Name: Darius Matius
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Personality: Darius like any morally dubious man has a personality that varies when it comes to the situation. During work he's a rather cold and calculating individual with a bit of a humorous side to lighten up horrible situations, but at any other time he's a seemingly happy and charismatic guy. He's the type who always has a story to tell and its almost always funny even when it gets dark. Its a little coping mechanism he uses to try and get over his own fears and even some guilt.
- Skilled Interrogator and trained in resisting interrogation techniques
- Military Training (1 year in Bootcamp)
- Received training as a Crime Scene Investigator
- Veteran Secret Police Agent who's help take down several rebel enclaves and survived many raids against well trained and equipped soldiers.
- Pianist
- Hatred of his nation has led him to commit many acts of murder on civilians not tied to the military. His own bloodlust can at times run counter to the rebels objectives.
- Darius used to operate rather independently in the secret police. Even with his military training he still isn't completely used to working with others in large military operations.
Equipment: Darius currently uses Rebel equipment that is usually handed out to most soldiers, but he's kept some things from former time in the Secret Police.
- PES (Portable Environment Scanner) is a wrist mounted device allowing the user to get a reasonably detailed 3D scan of the area within 20 meters of the device. It can examine footprints, residual body heat and even bodies. These are in use by Secret Police currently, but Darius was able to hold on to his.
- Designated Marksman Rifle and M1911 pistol for a sidearm.
Backstory: Darius was born into a wealth military family. Wealth and prestige was intertwined into military service which gave Darius and his siblings a clear path of upward social mobility. Like many in his position Darius went to many schools focused on Military service and grooming worthy students to be proper officers. While his father and mother were accomplished military officers, Darius himself was always interested in other areas in which he could serve his nation. He didn't care about simply becoming another high ranking officer since field work was far more interesting for him, but being a frontline soldier wouldn't fit him completely.
The Nation of Sisiex had many ways to keep the people in line. Usually military force worked but espionage was good to. There military had divisions in which spies worked and even their own secret police could operate. The Secret Police took people especially inclined for their work and Darius scored high on their tests. It wasn't exactly something that would make one revered and respected, but Darius felt this fit him more. Rooting out the enemy this way no matter the sacrifices to himself was something he could live with. All for the sake of The Great Nation of Sisiex. However, this would all change soon.
On the day Lord Sisiex III was assassinated the nation panicked. In times like these it was politically necessary to do some house cleaning within the military to set an example. Usually those who failed their nation were the first, then the ones falsely accused of failures, along with their families in order to set proper examples. The Matius family was one of them. Darius wasn't sure whether or not this was merely a political maneuver or the truth but his family was accused of collaborating with the enemy. This was a story Darius knew and was a part of, but this time he was on the wrong side of it. In several weeks very little of his family remained after they were summarily executed by the military. His own contacts gave him and some of his cousins time to escape, but this betrayal wasn't something he could simply walk away from. In the end he used his own skills and knowledge on the empire's more subversive tactics and brought it over to the rebels. He joined them and never looked back.
Vices: Darius doesn't care for many of the ideals in the rebel movement. He doesn't even believe they will succeed in making life better due to his own knowledge on rebellions. For him he joined them simply for vengeance and nothing else.
Virtues: In his own way Darius respects the rebellion and those who sacrificed a lot just joining it. He found some camaraderie with the movement and thanks fighting with them will not only get his revenge, but also bring justice to others.
Not sure on the equipment honestly since he's with the rebels and will mostly use their standard equipment. I'll think of something later.

Gender: Male
Age: 26
Personality: Darius like any morally dubious man has a personality that varies when it comes to the situation. During work he's a rather cold and calculating individual with a bit of a humorous side to lighten up horrible situations, but at any other time he's a seemingly happy and charismatic guy. He's the type who always has a story to tell and its almost always funny even when it gets dark. Its a little coping mechanism he uses to try and get over his own fears and even some guilt.
- Skilled Interrogator and trained in resisting interrogation techniques
- Military Training (1 year in Bootcamp)
- Received training as a Crime Scene Investigator
- Veteran Secret Police Agent who's help take down several rebel enclaves and survived many raids against well trained and equipped soldiers.
- Pianist
- Hatred of his nation has led him to commit many acts of murder on civilians not tied to the military. His own bloodlust can at times run counter to the rebels objectives.
- Darius used to operate rather independently in the secret police. Even with his military training he still isn't completely used to working with others in large military operations.
Equipment: Darius currently uses Rebel equipment that is usually handed out to most soldiers, but he's kept some things from former time in the Secret Police.
- PES (Portable Environment Scanner) is a wrist mounted device allowing the user to get a reasonably detailed 3D scan of the area within 20 meters of the device. It can examine footprints, residual body heat and even bodies. These are in use by Secret Police currently, but Darius was able to hold on to his.
- Designated Marksman Rifle and M1911 pistol for a sidearm.
Backstory: Darius was born into a wealth military family. Wealth and prestige was intertwined into military service which gave Darius and his siblings a clear path of upward social mobility. Like many in his position Darius went to many schools focused on Military service and grooming worthy students to be proper officers. While his father and mother were accomplished military officers, Darius himself was always interested in other areas in which he could serve his nation. He didn't care about simply becoming another high ranking officer since field work was far more interesting for him, but being a frontline soldier wouldn't fit him completely.
The Nation of Sisiex had many ways to keep the people in line. Usually military force worked but espionage was good to. There military had divisions in which spies worked and even their own secret police could operate. The Secret Police took people especially inclined for their work and Darius scored high on their tests. It wasn't exactly something that would make one revered and respected, but Darius felt this fit him more. Rooting out the enemy this way no matter the sacrifices to himself was something he could live with. All for the sake of The Great Nation of Sisiex. However, this would all change soon.
On the day Lord Sisiex III was assassinated the nation panicked. In times like these it was politically necessary to do some house cleaning within the military to set an example. Usually those who failed their nation were the first, then the ones falsely accused of failures, along with their families in order to set proper examples. The Matius family was one of them. Darius wasn't sure whether or not this was merely a political maneuver or the truth but his family was accused of collaborating with the enemy. This was a story Darius knew and was a part of, but this time he was on the wrong side of it. In several weeks very little of his family remained after they were summarily executed by the military. His own contacts gave him and some of his cousins time to escape, but this betrayal wasn't something he could simply walk away from. In the end he used his own skills and knowledge on the empire's more subversive tactics and brought it over to the rebels. He joined them and never looked back.
Vices: Darius doesn't care for many of the ideals in the rebel movement. He doesn't even believe they will succeed in making life better due to his own knowledge on rebellions. For him he joined them simply for vengeance and nothing else.
Virtues: In his own way Darius respects the rebellion and those who sacrificed a lot just joining it. He found some camaraderie with the movement and thanks fighting with them will not only get his revenge, but also bring justice to others.
Not sure on the equipment honestly since he's with the rebels and will mostly use their standard equipment. I'll think of something later.