Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Floor 4 / Town of Angels Rest / Level 26

The town of Angels Rest, the first town players find after coming from the floor 3 boss room. A city of cobblestone streets and homes, the smell of pine needles and grilled food permeates the air. The town itself is filled to bursting with players and npcs alike all wandering about in the mid day sun. Groups of players celebrate another victory over Kayaba Akihiko and his horror show of a game. Front line players have long since left the town, not content to wait around while a new set of challenges await them here. From the reports filtering back from the more exploration driven players already combing the horizon this floor was a rising mountain.
Plateus and small mountains dotted the visible landscape from the towns high towers with the sun overhead. Nestled in the shadowed alcove of one such tower was the elusive player Blackwatch, a known 'exploiter'. Players had created a rumor of a 'black clad fighter with a small dagger capable of killing anything in a single critical hit'. Speculation commonly placed it on a glitch involving piercing skills and damage multipliers.

Blackwatch held his dagger infront of him and admired the glint of light on the blood red blade, catching his reflection.

"Damned unlucky, isn't it Grandfather? To be hated for being lucky."

The dagger used was an event drop from floor 3, a monster wielded this very dagger. Or at least a visual form of it. The weapon was unique in that instead of having higher base damage or faster attack speed, it offered a unique skill to the wielder. "Grim Finale" caused damage dealt to monsters to drastically increase the next critical strikes damage based on the number of times you landed a crippling blow. Blackwatch had taken armor piercing and lacerating strikes at early levels and now the results with this weapon had become almost too easy.

Blackwatch stood up slowly and stretched his back and arms with a yawn, lifting the decorative mask to rub his sleep deprived eyes as he turned to view the north gate. A single player, decently armed with a great ax and sturdy plate, was yelling his challenges to the digital hell they were trapped in. Full of fight.
The lone fighter made his way into the wilds with optimism and dreams of riches to come.
Unaware that his shadow had grown very heavy under the weight of his new follower with the orange name. When the sun fell in the sky the watch would begin in full. But someones watch would end.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Floor 4-town of angel's rest-level 25

Ikanus walked through the town his hands and mind occupied by the creation of an excessive amount of bandages. Beside him as walks trotted his black jackakal whom seemed to be more alert then it's counter part. He paused his hands caught in an odd position before he fully stopped.

He walked to a food vendor and bought some of that grilled food. With a rather happy look about him he sat in the shade of a building, pulled down his deep purple hood and enjoyed his meal with his canine sitting beside him. As he ate he people watched, his eyes went from player to player getting a feel for who is here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Floor 4/Angel's Rest/Level 24

*Pang* was always a sound Nenatalev liked. It was the sound of hammer hitting anvil, and occasionally fist hitting face. Both of which were to be loved, in Nena's eyes. In both instances, it was the sound of effort, and the sound that promised future victory. *Pang* was heard one last time, and then the ingot she was hammering on lit up and transformed into an axe. Quite well made, because she was awesome like that, and enough to fill her daily qouta, for blacksmithing. She traded it to the customer, got the money in exchange, and then followed him out and locked up. The Shop hadn't really changed since her ordeal with the Gorge some time ago, as cloth still covered everything. But, she was slightly more whole minded these days.

Changing from the cute maid apron that would be used to entice her male customers and con a better price with, Nena equipped the Ass-Kicker set, and then headed to a teleporter to go check out the new floor. She wasn't a front liner, or a clearer, or anything like that, so she hadn't seen it and was quite curious - not that she slouched on her leveling either, however, gathering her own mateirals always brought her face to face with uglies, so she made sure to pack some fire power. She was a fox girl with a Smithy and an enjoyment of punching people when the occasion called for it. And said occasion called often, and loudly.
"Teleport, Angels Rest" she exclaimed, letting the game take her to the new town, and all the splendor it possessed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Floor 4 / Town of Angels Rest / Level 25

Sigh, maybe I went a bit overboard at the boss fight. BlackRabbit thought as he looked at his damaged Rapier. I should get it repaired sometime or it might brake during a fight which would be, really unfortunate. He then put his weapon away and walked onwards. Unlike the other players who were celebrating victory BlackRabbit prefered not to 'waste too much time' like he called it and was already making preperations to head out again and explore the area. Although he first needed to find a merchant or shopkeeper to sell the loot he did not need and find someone to repair his weapon. Maybe venturing out into the next adventure will have to wait until tomorrow.

After some time BlackRabbit found an NPC where he could sell his loot, it wasn't much but enough to make some profit. He didn't decide on a job yet so to make money he sold the loot he did not need or simply could not process without a job. Besides selling his stuff he also bought a simple sandwich, you should eat from time to time, even in a game like SAO. He took a big bite out of it and was immediately disappointed. "It certainly leaves much to be desired, but its better than nothing... and it's cheap." he said to himself before he took another bite. Mental note, don't sell all the spices next time, even if they bring a lot of money at this level.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lightbox
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Lightbox Box of lights

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

StormCrow & Derringer: First meeting.
Floor 1 / Final boss zone
StormCrow lay on the floor, panting. He'd been one of the back lot in the massive group of players to push through the floor 1 final dungeon. People had died... and they sure as hell weren't coming back.

As he stared up at the vast ceiling he saw a shadow cast over himself. This shadow belonged to a woman with blonde hair and pale blue eyes. It was hard to tell from his seated position but she looked shorter than him. The woman was clad in proper armour, certainly resembling that of a 'tank' character. She gripped a simple looking lance as she smiled down at him.
"You look almost as bad as I feel." she says lightheartedly. StormCrow recognised her a little... she'd saved his life in that battle. Lept in front to block a surprise hit that would have severly wounded him. He quickly regained his composure before speaking.

"Ahh hello there miss. My name is StormCrow... I believe thanks are in order for saving my life. You fought very bravely in that battle... you should be proud."

The woman simply lets out chuckle as she blushes softly "Heh... it wasn't nothing special really... but it's kind of you to say so StormCrow... you were certainly deadly witg that large sword of yours. And I'm not sure I've seen a duel hander fight with such elegance and poise like you did. I assume you must have had quite the upbringing? Oh I'm Derringer by the way... I like it as a name... I might be a bit small and unremarkable to look at but I pack quite the punch. It's good to meet you." she helped StormCrow to his feet and sent him a party invite, for them both to brave the new floor ahead together. Though neither knew at this point that they would grow to be such close comrades.

Floor 3 / Starting town.
StormCrow looked around at the small group he was with. There was Derringer, a man named BigRum who'm they had been partying with on and off throughout the second floor as well as two somewhat newer teammates: a man named Elkinn and a woman called Belsona. StormCrow let out a sly smile before announcing.

"My friends. Our dreams are finally a reality. The guild has now been created, we are from this day fortg known as the Iron Lances!" He stood proudly as the others clapped and cheered. It wasn't really that big an achievement but to them it was a nice thing to do as friends, to StormCrow it was the start of a great climb to grow and nurture his new guild and to Derringer, it was the start of a new family.

Floor 4 / Town of Angels Rest / Levels: 25 and 24
StormCrow and Derringer walked side by side through the streets. Crow had been thinking about the idea of recruiting new members again. He'd been surprisingly happy with the small member pool of the guild as it brought a nice sense of comaradery. But he felt it was time to begin getting more members. He thought about putting in a milestone for fifteen. They were at seven currently. It was eight but they had lost one recently on floor three. Crow knew they'd need lots more members if they wished to be really recognised as a proper professional guild. Even if they were rather far from being one.

He continued to think as he walked, completely ignoring the one sided conversation that Derringer was having even though it was supposed to be a conversation with him. He stopped in his tracks as he noticed a rather strange individual. A man clad in a purple cloak with a strange white mask and a... jackal?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Floor 4-town of angel's rest-level 25

Ikanus finished meal save for a small piece he gave to Anubis. Technically the canine does not need to eat, but he had grown close to his companion and treated it like a real animal. After all, for Ikanus this is reality now. After he gave a light head pat to Anubis, he stood and required his black leather gloves.

As he glanced about, he noticed the man whom stopped to study him. He tilted his head and remained where he was for a moment. After the moment passed he gave a light head nod before he moved from where he was, his purple cloak billowing as he walked while the hood shadowed his masked face. He never gave up the look, finding it gave him his identity here.

He walked past the two, he figured if they wished to speak to him they would, as he walked the black jackal took his place beside the one known as Reaper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Floor 4 / Town of Angels Rest / Level 25 / Day ?? / Midday

"Selling all the stuff I don't need? Check. Means now I only have to find someone to repair my weapon." BlackRabbit mumbled to himself while he sat on a bench in an secluded alleyway. It wasn't as loud as the main street and most of all the chances of being disturbed is rather low. You could still hear all the turmoil of players in the distance, celebrating and interacting with each other and npc's.

For a bit BlackRabbit quietly stared dead ahead, before he began to frantically scratch his head. "AAargh, it would be so much easier if there wouldn't be my social awkwardness! I had luck on floor 3 that they were searching for another player and I happened to pass by, but that probably won't be the case this time!.. Before all this it was way easier, but thats probably because of the avatar I used back then..." Then he looked at his sandwich, he hasn't made any progress at gulping it down. BlackRabbit sighed and simply discarded the leftovers. "Back to exploring I guess." he said as he stood up and walked out of the alleyway.

After a while he ended up at the central plaza, centre of the city and teleport destination. He slightly pulled down his hat before he set a foot on the plaza. As he walked though something catched his eye, a player who just teleported. Are those fox ears? I thought there wasn't anything like this in the game... Maybe an item...but is that a tail as well? Standing in the middle of the crowded plaza BlackRabbit simply stared at the newly arrived player, with some distance between them of course.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Floor 4/Angel's Rest/Level 24/Day ??(Monday)/Midday

Nenatalev flicked her tail, and then turn usernames on in the options. She was nosy, and wanted to see if she knew anyone. Which, for the most part, she didn't. But she did see a BlackRabbit, and wondered if the guy was going off that old anime that was actually pretty good. So, she set off in his direction, and came to realize that he was staring at her as well. Which was probably due to her tail, so she gave it a shake for his own enjoyment, and then came face to face.
"Hello! BlackRabbit! Do you have a Little Garden guild? I'd love to join that if you did" she teased, grinning broadly in her rather intimidating armour. She had made it a deep red with some little touches that made it look like petrified blood was running down the chest-plate. Just because.
@DiZL ReloadeD
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lightbox
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Lightbox Box of lights

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

StormCrow / Angels Rest / Floor 4 / Level: 25

Crow gently tapped the masked man on the shoulder as he passed

"Umm excuse me sir." he said, attempting to keep a confident outer composure

"Do you have a moment to talk? I was rather hoping to ask you a couple of questions."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Level 25-angles rest-floor four

Ikanus'reflexes kicked in at the tap. This resulted in him being inches away from the newcomer...luckily he had nothing in his hands. He blinked, have a sheepish look, and nodded. He backed up a bit to give space before he looked back at the newcomer with a look that seemed to speak for him.

His current expression that seemed to say go on his head tilted as he gave this individual his full attention. He figured he would talk when he was given questions to answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Floor 4 / Town of Angels Rest / Level 25 / Day ?? / Midday

It took BlackRabbit a bit before he realized that the foxgirl, that he was staring at, was moving in his direction. Oh dear she is coming my way! Did she notice I was staring at her? Ok stay cool, there's nothing to worry about. Just act natural. BlackRabbit took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down a bit, which was working until he saw the girl shaking her tail. Then she came face to face with him "Hello! BlackRabbit! Do you have a Little Garden guild? I'd love to join that if you did" she teased, grinning broadly in her rather intimidating armour.

BlackRabbit tried to act cool but it was no use, "I would, but sadly I neither have such a guild nor people to form one. Rather unfortunate don't you think? Hahaha..." he replied visibly nervous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nena shook her head as the guy spoke with I. It was so against Canon that it made Nenatalev's tail bristle with irritation.
"No! You are Black Rabbit! So you should refer to oyurself as Black Rabbit, not I. And we should make it. Then you can be an aristocrat of the Little Garden and we can host Gift Games! Without the gifts, or Shiroyasha. Unless, do you think there is someone called Shiroyasha around?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 20 days ago

Zanuka was quick about dodging away from his opponent's sword, leaping backwards and landing a short distance away only to charge forward again and thrust his longblade through his attacker, clipping their party member just behind them, That was the final blow for that swordsman and the second of three of his adversary's party, leaving only their archer remaining, who didn't hesitate to try and put an arrow strait through him.

Zanuka sidestepped the shot and responded with his dagger, stunning the archer for the follow-through; a sweeping horizontal strike and a leaping downward one, crushing the player to the floor, enough to finish the fight. Zanuka sighed as it ended for them, sheathed his weapons, blade on his back, dagger on his hip, and started off to head back to town. Sure he could use the game's fast travel to teleport there but sometimes it's more fun to just walk places, never know what you might come across, could be encounters like the one he was just in or such, though from the looks of it the rest of the trip seemed like it would be uneventful...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Floor 4 / Town of Angels Rest / Level 26 / Afternoon

The burly fighter didn't see the player when he had sprung. Moria charged through the bushes the moment the screams of pain had echoed through the mountain air, fueling the mans personal outrage. His heavy axe cut a swift arc down at the diminutive form of Zanuka. Heavily armored with a slow weapon, he would likely have a hard fight against Zan on even ground but the element of surprise gave him precious seconds to begin a series of chops, slashes, and shoulder rushes that offered little to no time for the faster fighter to gain footing and counter attack. Sheer momentum made the axe whistle through the air as Moria began to pant with exertion before finally managing to land a single glancing blow to the shoulder with enough force to cause some distance.

"MURDERER!" He roared, raising his blade for another powerful downward strike.

Morias axe thumped to the ground behind his bulky frame and realized his fingers had gone numb. Steel sliding on leather whispered behind him. One slash took the back of his knee, another took his opposite knee with a jagged tearing of chain as another cripple effect landed him on his knees to stare eye level with the now crouching figure of . As Moria started to spit out a curse, the blade flashed into the exposed neck and flared a bright red before shattering Moria into a thousand shards.


Blackwatch stood up and spun on his heel, flicking his wrist to send a handful of short sharpened throwing knives at Zanukas direction.
Wielding only a single dagger and his throwing knives, a few other goodies looped onto his belt and stood impassively waiting for a potential counter attack. Despite the weight disadvantage compared to the heavier weapons that his new opponent wielded deftly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It took BlackRabbit a while to respond, he tried to pull himself together but he couldn't help it but answer with a short laugh. He didn't reckon with such an response from the foxgirl, but Nenatalevs words definitely encouraged him. "Thank you for your kind words, they certainly made me feel better. It would be really great if we could do that, but even so we would lack enough members to form it in the first place don't we? However I am-" he stopped mid-sentence and cleared his throat before he continued to correct his mistake "Sorry, what I wanted to say is. Black Rabbit is glad that he met you. As for a Shiroyasha player, maybe there is one, but Black Rabbit can't say for sure and if so he hopes that this player won't grow as attached to Black Rabbit as the actual Shiroyasha did."
It felt weird to talk about yourself in third person again, but it was nothing he couldn't get used to. "Ah yes! Before Black Rabbit forgets it, do you know if there is someone in this town who could repair his weapon? Black Rabbit kiiiiinda went overboard in the last bossfight he participated in..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Floor 4/Angel's Rest/Level 24/Day ??(Monday)/Midday

Nenatalev grinned as Black Rabbit spoke properly, like a Aristocrat of the Little Garden. Which was going to be made, eventually. Lack of members be dammed, for now.
"Don't worry. Black Rabbit was cute and had huge boobs, which was why Shiroyasha was obsessed with her. You are lacking in that front, so I doubt you will garnter her attention. Could still make you a cute dress though" she teased, grinning broadly with the tail swishing side to side like a metranome. "And, sure. I'm The Great Fox Blacksmith! I could repair your weapons here and now. The repairing mechanic is really simplified here, so it's basically free. You should get a hammer and do it yourself though, for convinence"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 20 days ago

...or not, Zanuka found himself dodging a series of slashes and strikes from an axe-wielding player. He wasn't even able to draw his weapon between blows which is what really held him back, it didn't matter though as yet another person appeared and promptly ended the axeman's existence, Zanuka took the short moment to actually draw his weapons. This wasn't to be his savior of course, as the assassin quickly whirled around to throw daggers at him which he didn't bother dodging, most of the hastily throw daggers missed and the few that were on target were deflected by his blade, the attack may have even relied on him dodging into the knives, regardless he soon found himself in a short staredown with this man, probably waiting for a counterattack. looking down at his dagger and taking a breath he murmured to himself "let's go, just another killer"

A moment later he charged straight at the assassin till he was nearly face-to-face, leaping left at the last moment and spinning out to bring his blade around, straight at the assassin's back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Floor 4 / Town of Angels Rest / Level 25 / Day ?? / Midday

BlackRabbit was relieved that Nenatalev assured him that he won't draw Shiroyashas attention, if such a player existed in the first place. Regarding Nenatalevs teasing BlackRabbit immediately responded "No! Black Rabbit will not wear a dress!".

BlackRabbit must have been lucky to cross ways with Nenatalev, she knew about the animation that inspired him on his (initial) character and she was a blacksmith. "You can repair your equipement yourself? I didn't know that. They probably should have done a better job with the tooltips I guess~" BlackRabbit said to the foxgirl "Now then, would The Great Fox Blacksmith be so kind and teach Black Rabbit how he can perform repairs on his equipement?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nenatalev grinned broadly at the refusal to wear a dress. It wasn't like she - Nena thought of him as a girl, and was too loopy to ever change her mind - had much of a choice. Plus, when she saw the stats, well...Nena once wore a Maid's Uniform because of that very same reason.
"Black Rabbit will have the most elegant dress in the ball! And I shall make it for her! A whole item Set! My Guildies will have good stuff!" She then mumbled softly about needing more mats since she blew through her last making this bleeding armour. "Ohh, yea. You gotta buy repair hammers from NPCs, and they will restore the durability of your equipped weapon and give you a small amount of Blacksmithing exp. But, I'm going to go see what's outside the walls, so you could come with me and grab some mats, so we can make you a new weapon" She offered, grinning at the prospect of murder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Floor 4 / Town of Angels Rest / Level 26 / Afternoon

Blackwatch stood his ground on the charge and waited for the telling swipe. As Zanuka dipped to his side, black leaped forward and felt the sharp edge of the blade pass mere inches from his lightly armored body. Coming up in a quick roll, he put the dagger in his left hand and used the right to throw more daggers. Each throw was a single sharp blade aimed at Zans midsection. In short succession Black threw out 4 such knives and proceeded in as the last left his fingers.
Swapping the blade back to his right hand he came in with a few short jabs at the midsection again, testing defenses and probing for retaliation, before the blade took a bright red hue. A lunging thrust had him cross the short distance before he dropped to one knee and slashed at Zans right knee. Even if the weapon struck, Black was already making use of his speed to spring backwards and onto his feet and be ready for a potential rush.
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