Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by R31GN
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R31GN Hail to the King, Baby

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"A tale of men doing all the wrong things for all the right WRONG reasons."


TL;DR, the Nation of Sisiex are assholes ruling the world post-alien apocalypse. Kill them.


The warlike reign of The Nation of Sisiex has gone on too long. The seeds of revolution have already been planted. Now, it's up to you to take them down. Your characters will be fighting a civil war in a desperate attempt to dethrone Lord Sisiex IV -the ruler of the single most powerful government present on planet earth. You're outgunned, outsmarted, and outnumbered. The odds of success are ridiculously low, the odds of survival are even lower. The stakes? Just high enough to make it all worth it.Gain control of the governments not-so-secret weapon, and whatever is left of Earth will kneel. Total control, fame, power, and a chance to make the world better. For whatever half-baked reason you attempt to justify, honor is most certainly not one. A fight against upwards of a million soldiers armed with alien technology is only won through dirty play and an utter lack of civility. This is where you come in-


The Uncivil war roots from the military -started by martyrs who attempted to preform high treason against the Lord Sisiex-Kamen IV. While the major players in the rebellion will be rogue military units, the mission is clearly a suicide run for all involved -as such, they would be more than happy to recruit anyone sympathetic to their cause that can hold a gun.
This CS is bare minimum, feel free to add anything you feel necessary to the sheet.


THE NATION OF SISIEX The country you live in, a warlike nation known for it's tendency to stomp on any and all who get in the way. It lies in what was once known as Egypt, in the Old World. A massive military threat, the country is bordered by massive walls designed to keep out any of the straggling tribes. The nation is highly monarchistic, taking all direction from the commander of the army, Lord Sisiex-Kaman IV. Anyone who isn't working in the military is likely working in one of the many factories that prepares the supplies for the military.

LORD SISIEX-KAMAN IV Sucessor of the previous three of the Sisiex-Kaman family. Inbred as a sandwich, and just as reasonable. His bloodthirst outweighs that of the previous three rulers put together, and he is dead set on protecting both his rule on the throne, and his nations power.

THE ARMY OF SISIEX Massive, taking up about 25% of the nations population. While much of the army is armed with heavy ballistic weaponry -classic designs reclaimed from Old World documents, higher ranking officials in the army have technology made from alien design. This technology ranges anywhere from smaller mobile sidearms to massive minigun-like weapons, all with a common motif -the alien technology takes in high amounts of nitrogen (usually from the atmosphere, though units are known to carry around nitrogen tanks to speed up the process) and convert it to deadly green flame -on contact, this flame turns flesh into a glassy substance that never seems to stop burning. Strangely enough, these weapons seem to have no effect when targeting anything but living creatures.

THE REBELLION Lead by a mysterious figure known as 'The Martyr' to all, the rebellion only still exists because it is small enough to stay hidden. Their influence is small, simply controlled attack on cargo shipments before they pull back to hide away. They're known to most as Red Heads, due to the blatant red stripes they wear on their helmets in order to differentiate themselves from the actual military.


  • GM is god. My word is law.
  • General RP rules -no godmodding, Mary Sues, metagaming, etc.
  • All's fair in love and war. It could get gory, and all around fucked up.
  • That being said, try to keep romance to a minimum. This is war, people, not the Hunger Games. (If you absolutely must, keep it PG-13 or fade to black. But don't.)
  • Death is absolutely an option. Bad ideas and strategies will be punished. If you like, you can always make a new character.
  • Try your best to keep up with a high-casual standard of posting. 2 paragraphs bare-minimum. Also, double posting is a no-no. Not sure if that's already common knowledge here?
  • Communication is key. Want to start a fight with another player? Great! Talk to them first. Want to kill another player? Great! Talk to them first. Get the idea?
  • Don't post characters in the character tab until approved by me.
  • Remember how rule 1 says that my word is law? My first word is HAVE FUN.

I think that's everything. Let me know if there's any questions, or anything you think is missing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I've been very busy the last few days but I can potentially get a CS up by tomorrow. Hopefully the others who were interested actually come in to check on the OOC.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by R31GN
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R31GN Hail to the King, Baby

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Hillbilly12 That's totally fine, haha. Life gets busy. Hope the others show up, I was kinda losing hope on this myself
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Hillbilly12 That's totally fine, haha. Life gets busy. Hope the others show up, I was kinda losing hope on this myself

DId you try quoting them in your post again? You post in the interest thread never sent a alert to me. I just checked it out about it. Also hopefully I can have my CS up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by R31GN
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R31GN Hail to the King, Baby

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by R31GN>

DId you try quoting them in your post again? You post in the interest thread never sent a alert to me. I just checked it out about it. Also hopefully I can have my CS up.

That could be the problem. I'll try pinging them again
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 7 mos ago

DUDE! How did I forget about this? So glad you guy the OOC up! I'll have up withing 24 hours!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by R31GN
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R31GN Hail to the King, Baby

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Haha yeah that was my bad. I messed up the pings just a bit
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Haha yeah that was my bad. I messed up the pings just a bit

Oh and what is the tech like for civillians? I know the military was able to reverse engineer alien tech but I wanted to know if society in this world is more advanced overall. It could be more advanced or people generally live like in a early 20th century society with some advanced tech.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by R31GN
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R31GN Hail to the King, Baby

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

While technology has advanced greatly in terms of mass production, civilian life is far from improved. While the living conditions overall are far better than anywhere else in the world, civilians have very limited access to technology, even things that would be considered basic for 21st century people. Resources are far more focused on military might, leaving civvies in a state of low technology and bad conditions -think late 1800's Britain, under harsh martial law, and more pissing in the streets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nevix
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Nevix Says "Yello?" When Answering Phone

Member Seen 7 mos ago

@R31GNFew questions about the world.

First, are there illegal goods to be bought and sold in Sisiex? Are there smugglers?

Second, is The Martyr the only form of leadership within the rebellion, or are there higher ups? Would it be feasible for a character to hold some modicum of authority?

That is all.

On another note, I'm

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by R31GN
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R31GN Hail to the King, Baby

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Absolutely. In the nation of Sisiex, because the military holds so much power, they're just corrupt enough to look the other way for a good enough bribe. Post alien apocalypse, people aren't terribly moral, so a lot of various crime (be it murder, thievery, snuggling, or ... Other things) take place under the nose of soldiers too busy kicking puppies to care.
The Martyr most certainly has subordinate officers posted around Sisiex to widen his reach. It would be absolutely plausible for you guys to play some of the higher ups within the rebellion. Be it a general commanding a large area, or simply a captain of a small squad, feel free.
Thanks for the excitement!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Darius Matius

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Personality: Darius like any morally dubious man has a personality that varies when it comes to the situation. During work he's a rather cold and calculating individual with a bit of a humorous side to lighten up horrible situations, but at any other time he's a seemingly happy and charismatic guy. He's the type who always has a story to tell and its almost always funny even when it gets dark. Its a little coping mechanism he uses to try and get over his own fears and even some guilt.

- Skilled Interrogator and trained in resisting interrogation techniques
- Military Training (1 year in Bootcamp)
- Received training as a Crime Scene Investigator
- Veteran Secret Police Agent who's help take down several rebel enclaves and survived many raids against well trained and equipped soldiers.
- Pianist

- Hatred of his nation has led him to commit many acts of murder on civilians not tied to the military. His own bloodlust can at times run counter to the rebels objectives.
- Darius used to operate rather independently in the secret police. Even with his military training he still isn't completely used to working with others in large military operations.

Equipment: Darius currently uses Rebel equipment that is usually handed out to most soldiers, but he's kept some things from former time in the Secret Police.
- PES (Portable Environment Scanner) is a wrist mounted device allowing the user to get a reasonably detailed 3D scan of the area within 20 meters of the device. It can examine footprints, residual body heat and even bodies. These are in use by Secret Police currently, but Darius was able to hold on to his.
- Designated Marksman Rifle and M1911 pistol for a sidearm.
Backstory: Darius was born into a wealth military family. Wealth and prestige was intertwined into military service which gave Darius and his siblings a clear path of upward social mobility. Like many in his position Darius went to many schools focused on Military service and grooming worthy students to be proper officers. While his father and mother were accomplished military officers, Darius himself was always interested in other areas in which he could serve his nation. He didn't care about simply becoming another high ranking officer since field work was far more interesting for him, but being a frontline soldier wouldn't fit him completely.

The Nation of Sisiex had many ways to keep the people in line. Usually military force worked but espionage was good to. There military had divisions in which spies worked and even their own secret police could operate. The Secret Police took people especially inclined for their work and Darius scored high on their tests. It wasn't exactly something that would make one revered and respected, but Darius felt this fit him more. Rooting out the enemy this way no matter the sacrifices to himself was something he could live with. All for the sake of The Great Nation of Sisiex. However, this would all change soon.

On the day Lord Sisiex III was assassinated the nation panicked. In times like these it was politically necessary to do some house cleaning within the military to set an example. Usually those who failed their nation were the first, then the ones falsely accused of failures, along with their families in order to set proper examples. The Matius family was one of them. Darius wasn't sure whether or not this was merely a political maneuver or the truth but his family was accused of collaborating with the enemy. This was a story Darius knew and was a part of, but this time he was on the wrong side of it. In several weeks very little of his family remained after they were summarily executed by the military. His own contacts gave him and some of his cousins time to escape, but this betrayal wasn't something he could simply walk away from. In the end he used his own skills and knowledge on the empire's more subversive tactics and brought it over to the rebels. He joined them and never looked back.

Vices: Darius doesn't care for many of the ideals in the rebel movement. He doesn't even believe they will succeed in making life better due to his own knowledge on rebellions. For him he joined them simply for vengeance and nothing else.

Virtues: In his own way Darius respects the rebellion and those who sacrificed a lot just joining it. He found some camaraderie with the movement and thanks fighting with them will not only get his revenge, but also bring justice to others.

Not sure on the equipment honestly since he's with the rebels and will mostly use their standard equipment. I'll think of something later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by R31GN
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R31GN Hail to the King, Baby

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright, @Hillbilly12, looks good. Doesn't look like anythings missing. Feel free to drop it into the Characters section as soon as you figure out your equipment.
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