Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rai
Avatar of Rai

Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Long ago. After the Templar De Villiers escaped with most of the treasures, leaving in secret what his comrades were burned alive for. Within the darkest corner of our world a means to enter from another arose. This led to many of what we call legends and tales. In our modern day it is kept under control by a secret agency that keeps tabs on the public. The agency is quite old and though its formation was founded in 18th century it's roots date back to the 15th.

They have been doing experiments on their soldiers with a nearly 100% success rate to amplify one's latent abilities. The ones born with these abilities are called either indigos or starseeds. Indigos are born with abilities of psychic and kinetic control. Starseeds are born with some of the memories of their past selves, here on earth or elsewhere, allowing them to cast what would be seen as spells, enchantments, summons, etc..

The Copper Scroll leads to many treasures in its inscription. One of those treasures is the portal that leads to another world. The agency tasked a few of it's members to find this treasure. However when they find it they're forced into it and wind up in a world known as Protogonos. A world of Dragons.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rai
Avatar of Rai

Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Theme: youtu.be/bCLgWHE6fiQ
The closing of the doorway to earth has brought the intrigue of all major forces of this world. Those above, on, and below. As is with every world. When power is constricted and the mighty are confused and afraid. The grasp for power emerges. Tearing the peace the world once had to pieces.
As the blood of a descendant falls onto its very own corpse. As the claws and teeth of hungry beasts swallow the flesh of their fresh kill. The book this dismembered lump clung to soon became crimson with the blood of its owner. When there was little left for the beasts to feed on. Forming from conjured darkness was a black mass shaped as a doorway. Within it was a land of bones and blades. A graveyard for wars. This struck fear within the beasts and within a second they were fleeing into the hanging vines and other forestation. A being stepped out of the doorway, rippling the invisible fabric of the in between. Like a stone cast into water.

"This is what he died for.. If only he had listened to master.." The being reached within the bloody pool of bones and meaty remains and retrieved the book. He cracked the book open and scanned its insides. He then closed it shut. "Immaterial beings.. Return to a prison of my masters choosing." His hand was red, bloodied crimson by the now red hued book. He returned to the doorway and upon entering it the doorway closed in a collapsing spiral, vanishing.
The same doorway opens within the Royal room of the King of Vrondi. Confusion, leading to chaos. The very same being emerged from the doorway, before the God King and his few royal guards. No longer holding the book, for it was something put away. He raised his now free hands, palms to the sky and fingers half way into a grasp. "Hello.. False God."

A surge of lightning erupted through the royal room and for those outside the fumes of fire smoked a signal of the ensuing battle. However, shortly, things went silent... The bodies of the royal guards dropped as burned heaps from the walls and ceiling. The God King was no longer seen and the being remained. Clearly damaged but only from a single gash on his right shoulder. He grips it with his left hand and chuckles. "You indeed are formidable.. But now, you're a pawn.." His words spoke to the glowing sphere that floated above his right palm like a miniature sun.

The doors that entered the thick walls of the royal room were covered in a black smog. Those that attempted to touch it found their hands going through it, then pulled within. The location one enters after going through it is.. a mystery. Leaving no possible way for even the highest of royalty and powers to enter the room. Now time was ticking and things were getting worse by the minute.

Theme: youtu.be/gQHSZMm-yjI
The dragon rider above Rai & Sai closed in on them from above and then the dragon unleashed a flamethrower that touched the ground and licked at their backs, threatening to engulf them if they did not keep up their pace. However, as they ran their cloaks began to catch fire. Causing Sai, Rai's sister. To in act a desperate maneuver to get out of the path of the Dragon fire. She tackled Rai and rolled to the left. The stream of fire passing by them and the rolling effectively extinguishing the small fire on their cloaks. Leaving black holes on them. "Rai!" She shouted at her dazed brother, looking him in the eyes. "You need to bring him here." Rai rolled his eyes back to focus and looked into her vision. "We can escape!" He turned to look at the forestation and began moving towards it. But was stopped instantly by his sister who returned his gaze to his. "There's no other way. I'm sorry." Her eyes went white and gave a faint glow. This glow was then shared to Rai's eyes and his body went limp on the ground.

The dragon rider turned the beast to their direction. Sai stood up and looked at Rai. Her timid fear changing to sleepy gaze at what was happening to her brother. Ignoring the dragon coming towards them entirely. The glow of Rai's eyes brightened until it engulfed his entire form. The flash of light blinded the Dragon and its rider for a moment, and a hissing sound could be heard from where Rai was. Then followed by a pulsing sound. Until finally the light dissipated and the glowing silhouette of Rai was now standing and towering over Sai. "Don't start any trouble.. We simply needed you at this time." She looked down almost looking embarrassed at herself. Who she was talking to was revealed as the light faded. Standing there no longer was the scared young descendant. It was a white haired descendant with caramel skin and menacing eyes. "Well well well looks like I was summoned again. Can't you weaklings ever get things done without me?" He smirked looking down at Sai. "I'm sick of looking at your face." He said, his smirk turning to a frown. Sai sighed deeply and didn't reply, clearly bothered but holding her tongue as if talking to a superior. The dragon riders unseen face underneath the helmet gave a raised brow at what just transpired. But returned to his duty of killing. Taking out his holstered rifle and firing a dozen shots at the two while closing in. The man before Sai stepped in front of her. A glowing hue of light covered his person and the rounds hit his body but fell to the ground ineffective at piercing him. Then the dragon unleashed another flamethrower at the two. So the mysterious man raised a hand before the flames emitted out and midstream a vortex of wind escaped from his hand and consumed the flames and whirled around the rider and the dragon. They were instantly inside a flaming cyclone and were sent higher into the air, rolling midair without control and landing far off into the wilderness. Their landing marked by the sounds of trees breaking and miniature flying dragons escaping in flocks. "Not worth my time.." He heard the sounds of gunfire behind him and looked seeing the humans fighting the Dragon and his rider not too far from their position. "New friends eh..?" He looked at Sai who nodded. "Please, we need to help them!" She cried. But this man crossed his arms and then sat with crossed legs. "No.. I think I'll watch." He grinned. Leaving Sai to look on herself unsure what to do.

The Fotian Soldier scoffed underneath his helmet at the human charging before him. He placed his weapon on the hilt and then unsheathed his curved blade. "I'll gut you for fun." He lunged forward toward the patched man. Blade in right hand and left hand free. He stabbed forward, using the length of his 3 foot blade so if connecting only a inch or two would enter the flesh. He followed it up with another stab, sliding forward with this one to enter into the flesh atleast by a foot. Then he would pull back and come down with a slash.
After the deadly fire escaped from the Dragon's mouth its other eye was shot by Viola's constant fire. The other bullets hitting it's hide merely plucked off a few of its scales. This led to a blinded beast that writhed in pain. It began swinging its tail around and waved it just above the heads of the Fotian rider and his combatant. It came down to where it last sensed the humans and crashed down beside the covering spot Viola was hiding. Then it raised its wings and flapped them causing a gust that sent it air born. It however flew sideways into a tree that was near Sygma. Who dodge rolled and ran to escape its further thrashing.

Sygma ran over to where Viola was and knelt down next to her. "Great job!" He said through heaves of breathes of life. "We need to take out that guy." He looked to who Alan was fighting and saw the battle wasn't a one time kill as usual for his seasoned partner. "Stop him for a moment and that's all is needed for him to take that guy out. Then we can get the hell away from this blind dragon." He watched Viola's reaction, knowing that he had no abilities to change the situation like she could.


Within the town of Sunfire the Aion leader Mirror conversed with Eden, a now dying breed of Hannoxx descent. The Aion leader, Mirror, who wasn't exactly towering over Eden. Still looked at him as if he was looking down on him. His fluid words didn't rub this one the right way entirely, obviously. But it didn't seem to annoy him, rather he looked past Eden's comments of fun. His expression a bit worried. "There will be time for fun later. Come with me please." He motioned Eden to follow as he stepped through the crowd of unawares civilians toward the bar Eden was now familiar with.

"I know you don't know who I am by name. Which is fine. Perhaps it is better this way for now.. But we will be getting to know each other very well."

He entered the bar & inn, which was still dealing with a dazed manager, and made his way up the stairs. There he entered the room next to Eden's own private lair of sexual conquest. He sat down at a desk within the bedroom and grabbed a scale from a ink bottle and began writing down on a piece of paper something very quickly. He finished within a few seconds and looked up at Eden. He rolled the paper up and stamped it with a blue wax seal. He looked up at Eden after this and placed his elbows on the desk and intertwined his fingers.

"I've been thinking of how to ask you this but I'll just come right out and say it. Why would anyone want to have you dead?"

11:05 am
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

How infuriating. Tossing the dagger up into the air and catching it again a few times as the big blue boy seemed to frown at Eden's antics. He had taken his own assassination attempt as a jest really, as the dagger could barely cut him from the grip of things. The blade was just far too dull to cut through his stony scales. That was the benefit of having oro blood mixed in the tyro, though they seemed to stand at opposite ends of the spectrum with respect to dragons. The downside of course was the increased weight those scales had, making it difficult to move swiftly, but training took care of that. Being accustomed to fighting under one's own weight after all, was the bare minimum any fighter could ask for. Plus the royalty had left his single piece of armor and weapon back in his room, to which walking around bare-chested and barely covered in his battle kilt was all too natural for Eden. Well, one could argue he'd prefer to lose the kilt even, but there are some standards of decency, plus Eve would scream Eden's ear off should he decide to drop his pants in public with her around him. "Look, I don't know who you are, so if you expect me to trust you, you better start talking Blue." He cocked a smug look at Mirror, as if to challenge him to do otherwise. "Besides, you're not my type."

"Eden be nice, I don't think he was offering your kind of fun and knowing each other. Her eyes blinked curiously at Mirror. Who was this tall man and what did he want with her Eden? Stop that Eden, thought to herself as Eden's finger gently petted her head. It was hard to look protective when you were being coddled by someone you love. Not that Eve loved Eden in the way he usually loved his women. No that was, impossible, not only physically impossible but just mentally disturbing. Although that was not to say Eve was not proud of her Eden's accomplishments, and certain qualities, but to think of him as that sort of partner was... Well, Eve probably wasn't Eden's type either. It's probably for the best really, or as she thought since their relationship, despite as bickering as it was, would last much longer than a single night. "I think you should at least hear him out, he looks important.

"Alright alright, You heard her Blue, we'll play along for now." Eden slipped the dagger under his belt, tucked underneath the kilt alongside the sword he had taken from his disgraced opponent. A dragon-blood named Garth or Gouda, something like that. Names were not very important to Eden unless of course they were important to Eve, like the countless nameless girls who would be but a memory sometime ago. The very fact that he hadn't produced any bastard children yet was a testament to his luck with these poisons strange kept with his gear. But imagine if they really did being to assassinate everyone within his lineage, then well, all these children would be dead anyways right? Yet oblivious as ever, well as news travelled relatively slowly, Eden was unaware of his own mother's death.


"I don't know Blue, do you have daughters of your own?" Eden relaxed in the other man's room, tippng a chair on a tilt as he sat balancing himself with his lance over his shoulders. He had wore his full get up now, armor and all, deciding it was fine time to armor up in case of further attempts. And Eve was quietly curled up into a circle around his neck. She was carefully looking about the room, alert to any intruders or dangers that might suddenly appear. "Or what about boyfriends or husbands? Anyone jealous that you've been with their girls? That's probably the main reason I can think of.". He straightened himself up and flipped his gunlance on his right shoulder to aim at Mirror before imitating firing a round almost childishly. What purpose did this have other than the perhaps put Mirror on edge? Or perhaps at ease that his guest was hardly taking this seriously at all. "Or maybe a list of people that want to kill you just to say they killed you. Make your mark in history and all that, or maybe they didn't like my houses or something. your guess is as good as mine Blue."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Arctodus
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Arctodus I'm a Bear / RAAAWR!

Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

Cera bathed in a creek, about a league away from Vrondi. Large white lilies grew along the water's edge, sprouting up from the grass. Morning sunlight filtered in through the forest trees, illuminating the scene. She stood below a small waterfall, scrubbing away the travel from her skin. She splashed the cool water onto her face, letting her hair fall down her neck, between her wings. This was the only time she would have to relax before arriving at the kingdom. The two soldiers she just helped train left for Vrondi. Cera was following them, but for now she could unwind.

She swung her arms around Ferren's neck, shifting her weight onto his red scales. "The job's going extremely well," she beamed, her wings beating softly. Her dragon just snorted, smoke rising from his snout. "You don't mean that, Ferren," she laughed, lightly pawing at his face with her claws, "this work is good for both of us, and you know it. You just don't want to admit it." She got out and dried herself in the sun, sitting on a large rock. Ferren joined her, sitting his head in her lap.

After she was dry and dressed, Cera and Ferren began their journey North. She decided not to mount him for the rest of the way, instead walking beside him, using the time to see the forest. Her Spatha bounced along her hip as she walked down the path, Ferren beside her. The kingdom of Vrondi lay ahead as the sun rose in the blue sky.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

A smile was shot at Eve for her level head, but it didn't last long when Eden replied in succession. Mirror admired that Eden took the thought to put on his armor. Which was a fine assemble to gaze at. Almost a red to his own blue hued armor. This gave way though as Eden playfully, or rather childishly, aimed his weapon at Mirror. Which did nothing but undo what little Mirror thought of Eden. "Nobility by birth is that right?" He said after Eden gave what he saw as a little bit of a showing off his specially designed weapon. "Both of the Hanoxx.. and the Niscent side. Anyone would say that's a reason enough to kill you. But your reputation, sorry to say, is so low no one would bat an eye at your demise." He looked at the window as he said this. The sunlight glare reflecting off his pupils. The concentrated light also revealed a slight glimmer of reflective particles emitting from his entire being, clothes, hair and all. Like the sun meeting fresh frosted due it evaporated upward like dust yet vanished entirely outside of a few inches of his body. This was a constant. "Know this, you may enter my bar. Enchant those you please to bed, or play. But in here I don't care if you're a noble, a King or a God. I am everything here." He placed a hand on the paper and glided it across the table to sit in the mean. He raised himself up from his seat and strolled to his window. With a hand he pushed the circular glass pane outside. He then gave a faint whistle of a certain tune. Almost immediately a black winged dragon with gray scales swooped in the room. It was not very big, as the window was only 4 feet all around, and it was in and out in seconds. Moving in to the table, swiping the paper in its claws, and then swooping out the window. Leaving nothing but one of its black scaled feathers. Which Mirror picked up from the table and placed into the ink bottle. A new pen.

"That message is going to your Kingdom. Well one of them. Which of your parents is from Fotia anyway?" He shrugged at his own lack of knowledge and sat back down with a weary sigh. "Y'know after the murder of a few lords that prevented some possible wars I'd think the Dolofon would be done with killing for a while." He looked down as he spoke. His right index finger tapping the table. "Not that their deaths were at all justified... It's strange though. Things are happening quickly." He shot a gaze at Eden's eyes to see his reaction on a deeper level. Only to be disappointed as a whole. "You're not taking this seriously are you?"


Scowling about the room of a velvet and crimson designed room. Within one of the hundreds of rooms within the main halls of Fotia's royal palaces. Was Demetrius, a bastard born Tyro, and hand of the King. He soon was thrashing about the room with a crimson spear with a elegant design. A trophy, that others would see fit to praise due to the craftsmanship. But in his hands, a tool to display unhinged rage. He cut the sheets and pottery to pieces. This went on for a while. The tenders of the palace avoided the entire hall he was in. For his yells could be heard throughout it.

"I'll kill every damn one of the Dolofon.. I swear it.." He muttered to himself between heaving breathes of fury. His body hunched forward and knelt down to a corner. Above him the spear sat embedded within the stone slab wall. He slowly picked himself up and grabbed the spear, ripping it out effortlessly. The spear began to glow a bright red and orange hue. Before it finally dissolved into the air. Like being set fire to its very core. He made his way out the room and down the halls toward the infirmary room where the King resided. He pushed the guards out of his way as he entered this room. Coming before a group of women within a very large bed. These women had on medical apparel, something to cover their nose and mouths and gloves with all white garments. Yet their outfits were similar to a dancer's. Sexually charged clothing that did reveal nearly everything behind the translucent fabric. Demetrius bowed, going to a knee as he did this. "Are you alright my King?"

The women, about a dozen or so, moved from their concentrated spot and their doting movements. Their hands using either towels and fragrances, or rubs of affection. To display a King of Fotia, large hardened, intimidatingly sculpted, and laid out on soft fresh white fabric and underneath a harem of women. His eyes were closed but he opened one to take a look at Demetrius. His abdomen had a cloth wrapped around it, indicating a wound underneath. "I am fine." The women began to line up next to the bed one each side as the King began to raise himself up to sit. Now he looked at Demetrius with both eyes. "My heart is ablaze, is not yours?" The King spoke in his deep bellowing voice. One designed to intimidate and emit dominance. To this Demetrius raised himself up and placed his right hand to his side, palm open. A small fire appeared on his palm, then he clinched his fist. The fire emitted from between his fingers and shaped into a thin concentrated stream out of both sides of his grasp. The fire then turned into the crimson spear from earlier. "Yes.." Demetrius replied.


"I hate the land. So hard to find anything."
In the jungles of Vrondi a stomping titan made its way through the vegetation.
"The guards of Sunfire didn't see anyone besides some suspicious looking Nayu. Can I go home now?"
A voice echoed underneath the hull of a weaponized Advanced Apparatus. It was a Tearian machine, its design being sleek and now for intimidation or obvious destructive power.
No! You're to head to the Kingdom of Vrondi! The Magoi says there's a chance the wanted criminal went there. Also be on the lookout for any creatures called.. Humans? I'll have to check back with HQ for confirmation. The machine halted its walking. The high pitched voice under the machine's helm let out a loud cry. "WHAT THE FUCK IS A HUMAN!?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"And yet here you are clearly interested in me." Eden chuckled at Mirror's comments. It would only take a moment to fire up the gunlance, and send round after round into Mirror's body at this range. Yet both seemed to understand the danger of the façade they played. One had spells at the ready, perhaps even the entire bar, and Eden had his weapon aimed at Mirror. One false move and the veil would be drawn.

"Um, excuse me sir, but it is impolite to keep royalty in the dark after Eden here has asked nicely to know who you are." Eve piped up to break the tension in the room, or perhaps add to it was Eden tilted back and forth on the chair he say in as she uncurled and stopped atop Eden's chest. "So we have something to address you by other than a colour too." A quick glance at Eden told her regardless of whatever Mirror decided to tell them his name was, Eden would still refer to him as Blue. At least Eve would take this more seriously than Eden, who seemed content with spending time with a myriad of women and wandering the world as his own one-man squad. Well at least it kept him out of messing around in the royal courts, and throwing wildly lavish parties in improper places. "His Mother is Fotian, she's the aunt of the current Lord Hanoxx. His father is Queen's Niscent younger brother: Lord Niscent. Now then, Who are you to ask us these questions sir?"

"And why are you hiding Criminals of Fotia in your Inn?" Eden shot first. A metaphorical bullet by the accusation as Eve suddenly turned in shock that Eden did actually take attention to what she was saying earlier. So they had both spotted them, those two that Garuda had been looking for slip out of the bar. [b][color=f26522]"Or would you rather not write that in the letter you're going to send? And maybe you'll save that pet dragon of yours from being beheaded by my Cousin when he burns this place down?"[color][/b] A smirk, was Eden joking about this entire threat? Or was he truly threatening Mirror right now at gun point? [b][color=f26522]"Relax, Blue you're fine, just stop playing mysterious stranger and tell us who you are already, else I'm going to take my leave of your bar and head off to Nero."[color][/b]

"Nero? Eden are you even using your head? There's someone out to kill you and you're going to walk right up to Assassin country?" Eve's eyes hardly hid her emotions right now. "Are you that stupid or are you just trying to be macho and brave? Because there are no girls here Eden. Well bar her, and she wouldn't want the boy to rush into his grave, let alone dig it for the Dolofon, some shadowy assassin guild said to be run by the King of Nero. Assuming it was them after all that wanted him dead. That stupid smile was all she got back in return, "Eden!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

As Cera walked along this endless garden. Down a beaten path of thick grass and moss. The hanging vines, enormous flowers and bushes acting as walls separating the path from the forest. The soft constant patter of flapping wings emerged from the hidden forest past Cera. A dozen flying dragons, each approximately a foot in size. Flew over and around her and her dragon to get to the opposite end of the forest. A sign of the recent battle being waged within the forest. However rushed and flurried their flight patterns were. One without intimate knowing of these dragons tendencies wouldn't be able to guess trouble was around the corner. And so, as they soured to the sky. They left the ensuing combat, which was a ways off from the beaten path Cera was on. Giving no indication that, if alerted by these dragons. That the battle was going on. No. In contrary a group of Vrondi elites began to literally zoom past Cera. Their armor not hindering their graceful speed. They headed to the capital at urgent speed. Not saying a word or giving a glance to Cera or her dragon. Silent and focused as they always ever will be.

The Kingdom of Vrondi. Home of the God king. The source of peace and love of Descendant kind. Past the transluscent dome of lime and dazzling colors. Up the sunlit tunnel, grassy floors softening each step. Down through the ever watchful guards. One entered this garden in awe of the purity. Life grew freely here yet was not a disturbance. Instead all things grew in unison with the foundations.

Multiple stores, homes, inns and more sat here in endless supply of peoples needs. Fruits even grew freely though some that grew near a home were claimed as property. Hives of nectar hung in similar fashion. A enormous one however was free for all. As many were in line to pour the sweet liquid into bowls or gourds for consumption. The lights were floating about the kingdom in a directed path through out all shaded sectors. No alley was unlit and the majority of light from the sun above, through the dome of plantation, illuminated most of the capital with a bright green hue. However, like the start of fall, the plants began to change color. Dying, and yet it was still almost paradise. Save for the worried looks and groupings of concerned people discussing what was happening. "This is too tragic." "What will we do?" "I'm moving to Sunfire for now." "Why isn't the King stopping this?" The words went on and on. Nothing positive escaped the mouths of these people in utopia. Proof trouble makes anything ugly.

Mirror noticed, without much choice, Eden's gunlance being pointed to him in a half joking manner. This was not enough to tick Mirror off, as Eden may have been attempting. He instead raised a left brow slightly, lowering it when the little dragon began to speak. It reminded him of a delicacy that was eaten in great numbers by royals. But this one spoke. Detaching the carnivorous nature of a Descendant, which he was. Even despite his lack of Descendant features. No wings, scales, horns and such. His natural aura and stature made him feel very seraphim to those around him. Eden and Eve may have noticed this.

They asked for his name at least five times before Mirror gave it a thought. But he remained silent in his chair. Reclining even as he looked out the window at the sunlit town. "My name.." He tapped the table a bit with his index finger in a hesitant manner. He was neglecting revealing his name on purpose. But upon Eden's final commentary Mirror shot him a glare. As he held the glare the temperature of the room began to drop dramaticly. Within a few seconds the breath of both Eden and Eve were seen in the air. The Descendant land has no cold season, making this a abnormal experience. "I have a better idea." Mirror's expression slowly shifted from annoyed to a amused smirk. His body dissolved into a flurry of snow flakes that moved as if a wind were violently blowing it apart and into the air and then it whirled around Eden. The frost formed into Mirror behind Eden, his hand on his shoulder. "You're not a bad guy. So I'm going to introduce you to someone. My name is Mirror. Leader of the Aion." His hand was cold, ice cold. Soon the cold spread from the single touch onto Eden's entire body regardless of his movements. His muscles will lock as the ice rushed across his body. Even Eve was affected by this. It was not painfully cold, it had a strange property to it that simply paralyzed and induced sleep.

After Eden and Eve's experience of being frozen alive they will awaken in a bed. In a small room, lit by sunlight from the window across the room. In the Kingdom of Vrondi and all its troubles. Out the room and down the hall was another room leading to the exit. In this room Mirror sat. A book in hand as he read by a moving plant, which he tossed a piece of meat. The plant devoured it hungrily and released a few spores into the air that freshened the air with a sweet smell.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaineKaine
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KaineKaine "True Royalty Is Immortal."

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Like a puppy following blindly Lance in possession of Ice was rather shocked when they came under attack not wanting to jump into the fray he valted into the nearest tree as to both hide himself and watch both his colleges and his opposition. After watching the display of pure power as a whirlwind of flame was used to send a dragon an entire dragon flying. This excited Lance he was ready to put himself to use and had the perfect target a dragon even a blinded one was a good practice dummy sliding from the tree and having seen Sygma for a brief second near by as the dragon crashed into a tree of it's own gave a simple warning just in case things got out of hand.


Lance walked calmly and swiftly to his target the sound of a charging electrical motor coming from his hands and the sparks flowing off his body was all most got before death came for them. "Accelerate." one word to trigger his body enhancement and he was off, a blur to many, about a second later he was above the dragon out of it's view and range of its thrashing limbs. He brought down one electrically charged and driven punch digging his hand into the skull of the beast, the impact shook his entire body and the dragon screamed for a second right before shuddering as thousands of vols of electricity shot into the body and killed it. Lance pulled back and jumped off the beast as it began to fall not wanting it to roll onto him if he was to slow landing several feet away watching closely fore any signs of life he doubted it wold come but one could never be to safe in a strange world.

"Hay guys I think I got it."

Lance was rather proud of himself and did a little jig to prove it dancing but keeping his eyes open and his motor running just encase he needed to move or kill.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AdobeFlash
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AdobeFlash Thrumunculus

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The small creek babbled next to Atlas, as he took a drink from a green bottle. The air was clean, and had almost a sweet flavor. Disgusting. Vrondi was never his favorite kingdom, and the air after the assassination was...discomforting. Atlas was a stranger in these lands, and for all the native inhabitants knew, another assassin. He sat beneath a tree, resting before continuing his journey. He picked up a fruit that had fallen from the tree, and took a bite. Tasted like sugar. Letting loose a sigh, he pulled out a tattered piece of paper that had various lines and characters inscribed on it. Groaning, he got up, wondering what he had done to deserve a visit to this kingdom

Dragons flew overhead. Dragons. Atlas figured he could tame one, should he try. But none of them had caught his interest. Lost in thought, Atlas ran into a tree. Of course. This entire kingdom was covered in trees. Atlas wasn't used to the sight of vegetation, but he wasn't used to a lot of things. His travels had taken him across Nero, but now he had to venture into unknown territory. Recovering from the incident, Atlas looked around. He was in a village. The central village. With the big tree. A city, a capital. Whatever you call it. Letting loose another groan, Atlas carried on into the mist populated area in the kingdom.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"I expected you to be shorter Blue." Eden raised an eyebrow at Eve. He wasn't too familiar with the Aion group, something about helping Seraphim, operating vastly out of Vrondi. Nothing important to his knowledge, but perhaps something She'd know about as his political advisor. Though she seemed to shrug as well, perhaps not knowing any more about the mysterious leader of the Aion than Eden did save for who he was now.

But numbing cold took him now. Slowly frost chilled his bones. His scales freezing over a layer of frost as Mirror touched him. White hoarfrost, spreading itself as his eyes widened in shock, gripping his lance too late as he froze away. His body glistening as his muscles tensed and Eve tried to scamper away and thaw the ice with bursts of flame. yet it was all for naught as the powerful spell gripped them both. Sleep now in the bitter cold.


Thawing out was as Eve awoke, her claws shaking Eden's head as she tugged back and forth. They were in a different place now, and yet there he was at the other end, that man in blue who called himself Mirror.
"What have you done to him!?" Eden still had not awaken. Did Mirror not know how Tyro blood was sensitive to cold? To chill him down with a spell as his cold blood froze. His mind locked in another place as he fainted, body failing him as his lungs stopped in a death-like coma. She had to wake him up, her flames to melt the ice, to revive him from his sleep as she could not bear to lose him. "Come on Eden get up..."

If he had wanted an audience, then he should have asked. But now he had kidnapped them. What was the meaning of this? Eve was sure they'd find out soon enough. Was it a time for war?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zenphilvian
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sygma's suggestion to run seemed like a rather good one to Viola. However, there was the little problem of the last guy that needed to be gotten rid of. Viola started to raise her gun, but a strange feeling washed over her.

Suddenly, the scene before her changed. Her throat got dry as the desert around her, an army surrounding her with a dragon in tow. Viola looks down at her hands, which were clearly not her own. The scene unfolded before her, like she was watching a movie from someone else's perspective. But it felt like her own body. It was her mouth moving, sounding out a long drawn out chant, and then everything stopped. Everything else stopped to be more accurate. Viola, or who-what-ever she was continued forward and 'fought' the statue-like enemies. At this point the vision faded out, leaving Viola's head throbbing in pain, and everywhere else feeling out of place and sore.

Viola tried to concentrate on breathing, but that wasn't doing her much good. Call it a gut instinct, but Viola thought she heard every molecule in her body trying to tell her to say the words that were in her vision.
"Σταματήστε το χρόνο τους εχθρούς μου », ώστε να μπορώ να τελειώσει το χρόνο τους για πάντα"

The dragon, the one guy the old guy was fighting, the old guy, and several others stopped in their tracks. Viola saw Sygma give her a small approving nod and a slight smile, before she passed out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rai
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Rai ..::Ascension::.. / All Maker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

theme: m.youtube.com/watch?v=nP6qNlMmb9I

The bloodied roars of agony from the thrashing Dragon was silenced by a loud shock wave of electricity. With a smirk Sygma acknowledged Lance's kill. That's right... He thought. No other humans on earth can handle what we can. He watched as the Dragon collapsed on the ground with a loud crash, its head a sizzling heap of burned flesh. Lance did his dance of joy and Sygma resisted the urge to face palm. Unfortunately we are all a bit crazy.. He then noticed a shift in the atmosphere, his hairs stood on end as he felt the distortion of reality ripple from Viola's person. An alien language spewed out of her like a possessed child. He watched as the motions of the soldier were halted. It was more than just him. Gently he outstretched his right arm to catch Viola with it. He confidently looked away. Something he was trained not to do. So he could cater to Viola's limp body. After doing so his head raised, eyes darting side to side as he noticed everyone around them froze even Lance and Alan.

Sygma leaped from behind cover and made his way to Allen and the soldier. He casually walked forward, gun drawn. "Well this has been exciting." He said with a amused tone. Planning on ending things swiftly with a single shot. However once he moved in closer he noticed blood midair, frozen in time, and connecting with the blades of grass beneath the two. His eyes widened in shock as he moved in close. A blade from the Fotian soldier was lodged within Alan's abdomen. His eyes quivered as he looked down, hair being blown by a sudden breeze onto his face. He gripped the blade with Alan's body and the Soldier's hand and pulled it out slowly, bending the wielder's elbow to do so. He then removed the blade from the soldier's hand, a finger being taken away at a time.

His gun holstered he held the blade with both hands. He raised his eyes up now. A sharp glare of rage residing within them. He cocked back and swung the blade with swift speed. The blade was stuck midway within the neck of the soldier. "YYYAAAAAAHHHH!!" He screamed. Pushing the blade through with all his might. The blade tore through and just as it did time resumed to its usual flow. The blood jettisoned from the soldier's neck as its head was flung into the air and landing a meter away. Alan then immediately fell to the ground. Sygma knelt down to his fallen friend and watched the life in his eyes fade away, far too quickly. Sygma placed two fingers over Alan's eyes and closed them. "Dammit..." Sygma bit his lip in repression of his emotions and grabbed Alan's blade from his hand. He planted the blade into the ground next to Allen as a tombstone. He looked over his comrades body, wind picking up and blowing his hair over his cold expression. "Thank you for everything.." He muttered. Before raising his head to the sky. Storm clouds began to brew above, a rain drop falling onto his forehead.

A whistle could be heard escaping the lips of the man who replaced Rai's presence. He sat there watching the display of powers and abilities from the humans and was visibly amused. "They got potential." He rose to his feet slowly to resume towering over Sai and then began walking over to the group of humans. After striding over he watched as the group seemed to have a fallen member. "Only the strong survive. No point in mourning the weak." He said with a cocky tone and sharp toothed grin to match. To this Sygma lowered his head and gave the man a cold look. "Who are you?" Sygma asked. The man opened his arms up, spreading them out in a shrugging gesture. "I'm the guy whose going to save you all apparently. Not that I have a choice. Remember that kid you were dealing with? Well just think of me as his older brother." He placed a clawed hand through his own white hair. "But you will call me Rai just the same."

Sai looked up at him and then to Sygma. "We are so sorry for your loss..." She said, sheepishly. Sygma raised a hand to her to stop. "Do not feel sorry, he died a real soldier." He took one final look at his fallen friend and then turned around to pick up Viola. Placing her on his back, her arms dangling over his shoulders and the back of her knees over his arms. "Where to now?" He asked Sai. "We are almost there.. Just a bit further, I doubt we'll run into much trouble." She said trying to sound assuring. "Alright. Let's go." Said Sygma.

But as they prepared to leave the new Rai stood before Lance, standing over him with a visible look of amusement and intrigue. He didn't say anything to Lance, simply looked at him with an air of superiority. His obvious intrigue was not from looks, or desire to make ones acquaintance cordially. For a fighter one would sense the message of You seem strong. We will fight one day to see how strong. If Lance may not comprehend this moment. But something inside of him will. Sai understood this however upon a glance and interjected a prevention. "Rai! NO! We need to help these people NOW!" She screamed. Only for Rai to ignore her. His only breaking focus was a rain drop falling on his head. He looked up to the sky, his amused look fading away. "Hm.." He hummed a thought. Then turned to walk ahead of the group toward Vrondi's Capital. "Fine..."

The group would walk along the once lush green garden of paradise. Now, forever marked in their minds as a battle field where one of their own was lost, and the resting place for him. The pieces of dark clouds above were scattered across the skies of Vrondi's lands. Concentrating above the capital of Vrondi, more specifically, where the King of this land resided.

Within the giant plant dome surrounding Vrondi. The artificial sky clouding up as clouds entered through the hole at the very top of the dome. The people within were closing their doors, locking up stores and the like. Only available places were a few inns for shelter. However many remained outside their homes, gathering around a single being that spoke to them frankly but with urgency. "The situation is indeed dire. But do not worry we are doing all we can to find answers." The crowd underneath this man, a clear Sol by blood and in gold armor of the elite. "What can be done!?" The crowd shouted. He solemnly looked down at the people and took in a deep breathe as the wind picked up from all of the clouds making a whirling appearance above them.

"We are trying to figure that out." He said. Looking around at the worried faces of each person. The children clinging to their guardians placed a hurt expression on his weary face. "We ask that any of those with combat experience to step forward and lend us your strength. We may very need all we can acquire." After saying this the people were in hushed. Speaking only in whispers to each other out of fear that any more questions will only be adding to inevitable fate before them. It was either leave, hide, or fight. All while the clouds above whirled even more violently, until a crackling of electricity could be heard from it, directly above the tower of the king. Between the winds, darkened skies, and dying vegetation all hope seemed lost.

The group entered the main entrance of the Vrondi capital. There they noticed the contrast of beauty of the forest compared to the dying paradise around them. Their awe of the large dome of plantation was soon whisked away. Sygma laid Viola down by a tree, its leaves gently falling from the wind onto her lap. The group could hear the speech going within the shopping square only a short distance away. Sygma then looked to Rai and Sai. "What is happening?" He asked, but they didn't seem to notice. Rai's expression of not caring changed to a cold glare at the clouds above while Sai was in deep visible shock.

"No.. It can't be. Not when we've come so far." She fell to her knees and gripped the grass blades, uprooting them into her balled fist. "This.. Is bad." she said, going limp, save for her head which looked to the tower of the king in despair. Lightning striking its tip with a loud bang, causing the people to scream and scurry into their shelters. The ones remaining were willing to fight, and stood before the man who spoke to the people. A Vrondi soldier. The soldier looked to the tower and then back to the people before him. "There's more at stake than just a Kingdom. This is the light of our world. Let us fight to keep that light alive! GLORY TO THE KING!" He shouted. A few within the small group raised their fist in unison with his.


A hand gently opened the door after Eve's screams for Eden. It was Mirror entering the room. He looked down at the laying Eden, his lips turning blue and his once tan hide turning pale. Mirror reached to his roped belt, grabbing a flask from it and removing the cork. He went to Eden's bed, looking over him and Eve with a expressionless face. "Before he awakens know this. His life will be forever changed from this point on.. If you wish to continue with him yours will too." He raised Eden's upper body on the bed and poured the liquid into his mouth slowly. The clear liquid upon entering his body burned like a good pint. His discoloration began to fade as his pores opened up, heat emitting from every part of his skinn. As if a flame had been passed onto a candle.

Mirror laid Eden back down flat and placed the flask on the floor beside the bed. Then he pulled a piece of scrolled up paper from his belt and placed it ontop of Eden's chest. The room was mostly empty, a bed, a table, and a picture of a unknown family of Descendants with blue hair. Painted elegantly. He slowly walked to the door and turned to Eve. "Tell him to meet me out here when he awakens."

With that Mirror walked out into the hall. Which was empty as well, the only place with items was the living room. Where a few seats, a fireplace, and a carnivorous plant happily swayed side to side. Spreading a sweet aroma around the room. Mirror looked out the window in this room and at the crowd of people scattering from the square within sight. The darkness above casting a shadow over this one brightly lit kingdom. The home he was in darkened as well, the illuminating lights growing dimmer as they floated on the ceiling. "And so the show begins.."

The rolled paper, stamped with a Fotian royal seal. Within the paper given to Eden was the details of the death of his mother and the attempt on his uncle, the King of Fotia.

Time: 12:30pm
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PURRfect93
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PURRfect93 From the old guild I came, In the new guild I live

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

An old man sat high up in a tree, watching the proceedings and grumbling to himself. "The scales have been tipped to much, it's about time to add a few grains myself once more." Lighting flashed and thunder boomed as he watched a lone soldier speak below.

"There's more at stake than just a Kingdom. This is the light of our world. Let us fight to keep that light alive! GLORY TO THE KING!" He shouted. A few within the small group raised their fist in unison with his.

Looking down he noticed a few newcomers, and smiled a moment. He just couldn't pass up the opportunity for a smile as he lept from the tree and landed on his bare feet with a mighty thud, as if he bore a great weight. He had landed maybe ten feet or so from the small group.

"Well hello there ha- er, younglings."

He had to catch himself from saying something that he shouldn't, considering that he had just noticed one seemed to be part dragon. He would have to be a bit more careful about his words. No need in them knowing what he really was after all.
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