Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arcalept
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Arcalept
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Full Name:
Circe Agreyor







Circe is a calm and collected individual with strong opinions and firm beliefs. Due to her being both a Witch and a Devil Child, she has learned to remain conspicuous and blend into the shadows, for fear of being discovered and attacked. When she gets used to those around her, she opens up and becomes fairly friendly, cracking jokes and telling stories from her travels. Some would think that she'd hate both Witches and Humans for discriminating against her type, but she's come to understand that they wouldn't change their mind even if she were to provide thorough evidence for her case. Instead, she tries to show them her character before revealing what she is, and hope that they don't try to kill her when she does.

Circe was born to a normal mother and a normal father, neither of whom had any history of their families being Blessed. They were wholly and completely pure-blooded humans, leaving Circe to be born the same way. Growing up, she knew nothing about magic or deities, besides what was written in fairy tales and myths from ancient civilizations. Like every girl, she dreamed of fairies and princes and wizards who could turn boys into squirrels for a day. As she grew, she knew that none of those tales were real.

When she met a new friend, Circe realized just how false that was. The girl, Jass, had introduced herself to the class, then gone to sit by Circe. They exchanged looks and notes, soon becoming best friends. They did everything together; they sat together at lunch, partnered up for group activities, spent every weekend they could at each others houses. They trusted no one else more than each other.

One day, Jass had a surprise for Circe. While no one was around, she froze the ground around Circe's feet with a simple gesture of her hands. If she had been worried about Circe's reaction, the feeling was completely gone when Circe's eyes lit up and she demanded to know how Mass had accomplished such a feat. Jass informed her that it was just something she, and the rest of her family, could do. It wasn't something she picked up at school or with a tutor. Circe was confused, then convinced that if Jass could do it, she could do it to. However, no matter how many times she tried, nothing magical was ever caused by a flick of the wrist or a point of the finger. This made her angry; more angry than she had ever been before. Of course, strong emotions such as that attract the powerful beings that go unseen by most of the world.

One showed up right in Circe's room, a master of trickery and manipulation. His introduction was filled with such charm and appeal; Circe took to him immediately. After chatting for a bit, he offered her a deal. He could grant her the ability to do something even better than conjure ice, in exchange for a small price. It wouldn't be a difficult price to pay, he swore, but if Circe didn't pay the price and attempted to use her power, he would have to take it back.

The offer was so generous, Circe couldn't refuse. They shook on it, and he waved his hands a bit before making a grand entrance. What Circe didn't see as he left was a grin that stretched from ear to ear. A note with information on her ability was left for her the next morning, and Circe was ecstatic to perform for Jass. When they were together, Circe wished for Jass to see it begin to snow in the room they were in. Of course, the illusion occurred and left Jass smiling and laughing with her friend. The price had to be paid, and Circe willed whatever it was to happen.

The lights shut off. Or so she thought. As she realized what had truly happened, she begged the trickster to take away the power and leave her to a normal life, or she would never use it or pay the price. He appeared to her and laughed. "The only way you'll give up your power is by giving up your life."

As Circe grew and got used to her ability and the Price, she began to wander. Her parents were left, distraught and abandoned, wondering what had happened to their only daughter. Circe remained in contact with Jess, but never saw her again. She behaves as a nomad now, wandering from town to town, coven to coven. When she gets to attached or is discovered, she runs.

Illusion Manipulation- Circe has the ability to create, shape, and manipulate illusions cast upon their victim. This causes the victim to see, hear, smell, touch, and/or taste things that do not actually exist. While it does not go to the extent of being able to kill anyone, Circe has been known to psychologically damage the occasional victim, permanently. This power will only effectively work if Circe knows a lot about the victim or the people who know the victim, as it can sometimes be easy to see through the illusions.

Circe is forced to sacrifice her sight in order to be able to use her power. Depending on the desired intensity of the illusion, the amount of time her sight leaves her varies. For the more convincing and lengthy illusions, Circe could lose her sight for days. If it's something on the small side, Circe will only be unable to see for minutes at a time. If she chooses so, she could go for a long period of time without sight by choice and not have to pay the price after casting the illusion or illusions.

Due to her constantly losing and regaining her sight, Circe's irises have turned white.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 21 days ago

Name: Jason Draconfen
Age: Born in 1684
Gender: Male
Nickname: Jersey Devil

Magic: Fire magic (Minor control and production of fire, the fire produces is called dragon fire, which is essentially normal fire except it burns off a magical energy in addition to natural elements. The flames can only be produced from his body. Such as a fire breathe attack or igniting his whole body in flames, and can only manipulate the flames while they have contact with his body. So he cannot redirect a fireball, but can redirect a tendril of fire.)
Draconic traits/transfiguration, passive traits such as superior physical attributes, immunity to being burned, and eternal longevity. As well as weaknesses such as vulnerability to the cold and suffer from greed and pride to varying degrees.

Transfigurations may involve temporary transforming or growing body parts such as a tail. Or transforming a hand into a dragon head. In its most advanced state the user can turn into a full dragon, but such power is hard to obtain.

Summoning dragon spirits are also possible, but usually last no longer then a minute, so their uses are more of temporary offenses or defensives as having them out too long is far too draining of energy to be useful. Examples of this are summoning a translucent, ghastly dragon serpent to block am energy based attack, or a ghost tail to swing at enemies, or even shrouding in a ghost of aura to perform a massive punch.)

Position: Witches

Sexuality: Heterosexual

The egg, remaining unhatched for generations, from the very first of his line of dragon witches, is said to be that of a dragons. It passively gives off a dim fire-like light and has a warming presence to it. The egg has been harnessed into a pendant, and its unique properties make the egg as a talisman instead of a familiar, helping to cast more draconic spells or temporarily summon spirits of deceased drakes. Jason keeps his familiar around his neck, for now it is more of a talisman then a familiar, but perhaps one day it may hatch.
Personality: Greedy and prideful, collecting whatever cash or treasure he can steal or collect, and he Solitary and lives as a hermit, however he may go out of his way to help a fellow witch, especially if the witch in question would pay for his services. However it isnt a rarity for him to help in the more extreme situations and not expect a reward. Living alone makes him lonely, but he is too antisocial to go out of his way to just talk to others.

Bio: Jason comes from a line of witches that worshipped the ancient (and likely now extinct) dragons, for over a thousand years worth of generations they have thrived and called themselves the order of the dragon. It is said that a great dragon spirit or god have blessed the bloodlines of the several families that made this order. However in recent decades the survivors have been killed, Except for Jason all of his family had been slain, escaping with the only treasure that had survived since the order's fall centuries prior, the dragon egg. (Dragon witches that have advanced their Draconic traits have showed to be immune to intense heat and fire, so they had to be executed via impalement.) He now lives in the woods of Salem, having made a small underground shelter beneath the soil. Salem being a popular place of witches in secret, he occasionally scouts the town from the tree lines to see if any other witches are endangered. The villagers call him the Jersey Devil due to his occasional use of transformations and his reputaton of raiding and killing travelling merchants, soldiers, or lost individuals that enter his woods, the pine barrens. (most of his reputations are rumors and tall tales by the locals, but he has at least killed plenty of people to suite the need of one of his rites every decade or so.) Many of his victims for his tributes were taken from people who wander in his woods.

Price for dragons: Dragon witches can pay for their power in different ways. For each solsitice, the witch may do one of the following, however if they fail to do any tribute, they will not only loose their powers, but will spontaneously combust or be consumed by a dragon spirit. If a witch does more then one, then they may get extra time, such as being free of needing to tribute the next solstice.
-: Smelting gold or other precious metals into either a pit, volcano, or a dragon shaped structure, such as a statue or a doll made of wood. However the total amount of liquid metal must be enough to at least fill an Olympic swimming pool.

-Burning 3 humans or one witch, preferably alive and conscience. The fire must be of the dragon fire the witch produces, so they cannot cheat by being present at a witch execution.

-Burn down a village or farm (if one burns a farm they must also at least burn half of the cattle. If the farm doesn't use or have cattle present, then burning down the crops will suffice. If a village, the village must be at least 1/4 destroyed. Cities and towns count as villages. This also must be done by the witches's own fire.)

-Kidnap a female of high social, wealth, or governing status, or a female witch. (must be imprisoned in lair, and must remain there until the next year on the exact same day this tribute started, or alternatively, can be killed after the next solstice. A prisoner may be kept to continue paying tributes, however if the prisoner has been in there over two solstices for tribute, then another price should be paid, otherwise the moment she escapes the tribute will be nullified and well, the death will be immediate.)

Other: While his dragonic traits make him unable to burn, he is easily weakened by cold conditions like the cold-blooded beast he worships. As such, he rarely exits his home during winter months. His traits also allow him to keep his youth despite being so old, and his eyes glow like candles in the dark. His familiar/talisman is warm enough to satisfy him in weathers of 50-60 degrees, but any colder is too much for him.
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