Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 days ago

The Mushroom Kingdom

Between Worlds

Ah yes, the mushroom kingdom!

A land filled to the brim with shenanigans, ranging from the precarious pranks played out by the local goomba gangs, to Bowser's bi-monthly kidnappings of princess peach herself. Life is never a dull moment when you've got the koopa king and his underlings around! Not for the kingdom's most renowned heroes, Mario and Luigi, anyways.

Whether it's another one of Bowser's crazy schemes, or the actions of an evil bean-sorceress, Mario and Luigi are always there to save the day with a hearty stomp! But sometimes, even the plumber brothers from down under can't do it alone. Especially not against a 1000 year old demon, or a magical smith from another dimension. Sometimes you just gotta band together to fight against all odds, y'know? otherwise, who knows what could become of the mushroom kingdom and her people. It's a team effort. Keeping things safe, that is. Mario and Luigi know it, Princess peach knows it, and on occasion, even his angry-ness lord Bowser knows it! Sometimes things are just a little more important than capturing princesses, if you know what I mean.

But the mushroom kingdom is not only a place of terror and excitement. Quaint entertainment exists as well. In fact, one of the most recent trends is a card game known simply as 'Cap-Cards' that has gained extensive popularity across the world. Everyone's been talking about who's reploid card is the strongest, what the optimal support for a Darknut is, or which star warrior deck has the best strategy. It's a curious collection of cards, that much is certain. But one thing has everyone a little confused. They have no idea where it came from. Nobody really cares that much though. It's a pretty damn fun game after all!

Recently though, there's been a growing worry spreading throughout the kingdom. What started out as a few concealed incidents, is now being reported across the entire world, from places as far as dinosaur island! People and creatures are going missing left and right. Koopas, Goombas, Patrons of the Bean-Bean kingdom, Yoshis, shy-guys, and various other victims, all gone in an instant. Coincidentally, this started happening only months after Cap-Cards became so popular. But there's no way that a card game could have anything to do with these incidents. I'd wager my mint condition Samus Aran card that this is probably another one of Bowser's schemes!

Regardless of who's responsible, these shenanigans can't be allowed to continue, or there might not even be a mushroom kingdom in a few weeks!

This might be one of those times where everyone has to set their differences aside for the greater good.

Welcome to The Mushroom Kingdom: Between Worlds, a pseudo-multiverse RP that takes place in, well, the mushroom kingdom universe! In this RP, you'll be playing as patrons of the mushroom kingdom, which can either be canon characters, or OCs of your own design that fit into this universe. Together, you'll be working to defend your realm from a series of new threats that seem completely alien to the mushroom kingdom. Their origins are unknown, and their abilities go against everything you've come to know, but one thing is definitely certain. They are NOT very friendly.

This RP will span across 8 chapters for the first arc, and if people remain interested, it will progress into a second arc with another 8 chapters. Right now I'm only allowing 1 character per player, but that may change in the future, depending on how popular this gets, and how quickly the story progresses.

I'm looking for players who are dedicated, willing to contribute to the story's plot, happy to give feedback frequently so that I can make this enjoyable for everyone involved, and most importantly, looking forward to working together with their fellow RPers to save the mushroom kingdom!

Tex's Golden Rules

1: Do not Godmod, metagame, Powerplay, Autohit or Assume that I won't catch you trying to do all four.
-Godmodding: Affecting the environment, or your character, as if you were a god. E.G. changing the time of day, messing with the environment significantly, granting yourself abilities you don't have, etc.
-Metagaming: Knowing things you shouldn't, period. You can't just 'know' everything about the universe or 'read' minds. Explain your knowledge in the character sheet/in character, and don't metagame.
-Powerplaying: Controlling other characters to you whims. Just... Just don't.
-Autohitting: Hitting with an attack without consent. If the opponent cannot feasibly dodge, they should take the damage, and I will be the judge of what an unfeasible dodge is.

2: Do not spam the IC with an endless stream of posts. You may post as much as you want, but do not double post, and please don't go too far ahead of other player unless you are not anywhere near them.

3: Do not be rude OOC. You are allowed to be rude IC obviously. Just don't start fights in the OOC, or your ass is graaassss

4: There are no other immediate rules. I'll speak up if something unruly happens. Just have fun, don't step on each other, we'll be alright

Character Sheet Template

Any questions or concerns should be sent in the direction of me, or my Co-GM Jensoman.

Looking forward to seeing who's interested!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Working on a CS right now. :)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: Mario is a 5’9” 175 lbs Italian-inspired man with dark brown hair and blue eyes. One of his eye-catching allures is his masculinity. He’s muscular and hairy in all the right places. Interesting enough is his prized moustache that he refuses to ever shave. He wears dark-blue suspenders that are smudged in grease and sometimes mold from working the pipes or the plumbing when he’s making “house calls.” He has been known to wear other casual clothes besides his trademark uniform with a fondness for the colors red and blue. Mario's demeanor radiates security for he can be quite threatening to those who would dare bring harm to anyone he cares about or himself.

Personality: Mario is rather optimistic. He has to be when working such a shitty job. He is a master plumber and Mr. Fix-It. He is also a veteran of the tunnels around the Mushroom Kingdom having killed many creatures and undead clogging up the pipes. Mario will try to be a gentleman, but if anyone throws that back in his face, then he can just as easily be an a-hole. He doesn’t mind helping someone in need, in his numerous cases, housewives when the man is gone or damsels in distress.

In the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario is very reputable despite his secret stash of red mushrooms, fire flowers, et al, and his womanizing. He is the go-to-guy for everyone’s problems, and therefore, is a busy man who is rarely found in his office. If he’s not in his office, then he can be found working somewhere about the kingdom.

The plumber is a fearless and tough man. You do not want to pick a fight with this guy. He has come a long way with his physique. Years of being criticized for being plump in the past have drove him to take his health and image more seriously. He still has a big appetite when it comes to good food, but maintaining his heroic figure for the ladies has become his sole motivation to stay in shape. He keeps a photo of himself before he started working out as an object of motivation to stay fit.

When it comes to women, well, hot women; they are his weakness whether they be heroines or villains. He loves his women, and so, he may need to be kept on a choker chain.

- - - - (Power Matrix)


Power Jump: One iconic ability that Mario is mostly known for is his jumping skill. With Power Jump, he can leap great heights and perform aerial acrobatics to reach places most humans can’t. He can launch himself into the air with enough force to smash through bricks and to stomp down on the heads of susceptible enemies.

Red Mushrooms - Red Mushrooms give Mario an interesting reaction. He bulks up, growing in size and muscle mass and can easily become a force to fear. However, a side-effect of the Red Mushroom is as soon as he is wounded or injured in any manner that he’ll shrink back down to size. His body suffers a little from the strain, which is why he uses Red Mushrooms only in emergencies.

Fire Flowers - Another one of Mario’s crop. Gripping the flower in his hand causes it to light on fire, and he is able to lob these bouncing fireballs at enemies. The flower will eventually burn out after 3 uses.

Odd Exposure – There are certain objects in the world that give Mario a strange reaction and they’re either positive reactions such as super powers or just plain weird such as running around in a tanuki or cat costume or being inflated like a balloon (really bad allergic reaction). Whatever happens, it’s no surprise. He is rather knowledgeable of most of the plants and objects that give him strange reactions and will either use them or avoid them.

Superhuman Strength - Mario is stronger than the average human. He can wield his Power Hammer with ease and he has shown numerous feats of strength such as restraining a Chain Chomp, tossing the evil Bowser, lifting King Bob-omb, uprooting a fortress and kicking it away, and stunning a Mega Goomba. He has kicked down great walls and knocked opponents into oblivion in Smash Bros.

Melee - Not exactly known for his combat skills, but Mario has shown that he can do more than lob fireballs and stomp enemies in the arena. He is a fearsome fighter that can hold his own.

Athlete - Mario has participated in several sport competitions: golf, tennis, racing, baseball, and more. He is quite the all-around athlete.

Extremely Versatile - From the Mushroom Kingdom to space, Mario has cameoed in several games and seems to fit in without difficulty. He can adapt to any situation and any setting, making him a “jack-of-all-trades.” There isn't a role too big for him to fill. He has even been a doctor for crying out loud!

Weapons and Equipment:

Power Hammer - not to be confused with the Super Hammer that grants him invincibility for a brief amount of time, the hammer is Mario’s basic weapon. Whatever he can't destroy with his fists and jumps, he’ll resort to Old Faithful. The hammer is almost as big as he is and just as heavy. Mario wields it with ease and anyone with above human strength could do the same. With the basic hammer, Mario can destroy brittle and natural obstacles.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Holy Soldier I've always been a fan of thorough detail. That's accepted on da spot.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Holy Soldier I've always been a fan of thorough detail. That's accepted on da spot.

What Tex said, YO

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hm... now to think up my character for this...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zardoric
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Zardoric The Voice of Reason

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Zardoric Accepted, he sure is a loopy Koopa, lel.

Keep the teleporting under control tho. I'd imagine it's not something he can spam.

@Lugia Looking forward to it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Accepted as well.

But yeah, like Tex said. Make sure not to spam the teleporting :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zardoric
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Zardoric The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 1 mo ago

So less spammy than Kami Koopa?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

So less spammy than Kami Koopa?

Basicly, we don't want Koopy to be able to teleport out of every dangerous situation.

He can still teleport, but there should be a limit on it. How many times he can do it in every fight, or if it costs a certain amount of energy.

Something like that.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zardoric
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Zardoric The Voice of Reason

Member Seen 1 mo ago

<Snipped quote by Zardoric>

Basicly, we don't want Koopy to be able to teleport out of every dangerous situation.

He can still teleport, but there should be a limit on it. How many times he can do it in every fight, or if it costs a certain amount of energy.

Something like that.


All-right, I put a restriction in place on the character sheet tab. There is no definite amount at the moment but will use judgement and other character sheets to keep it fair. Sound good?

PS: The limit is a Mana pool that affects all of his spells.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Zardoric Perfectly acceptable.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 1 mo ago

I may or may not join up with a female version of those bandit enemies. I'm just worried about my posting habits since they're kinda slow recently. Hopefully it'll speed up after finals.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Jensoman>

All-right, I put a restriction in place on the character sheet tab. There is no definite amount at the moment but will use judgement and other character sheets to keep it fair. Sound good?

PS: The limit is a Mana pool that affects all of his spells.

Teleporting should take a lot of Mana then, so it's less likely for Koopy to resort to teleporting away from attacks.

The mana pool limit sounds fine to me though :P I accept it.

I'll trust in your judgement :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Kafka Komedy I think literally everyone has finals now, haha. Look forward to having you on board if you decide to hop on the mario-train to crazy-town.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 1 mo ago

EDIT: I just realized I'm not sure if it's cool for her to say fuck. If wanted, I can limit her to T-rated stuff like "crap" and "damn."

DOUBLE EDIT: In fact I'll probably limit her to "Damn" and "Crap" anyways. This is Nintendo after all. I can drop it down to no swears actually. Just tell me what's cool.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Kafka Komedy Omg I love it. #accepted
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 days ago

@Kafka Komedy Swearing is fine. I do prefer less swearing just because, yea it's the mushroom kingdom, but I won't condemn anyone who chooses to throw a 'fuck' in here or there, lol.

Oh did you make the visual?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 1 mo ago

@tex Unfortunately no, and if I remember right it was by someone on 4chan so there wasn't a source. I feel like I should see if I can find the artist though. I may be wrong on the 4chan thing.

EDIT: Oh shit I found it! The guy's name is "nebulatower" and he actually has another pic of her, albeit in black and white. The only other stuff he has to his name though is Asriel porn unfortunately.
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