely that they will push the government for harsher peace conditions if Estaratia wins the war with total supremacy , in any case the parliament has a majority of those kind of people that want harsher conditions on Saurilia , only time will tell if Estaratia leaves Saurilia with it's two feets or crippled for some time.

On the conference that several neutral countries called Estaratia has decided to be present in order to put the Estaratians interest in the table and that the foreign minister will be sent to the conference a long with several other people of the goverment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

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-- Republic of Estaratia [ATTENDING] [Bid Received]
-- Kingdom of Etelia [ATTENDING] [Bid Received]
-- Chaegon Empire [???]
-- Republic of Foucil [???]
-- Empire of Frienia [ATTENDING] [Bid Received]

-- PAX ETELIA (Kingdom of Etelia): A two sea navy encompassing a total of nine dreadnaughts, with five in the Serranthia Sea and four in the Faresian Sea, Etelia's hopes of dominating the waves has never waived. [All Naval Units advance +1 Construction Spot]
-- ESTARATIAN MILITARISM (Republic of Estaratia): The Estaratians wish it to be known that their military reaches everywhere in Centran, and this can only be realized by an efficient and sizable Estaratian Army. [Estaratian Army Maintenance decreases by 20%.]
-- STATUS QUO (Empire of Frienia): The Frienians, having sizable territories in the world, wish to keep things just as they are.. [Cancels another Issue if won.]

-- Kingdom of Etelia (NPC)
-- Republic of Estaratia
-- Empire of Frienia

OPEN ISSUES (This Conference will have 6 Issues)

-- None.
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