Hey! I'm lacking ideas (and partners) at the moment, mainly because I've been away for so long and I find it very difficult to jump into the middle of roleplays. It doesn't feel natural. I refresh the forum multiple times a day, and would like someone who's also rather active.
(Of course I'll give room for writers block, that happens.)
As of themes I'm not very picky except for when it comes to fandoms. That is because I find it hard to fully grasp terms. I will however let myself be inspired by fandoms.
I'm 22, and will not roleplay maturely with anyone under 18. However, I'm still open to roleplay with all ages.
I'll roleplay any gender, with any genders.
Casual/High Casual.
Genres I enjoy:
Fantasy, Manga/Anime, Slice of life, school, modern, horror (open for more)