Mikoto Higanbana

Basic Information
Height and Weight
175cm, 68kg
The Village Hidden in the Peaks
Mikoto is the matriarch of the Higanbana, a family known for producing ninja that are effective but rarely subtle or well-behaved. As a result, many of them tend to meet grisly ends. The remaining members of her family are her father, a cousin or two, and herself. Although, she is rumored to have - or had - a child, which implies a lover. She doesn't talk about it.
Mikoto is a woman of fairly average height, with the strong but light physique characteristic of a jonin. She has a bob of chestnut brown hair and severe-looking orange-brown eyes. Her light skin is scarred - especially around the arms and torso - but not obviously so as a result of her clothing. She's commonly seen wearing the standard flak jacket and dark-shirt ensemble, and is identifiable by the white coat that she wears over top of it.
Skills and Weapons
Basic Skills
Save for wilderness survival and general worldly knowledge, Mikoto is surprisingly unskilled for a jonin in regards to technical abilities. While some may learn to pick locks or how to social maneuver, she opts for more direct approaches. She's a very direct kind of person for sure, with demolition and interrogation being particularly notable skills of hers. That said, she has a distinct lack of domestic skills, which often leads people to wonder how she lives by herself.
Specialized Skills
Mikoto is a ninjutsu specialist with a secondary taijutsu focus. Though her nature affinity for Water, her jutsu repertoire also encompasses a considerable number of generic Earth and Wind techniques. In addition, she can use miscellaneous utility techniques such as Mystical Palm Jutsu and Summoning Jutsu. She is unable or unwilling to use genjutsu, and knows none of the more "exotic" types of jutsu.
Mikoto is outfitted with the standard array of shinobi weapons.
Favorite Memory:
With her composed demeanor and dignified, lady-like bearing, one might be led to believe that Mikoto is a person of posture and civility. This is an incorrect assessment; rather than proper, it would be more accurate to call her austere or even constantly simmering with bridled rage, depending on who you ask. No matter how you cut it, she is without a doubt a stoic, both in the philosophical sense and the traditional sense. Though she practices a doctrine of sagaciousness, she possesses an unfortunate hindsight bias which tends to color her justifications with a tinge of arrogance. That said, this bias is something of a self-fulfilling prophecy that gives her the confidence to successfully do what she'd set out to do. However, she is not completely blind to her weaknesses, and considers herself terrible with children and subordinates. Despite this, she fits nicely into the role of an overly strict mother, even if considering her motherly in anyway is a discredit to mothers worldwide.