Full Name:
Malcolm Sterling
Position (Who you side with: Neutral, Government, Witches):
Appearance (Picture- drawn or real/paragraph or two of description):

He stands at about 6 foot 1/2
He is aways found in formal attire. (button ups, vest, pant, dress oxfords)
Personality (Detailed, one or more paragraphs):
Malcolm is a gentlemen through and through. He is the type that will have proper manners and seems rather boring. That however, is just one layer to the telekinesis witch librarian. He has a silver tongue, with the capabilities of using that gentlemen front to ease whatever cover or half-truth he spins into the minds of those around him. While capable of vast deception, he is kind hearted and wants to help those who need it. However, do not betray that trait for one of easy manipulation for being one able to manipulate others makes him hard to manipulate.
History (Detailed, two or more paragraphs):
Malcolm was born to two witches who lived peacefully amongst the humans. He was taught how to blend in, how to read various spells (even ones that do not work for him. Knowing a spell another witch is saying might give him time to act before they even finish saying it) and other various lessons a young male witch could use. Along with his own family consequence. Oddly, while most of his family line was of elemental type abilities, Malcolm was given telekinesis. This made for things around the residence to be more interesting, but his parents were able to handle it.
When Malcolm turned 13, he decided he wished for a familiar. An animal companion that would be able to increase his abilities, sounded like a fantastic idea to him. His parents were weary of it and told him no, but Malcolm decided to go for it anyway. He performed the ritual to perfection and received a black cat as a reward.
Things seemed to be going okay, until the hunts came to his own doorstep. His mother was taken away for witchcraft, something neither his father nor himself ever thought would happen. He was 17 at the time. His father told him to start running, to leave and blend in for his ow safety. So, Malcolm took salem and did just that.
At the young age of 18, Malcolm started his own library. A library with its own secret. This library not only contains a vast quantity of books, but also a hidden spell book library. To get to them, a witch would only have to be identified as a witch by Salem then give a password. The password itself has traveled from witch to witch so that any whom require spells or other magical books they can get them.
Magic (Detailed description of magic, at least a paragraph):
-Telekinesis: Malcolm is able to control multiple items at once with his mind. However, if he were to try to lift something heavy, this would take a lot of energy and focus whereas hurling a book or multiple books at high speeds require a lot less focus and energy. (books as weapons...who knew)
To be this powerful means he has a familiar. This familiar is a rather cute yet obnoxious black cat with large green eyes.
His family's consequence is that every full moon he must give to the earth. He must go to where there is earth (a park, forest, something along those lines) slice his palms and press them into the ground. This drains him quite a lot, and after he is weak and low on energy. This is when he is his weakest.
If he does not give to the earth, then he will get physical pain until all of his powers down to only spell casting are taken until the next full moon. (Salem also feels weak if this happens)
He has a photographic memory which helped him memorize many of the spells in his secret library. While he may not be able to use some of them, he knows which spell is which. So if a witch were to try to use a spell on him, he could dodge or fight back easier. This also proves useful for summonings and recipes.
The library he owns is called Midnight Reads
Familiar: Black cat
Name: Salem

-Witch detection
-power magnification (as all familiars do)
Personality: Obnoxious, but not stupid.
Other: Salem has a purple color with a metal moon on it.