Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 7 days ago

A Cyberpunk Conspiracy Adventure





Welcome to the world of Exigent Circumstances, a cyberpunk story set several decades in our future. Just enough to be a little bit speculative. My kind of place. :3

I'm going to assume you can figure out what some of the major themes of this story will be from the preludes. However, I'm also perfectly aware that there are innumerable different flavours of cyberpunk, so let's lay down a few sort of...well, starting points, I suppose. If you’re familiar with the kind of worlds drawn by William Gibson’s Neuromancer, Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner (but less Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, even though I like that story), Ghost in the Shell, or the game Deus Ex: Human Revolution you actually have most of the “feeling” of this setting already. The world has changed, but not enough to be entirely unfamiliar. Tension runs through society and communities, with uncertainty looming large in many people's minds.

The last few decades have seen society, architecture, and even landscapes transform, and that change is only accelerating. Huge strides in technological achievement have begun to blur and blend the borders between human and machine. Across the planet, the first handful of true artificial intelligences have been created and in some ways, integrated into society. At this point, the “technological singularity” hasn’t occurred yet - and nobody can even tell if it’s going to happen. The infrastructure necessary to support artificial intelligence is massive and expensive, and only a few truly self-aware intelligences exist across the entire planet. Wind turbines and solar arrays blanket hills and ridges, but there are plenty of places where the air is thick with the ash of coal plants or acrid with the stench of oil generators, and everything always seems to need more power.

Corporations control a tremendous amount of power at all levels of society, from their usual images of status symbols or lifestyle marks to social trends and political movements. A few of the oldest members of the population remember days when things weren’t so obvious, but there are precious few of those people left. Now, many are indifferent, some are outraged, and some even follow the movements of the Corporations like favorite sports teams. All have carefully-cultivated public personas, which shift in subtle ways depending on the current social or political mood, and in the City, there is almost nowhere you can’t find one of their corporate insignias.

Across the world, but particularly where our story takes place, there is a tremendous amount of social, political, and economic inequality, distributed in an unexpected way. Those equipped with neural networks, upgraded biomechanical prostheses, or connections to an artificial intelligence matrix often have meaningful and desirable competitive advantages over those who do not. Correspondingly, the best jobs, the most-lucrative positions, often preferentially hire from this pool of individuals. Elective surgeries to acquire these technologies are crushingly expensive for the average person, and subsidized installations only come after life-threatening injuries and an application process to the relevant government agencies backed by the appropriate manufacturers - a system ripe for abuse and corruption. Black market clinics exist, but many are dangerous, and there are no second chances when you’re installing equipment in your brain.

That isn’t to say that being artificially augmented is a trip to Easy Street. With the tremendous automation and management capabilities of artificial intelligence, functions that once took teams of individuals now many only require one or two, and the available job market has contracted, employment patterns not having adjusted to new labour requirements. Run-down neighborhoods always have their share of people with fresh surgical scars and gleaming prosthetics - but no job prospects. More than a few turn to lives of uncertain corporate contracts, undocumented day labour, or even crime - organized or otherwise - to make ends meet. Rent still has to be paid, mouths still need to be fed. Like the song says, there ain’t no rest for the wicked.

Within the United States, where our story will start, the Federal, state, and local governments still nominally exist. People still pay their taxes (mostly) and vote (sometimes). However, over the last couple of decades, many government functions have been transitioned to contractors and corporate entities - most recently, and most visible, some cities have been turning to privatized police forces, promising lower taxes for their residents and citizens. Ostensibly, law and order still reign supreme - but even the least-aware person on the street knows that at a certain point, people become untouchable. Many people find themselves distrustful of both government authority and the obviously selectively-applied justice of corporate law, and have few places to turn their frustration.

In this world, few things are certain - other than someone’s getting rich, but it sure isn’t you. Your characters, at least at the start, will be members of the “lower class” - people living hand to mouth, or with only the tiniest cushion for when the contract runs out or you manage to damage an artificial eye so badly you need to have it repaired. You may have been working in a field, using enhanced endurance to help repair irrigation systems. You might be a hacker, using the computer wired into your brain to attack the gleaming corporate citadels, stealing information, damaging equipment, or doing whatever you’ve been paid for. You might even be a normal human, living in a world where those with genuinely superhuman abilities are around you every day. Maybe you admire them. Maybe you envy them. Maybe you resent them, even when they’re no better off than you are. Maybe you even used to work in those beautiful spires and citadels, but something happened to kick you from your place of security and certainty, and now you’re down with the dregs, the drifters, and the lost - just like everyone else.


The Story

Travel around the country has gotten harder and harder. Maintenance of the Interstate system stopped when the big corporations finished their national maglev heavy-rail system, and that costs so much that nobody you know has ever bought a ticket. Whether you, your parents or your grandparents lived in Austin, or Chicago, or Los Angeles, everyone calls their place “the City” now. Maybe the big corporations care, maybe they still use the old names when their gleaming trains and silent aircraft go from place to place, but you don’t anymore. Everything is just “the City,” from the polished glass and steel spires, high rises, and corporate-maintained zones to the dilapidated and run-down outskirts and exurbs. Even the abandoned, burned-out parts of town, the ones that are barely more than gang-controlled war zones, are “the City.”

You live in the City, you work there, you spend your hard-earned credits in the shops or at the food carts or theatres. You don’t live in the worst part - or, at least, you haven’t been forced to consider squatting in one of the hollow concrete shells of an abandoned apartment building, anyway. Every day, you listen to Senators, you listen to CEOs, and on bad days you can’t tell which one of them is lying more. Maybe you shake your head and decide you have better things to worry about. Maybe you’re angry. Maybe you know the truth behind some of the lies because you’ve seen behind the curtain. Maybe you're working to tear that curtain down.

At the start of our story, your characters will all be together, having been hired by a figure who offered you enough money to buy a whole lot of no questions. The job has been to infiltrate a huge building that’s under construction for the last year in the decaying neighborhood you call home, with further instructions to come once you’re inside. The building is enormous, many times the footprint of the gleaming skyscrapers closer to the centre of the city, and the entire construction site has been cordoned off from public view for years. Grainy pictures and drone flyovers posted to the ‘net have shown excavations on a massive scale, with enormous curves of polished, segmented metal being lowered into artificial caverns. In the last year, there has even been an extension of the corporate zones’ heavy magnev rail train brought to the site - but who and what gets on and off is entirely shrouded from view by enclosed cars and covered stations.

Your characters have snuck past the usually well-guarded fence around the site, and come across an enormous structure in gleaming white and grey and blue; an obvious extension of the corporate zone into the dilapidated neighborhoods - but to what purpose? The place looks close to opening - baskets of flowers for landscaping are piled near quite pleasant parkland, gentle concrete slopes with green areas and small trees planted. The lights are on in many windows, casting a gentle glow into the night, although foot traffic appears to be minimal. Your contact said that a maintenance entrance to the largest building is ahead and to your left, and indeed, you see a light glowing over a dark metal door, a badge reader glowing red to one side. Overhead, you can see the Avadyne’s logo, outlined in dark blue and white, marking out the front entrance of the building, and below your feet, something pulses and rumbles, just barely enough to come up through your feet…

(Think of this as the first few moments of an opening cutscene - the first IC post will flesh out the rest. You’ll have some things to immediately react to!)


Almost time for the character sheet! :3 I’m leaving a lot of things very open, so feel free to be creative and surprise me. That said, a few things:

- Third-person, past-tense, and no colors, please. Write like you were writing a short story or turning in a paper. If you don’t know how to break up dialogue into each person speaking, this may not be the game for you. The standards for this are going to be pretty high - but I’m happy to offer advice and suggestions, if you like. I’m nice! Mostly.

- This is not first-come, first-served. I don’t have a set number of characters in mind, but be complete with your submissions. Show me you know who your character is. I may have a lot of questions and might ask you for some writing samples or a response to a prompt. Maybe! We’ll see. As I've said before, think of this like an audition. :3

- I’ll be asking a lot of you. Be prepared to have to read between the lines, deal with situations in which you do not have all the information, look for hints, ask questions, and take initiative. You will probably have to, at one point or another, choose between a number of bad options - or be creative enough that I go “Okay, yeah, sure, we’ll go with that.”

- There is a story I have in mind; a hugely flexible and easy to modify story (As it would have to be!). That means this is not a sandbox or bring-your-own-adventure.

- Combat is going to be fairly uncommon in a large-scale way. You will almost certainly have to have to deal with a guard (or guards) on occasion, but you won’t be orchestrating melees in the street (unless something very interesting happens). Characters that are only good at punching things and being taciturn aren’t going to be good fits.

- Remember, you are the good guys, after a fashion. You don’t have to be “the best guys" or do needlepoint together, but if you give me a history of someone who, unrepentantly, spends their days killing children and family members, I will probably reject that character.

And now, here we are!

There we have it! I look forward to sheets, questions, and anything else. :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wade Wilson
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Wade Wilson bruh.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Though, in all seriousness, I'll be creating a character either tonight or tomorrow night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Naril
Avatar of Naril

Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 7 days ago


Please put all characters in the OOC thread first. I have every expectation I'll be accepting Terminal's character, but this is just how my brain is working right now. :3
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

In this world, few things are certain - other than someone’s getting rich, but it sure isn’t you. Your characters, at least at the start, will be members of the “lower class” - people living hand to mouth, or with only the tiniest cushion for when the contract runs out or you manage to damage an artificial eye so badly you need to have it repaired. You may have been working in a field, using enhanced endurance to help repair irrigation systems. You might be a hacker, using the computer wired into your brain to attack the gleaming corporate citadels, stealing information, damaging equipment, or doing whatever you’ve been paid for. You might even be a normal human, living in a world where those with genuinely superhuman abilities are around you every day.

At the start of our story, your characters will all be together, having been hired by a figure who offered you enough money to buy a whole lot of no questions. The job has been to infiltrate a huge building that’s under construction for the last year in the decaying neighborhood you call home, with further instructions to come once you’re inside. . .

Your characters have snuck past the usually well-guarded fence around the site. . .

These parameters do not appear to be compatible. Requesting refined requisite statement.

Elaboration: One thing that DE, GitS, and Neuromancer make clear is that personal augmentation is expensive both to procure and to maintain, but even Case on his worst day was still running at a level above 'destitute.' The context of this job suggests either a degree of professionalism and sophistication upon the agent party, or else the envisioned necessity for disposable, second-hand coffin stuffing.

I.E., the job it pitched in a way that suggests that our characters are equivalent to commandos, or perhaps shadow-runners - but a state of destitution as required would necessarily be understood to preclude the possession of the appropriate materiel and tools necessary for the job (beyond mere integral augmentation). Similar deficiencies in personal reputation and reliable contacts (as an extension of absent resources) could be reasonably expected to be a cause of hesitation for potential employers, making the described scenario apparently unlikely. However, it is also clear from the stated level of security that random Coghead Bums picked up off the street would not have been able to infiltrate the perimeter.

What scale of personal efficacy are we working with?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 7 days ago


Those actually aren't mutually exclusive - your characters are supposed to be members of the "underclass" or, at the very least, not part of the corporate elite.

There are story reasons - ones that you, as a player, and probably your characters, should be a little suspicious of - as to why this person has offered you and the group a sack of cash (payment on completion, of course, or perhaps a little taste up front) to do this job. There's a little bit (okay, a lot) of railroading here for the sake of getting things started quickly, but your character already has accepted this job, and so far, the job is easier than you probably think it should have been.

Because I don't want to do a long and drawn-out introduction with all the characters meeting one another, the presupposition is that you are a group that has done jobs together in the past. Whether those jobs have been being bodyguards, fixing potholes, or being hired to break into jewelry stores is something I'm largely leaving to you, unless you'd like me to just say "You All Are A Group Doing X." While you have worked together, you are not a well-known crew. It is suspicious that this person has approached you - but he's offered you enough money that you're willing to go along with it, even against your (much) better judgement.

In terms of how "augmented" the population as a whole is, there's a few different avenues to acquire that technology - sort of digesting the introductions, you have:

- The generally-affluent class who typically have internal augmentations - neural networks that do not control prostheses. These don't require surgery in many cases, and more typically represent something like the world's best combination of Google Glass and a smartphone. They are very expensive and comparatively rare.

- People who have the much heavier-duty, more difficult and dangerous to install networks that do control external prostheses (limbs, eyes, organs, musculoskeletal reinforcements). These are subsidized by governments heavily to certain classes of people (The grieviously injured, congenitally deformed, or those who file a petition with a governing body that accepts the petition) to the point where they are either low or no-cost. A large population of people who are otherwise destitute have extensive augmentations - but the job they were installed for ended, never started, or damaged those people in some other way. Many of these people are desperate or criminals.

- Black market clinics exist for people who have been denied petitions or simply want to be augmented. They are expensive and dangerous.

- "First party" clinics also exist for people who want augmentations, too. They are less expensive than the black market clinics, but are difficult to access - people who do not live in the Corporate Zones have a very hard time getting services from these places.

This is an intentional inversion of what you'd expect from the...mm...."source material," because I think it's interesting.

Does that help?

Edited: In terms of how augmented YOUR characters are, I don't really care so long as you give me good reasons, and tell me a good story, explaining why they're 9/10ths robot or if they've got an artificial pinky toe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yes. Much obliged. Resuming work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 7 days ago

Excellent! I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

I have a major NPC I'll be bringing in and out of the story depending on whether you need her, and how much I like her. Once you meet her properly, I'll have a sheet for her too. :3

Edit: More information added to the OP!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I have decided that I have sufficient material to make something of faint interest out of the Background Section in accordance with the GM's requirements. I shall be burning additional Impetus for this purpose. I am posting the basic draft here sans Background, which will be finished and added sometime tomorrow.

Partly inspired by Peter Riviera from Neuromancer.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 7 days ago

I am intrigued. Deeply intrigued. Can't wait to see the rest! :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 7 days ago

Good morning, everyone!

I'm splitting my time between speed controller firmware updates and writing something for work, but if you have questions, let me know. :3 I know there's more people out there who want to be part of this!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 7 days ago

Good morning!

Ahh, the weekend. :3 And I finally got my new laptop working just about the way I like. Yay!

I'd love to see some characters from you all! :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ace of Hearts
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Ace of Hearts fight me irl

Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

I might write something up.

Augmented Detective/P.I. woman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Naril
Avatar of Naril

Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 7 days ago

Please do! I can probably do this with three total players, although I'd prefer to do at least a couple more. I suppose we'll see how it all goes. :3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED08729


Banned Seen 4 mos ago

Im still reading through the "lore", had a pretty busy weekend.
Once im done I'll start coming up with a character. Im thinking a small-time hacker/criminal type-of-guy, in some way augmented (maybe?)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Naril
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Naril Tinker, builder, hacker, thief

Member Seen 7 days ago

There is a lot to read, I know. :3 But I hope it's interesting!

A small-time augmented hacker is very much a good assumption for this setting - even the original works of cyberpunk back in the long-long ago featured those kinds of characters. I'm looking forward to what you write!
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